Scientists are now able to create matter from light. Particle and anti-particle unify as light. When lasers criss-cross thru a high energy electric field, it forms bosons, mesons, particle/antiparticle pairs. Just different vibration rates. Scientists finally confirmed what I wrote years ago.
The scientists who made the "matter creation" discovery proposed that a system could be used on a spaceship for creating matter/anti-matter fuel from light. Quite brilliant an idea. No need to pack fuel, it can just be created from light.
One teeny-weeny problem tho. When matter and antimatter collide, they don't go boom. They just create light again.
A 100% matter-energy conversion does not mean explosion ...
When you consider the big bang was the phenomenal and paradoxical origin point of the creation of all matter in the universe, supposedly from a single photon (Let there be light), then it stands to reason that if it happened once before, the laws of physics shouldn't forbid it from happening again on smaller scales.
With light having zero mass, it is not bound by time or space. Light is simultaneous according to quantum physics. Thats what sparked quantum physics, the study of light. Light measures spacetime because it is not bound by spacetime. Light is infinite and exists with zero energy, infinite probability for energy to exist. Probability waves define the energy of a single photon. Light is timeless.
Matter is with time. If a timeless source can create finite probable energy, energy gifted with frequency (time), then an infinite source of matter and energy can create an infinite amount of matter-energy. That actually occurs conserved thru time ... infinite parallel possibilities of phenomenal creation of matter-energy.
Mini big bangs.
Because of that, technically energy cannot be destroyed but can be created in abundance. We see that happening in Tesla technology through resonance. Matter is light.
That's what the search for the god particle business is all about.
Mass-energy unity.
Inertial forces of energy expounding near infinity as mass approaches the speed of light! Think of the electrical potential for that without a gravitational side effect! If mass energy can be created at the speed of light, then gravity forces can be created at will, by using a machine that transforms those energies into gravitational force. Like say .. a vertical warp "impeller." ...
Light is a magneto-electrostatic wave ... Lasers criss-crossed through alignments of 90 waveforms is one way to create matter/antimatter, or otherwise "exotic mass." (See: Warp Drive Blog page for exotic matter)
There are other ways, as long as the relation of the paradoxes of unity are realized. However this demonstrates the potentials of a Lightdrive of exotic matter-energy, able to direct a gravity beam through a spinning magneto-electrostatic field.
As an aside:
There would probably be no need to outfit the perimeter with aerodynamic EM drive-thruster modules for maneuvering in space, either. It's an inertial engine, and gravity can be merely switched on or off in the vertical main core. Such switching and timing can be included in the electrical gyroscopes (utrons) to turn the ship in space or rotate it.
Exotic matter vibrates very close to light. It's nearly a type of unity energy. Matter in that state exhibits positive and negative mass fluctuations, spontaneously levitates and appears in multiple places at once, even inside and outside of a sealed container.
It's the stuff that makes for stable wormholes AND its superconductive at room temperature!
An exotic reaction such as matter creation from light as described above is a usable form of energy that does not generate heat as a by-product. Positive and negative energy collisions will create a large amount of energy from a minute source. I have a friend who specializes in this type of energy generation, and has built devices that use this form of energy to power houses and buildings from a small free energy power generator (he's a master).
That type of energy will actually .. how do I put it. It "knows" what it's supposed to do in a motor. It will provide energy to run the motor in the most logical way that the motor is supposed to run. If the motor is designed for DC, it'll run it in DC. If the motor is designed for AC, it will run it in AC. However the motor is designed to work, delivering that type of exotic energy will run the motor the way the motor is designed, regardless of how the energy itself seemingly behaves in its exotic ways; AND, it will deliver a nonstop large amount of power.
This type of superconductive energy works without the need for superconductive elements because it doesn't resist itself. I find it sometimes a good idea that no one individual knows everything . . .
Keeping this in mind, it is no wonder why the power requirements for a warp drive is insignificant. It also further illustrates how super-efficient this energy type of magneto-electrostatic exotic unity is, which does not require accelerating mass to light speed for it to work the same way at much lower speeds but in resonance, such in a Bose-Einstein condensate. Just think. Such a thing is easily done when using exotic energy!
This describes the exotic auxiliary power source I have been discussing to work with the vertical core and outer ring regenerative systems. ... And no, it cannot be revealed in public. Not everything can just be given away for free without any ethical consideration.
The universe has a special place for such energy, in the logical construct of the geometrical universe. Such an energy type does logically exist. It has been demonstrated and seen to exist before, and I became aware of it some 12 years ago or so.
Regrettably, that's all I know about it. But I know that it can be polarized, just by running it in an engine. When dealing with inertial acceleration, an inertial action that accelerates mass, the mass will polarize itself in a direction, which is considered its inertia. But the energy is not necessarily polarized in a conventional sense. Rather, its polarity is exotic, and at such a high frequency that it's difficult to measure.
That exotic energy is interesting. It has application in an inertial engine. It's not polarized, but the mass is polarized in the direction of its inertia. That, theoretically, creates a gravity force.
When run in an engine or motor, it basically polarizes itself not by it's design, but by the engine's design.
Special Note:
Considering the collision of matter and antimatter, in a form of energy:
A combination of AC negative energy and DC positive energy collide to create exotic energy, and a large amount of energy from a small supply of energy.
I have seen how electromagnetic energy does the same thing to electrostatic radiant energy. It displaces it, but creates a large static field for as long as the energy is flowing. Sometimes the electrostatic energy, in case of anomalies come back after being zapped with electromagnetic energy.... Exotic energy can be considered an anomaly, but it can be harnessed to generate gravitational unified force, theoretically.
Tesla experienced a mysterious form of electrical discharge as horizontal blue lines coming out from power lines under magnetic compression, where positive DC energy collided with radiant energy, in the abundant radiant energy field of the Earth.
Where positive and negative energy collide, a large amount of electric energy is created.
However the exotic form of energy doesn't heat up material or wires by resisting itself, it tends to be in negative polarity, it can form a protective electromagnetic field against radiation, and its side effects are bio-regenerative; bio-energizing, in a vitalizing life force polarity.
The exotic form of energy is at its most complex point on that note. However, that form of exotic negative energy is exactly what is required for a warp drive / hyperdrive / jump-drive type of propulsion.
This is the type of Tesla Free energy desired for the auxiliary power generators of the upper engine of the LAU-X3.
. . .
Special thanks to my friend and mentor who ... has revolutionized the successful development of exotic energy and unity energy application in engines and over-unity energy creation. Yes, I literally mean energy Creation. It is already proven in the link above in the article that matter can be created from light. However, energy is the root form of unity.
This power source does exist. That is the reason why these physics are so adapted. Some of it is built around the existence of such a power source. I can't reveal the name of the man who invented it in public at the moment; and I'm not entirely sure I entirely understand it, which is the Auxiliary power source for the LAU-X3. I'm not at that step, yet. I still have to work through the land-based Tesla tower aspects before a stand-alone version.
But, because there are some of us who want warp drives, I am allowed to say this much about the ship's auxiliary power source.
Even though I believe the ship can generate it's own easily enough, the auxiliary power source is just in case, as a back up, but also as something that is known already to make full development and construction of the LAU-X3 style of transverse warp drive easy.
A tried, tested, and proven negative energy auxiliary power source is now available for the LAU-X3.
I believe I have mentioned how Intention Creates Reality. The Creative nature of Existence, of Life, is just that. Co-Creative, too. It's easier to share the work-load, because there are some things one guy just can't do alone.
Now that the auxiliary power source is provided (thanks to a brilliant scientist who wants warp drive just as much as I do), the engines are complete. The ship is adaptable. If you understand all this then you're awesome. I've done my best to explain it all.
And by the way, always read the comments.