Things have swiftly changed around but I wanted to announce that the LAU Trust is now branching out a bit to address the "emergency" of Human transition while keeping security toward existing Earth infrastructure.
Anything going into space is not 100% bound to Earth markets. That's why the electrogravity space engines we use have been declassified. But the technology is only shown to a point ... although anyone can buy a kit online for an EM drive, its not allowed in Earth Markets, for sale, unless it goes into space, or for science discovery. All a non-market policy does is agree to the laws and enforcement already in existence, demonstrating ones understanding of security interests and policies. That's why companies (corporations) have to classify tech, because they operate in clandestine nature to market system (energy infrastructure; Earth-based monetary system) security. Thesedays, the market security extends to guarding against off-world credit-based economic systems (recent disclosures by FED RESERVE and Bank of England regarding money creation). There's treaties with the breakaway civilization. We have been told about it. Notice in private; systems of Law and uniVERSAL commerce laws. So we have duty to guard market systems while addressing the "emergency" that transitions Humanity into higher civilization with antigravity, energy, and warp drive.
There's a whole lot more to it than that, but that's the gist of things.
This is scientific discovery and research and development, however some aspects cannot be shown in public due to security reasons. Full disclosure with limitations just makes things a little easier to swallow, considering the magnitude of unfolding Events, currently.
Let me clarify this: The Alexey Flying Machine is allowed because it demonstrates known physics (as per this website), historic principles of action, and it has an external power source, so its like a limited drone in its current state, and that is allowed.
The OTC-X1 is allowed because it uses Bedini architecture (common technology and physics), Bifeld-Brown potential, etc etc.. commonly known engineering physics, and probably in no small part due to this website which has provided the physics to match and explain the device. It must be classified though as research, and it should be agreed upon that it is not currently even compatible with Earth-based markets because of it's ultimate domain as being able to provide transport beyond Earth.
This is a huge consideration. It must be understood that European government had threatened to ban the internal combustion engine and cut out Earth energy markets in favor of new electrical technology and infrastructure which would result in economic war between the elite globalists, and the common man. If this technology is allowed on the market, in our pre-warp drive civilization, it risks complete destruction and the takeover of any reality of true enlightenment and freedom.
NASA had also openly announced the "threat" to use the "new form of energy" (negative energy/ Tesla technology) as a new electrical infrastructure (multi-trillion dollar industry/proposal). The reader may think that's a good thing but with job creation ability impeded due to classified markets as things are currently, lack of internship provided through university education, lack of information IN GENERAL enough to educate people toward adapting in a world driven by creation, rather than consumption, and lack of university education in engineering, theory, and physics, and innovation, then people have enough problems right now when children are being born super-intelligent with additional genetic code, only to be incapacitated by modern medicine not designed for use on children whose DNA is more evolved.
(What we take into our bodies, of living energy -- we are living beings why put anything dead into our bodies -- and clean non-tainted foods, along with conscious intent, clarity, focus, eliminating conflict and drama in our lives, raises our frequencies that makes the body immune to dis-ease as our sciences are discovering; but it hasn't caught up with pharmaceutical technologies; and holistic doctors are being systematically killed. Taking care of our selves requires time, energy, focus, and dedication. Medicine of natural kind, derived from Earth is not destructive to Earth markets, because it came from Earth and is bound to Earth.
... In addition, are children given DNA tests before vaccines to eliminate side effects and death? Some children are being born with 3 strands of DNA these days, as we ARE evolving; one of the goals of the Human specie is to recombine the atrophied DNA separated from the main strands purposefully long ago in the ancient times where we were way more advanced than we are currently. Canada has developed cure for cancer for $20 bucks but it's so inexpensive that Big Pharma doesn't want to touch it. Maybe that says a lot for cheaper forms of space propulsion as well. Food for thought.)
We are changing as a specie, and the disruption of our economic system when many are only now starting to fully understand it, and the reason for classification of technology, including the dynamics of energy and exchange between Earth and off-world breakaway civilizations, before we even have laws set in place to eliminate debt and switch the world over to credit-driven system, would destroy our civilization.
Technology is declassified based on Humanity's ability to demonstrate responsibility.
So, even though the OTC-X1 can be shown working at this point, it should be expected to take some time to show it, and there should only be one purpose at this point for it -- the development of warp drive public spaceports, which are supported by Earth energy infrastructure (see: There is Earth security in place currently to prevent this technology from taking over Earth markets.
Private markets, private contract, technology trade is allowed as I understand it, so as long as it is private trade between individuals or small groups that do not affect the overall wellness of Earth energy markets.. I have vested interest in both so this is a particular challenge for me. If you can build it on your own, charge your own batteries, power your house, then don't tell anyone, are the general rules at this point, but now you can apply it toward a common objective such as warp drive spaceports.
You CAN publish schematics on your own for a donation, as some have done, for fair and honorable exchanges between individuals. But when you apply for that patent, it is assumed you desire to enter the markets (you have declared your intent to enter the world markets), and that's when stuff gets classified and shelved for 30 years and you may or may not get paid. Angel investors is a way to get paid for your work, but it results in the immediate classification of it, and you can't ever talk about it or work on it again. There is security in place for purposes of Earth Defense.
We can call this the "Men in Black" policy
Keep in mind, Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution guarantees that government cannot interfere with private contract. It is not the goals of the LAU Trust to TEACH Private contract, either. Lots of problems can be solved by people with integrity and responsibility, as well as knowledge, through an avenue of private contract, so long as it is understood why things are the way that they are. That is difficult because so much about law, science, trade, history, etc has been hidden and only recently coming out now that it can be protected. Not everyone needs to know everything, I agree. But there is a MASSIVE need to know about a lot of things, to prevent a condition of extreme emergency due to Human evolution and the Human integration with the rest of the life in the universe. It's a completely natural process, but can seem un-natural and a threat, if education isn't provided, and if there is loss forced on others.
What about that $20 cure for cancer from Canada? There's a lot of problems that cannot be solved due to the classified reality like ET living among us and married to Earth humans but not having kids due to Big Pharma gone wild. The Human genome is healing but now Big Pharma has a whole bunch of vaccines and drugs pumping into young Human children; do they know the truth, or are they in the dark? We just don't know everything, and it is unclear how many mainstream scientists involved in projects such as warp drive and bio-tech are purposefully concealing things that are good for us, due to the general inclination of the Human race to (A) want someone to solve our problems for us, (B) not be able to work together for highest-good goals due to greed and money, and ignorance of law and science, etc in general, and (C) well take your pick of reasons: fear and control.
Human evolution is happening. People are coming forward with amazing abilities like being able to start fires using their mind and their chi. People are becoming VERY psychic with abilities like telekinesis and telepathy (most people are becoming telepathic as the frequencies of Earth and the star system is raising due to the influx of cosmic energy from the galactic core -- Source Field Energy). Telemechanics too is an ability to be able to intuitively understand technology and build things due to the knowing being on a genetic level and soul level. Also the ability to understand timelines, working with the energies of time is a readily and easy-to-develop gift Humans are developing.
Change is forced upon us from within our own genetics, within our own soul purposes. It may seem like foreign influence but it's from within Humanity itself, and that can seem very scary until one is able to understand and balance the new energies that Humanity is Inner-Generating. These changes occur on the Soul level, which manifests and arranges DNA accordingly. No box can be built to contain the phenomenal life-genesis energy which filters down from higher density and higher dimensions, that pours forth from within Creation itself. It's like trying to build a shell around Earth to block out light, not understanding that light is all matter regardless; that matter is a paradoxical form of light, and that the material world is but a shadow of the greater reality that creates the physical material in the first place. With enough education, when one directs one's Soul-Force, one can change (heal and form new bridges upon) one's own DNA.
The only reason this knowledge is not generally accepted or considered, even though medical textbooks and scientists are explaining these things, is because there is no market value in it (so we can create and co-create reality, but where's the money in that?). The market is not Earth reality, the market is a tool and a mechanism. It's people that really need to change in this situation, not the markets. Maybe eventually there can be some balance between those who value life, and those who only value money. There are so many unknowns in the world currently that one MUST follow one's intuition and FEELING to discern the truth. Our Feeling center (those chakras that detect emotion, and other people's intentions, and merge through time to bring us information about probable timelines) is directly connected to the Innate and Grand Knowing of the Soul (The source of one's own being; beyond time; whole being; no paradox). By feeling alone, martial arts for example is 10-20 times faster than what the normal cognitive mind can process, and this is a good point because our "reptilian" brain stem is capable of processing information 10 - 20 times faster than cognition; the brain stem deals with feeling. That should help to put it in a frame of reference.
Also ... last point here: People have to learn things on their own, through their own desires. Want, or desire, is a fundamental Force of Creation. That is also part of the safeguarded "security system" of this planetary reality. .... Nothing ever handed out on a silver platter can be expected to be received, because people have to earn it for it to be considered to hold value. Those are ancient traditions. The foundation of Earth civilization this recent go around (Sumeria) have been set up with limitations and rules regarding philosophies far beyond what most people ever think about, prior to Human evolution. There is no Creative Force behind something or some way of living that is undesired.
. . .
Otherwise, at this point it is unlikely that current engineering physics theory will change much, but only become more refined as time goes on.
It has come to my attention that now that the Alexey Chekurkov Flying Device is demonstrated, people have turned away from the OTC-X1, thinking it's bogus. I'm LIVID at this and PISSED that after all this time, the Alexey device has proved the co-counter disk high voltage rotation EM effect, but now people are looking the other direction, not seeing the value of a SELF-POWERED ANTIGRAVITY ENGINE. I'm THIS close to calling it quits.
No. I got a better idea. This website might go silent for a while while I'm working on that idea.
There's gonna be some protocols for people contacting this website from now on.
But first of all let me once again briefly explain the OTC-X1, and the criteria for that component leading to a warp drive reality, which is different yet very similar to the Alexey Flying Device, involving "di-electric gravity":
1) self-powered antigravity. The OTC-X1 is theoretically a gravity drive, specifically a mass-reduction negative energy field generator, inertial / gravity cancellation engine. This is why the director of Lockheed-Martin's Skunkworks division said that ESP pilots these types of craft, because the craft becomes so Light that thought and intent alone steers and directs the craft's movement.
2) utrons as high voltage capacitors as part of the power architecture and high voltage framework -- to charge the disk plates; their shape aligns the negative energy (longitudinal di-pole) field characteristics. Electric and magnetic wave directions are in transverse (90) and the utron shape takes the 45 degree path in the intersection of the E and the M, in alignment with di-ELECTRIC poles. This may change the wave-shape so that it is no longer in electromagnetic characteristics (non-EM electrical wave is usually a scalar or longitudinal wave; negative energy).
3) outer electromagnets to power the disk (set it in motion spinning) and provide high-voltage flyback upon field collapse for electro-inertia (charges utrons that charge the plates; charges plates; can be in regenerative cycle with central accumulator)... (collapse of electron mass through di-electric medium of the accretion disk to the central accumulator of negative mass).
4) central accumulator power supply in Biefeld-Brown characteristics of the dielectric/electret active mass component (or central accumulator design with living electrolyte energy)
5) rotating charge disk also with Biefeld-Brown characteristics (electret-dielectric material "sandwich"), however the Alexey Device has also shown us a thing or two how electromagnetic and electrostatic fields interact according to the physics, and there are some good engineers out there and patent holders in antigravity that say only one spinning disk may be required due to the co-counter rotation of the electromagnets with the high voltage disk.
6) Bedini-Williams regenerative overunity power architecture and negative energy framework
Additional protocols may be added in the future (one active protocol is that if you are not currently working on engineering a device, namely the OTC-X1 or related technology, you don't have a voice to be heard, as that policy was preferred on the now defunct Clandestine Disclosure group).
If after 5 - 10 years some working OTC-X1 technology rears its ugly head here at this website, there will be a demonstration, but large portions of it classified to the public. For reasons. Otherwise, I'd be more than happy to shove a demonstration up the .. nose ... of the construction blog . . . . . for .. moral reasons.