Tesla Engineering Physics
Page Update: 9/15/2015
New Update (8/15/17):
I finally fixed my mistake and misunderstanding about the AC induction coil usage. There are DC induction coils, and AC induction motors which use rotating assemblies. Every digital voltmeter uses a rectifier bridge to measure AC volts. So sometimes a DC current can be measured under the AC volt setting, and will yield a result of exactly twice as many volts. That is due to the rectifier bridge of the meter itself when the source is not actually producing AC voltage. I have made note of this in the relevant sections down the page.
I am in the process of disclosing the entire Tesla energy generating system capable of producing kilowatts of power. See the info page about this concerning the pay-to-download feature that will be made available either on this website, or linked to another website suited to handle that feature through Paypal.
Had I known that what I had stumbled upon, I never would have written about this, but would have tried to make money from it. However, it is lucky that I did not know until now, 5 years after the initial creation and start of this website. Others have read this website and not been able to figure out the secret, and it has only been recently that I became aware of it, with a little guidance from my mentor Dewey Jones, who had studied directly under the Tesla lineage, straight from Cal Richardson -- Tesla's partner and associate who co-developed all the technology with Tesla.
I will not say a PEEP about this; it will all be disclosed along with photos and schematics in the papers I will publish for a small fee, that you will be able to purchase from this website. Strangely enough, and completely by accident, after looking at a picture and reading part of a rare book, I stumbled upon the very basis of Tesla's wireless technology and quantum vacuum energy generating technology just as a child would build something out of wooden blocks. I have been trying to understand what it was that I had discovered, and why others were so mysteriously interested in it and kept snooping around, and even why a satellite had parked over my tower that I had intercepted the electrostatic scanning beam from it. I had found the white paper online that described that exact component on a satellite. It stayed overhead for months. It was even on various news and tracking websites located right overhead. My own mother even saw on T.V. where satellites were, and called me up on the phone telling me if I knew a satellite was over my general area. I told her "oh yes. I know."
This new technology is also, and can be used in conjunction with an artificial electromagnetic permanent Ley-line which I will provide all those details on how to construct including scalable dimensions that can generate over 100,000 watts of power, or less.
I am really excited about this and I really hope that no one will be able to figure it out from my website. I am not by any means a rich man. I'm not impoverished but, I was hoping for some donations to continue this work, so now I'm forced to have to sell my technology through a disclosure process, just to continue to pay my bills and eat. See the info page for more details.
I will say I would have nailed it had I only would have made a couple of small minute yet very fundamental changes, which change the energy harnessed in the system from electrostatic to magneto-electrostatic. In fact, I would like to include this relevant little tidbit up front, of some of my experiences during my lightning research years:
"I had been doing lightning research with my Tesla tower system and tried to help out my radio internet service provider people who kept directly grounding their antennas and they kept getting hit by lightning taking the shortest path to ground, attracted by the polarity of their grounding rods which created an active energy charge that literally magnetized lightning to strike.
They had set their antennas on top of local water towers too, to get around the lake hills. The water towers were a neutral charge in themselves and never got hit by lightning by themselves. I suggested that they do not ground their equipment to participate in the atmosphere to ground circuit. But they grounded all 3 of their radio transceivers days later regardless .. and in one weeks time lightning struck all 3 and put them out of business.
The neighbors had a telephone line that was electrically active, and it was grounded. Lightning occasionally struck between our houses and had hit the neighbor's tree toward the top of the hill in their yard. Funny that lightning only struck in their yard (metaphysical implication is obvious there).
After my friend James and I built my Tesla tower in the back yard, no more lightning ever struck anywhere nearby within a large radius (around the entire peninsula I lived on at the lake).
Lightning would dance and crackle overhead the tower but could not enter within the shielded area the tower provided."
____________________________________________________________________________________________End Update____________
Tesla Engineering Physics. I held off publishing any of this for a couple of years, but I'm feeling a little more comfortable now to allow this info to seep out into the public. I am saving a lot of this for my book, however. It would literally take pages and pages to relate everything onto a website. In time, I'll put more photos up. But for now, I'd like to say that this tower generated HUGE energy buildups. It is quite possible to easily tap power from radio waves and cosmic rays from the sun, using diodes in a resonating tower like this, borrowing the Earth's electrostatic field for huge amplification of amperage and volts. Any small little electromagnetic current can be converted to magneto-electrostatic by using capacitors and induction coils to generate a SPARK. That single spark can create a MASSIVE amount of electricity. Wireless transfer of electricity has been easily achieved. I wirelessly transferred energy from an AA battery from inside the house to the outside tower, and could adjust the amount of electricity transferred by moving the right long coil up and down, shown in the picture above on the right. If the coils were touching ground, more if not all of the AA battery current could transfer. It was just through the inductance of the fields created naturally upon the Earth. That energy was transferred through the ground and through permeating energy fields (from inside the house from the console, viewable at the top of the main home page, to the outside tower). It was powered naturally from the Earth. That may seem easy to do, which it is, and it is common sense, but it is just NOT KNOWN in university-taught physics. It is unheard of that the current from a AA battery can pass naturally through the air and through the ground, through wireless fields created by a few coils of wire and an aluminum plate stack over the ground.
The tower, in that arrangement would have discharged electrical sparking periodically at intervals, but instead that energy was harnessed as Earthquake force accidentally while I was learning about all this. I was able to detect magnetic signatures in distant lightning ground strikes rarely, but lightning itself has no magnet that can make any electromagnetic meter even twitch; it's all electrostatic energy, without a usable electromagnetic force. To be sure, a tiny magnet sparks-off the lightning discharge; but, a bolt of lightning can strike just a hundred feet away and not give off an electromagnetic energy wave through the air (magneto-electrostatic; static means in air or another medium like water). As said, only in RARE instances will a lightning bolt actually give off an electromagnetic energy wave. Otherwise, it's electrostatic.
It was the nature of the living electrostatic radiant field of Earth that I was studying. Everyone knows what Tesla did, but not how he did it and why it works. Electrostatic energy has no usable magnet because that magnetic field is phased to zero, in a simultaneous clockwise-counterclockwise rotation. Using diodes isolates a magnetic wave (getting the field to spin in one direction, instead of both directions at once). When lightning strikes certain minerals in the ground which has diode properties, then there is an electromagnetic twitch on the magnetometer, even if lightning strikes miles away (the analogue meter connected to ground and air through the console). Magneto-electrostatic waves is one of the 7 energy types usable in engineering physics. Armed with tools of knowledge and physics, I set out to learn all I could about the mysterious Tesla energy (living chi).
The Spark is the foundation of Tesla engineering. A spark introduced into an electromagnetic energy current changes the entire energy type. "Static" means "in the air." In a vacuum, as Tesla pointed out to Heinrich Hertz, after he did his famous experiment, there would be no spark. The energy field from the spark is entirely changed. That energy field can be physically felt as static charges, when no sparking is visible other than the initial spark to set the entire energy field into high-volt action. Even though there may not be a spark present to observe, there MUST be a spark to create "Magneto-electrostatic" energy.
An exception to put to the test: A spark as a "high volt spike" also may apply in a field engine such as the OTC-X1, HOWEVER*
*So this is a note that magneto-electrostatic application can be achieved in an electromagnetic vibration with a frequency of high volt sparking and/or SPIKING, even if on top of a more regular electromagnetic waveform. -- that's been bugging me for a while. Let me clarify: a spark is required BUT, an electromagnetic collapse creates a high volt SPIKE, not necessarily harnessed with a spark gap. The two energies might be similar, with or without a spark gap. Bedini harnesses it, and the Tesla Generator harnesses negative energy without a spark, because that magneto-electrostatic energy is primarily the collapse of the field itself, with or without a spark gap. However, more times than not a spark is required with these exceptions.. I know this is horribly written. Also as explained, magneto-electrostatic energy is similar to negative energy, if not another form of the same. There are subtle differences.
Lightning measured as an electrostatic wave, without any magnetic aspect. [Electrostatic energy waves run in parallel and travel at 220,000 miles/second. Electromagnetic waves run in transverse (perpendicular) and travel at 186,000 miles/second (approximate).] An electrostatic field is an electrical field without any usable magnet, so pure electrostatic energy cannot form an electromagnet if run through a coil of magnet wire. Digital voltmeters can measure electrostatic volts though. In the distance (a couple of miles away), occasionally the analogue electromagnetic volt meter would twitch, indicating the ELECTROMAGNETIC current of lightning able to pass along the ground for miles to be measured by my equipment, but that was on RARE occasion, and ONLY on rare ground strikes when the energy is polarized by ground into an electromagnetic wave (electrostatic is non-polarized, electromagnetic is polarized). Electrostatic volts cannot be measured on an analogue voltmeter that requires a magnetic current for it to detect.
Sometimes I would ground the tower and it would simulate a lightning storm approaching, and in that instant, tree limbs all through the forest could be heard dropping (trees drop their limbs right before a thunderstorm). The tower shielded itself from direct lightning strikes, and the surrounding area. Art Bell noticed his 4,000 foot loop antennae (4 antennae in 4 corners of a square area) would deflect lightning strikes to the very center of the square. Once, a bolt of lightning hit the lake and stayed there for about five seconds, neutralizing all the house grounds in the area (neutralizing the positive charge of Earth), blacking out the neighborhood until the lightning bolt quit flickering on the lake, upon in that instance, the power came back on.
Prior to a large earthquake, for one month the volts were low in my tower. Then, after the quake, the volts were higher than ever before! The epicenter of the Earthquake was 60 miles away!
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I shorted between the tower ground (Earth surface under the tower) and the inside console ground (a plate on the ground, but with a wire going out to a plate stack suspended over the ground for optional and different field-ground points), and got a HUGE amount of electrical energy, very shocking to be around, and it was pure electrostatic. Under the tower it felt like wading through a huge bubble of electrical water. Chi.
Shorting between grounds used a direct hard-wire connection to the Earth, under each system ground, not just a field connection. It increased the frequency of spacetime in my area, though did not speed up the time (a magnet is required for that, magneto-electrostatic energy, like what the Philadelphia experiment used). It re-adjusted the frequency of matter-space in an area affect. Imagine introducing a directed high frequency/high volt static magnet energy to that field; it would become lightning-city. I didn't want to blow out my electronics, nor the neighbor's TV, nor did I want to accidentally travel to a new dimension (a little joke. Actually travel through parallel reality is relatively easy to explain).
I want to add to that. If you scroll down, you can see a photo of my "Tesla console." There is a central charge accumulator (hollow copper sphere), and one on the edge. In between them are two spheres on a copper rod that can swivel to adjust the distance of a spark gap. The equipment was powered all the time by natural Earth radiant energy. When shorting between grounds, upon opening the spark gap, it released a tremendous amount of electrical energy that was very uncomfortable to be around in a wide area in my living room (although there was no magnetic energy directly), and the ground under the tower because very electrified. I could tune the release of electrostatic energy harnessed between two ground points. If I would have used a high volt electromagnetic current along with that set-up, it would have blown all the electronics in my house, and possibly all the transformers all around the neighborhood, according to what Tesla had discovered. According to what Tesla discovered also, it could have been magnified somewhere else on the planet as a massive magneto-electrostatic energy build-up. Safety is important.
The tower itself stored energy. I added a third large coil on the second deck, and at the very top was another copper sphere on a wire, that when brought close to the ground rod (a copper rod with a hollow copper sphere on top), while the tower was connected via a wire clip to the ground rod, it would electrify the whole tower. That was during the later phases of my experiments, after I equalized (neutralized) the charges between the two ground points, and probably accidentally de-polarized the natural ground under my tower (which I had done a couple of times earlier, but managed to re-polarize the ground on the earlier experiments).
The entire field could be felt as a static field, but different then an electro-magnetic static field, more like the electrical energy of life itself, very electrical, but at a lower frequency than lightning (lower volts; bio-volts have a much different feeling, but are none-the-less potent). The energy from the Earth was harsh and electrical and heavy, but from the atmosphere was a more light-headed electrical field.
Notice that the open circuit created a tremendous amount of electrical energy, versus closing the circuit which limited the amount of energy to a small trickle.
Building the console was totally not planned; it was a spur-of-the-moment thing, because I needed an electrical point of stability because I was having peculiar trouble with my bio-electrical field after an embarrassing incident I would rather not reveal (without my conscious knowledge or consent), compounded with a mistake I had made a couple of years earlier with unintended consequences. That was when I learned not to trust other people who knew less than I; or rather, when people were unable to reflect and communicate upon basic Human logic and reason, when people's safety is at stake (honoring the Life Force).
Basic logic applies from the greatest to the smallest of any unknown thing, it's basic science, and as such a "scientific common sense" that can be applied to everything in the universe. Some people are not open to intelligent conversation, questions asked and answered, and opening an expansion for knowledge to be learned for everyone's benefit, as such are honest fields of scrupulous discussion. Control dramas, ego issues, insecurities, those things can have deadly consequences, no matter how innocent those "quirks of Humanity" may be. I suppose I've been overly cautious about all of this, just because people can be very judgmental, vindictive, selfish, arrogant, malevolent, etc, when people are out of equilibrium consciously, energetically, and spiritually (either purposely or unintentionally). I'm not saying I didn't "require" a more Human understanding of an emotional nature ultimately to be helpful and more compassionate and empathic to others, but people can share their point of views with others without burning down someone's house just to illustrate their point of view, metaphorically stating.
Also related is the notion that people have to reach to find their own knowing, as nothing will be handed out on a silver platter, because no one can tell another what to believe, how to think, what to feel, it's just not possible (anyone who thinks it is, is an insane artificial person). This information on this page is a lovely set dinner table, but only a few can eat of the food. But that doesn't mean I will purposely hide anything. Most of the time, people won't see the very obvious anyway. Hiding the silver platter makes it unreachable, unknown, and un-revealed. Such things as "freedom" for example, just can't be explained in words, but must be experienced. Thus the notion that people must reach on their own, finding their own knowing, depends upon everything being out in the open and revealed, so that they can find it if they are driven to seek. Putting road-blocks in the way is no excuse. There's a fine line to having self-integrity versus an imbalanced drive to control others.
People must create their own knowing; and their perception creates the path to knowing. It is very wise to honor free will; but without compassion and unconditional Love, imbalances in the Life Force (emotional, mental, physical, spiritual -- basically) result in re-bounding disruption to the self, one's reality, and the reality of the other's self, plus the Earth, and beyond (the Earth is a ground of a star, not to mention the other dimensions of consciousness and energy and soul). That is a touchy subject-matter to an audience that is (A) ignorant but wants to know (B) knowing but in denial (C) ignorant, and don't want to examine and refine their own belief cores, and don't want to know (due to fear, but that is also denied). I'm not coming from what can be judged as pride; just providing the dessert to the dinner spread.
. . . That tangent aside . . .
There is a weird paradox to lightning. During lightning storms, the tower was ungrounded via direct wire, but nonetheless electrostatic field-interaction was present. In some cases, I grounded the tower through the console inside my living room (very bad, but I was curious). Never once did near-by overhead lightning strikes induce an electromagnetic current, so no EMP (electromagnetic pulse) effect. I did measure a lot of electrostatic volts induced in my equipment. Distant ground strikes did rarely cause the analogue (magnetometer) twitch as an electromagnetic current.
Here's the paradox: if lightning is magneto-electrostatic, then an induced electromagnetic spark should occur near-by, like in the famous Hertz experiment. That never happened, though. The actual bolt of lightning or an electrical spark has been theorized to be the actual magnetic current. That would stand to reason, because in displays of electrical sparking in Tesla equipment, the electrostatic magnet may be very tiny, just "stretched-out" with very high volts but very low amps. But, again, in case of natural lightning, some electromagnetic induction should be measured, which has not been the case.
The tower, field-grounded, does not get hit by lightning (no direct ground rod, but instead using the electro-radiant (electrostatic) energy field of the surface of Earth and atmosphere). My tower had a reflexive quality to it, inducing a like-charge in the tower to the lightning which induced it, so it never got hit (like charges repel), like a reflexive shield. Lightning danced around over it from time-to-time. It created a lot of static energy in the air overhead. Conversely, Art Bell's large 4,000 foot loop antenna in a square perimeter around his yard never got hit by lightning, but attracted or re-directed lightning to strike in the very center of his yard, in the center of the square loop. One night, he reported cringing inside his home while lightning bolts kept striking the center of his yard over and over and over, during a particularly heavy lightning storm. Large diodes and steel alloy construction could polarize the electrostatic energy field induced by nearby lightning so that electromagnetic current can safely be generated/induced in tower-equipment without harnessing the destructive effects of lightning (direct strikes to the equipment) for free-energy power generation, Tesla-style.
Unfortunately, I had to remove the tower! There are safety considerations that many would never even dream about. Like the priests which watch over the Arc of the Covenant, they go blind eventually in the frequency of the electrostatic "chi" fields generated by the Arc. Of course, Tesla never went blind, but he used mainly magneto-electrostatic energies, not the pure electrostatic energies, used in metaphysical ways. The Arc of the Covenant is very different in construction than a Tesla tower. I concentrated on the electrostatic energy research, because a darned satellite decided to park itself overhead which stopped my magneto-electrostatic experiments.
As I was building it, I started out with Tesla's original design, which no parts were labeled, and I didn't find out until later on that a magnetic core would have been really awesome .. enhanced the frequency .. but, I built it by just feeling the energies, and expanding on the energy I felt and measured. I had to use a digital voltmeter, because just generating energy by itself, it had no usable magnet, but was electrical (electrostatic / electro-radiant). It transformed on its own after it built up a little energy the first time. I could raise the big squirrel cage and lower it and it would measure higher or lower volts. The same with the smaller resonator, too. ... Dreams actually helped me to figure it out, also
So about the safety features.. well, I guess strange Tesla technology scares the crap outta people just the same as dragons scare the crap outta people (carefully read the Dragon Kundalini article on the Metaphysics blog). The tower was 40 feet tall. If I would have used the right technique on it, it would have generated a LOT of energy! ... I made sure it floated over the ground though .. and even with it unpowered (powered naturally by the Earth energy), it did create earthquakes at certain times of the season depending upon the energy frequency of Earth's charge. Grounding and ungrounding was handled by connecting a wire to a ground rod .. and where I connected that wire, it would cause the energy to vibrate more or less as tall as where I attached the wire to the ground rod.
LOL .. safety is one of my biggest concerns with a huge 40 foot tall Tesla tower. It's something you have to treat as sacred, and you have to honor the energy, and honor the Earth, and even ask permission of the Earth where you want to put it. Even though it is an inanimate thing, the energy it harnesses is living energy, and can be active and in motion, and even develop a bit of a strange personality at times. Where it will be moved to though, I'm only going to make it about 15 to 20 feet tall, and I'm going to only work with the tall coil and big squirrel cage, and the smaller resonating transformer, without a "third stage." I also won't be shorting between earth grounds between the tower and a separate console. It will be ONLY just one tower, because even though using two is really bad-ass, and can be used to cycle some really powerful energies that way, ... well ... imagine turning the Earth into a huge electrical generator.
I can very easily make an energy system with a pair of collapsing coils on a commutator and with timing circuits being mechanical instead of digital or computerized. Tesla spun a magnet to do that, but a small battery can do the same thing on a rotating mechanical timing commutator device, like the picture of the one on the pyramid housing shown on the Construction Blog page. The trick with the Tesla tower is to use a separate winding in the coil-and-squirrel cage transformer assembly, around the pole-coils, spaced a little away (not directly touching), and send the collapsing energies through that separate winding to generate power magneto-electrostatically. That will have to be transformed to usable house current, however ... The tower tended to cause a lot of electrostatic energy all over the place, just resonating the crap outta it. I had electrostatic patterns of dust on my huge picture windows that overlooked my yard where the tower was. Everything was charged.
The Tesla tower works due to the collision of positive and negative energy, thusly. This essential concept also explains how the Tesla generator on the Tesla/Free Energy page works.
The thing is though .. grass grew right toward the tower base, bending at right angles to touch it, which gave the system more energy. But it also could have reversed the electrical polarity of some of the trees, and it ... and had a huge amplification effect upon the kundalini. Some people with massive kundalini awakenings have massive side-effects when they are ignorant of it and not practicing sacred honor and love during such a time of personal activation. Keep your pets away from it until you fully understand the technology and are comfortable with it. Smaller scale is safer, particularly in populated areas. Eventually, it can be used in pure safety to power houses. Already, there is a small portable device that can do that very thing, that my mentor has created. I detail it on the Tesla/free energy page.
As far as the healing properties of these energies, vortex coils have demonstrated the ability to accelerate healing at 10 times normal rate. David Sereda, I believe actually has some videos out about that.
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One of my secrets about this was to experiment with the metaphysical aspects of electrostatics and radiant energies. It raised the frequencies, which allowed me to see beyond the normal range of vision. Once I saw a bright star in broad daylight and was staring at it for a while and then it consciously dawned on me that it was a star, but in broad daylight, and at that instant of conscious realization, it turned, flipped away and disappeared like a fish flopping in water.
There are serious metaphysics involved in this scope of scientific research, more addressed in my book. Our modern sciences don't even touch upon this other side of electrical physics -- electrostatic radiant conductive living fields. They permeate all things, including astral spaces (the energies of dreams), and build up static charges in wiring, sub-stations, etc. Those anomalies are responsible for all kinds of trouble we have in electronics. Those electrostatic fields can be measured in all things, including insulative non-conductive material.
Electrostatic energy is bio-energy, the energies of our bodies (with a living energy component); whereas, electromagnetic energy is the energy of our thoughts. There is a difference between artificial and living energy, particularly pertaining to how they direct, and are directed. There is a consciousness element involved in all energies.
This is an old science to our modern world, but relatively known since Tesla's days, and is the foundation of energy for Tesla physics.
The tower I built could still harness energy directly grounded or not, to the Earth, and tapped Earth telluric energy currents. It was usually field-grounded, just grounded via connecting energy field. That's how I learned that an electromagnetic current could be transferred wirelessly the way Tesla mysteriously did it, even from just a AA battery, using no external power source other than the radiant energy of power itself, from life, and from Earth, and from the sky, the sun.. other stars ....
You could literally physically feel the energies from the tower. These energies interact and interface directly with the body's chi energy flows, the chakras, and the kundalini. At one point, shorting between tower ground and console ground, the energy was so immense it felt like wading through an electric bubble of water under the tower, and inside the house was so electrified with static energy through the spark-gap electrodes and charge accumulators of the console!
In MANY cases, I could adjust the frequency of the tower by raising or lowering the squirrel cages WHEN THERE WAS AN electromagnetic current present in the tower transformers. It created vortex and criss-cross cloud patterns in the sky (with or without magnetic current), particularly when satellites passed overhead. Something to note here: Interference wave patterns in the sky create clouds in the atmosphere that closely resemble chem-trails. Grid patterns of clouds overhead when there are no aircraft that pass by are generated by electrostatic wave interference between the ground and upper atmosphere. There is a difference.
I had one instance with a satellite which parked overhead for a while and followed me around a bit, even following me to my mom's house hours away. I also experienced invisible ships flying around bending over trees ... and so it might not have been a satellite that followed me .. but aside from that ... I could measure the voltage of the satellite's scanning beam (1400 volts), and in the later phases of my experiments, became quite attuned to physically feeling electrostatic fields and scanning beams. A satellite overhead and a tower on the ground made a nice "X marks the spot" cloud formation in the atmosphere over the tower. The satellite was there for a while; I caught it moving in, and then the voltage stopped, instead of lowering. The satellite moved in, and stayed there, directly overhead (it didn't move off that I could tell because the voltage didn't gradually drop off).
When the tower wasn't directly grounded, electromagnetic energy could build up in the tower, but when a strong field-link was established with Earth ground, that energy was allowed to pass through the field and to the ground, a certain percentage of it. When a current was tapped to ground, it would continue to be there, as a perpetual electrical current. But as soon as the ground was disconnected and reconnected, it would be gone. I noticed this effect in regular generators I built, using certain capacitors; turning the generator off and back on would release that extra energy which was stored and put to work in the generator. To note, an electrostatic charge can build up in wiring and capacitors which aren't measurable on an analogue voltmeter. That extra electrostatic energy can greatly increase the volts. But it is gone as soon as the generator is stopped and restarted. That's peculiar but it has happened a lot. In an old boat wiring, electrostatic charge can build up in the wires, and do the same thing.
I became quite familiar with these new energies (ancient and timeless energies even known prior to the ancient Egyptians, and recorded in Egyptian Hieroglyphs). The entire dynamics and scope of these energies, discovered by Tesla, are capable of doing astounding things. My book has a large record of what these energy fields can and cannot do. It's a LOT of information, frankly.
The energy fields changed shape as my tower evolved. The earlier experiments couldn't be duplicated after a massive electrostatic field was created, but then the later experiments couldn't have been done in the smaller earlier fields generated. The entire nature of the ground, the grass that grew, and the trees and animals, all changed in the fluctuations and different attunments of these energies. Nature (the Earth) was one of my most influential teachers.
It was difficult to grasp at times, but on the other hand, it is the most NATURAL thing ANYONE could understand. I have always known these energies; everything I expected that would happen, did happen. I used several types of meters, digital voltmeters detected electrostatic energies, and analogue electromagnetic meters detected the magnetic components of the energy fields. I used the two so I could tell the difference if I was measuring an electrostatic voltage or electromagnetic voltage. It has forever changed my understanding of electricity as we know it as studied in our modern sciences.
Had I been fully indoctrinated into normal modern physics and sciences, I may never have even come close to understanding the foundation of where energy comes from, and what energy is. Energy is alive and intelligent. I had touch-spheres which interfaced me (my energy -- soul) with the Earth (Earth energy/soul/consciousness), and later touched through field itself -- energy to energy -- without physical touch, to gain a huge glimpse of reality beyond and in harmony with (concurrent) physical Earth experience. The energy had touched my third eye in a particular intentional-energy thought experiment conducted with others around the world; I opened my eye like using a muscle I never knew I had, and my energy became supercharged (my kundalini). Sometimes that can be very unpleasant for people; unprepared, people can suffer the tramatic effects mentally and psychologically from kundalini openings. Medical science is not yet evolved enough to properly address those things, but is only now in the stages where there are some facilities which specifically handle and address kundalini openings. More of that is discussed on my metaphysics blog.
v----------- updated: (3/4/15)
I'd like to make an honorable mention here. My lights in my house were flickering all over the place one evening from a certain intentional energy thought experiment conducted with a group of people based on the internet. I am not too clear about all the little details of that experience; I've also had amazing and astounding astral manifestation in my house with the tower system running (it ran all the time, there was no way to merely turn it off). There were higher dimensional energies (astral dimensions) and intelligence involved, see: Scole Experiments on youtube.
Another instance: A little fuzzy black spot chased my cat, as she ran out of the bathroom and looked behind her and dodged as this little fuzzy greyish black dot about the size of a mouse came zipping past her and slammed into a box on the floor in the kitchen making an audible "thump!"
My book has a very large amount of knowledge pertaining to unknown realities, both real and "unreal," how to stay safe, how to discern, and what's really going on in those situations. One other instance; a friend of mine who helped me to assemble the tower was affected by the energies. He has a certain medical condition (aside from being a genius) which resulted in a tube running from the top of his head to his belly. He rippled and waved like a flag very beautifully once after we cleaned up a spot on the ground and on the stone patio. He had one foot on both fresh ground and stone patio and felt disoriented, and was absolutely not aware he was rippling and waving as the radiant rise went up his body and out the top of his head. It shorted between his third and seventh chakra though due to that chi meridian that was the tube. I immediately brought him inside the house.
When I was working with a group of people over the internet, also I had experienced very interesting manifestation of intelligent energies, and also received a lot of information downloaded to me in visions that were ultra-real, and sometimes intense. Portals can be made between two electrical points; and convergences can create a "formation" of life energy patterns. Typically, portals go to one place, while stargates can connect to many places. The Great planetary portal of Earth affects a Predominance of the Dualistic Conflict of that area (of the Middle East; a particular location, in fact) and also in a big way for the entire planet. The positive and negative is at an equal balance, especially and particularly in that area, and in no OTHER area is it so obvious to see a perfect polarity of 50 : 50 in the nature of the Dualistic Conflict -- which is a metaphysical philosophy, meaning that real, living consciousness-energy is affected, in a philosophically recognizable pattern of "construct."
I would like to say these energies (not just electrostatic energies, but living interweavings of Life Force) are perfectly safe, but only when they are directed properly. The energies of the Planetary Portal are sickening and disgusting as it is now, and very tense. That's what most of the fighting in the world is about -- the control of that Planetary Portal. What is in the ancient catacombs, some Human-ET Holy Grail of Life?
Playing with and holding lightning is what Chi Gong masters have known and used for thousands of years. One's consciousness has to be clear and purified, which is what Buddha's teachings excellently relate, in order to harness these energies but requiring some serious ethics to hone in which to honor life [for the highest good].
The Light is already here. The mainstream media for example though.. they paint an illusion as a movie, an act in a play, that is totally not real at all! It's a total lie. So when we cut ties with the lie, and see the world as it is, and live the way in which we are all in Peace, then you'll find that world, and you'll see how suddenly everything is uplifted and all are enlightened! All it takes is to see the illusion as the illusion, and stay focused on the Truth as what is Real.
When the Planetary Portal is purified again, we will all be In Light, and we'll have our starships and paradise on Earth. Simply put, in whatever reality thread you find yourself, there cannot be huge world-wide inwardly-destructive conflicts during a "warp drive reality." The END of the world is NOT the same as the destruction of the world. Because the illusion can be seen through, people, and thus the world, are becoming enlightened.
A warrior's philosophy depends upon Love, because otherwise it would not be known what is "harm." A warrior fights when ways of love and loving existence is threatened by evil. Love thusly defines a warrior's reason for being; and joy is the goal of life, to a warrior. When a warrior loses his/her way on a spiritual path, he/she becomes the very evil he/she fights against.
Without a unification [of all-as-one], there is only positive and negative. A unification of positive and negative is both within the universe and beyond the universe. Unification of life and soul forces is beyond mere positive and negative, and as such is considered "Sacred" which is permanent and beyond [the need for] destruction (destructive energies). There is no loss nor death which is not relished and experienced as vital life Experience (forever knowledge and forever existence) to and of the Soul, which is Eternally valid beyond "memory" which is energy. Energy cannot be destroyed therefore, because action cannot be uncreated.
The Soul Creates Energy. Energy is action. If the Soul is beyond action, and beyond energy, then identity is also a creation of the soul, and the soul's expression of existence. The Soul exists in pure "fields" of radiant and life-giving Love. "Love" is a logical understanding of the harmony (and dischord) and infinite becomingness of the Soul's creation of existence. Love, to the mind, is the logical ultimate unification -- Source of All Life, of All Souls -- of life, because life exists; nonexistence is yet to be existing, as that possibility of there to be energy. Quantum probability waves is the nature of light itself -- existence and non-existence, which is only a thing of mind alone.
Source experiences existence of Creation from the "point of view," giving the gift of "self" (selflessly giving; Love); and thus the unity of "All Selves" is the Soul Experience ultimately of Source. Source (Prime Creator; Source of All Life and All Creation) Experiences "Self" from the point of view of Creation. The "Self" actually pertains to action, identity, and thus mind. That is why Love is the highest state of conscious alignment, and the highest frequency of more permanent form, and Honors Source from Life's perspective as Conscious Creation, because it is consciousness which has the choice to be ignorant or enlightened (Light-Mind). Both states of existence and nonexistence pertains only to Creation (the Multiverse), which is not a valid reality to life itself which ultimately is the Soul (beyond the Creation of Consciousness). Positive and negative energies (action and mind) is also of Love because Love is All Things. That is the Creation of the Paradox, which paradoxically is a creation of Light-unity.
Without unification as Love, the shadow is regarded destructively and negatively, instead of depth of light. Even in light reality, all possibilities exist (although more relative parallel reality maintains a general "greater identity" or rather, "entity"). Realities are navigated through frequencies of focus (form), and action. Frequented pathways are the very trapping of the identity itself; and in higher dimensions, a light-ego creates shadow which is depth and universal experience (the existence of "physical" universes). The Buddha warned of a philosophy of phenomenological creation (I create all I see and hear), because that can become a trap of illusion. Co-Creation is more realistic because you are also created, just as you also create yourself, and have the power of free will. The cycling of energies must align everything in harmonic resonance where there are no battles that are not dances of consciousness and energies for soul growth.
Be careful with those you play with. Impeccability is vital to any real Journey to know, as is professionalism. Basic discernment is the door opened by the key of unconditional love; and too that door must also be unconditional love. Unconditional love is hard to master, and to know, especially when energy ethics and creation are part of the whole equation of responsibility [to life]. A warrior code of Bushido is my focus to balancing the yin and yang of energy reality (the stillness, and the motion). It is an unconditionally loving act to defend Earth and Humanity from destructive evil -- that old and ancient inner conflict. It is the mark of intelligence, as the Dali Lama says, "if a man pulls his gun on you, shoot him with yours." That may not seem to be unconditionally loving (it is nonetheless unconditional action), but to appropriately honor life, one must be willing to act, to uproot the poison ivy so that your neighbors don't get a serious rash or critical allergic reaction -- that is un-conditional love, and also to discern and KNOW THE DIFFERENCE, what is harmful and what is beneficial. That path can take a lifetime in conditioning. It is not a play on words, it is a multidimensional association of awareness of honoring the purpose of life.
In all ancient cultures, Earth is honored as the ancient spirit/consciousness of dragon energy, which is the epitamy of knowledge of unity and unconditional love, and life creation, and of good and evil. There are many galaxy photographs from Hubble which are beautiful to behold, and resemble dragons of some kind. A nearby lake also from overhead view resembles an Oriental dragon. As Jesus said, he cast fire (the fire of the breath, of the sword of truth -- in speech, deed, and energy) upon the Earth and guards it until it blazes. Truth as fire can warm one, uplift one, or burn one.
"Don't cut through the backbone of the mountain or you cut through the dragon, and it is dishonor to Earth." Chi energy is associated with dragonkind, Humanity's birthright and ancient star-heritage. This may seem really odd to some people, especially to Christians who are taught that the dragon is evil incarnate. That makes me very sad. All creatures great and small. One must come face-to-face with one's own ethics (one's own shadow) in a Life Review, which is also a gift of the Kundalini opening. It's always a choice to be self-empowered, or to be a victim.
Sometimes it is the most unconditionally loving act to use tough love, so ignorance can be brought to light to see the consequences of what each holds in accountability for his/her actions and deeds. Fluffy bunny Love without intelligence is blind acceptance to good as well as evil. Turning the other cheek is an act of cowardice, although to be fair sometimes one must walk away from chaotic people to respect one's own vibration and integrity. Any time Human beings do acts of unspeakable evil to the Earth and to each other, how can one turn the other cheek without severe consequences to one's self-integrity of one's very existence? How can such acts come from Human beings? To deny the spirit of Love and Life in others is not the act of a Human being. Human beings are noble, and often deny the spirit of Love and life unto themselves because of society; and people can get lost as souls. That is a paradox of Humanity, and deep inner conflicts may result from honoring others but not oneself. The Path of Love in Human culture is to acknowledge the other first, and then acknowledge both, "You-We" (YHWH). Self is acknowledged in the giving.
Ironically, that is what pumps one's own energy up the most. Giving energy to the Earth, through my touch-sphere equipment also pumped my own energy up. I could measure it on meters. It is not so esoteric. Rubbing a static plate (like the wide and narrow top squirrel cage of my console, or the foot plate, or any static surface) with a hand or foot, also increases the overall voltage of one's auric-chi field along with the Earth chi-field; the Human being is an integral component of Earth Sacred energy and expressed planetary intelligence. [There has to be a static surface which touches air, for the radiant energy of Earth electrostatic charge (chi) to rise and fill the body and atmosphere with healing energy of Earth, the Sacred Mother.] It is not an isolated mechanic, but the result of phenomenal sharing, "interphasing", interweaving, and interacting cyclical energy currents also of positive and negative, above and below, within and without, all of the tapestry of creation and life-existence. Unfortunately there are aspects of Humanity which is out of resonance with the rest of Humanity, to the point where destruction to all of Human intelligence can be a threat. They are not out of phase, yet. Out of phase is to not even know of such an existence of such an anti-vibration which does not cancel, but diverges from the entirety of the experience of Human and Earth reality.
The dragon has always been associated with the balance of polarity, of paradoxes not dualities, of Earth, Human, and Cosmic reality. Light is simple unity of energy and matter and time as one. Unconditional Love is the highest frequency of unity reality, and in the highest resonance together, acknowledging all parts of the whole -- Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combination (IDIC). Light is knowledge and experience of unconditional love. On Earth, in such physical universal-reality frequencies, light is a paradox doubly so, not just the paradox of time and space, electric and magnetic, but also "good and evil." In all two paradoxical events (both opposite and complimentary; there are no dualities that are not made so only by the mind of Hu-man), there is always a third unifying aspect which includes both the two paradoxical aspects. Evil is ignorance.
Space and Time unifies as Light. Light-time is frequency of space. Light is simultaneous outside of time, all of time all at once, in fields of probability (zero energy or quantum energy), while creating time (see: twin photon/particle experiment). Paradoxes can be multiple events (greater than 2) at once, muldidimensionally. Electric, magnetic, and static space of time is light unity; light is a unified form of consciousness, enlightened action of the soul, and is the Soul (House of Love) manifesting and enlighting within fields of consciousness.
Unified Current ; Light as the unity of the paradox of living energy
Light is the unity of all matter. The entire electromagnetic spectrum is light. Electric and magnetic, positive and negative, light splits into paradoxes, which is energy and matter. It's not a duality, it's a paradox. Matter is Light.
The working of one thing with another is energy. Energy is technically a paradox as a physical universe. The universe exists as seeking stability in inherently unstable conditions. You have to lose your balance to take a step forward, and regain it, lose it and fall forward and regain it, and then you are walking. It is a concept called "stable instability." Energy. The universe is Sacred, meaning it is a Creation and Expression of Life, never was the universe built to end, but to experience, and as experience, that can never be taken from life.
Metaphysically and Philosophically, Light is not Source. Light is a form of consciousness, and so it is creation. Source created life (Souls), and so too, Souls are considered the source of energy, the creative powerhouse of the Sacred Identity; and yet too it must be understood that the Soul is not Source. Creation is All. All things exist as creation, parts of creation, and so all things create, and are creative. Light creates its own shadow. Darkness is an aspect of light, especially when light is considered as the unity of paradoxes, and thus creating paradoxes. If the unity of matter is light, all things vibrate (blackbody radiation for example), then when a planet gets in the way of the sun, and creates a shadow, there is light also as the existence (and experience ) of shadow.
For discernment purposes: the light is free, and responsible with information; the dark withholds information, and misdirects and misleads with information. People can be light, or their light can be dim and they can seem dark. True darkness is light's deepest shadow; and with that, there is a need for caution. There may be some info on the home page and in the metaphysics blog also that can help people find their way with that, and helpful distinctions and qualifications are made throughout this site.
I do not want to overload people with heavy metaphysics on this website. The book is primarily designed for complete unification and comprehension. Love is considered Source, and that is for a very good reason. In fact Lifeforce, Light, and Love all flow from Source. Soul is the Living "I Am I." Soul Creates Mind. Mind is Action and Identity. Identity seeks stability, Action inherently manifests as change and creates form. All substance is Mind. Reality beyond substance is also not discussed on this website.
Light exists beyond time, with no time, there is no time. Light is all time that can exist, all at once. What is timeless exists within boundaries of identity, action, and purpose [to act and to be]. Objects are considered when "things" are perceived action is separated from All Universal and Cosmic Action. That is the System of Reality of the physical universe of energy. There are no real objects. Energy exists not just to define the physical universe, but also existing as the manifestation of the soul into form; for energy is form. Consciousness is form. Soul is beyond form, and so form is infinitely expanding and infinitely becoming as the Creation of the Soul, and as the Creation of Source of All Life, Prime Creator.
The below is the nature of unified current, magnetic and electric, parallel and perpendicular, positive and negative. These things are separate because of how they are simultaneous. It is an interesting universe of the Living Paradox.
The magnetic field North on top and South on bottom runs at right angles (transverse) to the two wires. (186,000 miles/second)
<-- TRANSVERSE MAGNETIC FIELD (ignore the "parallel" word to the immediate left.
<-- DI-ELECTRIC FIELD, or the electrostatic / electrical field runs in parallel to the two wires. Inertia is < --- > parallel. (220,000 miles/second)
The electromagnetic inertia runs transverse to the electrostatic field inertia. This is just a rough piece of a picture that I need to clean up for visual clarity; apologies/. My usage of the word "inertia" here describes the flow of current either running parallel to the ends of the wires, or parallel laterally across the wires, for more confusion (humorous remark). ... also See: Eric Dollard
You can transform from magneto-electrostatic (basically: "electromagnetic") to electrostatic, and back to electromagnetic again. A bare-wire metal squirrel cage surrounding a spark discharge from a collapsing electromagnetic field will pick up an electrostatic energy. An electrostatic energy can simply use diodes to get the wave to spin in one way only, to transfer back to electromagnetic energy. Isolating the spin of an electrostatic energy in one direction will create an electromagnetic current. There are other ways other than diodes to achieve that. One fellow used a big rock (solid state properties of basic diodes) connected to a basic antennae to power his entire house. He used to be Tesla's neighbor. I forget his name but upon his death-bed said "why didn't anyone help me [to develop this technology]?"
The Bedini engine (by John Bedini) uses collapsing electromagnetic fields to induce high volt charge which passes it back and forth between a couple of capacitors (batteries were used in his later technology) to perpetually turn a rotor. You just give it an initial spark of energy, and it perpetuates the whole system. The Testatica in Switzerland uses magneto-electrostatic fields and electrostatic fields in two spinning aluminum disks separated by an air-gap to generate massive electricity to power the village. Some systems will take a spark, amplify it, and perpetuate it, in resonating systems.
<-- TRANSVERSE MAGNETIC FIELD (ignore the "parallel" word to the immediate left.
<-- DI-ELECTRIC FIELD, or the electrostatic / electrical field runs in parallel to the two wires. Inertia is < --- > parallel. (220,000 miles/second)
The electromagnetic inertia runs transverse to the electrostatic field inertia. This is just a rough piece of a picture that I need to clean up for visual clarity; apologies/. My usage of the word "inertia" here describes the flow of current either running parallel to the ends of the wires, or parallel laterally across the wires, for more confusion (humorous remark). ... also See: Eric Dollard
You can transform from magneto-electrostatic (basically: "electromagnetic") to electrostatic, and back to electromagnetic again. A bare-wire metal squirrel cage surrounding a spark discharge from a collapsing electromagnetic field will pick up an electrostatic energy. An electrostatic energy can simply use diodes to get the wave to spin in one way only, to transfer back to electromagnetic energy. Isolating the spin of an electrostatic energy in one direction will create an electromagnetic current. There are other ways other than diodes to achieve that. One fellow used a big rock (solid state properties of basic diodes) connected to a basic antennae to power his entire house. He used to be Tesla's neighbor. I forget his name but upon his death-bed said "why didn't anyone help me [to develop this technology]?"
The Bedini engine (by John Bedini) uses collapsing electromagnetic fields to induce high volt charge which passes it back and forth between a couple of capacitors (batteries were used in his later technology) to perpetually turn a rotor. You just give it an initial spark of energy, and it perpetuates the whole system. The Testatica in Switzerland uses magneto-electrostatic fields and electrostatic fields in two spinning aluminum disks separated by an air-gap to generate massive electricity to power the village. Some systems will take a spark, amplify it, and perpetuate it, in resonating systems.
This is a simple resonating circuit using diodes and capacitors. This circuit also converts electrostatic energy to electromagnetic energy, polarizing the energy.
Electrostatic energy spins clockwise and counterclockwise simultaneously. Use diodes to get the wave to spin in only one direction. Likewise, a simple DC motor can be fitted with a propeller so the wind turns it. If you connect it to the battery, the battery will spin it. Put diodes online, and it stops the battery from turning the motor while allowing the wind to turn the motor to generate electricity to charge the battery. Note, the wires from the antenna and ground actually touch the circuit. I just didn't connect the lines so the actual circuit could be clearly seen.
Various Notes:
When most physics textbooks talk about an electric field, they really are talking about an electromagnetic field. Because a pure electrostatic field actually has NO magnet in it.
The thing about electrostatic capacitance is that it can't be measured except with a digital voltmeter, but sometimes builds up in like a capacitor and will continue to be there until the generator is turned off, and then turned back on again, in which case it's gone. The electrostatic energy will actually amplify the current by a large amount.
That's the principle behind a Tesla tower.
For example, natural lightning is electrostatic and will NOT induce a magnetic current (electromagnetic), unless it is polarized by hitting some kind of mineral deposit or underground pipe or something.
Electromagnetic compression on a build-up of natural radiant electrostatic energy will create a huge voltage through the aether and parallel with gravity force -- parallel to the surface of Earth. For example, DC current transmitted along long power lines compress the radiant electrostatic energy present in the wires and it makes these horizontal blue energy lines sticking out both sides of the power lines, sometimes arcing lots of lightning to ground.
But as soon as the electromagnetic current actually touches that electrostatic energy, it's just gone; the electromagnetic energy displaces the electrostatic energy.
. . .
Intentional Energy
updated 3/31/2015
Intentional energy physics has a large part to play in Tesla physics. Energy of mind and body is the same energy as that which is harnessed in these Tesla energy experiments. Intention can fill a coil with energy, and drain it of volts. Mind and intention play a huge role in these energies. That's why metaphysics is important. Thought-piloted energy systems, using the "Force" (as in Star Wars, the movies) so to speak has to be at least revealed / made known. One's body voltage resonates with the system, either increasing the volts or dropping them. No energy has to be exchanged when in resonance, and yet energy CAN BE exchanged. The chi of the body can be stripped until it regenerates (until the mind regenerates), or it can be instantly strengthened when in resonance. The mind can block one's chi flows, whereas it's not the mind that strengthens one's chi flows, but it is nonetheless a focus of consciousness and conscious intent. All of that can indeed be measured in conjunction with the energies of Tesla technology. Brainwaves can be measured on an EEG machine. The body's chi can be directed, hardened, softened, and be measured on a digital voltmeter. The static field of a body, as the aura of chi is also within the body and flow as one, much like how the outside Tesla tower worked together with an inside Tesla console, not connected physically unless it was desired, yet connected via energy field, because it is all one and the same substance.
Where you intend your thoughts and energy to go, is how the ship flies, and is also how Chi Gong kung fu (Gung fu) is practiced. Likewise where you intend to go, is where you will find yourself to be (hyperdimensional navigation; directed action and being).
Intentional energy physics has a large part to play in Tesla physics. Energy of mind and body is the same energy as that which is harnessed in these Tesla energy experiments. Intention can fill a coil with energy, and drain it of volts. Mind and intention play a huge role in these energies. That's why metaphysics is important. Thought-piloted energy systems, using the "Force" (as in Star Wars, the movies) so to speak has to be at least revealed / made known. One's body voltage resonates with the system, either increasing the volts or dropping them. No energy has to be exchanged when in resonance, and yet energy CAN BE exchanged. The chi of the body can be stripped until it regenerates (until the mind regenerates), or it can be instantly strengthened when in resonance. The mind can block one's chi flows, whereas it's not the mind that strengthens one's chi flows, but it is nonetheless a focus of consciousness and conscious intent. All of that can indeed be measured in conjunction with the energies of Tesla technology. Brainwaves can be measured on an EEG machine. The body's chi can be directed, hardened, softened, and be measured on a digital voltmeter. The static field of a body, as the aura of chi is also within the body and flow as one, much like how the outside Tesla tower worked together with an inside Tesla console, not connected physically unless it was desired, yet connected via energy field, because it is all one and the same substance.
Where you intend your thoughts and energy to go, is how the ship flies, and is also how Chi Gong kung fu (Gung fu) is practiced. Likewise where you intend to go, is where you will find yourself to be (hyperdimensional navigation; directed action and being).
Sorry for the blurring of this picture. These are images from my book. There is a wire stretched across the view, just one wire. It's that really obvious one in the foreground. There are also 3 wires in a tripod, supporting that pole standing alone to the left. That pole has no wires connected to the tower, yet the energy force-field can be seen stretching between the tower and pole. Also at the base of the tower is a violet-blue colored large orb of energy around the smaller resonating transformer; long pole raised up, instead of down. Also there is a much larger sphere of energy photographed around the larger resonating transformer; that one is centered a little above the middle point of the large magnet-wire wrapped coil between Earth surface and the bottom of the second-story platform. There is also a third, smaller than the first one mentioned. There is a hole cut in the second-story platform so the large bare-wire (spaced evenly, but it doesn't have to be too precise) wrapped aluminum squirrel cage "base" can be lifted up and down through the platform. Can you see the energy aura around the tower? Cameras, camera phones, night-vision cameras and security cameras all pick up in the infrared band. This picture was just from a simple and older phone.
The aluminum squirrel cages and copper bare wire wraps also chemically react as the two metals form a slight electromagnetic current. In the earlier stages, that current had built up in the tower and painfully shocked me once. After the tower was larger, that energy dynamic changed, and was able to pass freely to the Earth and out through the top without destroying the electrostatic field, but enhancing it. Electromagnet current would lower the volts at times, depolarizing Earth ground; and the ground would have to repolarize electrostatically (rather, "di-electrically") on its own. Once I caught an anomaly of an electromagnetic charge build-up in the tower and console as it rose up through the systems (radiant rise; Earth chi rises up out of the Earth; Earth chi is electro-radiant, living electrostatic). I used the electromagnetic current from that same AA battery to knock it out several times before it stopped. It was my rule of thumb that electromagnetic current was destructive to the living radiant charge field of electrostatic chi. So when I had to introduce destructive energies, it did so without dishonor to the energy that was being nurtured; it was for a purpose, not by accidental ignorance on my part.
Integral to the substance of the overall magneto-electrostatic (actually it can be considered a static magnet) field, the two energies (electromagnetic and electrostatic) were very well balanced so as not to over-power and depolarize each other. Electromagnetic current did not create the initial energy; and the electrostatic field conducted the electromagnetic energy through and as a magneto-static radiance, but without the spark. That was a rare instance. It means that an electromagnetic current was isolated to where it allowed for the compression of electrostatic radiant energy present in the system, without directly touching the electrostatic energy, so as not to displace the electrostatic energy. I prefer to call that "magneto-static," rather than "magneto-electrostatic," to denote that difference.
The trick to gaining lots of magneto-electrostatic energy by electromagnetic compression of electrostatic fields is to not directly touch the electrostatic with an electromagnetic CURRENT, because the electromagnetic current DISPLACES the electrostatic energy. Also keep in mind, electromagnetic current takes a direct path, but electrostatic energy does not. That means, an electromagnetic current generating a field can be directly connected to the system, just as long as the electromagnetic current is directed to where it doesn't run through the ENTIRE system, displacing the electrostatic.
I'm going to have to re-write this next part. There is a difference between a static magnet (magneto-static), and a magneto-electrostatic energy (the energy of the spark discharge from an inductance coil, for example). Electrostatic sparks are observable as lightning bolts.
In some instances, the tower and the console harnessed magneto-static energy (magneto-electrostatic without the spark; the spark forms the energy type of magneto-electrostatic; electrostatic can also be radiant as in di-electric, (electrostatic energy is di-electrostatic, meaning di-electric fields, including ions, won't work in a vacuum. The Quantum vacuum on the other hand is different, but I want to be as clear as possible with conventional electrostatics -- which includes di-electrostatics -- as requiring air or plasma to generate, but the wave can travel through a vacuum, and also resonate the quantum vacuum); or as a spark like lightning which creates an electrostatic field over long distance). If I would have wound the coils around a magnetized cylinder with air-core center, instead of wooden poles, the Earth would have probably benefited more from a higher frequency, although the obvious risk is environmental damage, earthquakes, and other potential unknown side-effects.
Electric and magnetic and static/scalar; magneto-static/scalar (with quantum vacuum resonance), and electro-static/scalar and electro-radiant . . . static is "in the air," whereas scalar is "shape of energy." . . . electro-radiant can be di-electric. Magneto-radiant is just a magnet, like a magnetized chunk of iron, or the magnetic field of Earth. A magnetic field can form in a vacuum. A di-electric field can form in a vacuum because it can propagate through a vacuum (but not be generated in a vacuum). Electrostatic energy requires air, but the energy wave created from electric fields in air can propagate through a vacuum as a di-electric field but with the scalar shape of an electrostatic wave (for example, sound can be "heard" through space through a telescope, "piggybacked" on the light wave).
Each behaves slightly differently, and is formed in different ways. I'm trying to fit this into a commonly understandable way, without totally redefining and confusing myself and everyone else ... The spark is an electrical arcing of a tiny magnet, which is the spark itself. That spark can be unpolarized as in natural lightning, so there is no electromagnetic pulse, because the magnetic field couldn't be measured from natural lightning except in rare occasions, and yet the field CAN form an electromagnet if the electric charge is induced into electronics which use diodes.
On the other hand, the spark itself is electric. There is no magnet in it, until it is polarized.
Magnetic current and electric current each have three aspects with the seventh aspect shared; and the unity of it all shared, is light. ... Electro-radiant is a unique focus of radiant fields and static fields -- di-electric (di-electrostatic). Magneto-static energy is the 7th energy type of paradoxical light energy.
In a tornado, water molecules spin in di-electric alignment, causing not a "suction" but an antigravity effect (gravity equilibrium). People in an air-tight sealed walk-in cooler at a gas station had a video camera turned on when they took shelter in the cooler from a tornado. The cooler stayed where it was, but the people were levitating and drifting around inside the cooler. Inertial di-electric forces can be cycled in AC to generate lift in one direction. Even in AC, there is a polarity of one way, or the other (see more, below). The outer ring drive of the LAU-X3 can engage in a zeroing effect for inertia, gravity, time, and space using unified geometry of unified energy.
Magneto-static resonates a magnetic field sympathetically to create "sound." Sound can also propagate in a vacuum, piggybacked on the light from say a particular object in space. There have been recordings of the sound of objects as those vibrations are carried by the light wave that is seen by telescopes on Earth. There was a man who used a Meade telescope to take photos of planets in broad daylight, and also to photograph strange things that looked and sounded like ships in our solar system. I'll have to find that reference and link. He had black helicopters flying all around him. In any case, I wanted to make these distinctions of energy types, and descriptions.
Light energy is unified mass, time, and inertia, in an experience of reality unlike matter, yet as the unity of the experience of matter (and thus also including matter). That gets metaphysical real quickly.
That's how I break it all down, and put it all together; the geometry of all this is discussed more in my book, including how the 7th point of a wheel can be half of a circle of 12 points (1/2 spin of [hyperdimensional] matter). The Tesla mathematics and vortex mathematics (9 points of a circle) all have these geometrical dynamics in common of a root universe of 12 dimensions (the most pleasing shape). Light itself is 12 dimensional unity; matter is 1/2 the spin, in a 7 ray geometry of matter.
The trinity of matter as quark-combinations of the basic building blocks of matter -- a proton -- 3 quarks each with 6 possible combinations, the Rainbow serpent, the Quetzalcoatl life creation -- that underlining geometry is also the Tesla geometry of the council of 9 (the nine points around the circle symbolic with the nine planets in our star system (Sol)), the same as vortex geometry. Eventually that entire matrix unifies in 12 dimensions; 3 . 3 . 3 including 3D time as the fourth triad gives us comfortable road-mapping of the tapestry of reality. There are many possible shapes and combinations and concepts that can come from 12 dimensional matter-energy.
Excuse me for my "geometrical abstract." Physics is like poetry and music to me. It's an art, as well as a science. I say it's electrostatic, and then I say it's magnetostatic. There is no word, "magnetostatic," in the common dictionary. What is a static magnet? What form is that? It is a "static" magnet, a magnet not in motion, yet in all motion at once (spinning both directions simultaneously). If something is not in motion, it's static, and it's scalar and spatial. Electroradiant is pure electrical energies with no magnet. Pure magnetic energies is a magnet (like an iron bar or neodymium rock that's been magnetized). Maybe that will help distinguish the matter of energies. There are no solid objects; it's all universal energy-action.
Here's the obvious clue: The X-1 engine spins clockwise and counterclockwise simultaneously, and it is primarily electromagnetic. That creates a large force of electrostatic radiant energy -- as a static-magnet. If there were sparks in the field (thus being very high volt and frequency), it would be electrostatic-magnetic. Without the spark, the electro-magnetostatic field of the X-1 builds tremendous potential. Volts, mass-field, resonant harmonics with Earth space-time gravity field, the star field (of our star, Sol), etc ... Mass is increased inertia (spin/rotation/gyration). Mass is an electromagnetic wave (actually mass would have to be magneto-electrostatic. Air is composed of protons). That's why the OTC X-1 floated, disappeared, teleported / traveled.
... The Utrons provide the power to turn the electromagnets on and off, and the high volt discharge of the electromagnetic field collapses accumulates in the center and on the capacitor plates. As the electromagnets spin one way, the utrons spin the other; the utrons spiral electromagnetic fields both in one polarity on one side of the utron, and in the opposite on the other side of the utron as they pass through the electromagnetic field (vortex). The static field is the motion of the rotating charges as the whole thing is set into motion. There is also the rotating AC field as the field forms/collapses/forms/collapses. All that comes into play creating the phenomena observed in the historic OTC-X1. The oscillation of the AC field is conducted through the magneto-electrostatic medium, continuing to build up a charge. Using exotic metal material science and construction (room temperature superconductivity), then we have a very real possibility of interstellar travel among neighboring star systems.
Magneto-electrostatic fields are created by a spark; but, that spark changes the entire nature of the energy as the spark itself begins resonating throughout the entire equipment. ... it is likely a spark and a spike are similar, if the spike has enough voltage.
What is Energy? Energy is the working of one thing with another. The simplest form of energy is Consciousness, which is the motion of action and identity -- as a living paradox defined in "The Three Creative Dilemmas," in the book, "The Seth Material" by Jane Roberts, pg 215. That is the most logical definition that applies universally that I have found. It is simple enough, Identity acts, while Action itself establishes identity, otherwise there could be nothing upon which action could act. Those are paradoxes, and so it can be assumed that paradoxical structure is very unifiable to realms beyond light itself. Energy is unity, mind, light (mind and light is form) created by the soul (formless), and is the vitality of life itself (Life Force). Ultimately, energy comes from One Common Source of Existence and Life, which can be considered "Prime Creator" or "Source" -- our Point of Origin.
Creation is the reality of all action, simply put (although Creation itself is ALSO beyond the dimensions of action, and including dimensions of action), and is creative -- after all, the very definition of "Creation" implies just that. The Soul Creates Action. Perception is a Creative Act. Perception also Creates. Thus the Soul Creates Consciousness. Light is a form of consciousness.
Contextually in a frame of unifiable physics, Light is a good place to examine energy, from that perspective: Energy is the paradox of light itself (light can be considered "unified energy"), set into motion (as action; having inertia, direction, life, reality); and timeless, yet forming time as the separation (past, present, future) between the paradoxical events. It comes from the soul, from the inner vitality of life itself, and from Source of All Life. Energy is Life Force. We are Living Energy. We Create Energy. The patterns of Life is itself, Consciousness.
The harm you do to another, you do to yourself; and vice-versa, the good and the life you share and co-generate together is much more vitalizing and even healing. By "Creation" I am also implying "in Resonance" where much more energy is generated than the spark which goes into the establishment of the initial action: Intention creates energy.
Light is a form of consciousness, and created by Life Force. Consciousness is Creation. Light energy is unified energy, a creation of Life Force, and the form of "illuminated" mind -- the soul's perception in alignment with conscious action, and with knowing of the truth of Love. Probability waves are considered "zero" energy by quantum scientists, but it is the probability for energy to exist, meaning it is not zero but infinite. A photon is the source of the big bang. Of course the big bang is relatively non-applicable. See: "Law of Energy" in the metaphysics blog. See: "Inflation of Space Theory" on the Warp Drive News page.
Light is the unity of matter; that trinity is a type of Creation of form of Living energy. Light is simple unity; all matter is an aspect of light-action, either unified or paradoxical. See toward the bottom of this page, "Paradoxes of Unity" -- Unifiable Logic. Form is not limited to merely hard physical reality, and neither is matter/energy. Dreams for example, are also a form of matter, but in a different "astral dimensional" temporal vibration.
Light is considered to have energy, but not time, and not mass. Actually, if mass and time are phased to zero, then they become infinite, and cannot exist in the universe with infinite mass and infinite time. Yet that should not be considered as a zero barrier, or the end of existence, but as matter-energy in higher and higher frequency states. So if we were living as pure photons, as pure light, any probable reality could be experienced, in any time, anywhere, according to the momentum, focus, direction, and pattern of intentional design and purpose the "light body" is determined and desired.
Action and Being go hand in hand. Action is Identity; that is a paradox. I don't want to spoil it too much so no one reads the book ... Fear is not a food of life. Love is. Fear is the food of death. Love and fear is a paradox. Another aspect of the paradox is that two paradoxical events cannot be experienced simultaneously, although the very nature of two paradoxical events exist at the same time, but for example, I cannot directly experience the life of a tree when I live the life of a Human. When energy-matter-reality unifies, then it is no longer a paradox! An electron's position cannot be measured simultaneous with its momentum, and it always appears where and when it is observed to be. Looking at it under an electron-microscope (observable as a 2-dimensional object, paradoxically) holds it in a higher manifestation of unified fields, in conjunction with consciousness, and perception. An electron is not an object, it is a paradox of action. That notion is found in various places throughout this website in more detail. Obviously if an electron's position cannot be measured simultaneous with its momentum, then it does not act in the same manner as for example a baseball.
Light as unified energy is a unique experience of oneness without separation. Yet, boundaries exist in regard to purpose. Light is also considered knowledge of the Truth of Love and Creation. And so that makes physical (paradoxical) universes even more interesting, which also exist in the Yin and Yang of balance of equals and opposites, positive and negative, etc. Keep in mind Light is a Living Energy, since all Creation is Living Creation. Even rocks and artificial machines are created from living conscious reality as the Inner "Dream" of Living Souls. The Soul forms entire landscapes of existence and being.
The ego attempts to divorce and distinguish self from "away-from-self" or all that surrounds self. The reality of the self though includes all that is within and surrounding self. I am the trees, I am the birds, I am the lake, the Earth, the sky, the clouds, the mountains, the forest, the animals, etc. That is Oneness. The reality of my self includes all that I experience. As light splits to become positive and negative, space and time, one and all, then the Soul is not within the body, the body is part of Inner Reality of the Soul.
In this case of the paradox, simultaneous reality is the very nature of unity. So then can I directly experience the reality of Tree? Well, now that gets into metaphysics. The Light Body is the unity of self and all that surrounds self as the experience of the reality (or the wholeness of the reality; you are your [OWN] reality) of the self. Circumstances, places, people, events, those are all aspects of the non-ego self, the light-body self, and the soul (which is Who one Is) . . . That is Ascension, the direct experience of higher reality which also must include one's current frame of reality which in part defines oneself. Who one is will always be who one is. What one does is a result of who one is.
Light photons have spin of 1, one wholeness. Matter has spin of 1/2, one half light. Light is simultaneous in speed, the twin photon experiment showed entangled twin photons can reverse their spin at any distance simultaneously because there is no limit in time since light has no mass, or rather a different form of unified phased-to-zero mass (zero is infinity probability). Mass has time. In higher dimensions, it must be assumed there is matter and energy, just not as we know it (dreams must have energy and matter); however for all intents and purposes, light has zero mass and zero time, which is why it can measure the frequencies of time better than anything else.
Light as a photon, as a one-dimensional point having no space or time (all of time at once, having no space or rather having no mass, no such paradoxical form; and even still having an infinite probability for there to be infinite mass and infinite time all at once and always expanding -- but that cannot manifest in the universe as infinite mass, otherwise the universe couldn't exist as such) is not really an object, not a particle. But (AND), photons from energy waves can vibrate sacred shapes of sacred geometry constructs, and fractal patterns of nature, such as the golden ratio PHI which can be seen as each leaf of a tree aligns to receive sunlight (in resonance with the quantum vacuum).
Light is the unity of magneto-electrostatic space and time (matter-energy), and has unified mass (the mass wave spinning both directions at once, depolarized). Just because light exists as quantum waves (probability waves) of the probability for there to be energy, there is infinite probability for energy to always be, in any moment of time, an infinite upwelling of infinite energy that to split a photon would be the creation of an entire universe!
A single manifestation in time requires there to be an infinite past, and infinite future of such a particle in a universe of infinite probability, creating time, space, action, causality. Non-causality is the reality; your own life is not the result of reality and events, people, and places; your existence results in the life around you. Ho'oponopono (Hawaiian; Acknowledgement of Creation). Co-creation is the form of what we create together in harmony and resonance; what remains.
Light as a photon also is the unity of the moment of energy. Radio waves emit photons. Electromagnetic waves light bulbs. All frequency is possible with photons. Photons also carry the frequency of the radio wave it is the unity of. Teleportation, or Ascension of matter into light can become matter again and retain it's own pattern but in the best possible form.
Granted, some pass through light and it turns out for the worse, so the consciousness must be prepared, and through love and support, be guided through light and out the other side, illuminated (but it may take a little time afterwards to bring it all into focus).
A Brain Teaser: (Electrostatic Magnetization; IE Electrostatic Polarization)
updated (3/14/15)
Magnetizing of a sewing pin from static electricity! Use it as a compass to point north by rubbing it on your clothes a few times. Actually, if you rub the sewing needle on silk in one way only, then it forms a magnet. The static electricity will have a double-spin magnetic field (spinning both directions at once). By rubbing the sewing pin in one direction over silk, it polarizes the electromagnetic force of the static electricity in one-way-only, thus forming a magnet and magnetizing the sewing pin!
Also, you can tap the pin with a little metal hammer aligning it north-south, and you can also rub the pin over a knife honing rod for example in one way only over and over, to magnetize it. Lightning can strike iron and magnetize it, electrically polarizing the iron.
A ferrous (magnetic) material conducting electrostatic energy can possibly form a magnet. The possible magnet can be conducted as electromagnetic current. How's that for far out? Electrostatic energy is not electromagnetic! But, just because electricity passes over a magnet, does not make that electricity magnetic (if it is electrostatic). There are ways to transform the energies, however.
If the pin were solid aluminum or copper, and not steel (an alloy mixture of iron and various non-ferrous metals), would it become a magnet? No, it would not. It's highly likely that steel plates (instead of aluminum), and steel wire (replacing the aluminum and copper metals in the "Re-Tesla" tower with magnetizable steel plates) could pulse with an electromagnetic frequency transferred through the electro-radiant fields generated by resonance from the tower/Earth/Sky system.
That would mean that a Tesla-type tower built with steel instead of copper and aluminum could make it's own usable electricity to power motors electromagnetically with a natural type of diode-action inherent in the materials.
I'm gonna haveta try this!
Here's the thing.. On rare occasions, a bolt of lightning conducts along the ground (from a ground-strike in the distance) as an electromagnetic current (DC current). That electrostatic bolt becomes polarized striking various elements of the Earth's surface like iron in the ground or iron water pipes. That polarized electrical current is electromagnetic. This means that electro-radiant (electrostatic bio-energy field of nature and lifeforms) energy will form electromagnetic current when polarized through a electromagnetically polarizable material.
That would be the solution to the paradox mentioned above.
As electricity (pure electrostatic energy) conducts through the ferrous metal (like iron or steel), it pushes a magnetic field. That's the essence of electromagnetic.
So, electrostatic energy conducted through steel wire could very easily transform into an electromagnetic current. That's a logical conclusion.
Could free energy be that simple??? It would be a continual DC power supply (at a frequency of DC)! Regulated via capacitor to perform a spark discharge through tuned spark gaps (a pulsing spark) would give it a magneto-electrostatic frequency in a DC or AC polarities.
The DC magneto-electrostatic polarity at high frequency or resonating frequencies in tune with the Pythagorean perfect note scale harnesses the electrogravity force (linearly -- in a straight-line spiral and/or in a geometrical plane -- via charge alignment). It would be better though to spin a little magnet between coils of wire (basic rotor-stator motor) that sparks along gaped points, like in a old car points-distributor ignition system that fires the spark plugs. That would give it a very fast "spark-rate" frequency. Such a motor is simple. Anyone can make a little electric motor powered from a battery with just coils of wire with a little magnet spinning in the center (the rotor). A little ring with spikes on it can spin between two charged points and conduct a spark. Place a hollow copper sphere in the middle of that ring with spikes to hold a capacitance, holding a static field of conductive electrical radiance. Variations of this concept involves the build-up and collapse of electromagnetic fields in a spinning vortex, or just a spinning disk. The spinning disk can turn on and off a circuit, powered by main connections from the Tesla-type tower to cause the magnetic induction resulting in oscilation of DC charges, or AC current.
A spark in the system determines the electromagnetic field (EMF) to be radio waves and/or to also emit a large static charge field. Radio waves are used in some gravity propulsion systems and warp drive engine systems such as what EAGLEWORKS is working on. See: David Sereda, and See: http://swdllc.paresspacewarpresearch.org/
(+) --------------------- ------------------ (-) (+)
------O> (+) (-) <O------
sparkgap |
(+) ------------------ ------------------- (-) (-)
( - ) polarity of Earth's positive charge * -- important wording
AC is different than DC; oscillation (180 degrees back-and-forth)
or alternation (360 degree spinning of charges) is AC. DC is
1/2 the spinning wave (1/2 circle), always in the same polarity
rather than rotating the polarity of pos and neg charges.
(+) Earth electrostatic charge near surface
AC is different than DC; oscillation (180 degrees back-and-forth)
or alternation (360 degree spinning of charges) is AC. DC is
1/2 the spinning wave (1/2 circle), always in the same polarity
rather than rotating the polarity of pos and neg charges.
(+) Earth electrostatic charge near surface
These two detailed schematics are basic exciter circuits for a Tesla tower type setup derived from an external power source. Obviously I'm not talking about an external power source though, but taping power harnessed by the tower itself. After all, it was supercharged with natural electrostatic energy from nature itself (living energy). There was no way to ever turn it off. As stated before, I had to dismantle it to deactivate it. Such a Tesla-type tower made of steel components instead of copper and aluminum would be like oscillating a lightning bolt continually.
And I absolutely have to note in the blue schematic above, I just noticed the top toroid is marked with a tiny little blue plus symbol. A lot of people do that. It's positive only because it's grounded to the Earth, and the Earth surface is positive. However the differential denotes the polarity. At Earth surface, is positive. Up top, the charge differential determines the top to be negative in relation with the bottom surface ground. A lot of people think the Earth surface is a negative charge, which is absolutely incorrect. In order for the Earth to be a negative ground, it must be a positive charge. If the surface of the Earth were actually a negative charge, then it would repel the like charge. In an automobile the negative terminal of the battery runs to ground because the Earth surface is positive. You can wire a car battery's negative terminal to a ground rod stuck in the Earth (with the battery still in the car) and the current will pass through the ground, and complete the circuit back to the battery. But you can't do it with the positive terminal of the battery because the Earth surface is positive. Like charges repel, unlike charges attract.
Likewise you can reverse your connection to the primary coil in the blue schematic (which reverses the polarity, putting the "+" either on top or on bottom), and the charge will be put on the ground, instead of in the air, even though it's AC alternating current. However, the polarity of the Earth charge could become neutralized or de-polarized if working against the Earth. I've noticed that quite by accident how even sometimes placing a disk on the ground connected to a huge coil in the air is sufficient to depolarize the Earth charge.
I noticed that quite by accident when suddenly my inside test setup was charging the floor at least a foot high instead of putting the charge on the ceiling. I realized I had accidentally reversed my primary coil leads (my primary coil was just three turns of a magnet wire around the secondary coil, with about half an inch of an air space between the primary and secondary coils).
Automobiles used to not be built like they are now. The old dynamos caused a positive charge to build up on the underside of cars. There were quite a few reports of floating cars because of that! A car doesn't do any good if the tires don't maintain contact with the road...
I added this picture from my book. The top charge accumulators (each one is two pie-pans wired together OR large hollow copper sphere) had wires dangling down hovering just over the charge accumulators on the "console" device. The charge was still carried along the wires, even though they were not physically touching the transformer below. When the polarity was reversed on the primary coil (the small little few turns of thicker magnet wire connected to the induction coil), the charge on the floor was at least a foot high, and a good 15 feet in radius. You could actually feel it when you entered the room though.
Think of the amplification potential from a Hendershot free energy generator (DC). DC power can easily be converted mechanically to AC high voltage through a simple induction coil. I will provide a mechanical rotating AC induction generator design in my new pay-to-download technology releases. Energy made to resonate with larger bodies of energy can amplify the energy available (increasing amps and volts, which is the definition of resonance), literally creating more energy not from nothing, but from something. Safety to the body's living energy electrical field though is the most important thing. A lot of weird stuff can happen with energy experiments. The Philadelphia experiment had weird phenomenon, for example.
Resonance amplifies. A speaker by itself is not very loud. Put it in a speaker box and it BOOMS.
OOPS! I made a mistake! It is not an AC induction coil. It is a DC induction coil (pulsed current in one direction only). I did not realize that a digital voltmeter used a rectifier bridge in order to measure AC current. When a DC current is measured from a digital voltmeter, it ALWAYS shows EXACTLY TWICE as many volts. So, this was an honest mistake due to my ignorance at the time.
And I absolutely have to note in the blue schematic above, I just noticed the top toroid is marked with a tiny little blue plus symbol. A lot of people do that. It's positive only because it's grounded to the Earth, and the Earth surface is positive. However the differential denotes the polarity. At Earth surface, is positive. Up top, the charge differential determines the top to be negative in relation with the bottom surface ground. A lot of people think the Earth surface is a negative charge, which is absolutely incorrect. In order for the Earth to be a negative ground, it must be a positive charge. If the surface of the Earth were actually a negative charge, then it would repel the like charge. In an automobile the negative terminal of the battery runs to ground because the Earth surface is positive. You can wire a car battery's negative terminal to a ground rod stuck in the Earth (with the battery still in the car) and the current will pass through the ground, and complete the circuit back to the battery. But you can't do it with the positive terminal of the battery because the Earth surface is positive. Like charges repel, unlike charges attract.
Likewise you can reverse your connection to the primary coil in the blue schematic (which reverses the polarity, putting the "+" either on top or on bottom), and the charge will be put on the ground, instead of in the air, even though it's AC alternating current. However, the polarity of the Earth charge could become neutralized or de-polarized if working against the Earth. I've noticed that quite by accident how even sometimes placing a disk on the ground connected to a huge coil in the air is sufficient to depolarize the Earth charge.
I noticed that quite by accident when suddenly my inside test setup was charging the floor at least a foot high instead of putting the charge on the ceiling. I realized I had accidentally reversed my primary coil leads (my primary coil was just three turns of a magnet wire around the secondary coil, with about half an inch of an air space between the primary and secondary coils).
Automobiles used to not be built like they are now. The old dynamos caused a positive charge to build up on the underside of cars. There were quite a few reports of floating cars because of that! A car doesn't do any good if the tires don't maintain contact with the road...
I added this picture from my book. The top charge accumulators (each one is two pie-pans wired together OR large hollow copper sphere) had wires dangling down hovering just over the charge accumulators on the "console" device. The charge was still carried along the wires, even though they were not physically touching the transformer below. When the polarity was reversed on the primary coil (the small little few turns of thicker magnet wire connected to the induction coil), the charge on the floor was at least a foot high, and a good 15 feet in radius. You could actually feel it when you entered the room though.
Think of the amplification potential from a Hendershot free energy generator (DC). DC power can easily be converted mechanically to AC high voltage through a simple induction coil. I will provide a mechanical rotating AC induction generator design in my new pay-to-download technology releases. Energy made to resonate with larger bodies of energy can amplify the energy available (increasing amps and volts, which is the definition of resonance), literally creating more energy not from nothing, but from something. Safety to the body's living energy electrical field though is the most important thing. A lot of weird stuff can happen with energy experiments. The Philadelphia experiment had weird phenomenon, for example.
Resonance amplifies. A speaker by itself is not very loud. Put it in a speaker box and it BOOMS.
OOPS! I made a mistake! It is not an AC induction coil. It is a DC induction coil (pulsed current in one direction only). I did not realize that a digital voltmeter used a rectifier bridge in order to measure AC current. When a DC current is measured from a digital voltmeter, it ALWAYS shows EXACTLY TWICE as many volts. So, this was an honest mistake due to my ignorance at the time.
Let me describe this picture to the left a bit. This is my "Tesla console." There is a ground disk taped to the floor, with a stack of disks on top of it. The stack of disks has a piece of tinfoil under it, and folded up around the edges. The primary coil is about midway up on the tall pole supporting that large metal disk on top. The tall pole is wooden wrapped with fine magnet wire. The primary coil is hard to see in this picture, sorry.
The secondary resonating transformer to the left inside the steel pipe duct-taped to the pole (secondary coil) has a squirrel cage on top at the high-volt position. It's a variable transformer. The squirrel cage resonates with the secondary coil, and too with the upper disks. There is a small hollow copper sphere right on top of the smaller secondary resonating transformer. The larger squirrel cage on top uses plastic supports wrapped in duct tape to better hold the fine bare wire around the edges together, and too so electromagnetic current is forced to go around and around and around from the top disk to the bottom, instead of taking the shortest path down one of the support legs. The support legs around the outside and the bare wire wraps around it, right at the edge. Those support legs just hold the upper disk apart from the lower disk in a simple frame.
The very top of the larger disk has two medium-sized hollow copper spheres, one in the center, and the other at the edge of the top disk above that little crystal pyramid. A spark gap apparatus is between them, and that adjusted current flow. Closing and opening it would turn it on and off, releasing charge or confining charge (otherwise the dang thing was ALWAYS charged naturally and radiantly. Sometimes the volt meter would sit unconnected beside the device on the ground, and I could watch the volts start climbing up and up and up on its own as it spontaneously built up an internal charge. I used three different digital volt meters to confirm this strange anomaly). There is a bare copper wire spiral in the middle of the top disk (which is also a wide but thin squirrel cage of its own). I won't get into how it was wired and everything connected here, though. The bottom disk polarized the ground, and if I tried to move that bottom disk to another spot, it wouldn't work as good. So it had to stay in that one spot to maximize the voltage. I had pulled it up off the floor once, and mopped the floor. When I put it back, the volts were weaker, so I slapped that stack of disks down on top to pump it back up to normal operating volts. It really got energetic during auroras and solar flare activity.
There are two more crystal pyramids in the center, and another crystal 110 degrees around the center of the circle, behind the spheres. The taller crystal pyramid near the center changed in structure. All the crystals changed in appearance. The little facets inside changed around; they were patternized. The tip of the taller crystal pyramid flattened off eventually from all the electrostatic current activity. A lot more is revealed about all this in my book which is still in the editing phase. (10/25/2014)
. . .
I want to add a little about the power source. 3/27/2015
I used a few 6 volt lantern batteries run through an induction coil that oscillated in an DC high volt magneto-electrostatic energy (it had the spark). A home-made high volt capacitor can be made using vegetable oil electrolyte and tin foil in a Tupperware box. The trick of getting the Tesla equipment to really putting on a good lightning show is to tap that abundant electrostatic energy of the Earth (over the ground, and in the air), and resonate it, and then with the slight polarization of the spark, the whole energy becomes polarized, and that's when all that electrostatic energy transforms into an energy of magneto-electrostatic (the electrostatic energy is magnetized). And then there's your huge lightning displays.
The console had that ground plate on the floor, and a wire that went to an outside stack of disks with wood spacers between them, not touching the ground; and there was a clip-on lead to a copper ground rod nearby, which resonated with the plate stack. I could clip one of the plates on the copper rod, and the whole stack would perform better. The wire in the house went out to the upper part of the stack; the ground lead went to the lower end of the stack, it had multiple configurable connections. If I left it alone for a while, it would build up a nice electrostatic charge and stay there.
If I messed with the huge capacitor plates in the big tower, to get the energy to quickly return, I would clip on to blades of grass, rather than onto the ground rod. The blades of grass conducted electrostatic. Many times the grass grew into the plates, and it took me a while to figure out why the extra volts until I noticed the grass was touching the plates. Sometimes the grass would bend nearly at right angles (90 degrees) to touch the plates!
The spark doesn't deplete the ground source as much as straight electromagnetic current will.
Always, there was only one wire involved, if any wires at all.
It was very easy to use small power sources to achieve huge results.
The induction coil is just a little electromagnet-wound coil, with a larger coil wound around that (secondary coil). There are two types of secondary coils, one includes a secondary coil wound at a certain distance from the primary coil in a single layer made with bare wire spaced a little tiny bit apart (very tedious fine work to evenly space out the bare wire coil so no wire parts touch each other) which harnesses the electromagnetic wave in resonance, and also amplifies it di-electrically. This is one of the cases where it has an electrostatic characteristic, making it magneto-electrostatic, but may or may not produce a spark, until the ends of the wire are brought close together. The two ends of the secondary coil can be brought together to create a spark gap (and there can even be a capacitor or condenser on-line there to help increase its voltage, giving the spark a timing depending on if you are using tiny batteries, or tough batteries).
The second way is to wind many, many layers of fine magnet wire around the primary coil, and bring the ends into a spark gap.
The electromagnet (primary coil) triggers a little spring-loaded piece of metal with a tiny magnet on it as a contact-switch. The contact switch is spring-loaded so it's in the "on" position. The electromagnet pushes the contact-switch away (repulsing magnets), breaking the circuit and collapsing the magnetic field in the secondary winding, producing the spark, and the switch springs back in place to do it all over again.
In the AC version of an induction coil, merely introducing a charge in the opposite polarity, snap-reverses the electromagnet polarity, so a spark is produced in that fashion. Introducing a tiny gap in the current, such as the time it takes for a little steel switch to move from one contact to another, gives the electromagnetic field a brief collapse-time. Magnetic fields are created and released at the speed of light, but they are created transverse to the direction of current; and if the current flows back and forth in a wound coil, then the time is still measured by the speed of light. However, parallel waves are faster (220,000 miles per second)! It's the difference between two people holding a taunt rope, and either shaking the rope to send a ripple to the other, or just tugging the rope and the other feels it instantly. Di-electric is in parallel, in the other type of coil.
Any gap in a coil breaks resonance so if you have a gap in the middle of your coil then you have two coils at half frequency. Any gap in timing breaks resonance, but usually eliminates sparking across terminals and in places you don't want a spark. So there's a little more about the power source, and induction coils.
It's important to note about "snap reversal" of electromagnetic fields which is a little bit different from collapsing magnetic densities (collapsing dense magnetic fields). When a magnetic field collapses to form a spark, the spark is in the opposite polarity of when the field was formed. A spinning magnet creating a current to an electromagnet would create an alternating electromagnet field, as fast (at the frequency of) as the magnet could spin in a coil to create electricity (or as fast as a coil can spin around a magnet, or within a stator that has a bunch of magnets oriented in the stator). A secondary coil wound around the electromagnet in that fashion would create an AC spark at a frequency (and volts). Each polarity reversal of the magnetic field pushes the electrons in a huge coil all-at-once (in a field), so that a high-volt spark forms, as the previous polarity of induced electromagnetic field collapses and is displaced.
I should have included this information long ago, particularly when the OTC-X1 uses batteries (electrets), to set the spark into motion initially ...
The frequency of the spark (how fast the poles reverse) can be further transformed through a Tesla transformer to increase the frequency through resonance. A long coil can be wound around a long magnet also (like a bar magnet antenna on AM radios), to further increase the frequency through magnetic resonance (basic radio).
That may seem like magic, but it's also a function of speed and time (speed of light). If a gap in the current applied to create the AC spark, then over the length of a tuning coil (long electromagnet), the gap will be lessened, ESPECIALLY if the tuning coil were a bare wire very closely spaced, giving the wave a di-electric quality (in parallel; electric field), and able to move faster then an electromagnetic wave. The electromagnetic current still has to travel around and around the wire, but the di-electric current could just skip right on ahead to the end of the coil, following the shape of the coil itself in a higher dimension (instead of one dimension of a wire, two dimensions of the outside edge of the cylinder-shape of the coil).
At the other end of the coil is a secondary coil that is induced by the tuning coil, and it can have diodes to it, or not. Using magnet wire will allow for an induction of a magnetic field from a di-electric field, but it will be weaker than the electromagnetic current originally introduced to the coil that is still traveling on its way to the end. Using diodes makes things a little quicker because of how diodes naturally polarize an electrostatic wave to become electromagnetic (or magneto-electrostatic, depending upon its construction through a device or component). When the original current finally catches up, it will be at a higher frequency measured in volts, because the distance the electrical current would have traveled in a straight line, now has taken all those turns, and basically a longer path, but it's forming this big magnet, and so it's the magnet-wave that actually takes that time to travel the distance. It has a lot of force because each 360 degree turn of the wire from top circling around and back to top again, is that plane of a magnet (radius of a circle). However many turns of the coil in the distance of its travel is the frequency of that magnet, JUST LIKE how a magnet also spins inside a coil of wire to generate electricity initially. Macro to micro to macro. A magnet sets it into motion, and it becomes an electromagnet, and cycles from there.
Also the radius of the circle (how wide in diameter a coil can be) also determines frequency and frequency harmonics. A single-loop antenna will pick up a frequency range based on the feet of for example a medium frequency radio wave.
. . . So that's how frequency is increased, which leads into this next section nicely. For now though, the obvious parallel between space and time and frequency should be apparent. And if you think of the force of the magnet itself at the speed of light, and add a particle along with each "slice" of magnetic spin then there's mass and force. A proton will have more inertial force then an electron; but the electron is also the force of that magnet.
The "Tesla warp drive" is not a warp drive. Teleportation and adjusting time and frequency of space is where it has more ability (jump drive/hyperdrive). The mass of the moving parts of the machine have weight and inertial force, and that's what the electromagnetic frequencies have to work with -- the protons in a fixed shape of engine-form. If the engines themselves were liquid and plasma, then nearly 100% of the mass of charged protons could be used in geometric alignment. But, that is a different type of engine, and would tend to manipulate more in space, then that of time.
That is why the LAU-X3 also uses plasma in the upper and mid sections of the engine dynamics. That way is has maximum temporal ability, and has a tight compression of mass (charged particles) that can be used more to compress space. Frequencies apply to time, compression applies to space.
Since the X-1 "compresses" the frequencies of time more than space, the higher frequencies blend with the higher compression of the upper and lower engines. The energies of space are equal to the energies of time. (Egyptian Hieroglyphs mention that all over). The OTC-X1 at higher frequencies of time allowed matter to pass right through it (Ralph Ring's hand). The Scole experiments also show how crystals can be vibrated so that normal physical and organic matter passes through them. Come to think of it, what if Ralph would have stuck a rod through the OTC-X1? Would the rod have penetrated, maybe since he was holding the rod? After all, the Scole crystal stayed on the table, in the bowl. Maybe the OTC-X1 just stays in one spot hovering in the air, all the same. Hovering in the air though is a little different then sitting in a bowl.
You could say the Central Accumulator is "frequency shielded" because it is vibrating in a much higher velocity and also temporal frequency. I imagine it's similar to transforming between amps and volts being the forces of mass, and frequencies of time. In fact, at the Central Accumulator, it is set up to receive not only an increase in inertial frequencies (X-1 disk), but also the core of the Central Accumulator spinning with a liquid mercury inner toroid shape can receive an increase in a force of mass from the upper vertical core, absorbed and accumulated in the Central Accumulator, raising the frequency of timespace instead of tearing the ship apart (although liquid mercury itself is the only risk on that note; an air core or water core or other type of creative similarity to planet cores (or star cores like iron), or even just capacitor parts are good considerations to play with). That is also another stage of an overall wave that moves from the top to bottom (or sideways if the ship is traveling top-pointing-forward) of the ship. Each section (upper and lower) have two sections of a convergence of vectoral inertial forces at 90 degrees like the right hand sitting in upright in the palm of the left hand.
Angular forces also apply the same way mass-force from particles are used. That's the difference between Special and General Relativity (angles and particles), but they are equivalent. In fact, recent new science (from quite a few people) about tetrahedrons show that all matter and all waves are tetrahedron-based (See: Nassim Haramein on "Black Wholes").
Transforming electrostatic, electromagnetic, and magneto-electrostatic energies and frequencies is easy. Those energies are the very energies of mass and matter. This also should be kept in mind while reading the sub-section below about equivalence.
The secondary resonating transformer to the left inside the steel pipe duct-taped to the pole (secondary coil) has a squirrel cage on top at the high-volt position. It's a variable transformer. The squirrel cage resonates with the secondary coil, and too with the upper disks. There is a small hollow copper sphere right on top of the smaller secondary resonating transformer. The larger squirrel cage on top uses plastic supports wrapped in duct tape to better hold the fine bare wire around the edges together, and too so electromagnetic current is forced to go around and around and around from the top disk to the bottom, instead of taking the shortest path down one of the support legs. The support legs around the outside and the bare wire wraps around it, right at the edge. Those support legs just hold the upper disk apart from the lower disk in a simple frame.
The very top of the larger disk has two medium-sized hollow copper spheres, one in the center, and the other at the edge of the top disk above that little crystal pyramid. A spark gap apparatus is between them, and that adjusted current flow. Closing and opening it would turn it on and off, releasing charge or confining charge (otherwise the dang thing was ALWAYS charged naturally and radiantly. Sometimes the volt meter would sit unconnected beside the device on the ground, and I could watch the volts start climbing up and up and up on its own as it spontaneously built up an internal charge. I used three different digital volt meters to confirm this strange anomaly). There is a bare copper wire spiral in the middle of the top disk (which is also a wide but thin squirrel cage of its own). I won't get into how it was wired and everything connected here, though. The bottom disk polarized the ground, and if I tried to move that bottom disk to another spot, it wouldn't work as good. So it had to stay in that one spot to maximize the voltage. I had pulled it up off the floor once, and mopped the floor. When I put it back, the volts were weaker, so I slapped that stack of disks down on top to pump it back up to normal operating volts. It really got energetic during auroras and solar flare activity.
There are two more crystal pyramids in the center, and another crystal 110 degrees around the center of the circle, behind the spheres. The taller crystal pyramid near the center changed in structure. All the crystals changed in appearance. The little facets inside changed around; they were patternized. The tip of the taller crystal pyramid flattened off eventually from all the electrostatic current activity. A lot more is revealed about all this in my book which is still in the editing phase. (10/25/2014)
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I want to add a little about the power source. 3/27/2015
I used a few 6 volt lantern batteries run through an induction coil that oscillated in an DC high volt magneto-electrostatic energy (it had the spark). A home-made high volt capacitor can be made using vegetable oil electrolyte and tin foil in a Tupperware box. The trick of getting the Tesla equipment to really putting on a good lightning show is to tap that abundant electrostatic energy of the Earth (over the ground, and in the air), and resonate it, and then with the slight polarization of the spark, the whole energy becomes polarized, and that's when all that electrostatic energy transforms into an energy of magneto-electrostatic (the electrostatic energy is magnetized). And then there's your huge lightning displays.
The console had that ground plate on the floor, and a wire that went to an outside stack of disks with wood spacers between them, not touching the ground; and there was a clip-on lead to a copper ground rod nearby, which resonated with the plate stack. I could clip one of the plates on the copper rod, and the whole stack would perform better. The wire in the house went out to the upper part of the stack; the ground lead went to the lower end of the stack, it had multiple configurable connections. If I left it alone for a while, it would build up a nice electrostatic charge and stay there.
If I messed with the huge capacitor plates in the big tower, to get the energy to quickly return, I would clip on to blades of grass, rather than onto the ground rod. The blades of grass conducted electrostatic. Many times the grass grew into the plates, and it took me a while to figure out why the extra volts until I noticed the grass was touching the plates. Sometimes the grass would bend nearly at right angles (90 degrees) to touch the plates!
The spark doesn't deplete the ground source as much as straight electromagnetic current will.
Always, there was only one wire involved, if any wires at all.
It was very easy to use small power sources to achieve huge results.
The induction coil is just a little electromagnet-wound coil, with a larger coil wound around that (secondary coil). There are two types of secondary coils, one includes a secondary coil wound at a certain distance from the primary coil in a single layer made with bare wire spaced a little tiny bit apart (very tedious fine work to evenly space out the bare wire coil so no wire parts touch each other) which harnesses the electromagnetic wave in resonance, and also amplifies it di-electrically. This is one of the cases where it has an electrostatic characteristic, making it magneto-electrostatic, but may or may not produce a spark, until the ends of the wire are brought close together. The two ends of the secondary coil can be brought together to create a spark gap (and there can even be a capacitor or condenser on-line there to help increase its voltage, giving the spark a timing depending on if you are using tiny batteries, or tough batteries).
The second way is to wind many, many layers of fine magnet wire around the primary coil, and bring the ends into a spark gap.
The electromagnet (primary coil) triggers a little spring-loaded piece of metal with a tiny magnet on it as a contact-switch. The contact switch is spring-loaded so it's in the "on" position. The electromagnet pushes the contact-switch away (repulsing magnets), breaking the circuit and collapsing the magnetic field in the secondary winding, producing the spark, and the switch springs back in place to do it all over again.
In the AC version of an induction coil, merely introducing a charge in the opposite polarity, snap-reverses the electromagnet polarity, so a spark is produced in that fashion. Introducing a tiny gap in the current, such as the time it takes for a little steel switch to move from one contact to another, gives the electromagnetic field a brief collapse-time. Magnetic fields are created and released at the speed of light, but they are created transverse to the direction of current; and if the current flows back and forth in a wound coil, then the time is still measured by the speed of light. However, parallel waves are faster (220,000 miles per second)! It's the difference between two people holding a taunt rope, and either shaking the rope to send a ripple to the other, or just tugging the rope and the other feels it instantly. Di-electric is in parallel, in the other type of coil.
Any gap in a coil breaks resonance so if you have a gap in the middle of your coil then you have two coils at half frequency. Any gap in timing breaks resonance, but usually eliminates sparking across terminals and in places you don't want a spark. So there's a little more about the power source, and induction coils.
It's important to note about "snap reversal" of electromagnetic fields which is a little bit different from collapsing magnetic densities (collapsing dense magnetic fields). When a magnetic field collapses to form a spark, the spark is in the opposite polarity of when the field was formed. A spinning magnet creating a current to an electromagnet would create an alternating electromagnet field, as fast (at the frequency of) as the magnet could spin in a coil to create electricity (or as fast as a coil can spin around a magnet, or within a stator that has a bunch of magnets oriented in the stator). A secondary coil wound around the electromagnet in that fashion would create an AC spark at a frequency (and volts). Each polarity reversal of the magnetic field pushes the electrons in a huge coil all-at-once (in a field), so that a high-volt spark forms, as the previous polarity of induced electromagnetic field collapses and is displaced.
I should have included this information long ago, particularly when the OTC-X1 uses batteries (electrets), to set the spark into motion initially ...
The frequency of the spark (how fast the poles reverse) can be further transformed through a Tesla transformer to increase the frequency through resonance. A long coil can be wound around a long magnet also (like a bar magnet antenna on AM radios), to further increase the frequency through magnetic resonance (basic radio).
That may seem like magic, but it's also a function of speed and time (speed of light). If a gap in the current applied to create the AC spark, then over the length of a tuning coil (long electromagnet), the gap will be lessened, ESPECIALLY if the tuning coil were a bare wire very closely spaced, giving the wave a di-electric quality (in parallel; electric field), and able to move faster then an electromagnetic wave. The electromagnetic current still has to travel around and around the wire, but the di-electric current could just skip right on ahead to the end of the coil, following the shape of the coil itself in a higher dimension (instead of one dimension of a wire, two dimensions of the outside edge of the cylinder-shape of the coil).
At the other end of the coil is a secondary coil that is induced by the tuning coil, and it can have diodes to it, or not. Using magnet wire will allow for an induction of a magnetic field from a di-electric field, but it will be weaker than the electromagnetic current originally introduced to the coil that is still traveling on its way to the end. Using diodes makes things a little quicker because of how diodes naturally polarize an electrostatic wave to become electromagnetic (or magneto-electrostatic, depending upon its construction through a device or component). When the original current finally catches up, it will be at a higher frequency measured in volts, because the distance the electrical current would have traveled in a straight line, now has taken all those turns, and basically a longer path, but it's forming this big magnet, and so it's the magnet-wave that actually takes that time to travel the distance. It has a lot of force because each 360 degree turn of the wire from top circling around and back to top again, is that plane of a magnet (radius of a circle). However many turns of the coil in the distance of its travel is the frequency of that magnet, JUST LIKE how a magnet also spins inside a coil of wire to generate electricity initially. Macro to micro to macro. A magnet sets it into motion, and it becomes an electromagnet, and cycles from there.
Also the radius of the circle (how wide in diameter a coil can be) also determines frequency and frequency harmonics. A single-loop antenna will pick up a frequency range based on the feet of for example a medium frequency radio wave.
. . . So that's how frequency is increased, which leads into this next section nicely. For now though, the obvious parallel between space and time and frequency should be apparent. And if you think of the force of the magnet itself at the speed of light, and add a particle along with each "slice" of magnetic spin then there's mass and force. A proton will have more inertial force then an electron; but the electron is also the force of that magnet.
The "Tesla warp drive" is not a warp drive. Teleportation and adjusting time and frequency of space is where it has more ability (jump drive/hyperdrive). The mass of the moving parts of the machine have weight and inertial force, and that's what the electromagnetic frequencies have to work with -- the protons in a fixed shape of engine-form. If the engines themselves were liquid and plasma, then nearly 100% of the mass of charged protons could be used in geometric alignment. But, that is a different type of engine, and would tend to manipulate more in space, then that of time.
That is why the LAU-X3 also uses plasma in the upper and mid sections of the engine dynamics. That way is has maximum temporal ability, and has a tight compression of mass (charged particles) that can be used more to compress space. Frequencies apply to time, compression applies to space.
Since the X-1 "compresses" the frequencies of time more than space, the higher frequencies blend with the higher compression of the upper and lower engines. The energies of space are equal to the energies of time. (Egyptian Hieroglyphs mention that all over). The OTC-X1 at higher frequencies of time allowed matter to pass right through it (Ralph Ring's hand). The Scole experiments also show how crystals can be vibrated so that normal physical and organic matter passes through them. Come to think of it, what if Ralph would have stuck a rod through the OTC-X1? Would the rod have penetrated, maybe since he was holding the rod? After all, the Scole crystal stayed on the table, in the bowl. Maybe the OTC-X1 just stays in one spot hovering in the air, all the same. Hovering in the air though is a little different then sitting in a bowl.
You could say the Central Accumulator is "frequency shielded" because it is vibrating in a much higher velocity and also temporal frequency. I imagine it's similar to transforming between amps and volts being the forces of mass, and frequencies of time. In fact, at the Central Accumulator, it is set up to receive not only an increase in inertial frequencies (X-1 disk), but also the core of the Central Accumulator spinning with a liquid mercury inner toroid shape can receive an increase in a force of mass from the upper vertical core, absorbed and accumulated in the Central Accumulator, raising the frequency of timespace instead of tearing the ship apart (although liquid mercury itself is the only risk on that note; an air core or water core or other type of creative similarity to planet cores (or star cores like iron), or even just capacitor parts are good considerations to play with). That is also another stage of an overall wave that moves from the top to bottom (or sideways if the ship is traveling top-pointing-forward) of the ship. Each section (upper and lower) have two sections of a convergence of vectoral inertial forces at 90 degrees like the right hand sitting in upright in the palm of the left hand.
Angular forces also apply the same way mass-force from particles are used. That's the difference between Special and General Relativity (angles and particles), but they are equivalent. In fact, recent new science (from quite a few people) about tetrahedrons show that all matter and all waves are tetrahedron-based (See: Nassim Haramein on "Black Wholes").
Transforming electrostatic, electromagnetic, and magneto-electrostatic energies and frequencies is easy. Those energies are the very energies of mass and matter. This also should be kept in mind while reading the sub-section below about equivalence.
The Tesla Transformer (throttle control for electrogravity)
The big Tesla transformer / resonator at the left is the base of the tower extending up 40 feet with various spark-gaped configurations on the way up that you will learn about when my book is ready. The smaller one on the right connects en-circuit' with the whole system.
The smaller one on the right is a Tesla transformer. The squirrel cage (the wide metal thing on top) slides up and down, adjusting the frequency/volts of the energy. The pole can raise up and down, too and the squirrel cage can stay where it is. Many configurations are possible.
In earlier experiments, when it was just sitting out in the yard doing nothing, I noticed I got higher volts when the squirrel cage was raised, and lower volts when it was lowered. Again, this is based all on free energy, just using the natural electrostatic energy from the Earth and atmosphere itself; radiant. The squirrel cage is made with bare copper wire, and the central pole it's around is just basic magnet wire (very thin magnet wire). I had to wrap the duct tape around it to hold the wire together because the wooden pole it was wound around shrank as it dried out in the sun. These were just test set-ups. The larger primary coil (magnet wire wrapped around a pole) on the left, I just used a spray glue to hold it all together when the wood shrank. As a note, the thing on the top right of the smaller transformer's squirrel cage is a hollow copper sphere, which interfaces the electricity better with the atmosphere. It just touches the metal surface of the aluminum (mixing copper and aluminum will cause some small electromagnetic current when it rains and corrosion will occur as the current is generated. It's a basic battery concept. In retrospect, I should have used all copper, and in the "Brain Teaser" section above, all steel would create a different effect). There is a copper rod stuck in the ground with a hollow copper sphere on top, in the foreground. That was my physical ground connection. I could adjust frequency also by clipping a lead higher or lower on that rod. You can actually safely feel the static field in a radiant configuration without applying large voltage to the system. Clipped high on the rod, the static field could be felt up to where I clipped it on the rod. If I clipped it 10 inches above the Earth surface on the ground rod, the static field could be felt 10 inches above the Earth surface.
There are a lot of variables and factors that came into play working with this stuff. It'll do what you want it to do, in different ways, and the physics get harder to explain, but the results are easier to show, leaving the explanations up to the next generation of experimenters. Like I've stated before, the book has a ton of information about this stuff to make a more thorough understanding possible.
Design note: The squirrel cage on the right is different than the other one. Instead of the bare wire wrapped around aluminum rods connecting the top disk to the lower disk of the squirrel cage, the bare wire is wrapped around wood. I used wooden square rods where grooves were cut out to evenly space the bare wire. That didn't make any difference to the radiant electrostatic field, but does make a difference when an electromagnetic aspect is applied. Electromagnetic energy takes the shortest path. It's uncanny how that works, but it always works that way. Electrostatic energy doesn't take the shortest path, but instead becomes one with the entirety of shape. If you want the electrostatic energy to fill a tube, it will fill a tube. If you want it to surround the tube, it will surround the tube. An electrostatic corridor even could be felt and measured from the tower all the way to the surface of the lake, taking THAT shortest path. Electrostatic energy from the tower was at high concentration also on top of the hill on the OTHER SIDE of my house. So, there are paths and fields. That may be confusing to the beginner. My apologies.
I've also built other squirrel cages all metal, wrapped with bare wire around the support legs which work very well using electrostatic energies, and much easier to build, too.
One of the things I was looking for and testing was how a Tesla transformer worked. In a nutshell, a variable Tesla transformer like this works with magneto-electrostatic energies and either raises the volt/frequency or lowers the volt/frequency.
On the warp drive news page, There is a photo under the sub-section titled, "In Living Color." Magneto-electrostatic energies used in electrogravity applications will glow a certain color to indicate the speed of the craft. A green electrical corona is a slow magneto-electrostatic frequency. That is used in hovering. The violet color is the fastest, which indicates fast-travel flying. A glow of white is the highest, but tends to start burning out the equipment. People can see these colors differently at certain distances due to the space-time warping of the surrounding area of the ship; so at a distance, it could just appear as a white glowing orb of light, even though the engines may only be at half-throttle.
That's the concept of a variable Tesla transformer, and it's usage. It's simple. The transformer controls the frequency of the energy going to the electrogravity charge plates on the flight surfaces of a craft. In the circuit, there are the breakers and the transformers, the generators, and the charge plates (flight surfaces). The transformer is the speed control, like the gas pedal of an automobile. At one end of the Tesla transformer is the low volt/low frequency, and at the other end is the high volt/high frequency.
The smaller one on the right is a Tesla transformer. The squirrel cage (the wide metal thing on top) slides up and down, adjusting the frequency/volts of the energy. The pole can raise up and down, too and the squirrel cage can stay where it is. Many configurations are possible.
In earlier experiments, when it was just sitting out in the yard doing nothing, I noticed I got higher volts when the squirrel cage was raised, and lower volts when it was lowered. Again, this is based all on free energy, just using the natural electrostatic energy from the Earth and atmosphere itself; radiant. The squirrel cage is made with bare copper wire, and the central pole it's around is just basic magnet wire (very thin magnet wire). I had to wrap the duct tape around it to hold the wire together because the wooden pole it was wound around shrank as it dried out in the sun. These were just test set-ups. The larger primary coil (magnet wire wrapped around a pole) on the left, I just used a spray glue to hold it all together when the wood shrank. As a note, the thing on the top right of the smaller transformer's squirrel cage is a hollow copper sphere, which interfaces the electricity better with the atmosphere. It just touches the metal surface of the aluminum (mixing copper and aluminum will cause some small electromagnetic current when it rains and corrosion will occur as the current is generated. It's a basic battery concept. In retrospect, I should have used all copper, and in the "Brain Teaser" section above, all steel would create a different effect). There is a copper rod stuck in the ground with a hollow copper sphere on top, in the foreground. That was my physical ground connection. I could adjust frequency also by clipping a lead higher or lower on that rod. You can actually safely feel the static field in a radiant configuration without applying large voltage to the system. Clipped high on the rod, the static field could be felt up to where I clipped it on the rod. If I clipped it 10 inches above the Earth surface on the ground rod, the static field could be felt 10 inches above the Earth surface.
There are a lot of variables and factors that came into play working with this stuff. It'll do what you want it to do, in different ways, and the physics get harder to explain, but the results are easier to show, leaving the explanations up to the next generation of experimenters. Like I've stated before, the book has a ton of information about this stuff to make a more thorough understanding possible.
Design note: The squirrel cage on the right is different than the other one. Instead of the bare wire wrapped around aluminum rods connecting the top disk to the lower disk of the squirrel cage, the bare wire is wrapped around wood. I used wooden square rods where grooves were cut out to evenly space the bare wire. That didn't make any difference to the radiant electrostatic field, but does make a difference when an electromagnetic aspect is applied. Electromagnetic energy takes the shortest path. It's uncanny how that works, but it always works that way. Electrostatic energy doesn't take the shortest path, but instead becomes one with the entirety of shape. If you want the electrostatic energy to fill a tube, it will fill a tube. If you want it to surround the tube, it will surround the tube. An electrostatic corridor even could be felt and measured from the tower all the way to the surface of the lake, taking THAT shortest path. Electrostatic energy from the tower was at high concentration also on top of the hill on the OTHER SIDE of my house. So, there are paths and fields. That may be confusing to the beginner. My apologies.
I've also built other squirrel cages all metal, wrapped with bare wire around the support legs which work very well using electrostatic energies, and much easier to build, too.
One of the things I was looking for and testing was how a Tesla transformer worked. In a nutshell, a variable Tesla transformer like this works with magneto-electrostatic energies and either raises the volt/frequency or lowers the volt/frequency.
On the warp drive news page, There is a photo under the sub-section titled, "In Living Color." Magneto-electrostatic energies used in electrogravity applications will glow a certain color to indicate the speed of the craft. A green electrical corona is a slow magneto-electrostatic frequency. That is used in hovering. The violet color is the fastest, which indicates fast-travel flying. A glow of white is the highest, but tends to start burning out the equipment. People can see these colors differently at certain distances due to the space-time warping of the surrounding area of the ship; so at a distance, it could just appear as a white glowing orb of light, even though the engines may only be at half-throttle.
That's the concept of a variable Tesla transformer, and it's usage. It's simple. The transformer controls the frequency of the energy going to the electrogravity charge plates on the flight surfaces of a craft. In the circuit, there are the breakers and the transformers, the generators, and the charge plates (flight surfaces). The transformer is the speed control, like the gas pedal of an automobile. At one end of the Tesla transformer is the low volt/low frequency, and at the other end is the high volt/high frequency.
Inertial Force of Mass and Electrical Resonance; Gravity and Acceleration (Equivalence)
When a proton (air) is accelerated up to light speed, it can't go any faster, because it has mass, and light does not. As an object approaches the speed of light, its mass increases exponentially. Because an object has mass, that energy to break the light speed barrier is applied directly to the mass of an object, especially since it is mass itself which is the set speed of light. It's a paradox. Light cannot travel any faster, because it is not light that has a speed limit, because light has no mass. Mass has a speed limit, or frequency limit due to its paradoxical shape as the paradox of light itself. Light separates into two. The one spin of a photon separates into half-spins, which manifest mass and time. Time is the separation of mass in that paradoxical shape. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle shows us that paradox of a particle of mass -- one cannot measure a subatomic particle's position simultaneous with its momentum. Contemporary physics tells us a proton cannot accelerate faster than light, but the more energy going in to accelerating it faster, actually transfers over to its energy of mass (a lot like getting heavier due to a faster frame of motion). Harnessing the force of mass in motion (ancient concept of weight-into-speed) is harnessing the force of gravity. Inertia, like any other energy field, is just that: a field of a type of energy OF MASS. The faster an object travels, approaching light speed, the faster its rate of time flows, and everything around it slows down.
Of course, the cones don't spin that fast, but a force of gravity is harnessed as a ship uses ultra high frequency electrical charge (electrogravity and angular force). Mostly, that electrical charge is upon the hull of the ship, causing an ionized proton (air) flow around the ship, bringing the ship into a higher field of inertia, thus faster time flow, and thus, all of that is the force of gravity harnessed. An electrogravity field accelerates the particles of air around a ship to a very fast speed, and thus the ship moves. It's another paradox similar to that of a jet engine. If something standing still can blow air fast enough, it moves forward when the air moves backwards.
Electrical acceleration of protons (vibration at a frequency of energy) will increase the volts of the charges in motion of those protons, thus increasing their inertia, harnessing gravity. So electrical acceleration of protons can generate a gravity (inertial mass) force when their frequency, speed, and inertia are in harmonic unified resonance as unified force.
The relations to all that is obvious.
The electrogravity force instead of using charges around a craft, charge in air (and charge of air -- magneto-electrostatic), it uses charge inside the craft and around the inside of the hull, and that field translates to a surrounding field of force through induction and resonance, like how if you strike a tuning fork, it makes a sound.
There is no centripetal or centrifugal forces involved with the X-1 that make any difference at all. The forces of inertia with the X-1 engine proper is not the driving concept. The X-1 engine operates not on a concept of inertia, but on a concept of electrical resonance (magneto-electrostatic resonance), which includes frequency and motion (geometry) of mass. Geometry of motion is a field of acceleration. If you spin a bucket of water around real fast, sure centrifugal force will keep the water in the bucket, but these concepts have nothing to do with centrifugal force, but moreso with the geometry of motion itself. Mass is a factor of volts, speed, inertia, and geometry. Don't think of it in terms of centrifugal force. Think of it in terms of geometry of fields of motion. Energy is mass times acceleration squared. The speed of light is the acceleration frame of reference to motion of matter in the universe. E equals (MC) squared. C is the speed of light (actually again, it's only really and truly the speed of electromagnetic waves in a relative frame of gravity time, but I'm really trying to make this simple to understand without going into excruciating detail.
The acceleration of co-counter forces of charge and motion together, that energy of mass transformed into electrical action and geometry is and creates a resonance gravity field upon itself. At a higher frequency of gravity time, as mass accelerates near light speed, the mass increases exponentially. A particle accelerator causes the ground to shake as a single proton becomes super massive, shot around a two mile circle in large electromagnetic particle accelerator tubes. As mass increases, so does gravity (inertia) and the speed of the flow of time. Think of the proton suddenly acting like it's very heavy. The obvious relation between weight and mass is, the more mass something has, the heavier it is. Weight is a concept of relative fields of mass, and their gravitational attractions. Mass is attracted to other mass, and that is what is called "gravity."
Because of resonance and resonance alone, a slower speed of mass (inertial field force) can be hyper-increased to a force that can do considerable work. That means, it makes a gravity force that pushes it along. A gravity force, and an anti-gravity force is really the same dang thing. It uses the same concepts of the geometry of fields of inertial mass (stuff in motion) resonance with time and space. The pull of the star systems nearby in a 20 light-year radius seems to want to pull the star systems together, but the pull of farther star systems pulls on those nearer ones, pulling them out and not letting them pull in on each other. Get it? A small collection of marbles won't pull themselves into a tight ball, if there is a bunch of other marbles around them pulling them outward. The motion of the galaxy itself in a spin equalizes that gravity force that wants to pull things together, so it locks it all in place in a lattice of inertia and motion and energy of mass. Thus, gravity itself has a push and a pull, much like magnets.
Hopefully all the relations of how all that mess works together can be seen easily.
Draw a circle. Put marbles in the circle. Now put a bunch of other marbles outside the circle. Think of the marbles as stars and planets. Now if you set the whole mess to spin, sure centrifugal force wants to throw all that outward, but the force of gravity attracts them inward. All the marbles inside the circle want to gather together, but the marbles outside the circle also pull them outward, and so the whole "galaxy of marbles" tends to hold itself together in a lattice of geometrical structure.
It is a simple concept of inertial equalization and follows the Einstein equivalency principle which says gravity and acceleration is the SAME thing. If the elevator moves up, you're thrown to the floor; more gravity. If you have a helium balloon in a car by your head as you are driving and turn to the right sharply, throwing everything inside the car to the left, the helium balloon will travel toward the inside of the circle (it will travel to the right side inside the car) because a helium balloon rises up away from the pull of gravity.
A spaceship going to Jupiter with a huge spinning ring set in motion transverse to the direction of the ship's travel is the concept of the ship from the movie "2001, A Space Odyssey." The centrifugal force creates an artificial gravity field as the ship moves. But, the ship has to counter that added force of mass, it requires more fuel much like how if you hold a bicycle wheel in your hands spinning real fast becomes harder to turn sideways and move along the Z axis of spin (transverse -- at right angles -- to the force of centrifugal force). If the bicycle wheel is spinning like a top on the ground, and you have a string tied onto the top of it, and you go to lift it up, you encounter more resistance like also how a gyroscope works. This doesn't really have much to do with the X-1, but should help explain a little more about the inertial forces of gravity.
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It's interesting to note that the planets revolve faster around the sun the closer they are to the sun, and the planets farther from the sun revolve slower around their orbits. However, the disk of the galaxy doesn't move that way. One would think the star systems and dust closer to the center would revolve faster around the galactic core, and the farther star systems out along the arms of the Milky Way revolve slower. But, astronomers have found that they all move at the same rate, like how a record turns on a turntable -- that's how the galaxy moves.
Electro-magnetostatic proton acceleration
Accelerating mass with aligned spins, in rotation, in a spiral has 3 dimensions of inertial acceleration: spin, rotation (in a circle), and direction (gyration). E = MC^3 (inertial E)
The energy of protons in a room-temperature superconductive state (exotic) all in unison, as a unidirectional force of inertial mass is how gravity can be directed as a force-beam.
In order to get the energies of gravity to really start working well, unified inertial force should be accelerated at the limit of "light speed." The LAU-X3 vertical core is a proton accelerator, but not at "light speeds;" and the X-1 engine is a frequency accelerator of time. Accelerating the frequencies of time is accelerating what? Answer: gravity mass fields of inertia. Why? Gravity fields, strong closer to a large massive body increase the frequency of time. Time can easily be measured in electromagnetic moments, whereas that wave travels at what is known as the "Speed of Light." However, the X-1 vibrates and resonates in a higher electromagnetic frequency of space.
Higher electromagnetic frequencies nonetheless travel at the "speed of light." The X-1 was known to teleport rather than fly, according to Ralph Ring. At higher frequencies, or rather are higher frequencies a faster vibration in time? It was said the reason why memory was affected was due to the aspect of it traveling through the 4th dimension (time). Memory came back in time.
This has all kinds of ramifications of "light body" merkabah travel, and telekinetic flight.
What is a higher frequency of a directed force of gravity (unified inertial force)? It would be faster inertia, or more gravity. That would thus accelerate time in a field parallel and perpendicular with the shape of the overall X-3 engine. It's a secondary effect when one has a reference point of something recognizable as gravity and force and direction (vertical core), shape and speed (vertical core + the X-1). The central accumulator is a singular point of reference.
Tesla had conceived of something not limited by gravity at all, not held back by any inertial forces.
Additional Links and Comments: Conclusion and Introduction
updated (3/6/15)
Here is a great link about the OTC-X1, the utrons and central accumulator, and the physics:
"The principle of operation stated by Carr was that "any vehicle accelerated towards an axis compared to its inertial mass of attraction becomes immediately activated by the energy of space and acts like an independent force.""
A resonance between the centrifugal forces of the simultaneous energetic balances of the spinning engines in harmony with the inner core is a back-and-forth motion of expanding and contracting inertia, like how you strike a copper pipe and it vibrates in your hand, and you can feel the waves travelling back and forth between your fingertips, and it makes a beautiful sound, but only when pinched at the proper harmonic resonance points either in thirds or quarters of the distance of the pipe between the two ends. Inertial resonance. The energy travels as waves that pass through each other, back and forth, and in acceleration (spin) -- Resonance with the vacuum.
That force of inertia is unified with electromagnetic action and static fields. It is directed by thought. Rubbish? Hardly rubbish. It is unified physics.
The Central Accumulator is also described as a battery. And so it accumulates electrical force but because it is spinning, that inertial central focus point can be aligned with charge, too (inertia carried through an electric medium)! Positive up, negative down. Positive is the conventional direction of electrogravity travel. Positive up is why a lifter can float; and how an electrogravity-equipped jet can fly, positive high volt is on the forward edge of the wings. Positive is the direction of travel, conventionally. Seems the Promise Revealed website releasing some of the secret space program's work, also reveals that very same phenomenon of the positive needing to be up, even though the surface of the Earth is positively charged (a positively charge over the Earth will hover, like ball lightning. Like charge repels like charge. In electrogravity, the force is di-rected).
The OTC-X1 spinning and counter-spinning disks phase to zero the polarity of their individual acceleration force* . . . The implication is that centrifugal force is polarized into clockwise and counter-clockwise rotation/spins. So the inertial forces of the centrifugal forces of both disks spinning in co-counter with each other phases to a zero force.
When inertial mass phases to zero, it becomes light (no pun intended). When the centrifugal forces phase to zero, then what?
If there is no outward centrifugal force, then there is an inward accumulation. The electro-inertial forces are accumulated in the center, at the Central Accumulator.
The Central Accumulator extends out the poles of the engine, beyond the disintegration plane of the X-1 disk. Because it is in cone shape, the field of inertial energy is also shaped (angular inertia). The polarity of the inertial forces of clockwise and counter-clockwise are then also an electrical charge-field, self-contained and transduced (transformed and induced) but in an unusual way which also changes the type of energy outside the ship different from the inside.
This is simple.
Polarized mass energy is gravity. Energy of unified light is co-counter spinning mass-force, phased to zero. The ability to polarize that energy of supercharged (by magneto-electrostatic energy and frequency) mass/inertial force can be accomplished by charge alignment (angular force = inertial force = electrical force), and also from the monopole vortex sitting on top of the Central Accumulator. Therefore, the unity of its action, what the ship is designed to do, is accomplished as teleportation and gravitation.
Therefore, it is a hyperdrive -- a beam ship -- rather than a warp drive. It could very easily (and perhaps literally) be explained as moving through pure light, using a gravity engine. Quite the paradox!
Light is [living] magneto-electrostatic unity [of inertia]. Inertial frequencies include the voltage and speed (frequency; cycles in time) of the magneto-electrostatic field generated by the X-1, and also in resonance with the outer ring. That resonance includes inertial resonance. The frequencies of time is generated and created by inertial energy (mass). A field of mass is gravity (like a magnetic or an electrical field; each aspect of paradoxical unity has an associated field). Those inertial frequencies (and of time too, since mass incurs a temporal field), become a harmonic zero, unified into simultaneous phase of matter which does not cancel out (because it moves in interference toroid motion); rather it becomes light -- unity energy. All it needs, is to phase to zero the gravity field frequency of Earth in our solar system gravity field. The closer the ship approaches a star, with a much higher gravity density, the engines must spin faster to compensate.
The ship is free to move without incurring a temporal difference, or inertial resistance, traveling at the speed of light. In deep space, it is all the easier not to incur a temporal or inertial (gravity-time) resistance. Because spacetime bends in deep space as discussed in the "light time adjustments and stargate travel" article on the warp drive news page, then there paradoxically becomes virtually no distance to travel in deep space between stars, meaning it becomes a quick jump for a "mega-photon" (the ship's resemblance of action) to quickly jump the gap from star to star.
Light is one heck of a paradox to the standard gravity-field physics of normal matter and mass; rather, the gravity field is the paradox, whereas light is the unity of physical matter and mass. Imagine a warp field created by light itself -- a photonic field. Mind and intention is the pure form of unity light energy.
It may be easier to see how stargates can provide teleportation corridors to other star systems. Information, let's look at that word "in-form-ation." Light is information. Stargate A and Stargate B, twin-stargates as it were, could perhaps handle a LAU-X3 flying through them to teleport the "mega-photon" from A to B simultaneously. Photons have been teleported in the lab.
A gravity beam perpendicular to the horizontal plane of light unity, generated by the vertical core provides a large amount of inertia for otherwise a field without any inertia, right through the eye of the vortex, but not penetrating through to the other side. How fast does a gravity wave move in pure fields of zero energy -- infinite potential of energy? Whatever it is, will multiply upon the speed of light itself, and even faster when it is nowhere near the gravity of another star.
The vertical core length is a wave that cycles 1.5 times. Exotic air/plasma flow moves in a complete circle and a half, as it spirals down the core. There is an electrogravity force of inertia to that wavelength. Ironically I had the formula for the volume of a sphere in mind when I put 4, 3-sided cones together, in a circle (2pi -- pi is the ratio of half the diameter to half the circumference of a circle) which is accelerating (x^2) in a circle, and also in another dimension of straight down (three dimensions of acceleration x^3). Paradoxical volume of a sphere.
I want to hazard a guess that it is a simple mathematical multiplication of the speed of light (with the vertical core gravity drive engaged to the X-1). It can be multiplied by the paradox of itself -- in unity space.
A lot of this is very understandable in a philosophy of Self-Realization. I would like to, at the very least, publish the metaphysical philosophy portion of my book, for one to better understand unified living light.
Gravity couldn't move much faster than the speed of light, since gravitytime is the frequency of the speed of light. Time and space is the creation of light, the distance between stars, the field of energy created by light itself -- the energy created by stars is space and time. In zero time, the distance from any point A to any point B can be traversed simultaneously. Since light has zero mass, there is zero time, which is what Otis T. Carr, who was personally aquainted with Nikola Tesla and continued his legacy claimed, and is why Ralph Ring also told us of his experience of travel through time itself, and could not even remember time it took for the passage until much later (in time).
I believe, gravity flowing forth from pure light itself, not pulling space into the "mega photon" but pulling the space in front of the photon into itself is the motion of pure gravity energy. Gravity is the creation [of light] known as space. A tachyon moves always faster than the speed of light, and is considered a mass-less particle. Ultimately the fastest speed beyond "light speed" is simultaneous teleportation to any point anywhere in the universe known and/or unknown. Well, actually, one creates where one goes, so one would have to know where one is going, or otherwise one would end up being somewhere one does not know, and unintended to be. How could someone go to someplace where one knows not the way?
That is why a ship must be directed (accomplished by the gravity field of tachyon-like action) to go in a direction to explore, because teleportation may not be possible if one does not know where the destination is. One must determine (the energy of oneself to be) where one wants (desires) to be. If one knows not where to go, one will not arrive where one wants to be.
Telepathic remote viewing of distant star systems, or otherwise out of body projecting has been accomplished by some Russian scientists I remember reading about using large magnetic chambers. One who can do that, can determine the destination field of a location to teleport (and more to the point, for a ship to teleport, by being the thought-navigator; hyperdimensional navigation).
The ship vibrates into light, unifying it's inertial mass, and uses a "mass-less" gravity lense to accelerate it many times beyond light. The source of the gravity is within a place that is independent of space and time itself, independent of gravity, emerging from the unified light ship. The electrogravity inertial force of the vertical core is directed into the heart of the ship, the intersection just above the central accumulator (as well as into the central accumulator), leaving nothing above it but gravity, a space above the ship and directed as a beam that the ship travels into. That further increases the inward accumulation of inertial energy, electrical mass, further charging the outer perimeter of the lower X-1 engine, and increasing the resonance with the outer ring.
The source of gravity is paradoxically "before" the ship, above the ship, while the energy of it amplifies the unified field [of light] that the ship uses as its energy-light-body.
Imagine if light is amplified by a gravity lens, then what of thought and space-travel? If a very distant galaxy can appear many, many thousands of lightyears closer, magnified by the gravity of a star that is nearly in its line-of-sight, then surely gravity is quite the lens for super-luminal speeds.
(11/06/2014) ; updated (3/6/15)
By now, it should be clear to see how all this stuff works. In physics theory, a hyperdrive is much faster than a warp drive. Speed is survival out in deep space.
The LAU-X3 "Dragon Eye" achieves speed, frequency, and resonance to make for a very fast little ship. I don't want to say it could travel many times faster then light; but because it alters not just space but time too, and logically can be determined to make frequency jumps like a flicker through space, it would not be unreasonable to say that the Dragon Eye could fly to other stars like in the time it takes to travel between cities here on Earth. Teleportation is magnified by the gravity lens, taking huge leaps through a tunnel of high frequency time-space. It's very practical, and surprisingly straightforward and mundane after all the physics and engineering have been examined. It almost seems too easy. However effortless creation has a philosophical strong point in simplicity.
"The universe is a sea of energy."
... I've thought about the paradox of the hyperdrive involving actually 3 paradoxical engine systems (a tertiary paradox). It creates an additional dimension to travel through, 5-D instead of just 4-D. The X-3 doesn't make use of warp drive mechanics. .. maybe in part, but it's primarily a jump drive. Tachyon drive.
Everything connects directly to the central accumulator except for the outer ring, which is indirectly connected through the vertical core. The resonance of the vertical core/outer ring, also works with the resonance of the central accumulator and its outer engines.
You also have a point of intersection, the ship's Balance. That is where the fields from the outer ring converge with the intersection of the X-1 and vertical core. The vertical core introduces a monopole, and the bottom of the ship is where a balanced opposite monopole should be, but the ship needs to be Imbalanced in order to fly in one direction, to one destination, such as to a distant star.
That is why it is able to achieve higher frequency jumps, through the directed unified force of light. Especially since time is an alternating frequency, pulsing through zero-point discontinuities of pure light (the midpoint of where the wave intersects the zero plane).
I want to emphasize that the multiple engine systems are compatible with each other, and adding the vertical core and outer ring changes the nature of the overall engine system of the X-1, which now uses a more full development of universal mechanics. Whereas the OTC-X1 uses gravitational resonance, the vertical core and addition of that dimension of engine geometry uses a more directed force of gravitational resonance. Each system can work independently, too. It's still dealing with energy, frequency, and vibration. Directed force is the same as Direct Focus.
Whereas the OTC-X1 allows one to travel independently within the universe, simply being where one wants to be, there is still an issue of gravitational relativity and frequency of time-space systems, such as the relative frequencies of the gravitational solar capacitor. The addition of a frequency accelerator directed down the Z axis into the core (central accumulator) increases the gravitational frequency of the ship, putting it in even a higher frequency of time-space, allowing it to travel to ANOTHER gravitational capacitor (another star system).
The OTC-X1 alone is not bad-ass enough to travel to another star. It is a resonance-ship, without the ability to jump from one field of resonance to another, without a connector or bridge system.
Remember! Resonance is generated when at least two things vibrate together as one. But "vibration" is the resonance of a one -- the "sound" of the vibration of one thing. That too, can be a resonance field, but I want to make these distinctions. A crystal bowl can vibrate with a sound, and it is in resonance with itself (with its own atomic fractal structure).
In deep space beyond any stellar capacitor, the ship must have some form of gravity to resonate with, to maintain its engine-state. The vertical core gives it another point of reference of a gravitational tachyon, so the engines can resonate together.
The top engine system balances at a point on the lower engine system, plus a third point of reference of a "negative mass" tachyon-field (macro-tachyon, so to put it, hence a "field") is above the ship. Actually, that is paradoxical, but I wanted to phrase it that way.
There is an additional consequence of pilot focus instead of just through 4D, now through 5D. Don't think that just because it harnesses inertia and gravity, it doesn't mean it is not also a force of Light. That's why the metaphysics are also important, to allow one to understand a bit more about light. Light is a Force of Consciousness and Soul, Creation and Manifestation, as well as a state of Unity.
Keep in Mind: (Tachyon Drive Mechanics)
All engines (X-1, Outer Ring, Vertical core) can work independently or together in resonance.
The vertical core cycles the inertial mass generated through the Outer Ring engine. So, as the gravity is increased in the vertical core, that force is brought to zero in the Outer Ring. That is the Tachyon: an increase in speed faster than light, at a proportional decrease in mass.
The vertical core is in the center of the Outer Ring Vortex, which greatly increases the frequency of the vertical core at the same time as neutralizing the gravity/mass field of the starship.
Resonance with the Quantum Vacuum is a better way to understand this. From there, there is independent travel through time and space dealing STRICTLY with wave mechanics and frequencies of space and time, and NOT being trapped by General and Special Relativity constraints. This means that the contracted space of a higher frequency around a star also at a higher time frequency means it would take LESS time to cross in a starship, and even speed the ship up, riding those waves. It means more action can take place in a faster time frequency, speeding up action. It means out in deep space, the frequency of the gap of space can be jumped, as that space is brought into higher frequency to shorten the distance along a corridor of travel, using the vertical gravity engine as the ship otherwise travels in a field of decreasing mass. It is all the stuff that conventional physics won't allow for, but that we can achieve through resonance with living light. The OTC-X1 was thought-piloted. How hard can it be?
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Paradoxes of Unity
Unifiable logic:
Dualities can involve arguments of existence vs. non-existence, which often conflict. Arguments about the logical (true - false) existence of something is a clear duality. For example, is General Relativity true or false, real or not? Something that is real, does not necessarily make it true. Duality reasoning usually is about the cancellation of opposites, or about the perpetuating of opposites. Paradoxical reasoning unifies the equal and opposite event(s) as a third unified event that encompasses the two arguments, like the equation of a circle X^2 + Y^2 = R^2.
R is the radius, and considered the unified event of the two arguments X, and Y. The unity of the events is the inclusion of all parts of the circle, X, Y, and R. There are no parts, it is a one.
A paradox is composed of two (or more) events, equal and opposite (along-side, and opposite with), and the unity of the paradox is a third unique event which encompasses both the two -- Unity.
For example a photon is the unity of positive and negative mass. A photon is the unity of electric and magnetic. The unity of an electron and a positron is a photon.
It can be realized that, just like an electrostatic wave where the electromagnetic component is phased to zero due to a co-counter rotating double spin of the magnetic field, a photon's mass is phased to zero due to a similar function of the mass wave.
The LAU-X3 is a tertiary paradox, involving three paradoxical engine systems as one.
I used to explain the paradox as "like X and Y in the equation of a circle, two arguments that "bicker for all eternity but nonetheless describe the circle as the totality of their arguments." Instead of X fighting Y though (like two dumbasses arguing the sky is blue), they can BOTH appreciate the circle, which is unique to them, and part of them. Apparantly this is too hard for most people to comprehend and even fathom. It's what the Wise Teachers were trying to tell us, for thousands and thousands of years. But when people finally realize, POW! we have warp drives, at the very least, just as a crude example.
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Notice I'm not looking at anything in terms of positive or negative energy. I can understand positive and negative mass; but, that would have to include forward and backward flows of time at some point, and it would have to be directed into some intended construct (manifestation) of action; harnessed. A negative mass could render a ship invisible, and able to pass through matter; but, so too can be explained light unification rather than positive and negative duality.
Understand that there are no dualities that are not otherwise made real by the mind of Humanity. There are paradoxes, and those are considered as dualities; but when dualities attempt to negate the each other's existences, whereas existence cannot be negated, then I prefer the view of hyperdimensional physics which says those things are the shadows from the higher dimensions where everything is illuminated to see.
Tesla knew the positives and negatives of the universe backwards and forwards. He ran with the paradox, and created many amazing things. But without an understanding of Unity, paradoxes like positive and negative energy will never be truly realized. It would be another "big bang" as a centralized and singular point of origin for the universe. Looking at the nature of the Soul, we see many sources upon sources of Creation and Life Energy. However, in view of a paradoxical origin of existence, there is a uni-directional Force of Creative Flow. All Life is the Paradox of Source. Source of All things and All Life Exists as Creation itself. It cannot be said however that Creation Creates Source of Creation. That's the One Rule that cannot be violated in physics, nor metaphysics. And there's a reason why, and that reason is what Created there to be Truth, and there to be Illusion.
Source is always more than Creation itself, infinitely more. That is mirrored in the Soul, which is infinitely more than Action.
What happens when matter ascends to light? Matter moves through light. And beyond the Threshold of Infinity, one's destination field can be in a different parallel than where one began -- in terms of space flight.
Everything "absolute" is relative. What frequency is negative energy considered so? I can look at a negative terminal on a Tesla tower and see that it is only negative because it is another relative positive, that the zero has not yet been reached. That's just an |absolute value| of charge itself.
Energy is energy without positive or negative, unless it is in the form of a paradox. Light is energy, and it is neither positive nor negative. Positive or negative pertains only to mass. "Positive energy" and "negative energy" must relate to inertia and mass and time, and also (and thus) gravity. Energy is Unity. Dividing energy itself into positive and negative may eventually throw Humanity off-track to a "Source and Anti-Source" philosophy which is not the logical truth. For example, negative mass could very well be perceived as a ghost. Where is the divider between positive and negative energy when energy itself is the substance of all things? There is no anti-energy; energy is action. Likewise there is no anti-consciousness. The existence of a negation (the "not" / "anti," etc) is not nothing, meaning something. Source of All Energy and All Life is One common Source, which qualifies "All Existence." The innate Oneness and interconnectedness with all life implies one common Source; anything else could not even be perceived to exist at all.
If matter is that which has mass, and matter is also energy form, including that associated in dreams and other higher-dimensional frequencies and vibrations of "Earth physical matter-vibration," then mass can also be unified beyond the light-zero-barrier. If teleported matter maintains its energy-pattern of form (memory, at least within a small margin of parallel reality) then mass can also exist much like the magnetic wave can also exist in a bolt of electrostatic lightning. Harmonic action-frequencies of a "tunable photon" can be changed with more of a direct focus of mind and thought -- life in a higher rate of vibration. Information can be encoded into form through light mediums in a much broader spectrum than simply binary, without inuring a limit in time.
Ragarding negative energy, there is also a void energy. That (void energy) is a type of energy though, not an absence of energy. There are certain safeguards that must be respected when dealing with an energy reality unification. It's important to realize that all things have Purpose for the Highest Good to Exist. Purpose is the wholeness of action. Action exists with purpose to establish identity (action establishes identity, otherwise there would be nothing upon which action could act). Completion and Beginning is action pertaining to purpose. Even void has purpose for the highest good of all life, to be destructive, as an energy and as probability waves that maintain paradoxical form (like that of physical life), stopping matter from unification when there is purpose to maintain the balance of a physical creation of time and space and planets and people, etc.
Unified physics is to find the place of unification of matter and mass and energy to the extent that ideas can be engineered into form such as machines or techniques. No machine built the universe; it is consciousness and life-force.
Dealing with negative energy is dealing with paradoxical physics however, not unified physics. Actually, the recent warp drive blog post about negative space and time get more into the understanding of negative energy. An understanding of negative energy can be unified into a scope of light-based unifiable physics, rather than a paradoxical positive and negative energy-based physics. Paradoxical mathematics could be made to work with light-based technologies, since the paradox of matter has a natural unity at (and as) light.
These physics are unified physics, with a unification focus of light.
In any value in the domain of positives and negatives, there is a frequency range of where that action can be measured. Positive and negative mass/energy fluctuations of exotic matter exists in a range of near-simultaneous light, which is why we measure such fluctuations. Those energies exist in a state where either the positive or the negative can be used from the same energy, depending upon its intended use. Its intended use could be the construction of a machine which harnesses the raw force into a device where that raw force flows exactly to where it should be, much like the Heisenberg uncertainty principle where an electron is always observed where it is intended to be, and never where it is not observed.
Quantum observation can be achieved through an apparatus with designated purpose [to achieve]; intended action ... or achieved through an apparatus of the focused will.
It makes things so much easier.
Reverse physics
Another way to look at it, when the inertial forces of the spinning (acceleration) rings and disks equal the mass of the vehicle, and the counter-spinning achieves equilibrium to a zero, then can magneto-electrostatic unified inertial force of mass, gravity, light and cosmic substance be enough to take the ship out of space/time to where it can travel through independent space/time determined by the will and intention of the pilot? It would create a unique condition so that urging it to move through zero space would be as easy as giving it imbalanced motion. But here is the other problem to consider, that of the conditions of zero space itself. We're dealing with paradoxes the whole way through this endeavor to create.
A lot of these physics are "back-physics," as a product of "reverse-engineering" the physics of how the OTC-X1 worked. It is a logical and viable system worthy of a serious review of these theoretical physics. I don't care how well an equation is logically formulated, an equation alone is not enough to develop warp drive starships, much-less hyperdrives. Real understanding cannot come from pure mathematics alone. I wish it were true; I wish an equation alone were enough to solve all the problems we face in such an epic desire of Humanity to reach the stars. But it doesn't solve the problem of what the ship looks like, what do the engines look like, and how does it move with action and mechanism?
It is much simpler to believe Ralph Ring is telling the truth, and all the documentation and witnesses and reports are real as such. If that is true, and it really happened, then these physics must be so. So what of this "zero space" of pure light probable realities and expansions of simultaneous time? What is that experience actually like? In such conditions, bi-location and teleportation is as fast as a thought. Thought telepathy has been seen to be simultaneous at the exact moment no matter where or how far apart the transmitter and receiver are, which means thought is instantaneous.
How does frequency travel through zero space?
Were looking at something with possibilities never before known by Humankind in our recorded timeline.
What if gravity itself doesn't exist in zero time? What then, for the need to create a gravity field at all?
How far can a beam of energy be projected from a starting point of light itself? Here's a paradox to consider: Light is simultaneous but matter perceives it as taking time for light to travel. Could a ship fly to Alpha Centauri and back when the observers from Earth still see it leaving our solar system? A frequency of electrical inertia and energy with polarity -- separation in time -- would determine a degree of space traveled with a starting point at the speed of light itself.
That separation in space and time creates a frequency difference of coordinates point A to point B. The only spacetime reference is that of light itself, not struggling to reach light. We've already done that according to the promise secret space program disclosure (see recommended websites). Probability wave (zero-point light) frequency? Reminds me of the "Infinite Improbability Generator" from Douglas Adams, enabling a ship to travel through probable simultaneous space (light-space, or zero-space).
Oscillating radio waves focused in fractal (sacred) geometry such as what David Sereda has proposed, and also by Space Warp Research LLC., has shown that energy frequency does indeed warp spacetime. In sacred geometry form, and perfect-note harmonic resonance frequencies, it shouldn't be harmful to life. The vertical core could literally pull the destination point to the ship, rather than creating a gravity pocket in front of the ship to fall into -- the distance (between point A and point B) of the frequency generated for a photon to travel in fields of light-space.
Increasing the frequency (the spin of matter, the vibration of the atoms) in resonance (working all-as-one) well above radio waves to say that of cosmic rays should be easy in theory, using technology derived from the OTC-X1; and it ought to be safe in which to travel in this fashion. All these aspects work in harmony. In light space, these frequencies generated would resemble how tachyons travel.
There is no cause and effect. The OTC-X1 did not cause these physics; the physics and engineering and everything learned compliments a "more whole existence" of what we now know. From here, it can be seen a past and a future; the origin is always in the now. -- Humanity's Birthday.
It is a very unique ship. I think the first of its kind to be conceived. Some components have been successfully tested before, but never in this configuration designed to be hyperdrive capable. I hope all this is worth it. I made huge sacrifices to make this happen. NASA JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratories) had been working on warp drive development since the 1980's with no results made public. About the same time I was just starting to come out with this stuff, EAGLEWORKS announced they wanted to build a warp drive. In just two years, I went from where I was at the old "lightdrive-ascension.com" website to where I am now with this website. The secret space program info fell across my doorstep about the same time, too. I have a completed theory however, that is also designed (at least well enough to explain the theory and engineering requirements). (11/08/2014)
This is a dream come true for me. In 2001, I set out to make this happen. I didn't necessarily believe it could be done, but now I see that it can. This stuff seems so simple, these days. I keep second guessing myself saying "oh it can't be true," but then I go back and read things on this website and am totally amazed! I keep thinking "surely I've overlooked something," but it stands up to the unified logic of paradoxes. Logic is a science that determines what is true and what is false. Unifiable reasoning is to understand the separate (actually, understanding that separation is an illusion; there is no separation) parts of the universe as paradoxes, not as dualities!
The course of science may prove some things incorrect, but if so, I have more than enough information to be able to quickly find a solution that will work, as far as I can see. Unlike other scientists, I've had to become adaptable and flexible, instead of allowing my cup to be full, and then stopping with a bolstered ego. I have an adaptable belief core. I don't get stuck believing one thing and one thing only, and then clinging to it in order to define my own ego-identity. Many times in the past, when I believed something as rock solid, just a week later I was already re-adapting to another belief. This stuff is without limit, meaning it is ever-evolving. I don't get stuck believing something like a theory will never change. That makes me good at working with theoretical physics.
However, this theory is established. I won't know what would change until after some test flights. That too, is the process of science. It's called "research and development." I have no idea how much it would cost to build the ship; I merely am a designer and physicist. My guess though, is that if you have to ask . . . . . . Ultimately, it's up to you to decide if this design is worthy to experiment with, and to build, and what offshoots and technologies can come out of it as a by-product of such development. What do you want?
There is a lot I've found that I've taken for granted thinking that other people already know it or understand. The more I see though, the more I see that this is virtually unknown to people. Usually when people ask me questions, I find that it is something I should clarify at this website, that I already know, but have just overlooked. I don't get too much feedback from other people, though, hardly any at all. Currently, I've been working with a friend helping him to understand some of this stuff. I've been grateful for every question he asks me!
I somehow knew about flying saucers and UFO's before I ever saw one. I was around two years old, and the occasion came along that I could explain to my Mom that a flying saucer could do vertical takeoff and 90 degree right-angled turns at high speeds. I may have rambled that story into one of the blog comments. When I was 8, I came up with a concept similar to David Hamel's cones and sphere involving mass forces spiraling, and the perpetual falling motion of the sphere. Don't know really where to go from here other then to take some time off and have a life until the occasion arises that I should do something different. I hope you have enjoyed reading this website.
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My book yet to be published (still editing it) has a LOT of metaphysics and philosophy which are excellent for understanding life on this planet, and understanding empowered creation. Many people are becoming much more familiar with these things these days. I can finally say I'm not in the minority. These things are becoming more recognized. It has been my boyhood dream to understand gravity and warp drives, and to be free to fly. I think I understand a little bit, at least.
These things weren't really well known when I started college. Doing these things was one of the reasons I went to college. I was bitterly depressed when I found out these things were virtually unknown in the university systems. In just 13 years, I went from having a bit of a clue, to an entire ship designed and named. Humanity has come a very long way in 23 years. I have been hoping my book will generate some funding so I can continue this work, but I want it to be the best and most true as possible. This is a step on my long journey, and I think this website will stay this way for a while, now. I think there's more than enough information on it to help people, and to build/develop a ship, and several different kinds of ships, including the old OTC-X1.
I left college wanting to learn more about life, because what I saw in the older university system was a huge illusion. Even today, many college professors of physics and engineering scoff at free and abundant energy as a real concept that can be made real by machine, even though the philosophical disciplines predict their existences. The theoretical physics back then that I studied were actually incorrect compared to what has been discovered more recently. That is to be expected, though. Practice makes perfect.
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There is a necessity to build the X-1, and Hutchison power cell hybrid utrons. I know many who want to build, but there's just not enough money to do it. That is the sad case with many, MANY people in the world. I'm a simple man. I can't really understand jumping through so many hoops in today's world of patents and LEGAL stuff and all that PAPERWORK. This is very hard work. For many doing this kind of work, they live lonely. They deal with emotional, social, financial, and control issues etc, that are beyond most people's comprehension. There is such a thing as a starving scientist.
I've done a lot of work trying to develop this stuff, and this is where I am. The metaphysics and philosophy are awesome, but most of that isn't even on this website. That's the stuff that's really tough, too. And again, metaphysics have not been taught in college, but are only now beginning to peak out into the world of universities as life-skills taught to freshmen, to get them out of the programmed directives of high school and old paradigm parenting; and that is good.
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Here's a bit of a peaceful challenge: If this technology can be used to travel to other stars very rapidly, does that mean that all these physics and metaphysics are correct? I'm just as curious to see, myself.
We live in a world where these things inspire very diverse reactions in people. Most people won't understand this stuff, but there is a growing number of open-minded people who can believe as long as they are willing to put forth the effort to do something that may seem impossible. I believe nothing is impossible. Literally.
Self empowerment, boundaries, discernment, passion, and unconditional love (and joy) are the keys to happiness. Above all else, it should be enjoyable, and not stressful. The future doesn't matter as much as the now.
Life Force is who we are.
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I am re-assessing my life at this point. I want to encourage others to start talking to each other and not hiding behind patents, greed, or behind a fear that others will steal their ideas. Speak and gather together. Yes, the economy is a big problem; but it too, is all about energy, intention, and doing for the higher good for others, because that is the most profitable for all, and one. We can take these things to a trade-level economy; there is no limit to how we can shape our planet. I do want to emphasize organization and strong lawful and honorable ethics. Good financial backing is important in today's society, however volunteer effort is the backbone of the modern world of scientific exploration and advancements in technology. That's funny because I was taught in school that engineers make a lot of money. My, oh my, how is the cold hard slap in the face of reality that we were taught that merit and deed was rewarded with responsibility; yet the truth doesn't seem to fit with the "mechanics" and gears of society.
We create economy. We create law. Our interactions with people, our activities, our desires and goals and plans, all of that action is energy!
There are alternatives to sitting on one's butt and doing nothing.
Many people build decks, houses, fix toilets, and can read a set of plans. Those people are the Builders. They don't have patents. They don't use patents. Someone asks them to build something for them, and follow some sets of plans. Carpenters, like Jesus, tradesmen, they can build the ships without having to deal with patents at all. If you publish a set of plans to the public, anyone in the public can build according to those plans. They just can't build a whole bunch of "whatever-it-is" and sell them if it interferes with a patent. The SYSTEM of LAWS can trap the entire world very, very easily. But Law can also free the world. The Laws of the highest order and integrity are the ones used most rarely, or in most rarified territory.
Everyone does things differently. An idea may be honored, but there is wide diversity in the expression of an idea that cannot be claimed to own because of the very nature of the idea itself, of awareness, of collective conscious perception and individual expression.
Private Contract is a very safe way to do things. More than that, it is the most sensible, most common, most natural, and involves communication, cooperation, and basic Human interaction, intelligence, perception, wisdom, etc. A study of the Law that we are not taught is a good idea for those wishing to build what they want. For example, here at the lake, any experimental boat someone built does not have to be registered. Registration and patenting gives up ownership in exchange for protection. And, it costs a lot of money to even get a patent and take the first step. I prefer buying a set of plans, and building it from the plans. If Bob wants me to build one for him, it's between me and Bob. If Bob wants Jeff to build him something, then there ya go. I may want Bob to build me a yo-yo, hand-made from teak wood, with his initials in a laser-carved pattern burned into the wood. He may just have the tools to do that, and I can slip him $20 bucks for his time and materials and there it is. It's not wrong.
If I want to take a stick on the ground in the forest, and carve a face into it, and keep it, people will say, "oh wow, it's lovely." Some people may say, you don't have rights to that stick. If you want to catch rain water in a barrel to water your garden, some people may say you don't have the water rights. Actually, ONLY if you sell that water. But if you give it away, no one cares, except for the one's receiving the gifts. The matter of commerce is energy, and intention.
Gifts given and exchanged can be money, or Fed Reserve Notes, or yo-yos, or whatever. But that's the level we Humans must operate at, because everyone and their dog wants to be in control, which is just an illusion.
Survival is not a basic Human need like food or clothes or shelter. Survival is to live without those things. In the case of survival, what protects you is normally concealed, like your ATM PIN number. That's nature's defense in many species. This website is not to ponder the philosophy of Law, however, nor to teach it.
These are just ideas. Whether or not these ideas are regarded with value is up to the individual, and groups of individuals.
What I'm getting at here is a matter of my own self expression. There is a point, and a question. Investors have said they will finance important development only after it has been developed. That is a lack of organization and accountability. How can volunteer-based science really be the way of our society? Why are experimental scientists in the lowest pay bracket, or not in one? How many new college students are enrolled this year all around America? What are they going to do with their passion and education? Volunteer-based science is not such a bad thing, really. It has a good side and a bad side. I know that without organization and financial backing, many volunteers won't develop certain sciences to the full extent for fear of overstepping indeterminable boundaries.
Antigravity and free energy is still a taboo in most university systems. Credibility has been a word used with no clear determination of established criteria which defines its meaning. Many scientists have been stopped in their tracks by threats that their technology will be stolen. Many lawyers do a good job to protect scientists, but that comes with a price tag, lots of paperwork, and utmost secrecy, which can undermine organization efforts through university systems. It's a mess!
Environmental scientists with proven miraculous new technology are often rejected, even if they have the know-how to for instance, neutralize radioactivity instantly. Is the finger on the button to make our planet uninhabitable due to a threat of an ET nature taking over our planet? Or vice-versa? I think it's not a matter of belief, because when things are explained reasonably, logic alone determines the truth (that's what logic does. It is a science which determines things true or false). Is the Human race capable of logic and reason?
Perhaps there some forces out there, maybe ET forces that do not want the Human race to evolve? Or maybe there's a particular format or way to do it deemed acceptable in unrevealed ways? That may seem far-fetched and silly, but if we can go to other stars ... then people from other stars can come here.
I've learned the hard way that common, ordinary people, terrified of such things and feeling so disempowered that they seek to control everything around them have proven themselves to be dangerous elements to society. Sometimes when common, ordinary people learn things outside the norms of social conditioning, they seek to destroy the messenger either physically, or in ways of credibility, using tools of slander and other poisons and mind-warfare just so they can remain stable in their notions of reality. Sometimes a controlling matriarch of a family will seek to economically and LEGALLY destroy their own children when they as the controller can't get their way, and actually call social services to have their children's children taken away and institutionalized out of mere petty vengeance and a need for control. And as I stated before, the victim mentality itself is a power stance used upon others in ways of mental and emotional abusiveness. The cycles of victim and abuse is a double-edged sword, two sides of the same coin. Regardless of whatever it is that seems to be going on behind the scenes, without organization and a clear "chain of command," and at the very least harmonic resonance (people willing to put their beliefs and egos aside to work together in the spirit of Love), nothing in isolation can survive. People fond of saying "I can't, I can't" will make sure that others can't.
Many new scientists, artists, thinkers surfacing in the world all come from very divergent cultural beliefs and ways. What is in my world, may not be in your world, even though we may live on the same planet. Quantum mechanics shows us there are multiple Earth realities regardless, and different frequencies and vibrations of Earth reality, all going on simultaneously. We are becoming multidimensional Humans regardless. The increase in mental illness also is a tell-tale symptom of Human beings rejecting their social programming of old paradigm reality.
I'm trying to keep this professional, however. Advancing our understanding of the world through technology and philosophy, psychology, physics etc, is the result of a Genuine Planetary Awakening, not the cause of it. Travel to the stars, and even to our planets in the solar system is a timid step for Humankind, not bold. Expanding our activities to outer and deep space however will make more space to help correct inner-planetary issues of war and conflict. But that step must be taken so that war and conflict (the dis-eases of Human disfunction) does not spread out to the rest of the galaxy to affect other lifeforms negatively. That actually is the biggest threat Earth faces. Natural and intelligent forces of the universe actively prevent any expansion of tyranny. The crux is the value of Earth -- The Living Library, the last living life laboratory -- which is why the finger is on the button in regard to Earth's environment (most logical probability). Humans hold the key to accessing infinite universal information transmitted through DNA light encoding frequencies, because only Humans can merge with Earth-consciousness energy field.
As we ask these questions, "are we stepping into forbidden territories," that question on everyone's mind but no one DARES ask it aloud (that question has come up in one of the blog comments), well, it is a valid question, but one existing in people's diverse individual realities. I cannot answer such a question, nor dare propose reasons and meaning to such a question. EAGLEWORKS has announced that they are developing warp drive. That means planetary re-organization is already underway for the highest good of all life everywhere, otherwise such a thing could not have ever been achieved in the first place.
I was brought up believing honesty and integrity and truth holds the most value. But now I am wiser and realize the importance to be clear with the truth, and keep straight with the lie. I won't outright tell others what to believe, or what people should, must, and can't do. People do have to be intelligent enough (be it learned or innately natural) to understand science, such as this theory of hyperdrive and warp drive travel, to weigh the risks and make informed decisions for the highest good and only for the highest good. It's also about desire, goals, dreams, the Human spirit of wanting to know, and exploration. Why are we so afraid of going out into space? Or is it that we're afraid that outer space will come to Earth? If we lived freely, happily, in harmony with nature, in balance with the life on this planet, we would be also in outer space, learning and sharing peacefully (living in harmony with life on the planet and thus in harmony with life outside the environment of our planet). Earth is a Sacred planet, and very important to the rest of the universe, surely we have something good and worthy within us that would be welcomed where our hearts yearn to be free?
Many problems on this planet can be fixed by taking the steps to open our hearts, expand our minds, and to spread our wings.
Your focus determines your reality.
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Based on my experiences, and I've learned a lot from them, I should relate some important information, I feel. Firstly, there is no reason to fear. There is a need to discern. But as far as the undercurrents of the depths go, there is a shadow side of Humanity which is due to long-term genetic trauma that honestly and ultimately, Humanity has done only to ourselves. That of course goes back thousands upon thousands of years. Finding deep inner peace occurs after that inner darkness has been faced, and made peace with. I am preparing a philosophy to help with such understanding of the light, and of Love, because that is what everything is, and about. It's not the answer to everything, but it may help shed some light on these unprecedented changes happening not just on our planet, but at the very least throughout our star system, and more than likely throughout the galaxy, and ultimately beyond.
The frequencies of life, laughter, joy, harmony -- those positive frequencies of realization that all things are for the highest good, and thus the light and dark are different areas of the same integrity of enlightened forces of life flow -- that is good ground and creates positive causality (the causal planes of creation, so to speak, that inner creation of outer Earth reality, and that focus which build reality-tapestries of positive cause and effect), lessening destructive energies. If the roof won't fit right on the house, the second story walls may have to be torn down and rebuilt. The light and dark are both energies of Love. That may be the more difficult realization of existence. The frequencies you hold determine a cause and effect reality that You determine for your own experience of your reality that only you directly experience. There may be similarities among other people's realities, but there are always differences in how reality looks, what it feels like, how it is perceived and physically experienced. Perception creates reality. Resonance has to be achieved as a match of frequency otherwise with just one discord, and/or with multiple discords, one would have to refer back to one's own perception, and there would be no resonance (also in that way, lessening destructive energies -- discord is more destructive when not in resonance, to put it in a logical syntax).
Those are my perceptions. No two people experience the same reality.
And again, your focus determines your reality.
The more one realizes, the quicker the light. As the light becomes brighter, the shadows become more well-defined. As the frequencies increase, the darkness within must be overcome, which is primarily fed by the food of fear. If Love is all things, and if the darkness is of Love, then it can be realized that there is nothing to fear. Fear alone creates great destruction. That is the only risk, and that is why things are safeguarded in the universe. Love replaces and overcomes fear because the truth shines bright as sunlight.
I am a Builder, a tradesman, and an experimental scientist. I'm also a researcher, a counselor, and philosopher, and I *Love* unified physics. Yes, I am a physicist because that's what I do. I'm pretty smart I guess, but not the smartest. I prefer metaphysics and philosophy, but people don't seem ready to really live empowered lives free in the vibration of Unconditional Love, self-empowerment, and enlightenment. I am a living man. Maybe these words can help to wake people up.
(10/22/2014) ; revised, (1/14/15)
No one has permission to use any of these photos on this website until my book is published. It's tied up in copyright and publishing regardless, so. Just a head's up. You can display them as long as you give credit to where credit is due, but not to publish in any copywritten (or copywritable) material, or publications, unless you expressly gain my permission for any particular, special circumstances that may unforeseeably arise.