Warp Drive News (8/21/2018)
Big Whomping News!
The success of Alexey Chekurkov has validated the physics behind the LAU-X4 design pertaining to the first step, the OTC-X1 replication.
It's a milestone first step that has demonstrated and proven electro-gravation.
Humanity has taken its first real step in the public to develop a warp drive reality ahead of a 100 year timetable for the creation of warp drive, set by national and international policy, believe it or not.
Since the same physics is congruent throughout, as it seems currently, and in peer consensus, then the reality of warp drive can be believed given one has enough information available to understand it.
Negative energy is not the opposite of energy, it's energy in a collapsed state, a more quantum state of energy like zero point energy, which makes much more energy output. The universe sees it's so small and gives and gives and gives to it.
Negative energy also specifically pertains to mass. So an object with negative mass has exactly the opposite inertia as normal mass/matter. When the mass of a craft goes to zero, then it is the negative energy which achieves this, and cancels out inertial / gravitational forces on the craft, enabling it to travel in an unlimited way of movement and teleportation.
What's REALLY weird is that is requires a spark gap to send high volt impulses without an actual electron flow (the mass of the electrons moving, as what is standard in electricity thesedays), and this spark derived from the collapse of the electromagnetic field is what triggers the impulse -- it resembles the collapse of energy, see ....
The spark gap is so the electrons don't move their mass, and resistance is eliminated, and the electrons are free to resonate in a way that negates their mass electromagnetically and dielectrically, or polarizes it so that they make their own inertia and tend to want to go in one direction (electro-inertia propulsion).
Combine this with a negative mass / negative energy field, and you got a warp drive.
When the craft is so light (mass is reduced to zero so it becomes light, literally, in a higher dimension or frequency), then thought and specifically it is intention that directs the craft to move.
... and now, for the news, and the history that has led to this point:
The success of Alexey Chekurkov has validated the physics behind the LAU-X4 design pertaining to the first step, the OTC-X1 replication.
It's a milestone first step that has demonstrated and proven electro-gravation.
Humanity has taken its first real step in the public to develop a warp drive reality ahead of a 100 year timetable for the creation of warp drive, set by national and international policy, believe it or not.
Since the same physics is congruent throughout, as it seems currently, and in peer consensus, then the reality of warp drive can be believed given one has enough information available to understand it.
Negative energy is not the opposite of energy, it's energy in a collapsed state, a more quantum state of energy like zero point energy, which makes much more energy output. The universe sees it's so small and gives and gives and gives to it.
Negative energy also specifically pertains to mass. So an object with negative mass has exactly the opposite inertia as normal mass/matter. When the mass of a craft goes to zero, then it is the negative energy which achieves this, and cancels out inertial / gravitational forces on the craft, enabling it to travel in an unlimited way of movement and teleportation.
What's REALLY weird is that is requires a spark gap to send high volt impulses without an actual electron flow (the mass of the electrons moving, as what is standard in electricity thesedays), and this spark derived from the collapse of the electromagnetic field is what triggers the impulse -- it resembles the collapse of energy, see ....
The spark gap is so the electrons don't move their mass, and resistance is eliminated, and the electrons are free to resonate in a way that negates their mass electromagnetically and dielectrically, or polarizes it so that they make their own inertia and tend to want to go in one direction (electro-inertia propulsion).
Combine this with a negative mass / negative energy field, and you got a warp drive.
When the craft is so light (mass is reduced to zero so it becomes light, literally, in a higher dimension or frequency), then thought and specifically it is intention that directs the craft to move.
... and now, for the news, and the history that has led to this point:
News at last!
Now I have a much better understanding of what's going on. The engine employs electret-dielectric Biefeld-Brown active medium technology, and the wiring has been solved -- construction blog page. (rather, there is a wiring solution available)
Also, the safety features can now be updated. There are certain ways to make energies harmful, and certain ways to harness energies where they are healing and beneficial to life, as noted on the The Onset of Tesla Free Energy Nondestructive Exclusive Technology to be Made Available to be Exchanged for Value article on the Free Energy / Tesla page.
I now need to make those relevant corrections below. Bottom line is that the OTC-X1 and the LAU-X4 has passed its safety evaluation.
"The safety considerations are of the highest priority, and there are two schools of thought behind it: Kundalini activation whereas one's belief cores may cause internal mental conflict as to trying to understand the experience, and the nature of improper polarization of scalar energies. Scalar technology can be used to heal, and to harm, and the intended purpose behind the usage of technology plays the largest role as to if they are safe or harmful. With appropriate consideration to the Life Force, any destructive effect will not be present, so as long as people are mindful of the metaphysical aspects of consciousness and energy."
... Although I did mention that the Central Accumulator should use a living organic electrolyte to be more in harmony with life-force living biology systems in some places, now with a better understanding of healing vortex energies, that should not be a problem. Also, the Biefeld-Brown technology seems to NEED an electret that generates its own power. And also you wouldn't want the battery to die out at the worse possible moment ... So electret power cell layers handle several goals, and are able to make the power the craft needs to do its job.
Since it is tapping the natural energy of the universe in ways that are not purposefully constructed to be destructive, the safety evaluation of these crafts appears to be inclined toward healing of biology rather than destruction to biology.
Also, "Even if using unpolarized energy, as it now looks like the OTC-X1 is doing by using the utrons to transform magneto-electrostatic energy, it should not be assumed this to be an unsafe usage of energy, because it is not siphoning life force in reverse to how living biology uses that energy."
As the safety features have been WIDELY discussed throughout this website, the biggest risk seems to be how the Human mind deals with its belief core regarding the affect of these energies of Light. These energies are prone to activating the Human Kundalini, which can be a startling experience, and without appropriate training in the metaphysical disciplines, the Human mind may not fully understand what is happening resulting in ONE'S OWN MIND creating an unhealthy biological environment due to ONE'S OWN MIND creating the disruption of natural electrical chi pathways in the body. It is known in medical textbooks that one's consciousness plays a large role in the creation of health or dis-ease.
This -- the "safety features" is metaphysical knowledge, and is included at this website for these reasons of warp drive travel through hyperdimensional light, whereas Light is a living energy environment, and the mind that is locked into duality mode and ego, may have a hard time riding these currents in the "primitive" state of Human awareness, whereas the enlightened state of Human awareness is a requirement to ride these currents through Light and Time.
A lot of the older material WAY DOWN BELOW is pretty horribly written, and at this point much can truly be gutted since the LAU craft is no longer using the cones, and the OTC-X1 craft is now fairly well solved, even down to the wiring, materials, etc. The utron is now known as a magneto-electrostatic field generator (only possible thing it can be; however there are specifics about this noted on the Construction Blog page in the article about rotating charged plates), with variations upon its construction. And the craft can now be built.
Let me say this again, the bad boy has been figured out, wiring detail provided, coil design, testing configurations, it's all there, on the construction blog page.
Negative energy = Radiant energy
Also as a note, pay attention to the time/date stamps on articles, and the news sections below, as the newer information will reflect the solution to many previous unknowns.
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OTC-X1 repulsor technology; negative gravitation through negative mass generation in resonance with longitudinal wave geometry in negative energy framework. The OTC-X1 has been upgraded using modern technology and negative energy high voltage Tesla physics. Includes the MVP pulse motor aspects for overunity power production. These systems are resolved in theoretical framework. See Construction Blog page.
Faster than light electron (wave) transmission is now realized, and demonstrated in the home page intro updated content, and discussed further on the Construction Blog page in the "Magneto-static simplification; Tesla / Townsend Brown electrogravitics Mass-Reduction therefore Gravity Cancellation article."
Negative energy gravitation framework is also realized, and the OTC-X1 Warp Drive is now in the prototype phase of development (already passed the research phase, and is now in the construction phase), AS OPEN SOURCE, WHEREAS THIS INFORMATION HAS NOW BEEN PRESENTED TO THE OTC-X1 DEVELOPMENT GROUPS -- THE POD BUILDERS.
The LAU-X4 vertical impeller changes the electrogravitational lift characteristics, creating an imbalance of electro-inertia, setting lift into the field of negative energy / negative mass gravitation, for theoretical faster-than-light travel.
Outer Ring engine is optional R and D.
It's a little different, but the OTC-X1 is the same engine, but the Otis T. Carr historical version is not able to be duplicated without using an external power supply -- the MVP pulse motor, using multiple motors (based on Bedini), stacked and arranged in a ring, in the crew space, and at this point is able to output about 725 watts output over input. Best we got, and the best option available using modern current technology and physics. Using 42 MVP pulse engines (small desktop devices), an output of approximately 30,000 watts can be obtained in flyback "negative energy" characteristic.
This represents solution.
Regarding the AC / DC gravity aspect on the Info page, that may very well be valid, but after careful consideration, AC resonance is being held as a reserve concept, because Searl and Carr's technology all show geometrical alignment of vertical coils, whereas in AC configuration, there is not yet a true architecture other than rotation of charge along hull plating, or in the Outer Ring resonance cavity of the LAU-X4 using inductive transformer segments. The utrons are acting within magnetostatic induction, which is a similar concept as the vertical impeller, as the utrons pass through each magnetostatic c-shaped gate.
Everything is backed up and based upon real experimental published results, from quite a few other scientists and experimenters involved in these fields.
Emails have been sent to Walter Nowosad who coordinates the pod groups, regarding this development.
You are welcome to participate in the development effort, so as long as you are actually building an OTC-X1 model prototype.
By: Administrator of the LAU Trust, Drew Dowling
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Last week's news:
News from http://clandestinedisclosure.com/
Walter Nowosad and the pods have been making progress, and his website looks GREAT!
All the OTC-X1 Engineers hang out there, so get connected!
There are now hollow utrons, and notes about the need to wind a coil around the utron, warnings about using mercury with aluminum (mercury dissolves aluminum upon contact, which I've mentioned before but need to be up front with that), Tony Rodrigues a secret space program whistleblower testimony, and a note upon the clarification of what is disclosure, are now included on his site!
This is the best resource on the internet about how the utrons behave within the presence of electromagnetic fields and in motion:
I am super impressed with the work they are doing, and it looks like the OTC-X1 is now easier for folks to start gettin' to building, and becoming a pod building group. Finally there is mention of the anomalous conditions with a spinning utron that created some "weird phenomena" from it being hollow and filled with an electrolyte mixture of 3 elements, that can be found on the link above.
In related news, I have just met a gentleman who has one of Otis T. Carr's historic OTC-X1 models, and documentation in the project, that may surface in the future, with his permission. I'm keeping an eye out for that, and don't want to say too much about it, other than it was kept in Otis Carr's family.
If you want to know more about the OTC-X1, and if you don't already know what it is, then please look here:
Whereas I have my ideas about the OTC-X1 and negative energy, the OTC-X1 presentation on the Clandestine Disclosure website is far simpler, and easier to understand, which also includes zero point theory, and a wiring style similar to Tesla's Unipolar dynamo, along with more of a standard motor wiring. Whereas this website is intended for the worse-case scenario that the OTC-X1 fails in all attempts in reproduction, this website notes more complex wiring and negative energy physics and theory to back up a worse-case scenario that the OTC-X1 may really require a lot more effort than what some may be expecting. But it now looks like there is new information that is really spot-on, on the Clandestine Disclosure website.
This website is also an educational resource for warp drive physics, theory, and technology that has solid ground in real, working devices and is the accumulation of the knowledge of many inventors, scientists, researchers, and "Out-of-the-box thinking people" all who have contributed to this dynamic goal of making warp drive a reality. This website reveals many varying technologies, principles, and school / style of thought, which all come together in a singular goal, and shows how it is all unified under a common umbrella.
In the future, I may work a bit on an OTC-X1 model, now that it DOES look like more folks are involved in the project; but I still have several projects involving Tesla technology I need to finish.
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At this point, I think it's safe to tie in the utron as an electrical inertial generator, to the negative energy longitudinal (scalar) flatwave characteristics of the OTC-X1 resonating between the outer peripheral, and the Central Accumulator. As the utron moves, it generates a vortex type of magnetic field. However there are other odd characteristics regarding an utron filled with a type of mercury-electrolyte (mercury combined with other elements make it inert to dissolving aluminum, as per the Clandestine Disclosure group). Walter Baumgartner noticed the electrical field characteristics emanating from the utron in motion.
An electromagnetic vortex (6 of them) is moved through an electro-magnetostatic scalar field. This is what is going on with the OTC-X1. The scalar field is a negative energy field. Introducing counter-rotational spin in these two systems cancels out the inertial mass in a superconductive manner as is the case of negative energy, through a manipulation of frequency (the time-like conditions of matter). The central accumulator reflects this energy with the outer peripheral, but it (the matter-form of the central accumulator) vibrates with that energy if using a resonance cavity (resonance cavity antigravity) like how a crystal chime rings with energy.
Would it be considered a negative vortex? A reversed vortex since the vortices move around the peripheral? If only we knew what those weird phenomena were that Walter Nowosad refuses to reveal .... hmmmm ......
Now I have a much better understanding of what's going on. The engine employs electret-dielectric Biefeld-Brown active medium technology, and the wiring has been solved -- construction blog page. (rather, there is a wiring solution available)
Also, the safety features can now be updated. There are certain ways to make energies harmful, and certain ways to harness energies where they are healing and beneficial to life, as noted on the The Onset of Tesla Free Energy Nondestructive Exclusive Technology to be Made Available to be Exchanged for Value article on the Free Energy / Tesla page.
I now need to make those relevant corrections below. Bottom line is that the OTC-X1 and the LAU-X4 has passed its safety evaluation.
"The safety considerations are of the highest priority, and there are two schools of thought behind it: Kundalini activation whereas one's belief cores may cause internal mental conflict as to trying to understand the experience, and the nature of improper polarization of scalar energies. Scalar technology can be used to heal, and to harm, and the intended purpose behind the usage of technology plays the largest role as to if they are safe or harmful. With appropriate consideration to the Life Force, any destructive effect will not be present, so as long as people are mindful of the metaphysical aspects of consciousness and energy."
... Although I did mention that the Central Accumulator should use a living organic electrolyte to be more in harmony with life-force living biology systems in some places, now with a better understanding of healing vortex energies, that should not be a problem. Also, the Biefeld-Brown technology seems to NEED an electret that generates its own power. And also you wouldn't want the battery to die out at the worse possible moment ... So electret power cell layers handle several goals, and are able to make the power the craft needs to do its job.
Since it is tapping the natural energy of the universe in ways that are not purposefully constructed to be destructive, the safety evaluation of these crafts appears to be inclined toward healing of biology rather than destruction to biology.
Also, "Even if using unpolarized energy, as it now looks like the OTC-X1 is doing by using the utrons to transform magneto-electrostatic energy, it should not be assumed this to be an unsafe usage of energy, because it is not siphoning life force in reverse to how living biology uses that energy."
As the safety features have been WIDELY discussed throughout this website, the biggest risk seems to be how the Human mind deals with its belief core regarding the affect of these energies of Light. These energies are prone to activating the Human Kundalini, which can be a startling experience, and without appropriate training in the metaphysical disciplines, the Human mind may not fully understand what is happening resulting in ONE'S OWN MIND creating an unhealthy biological environment due to ONE'S OWN MIND creating the disruption of natural electrical chi pathways in the body. It is known in medical textbooks that one's consciousness plays a large role in the creation of health or dis-ease.
This -- the "safety features" is metaphysical knowledge, and is included at this website for these reasons of warp drive travel through hyperdimensional light, whereas Light is a living energy environment, and the mind that is locked into duality mode and ego, may have a hard time riding these currents in the "primitive" state of Human awareness, whereas the enlightened state of Human awareness is a requirement to ride these currents through Light and Time.
A lot of the older material WAY DOWN BELOW is pretty horribly written, and at this point much can truly be gutted since the LAU craft is no longer using the cones, and the OTC-X1 craft is now fairly well solved, even down to the wiring, materials, etc. The utron is now known as a magneto-electrostatic field generator (only possible thing it can be; however there are specifics about this noted on the Construction Blog page in the article about rotating charged plates), with variations upon its construction. And the craft can now be built.
Let me say this again, the bad boy has been figured out, wiring detail provided, coil design, testing configurations, it's all there, on the construction blog page.
Negative energy = Radiant energy
Also as a note, pay attention to the time/date stamps on articles, and the news sections below, as the newer information will reflect the solution to many previous unknowns.
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OTC-X1 repulsor technology; negative gravitation through negative mass generation in resonance with longitudinal wave geometry in negative energy framework. The OTC-X1 has been upgraded using modern technology and negative energy high voltage Tesla physics. Includes the MVP pulse motor aspects for overunity power production. These systems are resolved in theoretical framework. See Construction Blog page.
Faster than light electron (wave) transmission is now realized, and demonstrated in the home page intro updated content, and discussed further on the Construction Blog page in the "Magneto-static simplification; Tesla / Townsend Brown electrogravitics Mass-Reduction therefore Gravity Cancellation article."
Negative energy gravitation framework is also realized, and the OTC-X1 Warp Drive is now in the prototype phase of development (already passed the research phase, and is now in the construction phase), AS OPEN SOURCE, WHEREAS THIS INFORMATION HAS NOW BEEN PRESENTED TO THE OTC-X1 DEVELOPMENT GROUPS -- THE POD BUILDERS.
The LAU-X4 vertical impeller changes the electrogravitational lift characteristics, creating an imbalance of electro-inertia, setting lift into the field of negative energy / negative mass gravitation, for theoretical faster-than-light travel.
Outer Ring engine is optional R and D.
It's a little different, but the OTC-X1 is the same engine, but the Otis T. Carr historical version is not able to be duplicated without using an external power supply -- the MVP pulse motor, using multiple motors (based on Bedini), stacked and arranged in a ring, in the crew space, and at this point is able to output about 725 watts output over input. Best we got, and the best option available using modern current technology and physics. Using 42 MVP pulse engines (small desktop devices), an output of approximately 30,000 watts can be obtained in flyback "negative energy" characteristic.
This represents solution.
Regarding the AC / DC gravity aspect on the Info page, that may very well be valid, but after careful consideration, AC resonance is being held as a reserve concept, because Searl and Carr's technology all show geometrical alignment of vertical coils, whereas in AC configuration, there is not yet a true architecture other than rotation of charge along hull plating, or in the Outer Ring resonance cavity of the LAU-X4 using inductive transformer segments. The utrons are acting within magnetostatic induction, which is a similar concept as the vertical impeller, as the utrons pass through each magnetostatic c-shaped gate.
Everything is backed up and based upon real experimental published results, from quite a few other scientists and experimenters involved in these fields.
Emails have been sent to Walter Nowosad who coordinates the pod groups, regarding this development.
You are welcome to participate in the development effort, so as long as you are actually building an OTC-X1 model prototype.
By: Administrator of the LAU Trust, Drew Dowling
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Last week's news:
News from http://clandestinedisclosure.com/
Walter Nowosad and the pods have been making progress, and his website looks GREAT!
All the OTC-X1 Engineers hang out there, so get connected!
There are now hollow utrons, and notes about the need to wind a coil around the utron, warnings about using mercury with aluminum (mercury dissolves aluminum upon contact, which I've mentioned before but need to be up front with that), Tony Rodrigues a secret space program whistleblower testimony, and a note upon the clarification of what is disclosure, are now included on his site!
This is the best resource on the internet about how the utrons behave within the presence of electromagnetic fields and in motion:
I am super impressed with the work they are doing, and it looks like the OTC-X1 is now easier for folks to start gettin' to building, and becoming a pod building group. Finally there is mention of the anomalous conditions with a spinning utron that created some "weird phenomena" from it being hollow and filled with an electrolyte mixture of 3 elements, that can be found on the link above.
In related news, I have just met a gentleman who has one of Otis T. Carr's historic OTC-X1 models, and documentation in the project, that may surface in the future, with his permission. I'm keeping an eye out for that, and don't want to say too much about it, other than it was kept in Otis Carr's family.
If you want to know more about the OTC-X1, and if you don't already know what it is, then please look here:
Whereas I have my ideas about the OTC-X1 and negative energy, the OTC-X1 presentation on the Clandestine Disclosure website is far simpler, and easier to understand, which also includes zero point theory, and a wiring style similar to Tesla's Unipolar dynamo, along with more of a standard motor wiring. Whereas this website is intended for the worse-case scenario that the OTC-X1 fails in all attempts in reproduction, this website notes more complex wiring and negative energy physics and theory to back up a worse-case scenario that the OTC-X1 may really require a lot more effort than what some may be expecting. But it now looks like there is new information that is really spot-on, on the Clandestine Disclosure website.
This website is also an educational resource for warp drive physics, theory, and technology that has solid ground in real, working devices and is the accumulation of the knowledge of many inventors, scientists, researchers, and "Out-of-the-box thinking people" all who have contributed to this dynamic goal of making warp drive a reality. This website reveals many varying technologies, principles, and school / style of thought, which all come together in a singular goal, and shows how it is all unified under a common umbrella.
In the future, I may work a bit on an OTC-X1 model, now that it DOES look like more folks are involved in the project; but I still have several projects involving Tesla technology I need to finish.
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At this point, I think it's safe to tie in the utron as an electrical inertial generator, to the negative energy longitudinal (scalar) flatwave characteristics of the OTC-X1 resonating between the outer peripheral, and the Central Accumulator. As the utron moves, it generates a vortex type of magnetic field. However there are other odd characteristics regarding an utron filled with a type of mercury-electrolyte (mercury combined with other elements make it inert to dissolving aluminum, as per the Clandestine Disclosure group). Walter Baumgartner noticed the electrical field characteristics emanating from the utron in motion.
An electromagnetic vortex (6 of them) is moved through an electro-magnetostatic scalar field. This is what is going on with the OTC-X1. The scalar field is a negative energy field. Introducing counter-rotational spin in these two systems cancels out the inertial mass in a superconductive manner as is the case of negative energy, through a manipulation of frequency (the time-like conditions of matter). The central accumulator reflects this energy with the outer peripheral, but it (the matter-form of the central accumulator) vibrates with that energy if using a resonance cavity (resonance cavity antigravity) like how a crystal chime rings with energy.
Would it be considered a negative vortex? A reversed vortex since the vortices move around the peripheral? If only we knew what those weird phenomena were that Walter Nowosad refuses to reveal .... hmmmm ......
It may have something to do with this, however . . . Electromagnetic inductive gravitation. Credit to Kevin Hay for this ...
This illustrates a utron as the shape itself becomes the coil. Combine this with electromagnetic pulses from the EM collapse (in frequency), can possibly induce gravitation through rotation. Whereas normal magnetic energy is too heavy, the collapse of EM is carried through and amplified in a di-electric cavitation (spin; polarity); as the utrons may simulate the energy of the Earth surface, but as pure electric voltage with polarity. As seen on the Tesla Engineering Physics page, the energy of Earth surface is electrically non-polarized (having volts but no amps, magnetically; no magnetic wave aspect at all, yet still measuring as volts only on a digital not analogue meter, and feeling electrical regardless), because it is a monopole charge (positive surface charge, grounding the negative); in the case of the utron, the electro-radiant energy may be polarized (having two poles).
This illustrates a utron as the shape itself becomes the coil. Combine this with electromagnetic pulses from the EM collapse (in frequency), can possibly induce gravitation through rotation. Whereas normal magnetic energy is too heavy, the collapse of EM is carried through and amplified in a di-electric cavitation (spin; polarity); as the utrons may simulate the energy of the Earth surface, but as pure electric voltage with polarity. As seen on the Tesla Engineering Physics page, the energy of Earth surface is electrically non-polarized (having volts but no amps, magnetically; no magnetic wave aspect at all, yet still measuring as volts only on a digital not analogue meter, and feeling electrical regardless), because it is a monopole charge (positive surface charge, grounding the negative); in the case of the utron, the electro-radiant energy may be polarized (having two poles).
The amount of energy an utron could produce through a negative energy field (scalar), with the intersections at its tips between positive and negative energy (a battery with two poles is using positive energy, rather than a mono-pole system which is related with negative energy), could be significant. It is also a geometrical dimension of electron-action (under a powerful microscope, the electron at a measured position appears to be a square shape) which has a basis in angular electrical inertia (having inertial frequency with direction).
If the utron is capable of producing pure electrostatic voltage, but with no amps (with no magnetic field), then we could be beginning to see the introduction of positive volts with negative amps, as the voltage from an electromagnetic coil collapse would not phase out the voltage of the utron, but add to it! The energy of the electromagnetic collapse is in opposite polarity, but a collapse in this way will not displace the electro-radiant energy in a Tesla system. Otherwise running positive-energy electromagnetic current like straight from a conventional electromagnetic current generator has been observed to displace electrostatic voltage -- again seen on the Tesla Engineering Physics page, unless it is only using one pole at a time, of which the other pole can be carried a long distance wirelessly through the ground without dissipating to be recombined again, in polarity (basis of the Tesla Ley-line technology).
This has a basis in quantum vacuum zero point energy. Since the utron is shaped like an electron when looking at it in 2 dimensions (on the square side), then it seems to illustrate electrical polarity of an otherwise monopole electric charge (electrons have a negative charge). This would seem to resonate with electronic angular inertia and would seem to create a repulsive gravitation (gravity with a push instead of a pull), which would represent a state of negative mass gravitation, and then there we can go through the steps to correlate the mass reduction in an electromagnetic negative gravity field theory. ... but instead of using the magnetic field as the driving force this time, it is carried on the back of pure electrical voltage.
The image above depicts an electron spin, which when in motion defines electrical current (see the Baumgartner download in section 8 of the home page, and see the Clandestine Disclosure website links above; and see: the "Frequency and Vibration" article, which is an older article, on the Warp Drive Blog page for further illustrated diagrams of the relation of this "utronic" electrical action), in the presence of, or not in the presence of, a magnetic field. As an electron moves, also, it will create a magnetic field, but only when in motion, or in relative motion with a magnetic field. Both those cases apply, and it also seems we are dealing with a true "electrogravity coil" as a solid shape (although according to Baumgartner, it is also wound in an external tight coil; single layer resonance coil; note: the three test conditions on the Clandestine Disclosure website). This type of gravitation however again, would seem to be a negative gravity field.
It might have had a strange energy that felt like electric water, too (also described on the Tesla Engineering Physics page). That would most DEFINITELY qualify as "weird phenomena." Conducting tests upon a utron filled with electrolyte in a central spherical cavity is one of the main priorities to test, for the OTC-X1 engineers. Check the Clandestine Disclosure website for these results when available. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND to keep Walter's website bookmarked!
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The central disk that rotates that the utrons are connected to (the "utron-accumulator frame") divides the poles at the zero point of the entire magnetic and electric equator, dividing the top and bottom halves of the OTC-X1; whereas each half has the same pole interactive, separating the polarity of the top and bottom so that they can become separate energy pathways and movements -- the movement of a monopole -- which is a defining characteristic of negative energy, as per the Tesla tower Ley-line experiments and the MEG comparison and analysis, and the additional information about negative energy provided at this website.
In Townsend Brown application, the positive pole is on top, or positioned forward. So the two hemispheres (upper and lower) work in parallel, electrically. Using a dielectric material which holds the "capacitor di-electric plates" of the disk would seem to denote that the inertial force is directed straight at the central accumulator, if using Townsend Brown technology (his patent is public, now). See the Updates and Design Improvements page. This ties in with the creation of a mass-reduction field, through electrical inertia, which is an electro-gravitic vacuum.
It is possible that this would emit a type of visible light, or otherwise could emit a white light that prevents cameras from functioning ... known from some people's experiments in exotic energies and mono-atomic chemistry.
As an electrical-inertial generator, as the utron is considered, we see the principles of Townsend Brown electrogravity come to life in a new way. It is what it is; the electrical inertial energy resonates with the center accumulator through a scalar field. It appears to be negative inertia. This is an electromagnetic force of substance interacting with electromagnetic collapse and internal resonance at the core.
This force can be drawn upward in vortex as an electromagnetic force of negative gravity, changing the inertia of the upper hemisphere of the LAU-X4 with a returning plasma flow surrounding the hull (within the inner and outer hull space). This is seen more on the Updates and Design Improvement Page. It does demonstrate, or actually illustrate internalized inertia.
This actually makes sense however, if you picture a gravity wave traveling through space. The gravity wave doesn't push itself against anything in Newtonian fashion. It moves itself under its own force in the direction of its inertia. This is why some physicists consider gravity as negative energy, because it behaves contrary to the normal laws of motion, if you treat gravity as a "thing."
So the vertical impeller of the LAU-X4 is pushing up, essentially, simulating a frequency of a magneto-electrostatic gravity wave, as discussed on the home page, and a little bit below, as well. As we examine this even further, similarly with the OTC-X1, the vertical impeller need only be constructed of the same material as the utrons, and its driveshaft coiled, similar to the central accumulator. The plasma flow travels longitudinally over the hull to the Outer Ring, which uses electromagnets. The electromagnets should be on the peripheral of the craft because of the nature of the electromagnetic collapse of mass, as that geometry of that scalar dimension. The vertical impeller is the core, but the pathway is not a flat disk, but running along the hull itself.
... and wouldn't you know, the collapse of that dynamic circuit of flow feeds right back into the OTC-X1. The dynamics of this electrogravitic vacuum flow denotes the way the craft moves.
Likewise, it's possible the OTC-X1 disk (utron frame) capacitors will glow at the spectrum of electrogravity light, shown below, as per the frequency of engine rotation.
This is a fundamental design shift in the LAU-X4, whereas before the blades of the impeller were using a dielectric-magnetic layered structure (as per the Townsend Brown/Tesla hull plating experiment -- the "flight surfaces" that maneuver the craft -- shown in the Townsend Brown section of the Construction PAGE). If inertial force is directed forward under negative energy conditions, then would this simulate a gravity wave type of magnetostatic action, similar to one of our electric space engines, like the Cannae drive?
. . .
I believe this is an understandable concept, put simply, following the K.I.S.S. method.
Also, I have updated and edited a lot of the newer material, which has taken me a couple of weeks, but I feel I am finished with the editing, this go-around. (7/10/18)
Older news:
The OTC-X1 has been analysed, and it is believed that it can be successfully reproduced by the public. People really should be attempting to build the OTC-X1. This website is a huge resource for it. I am not building it, because technology can be suppressed in the hands of the few; but technology in the hands of many is a common reality; the Will of the People must decide.
I did all this work so that people can understand how to do it, how it works, and how possible is it to build warp drive starships. It starts with the OTC-X1. I've sacrificed too many years on this, and am busy working to develop a Tesla tower Ley-line free energy "techknowledgy." I have put a large chunk of my life aside for this, for almost the past 20 years, and I really don't have any funding for it, and no one to work with.
It is for the people to build, or to fund, or something. It is open source, and this is my contribution.
I'm giving it back to the world now, all shined up, dissected, torn down, put under a microscope and helpfully analysed so that people can understand what the heck it is, how it works, what's going on with it, and hopefully how to reproduce it.
If you don't know what the OTC-X1 is, you need to do your research. The OTC-X1 is the most crucial element to establish working warp drive, which is the most understandable, with the largest knowledge-base, versus the more obscure technologies like the TR-3B, or other purely capacitor-driven craft. The OTC-X1 is known in reality with enough roots to verify its existence as a valid piece of equipment.
. . .
General status of this is bad news overall. Whereas our knowledge is where it should be, and physics is saying warp drive does indeed exist and can work, our technology level is not where it needs to be to quickly achieve warp drive, in the public (in private and in secret, technology level is above the requirements for warp drive). Out-of-the-loop private labs around the world are all working on these goals, but are having to do so with little to no funding or any supportive resources due to the suppression of this technology in the world.
The few MEG (Tom Bearden Motionless Electromagnetic Generator) videos that exist are 5 - 10 years old, and there has not been any news of success or failure FROM THOSE FEW YOUTUBE SOURCES (probably had to get quiet about it); and the same thing applies to antigravity, and all the other advanced technologies, that they are prevented from surfacing in the public, and all remain in the classified sectors; and in some cases are classified immediately after an inventor achieves success. To note: the MEG has been reported to be successful, even my mentor's MEG, but the special nano-crystalline block that used to be available to build a few of them, now is not available on the market (immediately after success, the cores were taken off the market), only standard nano-crystalline blocks, which are supposed to work, but to less a degree of efficiency. Even though I physically was able to witness one, and I do have photos, I am not yet authorized to put them on display. My mentor literally disappeared shortly after I visited him, and I have not heard from him since December of 2017. I would prefer to go through the "proper channels" on this one, and display Tom Bearden's material, his MEG paper, and all that information, so people can become familiar with it since it is not very well known. It is unknown if the YouTube videos I saw used nanocrystalline cores or not.
Out of all the MEG's I've read about (and I'm not finished reading all that information), none of them used mechanical and analogue timing circuits, only solid state. A good mechanical timing circuit, perhaps run from a Bedini flywheel is what I would use. Bedini used the high volt flyback from the collapse of the electromagnet from a coil to charge a 12 volt battery (low volts), and to reclaim dead batteries that could no longer be charged, so there is something to the concept of negative energy as Tesla had used it, illustrating that technology in John Bedini and Tom Bearden's work.
Regarding negative energy, there are two approaches to making a Tesla coil demonstration with sparky lightning -- use a neon sign transformer straight from AC house power, or use the alternating collapse of two electromagnets for the high volts, while tapping the active medium of Earth surface charge (which is a scalar / longitudinal energy waveform; a flat wave). This approach of negative energy using the collapse of an electromagnetic field is a simplified approach, but is a realistic one. Combining this approach using flat parallel plates in resonance with a central magnet, in line with the zero pole of all magnetic action is the basis for harnessing negative energy in a portable system, which is also what the OTC-X1 is all about. The characteristics of this type of energy is VERY unusual.
There is not any serious OTC-X1 reproduction effort, and the few who are working on it are all silent, or otherwise have given up after they realized the Central Accumulator and Utrons require a little more creative effort than just using raw aluminum solid blocks. The OTC-X1 does look like it will work, and has been detailed on the Construction and Construction Blog pages. There needs to be a serious reproduction effort, and I am working on another project right now and am not in a position to work on the OTC-X1, for the number of foreseeable years. It is open source, and it didn't come from me, although I did help with the engineering, to be able to reproduce it.
Everything right now has reached an impasse except for some really good revelations, observations, discoveries, and technology developments like the Hutchison Power Cell Electret. My own work on the Tesla Ley-line, I'm hopeful about. It's some pretty cool stuff, and that may be the last thing that gets revealed as far as any technology featured here on this website. Otherwise, some electric space drives have been featured, and there is a lot of evidence backing up this entire concept of magneto-static warp drive.
There are confirmations of working Townsend Brown / Tesla antigravity in a vacuum currently, there are various antigravity options discussed here which are in the easily-doable range of development, and there's a lot of history of antigravity working in the past but being suppressed and covered up. It's not clear whether or not John Searl actually inherited the bearing plate for one of the German WWII crafts at this point, since many have tried to duplicate it, yet there are photos and videos and documentation that it did exist once, and John does still live, but that is a suppressed technology.
Those who are working in private labs world-wide are making breakthroughs in mass reduction, superconductive negative energy plasma, and other things. It seems though that the lack of development in the public involves a lack of understanding of the technology and physics involved with warp drive and free energy. I know it's taken me many years, studying science that is not taught in the university systems, and seems very backwards to what university studies do teach; and German university students have also discovered that the university systems cover this technology up, purposefully, which is also what Tesla had said in regards to a scientific suppression globally of this technology that can be of supreme benevolence to turn the world into a paradise, in the world and beyond the world, yet while being suppressed by controllers and the global cabal who owns the monetary system and keeps us all as slaves.
So this is all that is known currently, which may very well be enough to build a warp drive craft, and develop private free energy in a larger degree that is non-destructive to the current GLOBAL SYSTEM that is corrupt to the core.
So, the verdict is, that we can probably build a warp drive in public, but this information is so highly suppressed without a backing of people who are interested and curious and sincerely driven to do for the highest good of all life, and who are aware and awake and intelligent enough to want to make a difference, and who are not afraid to do so.
Now ... as per Paul Havey, onto the rest of the story....
The Cannae electro-inertial space drive. I detected the engine output of one of these thru my Tesla system before, at its designated 1400 volt output. Saw the white paper on it with parts number too. This engine is now disclosed in public.
It demonstrates the proof of concept of a working vertical impeller, on the LAU-X4 spacecraft.
Actually, there may be other types of electric space engines out there, and some already in use for a long time, now. Upon more careful inspection of the Cannae engine, it's a circular engine, and each of those circles are narrow, and on large plates, which are stacked. So they look like a capacitor but, have an added dimension of electrical action. So, is it a proof of concept for the impeller? Not yet. But, this is yet another type of electric space engine which has surfaced lately, reportedly tested by NASA.
Townsend Brown technology has come to life again also, riding on the concepts from the Electromagnetic Theory of Negative Gravity - a theory developed thru reverse engineering the physics of how currently-known electrogravity and free energy technologies work.
They are all in a buildable stage now, including warp drive. Heck, there's even instructions on how to build your own Electromagnetic Space Drive that was tested by NASA and world governments recently.
The Updates and Design Improvement page shows the correct dynamic plasma flows through the hull in relation to the impeller movement: Electrical flows from the top of the hull around to the bottom, and impeller flow from top down (Newtonian physics), or from bottom up using Internalized Inertial Physics. The article, Plasma Flow Dynamics and EM Drive Update describes the upgraded design of the LAU-X4 involving these flows, and compares the two natures of possibility involving inertia (which is the same force that mass generates also which creates gravity).
It is obviously known that the reduction of mass also reduces inertia, thereby cancelling gravitational forces around the ship, yet while using these inertial forces projected outside the ship's energy field to create motion and changes of position.
Pilots should not experience any changes of inertia or fast acceleration. It remains to be seen if onboard gravity for the pilots equivalent to Earth, is a by-product of the field or not. It's theorized that the gravitational field, of whatever planet the ship's engines are turned on in, will be magnetized into the Central Accumulator and the disk-frame that the utrons are affixed into, creating on-board gravity for the pilots. However, the only other alternative is that the pilots will experience Zero-G conditions in space, and still won't experience any fast acceleration or turns of the craft's interaction with its own inertia within the inertial fields of mass and gravity of the universe or regions of stellar space.
UFO enthusiasts and Secret Space Program researchers, and various disclosures from people in the know all point to this fact as well, but nothing has been said about on-board gravity. That's okay though. On-board gravity would be a luxury, anyway. The simple solution to that however, would be to install di-electric and magnetic layers into the decking under the pilot's feet, with an insulated surface layer, and just adjust the volts going through the floor plating for on-board gravity. If such a thing can move in a vacuum, then it's creating an electro-inertial field, and therefore creating a gravity field. The floor plating is insulated, so it doesn't electrocute the pilots. Being in a dynamic field as it is, this type of resonance could actually work. I'm trying not to over-complicate anything because it's just not that complicated as it is.
We are literally dealing with reactionless energy and vortex situations that have been shown by Marko Rodin to become entangled electromagnetically, so that a magnet within a coil will spin. Power is switched off to that coil (several devices have demonstrated it taking about 5 minutes for resonance to cease, so this isn't exactly uncommon). The magnet still spins, and it still spins anywhere around in the room, or at least within 20 feet away from the Rodin coil. This is enough to demonstrate a proof of concept to entangle gravity fields, and to be able to slowly adjust them by adjusting the frequency through coils, or deck-plating.
Also, Rodin coils have been seen to out-perform the MEG in some instances, as seen further down on this page, and a Rodin Coil is a viable alternative to the individual MEG units within the Outer Ring, INSTEAD of the MEG. There is a short article on the Outer Ring page that notes this, to remind people of this; however you are encouraged to do your own research. I usually end up doing my research too late it seems, because I'm always going behind myself seeming to clean up messes. I know I glorified the MEG up in lights (also due to my mentor's influence), but there is a viable possibility with the Rodin toroid-spiraled coil, which when negative magneto-static energy is run through it, ought to do very well to achieve a much better form of resonance.
I guess the only way for people to know what I'm talking about is to understand that an insulated coil still makes a massive electrostatic field and magneto-static field, from introducing a "spark collapse" into the system. I don't know if I've said this before, but you can understand it by feeling it (not directly touching it unless you're sure it's not going to zap you). Rodin Coils are considered reactionless engines. Running magnetostatic current through the Rodin coil would give it a different quality of energy, and you can physically feel the static field through insulated magnet wire.
Also, with reactionless energy comes reactionless inertia. Electro-inertia is demonstrated in electric space engines; and electrets are demonstrated as power cells which continually create electricity (like how a magnetic field is permanent in a magnet, the same permanency applies to the electric field within an electret, tapped at the poles (terminals) -- See: "Electret - Basic Reactionless Free Energy" on the Free Energy / Tesla page; output of a small suitcase-sized device of 400 electrets with 2 MEG devices is 4,000 WATTS). This same concept applies in vortex, in spirals, in dynamic flows, affecting inertial fields, and also affecting changes and cancellation of gravitational fields, and any gravitational fields acting upon the system.
The Electromagnetic Theory of Negative Gravity illustrates that mass is electromagnetic:
The theory applies to the collapse of electromagnetic fields around the outside, toward the center (following characteristics of a collapsing EM field, which collapses from the poles, and collapses to the center), which resonates with a central magnet, longitudinally. This applies to the OTC-X1 in particular, as the current is carried in the zero magnetic plane of all aligned magnetic fields. Resonance in this manner reduces mass of the entire system, from outer electromagnets to inner magnetic core.
This is a scalar magneto-static resonance (negative energy resonance), as seen in the OTC-X1, the Basic Tesla Electrogravity, Townsend Brown's work, the MEG, and other similar technologies. This resonance reduces the mass of substance, in a field area, because mass is electromagnetic.
(In fact, one of the ways to measure the mass of an electron is to send it near an electromagnetic field, and track its curved path. The electron is attracted to the electromagnet (an electron in motion creates a magnetic field; however since its a monopole of a negative charge, it would more-than-likely also be a monopole of magnetic polarity), and its inertial frequency may change slightly, which curves its path. Keep in mind, an electron is a quantum object, meaning it's not a real object; it's momentum and position cannot be simultaneously measured. So it's momentum is what is being measured electromagnetically, measuring an electron's inertia as a consequence. Because matter is not solid, but comprised of forcefields, then all matter in the universe is electromagnetic energy, as the physical substance of the universe)
. . .
There's still a matter of reproducing the OTC-X1, however the engineering and physics instructions to do that are now seen on the Construction Blog page. There's a LOT of special considerations that goes into that. Otherwise this page and the Updates and Design Improvement page should all cover utron construction as well. I like the OTC-X1 better than the Haunebu II. Although both engines are accounted for in terms of the physics of how they work.
Now that there is a dedicated theory to explain it, and several things to compare side-by-side (all the way around), warp drive is now in the prototype construction phase, in private labs of regular people, students, and scientists, in several places around the world (that I know of).
... Unfortunately, this is not very well known by the public, and you're lucky to have even found this website. Tim Ventura, creator of American Antigravity explains just how covered up these technologies actually are in this short video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iuFwBRf7oI
Also, Tim Ventura discusses a gravity beam that generates hundreds of pounds of force, and is literally busting through brick walls in its tests in Russia by a scientist blacklisted because of his success, because if it were known to the public, then the globalists controllers couldn't try to blind the people into thinking that these technologies don't exist. Being blacklisted like that is against the law.
The technology and physics featured here on this website is pretty good. The free energy aspect of this technology does work, and is validated; and historically, we have documented cases of the antigravity aspect of this technology actually working. It is due to people's belief, and due to censorship and theft, that this technology isn't more visible in the world, other than to anyone who has looked up in the skies, lately.
Error Corrections on this page:
"Interstellar Relativity"
I hate correcting stupid mistakes, but it is from these mistakes that we learn. Luckily, I got to thinking about it and wondered if I had made a stupid mistake and sure enough .. I have gotten these things backwards due to how my mind understands negative energy and negative relativity. I wish to point out the correction.
At the bottom of this page where it discusses interstellar teleportation, I need to clarify.
Light has no mass, and so is not limited by time. Gravity sets the time frequency. Closer to gravity, time moves slower. Away from gravity, time frequency moves faster. So out in deep space, the clocks move much faster, and the distance in light years is much closer to nearby star systems. For example, from our star, light from Alpha Centauri takes 4.3 light years to reach Earth. But if an observer were in the Alpha Centauri star system, which is a larger star, and more gravity therefore, then the clocks run slower in that star system. It would then take longer for the light from our star to reach Alpha Centauri, relative to an observer's position in the Alpha Centauri star system, because it takes more time, because the clocks run slower in higher density fields of gravity. It could take 5 or 6 light years for the light from our star to reach the Alpha star, from the Alpha Centauri star system's point of view.
Is this understood? When time moves slower, it takes longer to travel a distance. But since light is our "yard stick" and measuring instrument, it is perfectly suited to do so, because of the nature of light. Light speed and cosmic distances are measured by how long it takes light to travel, not how far away something is in miles. Cosmic distances are measured by the clock, and it is from the clock that we can figure how far away something is in miles. Time and distance and speed are factors that determine cosmic distances, determined by the measurement of light.
Funny enough, since the gravity-time frequency is slower in the Alpha Centauri star system (because it is a larger star, and has more mass therefore more gravity therefore time runs slower there), then distance in light years change, because it takes longer for light to reach that system, than it does in our star system. So from Alpha Centauri, it would appear that our star is farther away! All the rest of the stars would seem more distant, too, and the galaxy would appear to move slower, because time overall is slower in the Alpha star system than in our Solar system. Cosmic distances are measured by time, by the clock.
You can tell when something is moving slower or faster in time. For example if you put a movie on fast forward, you can watch everyone moving around and doing things much faster, because the time flow is sped up. Putting a movie on slow motion, everything moves slower, balls tossed in the air hover for a long time, that is what it looks like when time moves slower, and clocks move slower.
This has great importance in understanding the age of the universe, too. The age of the universe depends upon one's relative observation in different frequencies of time. However this also means that travelling out in deep space away from gravity, all the star systems are MUCH CLOSER, and travel is much faster. This is basic relativity.
Let me further explain ... if time is moving slower in a star system then it WILL take longer for light to travel around in that star system. Light measures the gravity-time frequency of a star system. If it takes 8 minutes for the light from our star to reach our planet, then that time is set due to the gravitational field of the star system, set by the incredibly massive body of the star itself, making up most of the mass of a star system, and thus setting its time frequency.
If our star were much more massive, time would be much more slow, and so it would take light longer to reach Earth. Light measures time, specifically, just as we can see the light from a movie in slow motion, or in faster motion, it is the light that we see of the people and situations moving around, that tells us how fast or how slow something is moving.
If it takes light more time to travel from one star to another, then it is because the time flow is moving much slower in a star system than the next one. So one would have to wait and wait and wait, "oh, why isn't light yet reaching us," ... because light is traveling just as fast as it travels, but it's from the star system's point of view that we measure the interstellar "light year" of how far away something is. A distance in space is measured by light-years, which is not so much a measurement of distance, but a measurement of time!
So if it takes more light years to travel a distance in space, for example another star system is said to be 10 light years away, then it is farther away in distance and in miles. if it takes longer light years for light to reach us from another star, that star is farther away, and it will be dimmer than closer stars, and we'll be able to tell that that star is a longer distance away.
You certainly wouldn't be able to tell that your own clocks were running any slower than usual. If you were at Alpha Centauri, a second to you would still be a second to you. But if you were to look through a really powerful telescope and watch the people of Earth moving around on the planet, then you would see the people moving very rapidly, buildings being built at impossible and astounding speeds, and maybe even civilizations growing and falling in extreme cases from a really, really massive star system, in the blink of an eye, just due to these variations in time, and thus light speed.
So, I had gotten this backwards before and just wish to make note of this correction. It's really something to think about, particularly that the changes and variations in light speed (time frequency of star systems) will actually make longer or shorter distances -- other neighboring star systems will appear farther, or closer -- depending upon the time frequency ... which IS measured by the speed of light.
I may have gotten things backwards in the warp drive blog, too ... there are many articles there I have to go through ... and the word "time" is mentioned about 725 times on that webpage.
I really want people to understand though, that if we are receiving 13 billion years worth of light from the universe, then it CANNOT be said that the universe is 13 billion years old. It can only be said that our star is 13 billion years old, because it has been here long enough to receive 13 billion years worth of light. Our galaxy may be around that age, but because time varies from star system to star system, one would have to travel to the center of the galaxy in order to make an accurate relative assessment as to the age of the galaxy, and compare it to all the other galaxies' time frequencies.
We measure these changes of time relative with gravity. We have MEASURED them, so it is a correct assessment that Einstein at least got THIS aspect of Relativity correct. And it's such a SIMPLE concept overall to grasp.
We have measured galaxies moving faster away from each other, faster than light, seen through our telescopes, and the assumption has been made that space can move faster than light and carry galaxies with them. The inflation of space theory that all galaxies are moving away from each other is yet another error of common sense. We can measure the pull of gravity of another star system by its red shift, so it only seems that other star systems and galaxies are moving away from each other. However, since it is said that our moon is slowly moving away from earth, this sort of thing needs a little more careful observation and thought; but I believe Nassim Haramein has nailed the concept down with regards to inflation of space. That is not quite as obvious as the things mentioned above, however, in all fairness.
And in all fairness, it did take me some time to correct this simple little mistake about time, just because I was trying to make warp drive work in a frame of relativity without correctly understanding negative energy until fairly recently. So it's all a learning curve overall, and all around.
Keep in mind that some of these articles may be a few years old, but they are still good and very informative articles that explain really important things. I just don't have time to correct the entire website every month or every year as more things are learned. Some people have complained, "oh, the time stamp for the website was last year, it's all old information" not realizing that some of this stuff is actually finished already. All the information on the home page in section - 5 is complete with the new design of the LAU-X4, and these things called mass cancellation and gravity cancellation have been tested and confirmed (in part by German scientists who have exchanged emails with me who were also working with Steven Hawking before he died .. and it's interesting to note that Steven Hawking was working with some very interesting things that he wasn't telling the public about).
... moving on to the next article ...
Breaking news!
The Outer Ring engine has been finished, and the proof of concept is now viewable on the Outer Ring page!
The New Outer Ring Framework article (negative energy framework) on that page is very shocking, and is the most important article at this website.
The engine is the main hub for all the power systems of the ship, and all auxiliary systems. There are numbers for it now, power output wattage.
The scalar active vacuum power generating is explained, and even uses Tesla tower Ley-line radiant negative energy physics.
It ties in everything, and presents the unifying mechanics; the completion.
The Construction Blog page also completes the negative energy framework for the OTC-X1.
The LAU-X4 core framework has been completed! It is able to be built. The pages from these links above, and the home page, provide the new model of physics called "negative energy physics" which also explains exotic energy, and how it is made in the Outer Ring engine.
The engine blueprints are shown. (partial; enough to know how it looks and how the systems connect, enough to go on . . . )
Also, an electromagnetic theory of gravity can be determined from the Outer Ring Page, and the Construction blog page, in the articles regarding negative energy physics; likewise, also on the HOME page, under the description of the LAU-X4.
Electromagnetic theory of gravity involves frequency, and negative energy (negative mass), how it applies to magnetic fields and in scalar electromagnetic vacuum (static current, basically) . . . Or rather electromagnetic theory of negative gravity.
There's two conditions for electrogravity / warp drive: negative frequency (frequency of negative energy - based on the electromagnetic collapse), and negative mass, which the mass of a magnet is changed and oscillating.
This is strange, but apparently what actually happens.
Negative resonance magnetically i s the antigravity secret. Otherwise negative resonance electrically makes lots of electricity, and that's the free energy secret. Static currents are involved as scalar (longitudinal) wave resonance.
The Tesla tower and MEG experiments confirm these negative energy geometries and conditions (and negative energy characteristics).
Because of that, the OTC-X1 can be confirmed to also work under these conditions.
This also shows that mass is indeed electromagnetic in nature.
There's a lot explained the in the engine framework. There's a lot of things I could point out, also (*** <--- !!!***). But, I've said enough, and provided a solid framework that will not change. That framework is also the framework in negative energy physics, which is a miracle; and which also, will not change.
This is likely now going to head more toward warp drive engineering, rather than warp drive physics, at this point, upon these completed engine physics (engineered physics).
. . . Some things to point out, are that the magnetic field of a magnetic material can be oscillated through negative electrostatic current (or parallel magneto-electrostatic current), in hemispherical (PI) action. Also, a di-electric material can be oscillated through negative magnetostatic current, again through polarities. The scalar field is a static field, which is a longitudinal wave. Energy is conducted via one pole through this medium, and likewise this medium can also be moved, or set into motion, at speeds much greater than electromagnetic waves. These energies move through plates (hull plating included), between magnetic fields, across magnetic fields, and through scalar energy fields (negative or radiant energy fields). <-- This is for electrogravity (di-electrostatic) propulsion also.
Negative energy is based on the collapse of the magnetic field, but is utilized by the collapse of the electromagnetic field. That field collapse affects mass directly when a permanent magnetic field is oscillated from the negative energy collapse of the electromagnetic field. This applies from the most simplest to the most advanced applications.
The creation of negative energy: is because when a magnetic field collapses, OR snap-reverses, then it moves upon the vacuum framework of scalar and vortex universal geometry -- the Inner Geometry of the Inner Action of the Universe. A snap-reversal is the quick reversing of a magnetic field. A vacuum collapse is the collapse of a magnetic (or electromagnetic, rather) field which draws upon the fabric of spacetime, collapsing the fabric of spacetime, pulling space into the vacuum -- within the universe.
It does this in various dimensions, and with varying combinations of dimensions, those will affect matter upon those . . . variations (stuff works differently when applied in different ways). . . . The quantum vacuum, and the active vacuum are one and the same, bridging the gap between the micro and the macro, through electromagnetic action. Electromagnetism exists in many forms, and in many dimensions of action, including inner dimensions of the universe, of which is based the core framework of all universal action, from the energy and direction and force and vibration of light -- of which creates all universal structure.
Because a vacuum collapse of the electromagnetic wave draws into a state of less form (taking up less of the dimension of space), then the universe adds tremendously to such a tiny current; the universe gives energy to the tiny current, allowing more energy to exist in "regular space," from within a collapsed dimension of space -- electromagnetic space; all matter is electromagnetic (magneto-electrostatic unity; unified as light).
The collapse of an electromagnetic field does create a vacuum collapse upon the universe, like how a black hole sucks matter into a tiny dot (or ring) of nothingness, but not as drastic; limited only to energy frequency, which then can affect other energy frequency, and it builds from there to achieve a unified magneto-electrostatic field of light. That's the basis of negative energy physics within unification.
This unbelievably simplifies all of the physics known to date. Also, there is a distinction between positive and negative energy.
This brief section discusses the vertical cones, and is an aside; this explains why the switch from the vertical cones to the impeller:
For example, the way the vertical cones are operating in design, they are made for positive energy generating. However, if an oscillating or rotating static scalar field applied to the magnet-rings will resonate the magnetic field into a Townsend-Brown style of electrogravity propulsion (see the Construction Page, not blog), then the cones may do something but, a magneto-electrostatic negative energy impeller is MUCH BETTER because the impeller is what I was trying to achieve with the cones, but couldn't quite lock a framework of physics around the vertical cone action.
However, as far as the vertical cones go . . . A negative energy scalar field can be on the outside, spiraling down through the outer charge applied to the cones, all negative energy-based. Now, we start getting into exotic energy through the (positive energy) electromagnetic induction from the rotating and static magnets in combination with negative energy current and resonance.
If you think about that, and the direction the cones point the energy toward, then again, there may be something to it. Considering the gyration and "corkscrewing," then inertial polarity and spin are involved. The induced magnetic field at the edge collapses toward the tip, in resonance. Magnetic and/or di-electric cone material can be used. This is still an option, but as you see in the news, this core has been replaced with an impeller, instead. I just don't know enough about the vertical cones, honestly, other than to say they can possibly be some kind of off-balanced vacuum point engine core, but such a stacked system can only be said to push static energies down the cylindrical core through the rotating ring-edges at the widest edges of the vertical cones.
This is certainly an option, but again, I suppose the point of this is that if you understand the physics of the impeller and the three engines, then you can figure out the 4-vertical-cone engine core. If you consider negative mass resonance, and exotic energy, as seen from the three links above, or from the links provided on the article on the Info page, then you have a magnetic negative gravitational force directed to the Central Accumulator. However it seems too off-balanced, throwing inertia to the sides, as if to create an outer gravity field for the benefit of crew, instead of directing the energy in a beam (as the impeller does), for the benefit of speed. * <--
There is no way to explain the physics using the vertical column of cones. Therefore, the cones have been replaced with an impeller, upon which, the physics were able to be unified, and the outer ring engine solved.
Regarding natural radiant energy:
Natural negative energy is based on the scalar (longitudinal-wave) electrical radiant field of an electrical-in-nature source, not necessarily a magnetic-in-nature source. Although both electric and magnetic energies BOTH exist simultaneously, magnetic flows over the Earth's surface are considered Ley-lines in the case that I use it, and this type of energy system is the same energy system used by warp drive engine physics.
The LAU-X4 design is complete.
With THAT stated, negative energy scalar waves are a LOT different than positive energy scalar waves.
Negative energy scalar waves are beneficial to life, and can be orgasmic energy, in physical sensation. In fact, I'm wanting to grow a vegetable garden; and anticipate tomatoes the size of basketballs, because the radiant energy (which is negative static/scalar energy) is incredibly vitalizing to the life force, in the correct polarities. You don't want a neutral polarity working for you, you want electromagnetic energy to be harnessed (which is the polarization of radiant energy). .. I learned that the hard way, but it was more beneficial than I thought.
You cannot be superstitious, which is why I included complex metaphysics and philosophy to help the conscious mind deal with the energy archetypes imprinted upon Human genetic memory from the lack of understanding these energies, and having them used against Humanity for ... ever, basically causing Humanity to fear the Human soul's own nature ... This must be known, if such an energy exists (electromagnetic energy) that can either heal, or harm the Life Force, since the Life Force is also an energy aspect of Consciousness and Soul -- of which creates all form of the universe.
That aspect is included, just because.
More information later will be included in a publication.
If you want to work with some of this, please send me photos. By: Administrator, Drew (12/05/2017)
~ . ~ . ~ . ~ .
I've done some page editing now that the editor is working again. I have deleted "Light-time Adjustments and Stargate Travel" ... the entire top section of this page since is has been out-dated due to the knowledge of negative energy. I just couldn't salvage that article because it was based incorrectly on the assumption that time is faster near gravity. But that's not the case.
Time is slower closer to gravity, and faster away from gravity. The only reason I was trying to say otherwise is because I knew that an electrogravity engine speeds up time; but now that negative energy is realized, then the solution is realized to that.
I'm actually considering deleting a few of the warp drive blog posts due to this reason as well .. But some of them have pictures. Some of those pictures show that what they teach on TV when you get the picture of a planet sitting in space and they try to explain that space is curved, that space is cupped in a concave shape under the planet.
Well you can't do that, because on a graph on space and time, you get anomalies. Some of that is explained on a few warp drive blog articles.
I have gone through this page again and removed some additional errors ... Honestly some of these articles can get really messy and I just don't want to try to fix them. I'm surprised I was able to figure out a lot of stuff without fully comprehending negative energy but .. apparently some of this stuff has merit.
But to note, any time I talk about the gravity-time frequency of the engine increasing, and the more gravity the engine it generates the faster in time it goes, that may seem in contrast to relativity, but the reason it works like that is due to negative energy gravitation.
It's when dealing with stellar phenomenon that I can't claim time speeds up closer to gravity. If it did so, the universe would be scrunched up into a little ball. Time is faster out in deep space for a reason (away from gravity), and so we can exploit that to see just how easy it really is to travel to another star.
So I hope this has cleared up some confusion.
The Inflation of Space article below is pretty cool, it has some good things in it. One of my favorite parts is about the age of the universe.
"Scientists say the age of the universe is 13 billion years. Well, that is the light we see as it has traveled from 13 billion years through time and distance (temporal frequency of space). It is easy to say light travels, but what it really is: light measures the temporal frequencies of inertial space.
Quite frankly, we see our own age! Earth's age around Sol, our sun... our star. We see light from 13 billion years ago in space because we have been here long enough to receive 13 billion years worth of light to our sun.
The sun is 13 billion years old. "
... other than that though, I couldn't even read the "Light-time adjustments and star gate travel" article.. it was just that horrible. .... and the Inflation of Space article is pretty messy, regardless. Like I said, I've been trying to wrap my head around why a gravity engine speeds up time for quite a while .... Finally figured that out though and put it on the home page under the description of the LAU-X4
I've been waiting a while for the editor to work again on this page. I had already had to delete this page and re-write it once before already.
I know though if I get started on re-writing a whole lot of this information, it won't end. I'm tired of writing so many words about this stuff, too.
I'm pretty happy how the home page looks, particular about the LAU-X4 .. Any future downloads I'll actually publish though are going to be SHORT AND SWEET.
General Status:
Well since the news page editor is working again, I'll add a new news piece.
Everything here on this site is free so far, all the pieces are assembled, the physics have been solved, the OTC-X1 finally has the validation to put it in a class of negative energy generators, and the missing elements from the original public design of the OTC-X1 have been revealed on the home page, the Free Energy / Tesla page, and on the Construction blog page.
Di-electrostatic propulsion has been revealed, and experiments have shown it works in a vacuum test (see the Construction page). That pertains to hull plating and the vertical impeller engine. Tesla and Townsend Brown used the same basic technology there. Tesla added rotation to his designs, rotating AC charges over the hull plating, which this can also be used in rotation within the vertical engine impeller core. These principles are starting to look fairly common.
We're still mixing some physics up with negative energy gravitation and gravity cancellation (negative energy physics), and conventional physics involving the use of exotic matter and accelerated particle flows. I'll be publishing negative energy physics using the Tesla tower Ley-line system to show additionally how negative energy works. (All my new publications will NOT be for free, of course, otherwise I couldn't fund anything)
The Outer Ring engine pertains to a portable negative energy generator system, which self-resonates and builds up energy, just like the OTC-X1 and in similar geometry, which is based on the MEG (Motionless Electric Generator). I'll explain more about that later in a publication, also. We're also using exotic matter circulating through negative energy fields. It's non-nuclear, based on Tesla free energy.
The physics of gravity cancellation is obvious on the Secret Space Program disclosures, using 1/2 outer rings accelerating exotic matter up to the speed of light to produce a gravity field which cancels between the two half-circular accelerator rings (matter traveling a circular path is under acceleration according to Newtonian physics; and accelerated mass near the speed of light creates a large field of gravity according to particle accelerator physics and Einstein). That has to work using negative energy though which would accelerate exotic matter (in liquid or plasma form) to electrostatic wave speed (220,000 miles per hour as per Eric Dollard and his crew of HAM radio operators experimenting with Tesla technology); while traveling in a negative energy field, matter will pick up an anti-charge, or a negative mass, through negative energy resonance. That's somewhat crude to my way of thinking, though, well "heavy" is the word I'm looking for (having a lot of extra equipment to microwave metal into a liquid and accelerate and pre-accelerate, etc), and bulky. If you don't use utrons, you have to use exotic matter. The LAU-X uses both.
Although two 1/2 spins represent the unity of matter as light, that geometry cannot be ignored, much like the same quantum vacuum geometry of 7 being half of 12 around in a geometric circle. The OTC-X1 is based on tetrahedron geometry around a base 12 unity vacuum geometry.
So that's what we're looking at, which is enough to believe the craft will work. What was observed about the historic OTC-X1, such as it achieving a negative energy frequency that allows matter to pass right through it, and understanding how to maneuver the craft gives us what we need to see it as a working and viable craft. I want to mention that the LAU-X4 is a container or vessel which vibrates the whole ship into a higher frequency state of matter. The ship could pass through mountains, just the ARMY experiments to send a convoy through a mountain, which I did read about that. Could the ship go underwater? Well, an even better question is, can the ship travel in the vacuum of space? What I'm getting at is if it passes through water, would the pilots still be able to breathe? Flying the ship through a vacuum, would the pilots be able to breathe, if matter can pass through the ship? Well ... I want to address that.
Two things come to mind: don't drop anything off the ship in flight mode otherwise the ship will be tossed like an empty beer can from that sudden jolt. And also, the ship is occupying a different frequency of space altogether. Some UFO's seen will disappear due to a higher frequency state when the engines are brought up to speed. When Ralph Ring passed his hand through the OTC-X1 model when in operation, his hand was still there, but the ship was also still there. He felt a tingling electrical sensation just like a non-solid energy field. Everything inside the ship is going to be at that same frequency, obviously -- the pilots, the air, etc. This is a quantum entanglement thing. If the OTC-X1 were to fly into an insect or a bird, the bird wouldn't be able to be seen within the ship, nor would the bird be able to see inside the ship, because both the bird and the ship are operating at different frequencies of matter. Certainly flying in space, the ship wouldn't vent its cabin pressure, so as long as the containment (the hull) is air-tight. Those laws of physics still do apply even though it's in a different energy state.
This does mean that asteroids won't pose a problem if you fly into them at high speed; the reality of the asteroid disappears as soon as the ship hits it, only to reappear as the ship flies through it (or as the asteroid passes through the ship if it's a small asteroid or piece of debris). The only interaction with matter that the spacecraft can have, is an interaction at the same negative energy frequency; but since the hull acts as a Faraday cage, then the electrical energy vibration of high frequency matter / particles will conduct its "existence" along the hull, not penetrating into the cabin unless the hull absorbs enough energy to rip a hole through it, like from a high frequency hypothetical negative energy beam weapon. Such a weapon would not be able to affect normal lower-vibrating matter, either, but ONLY higher frequency matter-states. When you consider ET craft or our advanced secret craft operate at higher frequencies, then it's reasonable to assume that they can do just fine in space and not have any issue if they were to fly into an asteroid, because high energy particles will pass right through solid matter like the Earth, as per neutrinos and cosmic rays, for example. Cosmic rays would be conducted over the hull at high frequencies, and not penetrate the spacecraft, so the LAU-X4 is a safe craft to fly in the hostile environment of hard vacuum space.
So, we have a nice piece of hardware here -- the LAU-X4 hyperdrive / warp drive spacecraft -- that is validated, and thus it is real.
I do want to make a mention of performance specifications. The bottom article about the inflation of space mentions that under certain conditions of gravitation, gravity can travel faster than light. In private NASA circles in fact, it was made known to me that gravity travels at 64 times the speed of light. As mentioned on the home page, the ship could travel as a gravity wave, which would equate to 64 times the speed of light, putting it to Alpha Centauri in 2 -3 weeks, since time speeds up in deep space away from gravity, especially meaning that time could be further accelerated. That is the worst case scenario. Travelling as a hyperdrive, it could make the journey in a few days, if not a few hours (teleporting characteristics).
Ironically, this actually confirms NASA's performance assumptions, but it does not confirm EAGLEWORKS' ability to understand negative energy. Also, I was just informed that Dr. Schumann had calculated that same time for the Haunebu 02.
Keep a look-out for future publications so that there's a chance for some real funding to take this all to the next level.
~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . Much Older news below:
Well since the news page editor is working again, I'll add a new news piece.
Everything here on this site is free so far, all the pieces are assembled, the physics have been solved, the OTC-X1 finally has the validation to put it in a class of negative energy generators, and the missing elements from the original public design of the OTC-X1 have been revealed on the home page, the Free Energy / Tesla page, and on the Construction blog page.
Di-electrostatic propulsion has been revealed, and experiments have shown it works in a vacuum test (see the Construction page). That pertains to hull plating and the vertical impeller engine. Tesla and Townsend Brown used the same basic technology there. Tesla added rotation to his designs, rotating AC charges over the hull plating, which this can also be used in rotation within the vertical engine impeller core. These principles are starting to look fairly common.
We're still mixing some physics up with negative energy gravitation and gravity cancellation (negative energy physics), and conventional physics involving the use of exotic matter and accelerated particle flows. I'll be publishing negative energy physics using the Tesla tower Ley-line system to show additionally how negative energy works. (All my new publications will NOT be for free, of course, otherwise I couldn't fund anything)
The Outer Ring engine pertains to a portable negative energy generator system, which self-resonates and builds up energy, just like the OTC-X1 and in similar geometry, which is based on the MEG (Motionless Electric Generator). I'll explain more about that later in a publication, also. We're also using exotic matter circulating through negative energy fields. It's non-nuclear, based on Tesla free energy.
The physics of gravity cancellation is obvious on the Secret Space Program disclosures, using 1/2 outer rings accelerating exotic matter up to the speed of light to produce a gravity field which cancels between the two half-circular accelerator rings (matter traveling a circular path is under acceleration according to Newtonian physics; and accelerated mass near the speed of light creates a large field of gravity according to particle accelerator physics and Einstein). That has to work using negative energy though which would accelerate exotic matter (in liquid or plasma form) to electrostatic wave speed (220,000 miles per hour as per Eric Dollard and his crew of HAM radio operators experimenting with Tesla technology); while traveling in a negative energy field, matter will pick up an anti-charge, or a negative mass, through negative energy resonance. That's somewhat crude to my way of thinking, though, well "heavy" is the word I'm looking for (having a lot of extra equipment to microwave metal into a liquid and accelerate and pre-accelerate, etc), and bulky. If you don't use utrons, you have to use exotic matter. The LAU-X uses both.
Although two 1/2 spins represent the unity of matter as light, that geometry cannot be ignored, much like the same quantum vacuum geometry of 7 being half of 12 around in a geometric circle. The OTC-X1 is based on tetrahedron geometry around a base 12 unity vacuum geometry.
So that's what we're looking at, which is enough to believe the craft will work. What was observed about the historic OTC-X1, such as it achieving a negative energy frequency that allows matter to pass right through it, and understanding how to maneuver the craft gives us what we need to see it as a working and viable craft. I want to mention that the LAU-X4 is a container or vessel which vibrates the whole ship into a higher frequency state of matter. The ship could pass through mountains, just the ARMY experiments to send a convoy through a mountain, which I did read about that. Could the ship go underwater? Well, an even better question is, can the ship travel in the vacuum of space? What I'm getting at is if it passes through water, would the pilots still be able to breathe? Flying the ship through a vacuum, would the pilots be able to breathe, if matter can pass through the ship? Well ... I want to address that.
Two things come to mind: don't drop anything off the ship in flight mode otherwise the ship will be tossed like an empty beer can from that sudden jolt. And also, the ship is occupying a different frequency of space altogether. Some UFO's seen will disappear due to a higher frequency state when the engines are brought up to speed. When Ralph Ring passed his hand through the OTC-X1 model when in operation, his hand was still there, but the ship was also still there. He felt a tingling electrical sensation just like a non-solid energy field. Everything inside the ship is going to be at that same frequency, obviously -- the pilots, the air, etc. This is a quantum entanglement thing. If the OTC-X1 were to fly into an insect or a bird, the bird wouldn't be able to be seen within the ship, nor would the bird be able to see inside the ship, because both the bird and the ship are operating at different frequencies of matter. Certainly flying in space, the ship wouldn't vent its cabin pressure, so as long as the containment (the hull) is air-tight. Those laws of physics still do apply even though it's in a different energy state.
This does mean that asteroids won't pose a problem if you fly into them at high speed; the reality of the asteroid disappears as soon as the ship hits it, only to reappear as the ship flies through it (or as the asteroid passes through the ship if it's a small asteroid or piece of debris). The only interaction with matter that the spacecraft can have, is an interaction at the same negative energy frequency; but since the hull acts as a Faraday cage, then the electrical energy vibration of high frequency matter / particles will conduct its "existence" along the hull, not penetrating into the cabin unless the hull absorbs enough energy to rip a hole through it, like from a high frequency hypothetical negative energy beam weapon. Such a weapon would not be able to affect normal lower-vibrating matter, either, but ONLY higher frequency matter-states. When you consider ET craft or our advanced secret craft operate at higher frequencies, then it's reasonable to assume that they can do just fine in space and not have any issue if they were to fly into an asteroid, because high energy particles will pass right through solid matter like the Earth, as per neutrinos and cosmic rays, for example. Cosmic rays would be conducted over the hull at high frequencies, and not penetrate the spacecraft, so the LAU-X4 is a safe craft to fly in the hostile environment of hard vacuum space.
So, we have a nice piece of hardware here -- the LAU-X4 hyperdrive / warp drive spacecraft -- that is validated, and thus it is real.
I do want to make a mention of performance specifications. The bottom article about the inflation of space mentions that under certain conditions of gravitation, gravity can travel faster than light. In private NASA circles in fact, it was made known to me that gravity travels at 64 times the speed of light. As mentioned on the home page, the ship could travel as a gravity wave, which would equate to 64 times the speed of light, putting it to Alpha Centauri in 2 -3 weeks, since time speeds up in deep space away from gravity, especially meaning that time could be further accelerated. That is the worst case scenario. Travelling as a hyperdrive, it could make the journey in a few days, if not a few hours (teleporting characteristics).
Ironically, this actually confirms NASA's performance assumptions, but it does not confirm EAGLEWORKS' ability to understand negative energy. Also, I was just informed that Dr. Schumann had calculated that same time for the Haunebu 02.
Keep a look-out for future publications so that there's a chance for some real funding to take this all to the next level.
~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . Much Older news below:
The Voyager 1 probe in paradoxical motion page RE-updated (9/14/2015)
New Updates: (1/19/16)
The voyager 1 was stopped at the edge of our solar system due to the sun's electrostatic forces preventing the probe from leaving the solar system. I picture it like a piece of cat fur statically held in stasis at the perimeter of where the tidal galactic and solar electric forces converge. It was predicted to move at right angles along the perimeter of our sun's electrical capacitor disk following the tidal electric forces from the galactic core, but instead the probe had stopped.
What does this mean? Will we be able to leave the solar system in a ship?
I think with electrogravity plating, it is indeed possible to compensate for the galactic electrical tidal forces. It is known that objects conduct an electrical beam to the sun, and therefore also conduct to the planets. The sun's positive charge and negative planetary grounds make for a good electrical medium to fly in space using electrogravity propulsion, similar to setting sails to catch the wind.
Electrical potentials can be relative positive and negatives. Motion itself can determine electrical polarity. And in a large electrically conductive sea, the polarity of one thing determines how it moves in the presence of conductivity. If the voyager probe hull were electrically polarized on its own, it could very well fly out away from the solar system like a bullet, instead of stuck in an achieved electrical equilibrium.
When we polarize our own thoughts, we move ourselves to where we intend to be, flowing with the sea of life, or not flowing against the vast forces of the cosmic tides of life's inertia, either in a positive direction, or a negative.
. . .
The Voyager 1 probe is on the move, again!
In Living Color -- Visual light spectrum comparison: Electromagnetic - Electrogravitic
Power systems: There seems to be a question about the power source, which is utron generated and motion-generated, (inner-generated as it were) so that the ship powers itself on free energy, which also generates its own mass-time gravitational field in the process.
In theory, it'll generate a lot of power (along with the vertical cones), everything required to operate the ship, along with additional Tesla generated systems which I like, and/or fusion powered systems, being of self regenerating overunity.
Electromagnetic light from red to blue. | Electrostatic Electrogravity frequency spectrum -- light from green to blue-white.
Red is low frequency, blue (ultraviolet) is | Green is lowest frequency (hover mode).
high frequency. | Blue / violet is highest frequency (fast speed).
This is just something I slapped together based on some of my experiences and discoveries. There is a difference between electromagnetic light and electrogravity light -- the visible light emitted from the engines. In observations from other sources, when the engine frequencies move past the violet color and into the white color, there may be damage to the equipment; it is the pure white light which is associated with divine living energies of Source of Life and Love, and so the ship begins to move into a higher dimension of reality at that point. It is unclear to me if the engines can become damaged at a white-light frequency, as a white-hot heat can damage equipment; but these energies are cold, and not heat-generating as far as I know. Some of the other sources of information include those observations made from Tesla, Otis T. Carr, and also David Hamel.
Note the three primary colors on the left have arranged the geometry, and on the right, a 4th dimension is added to make the triangle into a square. Actually, nothing is added, it only simply moves up a dimension, but the placement of the primaries are still the same, just in a higher dimension of where they were.
The power systems on the ship can also employ individual small Tesla energizers (like the QEG). Mostly what we see in the sky, they are ours and are nuclear powered, I imagine, using nuclear antigravity (such as seen from the works of the Keshe foundation); yet fusion power using reactors with the double-helix vortex arrangement of Rodin would be much more appropriate (http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Marko_Rodin_Coil_/_Torus_/_Motor). I doubt the secret space program will reveal their power systems.
Furthermore, the power systems power themselves by their own movements; and movement is not required for there to be power. The initial start-up power is handled by the engines, and when accelerated is amplified by the engines through principles of "resonance" and "unity." It doesn't take enormous amounts of power to set everything in motion and to maintain everything in motion. Setting the exotic gas into motion creates ionization and plasma as a by-product of frequency acceleration, and so there is plenty of energy there to work with.
People want free energy, well this handles free energy as well as space flight. I don't understand why people aren't jumping on this, unless it is because people don't understand this. The physics makes sense, and on the surface (and examined in depth), the engineering is sound for experimentation. The more one studies physics, the more things become rigid, and limitations and impossibility thresholds become more burdensome. I think a lot of that has to do with the math. Physics and mathematics are two sciences of their own right. New discoveries will lead to new equations to determine the energy value of the forces of the universe (the universe is geometrical; moving beyond the universe into unity space for example won't hold the same mathematics. The physical mathematics is borrowed from the higher dimensions, according to Hyperdimensional theory). Furthermore, our physical-based mathematics depends on the left side and the right side of an equivalence. That's basic paradoxical structure (See: "Unity of Paradoxes" at the bottom of the Tesla Engineering Physics page). If mathematics could be based around unifying terms, instead of paradoxical terms, then we truly have a unifiable geometry, and thus a new form of logical reasoning as per the "Unity of Paradoxes."
Lower X-1 Engine is a power source for itself, for rotating electromagnetic fields, and for charging the plates on the X-1 disk, and for possible electrification of the vertical core. It uses batteries, and/or electrets (substance that permanently creates a certain amount of electricity which can be harnessed in capacitance, within the generator itself for maximizing its output in pulsed-generating systems).
Vertical core is a power source to charge itself through its own inner-generating rotations, and to generate power through coils around the core containment housing, but at very low resistance, so it will spin fast. Thusly, magneto-electrostatic generating through bare-wire slightly-spaced coils to amplify electromagnetic current both electromagnetically and di-electrically (See: Warp Drive Engineering and Tesla Engineering Physics page) is more efficient with much less magnetic resistance/braking, and much less drag. It powers inner ship systems in charge of ionizing and conducting air/plasma flow within the ship. (can employ electrets) -- this pertains to the vertical cones style.
Outer Ring (original concept; the newer concept is featured on the Outer Ring page) is a power source that powers itself, and electrogravity charge plates which also create capacitance because they are overlapped and/or stacked (see: warp drive blog, "electrogravity plating"), unless the vertical core is fully engaged. When the vertical core is fully engaged, the outer ring powers ionic air/plasma flow, as well as its own resonance energy field. The outer ring is capable of generating an electromagnetic field and/or a magneto-electrostatic field, depending upon its design. Electromagnetic field generation is primarily the physics behind the behavior of the OTC-X1, however rotating charges is also employed electrostatically. And so the outer ring is the most adaptable system, but would require the most constructive effort to fully examine the unified forces of light, gravity, teleportation, and warp-field generation. (can also employ electrets) (See: Warp Drive Engineering)
The outer ring uses the geometry of a toroid pattern around 12 equidistant points around a circle. Two coil systems are wound in opposite directions. Due to the varying degree of complexity from engineering this system, I don't want to overload people with too much information in one paragraph. Batteries and/or electrets supply power to the ring system, for amplification and frequency transformation through resonating energy waves. Inertial forces are also "carried along" with the magneto-electrostatic and/or electromagnetic forces; the mass of the spinning rings resonate with the mass of the electrical forces (electrons and protons) of charge, all in resonance, enhancing the wholeness. There are various other ways too, all of which must be addressed in a testing phase. It wouldn't be hard to test these things to see what they will do and how they will act. What we want it to do in physics, what is deemed possible, can be engineered.
Following the principles of Marko Rodin, the outer ring drive may very well be a reactionless drive system.
Notice that the X-1 engine uses charge plates on the inside, surrounding an oscillating (rotating) AC electromagnetic field. The Outer ring, when in harmony with the vertical core is the same geometry as the OTCX-1 engine! This is an important thing to remember! They (the X-1 and the outer ring drive) are two nearly-identical systems, one on top of the other, connected at the core, and connected through field resonance on the outside. The engineering of the outer ring should therefore be infinitely easier since there is a guide both in pre-existing engineered technology (the OTCX-1), and in unified physics, and would be an ideal learning-project for experimenters. It can use DC or AC for testing and learning purposes.
In theory, it'll generate a lot of power (along with the vertical cones), everything required to operate the ship, along with additional Tesla generated systems which I like, and/or fusion powered systems, being of self regenerating overunity.
Electromagnetic light from red to blue. | Electrostatic Electrogravity frequency spectrum -- light from green to blue-white.
Red is low frequency, blue (ultraviolet) is | Green is lowest frequency (hover mode).
high frequency. | Blue / violet is highest frequency (fast speed).
This is just something I slapped together based on some of my experiences and discoveries. There is a difference between electromagnetic light and electrogravity light -- the visible light emitted from the engines. In observations from other sources, when the engine frequencies move past the violet color and into the white color, there may be damage to the equipment; it is the pure white light which is associated with divine living energies of Source of Life and Love, and so the ship begins to move into a higher dimension of reality at that point. It is unclear to me if the engines can become damaged at a white-light frequency, as a white-hot heat can damage equipment; but these energies are cold, and not heat-generating as far as I know. Some of the other sources of information include those observations made from Tesla, Otis T. Carr, and also David Hamel.
Note the three primary colors on the left have arranged the geometry, and on the right, a 4th dimension is added to make the triangle into a square. Actually, nothing is added, it only simply moves up a dimension, but the placement of the primaries are still the same, just in a higher dimension of where they were.
The power systems on the ship can also employ individual small Tesla energizers (like the QEG). Mostly what we see in the sky, they are ours and are nuclear powered, I imagine, using nuclear antigravity (such as seen from the works of the Keshe foundation); yet fusion power using reactors with the double-helix vortex arrangement of Rodin would be much more appropriate (http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Marko_Rodin_Coil_/_Torus_/_Motor). I doubt the secret space program will reveal their power systems.
Furthermore, the power systems power themselves by their own movements; and movement is not required for there to be power. The initial start-up power is handled by the engines, and when accelerated is amplified by the engines through principles of "resonance" and "unity." It doesn't take enormous amounts of power to set everything in motion and to maintain everything in motion. Setting the exotic gas into motion creates ionization and plasma as a by-product of frequency acceleration, and so there is plenty of energy there to work with.
People want free energy, well this handles free energy as well as space flight. I don't understand why people aren't jumping on this, unless it is because people don't understand this. The physics makes sense, and on the surface (and examined in depth), the engineering is sound for experimentation. The more one studies physics, the more things become rigid, and limitations and impossibility thresholds become more burdensome. I think a lot of that has to do with the math. Physics and mathematics are two sciences of their own right. New discoveries will lead to new equations to determine the energy value of the forces of the universe (the universe is geometrical; moving beyond the universe into unity space for example won't hold the same mathematics. The physical mathematics is borrowed from the higher dimensions, according to Hyperdimensional theory). Furthermore, our physical-based mathematics depends on the left side and the right side of an equivalence. That's basic paradoxical structure (See: "Unity of Paradoxes" at the bottom of the Tesla Engineering Physics page). If mathematics could be based around unifying terms, instead of paradoxical terms, then we truly have a unifiable geometry, and thus a new form of logical reasoning as per the "Unity of Paradoxes."
Lower X-1 Engine is a power source for itself, for rotating electromagnetic fields, and for charging the plates on the X-1 disk, and for possible electrification of the vertical core. It uses batteries, and/or electrets (substance that permanently creates a certain amount of electricity which can be harnessed in capacitance, within the generator itself for maximizing its output in pulsed-generating systems).
Vertical core is a power source to charge itself through its own inner-generating rotations, and to generate power through coils around the core containment housing, but at very low resistance, so it will spin fast. Thusly, magneto-electrostatic generating through bare-wire slightly-spaced coils to amplify electromagnetic current both electromagnetically and di-electrically (See: Warp Drive Engineering and Tesla Engineering Physics page) is more efficient with much less magnetic resistance/braking, and much less drag. It powers inner ship systems in charge of ionizing and conducting air/plasma flow within the ship. (can employ electrets) -- this pertains to the vertical cones style.
Outer Ring (original concept; the newer concept is featured on the Outer Ring page) is a power source that powers itself, and electrogravity charge plates which also create capacitance because they are overlapped and/or stacked (see: warp drive blog, "electrogravity plating"), unless the vertical core is fully engaged. When the vertical core is fully engaged, the outer ring powers ionic air/plasma flow, as well as its own resonance energy field. The outer ring is capable of generating an electromagnetic field and/or a magneto-electrostatic field, depending upon its design. Electromagnetic field generation is primarily the physics behind the behavior of the OTC-X1, however rotating charges is also employed electrostatically. And so the outer ring is the most adaptable system, but would require the most constructive effort to fully examine the unified forces of light, gravity, teleportation, and warp-field generation. (can also employ electrets) (See: Warp Drive Engineering)
The outer ring uses the geometry of a toroid pattern around 12 equidistant points around a circle. Two coil systems are wound in opposite directions. Due to the varying degree of complexity from engineering this system, I don't want to overload people with too much information in one paragraph. Batteries and/or electrets supply power to the ring system, for amplification and frequency transformation through resonating energy waves. Inertial forces are also "carried along" with the magneto-electrostatic and/or electromagnetic forces; the mass of the spinning rings resonate with the mass of the electrical forces (electrons and protons) of charge, all in resonance, enhancing the wholeness. There are various other ways too, all of which must be addressed in a testing phase. It wouldn't be hard to test these things to see what they will do and how they will act. What we want it to do in physics, what is deemed possible, can be engineered.
Following the principles of Marko Rodin, the outer ring drive may very well be a reactionless drive system.
Notice that the X-1 engine uses charge plates on the inside, surrounding an oscillating (rotating) AC electromagnetic field. The Outer ring, when in harmony with the vertical core is the same geometry as the OTCX-1 engine! This is an important thing to remember! They (the X-1 and the outer ring drive) are two nearly-identical systems, one on top of the other, connected at the core, and connected through field resonance on the outside. The engineering of the outer ring should therefore be infinitely easier since there is a guide both in pre-existing engineered technology (the OTCX-1), and in unified physics, and would be an ideal learning-project for experimenters. It can use DC or AC for testing and learning purposes.
Power Systems
Looks like it'll fit right around the central vertical engine column. Looking at some of the pictures of the secret space program, the fusion reactors may also be flight engines themselves. Regardless, there are other means to generate power, as well as including Tesla energizers in the wings. I'm sure more will come out later.
To the left, is a fusion reactor. Note its similarities with the outer ring geometry based on 12 points around the circumference.
Image from http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Marko_Rodin_Coil_/_Torus_/_Motor
We don't want the small bird to be too heavy. There are any number of fuel cells too, that can be used for power generation, and a lot of space in the wings. In fact Hydrogen and Oxygen can be combined to create electricity in the chemical reaction as well as to turn a turbine, and the water can in turn, be electrolysed to be recycled again. Any time chemical bonds are broken or joined, electricity is created. These theories of perpetual motion do work to some degree to create a little bit of overunity excess energy. Someday soon we'll have a self recharging power system to meet these needs of flight without fuel, in space.
With the new double-helix interference vortex coils, there is great promise in showing how such a thing can create high voltage pulsed energy from a slight input current, done in many ways, not just fusion. Jamie Buturff out of Sedona has made an interference-wound coil with input current of approximately 1.6 amps at 2 volts with an output of over 200 amps! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhXGI56eHN8
The bird has to be designed around a power system, but the elements can be clearly seen as to what we want, and what we can achieve, to do what we intend to do, in peace for all Life.
(2/8/16) The Utron Design has changed. Now the Utron is fully understood as an Electrical and Inertial Generator. See: Updates and Design Improvements.
The Utrons are basically the batteries for the LAU-X3 theoretical bird (starship). Seriously. They are power cells, made with living biological electrolyte. They generate the initial power for the OTC-X1 engine, and from that push, a whole bunch more energy is also produced. The Central Accumulator is also a U-tron battery, accumulating charge and inertial frequency (electro-inertia/mass/gravity).
Electret hybrids are a possible design, but it's important not to eliminate the living energy aspect. It's very important to merge the Human living energy field with a vehicle that is already and also alive. Living energy is generated by living matter -- Life force energized.
This picture to the left is a copy of one of the original pamphlets from the 1960's.
As a magnet creates a permanent magnetic field, an electret creates a permanent electric field, like a battery that never ever ever dies out.
An electret (See: How to build a Hutchison power cell) is a substance, like a compound, cooked on the stove and when it cools, it hardens. As it is cooling, an electrical current is applied. When it hardens, it is able to generate electricity on its own, indefinitely. It creates energy. Remember, all atoms, strings, leptons and quarks are all vibrating with energy, with their own inner-generated inertia to exist in the universe. The question of God arises here. I view God as unified consciousness, because "God" is an identity. As such is an aspect of consciousness, not the Source. Source of all life everywhere is source of all Action. Action establishes identity, otherwise there could be nothing upon which action can act. This leads to the Tertiary Paradox of Creation, which I get into in my book.
Is it Source energy? Isn't All energy Created from Source? Well, what about the Soul? The Soul creates its own energy and is inner-generating, from the infinite upwelling of Source Life -- Life Force. All this aside, if energy is not also created, then how did the universe get so BIG? All energy is living energy from Source of all Life, of all Energy. That is why David Wilcock talks about the "Source Field."
I have yet to see a living-organic electret, however. That is one thing I have considered, and Otis T. Carr did too, and so did Tesla. Living energy is rather important. Chi and Life Force is the nature of the entire universe. Those things are not considered in physics usually. Consideration and honoring of energy is the mark of intelligence. (See: "Law of Energy" post in Metaphysics blog)
Utrons can be described like a universal vortex shape of basic fundamental particles. An electron is shaped like an utron, hyperdimensionally. Protons are groups of three quarks. An electron is a lepton, which is basically a quark that stands alone by itself.
It is now known the utron is a magneto-electrostatic field generator.
Capacitance of shape
The vertical column of cones in the engine core have a natural tendency to develop electrical capacitance. Emptiness of shape is never truly empty, but energy fills the empty spaces. Capacitance can be obtained in the vertical cone column similar to utron power cells; and an induced rotation occurs via Rodin coils surrounding magnet-core coils inside the cones. Because of the shape of the cones, there is speed and power developed and harnessed very naturally making for one heck of a fast engine! Magnet core coils are better than air core coils. Magnet cores increase the frequency a whole lot. When set into electrical motion, a lot of energy is generated.
Any kind of magnetic resistance can occur unless room temperature superconductive materials (exotic materials) are used. See "exotic material science" at the bottom of the warp drive engineering page. I know someone who has done things like this (creating exotic elements and alloy).
Because the cone surfaces can become charged (that's the whole point), air energizes into ultra high frequency exotic phase initiating both warp field dynamics and radiation shielding. Potential differences of inside and outside are noteworthy. The cones are designed to be electogravity generators in air or a gas (not in a liquid).
A Faraday cage concept is not the goal within the cones. We WANT the outside surface of the cones to charge similar to the outer hull of the ship in construction. Electrical arcing is to be expected. In fact, it ought to be a wonderful light-show of circulating plasma energies at high speeds with a good air charge. Such a thing would not slow the engine down because polarity is not being reversed due to arcing -- it's all one fluid circuit.
More Details on the Utrons...
See at the very bottom of this page, the utron details.
The Utron is a battery. The historic design of Otis T. Carr is a battery. A hybrid powercell/battery design is something I've considered, but due to the nature of a complex electrode lattice, it would be easier to stick to what is purely an organic living electrolyte, as Carr stated. He also said it used a cellulose electrolyte.
There’s a difference between a power cell and a battery. A power cell generates electricity all the time, like a battery that never ever runs out. They’re called “electrets.” Regenerating fuel cells are also a power cell.
The Utron is filled with organic electrolyte, Carr used cellulose or cellulite, but other organic electrolytics can be used. Plates should be stacked inside the utron, to form a charge lattice, to increase the volts. Capacitance is also increased, paradoxically. If it were just a capacitor, it would hold high volts. But as a battery, it would create high volts. Capacitance and batteries are very similar.
The core can be a Hutchison power cell (electret), which energizes the utron automatically, simplifying the regenerative charging circuit. It's "schoolgirl" in its simplicity. Thanks to John Bedini, we have knowledge of how regenerative overunity charging circuits can be used.
I'd make the capacitor plates AND the utron shapes all copper (at the VERY least). Copper is a better conductor, and handles heat real well, and is perhaps stronger than silver (and cheaper).
If using an electret, it must be hybrid with living organic electrolyte, to respect and honor the living energy fields of the pilots while flying in such an energy-field ship. <--- This has now been changed, and there must be a clarification involved. Living universal energy is what the electret crystal power cells are using, and so it is not in the power production that is important, but in the usage of the power -- how the power is put to use.
As I've discovered (through experience), the electret is harnessing an energy of pure universal energy, but how it is put to use can be in positive or negative ways. Some energy systems which are incorrectly polarized can have an effect upon nature as that energy does exactly as it's supposed to do. This is discussed on the Free Energy / Tesla page in regard to the new Tesla-tower Ley-line technology -- how it had harmful side-effects originally, and how to focus that energy into more healing ways, currently.
Even if using unpolarized energy, as it now looks like the OTC-X1 is doing by using the utrons, it should not be assumed this to be an unsafe usage of energy, because it is not siphoning life force in reverse to how living biology uses that energy.
An easy way to make an utron, is to separate each cone "half." Run a rod through the center and out the tip. Seal the tip with a non-conductive glue. Plates are stacked on the rod, with a little rubber or nonconductive washer spacer between them, but just around around the rod. The spacer should only space them and not be an insulative member that covers the entire plate surface (not like a capacitor). Fill it with an organic electrolyte. In a battery, lead plates and sulphric acid is used. But this is an organic battery, so the chemistry is differnt. Fill it like filling a cup, cap it, and fill the other utron half, cap it, and screw the two utron cone halves together. There's an utron battery.
Also, the center hollow space of each utron needs to be a perfect sphere.
A kid in Malaysia came up with the idea of a cellulose electrolyte for use as a battery at his farm. He got the idea from what his cow eats. Thank you, Dzarul Dol Malek. He used weeds/grass mixed with brown sugar, blended in a blender and let it ferment for a week. He then took a zinc electrode and a carbon electrode, stuck them in the mixture and measured exactly 1.0 volts! A series of plates alternating zinc and carbon will yield a voltage rating like individual cells of a battery. 10 zinc plates and 10 carbon plates is 10 volts. But we need HIGH volts! So a lattice has to be made (sound familiar?) so that we can get like 50 volts or so out of the utron battery. Of course I'm thinking small here, just to note.
The lattice is simple enough. It can't be a typical plate stack. It has to be segmented, separated, and connected in a spiral or otherwise compartmentalized for individual tiny little cells to all work together increasing the voltage.
If the utrons lock up in the center of the electromagnet, it means there should be a point where power is shut off, but then the electromagnets will charge up, and discharge at a rate of speed of the formation of the magnetic field (at light speed, C). The shape of the utron makes it automatically repell itself, kicking itself around quicker after crossing through the magnetic gate of the horseshoe magnets (Lenz’s law). Bedini harnessed energies of a similar concept to create repulsive and attractive forces in the collapse and in the formation of the magnetic fields in electromagnets (in some circles, that is called "magnetic snap reversals"). As the electromagnetic field collapses, it sends an opposite polarity of very high volt "flyback voltage."
The collapse of the magnetic field creates a high volt flyback voltage, going back into the utrons, and charging the capacitors, (See: Bedini engine) ... The only novelty as Carr put it, is that the utrons are batteries that are made to move around through the electromagnets. That was the "novelty." The utrons were the batteries that moved around in the engine, rather than just sitting still powering a motor.
The Central Accumulator and the Utrons are balanced so that the power from the two systems can be transferred back and forth in a regenerative circuit in similar to the Bedini schoolgirl circuit. Variations of this can lend toward overcharging the central accumulator, keeping the utrons as a regenerative component. The exact nature of the regenerative circuitry is unclear until I have it in front of me, or until someone else does it, however the central accumulator should be charged-up from the electrical-inertial forces from the two co-counter spinning disks. More on that at the bottom of the Tesla Engineering Physics page.
The capacitance of the plates handles the buffering of the charges, and also creates the resonating electrogravity flight force, and act as rivers that transport the inertial energy from centrifugal force to centripetal forces (directed toward the center).
Angular inertia is electrical force.
The central accumulator in the center stores inertial energy, unified with charge (electromagnetic and/or magneto-electrostatic) energy. It is also similar to the utron, in that it is an electrical battery.
The utrons have to be built to the specifications of Otis T. Carr’s publically available material, as in solid part around a spherical hollow. There can be conductors run up (and down) through to the tips of the utrons. There can also be a hollow sphere in the middle. It can be left hollow or filled with various test materials such as mercury. Don't get a DROP of mercury on your hands; mercury is VERY HIGHLY TOXIC!
The brackets supporting the utrons connect to the top and bottom (positive and negative respectively) utron terminals -- positive terminal up, negative down, in the same alignment as the capacitor plates of the X1 disk. To note, the outer rotor supporting the electromagnets spins counter to the inner rotor housing the utrons. Carr measured 580 RPM's which generated an antigravity lift effect, while the John Searl SEG experiments done by Russian engineers measured 550 RPM in one direction, and 600 in another direction. I just thought it worth mentioning.
In the LAU/X1 hybrid ship design (the LAU-X2 and the LAU-X3), the vertical column of cones handles the central utron power, acting as the central utron power core. As it lowers down to the granite cone, then it commutates and connects the circuit, turning the X1 engine on and off and cycling in that manner.
My idea is that the vertical column of cones also is fitted with power cells, but also as it spins and rotates, a lot more energy is generated and directed in unidirectional force. The two aspects compliment each other. Furthermore, there is some internal components to the cones of significance. However, the LAU-X3 includes an outer ring engine which can charge the vertical core, while the vertical core also self-generates.
So the whole thing can generate a LOT of power.
I've thought about making my X1 disk larger, and utilizing more of a central utron core along with a granite cone to handle the friction of the spinning mass of cones above.
Now there is another configuration, that of co-counter rotating alternating charges. So the utrons would be alternated positive up on one, positive down on the next one, positive up on the next after next, positive down on the next after next after next, etc. This is what is meant by "snap reversing the fields." It creates a modulating AC waveform (a pure sign wave) along the circumference of the ship. There is really a lot going on with this concept. For one, is simulates a toroid interference flow, creating a LOT of resonance, and a LOT of energy.
Think of the inertial forces of those rotating charges all in inertial resonance together with the mass of the co-counter rotating disks. Mass is electromagnetic, measured electromagnetically, interacting electromagnetically. Some of Edward Leedskalnin's (the builder of the Coral Castle in Florida) experiments showed that electromagnetism interacted transversely with the gravitational fields of Earth. At the horizontal plane and vertical planes relative with Earth's gravitational center (using a level or a plumb-bob), is the exact planes where the electromagnetic fields reversed in spin.
John Searl's experiments, and that of the Russians duplicating the SEG of John Searl observed cold spots and hot spots in the air rotating away from the central axis of the SEG engine quite a good distance due to electrical energization of the air. Kinda like Ghosts! Ghosts make cold spots, too in parapsychological researches of haunting locations.
The collapse of the electromagnets sends a flyback high voltage back to the utrons, keeping them charged (This concept has evolved; See: Construction blog (editing note). The utrons turn the electromagnets on. It pulses on and off to make motion. BUT, in AC configuration there is no "on and off." It is all continuous (or is it "continual?") without any break of the circuit or signal. If there are six utrons used, then every 60 degrees around the circle, the electromagnetic field is sharply reversed. A pure sign wave.
The capacitor disks on the X1 disk are connected to the circuit. It can be built around a timing shaft or commutator, which can easily be done with a coil of wire on a rod, with the insulation sanded off where you want contact to be made, or in other ways using points setups, or otherwise... A stiff bare wire can touch the rod, so as it spins and contacts the sanded (bare wire, insulation sanded off), and non-sanded parts, then the current turns on and off. Brushes can be used. Bearing connections can be used, too. I've had experience designing commutators. There's a man in Australia working on a commutator design for the OTC-X1 reconstruction project.
That's just a basic motor design, but we're also dealing with advanced physics.
Regarding the central accumulator, a large bearing mount should be on the disk, so that it'll mount a driveshaft, so that the accumulator can be tested and measured with it attached or not.. and so that different central accumulator designs can be swapped out easily. Adaptable designing is good for experimental purposes.
Thinking in terms of a simple motor design is okay, but a lot really goes on with the X1. There are also vortex spinning and spiraling fields.
I am still considering the hybridization of the OTC-X1 and the Hamel design.
Earlier Updates:
I've learned that the central accumulator and disk design of the historic X1 engine resembles an artificial Merkabah (relating to Mind/Body/Spirit). Like the Joe Cell, people's emotions affect the performance of the engine; and building it too, requires a clear head, consciousness, positive emotions, and good health. Quite frankly, it's logical to suppose that it would not be able to be built without those requirements. I can't build anything when I'm upset, for example.
Utrons as self charging capacitors may be much better, and with a hollow center (air space), but an organic electret material may be more difficult to create. Certainly hybrid living/electret utron designs can be tested, but with caution.
. . .
Any time electromagnetic energies are used, there will be a speed limit. Magneto-electrostatic energies though is much faster when traveling in parallel, not in perpendicular (transverse). That is in terms of engineering. Although, some of these new physics tend to break those old laws. There is always a magnetic braking affect when using electromagnets. That is to say, in a spherical coil when the poles are separate, there will be the full amount of volts in the coil with no power loss, but it spins slower than a narrow coil, which the poles tend to phase each other out resulting in volt loss, but transferable to higher speeds. Those are how the energies are transformed and balanced. In a coil where the poles are separate quite a ways, the full voltage will conduct through the coil, but it will spin slower because it's bulkier.
Magneto-electrostatic energies tend to over-balance, though. Electrostatic energies are much faster than the speed of electromagnetic wave propagation and generate less heat. That is just an engineering note. It is not the speed that matters in the case of the OTC X1, but it is how those energies are used.
There are a lot of weird unpleasant things happening in the world, I believe in order to survive the profound changes, people must all work together in the frequencies of Love, Light, and Honor to the Life Force.
Hazards of Using Artificial Merkabahs, and Safe Living Natural Wormholes, Biological ???
Is there is a danger to using an artificial Merkabah? The LAU/X1 hybrid engine however is different than the OTC X1, as I said. There are some risks to artificial wormholes, stargates, and teleportation devices which use technology which affects the patternization of matter and form. Some have claimed, the risks are so high as to prevent the natural living Human form the ability to pass through living and naturally occurring wormholes, stargates, and portals. However, that far-fetched fear may not be true. I believe anything that alters the Human living energy form can be temporary, and it's more than just what I believe, it's also what I've actually physically experienced.
If energy patternization or re-patternization occurs to the living Human energy field, the only risk would be how the Human consciousness is focused, and how fast it can snap back to being re-focused, or adapt to changing energy conditions. I'm being optimistic because it took me a couple of years to recover from bizarre situations surrounding the construction and usage of my own Tesla tower system, discussed more in the Tesla Engineering Physics section. However, that was an extreme situation likely not encountered when the appropriate safeguards are honored, and there is the utmost respect and honor to the life force consciously, when experimenting with the X1 energies.
Technology is not necessarily a quick fix. Human lifespans can be artificially lengthened using technology; however ALL of these things using technology to achieve these ends could run a risk of temporarily shocking the Human Chi.
These things have just been made known to me. The Philadelphia experiment was a disaster. Crewmen hardly survived, some were stuck inside the bulkheads afterwards, and many died after a while. Tesla had warned about those consequences, and tried to prevent it by tailoring the energies to each crew member's DNA frequencies. As far as the ship on this webpage goes though, additional information has to be determined or discovered to verify its safety. So far it checks out; any adverse side-effects may only be temporary or otherwise may only seem hazardous at first; I recommend not to overdue any exposure in a testing phase, and I have made a safety note to this effect on the Tesla Engineering Physics page. Of course, there are positive side-effects, too, such as healing and increased bio-regeneration in toroid-shaped fields.
Let me explain more about the Philadelphia experiment. The ship was made to float on water, not travel through wormholes, nor the 4th dimension. The crew who did not remember where they were standing prior to the engines being turned on could not put themselves back into focus in normal time again. They had to maintain focus and conscious will to literally create the decks under their feet after emerging from zero spacetime. The engines maintained the construct of reality during the experiment, while the crew went mad, letting their madness consume their need to focus their existence through dimensions and frequencies. A starship on the other hand, is by its very design, meant to traverse an intended path to an expected destination. The shape of the ship is vortex, the engines are vortex, it's existence is pre-determined with purpose by its very design to traverse through dimensions. A unity of purpose is balanced by conscious focus and intent by design and conscious will. A blending of the energies must occur between crew and pilot, and ship -- living biological energy as well as mechanically generated electrical energies. That's one of the reasons why living organic substance is highly recommended in the construction of the power systems.
It could very well be that a certain breed of Humans would be the first to travel to other stars in Human-made crafts. And in transit, there must be conscious love, focus (no fear), and emotional support and understanding between all the members of the crew to maintain a high frequency of intelligent energy creation. Imbalanced people create imbalanced energy fields. In certain energy unity environments, where telepathic exchange is as transparent as the air we breathe, any conflict of ego, any victim mentality, any conflict of philosophy will magnify Within the Inner Planes of the ship environment (that includes ethereal and astral realities). If mental illness can be contagious, there's the mechanism. If mental illness can be cured, then again there is the mechanism.
But people are asleep! The crazy world is too much to bear. Abusive people too hard to understand.. lessons of empowerment are dashed at the heels of victims. But .. if people were to accept true empowerment, that we create our own realities, and that we choose to be a victim or not, then one must accept that one has created one's own experience of reality.. and then they are no longer a victim to anyone but themselves. That is hard to bear; true enlightenment can cause inner conflicts that overwhelm the Human mind. Look though as we bear our own chains... Such mentality as a victim, cannot bear the energy frequencies to cross the threshold of hyperspace to reach another star without going mad. Without intention and direction and a Creative Will, such a thing is not able to be achieved by most common people. A world of lies does not promote a healthy di-rected mind, especially for those who know way too much about the nature of the Earth reality. It becomes, at that point, the requirement to stay focused and centered on one's being, and to exercise discernment with the most quickness, the most aggression, and without hesitation. ... thus, without fear. Such a thing is learned and practiced before it can be seen as a natural birth-gift.
The power of the Earth's morphogenic field of creative consciousness (collective force) in the natural living chi energy of Earth and solar radiance, is creative in nature, and held by the glue of shared thoughtforms, co-created and created. On a very deep level rivaling our very DNA we agree together what the Earth root reality is. Many people fear that which they are, that which sets them free, that force of their own not in domination but in strength, none-the-less. Such energy is the substance of reality itself, having its own locked doors and open halls, the energy of Creation, of Mind and Form and Life Essence. When some find themselves locked out, then it is by their own force of what they know the truth to be. Likewise, when some find themselves without bounds, it is because of being in resonance with the highest integrity of Love and Truth (Living Soul Force of Creation and Existence). For what separates is not what supports the Life Flows that is the Infinite Upwelling Within. When people can know what these words mean, then they can know the impossible that can be achieved.
... as an update.. I have found a way to verify the safety features of a ship. This type of ship is safe. There are many huge reasons I can get into. The way to determine it is difficult to explain. It has everything to do with the energy field of the Human body (Chi, internal energy) and also the nature of the soul, and of the kundalini and the mind. As a precaution, be in excellent health and don't live in the ship, ... but it can be flown to destination.. not necessarily treated as a toy, but as a tool with directed and purposeful use specifically. It uses primarily magneto-electrostatic and electromechanical vortex-field energies, which can be healing to the body.
Sacred designs and shapes are the only way to do things in a sacred way honoring the life force.
NASA was discussing the implications of using "negative energy" as the warp bubble for the Alcubiere warp metrics. What is "negative energy?" Energy can be positive and negative, but what is this "negative energy" they are talking about? Everyone is concerned about that, including Dr. Harold White who says it violates the strong, weak, and dominant forces of matter. Is that the same thing as "void energy"?
I have claimed that there is no such thing as a void that is not filled with energy, but.. There is in fact something called "void energy."
Void energy is the recycling conditions of nature that metaphysically can be accessed through traumatic conditions and very rarely in near death experiences. It is not an "anti-Source" because no such thing exists. Void energy is part of Creation. But, it is very destructive, very low frequency, and is the constant energy of destruction and "tearing down" of form, shape, and focus.
Getting to the lower astral planes for example, requires some type of void energy, a void counter-balance to life. Void energy depolarizes energy fields, and resists the polarization of energy fields. When we talk about void, it's not just about darkness and shadow, but of the dissolution of form. Consciousness is form and creates form. Focus determines shape. Void energy is temporary, and is the essence of what is only temporary and unable to be permanent and long-standing; the opposite of "sacred."
This is what I was talking about regarding risking life and limb to be transformed into what is unable to travel through natural portals and stargates, being closed to life. It is the static displacement and disruption of Life Force Energy. This does not mean it is a "death field," because energy cannot be destroyed, only changed in form.
There is a cure, however. But that requires enlightenment.
(The Below portions are excerpted in part from my book, "Unified Mechanics of Ascension -- the Building Physics of Lightdrives" There are no copyright violations, because I wrote all this material, including the book. It is not up for view anymore due to the editing and publishing process. Been working on this stuff for a long time, and I wanted to make sure nothing got excluded from the information that could be known, rather than swept under the rug)
Any kind of magnetic resistance can occur unless room temperature superconductive materials (exotic materials) are used. See "exotic material science" at the bottom of the warp drive engineering page. I know someone who has done things like this (creating exotic elements and alloy).
Because the cone surfaces can become charged (that's the whole point), air energizes into ultra high frequency exotic phase initiating both warp field dynamics and radiation shielding. Potential differences of inside and outside are noteworthy. The cones are designed to be electogravity generators in air or a gas (not in a liquid).
A Faraday cage concept is not the goal within the cones. We WANT the outside surface of the cones to charge similar to the outer hull of the ship in construction. Electrical arcing is to be expected. In fact, it ought to be a wonderful light-show of circulating plasma energies at high speeds with a good air charge. Such a thing would not slow the engine down because polarity is not being reversed due to arcing -- it's all one fluid circuit.
More Details on the Utrons...
See at the very bottom of this page, the utron details.
The Utron is a battery. The historic design of Otis T. Carr is a battery. A hybrid powercell/battery design is something I've considered, but due to the nature of a complex electrode lattice, it would be easier to stick to what is purely an organic living electrolyte, as Carr stated. He also said it used a cellulose electrolyte.
There’s a difference between a power cell and a battery. A power cell generates electricity all the time, like a battery that never ever runs out. They’re called “electrets.” Regenerating fuel cells are also a power cell.
The Utron is filled with organic electrolyte, Carr used cellulose or cellulite, but other organic electrolytics can be used. Plates should be stacked inside the utron, to form a charge lattice, to increase the volts. Capacitance is also increased, paradoxically. If it were just a capacitor, it would hold high volts. But as a battery, it would create high volts. Capacitance and batteries are very similar.
The core can be a Hutchison power cell (electret), which energizes the utron automatically, simplifying the regenerative charging circuit. It's "schoolgirl" in its simplicity. Thanks to John Bedini, we have knowledge of how regenerative overunity charging circuits can be used.
I'd make the capacitor plates AND the utron shapes all copper (at the VERY least). Copper is a better conductor, and handles heat real well, and is perhaps stronger than silver (and cheaper).
If using an electret, it must be hybrid with living organic electrolyte, to respect and honor the living energy fields of the pilots while flying in such an energy-field ship. <--- This has now been changed, and there must be a clarification involved. Living universal energy is what the electret crystal power cells are using, and so it is not in the power production that is important, but in the usage of the power -- how the power is put to use.
As I've discovered (through experience), the electret is harnessing an energy of pure universal energy, but how it is put to use can be in positive or negative ways. Some energy systems which are incorrectly polarized can have an effect upon nature as that energy does exactly as it's supposed to do. This is discussed on the Free Energy / Tesla page in regard to the new Tesla-tower Ley-line technology -- how it had harmful side-effects originally, and how to focus that energy into more healing ways, currently.
Even if using unpolarized energy, as it now looks like the OTC-X1 is doing by using the utrons, it should not be assumed this to be an unsafe usage of energy, because it is not siphoning life force in reverse to how living biology uses that energy.
An easy way to make an utron, is to separate each cone "half." Run a rod through the center and out the tip. Seal the tip with a non-conductive glue. Plates are stacked on the rod, with a little rubber or nonconductive washer spacer between them, but just around around the rod. The spacer should only space them and not be an insulative member that covers the entire plate surface (not like a capacitor). Fill it with an organic electrolyte. In a battery, lead plates and sulphric acid is used. But this is an organic battery, so the chemistry is differnt. Fill it like filling a cup, cap it, and fill the other utron half, cap it, and screw the two utron cone halves together. There's an utron battery.
Also, the center hollow space of each utron needs to be a perfect sphere.
A kid in Malaysia came up with the idea of a cellulose electrolyte for use as a battery at his farm. He got the idea from what his cow eats. Thank you, Dzarul Dol Malek. He used weeds/grass mixed with brown sugar, blended in a blender and let it ferment for a week. He then took a zinc electrode and a carbon electrode, stuck them in the mixture and measured exactly 1.0 volts! A series of plates alternating zinc and carbon will yield a voltage rating like individual cells of a battery. 10 zinc plates and 10 carbon plates is 10 volts. But we need HIGH volts! So a lattice has to be made (sound familiar?) so that we can get like 50 volts or so out of the utron battery. Of course I'm thinking small here, just to note.
The lattice is simple enough. It can't be a typical plate stack. It has to be segmented, separated, and connected in a spiral or otherwise compartmentalized for individual tiny little cells to all work together increasing the voltage.
If the utrons lock up in the center of the electromagnet, it means there should be a point where power is shut off, but then the electromagnets will charge up, and discharge at a rate of speed of the formation of the magnetic field (at light speed, C). The shape of the utron makes it automatically repell itself, kicking itself around quicker after crossing through the magnetic gate of the horseshoe magnets (Lenz’s law). Bedini harnessed energies of a similar concept to create repulsive and attractive forces in the collapse and in the formation of the magnetic fields in electromagnets (in some circles, that is called "magnetic snap reversals"). As the electromagnetic field collapses, it sends an opposite polarity of very high volt "flyback voltage."
The collapse of the magnetic field creates a high volt flyback voltage, going back into the utrons, and charging the capacitors, (See: Bedini engine) ... The only novelty as Carr put it, is that the utrons are batteries that are made to move around through the electromagnets. That was the "novelty." The utrons were the batteries that moved around in the engine, rather than just sitting still powering a motor.
The Central Accumulator and the Utrons are balanced so that the power from the two systems can be transferred back and forth in a regenerative circuit in similar to the Bedini schoolgirl circuit. Variations of this can lend toward overcharging the central accumulator, keeping the utrons as a regenerative component. The exact nature of the regenerative circuitry is unclear until I have it in front of me, or until someone else does it, however the central accumulator should be charged-up from the electrical-inertial forces from the two co-counter spinning disks. More on that at the bottom of the Tesla Engineering Physics page.
The capacitance of the plates handles the buffering of the charges, and also creates the resonating electrogravity flight force, and act as rivers that transport the inertial energy from centrifugal force to centripetal forces (directed toward the center).
Angular inertia is electrical force.
The central accumulator in the center stores inertial energy, unified with charge (electromagnetic and/or magneto-electrostatic) energy. It is also similar to the utron, in that it is an electrical battery.
The utrons have to be built to the specifications of Otis T. Carr’s publically available material, as in solid part around a spherical hollow. There can be conductors run up (and down) through to the tips of the utrons. There can also be a hollow sphere in the middle. It can be left hollow or filled with various test materials such as mercury. Don't get a DROP of mercury on your hands; mercury is VERY HIGHLY TOXIC!
The brackets supporting the utrons connect to the top and bottom (positive and negative respectively) utron terminals -- positive terminal up, negative down, in the same alignment as the capacitor plates of the X1 disk. To note, the outer rotor supporting the electromagnets spins counter to the inner rotor housing the utrons. Carr measured 580 RPM's which generated an antigravity lift effect, while the John Searl SEG experiments done by Russian engineers measured 550 RPM in one direction, and 600 in another direction. I just thought it worth mentioning.
In the LAU/X1 hybrid ship design (the LAU-X2 and the LAU-X3), the vertical column of cones handles the central utron power, acting as the central utron power core. As it lowers down to the granite cone, then it commutates and connects the circuit, turning the X1 engine on and off and cycling in that manner.
My idea is that the vertical column of cones also is fitted with power cells, but also as it spins and rotates, a lot more energy is generated and directed in unidirectional force. The two aspects compliment each other. Furthermore, there is some internal components to the cones of significance. However, the LAU-X3 includes an outer ring engine which can charge the vertical core, while the vertical core also self-generates.
So the whole thing can generate a LOT of power.
I've thought about making my X1 disk larger, and utilizing more of a central utron core along with a granite cone to handle the friction of the spinning mass of cones above.
Now there is another configuration, that of co-counter rotating alternating charges. So the utrons would be alternated positive up on one, positive down on the next one, positive up on the next after next, positive down on the next after next after next, etc. This is what is meant by "snap reversing the fields." It creates a modulating AC waveform (a pure sign wave) along the circumference of the ship. There is really a lot going on with this concept. For one, is simulates a toroid interference flow, creating a LOT of resonance, and a LOT of energy.
Think of the inertial forces of those rotating charges all in inertial resonance together with the mass of the co-counter rotating disks. Mass is electromagnetic, measured electromagnetically, interacting electromagnetically. Some of Edward Leedskalnin's (the builder of the Coral Castle in Florida) experiments showed that electromagnetism interacted transversely with the gravitational fields of Earth. At the horizontal plane and vertical planes relative with Earth's gravitational center (using a level or a plumb-bob), is the exact planes where the electromagnetic fields reversed in spin.
John Searl's experiments, and that of the Russians duplicating the SEG of John Searl observed cold spots and hot spots in the air rotating away from the central axis of the SEG engine quite a good distance due to electrical energization of the air. Kinda like Ghosts! Ghosts make cold spots, too in parapsychological researches of haunting locations.
The collapse of the electromagnets sends a flyback high voltage back to the utrons, keeping them charged (This concept has evolved; See: Construction blog (editing note). The utrons turn the electromagnets on. It pulses on and off to make motion. BUT, in AC configuration there is no "on and off." It is all continuous (or is it "continual?") without any break of the circuit or signal. If there are six utrons used, then every 60 degrees around the circle, the electromagnetic field is sharply reversed. A pure sign wave.
The capacitor disks on the X1 disk are connected to the circuit. It can be built around a timing shaft or commutator, which can easily be done with a coil of wire on a rod, with the insulation sanded off where you want contact to be made, or in other ways using points setups, or otherwise... A stiff bare wire can touch the rod, so as it spins and contacts the sanded (bare wire, insulation sanded off), and non-sanded parts, then the current turns on and off. Brushes can be used. Bearing connections can be used, too. I've had experience designing commutators. There's a man in Australia working on a commutator design for the OTC-X1 reconstruction project.
That's just a basic motor design, but we're also dealing with advanced physics.
Regarding the central accumulator, a large bearing mount should be on the disk, so that it'll mount a driveshaft, so that the accumulator can be tested and measured with it attached or not.. and so that different central accumulator designs can be swapped out easily. Adaptable designing is good for experimental purposes.
Thinking in terms of a simple motor design is okay, but a lot really goes on with the X1. There are also vortex spinning and spiraling fields.
I am still considering the hybridization of the OTC-X1 and the Hamel design.
Earlier Updates:
I've learned that the central accumulator and disk design of the historic X1 engine resembles an artificial Merkabah (relating to Mind/Body/Spirit). Like the Joe Cell, people's emotions affect the performance of the engine; and building it too, requires a clear head, consciousness, positive emotions, and good health. Quite frankly, it's logical to suppose that it would not be able to be built without those requirements. I can't build anything when I'm upset, for example.
Utrons as self charging capacitors may be much better, and with a hollow center (air space), but an organic electret material may be more difficult to create. Certainly hybrid living/electret utron designs can be tested, but with caution.
. . .
Any time electromagnetic energies are used, there will be a speed limit. Magneto-electrostatic energies though is much faster when traveling in parallel, not in perpendicular (transverse). That is in terms of engineering. Although, some of these new physics tend to break those old laws. There is always a magnetic braking affect when using electromagnets. That is to say, in a spherical coil when the poles are separate, there will be the full amount of volts in the coil with no power loss, but it spins slower than a narrow coil, which the poles tend to phase each other out resulting in volt loss, but transferable to higher speeds. Those are how the energies are transformed and balanced. In a coil where the poles are separate quite a ways, the full voltage will conduct through the coil, but it will spin slower because it's bulkier.
Magneto-electrostatic energies tend to over-balance, though. Electrostatic energies are much faster than the speed of electromagnetic wave propagation and generate less heat. That is just an engineering note. It is not the speed that matters in the case of the OTC X1, but it is how those energies are used.
There are a lot of weird unpleasant things happening in the world, I believe in order to survive the profound changes, people must all work together in the frequencies of Love, Light, and Honor to the Life Force.
Hazards of Using Artificial Merkabahs, and Safe Living Natural Wormholes, Biological ???
Is there is a danger to using an artificial Merkabah? The LAU/X1 hybrid engine however is different than the OTC X1, as I said. There are some risks to artificial wormholes, stargates, and teleportation devices which use technology which affects the patternization of matter and form. Some have claimed, the risks are so high as to prevent the natural living Human form the ability to pass through living and naturally occurring wormholes, stargates, and portals. However, that far-fetched fear may not be true. I believe anything that alters the Human living energy form can be temporary, and it's more than just what I believe, it's also what I've actually physically experienced.
If energy patternization or re-patternization occurs to the living Human energy field, the only risk would be how the Human consciousness is focused, and how fast it can snap back to being re-focused, or adapt to changing energy conditions. I'm being optimistic because it took me a couple of years to recover from bizarre situations surrounding the construction and usage of my own Tesla tower system, discussed more in the Tesla Engineering Physics section. However, that was an extreme situation likely not encountered when the appropriate safeguards are honored, and there is the utmost respect and honor to the life force consciously, when experimenting with the X1 energies.
Technology is not necessarily a quick fix. Human lifespans can be artificially lengthened using technology; however ALL of these things using technology to achieve these ends could run a risk of temporarily shocking the Human Chi.
These things have just been made known to me. The Philadelphia experiment was a disaster. Crewmen hardly survived, some were stuck inside the bulkheads afterwards, and many died after a while. Tesla had warned about those consequences, and tried to prevent it by tailoring the energies to each crew member's DNA frequencies. As far as the ship on this webpage goes though, additional information has to be determined or discovered to verify its safety. So far it checks out; any adverse side-effects may only be temporary or otherwise may only seem hazardous at first; I recommend not to overdue any exposure in a testing phase, and I have made a safety note to this effect on the Tesla Engineering Physics page. Of course, there are positive side-effects, too, such as healing and increased bio-regeneration in toroid-shaped fields.
Let me explain more about the Philadelphia experiment. The ship was made to float on water, not travel through wormholes, nor the 4th dimension. The crew who did not remember where they were standing prior to the engines being turned on could not put themselves back into focus in normal time again. They had to maintain focus and conscious will to literally create the decks under their feet after emerging from zero spacetime. The engines maintained the construct of reality during the experiment, while the crew went mad, letting their madness consume their need to focus their existence through dimensions and frequencies. A starship on the other hand, is by its very design, meant to traverse an intended path to an expected destination. The shape of the ship is vortex, the engines are vortex, it's existence is pre-determined with purpose by its very design to traverse through dimensions. A unity of purpose is balanced by conscious focus and intent by design and conscious will. A blending of the energies must occur between crew and pilot, and ship -- living biological energy as well as mechanically generated electrical energies. That's one of the reasons why living organic substance is highly recommended in the construction of the power systems.
It could very well be that a certain breed of Humans would be the first to travel to other stars in Human-made crafts. And in transit, there must be conscious love, focus (no fear), and emotional support and understanding between all the members of the crew to maintain a high frequency of intelligent energy creation. Imbalanced people create imbalanced energy fields. In certain energy unity environments, where telepathic exchange is as transparent as the air we breathe, any conflict of ego, any victim mentality, any conflict of philosophy will magnify Within the Inner Planes of the ship environment (that includes ethereal and astral realities). If mental illness can be contagious, there's the mechanism. If mental illness can be cured, then again there is the mechanism.
But people are asleep! The crazy world is too much to bear. Abusive people too hard to understand.. lessons of empowerment are dashed at the heels of victims. But .. if people were to accept true empowerment, that we create our own realities, and that we choose to be a victim or not, then one must accept that one has created one's own experience of reality.. and then they are no longer a victim to anyone but themselves. That is hard to bear; true enlightenment can cause inner conflicts that overwhelm the Human mind. Look though as we bear our own chains... Such mentality as a victim, cannot bear the energy frequencies to cross the threshold of hyperspace to reach another star without going mad. Without intention and direction and a Creative Will, such a thing is not able to be achieved by most common people. A world of lies does not promote a healthy di-rected mind, especially for those who know way too much about the nature of the Earth reality. It becomes, at that point, the requirement to stay focused and centered on one's being, and to exercise discernment with the most quickness, the most aggression, and without hesitation. ... thus, without fear. Such a thing is learned and practiced before it can be seen as a natural birth-gift.
The power of the Earth's morphogenic field of creative consciousness (collective force) in the natural living chi energy of Earth and solar radiance, is creative in nature, and held by the glue of shared thoughtforms, co-created and created. On a very deep level rivaling our very DNA we agree together what the Earth root reality is. Many people fear that which they are, that which sets them free, that force of their own not in domination but in strength, none-the-less. Such energy is the substance of reality itself, having its own locked doors and open halls, the energy of Creation, of Mind and Form and Life Essence. When some find themselves locked out, then it is by their own force of what they know the truth to be. Likewise, when some find themselves without bounds, it is because of being in resonance with the highest integrity of Love and Truth (Living Soul Force of Creation and Existence). For what separates is not what supports the Life Flows that is the Infinite Upwelling Within. When people can know what these words mean, then they can know the impossible that can be achieved.
... as an update.. I have found a way to verify the safety features of a ship. This type of ship is safe. There are many huge reasons I can get into. The way to determine it is difficult to explain. It has everything to do with the energy field of the Human body (Chi, internal energy) and also the nature of the soul, and of the kundalini and the mind. As a precaution, be in excellent health and don't live in the ship, ... but it can be flown to destination.. not necessarily treated as a toy, but as a tool with directed and purposeful use specifically. It uses primarily magneto-electrostatic and electromechanical vortex-field energies, which can be healing to the body.
Sacred designs and shapes are the only way to do things in a sacred way honoring the life force.
NASA was discussing the implications of using "negative energy" as the warp bubble for the Alcubiere warp metrics. What is "negative energy?" Energy can be positive and negative, but what is this "negative energy" they are talking about? Everyone is concerned about that, including Dr. Harold White who says it violates the strong, weak, and dominant forces of matter. Is that the same thing as "void energy"?
I have claimed that there is no such thing as a void that is not filled with energy, but.. There is in fact something called "void energy."
Void energy is the recycling conditions of nature that metaphysically can be accessed through traumatic conditions and very rarely in near death experiences. It is not an "anti-Source" because no such thing exists. Void energy is part of Creation. But, it is very destructive, very low frequency, and is the constant energy of destruction and "tearing down" of form, shape, and focus.
Getting to the lower astral planes for example, requires some type of void energy, a void counter-balance to life. Void energy depolarizes energy fields, and resists the polarization of energy fields. When we talk about void, it's not just about darkness and shadow, but of the dissolution of form. Consciousness is form and creates form. Focus determines shape. Void energy is temporary, and is the essence of what is only temporary and unable to be permanent and long-standing; the opposite of "sacred."
This is what I was talking about regarding risking life and limb to be transformed into what is unable to travel through natural portals and stargates, being closed to life. It is the static displacement and disruption of Life Force Energy. This does not mean it is a "death field," because energy cannot be destroyed, only changed in form.
There is a cure, however. But that requires enlightenment.
(The Below portions are excerpted in part from my book, "Unified Mechanics of Ascension -- the Building Physics of Lightdrives" There are no copyright violations, because I wrote all this material, including the book. It is not up for view anymore due to the editing and publishing process. Been working on this stuff for a long time, and I wanted to make sure nothing got excluded from the information that could be known, rather than swept under the rug)
Warp Drive Bubble Dynamics (updated 12/11/14)
Using conventional warp drive theory, for example as proposed by Dr. "Sonny" White in his paper "Warp Field Mechanics 101," the shape of the field is asymmetrical in that an imbalanced situation has to be present in order to establish motion or "lift." As mentioned on the home page, there is an imbalanced situation that exists due to the sphere at the bottom. However I also wish to point out the nature of the X1 disk, and the vertical column of cones on top, which ALSO generates an imbalanced state for an otherwise symmetrical field (of the X1 disk alone, not counting the polarities that create electrogravity conditions in atmosphere or air) -- thus making the field so an imbalanced situation exists that is continually attempting to achieve balance [in inherently imbalanced conditions]. That is referred to as "The Balance of the Ship."
It is remarkably similar, as it should be, so that there is a "gravity pocket" in front of the ship (actually at the very top, but the ship flies "sideways" so that the top is the front, while in very fast flight) that the ship falls into. Conventionally, the spacetime is "scrunched up" in front of the ship, and elongated behind the ship, creating that wonderful effect known as the warp field.
The sphere at the bottom doesn't even have to be used; I would love to test it all out, just because. That's why I made the lower drive assembly able to be jettisoned. We are completely discarding it at this point however, and replacing it with the OTC-X1 engine.
The warp field generators make use of electrogravity movement of the engine atmosphere inside the ship's drive core, principles of electro-mechanical and magneto-electrostatic resonance, AS WELL AS the X-1 drive itself. The utrons direct angular force in one direction [ ^ ]. Angular force = Electrical force. Likewise, Angular Force = Electrical Force = Inertial Force. The shape of that field of electrical mass (mass is a relationship of mass volts in motion relative with magnetic fields) is directed upward. And the cones add additional "flexing of the curvature" by pulling more of the space in front of the ship back down to the X1 disk so there is MORE angular electrical force generated in one direction only. See the links toward the top part of the home page for dynamics of the utron, and the integration and disintegration of spacetime functions worked out by Otis T. Carr.
Okay, that was horrible. I left that above paragraph in to show the relation of angular inertia = electrical force. Otherwise, it's rather incomprehensible. The only thing I wish to relate here is the nature of the vertical core creating gravity on top (pull), as the inertial force directs toward the central accumulator (push; thrust). None of that really applies too well, either. As the central accumulator accumulates inertial mass, it is so directed along the vertical axis of the column of cones above the X-1, down to the central accumulator of the lower X-1 engine.
Better stated, What if the air/plasma inside the vertical core flows from bottom to top? Why top to bottom? If a flow from bottom to top were used, wouldn't there be force against the top of the ship to pick it up? The answer is no. It is more logical to presume the flow around the hull of the ship created some sort of field-travel through space. But, it is highly concentrated in the vertical core. Plasma/mass flow from top to bottom terminates at a vector of 90 degrees to travel through the vent/ports, while all the inertial and electrical force is absorbed by the central accumulator.
That creates a pull of scalar space toward the central accumulator through the eye of the vortex that it represents and creates (that is explained more below). It is possible the plasma flow can continue through the X-1 engine compartment, and through vents along the perimeter of the X-1 engine back to cycle through the rest of the ship. The things noteworthy here is the change in inertial vector of the plasma flow, and the accumulation of inertial (and electrical) forces focused by the central accumulator. That is not quite the same principle as "creating lift," but basically it is a requirement for a mono-pole exotic mass accelerator (the vertical engine) to work effectively as a propulsion generator.
The lower X-1 engine changes the frequency of time through powerful amplification of inertial forces (inertial mass). As the two disks counter-spin against each other, the centrifugal forces are cancelled, and accumulates within, at the center, at the Central Accumulator. Meanwhile the energy field also extends out as a field of affect, and a field of influence, of inertial space. The energy field of the vertical cones is a rotating monopole, inertially. Although the electrogravity proton flow can be rotating, spinning, and in alternation, the direction of the inertia of the flow of the mass of the protons does not change. Actually it does, it is an acceleration field, meaning its vector is always changing every point around the circle it goes. It is also accelerating downward (from top to down).
Acceleration is described rotationally like a wheel that spins, or in a straight line like a car that speeds up. Acceleration represents a change (action) in motion (inertial identity). Action or change applies a change to what? It changes the identity of "that which is at rest, or moving at a steady vector" to "that which is turning, or speeding up." Action establishes identity.
It is a monopole (polarized) though because it does not change in polarity to any axis. Do not be confused here. If a proton is spinning as it also rotates and travels downward, then it is changing in reference to its own axis. Aligning all the protons in one common axis gets them all to resonating, behaving like one huge mega-proton. There will be inertial gravity generated in a field immediately surrounding the ship because the field of inertial gravity itself is what moves the ship. Although, that field of inertial gravity may be at a high frequency (time) but canceling out inertial forces (gravity). It's not like a jet engine which much push air and pull air, because the air in the spaceship is self-contained, magnetized (charges in motion create electromagnetic field, when in one polarity -- see: Tesla Engineering Physics), and charged in a field of magneto-electrostatic motion.
It is alike to a macro-superstring surrounded by a field of its own vibrating and resonating spacetime continuum.
It is not a balanced condition in that regard. The condition of imbalance from the vertical cones terminates at the horizontal plane of the X1 disk (actually the top of the central accumulator where the air flow from the vertical core shoots out through ports which flow around the entire ship). The reason for the termination is because the mass of the air particle flow is re-directed at 90 degrees [at the termination].
There are two conditions: electromagnetic (mass) inertial force (spinning disks) generating a directed mass inertial force (gravity) in one direction (inward) at the central accumulator of the X-1 disk, and the air of the vertical engine core spinning and spiraling in unidirectional force, directing mass flow (electricomagnetic) inertial force (magneto-electrostatically resonating proton mass) in magneto-electrostatic conditions.
All of that serves to increase the frequency of mass-time-gravity force also, so the time changes as the mass increases, as the frequencies increase. The overall directed force of gravity-mass-time is increased in frequency, as it is directed to form the warp travel conditions.
Dr. Ning Li had worked out a Bose-Einstein condensate conditions for antigravity, but it's just as easy to use exotic air flow and is not limited to a 2 dimensional plane, nor to having to use liquid nitrogen and other complex stuff where things could go wrong way out in space, far from repair facilities! More on Dr. Ning Li on the Warp Drive Engineering page.
Note: I stated "All of that serves to increase the frequency of mass-time-gravity force also, so the time changes as the mass increases, as the frequencies increase." That is again, conventional warp-physics theory.
What if it is the frequencies of time itself which can be manipulated to increase a force of gravity, without having to increase inertial mass to increase the time frequency? That can qualify as a "Warp drive," but it is slightly (actually very) different. That is called a "hyperdrive," which tunnels through space, rather than warping space to travel in faster time.
It is explained a little better as one reads along.. I'll re-write this "warp drive bubble" section eventually.
It is remarkably similar, as it should be, so that there is a "gravity pocket" in front of the ship (actually at the very top, but the ship flies "sideways" so that the top is the front, while in very fast flight) that the ship falls into. Conventionally, the spacetime is "scrunched up" in front of the ship, and elongated behind the ship, creating that wonderful effect known as the warp field.
The sphere at the bottom doesn't even have to be used; I would love to test it all out, just because. That's why I made the lower drive assembly able to be jettisoned. We are completely discarding it at this point however, and replacing it with the OTC-X1 engine.
The warp field generators make use of electrogravity movement of the engine atmosphere inside the ship's drive core, principles of electro-mechanical and magneto-electrostatic resonance, AS WELL AS the X-1 drive itself. The utrons direct angular force in one direction [ ^ ]. Angular force = Electrical force. Likewise, Angular Force = Electrical Force = Inertial Force. The shape of that field of electrical mass (mass is a relationship of mass volts in motion relative with magnetic fields) is directed upward. And the cones add additional "flexing of the curvature" by pulling more of the space in front of the ship back down to the X1 disk so there is MORE angular electrical force generated in one direction only. See the links toward the top part of the home page for dynamics of the utron, and the integration and disintegration of spacetime functions worked out by Otis T. Carr.
Okay, that was horrible. I left that above paragraph in to show the relation of angular inertia = electrical force. Otherwise, it's rather incomprehensible. The only thing I wish to relate here is the nature of the vertical core creating gravity on top (pull), as the inertial force directs toward the central accumulator (push; thrust). None of that really applies too well, either. As the central accumulator accumulates inertial mass, it is so directed along the vertical axis of the column of cones above the X-1, down to the central accumulator of the lower X-1 engine.
Better stated, What if the air/plasma inside the vertical core flows from bottom to top? Why top to bottom? If a flow from bottom to top were used, wouldn't there be force against the top of the ship to pick it up? The answer is no. It is more logical to presume the flow around the hull of the ship created some sort of field-travel through space. But, it is highly concentrated in the vertical core. Plasma/mass flow from top to bottom terminates at a vector of 90 degrees to travel through the vent/ports, while all the inertial and electrical force is absorbed by the central accumulator.
That creates a pull of scalar space toward the central accumulator through the eye of the vortex that it represents and creates (that is explained more below). It is possible the plasma flow can continue through the X-1 engine compartment, and through vents along the perimeter of the X-1 engine back to cycle through the rest of the ship. The things noteworthy here is the change in inertial vector of the plasma flow, and the accumulation of inertial (and electrical) forces focused by the central accumulator. That is not quite the same principle as "creating lift," but basically it is a requirement for a mono-pole exotic mass accelerator (the vertical engine) to work effectively as a propulsion generator.
The lower X-1 engine changes the frequency of time through powerful amplification of inertial forces (inertial mass). As the two disks counter-spin against each other, the centrifugal forces are cancelled, and accumulates within, at the center, at the Central Accumulator. Meanwhile the energy field also extends out as a field of affect, and a field of influence, of inertial space. The energy field of the vertical cones is a rotating monopole, inertially. Although the electrogravity proton flow can be rotating, spinning, and in alternation, the direction of the inertia of the flow of the mass of the protons does not change. Actually it does, it is an acceleration field, meaning its vector is always changing every point around the circle it goes. It is also accelerating downward (from top to down).
Acceleration is described rotationally like a wheel that spins, or in a straight line like a car that speeds up. Acceleration represents a change (action) in motion (inertial identity). Action or change applies a change to what? It changes the identity of "that which is at rest, or moving at a steady vector" to "that which is turning, or speeding up." Action establishes identity.
It is a monopole (polarized) though because it does not change in polarity to any axis. Do not be confused here. If a proton is spinning as it also rotates and travels downward, then it is changing in reference to its own axis. Aligning all the protons in one common axis gets them all to resonating, behaving like one huge mega-proton. There will be inertial gravity generated in a field immediately surrounding the ship because the field of inertial gravity itself is what moves the ship. Although, that field of inertial gravity may be at a high frequency (time) but canceling out inertial forces (gravity). It's not like a jet engine which much push air and pull air, because the air in the spaceship is self-contained, magnetized (charges in motion create electromagnetic field, when in one polarity -- see: Tesla Engineering Physics), and charged in a field of magneto-electrostatic motion.
It is alike to a macro-superstring surrounded by a field of its own vibrating and resonating spacetime continuum.
It is not a balanced condition in that regard. The condition of imbalance from the vertical cones terminates at the horizontal plane of the X1 disk (actually the top of the central accumulator where the air flow from the vertical core shoots out through ports which flow around the entire ship). The reason for the termination is because the mass of the air particle flow is re-directed at 90 degrees [at the termination].
There are two conditions: electromagnetic (mass) inertial force (spinning disks) generating a directed mass inertial force (gravity) in one direction (inward) at the central accumulator of the X-1 disk, and the air of the vertical engine core spinning and spiraling in unidirectional force, directing mass flow (electricomagnetic) inertial force (magneto-electrostatically resonating proton mass) in magneto-electrostatic conditions.
All of that serves to increase the frequency of mass-time-gravity force also, so the time changes as the mass increases, as the frequencies increase. The overall directed force of gravity-mass-time is increased in frequency, as it is directed to form the warp travel conditions.
Dr. Ning Li had worked out a Bose-Einstein condensate conditions for antigravity, but it's just as easy to use exotic air flow and is not limited to a 2 dimensional plane, nor to having to use liquid nitrogen and other complex stuff where things could go wrong way out in space, far from repair facilities! More on Dr. Ning Li on the Warp Drive Engineering page.
Note: I stated "All of that serves to increase the frequency of mass-time-gravity force also, so the time changes as the mass increases, as the frequencies increase." That is again, conventional warp-physics theory.
What if it is the frequencies of time itself which can be manipulated to increase a force of gravity, without having to increase inertial mass to increase the time frequency? That can qualify as a "Warp drive," but it is slightly (actually very) different. That is called a "hyperdrive," which tunnels through space, rather than warping space to travel in faster time.
It is explained a little better as one reads along.. I'll re-write this "warp drive bubble" section eventually.
Safety Features Are a Go! updated (7/31/2018)
I have examined something recently concerning the notion of void physics, which are not the same as negative energy physics, because negative energy does not leave a void behind of consumed mass; negative energy uses mass-reduction field instead and in vortex arrangement can be naturally healing to the body..
I have also had the unpleasantness of experiencing certain energy situations and their effects upon the Human body. I am reluctant to discuss this in great detail. I however wish to say that I do not believe a negative energy situation employed in space flight would be beneficial to the Human body. In fact, it could create very nasty and harmful side-effects, psychosis, and internal energy collapse (chakras closing and chi energy meridian collapse)! Also, the electromagnetic field of the brain could de-polarize (de-polarizing brain and nervous system neurons).
In a system that is not polarized, one has to be cautious. On the Free Energy / Tesla page, in an article, The Onset of Tesla Free Energy Nondestructive Exclusive Technology to be Made Available to be Exchanged for Value... I had listed the problems as well as the solutions.
Exotic phased matter exhibits both positive AND negative mass fluctuations, which is a balanced state of higher dimensional reality. Nothing is lost, nothing is added, in that regard; and yet aside from the obvious gain of higher frequencies, the pilot(s) must be in a state of pure health to travel in such exotic-phased warp fields, otherwise it HAD been thought that any impurity or toxic condition could accelerate and could create cancerous conditions at the very minimum which would quickly be accelerated. ... But now it does not seem to be the case, because cancers cannot survive in conditions of high frequency above a certain frequency range, according to new information.
Regardless, certain usage of energies creates a void, which pertains to the consumption of mass. David Hamel warned about that.
A warp field makes a change to the universe around the ship, which makes it seem that the mass of the ship is reduced, it is a relative field.
Exotic high (white light space -- for example that recorded by photography as white light without a "photographic light source point of origin," usually by exotic fields of matter/energy generation, which is not a science yet to make a public appearance) frequency may be the determining factor to make a safe negative energy field.
Pilots riding in such a field out to experience a benefit of high frequency resonance which has been seen to reverse aging (In that I don't mean going back in time, but of a healing effect), and aid in regeneration.
One focuses one's consciousness for health, or for dis-ease. Even the medical textbooks are now saying the focus of one's mind creates health and well-being, or manifests dis-ease and ill health. It should be intuitively obvious (common sense). A state of cancer is a state of conscious imbalance, where the mind stops or blocks or reverses one's natural internal chi energy flows of maximum health and longevity. It can be said that who one is is not one's consciousness. One's consciousness is one's creation; likewise others can influence the creation of another's consciousness (co-creation). Who are we? Souls.
. . .
On a positive note, traveling through warp space in a higher frequency high energy and dimensional state could be wondrously HEALING, and could actually regenerate the body, the mind, and the spirit (that would be considered constructive; fortifying; growth; light; not dark). Exotic matter fields can be healing, because of the higher dimensional and frequency states.
Again though, in higher frequencies such as nearing 4D and 5D conditions, regeneration and youthfulness and longevity is the reality as long as the body, mind, and spirit is healthy. ... Also on that note, I would suggest that utrons use Living organic biological electrolyte in the engines, for obvious reasons. And in vortex geometry, electromagnetic energies have been shown to greatly increase the Human healing and regeneration rate.
There are reports and sightings of Human space travellors in saucer ships wearing a silver body suit. In warp drive interstellar voyages, it is probably wise to protect the body from electrical radiation.
Picking up passengers for a brief trip around the planet, or from here or there, or using planetary drive systems, so as long as there is not an over-exposure, could be perfectly fine. Even a trip around our solar system, as long as it is not prolonged would not require a use of a flight suit, necessarily.
. . .
I do want to say that I feel the ship design, and Otis T. Carr's design, and those things on my webpage I've learned about is safe. It doesn't create a NEGATIVE warp bubble, but instead creates a RESONATING FIELD of constructive (based on light-unity) energies, built up in a field. The PHYSICS are totally different. And yet, could they really be one and the same thing, just explained and perceived in different ways?
Magneto-electro-static energy is more of a unity of energy, than either electrostatic, or electromagnetic. I would say it's healthy to be in a lightning storm, but not healthy to harness large electrostatic fields to live in them for a prolonged time, unpolarized. There is more about this however, in the megaphysics blog under the articles about "dragon kundalini." That is something really, really cool and awesome. Energies must be used wisely. Always honor the sacred nature of living energy.
Safety Follow Up
After careful consideration, I believe "Unified Mechanics - The Building Physics of Lightdrives" was written to teach/train an OTC-X1 pilot. I also believe when one thinks in the now, rather than toward one's destination, well being mindful of the journey, being present, then one can appreciate and remember a trip in a ship! Likewise one must know where one is going, or one cannot arrive where one intends to be. That is also a concept of "hyperdimensional navigation," so it has a grounds in physics and not just psychology and metaphysics. As stated before, the energy of intention can be measured on a volt-meter.
Vortex energies of electromagnet (interference wound and Rodin wound) vortex coils have been observed to be healing, and the electromagnetic vortex energies of the engine, circling around the angled utrons, and the shape of the energies of the electromagnets.
What is the artificial merkabah, the machine or the vortex energy itself? It is not the shape of the energy itself, because the shape of the energy is in toroidal form with a mono-pole through the central axis. I don't think it would present a health risk, but quite the contrary, increase the vitality of the pilots.
A fluctuating spiraling multi-vortex, similar to the Searl engine but more elegant (The Searl ship was piloted by remote control as well as by pilot, and his ship took on passengers; and it flew steered by HAM radio operators who bounced the ship around between each other) could actually heal the body because of the vortex energies, and the type of energy, and frequency.
Also, as an update... wow, that's horribly worded up there..
One's kundalini living energy (intelligent and alive; one's self) may align in the field of the ship. It must be in a sacred way, and then it's safe. The only fear that is more metaphysical and esoteric, is the transformation of the Human energy field that one might not expect. That is not to be feared though. It can be very orgasmic and beautiful.
Living energies are very natural and do occur on Earth. It is the directing of these fields which is what technology is (it is what it does), especially Tesla technology. The people of Venus (and Tesla had contact with ET on Mars, too), according to Tesla's own autobiography have been using these technologies and living in amazing enlightened reality at peace with love in transparency and unity. Yet even though one's private thoughts remain private, and the boundaries of each other remain, it is not unlike an ascension experience where one can come and go between normal Earth reality and higher dimensional realities still of the physical universal and star system planes, like in accounts from people from Venus.. or supposedly from Venus. Also reports of levitating waterfalls and places of astounding beauty are reported from the inhabitants of Venus who have come here to talk about it. Interesting to note, they find the low-frequency reality of Earth very uncomfortable and not as tasty and rich; harsh and crude.
Bottom line:
It's a light-merkabah. It's safe to those enlightened to make the journey.
Easy or Hard
These physics may seem impossible to understand, but that is only because we are dealing with an increadibly low technology level, like rockets and fuel-driven systems in modern Earth reality. Using the correct type of technology, such as the ships at this website, the laws of physics simplify themselves. Just punch up the engines to high speed, and time synchronizes itself automatically. No fuss, no muss.
The complicated nature of paradoxical and unifiable physics is merely due to the nature of using low tech. But as a paradox, to understand higher technology requires a jump of awareness, and a revelation in consciousness, out of duality reasoning, and into unifiable perception.
The only thing left is to build it and test it out, and have some fun with it. There are some details to work out along the way. But in theory, I'm happy with it. By building it, we can learn more about these things, answer questions, and take things to the next step as a unified effort of all Humanity. One cannot do it alone, which is perhaps the best part about it! It's safeguarded, I believe, which takes a group effort of positive intent, to achieve such a marvel, and advance the course of Human development in peace and harmony with the planetary environment and each other.
I do believe though that sensitive people should be involved in the testing, and people who can read aura energy fields of lifeforms, so to make sure no harm is done to the sacred life form of Humans and other life to the planet.
It is quite possible the intent of using such technology not for the highest good of peace and harmony (to use it for war or to perpetuate conflict) is unachievable, and is perhaps the reason we do not see these things being used in war. Not only in the inability to manifest the ship, since it is thought-piloted, the pilots must be specially trained to carry the fields consciously, in the right light-vibration. Self-protection is enligthened, but domination and the want for conquest is not an enlightened thoughtform. In fact, if used for war, the pilot(s) very well likely could arrive at their exit/destination point in a parallel reality where one's intention has affected one's destination, literally traveling through parallel reality, where there are subtle differences (hyperdimensional navigation). That is akin to metaphysical reality polarization of Love-based reality in contrast to fear-based reality.
Likewise asking permission from Source, from Earth too, is important. In ignorance, Humans can be quite destructive accidentally. So those things are to be avoided. Science has already accepted the fact that living beings have auric fields; and other metaphysical and spiritual aspects and qualities to life should be respected so that the quality of life itself is respectful and honorable.
(updated again 11/2/2014)
The complicated nature of paradoxical and unifiable physics is merely due to the nature of using low tech. But as a paradox, to understand higher technology requires a jump of awareness, and a revelation in consciousness, out of duality reasoning, and into unifiable perception.
The only thing left is to build it and test it out, and have some fun with it. There are some details to work out along the way. But in theory, I'm happy with it. By building it, we can learn more about these things, answer questions, and take things to the next step as a unified effort of all Humanity. One cannot do it alone, which is perhaps the best part about it! It's safeguarded, I believe, which takes a group effort of positive intent, to achieve such a marvel, and advance the course of Human development in peace and harmony with the planetary environment and each other.
I do believe though that sensitive people should be involved in the testing, and people who can read aura energy fields of lifeforms, so to make sure no harm is done to the sacred life form of Humans and other life to the planet.
It is quite possible the intent of using such technology not for the highest good of peace and harmony (to use it for war or to perpetuate conflict) is unachievable, and is perhaps the reason we do not see these things being used in war. Not only in the inability to manifest the ship, since it is thought-piloted, the pilots must be specially trained to carry the fields consciously, in the right light-vibration. Self-protection is enligthened, but domination and the want for conquest is not an enlightened thoughtform. In fact, if used for war, the pilot(s) very well likely could arrive at their exit/destination point in a parallel reality where one's intention has affected one's destination, literally traveling through parallel reality, where there are subtle differences (hyperdimensional navigation). That is akin to metaphysical reality polarization of Love-based reality in contrast to fear-based reality.
Likewise asking permission from Source, from Earth too, is important. In ignorance, Humans can be quite destructive accidentally. So those things are to be avoided. Science has already accepted the fact that living beings have auric fields; and other metaphysical and spiritual aspects and qualities to life should be respected so that the quality of life itself is respectful and honorable.
(updated again 11/2/2014)
Rodin and Rodin-interference-wound coil resonance
4/24/13 (timestamp for my own reference to the "tempography" of this site)
In light of recent developments, I remember reading about Ezekiel's Wheel (see the picture at the top right) -- two wheels moving one within the other, and it hovered in the sky. I'm thinking there are some wonderful things these days. There is the Rodin coil, and the double-coil counterwound interference vortex coil. My hypothesis is that a commutating drive shaft can be mounted through the center of a vortex coil, with a positive connect on top, and negative on the bottom. A surrounding coil can also connect to that central drive shaft, so the two inner and outer coils spin counter to each other generating a resonating field which generates lift, much like Searl and Carr and the others. (For more information, see http://www.1stopenergies.com/ )
To be clear, there is the one coil, with a double spiral winding, but a SECOND COIL can be added AROUND the one coil. So it would be a coil with a big doughnut hole in the middle, that another smaller coil fits inside, as in the last picture to the right, but not exact to those specifications. I just made it that way to see as an example. Likewise a coil can fit actually within the other coil; so that the coil within the other coil both spin in co-counter rotation (that is more like the outer ring drive).
Observations of the vortex coil show a parallel electrical flow through the hole, but transverse magnetic action, IE a magnet won't spin in parallel with the coil, but at right angles to the plane of the coil. I've seen then do both, actually. A series of coils in a circle would have to be used to enact a "parallel" magnetic vortex.
It's reasonable to apply Tesla Transforming dynamics and make the driveshaft into a coil. Likewise two cones can be fitted on top and bottom so their tips touch in the center of the vortex coil (top picture on the left), narrower cones or wider cones affect matter in ways seen on the last downloadable on the main page by Walter Baumgartner. The two cones can revolve tips around each other, orbiting each other very rapidly in the center of the vortex coils, and too be fitted through each other, in that way also, as well as merely touching. Spiraled grooves around the cones in the direction of high energy volt polarity would be appropriate. Similiar to the shape of a blackhole, X-rays beam out through the poles of a blackhole in such a similar shape, also considered particle fountains. Likewise wider cones is the shape of a star (see the last or next to last downloadable on the home page about Walter Baumgartner). It is the same through and throughout. It is only the shape I'm noting here. I make no other speculation. The universe is light and sound.
In light of the new movie, "Oblivion," why couldn't such a thing swivel and pivot for a ship's maneuverability? Just a hypothesis.
Just as an artist denotes shape and sound, so to the universe can be pleasing and forgiving, in sacred geometry of function and form. Energy is derived from shape, and intention. The harshness of life need not be hashed in any complex way, but merely seen as what is pleasing to the artistic eye.
In light of recent developments, I remember reading about Ezekiel's Wheel (see the picture at the top right) -- two wheels moving one within the other, and it hovered in the sky. I'm thinking there are some wonderful things these days. There is the Rodin coil, and the double-coil counterwound interference vortex coil. My hypothesis is that a commutating drive shaft can be mounted through the center of a vortex coil, with a positive connect on top, and negative on the bottom. A surrounding coil can also connect to that central drive shaft, so the two inner and outer coils spin counter to each other generating a resonating field which generates lift, much like Searl and Carr and the others. (For more information, see http://www.1stopenergies.com/ )
To be clear, there is the one coil, with a double spiral winding, but a SECOND COIL can be added AROUND the one coil. So it would be a coil with a big doughnut hole in the middle, that another smaller coil fits inside, as in the last picture to the right, but not exact to those specifications. I just made it that way to see as an example. Likewise a coil can fit actually within the other coil; so that the coil within the other coil both spin in co-counter rotation (that is more like the outer ring drive).
Observations of the vortex coil show a parallel electrical flow through the hole, but transverse magnetic action, IE a magnet won't spin in parallel with the coil, but at right angles to the plane of the coil. I've seen then do both, actually. A series of coils in a circle would have to be used to enact a "parallel" magnetic vortex.
It's reasonable to apply Tesla Transforming dynamics and make the driveshaft into a coil. Likewise two cones can be fitted on top and bottom so their tips touch in the center of the vortex coil (top picture on the left), narrower cones or wider cones affect matter in ways seen on the last downloadable on the main page by Walter Baumgartner. The two cones can revolve tips around each other, orbiting each other very rapidly in the center of the vortex coils, and too be fitted through each other, in that way also, as well as merely touching. Spiraled grooves around the cones in the direction of high energy volt polarity would be appropriate. Similiar to the shape of a blackhole, X-rays beam out through the poles of a blackhole in such a similar shape, also considered particle fountains. Likewise wider cones is the shape of a star (see the last or next to last downloadable on the home page about Walter Baumgartner). It is the same through and throughout. It is only the shape I'm noting here. I make no other speculation. The universe is light and sound.
In light of the new movie, "Oblivion," why couldn't such a thing swivel and pivot for a ship's maneuverability? Just a hypothesis.
Just as an artist denotes shape and sound, so to the universe can be pleasing and forgiving, in sacred geometry of function and form. Energy is derived from shape, and intention. The harshness of life need not be hashed in any complex way, but merely seen as what is pleasing to the artistic eye.
Inverted (Paradoxical) Vortex Mechanics
In Paradoxical Mechanics, two triangles represents a square (OR a circle -- same basic equations can be similar such as the equation of a circle equates the equation of the hypotenuse), a pyramid represents a sphere. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the paradox of the sphere of Earth.
Thus, cone shapes paradoxically represent the shapes of vortexes, etc. The central accumulator is the paradox of a large vortex field.
The paradoxical relationship is not merely imaginary or conceptual, but real. What is inverted is a reversal, but what is paradoxical the other aspect of shape, for instance. In the picture above to the left, the coil has two cones through the center. The cones are in paradox to the coil (donut shape). The cones in the picture above is an inverted paradox, but cones stuck through each other in utron shape is a direct paradox.
The paradox of a flying disk shape is a toroidal field. But the inverse of a concave shape is a convex shape.
See: "Unity of Paradoxes" at the bottom of the Tesla Engineering Physics page.
The "utron" is the center of a vortex, a double helix vortex. In the X1 design, the utrons fit around the outside perimeter of the X1 disk. The electromagnets provide portions of the shape of a vortex around the utron. What's going on with the X1 is that there are vortexes spinning around in a circle; the utrons mark the central point of each vortex. UFO's have been seen to fly around in a circle and make a wormhole, and fly inside the wormhole. The Rodin coil will still turn a sphere magnet for a little while after the power is off. It is sustainable for a couple of minutes long enough to make travel through a wormhole possible -- for everyone to file in through the hole, and then it closes behind them.
There is not yet a light laser system to duplicate Otis T. Carr's ship, but we have sound-powered vortex coils. The universe is light and sound. Why didn't Otis use vortex coils? The answer is because he couldn't get the utrons to pass through round coils, because it was hard to engineer; because there isn't anything connected to hold it all in place, and they couldn't spin sideways through the side of the coil. Otherwise they could be mounted on a bearing, but would the utrons be facing the correct way through the side, NOT mimicking the natural shape of the universe? So, he used horse-shoe shaped magnets, and the charged disks created the electromagnetic (magneto-electro-static .. static = in air) field mimicking the vortex shape surrounding the central accumulator, which accumulated inertial energies of vortex energy shape. I believe Tesla actually engineered it, but Carr built it in public.
Why didn't they use something like the outer ring drive of the LAU-X3? Well, why does it matter? The outer ring drive is a perfectly valid construction based on what we know, and what we don't.
The reason why I say "inverted vortex" is because the spinning vortex around the central accumulator is inverted through itself from the surrounding outer vortex positionings. It's similar to Heisinburg's Uncertainty, that position and momentum of the field cannot be found simultaneous [with position and momentum]. So that is the paradox of it. The paradox is: that the electron is a paradox of action, and the field is part of that action. So not only can the electron not be found in the field simultaneous with where it's going, but that is the crux of it. ... An electron is a lepton.. about what we think a quark is.
It's funny because an electron is a paradox of action; never can you measure simultaneously its position with its momentum. It cannot be considered an "object." However ... paradoxically speaking ... electrons have actually been seen and observed under extraordinarily powerful electron microscopes to actually be little 2 dimensional squares. .. how weird is that?! Is it the reason we can't locate the electron's position simultaneous with momentum because it is "side-ways," and since it's a 2-D particle, we can't measure it's thickness in known space? Hey! Another paradox.
I may be wrong about the inversion. An inverted vortex opens up the very creation fabric of matter and puts it in the universe, like an unfolded flower, not quite like the principles of a tesseract-field, which actually folds space inward and outward upon itself.
The thing that's interesting. The Rodin and double-helix style interference Rodin coils use 12 points (9 was also part of Tesla's coil sacred geometry) for the winding geometry, similar to the number of electromagnets around the perimeter of the OTC-X1 hull. Would an interference-wound vortex coil spinning inside the hole of another larger interference-wound coil, in opposite directions do the same thing, or maybe even spinning within the other coil? The utrons align to a point, though. That noteworthy geometry isn't just a silly speculation. It's there for a reason.
Note the 12 electromagnets, 6 utrons and 6 capacitor plates. Including the central accumulator, it corresponds to the 7 chakras of the body, plus the outer 5 -- the one directly overhead (interpersonal), the Earth, Solar, Galactic, and Universal chakras. The larger central accumulator in the center is the 13th "chakra" in regard to the 12 electromagnets, the inner accumulation vortex of inertia. Sacred Geometry. Also 7 rays of light. 7 is exactly half of 12, in a 12-sided wheel (I should post the picture. On a clock, the number 1 and 7 are opposite. Seven chakras and seven rays are all denoting the paradox of light, that of matter). 7 relates with matter (1/2 spin), while 12 relates the wholeness of the photon with spin of 1.
I believe that is why though, the TR-3B (possibly nuclear, but it is claimed it is all mechanical) antigravity black triangles are used, because if you can't remember the flight then is it worth flying? It takes a state of higher consciousness not to operate the craft, but perhaps to remember the voyage.
Additional Resources - Sound, and Light Resonance updated (3/2/15)
There is a lot of information and resources on resonance energy on the internet such as sound resonance creating levitation, and other resonance energy fields and their affects on the Human body. For example, interference Rodin wound vortex coils has a healing effect on the Human body it is known. The Human body is energy in vibration, at a frequency or sound vibration, just like all life. Raising the Human body's frequency can affect healing conditions. When the Human being is in resonance non-destructively with life in the universe and on the planet, then that too can be healing. A craft will achieve an energy resonance at a frequency, and can levitate and travel independently throughout the universe. This can too be said of the Human energy field (Kundalini), in certain created conditions.
In some instances, monks toned in unison using their voices to create a sound which at a certain pitch caused stones to vibrate in resonance with that sound, causing levitation. The mind's intention and focus, along with sound has been one of the key factors the ancients used in their building techniques. The Tibetan monks learned to use vocal tones and trumpets to throw rocks, and to build a wall by using sound levitation. Sound frequencies can cause matter to vibrate, to move, to levitate, to change shape, etc. There's a beautiful footage on youtube of a waterfall someone built using sound frequency to turn it into square waves, and to even make it look like it was flowing uphill.
Light too, creates resonance in harmony with sound; the universe is light and sound.
Under these resonating conditions, a craft can travel free of time and space, travelling beyond any speed barrier. That is what the historic OTC-X1 was able to achieve, and could have achieved with continued development -- it is the basic principles of its operation and theory. The ship vibrated in a higher frequency than normal matter in space and time, vibrating in hyperspace or superspace, conventional physics can claim -- a true hyperdrive. With warp drive or light-drive engines, traveling through hyperspace, it is different than most concepts. It would have no need of shielding, because any object that could impact the ship would pass harmlessly through it. Ralph Ring made such an observation when he was a young lad working as a tech for Otis T. Carr.
Imagine, a ship vibrating in higher dimensions, at higher frequency, and THEN kicking on the light-drive engines. That could get a crew to another star system very rapidly. Ralph Ring stuck his hand through the solid object -- an OTC-X1 test model ship while it was hovering -- prior to the levitating model disappearing completely. Yet, he also piloted a test ship, telepathically even! That's the "right stuff!"
I saw on the Discovery channel (television) where the US military is able to move a convoy of troops and armor right through solid objects like mountains due to a similar application of this type of technology. Also, the Scole experiments seen on youtube discuss making a crystal vibrate at a frequency where physical matter passes right through it, or at least someone's hand can pass through it. A living energy vibration is different than say the energy vibration of a rock or other non-organic substance. A peculiar invention of a torch using water as fuel has been achieved also to use that hot flame to burn ONLY non-organic material, and any living organic matter will not be burned at all when the flame is physically touched!
I believe we will see more about light resonance in the near future, because so much has been discovered pertaining to sound and energy (living energy) resonance.
OTC-X1 field notes:
Gravity. Point of Light. Concentrated rays. 7 rays. Light is generated at a frequency of electromagnetic energy from the engine. Converged at a point aimed and focused by the utrons, converged at the center of the light sphere in the cockpit. There can be cone-shaped focusing crystals, flat tipped. There were crystals on Tesla's Colorado Springs tower, up top at the charge array, ruby and quartz if I remember (have to look that up).
Electrogravity operates in a color range. Light is generated by the engines as gravity bends the frequency of the energy vibration. As seen from outside observers, a gravity density can bend and generate light at its concentrated field. That was also observed with sound-type antigravity mechanisms, CSE (Cavity Structural Effect), and not limited to an ionization color range of magneto-electrostatic (electrogravity) energies.
In some instances, monks toned in unison using their voices to create a sound which at a certain pitch caused stones to vibrate in resonance with that sound, causing levitation. The mind's intention and focus, along with sound has been one of the key factors the ancients used in their building techniques. The Tibetan monks learned to use vocal tones and trumpets to throw rocks, and to build a wall by using sound levitation. Sound frequencies can cause matter to vibrate, to move, to levitate, to change shape, etc. There's a beautiful footage on youtube of a waterfall someone built using sound frequency to turn it into square waves, and to even make it look like it was flowing uphill.
Light too, creates resonance in harmony with sound; the universe is light and sound.
Under these resonating conditions, a craft can travel free of time and space, travelling beyond any speed barrier. That is what the historic OTC-X1 was able to achieve, and could have achieved with continued development -- it is the basic principles of its operation and theory. The ship vibrated in a higher frequency than normal matter in space and time, vibrating in hyperspace or superspace, conventional physics can claim -- a true hyperdrive. With warp drive or light-drive engines, traveling through hyperspace, it is different than most concepts. It would have no need of shielding, because any object that could impact the ship would pass harmlessly through it. Ralph Ring made such an observation when he was a young lad working as a tech for Otis T. Carr.
Imagine, a ship vibrating in higher dimensions, at higher frequency, and THEN kicking on the light-drive engines. That could get a crew to another star system very rapidly. Ralph Ring stuck his hand through the solid object -- an OTC-X1 test model ship while it was hovering -- prior to the levitating model disappearing completely. Yet, he also piloted a test ship, telepathically even! That's the "right stuff!"
I saw on the Discovery channel (television) where the US military is able to move a convoy of troops and armor right through solid objects like mountains due to a similar application of this type of technology. Also, the Scole experiments seen on youtube discuss making a crystal vibrate at a frequency where physical matter passes right through it, or at least someone's hand can pass through it. A living energy vibration is different than say the energy vibration of a rock or other non-organic substance. A peculiar invention of a torch using water as fuel has been achieved also to use that hot flame to burn ONLY non-organic material, and any living organic matter will not be burned at all when the flame is physically touched!
I believe we will see more about light resonance in the near future, because so much has been discovered pertaining to sound and energy (living energy) resonance.
OTC-X1 field notes:
Gravity. Point of Light. Concentrated rays. 7 rays. Light is generated at a frequency of electromagnetic energy from the engine. Converged at a point aimed and focused by the utrons, converged at the center of the light sphere in the cockpit. There can be cone-shaped focusing crystals, flat tipped. There were crystals on Tesla's Colorado Springs tower, up top at the charge array, ruby and quartz if I remember (have to look that up).
Electrogravity operates in a color range. Light is generated by the engines as gravity bends the frequency of the energy vibration. As seen from outside observers, a gravity density can bend and generate light at its concentrated field. That was also observed with sound-type antigravity mechanisms, CSE (Cavity Structural Effect), and not limited to an ionization color range of magneto-electrostatic (electrogravity) energies.
Main Engine Prototype
There is one thing not shown; a tube-like air space can fit around the wingtips surrounded with interference vortex coils to work to spin high volt plasma circulated through the tube and cycling through the vertical engine core. That would be similar to what NASA's discovered. There is similarity to an AC system with an interference induction coil, in that a rotating north and south pole in a direction is a spiraled vortex of what creates lift and propulsion in the manner described on the home page. In the vortex coil geometry, there are two circulations that are phased 180 degrees. The interference induction coil spirals two 180 degree-phased north and south poles, and creates a mono-pole of unidirectional force. According to NASA, that phenomenon is what dubs this class of ship warp-drive capable. Energizing the air through the plasma tube also can speed up the action in the main internal engine. That would be a harmonic overunity system. LAU-X2
LAU-X3 Hyperdrive spaceship
Perhaps in this manner... I guess to add another engine mechanic to the "X" class would make this design an "X3"
Self-charging capacitors, utrons, and whatnot could kick off the energy to set it all in motion.
Using air is using resonating fields, also, which is where Tesla had his ideas of aether vortex scalar engineering physics. In the crafts today flown in secret, supposedly they use a charged liquid which is accelerated at speeds near the speed of C.
Be sure to check out the home page, a lot has been updated, and I have finally added an explanation of "exotic matter," which was in the book, but I had just plain ole' left it out otherwise on the page. Below, the downloadable is a rough concept usable as a vortex fusion energizer and/or propulsion ring, powering the electrogravity ionic hull plating. Also, as a variation, exotic hydrogen or another exotic element can fill the "air space" between the inner and outer hull; and electrogravity and the X1 (telepathic piloting) lower engine could be used instead of vectored air jets which are redundant and not usable when another matter type other than air (or other planetary gases that the ship may enter) are preferred. Air jets are only open in atmosphere if desired, and closed when traveling through deep space or otherwise.
Interesting to note, such a reactor assembly could be fit around the vertical cone column, to spin the cones and rotate them, just for an example although I feel it unneccessary to do so. I just wanted to note the geometry. This ship is a learning-model. Many other designs could be created, and variations, too. In fact, vortex coils can be fit in between the magnets in the vertical central core housing. The cockpit could be wider, the wings shaped different and rounder and taller at the edges to accomidate more of a plasma ring, and the lower X1 drive can be bigger. Many variations are possible. It's fairly balanced as is, and from what people have observed from vortex fields, it is a healing energy on the body. The air space can flow through the X1 engine bay, and/or over the top and around it. It's important that the X1 field covers the whole ship. An iris can be fitted to prevent, restrict, or open the air-matter flow where the X1 intersects the vertical core. It's just a rough sketch without having to re-draft the whole thing. Also to note, the downloadable shows a magneto-electrostatic setup where bare wire can be substituted with a plasma tube. Adaptable and versatile.
The inner vertical engine core is an electrogravity engine, IE super accelerating exotic air/matter in the inner aerodynamics.
The outer vortex tube can operate independantly of the inner vortex aerodynamics. The inner aerodynamics and outer vortex tube can mesh together in counter matter-spirals causing motion of a exotic medium in the tube (perhaps in one-way-only; an inner tube and outer double-helix engineering), in a particular way that balances the energy of the inner and outer air/matter flows, and generates energy. It's space enough for adaptable and creative engineering.
To obtain a good resonating unity, the inner air vortex can flow in counter to the outer vortex ring, if it's balanced properly. There is a difference with a unidirectional lift versus a resonance of inner/outer unity. It's balanced as long as the energy is equal, but overbalances can be affected to achieve different travel modes.*
There are different ways to harness energy in such a multi-functional engine. Some things are still in the grey-areas, though. Regardless, whatever works in the outer wing perimeter will be the difference between travel inside the star system, or between and among star systems, I think (and feel). Perhaps exotic matter flow spiraling around the outside creates a gyration effect and is able to move the ship in any direction. Double flow, single flow, tripple flow, or something totally different will fill the gaps of what is lacking, and put the balanced (or over-balanced) "cherry on the top" for what remains. A parallel electrical flow should move the exotic matter also in parallel (magneto-electrostatic high speed) using conductive rings running transverse along the tube, or tubes.
The cones can engage onto the X1, and generate power and charge, and charge the outer ring, which then alternates charge as a 3-way system. That is just one possibility, though. Energy should cycle back and forth, and the energy of each sub-system should be independant, at the very least some energy can be set into motion to create larger energy.
It is quite possible the charged matter/air will conduct energy to coils which powers other systems, but even that is a trade-off; and with all of it working in tandem, some additional energy should be able to power the ship systems and electronics.
Positive energy fills the cabin and crew space; energy is being created instead of consumed, and so it is NOT a negative energy warp field. As energy is created it also vibrates faster, in a higher frequency, creating and directing mass force. The engine also protects the crew from a harsh space environment and shields from radiation. On-board gravity is generated from the X1. With an antigravity electrical exotic vortex resonating warpdrive engine, along with the OTC-X1 interdimensional electrical-resonance engine, it would be a worthy testing prototype design.
Self-charging capacitors, utrons, and whatnot could kick off the energy to set it all in motion.
Using air is using resonating fields, also, which is where Tesla had his ideas of aether vortex scalar engineering physics. In the crafts today flown in secret, supposedly they use a charged liquid which is accelerated at speeds near the speed of C.
Be sure to check out the home page, a lot has been updated, and I have finally added an explanation of "exotic matter," which was in the book, but I had just plain ole' left it out otherwise on the page. Below, the downloadable is a rough concept usable as a vortex fusion energizer and/or propulsion ring, powering the electrogravity ionic hull plating. Also, as a variation, exotic hydrogen or another exotic element can fill the "air space" between the inner and outer hull; and electrogravity and the X1 (telepathic piloting) lower engine could be used instead of vectored air jets which are redundant and not usable when another matter type other than air (or other planetary gases that the ship may enter) are preferred. Air jets are only open in atmosphere if desired, and closed when traveling through deep space or otherwise.
Interesting to note, such a reactor assembly could be fit around the vertical cone column, to spin the cones and rotate them, just for an example although I feel it unneccessary to do so. I just wanted to note the geometry. This ship is a learning-model. Many other designs could be created, and variations, too. In fact, vortex coils can be fit in between the magnets in the vertical central core housing. The cockpit could be wider, the wings shaped different and rounder and taller at the edges to accomidate more of a plasma ring, and the lower X1 drive can be bigger. Many variations are possible. It's fairly balanced as is, and from what people have observed from vortex fields, it is a healing energy on the body. The air space can flow through the X1 engine bay, and/or over the top and around it. It's important that the X1 field covers the whole ship. An iris can be fitted to prevent, restrict, or open the air-matter flow where the X1 intersects the vertical core. It's just a rough sketch without having to re-draft the whole thing. Also to note, the downloadable shows a magneto-electrostatic setup where bare wire can be substituted with a plasma tube. Adaptable and versatile.
The inner vertical engine core is an electrogravity engine, IE super accelerating exotic air/matter in the inner aerodynamics.
The outer vortex tube can operate independantly of the inner vortex aerodynamics. The inner aerodynamics and outer vortex tube can mesh together in counter matter-spirals causing motion of a exotic medium in the tube (perhaps in one-way-only; an inner tube and outer double-helix engineering), in a particular way that balances the energy of the inner and outer air/matter flows, and generates energy. It's space enough for adaptable and creative engineering.
To obtain a good resonating unity, the inner air vortex can flow in counter to the outer vortex ring, if it's balanced properly. There is a difference with a unidirectional lift versus a resonance of inner/outer unity. It's balanced as long as the energy is equal, but overbalances can be affected to achieve different travel modes.*
There are different ways to harness energy in such a multi-functional engine. Some things are still in the grey-areas, though. Regardless, whatever works in the outer wing perimeter will be the difference between travel inside the star system, or between and among star systems, I think (and feel). Perhaps exotic matter flow spiraling around the outside creates a gyration effect and is able to move the ship in any direction. Double flow, single flow, tripple flow, or something totally different will fill the gaps of what is lacking, and put the balanced (or over-balanced) "cherry on the top" for what remains. A parallel electrical flow should move the exotic matter also in parallel (magneto-electrostatic high speed) using conductive rings running transverse along the tube, or tubes.
The cones can engage onto the X1, and generate power and charge, and charge the outer ring, which then alternates charge as a 3-way system. That is just one possibility, though. Energy should cycle back and forth, and the energy of each sub-system should be independant, at the very least some energy can be set into motion to create larger energy.
It is quite possible the charged matter/air will conduct energy to coils which powers other systems, but even that is a trade-off; and with all of it working in tandem, some additional energy should be able to power the ship systems and electronics.
Positive energy fills the cabin and crew space; energy is being created instead of consumed, and so it is NOT a negative energy warp field. As energy is created it also vibrates faster, in a higher frequency, creating and directing mass force. The engine also protects the crew from a harsh space environment and shields from radiation. On-board gravity is generated from the X1. With an antigravity electrical exotic vortex resonating warpdrive engine, along with the OTC-X1 interdimensional electrical-resonance engine, it would be a worthy testing prototype design.
vortex_common_energizer_extreme_rough_concept.jpg | |
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TO NOTE!: The diagram in the downloadable above can work in TWO ways! A single-spiral-wound 12 pointed Rodin Coil CAN IN FACT spin a magnet in PARALLEL! It has been demonstrated. That makes things MUCH simpler and easier! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzbNn-wSMbg
Jamie Buturff out of Sedona has made an interference-wound resonance coil with input curent of approximately 1.6 amps at 2 volts with an output of over 200 amps! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhXGI56eHN8
Plasma tubes have illuminated in a similar manner, showing the creation of energy through resonance at sacred harmonics of Pythagorean Tuning (pure notes, and major musical chords). So the frequency of electricity is changed to the frequencies of the Pythagorean perfect note turning, and a major chord of three notes, played at the electrical frequencies of the Pythagorean perfect note scale creates an amplification of energy -- volts AND amps -- through the coil, as seen in the picture below.
To note, the input is 1.6 AMPs, and the output through the vortex is 212 Amps. High volts are obvious on this type of coil if it can illuminate a plasma tube, so the volts AND the AMPs go up! This operates due to the principles of sympathetic resonance, creating energy through vibration.
Jamie Buturff out of Sedona has made an interference-wound resonance coil with input curent of approximately 1.6 amps at 2 volts with an output of over 200 amps! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhXGI56eHN8
Plasma tubes have illuminated in a similar manner, showing the creation of energy through resonance at sacred harmonics of Pythagorean Tuning (pure notes, and major musical chords). So the frequency of electricity is changed to the frequencies of the Pythagorean perfect note turning, and a major chord of three notes, played at the electrical frequencies of the Pythagorean perfect note scale creates an amplification of energy -- volts AND amps -- through the coil, as seen in the picture below.
To note, the input is 1.6 AMPs, and the output through the vortex is 212 Amps. High volts are obvious on this type of coil if it can illuminate a plasma tube, so the volts AND the AMPs go up! This operates due to the principles of sympathetic resonance, creating energy through vibration.
This coil is wound around a 12 point geometry, two coils wound, one on top of the other, in opposite directions. It does not phase out the current to zero, it amplifies it in resonance.
If the two coils were spinning opposite directions, and could spin against each other in a test apparatus, then that is the basic idea of the outer ring drive, but with possibilities to use bare wire, as a field generator. There will be weight to the spinning coils, and so there is an inertial energy multiplication. It is actually not too different from the OTC-X1 engine, itself. The X-1 is based on a vortex geometry of 12 points, and it achieves resonance and inertial energy amplification in volt/frequency.
It would certainly shape an excellent field. Electro-magnetostatic energies with inertial mass, accelerating in opposite directions in pure sine wave / toroid shape is the concept defined at the Warp Drive Engineering page as "ascension of matter/mass into light."
This is done through Vortex Geometry, and particularly applies to the outer ring.
If the two coils were spinning opposite directions, and could spin against each other in a test apparatus, then that is the basic idea of the outer ring drive, but with possibilities to use bare wire, as a field generator. There will be weight to the spinning coils, and so there is an inertial energy multiplication. It is actually not too different from the OTC-X1 engine, itself. The X-1 is based on a vortex geometry of 12 points, and it achieves resonance and inertial energy amplification in volt/frequency.
It would certainly shape an excellent field. Electro-magnetostatic energies with inertial mass, accelerating in opposite directions in pure sine wave / toroid shape is the concept defined at the Warp Drive Engineering page as "ascension of matter/mass into light."
This is done through Vortex Geometry, and particularly applies to the outer ring.
Unity Resonance and Unity reactionless drive systems, exotic vortex warp drive Sacred Harmonics create positive energy/mass fields honoring the Sacred Sanctity of Life.
Unity Resonance and Unity reactionless drive systems, exotic vortex warp drive Sacred Harmonics create positive energy/mass fields honoring the Sacred Sanctity of Life.
The electromagnetic field generators of the lower X-1 engine permeates the space of the ship. Electrical rotation co-conducts electrostatically through the air space inside the X-1 between the inner rotating disk and the inside surface of the outer counter-rotating X-1 housing. That electrical and inertial force accumulates at the center, where electrical force also cycles between the inner core and outer perimeter, and in co-counter rotation.
The entire lower engine is an inertial drive system for the whole ship, capable of vibrating the field of mass and matter itself into a higher "resonance-space" out of the range of normal vibrating matter. The lower X-1 engine can also be powered to spin in pure sine wave, without disruption of pulsing currents (no on and off other than when and if fields were to meet reversals).
The entire lower engine is an inertial drive system for the whole ship, capable of vibrating the field of mass and matter itself into a higher "resonance-space" out of the range of normal vibrating matter. The lower X-1 engine can also be powered to spin in pure sine wave, without disruption of pulsing currents (no on and off other than when and if fields were to meet reversals).
The outer ring engine also electromagnetically vibrates the ship into a higher frequency of resonance-space, or otherwise in a higher frequency of time accomplished by working the magnetic fields, and the electrical fields in a unified vortex, utilizing both di-electric and electromagnetic fields in co-counter rotation. The mass of the outer ring engine (with both inner and outer co-counter rotating cores) is also unified through inertial force and magneto-electrostatic volt/frequency. When connected and operating in harmony with the vertical core, it acts identically as the X-1 engine, but slightly different. The outer ring also stabilizes the vortex forces of the internal engines, stabilizing the ship in inertial/electro-unity balance.
The outer ring drive is shown in "grey areas" for a reason. It is still something of speculation in spite of all the details about it on this website. It is needed to handle different aspects of the ship. It can work if its currents are pulsed, and so that there is definite engine timing. It might accomplish the same thing as the lower X-1 like that. A pure sine wave may be able to bend the frequencies of time better than a pulsed sine wave. That is an unknown. As you read through this website, remember this one thing: All of this is theoretical, and building and testing should be done to know exactly what everything can do, so that the overall ship can be formed and shaped to work how it is intended. If the outer ring must be built by using an inner disk that could connect to the bottom of the vertical core, and built exactly like the X-1, then so be it. It may be that the inner disk only need extend a little bit inside the ship space, so there are no gaps in the field between it, and the lower X-1 engine. It would still have to handle the air/plasma forces from the vertical core, though. This technology is adaptable! Magneto-electrostatic coils and air spaces in the outer ring system can still be used.
Note the exotic hydrogen air space is in between the outer hull, and the inner hull. The words "Air / exotic hydrogen space" are not referencing the cabin area, but the space between the hull where air flow is conducted from the main vertical engine throughout the exterior of the ship. It can also be an exotic gas/vapor medium. The engines aren't designed to handle a liquid exotic material, but definitely a plasma/gas (for better resonance with this type of energy)
I'm obviously going to have to tighten all these images up for the book, and for more professional viewing..
To the left is my second favorite picture. The field shape can be better seen, and the pilot relation to the energy fields during hyperspace travel looks to be in the safest position (but at a very little more distance from the vertical core).
Construction scale drawn with parallels to David Sereda's antigravity geometry:
Tesla (And Rodin) Vortex Geometry
Notice the magnetic pole of the 3,9,6 cone in the vortex geometry. It is a mono-pole at its tip.
The 174, and 285 geometry comes out like wings and on the bottom. The upside-
down cone is in two parts, a positive and a negative. When you put two 396 cones
together, you have an utron or accumulator shape. Not only do you have a toroidal shape,
but through and out the other side, the poles take on a magneto-electrostatic quality.
The electromagnet at the far end of the X1 disk are the positive and negative aspects of the
Electrical field as the utrons around the central disk spins through the gate.
Magnetic and electric forces are at right angles, but electrical forces unto themselves are parallel
to each other. That is also seen in the geometry.
There's a difference between a mono-magnetic pole, and electrical polarity. Using Tesla physics,
there is a positive and negative pole around a magnetic mono-pole. Electrical poles can be isolated,
only because polarity is only going to be in either (+,-) or (-,+). But a magnetic mono-pole can
exist just as easily as sticking the north (or south poles) of a whole bunch of 5 inch cylinder magnets
around an iron rod. The rod will either be a north pole, or a south pole, depending on your preference.
The 174, and 285 geometry comes out like wings and on the bottom. The upside-
down cone is in two parts, a positive and a negative. When you put two 396 cones
together, you have an utron or accumulator shape. Not only do you have a toroidal shape,
but through and out the other side, the poles take on a magneto-electrostatic quality.
The electromagnet at the far end of the X1 disk are the positive and negative aspects of the
Electrical field as the utrons around the central disk spins through the gate.
Magnetic and electric forces are at right angles, but electrical forces unto themselves are parallel
to each other. That is also seen in the geometry.
There's a difference between a mono-magnetic pole, and electrical polarity. Using Tesla physics,
there is a positive and negative pole around a magnetic mono-pole. Electrical poles can be isolated,
only because polarity is only going to be in either (+,-) or (-,+). But a magnetic mono-pole can
exist just as easily as sticking the north (or south poles) of a whole bunch of 5 inch cylinder magnets
around an iron rod. The rod will either be a north pole, or a south pole, depending on your preference.
This video answers the question as to why there are 360 degrees around a circle, and what 9 has to do
with it all. 9 is "All Father" as Thoth's Emerald Tablets express it. Why is 9 so meaningful? That question
is answered here:
Design Notes:
The vertical column (X2) can be geared below, as a possibility, after its motion is observed, and speed. Vibration, Energy, Frequency is a key.
The energy generated from the vertical column of cones can be Tesla-transformed (equipment can be housed in the wings, there's a lot of room) for very high volt/frequency. That, in turn, moves the air flow in an electrogravity manner (See: "Unified Mechanics downloadable). So, the air is moving very rapidly in an electrogravity manner, and the cones are also spinning, too. The spin alone pushes air like a turbine. The cones can move very rapidly, as is their design, and are electrified.
There is something else going on with the cones, too. Their shape, and the hollow central space inside them (however the "guts" will end up looking) builds up inertial scalar force which vibrates in a string motion. The central accumulator below can be overcharged.
As the energized air flow (and/or exotic matter flow) circulates and spirals around the hull, the outer ring will have to spiral the other way. This extra feature is what allows for the inner cone feature, ironically and paradoxically. The energized flows resonate with each other electrostatically. Magneto-electrostatically, too, there can be a resonance, similar to the X1 engine.
It isn't motion around in a circle, but resonance which is what AC accomplishes in a primary exciter coil. The motion of that resonance can direct charge through the ring "up or down" by reversing the polarity. Again, it isn't motion up or down, it's resonance, and geometry.
The exotic matter plays a role. It is room temperature superconductive, and exhibits positive and negative mass fluctuations. In a superconductive flow, which overcomes magnetic resistance, the engines can speed up. Regardless though, resonance is multiplied upon with magnetic frequency.
It may seem the exotic flow creates the warp field, but the X1 creates a field of its own without any exotic matter flow. Resonating the exotic flow from the warp exotic engines puts the ship in a much faster frequency of directed time. It's not so much that the ship tunnels through space and time, but travels through "hyperspace" for a good word, THROUGH matter.
So, there's a lot going on with that ship. ... In other words, in layman's terms, it'll go (vibrate) really fast in a rapid flash to other star systems, in theory. In fact, cosmic rays and other high energy particles travel right through the Earth all the time.
As you look at the ship, the time changes from the top to the bottom. Energy is pulled from the edges of the saucer, around the top and down into the Central Accumulator "black hole." And likewise, new energy is refreshed and flows out the sides. It is a rotating black hole in its geometric form.
The X1 engine is actually SIDE-WAYS!
It spins sideways. The black hole dynamics of the central accumulator has the north and south poles along the accretion disk. The X1 disk is NOT the accretion plane. It is the polar plane, rotating.
And THAT is why it levitates, because the gravity direction is switched in 90 degrees, at a frequency of energy. See: "Luminous Creation" on the warp drive blog. The recent update explains the center of the Accumulator as a Source Point Creation Force, not a destructive force, but one that creates energy and mass. Actually, the reason it levetates is due to resonance, but it is good to examine this aspect regardless. Many factors, variables, and forces are involved in an UNDERSTANDING of Starship physics.
I wouldn't call it a "hyperdrive," "lightdrive," or even a "warp drive," rather a Super-Luminal Drive. (Actually, I'd call it a hyperdrive)
It's kind of rough, but it's a "whole nother" way of looking at it. To see it better, move the two left and right dotted-line half-circles together in the center to where they touch at nothing, which is the point of everything. They can be overlapped just a little bit.
To illustrate, the picture at the far right represents a toroid vortex coil sideways (on its edge, not flat) around the central accumulator.
It is a paradox. I used the "scale 2" which made the central accumulator the same size of the utrons. It's actually a paradoxical inversion.
A south pole magnetic field forms in the center. Likewise remove that lower colored dot, and see that it can also become a monopole straight on top in the center. That's important, for the OTC-X1's operations as the focus sphere of light.
The OTC-X1 resonates with the Earth's magnetic field, and interlaces with it.
The vertical column of cones can be completely removed! A sphere focus can be placed in the center instead, and the outer vortex ring can be used without the need for a vertical column of cones.
Regardless, the OTC-X1 is the most important design to be tested first, which operates in AC gravitational resonance, and in resonance with Earth's magnetic field. Those designs of course can be found on the top links of the home page, and in the 4th downloadable at the bottom of the home page.
Being what it is, a ship equipped with light-drive engines, can be equipped with the X1 engine to raise the ship into a higher dimensional frequency of near-light vibrating matter.
The physics are absolutely astounding, which creates mass, as well as super-phases mass (not lowering or removing mass, but phasing it closer to light, making it less "dense" for spaceflight.)
Phase AC Antigravity . . . an intro to a teleportation reality [edited and revised (12/07/14)]
Rotating Co-Counter Alternating Charges. Need I say more? ... okay then, I will!
The configurations of the X-1 engine can use either DC, or AC, to test it in different ways, to learn about it and evolve our knowledge of hyperdrive and warp drive engineering.
. . .
The Sumerian Hall of Records depict saucer-shaped "rockets" as Zecharia Sitchin interpreted them, which show a direction of travel, and 3 lines looking like the thrust of a rocket. those three lines however can also represent the method of travel, using electro-magnetic propulsion.
A "3 phase engine" (yes, in engineering content, it's a bit of a play on words) would have 6 utrons, and then the next number in sequence to build an AC generator is 10, and then 12. That is the AC wave in generator geometry. The OTC-X1 is an easy thing to back-engineer, unfortunately it takes so much time working alone and un-funded. The physics are infinitely easier in respect, but stop at a certain point until engineering catches up. And at a certain point, when is it too much information? As John Searl said, "free energy isn't free, it's alternative."
The goals I had set before is to experiment with wireless and direct connection, commutation either around a central hub, or natural commutation as per an alternating engine's design. There are options to use a shaft-driven commutation; and there are options using a remote controlled method of piloting it, (like a helicopter), increasing and decreasing rotational speeds, and changing the frequency or shunting power to zones on the craft to steer it. It can be piloted even without an electrogravity system. The OTC-X1 is a non-conventional type of electrogravity at the very least, and the physics of it lead to hyperdrives.
I have given it more thought and see that the electromagnets are all in the same polarity to spin the disk. But, I'd really have to play with a device to see how it works for sure. A pulsing in the electromagnets over the utrons is allowed, because that gives us some flyback volts for a regenerating high volt magneto-electrostatic circuit. The capacitor plates may also all be in one polarity, positive on top, and negative on the bottom. I guess that's the real reason I'm throwing in a concept of "AC" engineering, just because A) it came from Tesla originally, and he was known for using AC for everything, and B) that's what makes for really high volts. It can still be in a DC configuration using timed pulses in the field for a high frequency flyback volt in the opposite polarity to overcharge the system (See: Bedini Schoolgirl circuit). So when I refer to "counter-rotating AC fields," please bare this in mind. In my mind, AC is a complete magnetic rotation 360 degrees, and so a rotating spiral is "AC." "DC" is half a circle, or PI. That just comes from the concepts I visualize from my experience building basic generators. A DC current along a battery wire also produces a rotating electromagnetic spiral, come to think about it.
I've honestly just kinda thrown all this out in the air over the past couple of years. The most logical step is to replicate an OTCX-1, because that would eliminate these redundant variables of this-or-that possibilities.
It IS however, entirely possible the capacitor plates on the spinning disk are in an AC charged fashion (rotating positive and negative charges in that fashion whereas the positive and negative charges are opposite 180 degrees, and in adjacent alternating plates).
. . .
The Searl crafts used a plunger system on the perimeters of the wings which turned off power to sections along the wing edges which were electrically charged, as the method of steering the craft. Since the X1 outer hull rotates, it's different, but surprisingly an easy design. Thought piloted is even easier to pilot.
Back in Searl's days, in England, airports were building additions to accommodate his fleet of saucer ships, which were in use and transported passengers. However he disassembled them to recycle the parts for further advance of technology and later regretted that after all his equipment was stolen. I've made the same mistakes, disassembling things for parts; and like Searl vowed never to disassemble anything else again, with the exception of my tower which I HAD to, for . . . reasons.
Around the same time as John Searl had everything stolen from him, probably by the military, Otis T. Carr was shut down, also. Otis's idealogy differed than Searl's, because Otis figured his technology would replace existing technology and everything would become free. Searl however saw that his technology worked along-side existing infrastructure. Regardless, they were both shut down and the technology went to the military and secret facilities to begin a New World Order of defense, private contracting, and space exploration. Some of that is military, and some of that is private (secret "non-military" researching space program).
The ultimate outcome of all that remains to be seen; however interestingly enough, much is being made public now, and since Otis was unable to obtain a patent means it is free and common technology. His patent was for an "amusement device," of which I'm certain there is joy in flying, nonetheless it was not a "spaceship." Nonetheless, the technology is not fully revealed, but since we have a military usage of antigravity dragons (or dreadnoughts), it means civilian craft can be developed, now that all the defenses are in place to protect territories from advanced invasions.. or something like that.
Because there is a satellite defense net up, which has been publicly revealed, friendly's are being shot down left and right (for those who don't know about it, or for those who try to get around it), anything coming in to Earth, or attempting to fly around in private development by Humans living on the surface that doesn't have proper clearance. That however, may be part of the illusion of drama being told to us about things that are only hearsay, unless someone does direct research, and reasonably (using logic) so.
Meanwhile, everyone is developing free energy on their own, in private and public, and ships are being built in private more so than public by innocent inventors doing their best to live as intelligent beings in a currently-controlled planetary SYSTEM environment . . . or something like that. Who are building those secret spaceships? Not me.
There was a wave of European Investors who had gotten involved several years ago funding people, but nothing has come from it.
It's hard to discern the difference because the "defenders of the dream" operate to keep people down (in dreamland), or do they allow for the upliftment of people in safety and security, living the dream in lucidity (being Wide Awake)? Those are two different diverging realities.
I do believe there is an establishment of tyranny on this planet. They own the shadows. But, shadows are everywhere. It is better to stand in the light; safer too. Some will say that I should not believe in such things. To believe in shadows is to give them acknowledgment, and give them power, create them into existence so to speak. But when shadows are revealed, one must acknowledge them as one's own, so that one has power over the shadow, instead of being destroyed by the shadow. That is reptilian thinking. It is pure discernment. It is of the highest Light, a Gift from Source.
Recently, I have been finding in modern culture, that the shadows and darkness is the most seductive and interesting, while people don't think Light has any power. Light is to recognize Love as reasonable thought. That is dragon wisdom. Shadows teach. Destruction is just an illusion. Power is in all things. But only through Love, can we understand empowerment.
Meanwhile, what we have come up with has been taken from us and used against us so that when we see those ships flying around in the night sky, those are our dreams built by our people stolen from us and then thrown in our faces. That may be a negative outlook. There is a positive one, too. Were it not for them, no one would see. And yet, most of that too, is shrouded in darkness, mystery, and mind control. Ultimately mind control is through fear and confusion.
If we want to go to other stars, and get out around our solar system and solve the world problems of overpopulation, manipulated education, poverty, starvation, which is ABSOLUTELY LUDICROUS that those problems exist, meanwhile not knowing if we have the capability or not, or what capabilities we DO have do solve these problems; well, I throw my hands in the air. I for one don't like the idea of being a slave to work which ultimately and historically has been stolen from the inventors and scientists who are SUPPOSED to be empowered to bring the planet and people out of the dark ages, rather than being singled-out.
Over the many years, and recently, I've emailed MANY scientists, physicists, world-renowned, have posted on many websites, have been blacklisted FROM posting on many websites, and have gotten ZERO responses overall. On one hand, people don't believe it, and on the other hand, people just don't care. There is a third hand too, and that is that people are selfish and only out for themselves and for money. Competition is a stupid thing in the realm of advanced engineering physics. I don't think I have to explain why. If you don't already know why, it would do no good to explain it.
I will say this, there is no R&D funding available. It has already been done, the OTC-X1 has anyway. So there is no reason for R&D funding. Most requests to wealthy investors for development funding requires a complete disclosure of the technology first, and ultimately will reach a bitter end being funded in a corporate "zone." There is ZERO development of new/old advanced technolgies in a corporatized paradigm that fallls "out of bounds" with the CORPORATE REALITY, which is also PUBLIC POLICY.
As I shared with a friend, I'm not trying to change the world, or force my will upon the world, I accept the world as it is. But what it is, is different than what it seems to be.
What science is in PUBLIC is different than what science is in private. The PUBLIC reality is actually an illusion, manufactured not as the truth.
NOW I know that we have ships flown in private that travel at or a little faster than "C." Meanwhile, HAM radio operators, including Eric Dollard have known for a long time now, that "light speed" is merely electromagnetic wave propagation* and that electrostatic waves travel faster. It's obvious that the secret space program knows that, too. 9 times around the Earth in one second, as reported by "John" (Thank you, btw John) of the "secret spaceship builders" is the distance an electrostatic wave travels in one second. Likewise the distance from Earth to the moon is also one electrostatic-light second.
I don't know if they know about warp travel or hyperdrives or stargates; but, by the looks of things, they are very advanced. It would not surprise me if they do.
Rumor has it, we have jump gates. There are some things that the PUBLIC can know.
Are they ours, theirs, old, new, what? Ancient gates?
[content edited and deleted with extreme prejudice]
Without knowing the truth, from a large world-wide Disclosure, it's hard to know anything and plan for anything. Without Disclosure, the world has reached an end. A period of transition is now the reality -- the Apocalypse, "time of revealing."
And so what this is, is a contribution to gravitational physics (magneto-electrostatic inertial physics), and lightdrive design : gravity-electro-mechanics.
Perhaps that qualifies me in some way to build this stuff, or participate in it. If you have an interest or a want, please look me up!
I'm totally astounded, by this work! And it can be engineered and constructed to the full extent using exotic materials as well as exotic engine plasma/fluid. Material science adds whole new dimensions to this bird, and the performance expectations can exceed NASA's time-frame of travel to our closest star. ... assuming it works, and assuming what doesn't work to be replaced with something that does. ...
. . .
The Sumerian Hall of Records depict saucer-shaped "rockets" as Zecharia Sitchin interpreted them, which show a direction of travel, and 3 lines looking like the thrust of a rocket. those three lines however can also represent the method of travel, using electro-magnetic propulsion.
A "3 phase engine" (yes, in engineering content, it's a bit of a play on words) would have 6 utrons, and then the next number in sequence to build an AC generator is 10, and then 12. That is the AC wave in generator geometry. The OTC-X1 is an easy thing to back-engineer, unfortunately it takes so much time working alone and un-funded. The physics are infinitely easier in respect, but stop at a certain point until engineering catches up. And at a certain point, when is it too much information? As John Searl said, "free energy isn't free, it's alternative."
The goals I had set before is to experiment with wireless and direct connection, commutation either around a central hub, or natural commutation as per an alternating engine's design. There are options to use a shaft-driven commutation; and there are options using a remote controlled method of piloting it, (like a helicopter), increasing and decreasing rotational speeds, and changing the frequency or shunting power to zones on the craft to steer it. It can be piloted even without an electrogravity system. The OTC-X1 is a non-conventional type of electrogravity at the very least, and the physics of it lead to hyperdrives.
I have given it more thought and see that the electromagnets are all in the same polarity to spin the disk. But, I'd really have to play with a device to see how it works for sure. A pulsing in the electromagnets over the utrons is allowed, because that gives us some flyback volts for a regenerating high volt magneto-electrostatic circuit. The capacitor plates may also all be in one polarity, positive on top, and negative on the bottom. I guess that's the real reason I'm throwing in a concept of "AC" engineering, just because A) it came from Tesla originally, and he was known for using AC for everything, and B) that's what makes for really high volts. It can still be in a DC configuration using timed pulses in the field for a high frequency flyback volt in the opposite polarity to overcharge the system (See: Bedini Schoolgirl circuit). So when I refer to "counter-rotating AC fields," please bare this in mind. In my mind, AC is a complete magnetic rotation 360 degrees, and so a rotating spiral is "AC." "DC" is half a circle, or PI. That just comes from the concepts I visualize from my experience building basic generators. A DC current along a battery wire also produces a rotating electromagnetic spiral, come to think about it.
I've honestly just kinda thrown all this out in the air over the past couple of years. The most logical step is to replicate an OTCX-1, because that would eliminate these redundant variables of this-or-that possibilities.
It IS however, entirely possible the capacitor plates on the spinning disk are in an AC charged fashion (rotating positive and negative charges in that fashion whereas the positive and negative charges are opposite 180 degrees, and in adjacent alternating plates).
. . .
The Searl crafts used a plunger system on the perimeters of the wings which turned off power to sections along the wing edges which were electrically charged, as the method of steering the craft. Since the X1 outer hull rotates, it's different, but surprisingly an easy design. Thought piloted is even easier to pilot.
Back in Searl's days, in England, airports were building additions to accommodate his fleet of saucer ships, which were in use and transported passengers. However he disassembled them to recycle the parts for further advance of technology and later regretted that after all his equipment was stolen. I've made the same mistakes, disassembling things for parts; and like Searl vowed never to disassemble anything else again, with the exception of my tower which I HAD to, for . . . reasons.
Around the same time as John Searl had everything stolen from him, probably by the military, Otis T. Carr was shut down, also. Otis's idealogy differed than Searl's, because Otis figured his technology would replace existing technology and everything would become free. Searl however saw that his technology worked along-side existing infrastructure. Regardless, they were both shut down and the technology went to the military and secret facilities to begin a New World Order of defense, private contracting, and space exploration. Some of that is military, and some of that is private (secret "non-military" researching space program).
The ultimate outcome of all that remains to be seen; however interestingly enough, much is being made public now, and since Otis was unable to obtain a patent means it is free and common technology. His patent was for an "amusement device," of which I'm certain there is joy in flying, nonetheless it was not a "spaceship." Nonetheless, the technology is not fully revealed, but since we have a military usage of antigravity dragons (or dreadnoughts), it means civilian craft can be developed, now that all the defenses are in place to protect territories from advanced invasions.. or something like that.
Because there is a satellite defense net up, which has been publicly revealed, friendly's are being shot down left and right (for those who don't know about it, or for those who try to get around it), anything coming in to Earth, or attempting to fly around in private development by Humans living on the surface that doesn't have proper clearance. That however, may be part of the illusion of drama being told to us about things that are only hearsay, unless someone does direct research, and reasonably (using logic) so.
Meanwhile, everyone is developing free energy on their own, in private and public, and ships are being built in private more so than public by innocent inventors doing their best to live as intelligent beings in a currently-controlled planetary SYSTEM environment . . . or something like that. Who are building those secret spaceships? Not me.
There was a wave of European Investors who had gotten involved several years ago funding people, but nothing has come from it.
It's hard to discern the difference because the "defenders of the dream" operate to keep people down (in dreamland), or do they allow for the upliftment of people in safety and security, living the dream in lucidity (being Wide Awake)? Those are two different diverging realities.
I do believe there is an establishment of tyranny on this planet. They own the shadows. But, shadows are everywhere. It is better to stand in the light; safer too. Some will say that I should not believe in such things. To believe in shadows is to give them acknowledgment, and give them power, create them into existence so to speak. But when shadows are revealed, one must acknowledge them as one's own, so that one has power over the shadow, instead of being destroyed by the shadow. That is reptilian thinking. It is pure discernment. It is of the highest Light, a Gift from Source.
Recently, I have been finding in modern culture, that the shadows and darkness is the most seductive and interesting, while people don't think Light has any power. Light is to recognize Love as reasonable thought. That is dragon wisdom. Shadows teach. Destruction is just an illusion. Power is in all things. But only through Love, can we understand empowerment.
Meanwhile, what we have come up with has been taken from us and used against us so that when we see those ships flying around in the night sky, those are our dreams built by our people stolen from us and then thrown in our faces. That may be a negative outlook. There is a positive one, too. Were it not for them, no one would see. And yet, most of that too, is shrouded in darkness, mystery, and mind control. Ultimately mind control is through fear and confusion.
If we want to go to other stars, and get out around our solar system and solve the world problems of overpopulation, manipulated education, poverty, starvation, which is ABSOLUTELY LUDICROUS that those problems exist, meanwhile not knowing if we have the capability or not, or what capabilities we DO have do solve these problems; well, I throw my hands in the air. I for one don't like the idea of being a slave to work which ultimately and historically has been stolen from the inventors and scientists who are SUPPOSED to be empowered to bring the planet and people out of the dark ages, rather than being singled-out.
Over the many years, and recently, I've emailed MANY scientists, physicists, world-renowned, have posted on many websites, have been blacklisted FROM posting on many websites, and have gotten ZERO responses overall. On one hand, people don't believe it, and on the other hand, people just don't care. There is a third hand too, and that is that people are selfish and only out for themselves and for money. Competition is a stupid thing in the realm of advanced engineering physics. I don't think I have to explain why. If you don't already know why, it would do no good to explain it.
I will say this, there is no R&D funding available. It has already been done, the OTC-X1 has anyway. So there is no reason for R&D funding. Most requests to wealthy investors for development funding requires a complete disclosure of the technology first, and ultimately will reach a bitter end being funded in a corporate "zone." There is ZERO development of new/old advanced technolgies in a corporatized paradigm that fallls "out of bounds" with the CORPORATE REALITY, which is also PUBLIC POLICY.
As I shared with a friend, I'm not trying to change the world, or force my will upon the world, I accept the world as it is. But what it is, is different than what it seems to be.
What science is in PUBLIC is different than what science is in private. The PUBLIC reality is actually an illusion, manufactured not as the truth.
NOW I know that we have ships flown in private that travel at or a little faster than "C." Meanwhile, HAM radio operators, including Eric Dollard have known for a long time now, that "light speed" is merely electromagnetic wave propagation* and that electrostatic waves travel faster. It's obvious that the secret space program knows that, too. 9 times around the Earth in one second, as reported by "John" (Thank you, btw John) of the "secret spaceship builders" is the distance an electrostatic wave travels in one second. Likewise the distance from Earth to the moon is also one electrostatic-light second.
I don't know if they know about warp travel or hyperdrives or stargates; but, by the looks of things, they are very advanced. It would not surprise me if they do.
Rumor has it, we have jump gates. There are some things that the PUBLIC can know.
Are they ours, theirs, old, new, what? Ancient gates?
[content edited and deleted with extreme prejudice]
Without knowing the truth, from a large world-wide Disclosure, it's hard to know anything and plan for anything. Without Disclosure, the world has reached an end. A period of transition is now the reality -- the Apocalypse, "time of revealing."
And so what this is, is a contribution to gravitational physics (magneto-electrostatic inertial physics), and lightdrive design : gravity-electro-mechanics.
Perhaps that qualifies me in some way to build this stuff, or participate in it. If you have an interest or a want, please look me up!
I'm totally astounded, by this work! And it can be engineered and constructed to the full extent using exotic materials as well as exotic engine plasma/fluid. Material science adds whole new dimensions to this bird, and the performance expectations can exceed NASA's time-frame of travel to our closest star. ... assuming it works, and assuming what doesn't work to be replaced with something that does. ...
The outer ring-drive is the final phase of engineering for the X3. It is described (actually it will be, and/or it should be, although I haven't decided that, yet) how it works, and the physics explained, and the desired aim to achieve is detailed in the book, but no engineering specifications are provided as of yet.
I have met others who have achieved success with levitating gravity rings, but are unwilling to share, but say I'm on the same level they are with my understanding. So I'm going to hang on to this and continue development after publishing.
Interstellar Teleportation
The possibility of interstellar teleportation is more of a reality than not, and could possibly render a concept of a "warp drive" crude and inadequate. From one star to another the distance traveled is in a frequency of gravity-time. Einstein said space was curved and warped. The distance between two stars is not the same as that distance traveled through space. In deep space, where there is little gravity, there is slower time, and since time and distance is directly proportional, the space is curved, making distances traveled through deep space much longer. This is very complex, and I examine this in much greater detail in my book.
It is easier to jump from star to star, locking in the gravity-time frequency in a star system to bridge the gap easier. For example, from our star to Alpha Centauri, the distance is 4.39 light years. But, from Alpha Centauri, which is a much larger star, the distance is more because the gravity-time frequencies are higher. Time slows down closer to gravitational mass. The more gravitational energy and frequency, the slower time flows, therefore the slower light travels because light measures the frequency of gravity time. If time moves slower in more gravity, then light would take longer from our star to reach Alpha Centauri if an observer were in the Alpha Centauri star system. Also our star would appear farther in distance.
If the LAU-X3 can achieve a jump frequency from Earth to reach 1/25th of that distance, but farther from the sun where the gravity can be 25 times less than the Earth, and the time frequencies travel much quicker, a jump to Alpha star can be reached! Exotic hull material construction is necessary to withstand the abuse from the proximity to the sun.
The Tesla X1 is a teleportation craft as the historic construction and research has shown.
That should provide some clue as to what can be done.
The idea about the star being so massive that time can be independent at a zero to allow for a teleportation ability of using them as stargates is awesome. But, there is more going on about that. There are field circulations of exotic plasma in stars. Just flying into the star and using that plasma can form a wormhole bridge to another star, sharing some plasma in the connection. It's a much different way to look at the universe, and at the inter-connectivity and "oneness" of all stars.
Also since it has been shown (in several places on this site, including the section below) that the frequencies are lower in deep space away from stellar gravitational fields, then it seems that interstellar teleportation is a better option. If the distance in space compressed by the vertical core is a sufficient "frequency length," then the LAU-X3 could make many frequency jumps along a path to arrive at a destination (at the next star).
For a better understanding of gravity-time FREQUENCY, see the Warp Drive Blog post, "Starship Relativity."
There are multiple flight modes possible with this class of starship, merely because we don't quite know exactly what it can do, and we know it can possibly do several things, and possibly all at once.
Update 3/02/14
The X - class ships in their current design use teleportation physics, resonance physics, inertial physics, and electrogravity physics and the like, but the vertical core has to be upgraded to achieve a higher inertial mass using particle-accelerator technology.
Otherwise, they are very purely electrical frequency crafts using inertial vortex shapes and inertial forces of acceleration through magneto-electrostatic mechanisms and mass / light substance (thought/energy/vibration -- mass).
It is unclear the true performance of these craft due to the creative consciousness / soul - energy nature of the universe. And there's a technology gap I recognize.
The physics are essentially the same for warp-drives, however the X-5 ship (see warp drive engineering) may easily be able to fly at 5/8 or 3/4 the speed of electromagnetic waves (C). That isn't quite hitting the mark of a "warp drive" due to the engineering limitation, but the physics are essentially the same. However ... because the X-1 was observed to completely disappear, and to be able to pass through solid matter, I would surmise it could actually travel through hyperspace to the next star very quickly in a different way than in a conventional warp-drive theory.
It could travel very fast and appear to the pilot the same as a warp-drive flight. So it is in the ball-park of stargate physics and hyperdrives.
That is pretty good. The engineering of a warp-drive engine is described in the warp-drive engineering section.
The gap must be filled by the Human vibration -- focus, intention, energy .. mind, thought, direction ... emotion
The book should be finished in a few years, or .. ten .. so stay tuned!
It is easier to jump from star to star, locking in the gravity-time frequency in a star system to bridge the gap easier. For example, from our star to Alpha Centauri, the distance is 4.39 light years. But, from Alpha Centauri, which is a much larger star, the distance is more because the gravity-time frequencies are higher. Time slows down closer to gravitational mass. The more gravitational energy and frequency, the slower time flows, therefore the slower light travels because light measures the frequency of gravity time. If time moves slower in more gravity, then light would take longer from our star to reach Alpha Centauri if an observer were in the Alpha Centauri star system. Also our star would appear farther in distance.
If the LAU-X3 can achieve a jump frequency from Earth to reach 1/25th of that distance, but farther from the sun where the gravity can be 25 times less than the Earth, and the time frequencies travel much quicker, a jump to Alpha star can be reached! Exotic hull material construction is necessary to withstand the abuse from the proximity to the sun.
The Tesla X1 is a teleportation craft as the historic construction and research has shown.
That should provide some clue as to what can be done.
The idea about the star being so massive that time can be independent at a zero to allow for a teleportation ability of using them as stargates is awesome. But, there is more going on about that. There are field circulations of exotic plasma in stars. Just flying into the star and using that plasma can form a wormhole bridge to another star, sharing some plasma in the connection. It's a much different way to look at the universe, and at the inter-connectivity and "oneness" of all stars.
Also since it has been shown (in several places on this site, including the section below) that the frequencies are lower in deep space away from stellar gravitational fields, then it seems that interstellar teleportation is a better option. If the distance in space compressed by the vertical core is a sufficient "frequency length," then the LAU-X3 could make many frequency jumps along a path to arrive at a destination (at the next star).
For a better understanding of gravity-time FREQUENCY, see the Warp Drive Blog post, "Starship Relativity."
There are multiple flight modes possible with this class of starship, merely because we don't quite know exactly what it can do, and we know it can possibly do several things, and possibly all at once.
Update 3/02/14
The X - class ships in their current design use teleportation physics, resonance physics, inertial physics, and electrogravity physics and the like, but the vertical core has to be upgraded to achieve a higher inertial mass using particle-accelerator technology.
Otherwise, they are very purely electrical frequency crafts using inertial vortex shapes and inertial forces of acceleration through magneto-electrostatic mechanisms and mass / light substance (thought/energy/vibration -- mass).
It is unclear the true performance of these craft due to the creative consciousness / soul - energy nature of the universe. And there's a technology gap I recognize.
The physics are essentially the same for warp-drives, however the X-5 ship (see warp drive engineering) may easily be able to fly at 5/8 or 3/4 the speed of electromagnetic waves (C). That isn't quite hitting the mark of a "warp drive" due to the engineering limitation, but the physics are essentially the same. However ... because the X-1 was observed to completely disappear, and to be able to pass through solid matter, I would surmise it could actually travel through hyperspace to the next star very quickly in a different way than in a conventional warp-drive theory.
It could travel very fast and appear to the pilot the same as a warp-drive flight. So it is in the ball-park of stargate physics and hyperdrives.
That is pretty good. The engineering of a warp-drive engine is described in the warp-drive engineering section.
The gap must be filled by the Human vibration -- focus, intention, energy .. mind, thought, direction ... emotion
The book should be finished in a few years, or .. ten .. so stay tuned!
Inflation of Space Theory . . . including energy and mass unity
6/27/14 .. most recently updated on 1/29/2015 ... re-updated 3/28/15
I wanted to address the inflation of space theory. It is in my book yet to be published in more detail, but I thought I'd throw out a briefy here.
Space is not inflating or measurements would be different than they were depicted thousands of years ago in Sumerian records (6000 BC) of light-year distances. People are familiar with the Sumerian Hall of Records, yes? We could measure the planets getting further apart if space were expanding, which would violate gravitational harmonic resonance of inertia and frequency (planets form around stars in harmonic intervals -- harmonics of the spheres), which is the very thing that causes the red-shifting of distant stars.
It is the gravity-time frequency of gravitational mass-energy star systems that causes the shifting. Gravity pulls, so it seems space expands. Resonant harmonics are sacred frequencies, Einstein showed how such is the geometry of the universe. It is apparant so as long as one understands the paradox in systems of logical reality. I hope this makes sense because it is ultra-simplified. The gravity of star systems has a tug or pull .. but it doesn't pull space apart, it holds space together. It is the pull of gravity that bends the frequency of light to make us think distance star systems are moving away from us, when they really aren't. You can measure the frequency of the gravity fields of star systems by observing their red shift. I don't want to say gravity creates space, because then the inflation of space may be the case. That however also implies that gravity has a repulsive and creative force upon the universe (which also may be the case).
Each star system pulls other star systems closer together. But is it true to say one day the universe will be shrunk up as a tiny ball? Of course not. It's a crystalline structure of gravity, like a huge crystal. These things can be bickered, "oh space is inflating," or "oh, space is contracting." But gravity not only has an attractive force, it also has a repulsive force that is far more subtle to the mind's understanding.
The universe is ultra simplified seeing it from the higher reality of the Soul and Higher Self -- Creation and Existence. The irony of the Big Bang Theory is how it fits with Quantum physics, or doesn't fit. Non-causality and the nature of time is extensive and deep a topic to explain, my book coming out will have a very detailed information; however, a theory of an Origin point of Universal existence in Time does not fit with with the non-causal nature of time itself. Everyone knows about the "Grandfather paradox," where you can't go back in time and kill your own grandfather, otherwise you wouldn't be born to go back in time to kill your grandfather (The Universe is Love). The Big Bang theory does not conform to the logic of paradoxes (the logic of paradoxes is defined and explained and introduced in my book, which is still in the publishing process of editing and reformatting). Neither does the Big Bang Theory conform to Laws of Quantum Noncausality (there is no cause and/or effect. That gets very metaphysical very quickly. That info is very extremely examined in great detail in my book, "Unified Mechanics of Ascension").
Furthermore, The nature of the Life Force is simplified as "The Force of Life to Exist is infinitely greater than the force of Life to NOT exist." "Nonexistence" is the Existence of the "non." The universe (the multi-verse) is living energy as form and action of ultimately originating from Light-Unity systems of Living (Soul) reality. The universe (the multiverse) can never cease to exist. Energy can never be destroyed. Energy however, CAN be created, and in abundance, and it is done so all the time, for example flowing from Stars as well as flowing from the vibrancy (vibrating always in motion; having inertia) and "Inner Vitality" of Life itself. Those are laws of metaphysics, which goes Hand-In-Hand with Earthly "physical" physics; Unified Physics. The probability for all of life to suddenly end is not equal to the probability for life to suddenly come into existence from not ever having to have previously existed (which is obviously very, very high)! I'm surprised from statements from other scientists who claim the universe can end in the blink of an eye just because there was a "Big Bang." I'm shocked that people actually think that. It actually takes away from the credibility of the big bang theory. Because inertia exists, it cannot oppose itself to not exist, otherwise there would be no paradoxes.
The fact that Life came into existence from never having to have previously existed (this should be in the philosophy section) creates the parameters and laws of all physics and all things in Life itself. Physical life and nonphysical life, and interdimensional life all span through different systems of the whole Light-based system of living energy and permanence. What is Sacred is permanent. There are no physics of "non-existence" nor could we even assume the probabilities and possibilities for such to even exist much less say that the probability for my soul to suddenly cease to exist is even a reality.
Metaphysics is a discipline that can explain origins of life, the universe, and everything, where there is energy involved, more so than physics (meta = "more than"). My book explains the metaphysics of it, which is beyond the capacity of this website alone. Existence, as Creation is on the level of how we literally co-shape the very fabric of reality as we all go along; we each create our own realities. Also, we each have a blueprint of our existence that is given to us by our Soul. Source, also provides, and we are all the Journey of Source, All as One and One with All (One with All is a matter of perspective, perception, being, knowing, doing). No two people experience the same universe. A theory of Origin is metaphysical. Scientists can map the "big bang" theory geometrically, yet it is a reflection of a logical universe in an otherwise abstract reality (logical abstracts of paradoxical unity). My book explains and defines these things.
. . .
When it comes to black holes, people can use the "light cone" approach (from Einstein's Special Relativity) to understanding why a singularity has an event horizon where it looks black, and can assume that a ship will be forever frozen in time as it tried to fly into a black hole, and we would see it there just prior to entering the event horizon; and eventually it will almost never be seen at a distance as actually having entered the black hole. A black hole is black due to its mass-time gravitational frequency generally speaking -- its massive gravitation.
It's true that time is slower the closer to a gravitational massive body. Time is much faster inside the event horizon. However time tends to slow down just prior to the Event Horizon. But, there is something missing. The acceleration forces of the ship will also affect a time dilation according to Special Relativity, and the ship also makes its own waves in the curvature of space.
The Event Horizon itself is relative, meaning that if you are in a starship close to a black hole with the engines running, you would experience Event Horizon waves, where it appears that the Event Horizon actually moves closer to you, but if you were to inch forward a bit, the Event Horizon would recede a bit, depending on how fast your time dilation field is, and then start to move toward you again, if your starship is sitting still. Actually, that's an interesting thought, but if you were in your starship's faster flow of time frequency and waited there to see the Event Horizon inching closer, then if you move forward, it would move closer to you much faster. In a really fast time-dilated ship, as you approach that black hole, it gets bright (your time frequency is also curving space). You can also look at it, that your frequency is so high, and you are vibrating just as fast as that black hole, that you can see it! How the starship moves will depend on how the Event Horizon is seen. A starship could fly inside the event horizon a ways and then come back out, also. It's not a one-way trip!
There are two different ways to look at time and space. You can look at time, or you can look at space. If you are vibrating super-fast, your frequency is high. That black hole is also vibrating super fast, which is why we can't see it!
The black hole is suspected to even have an event horizon due to the fact that it is black. It's the same as saying inflation of space must be the true because of the Big Bang. See the logical fallacy of the implications? One implies another, and yet it is an incorrect implication. Maybe I should rephrase. A black hole is a mini big bang of its own as Nassim Haramein pointed out in his video on "Black Wholes."
Time moves faster and faster and faster the closer an object approaches a black hole ONLY UNDER NEGATIVE ENERGY CONDITIONS. One of the reasons of particle fountains of X-rays out the inverted poles of the black high frequency vibrating luminous star, is due to it's incredible stellar brightness! We can't see it with the naked eye, but sometimes water membranes form around black holes as seen in distant galaxies, like cells of the body. A black hole forms matter, and disintegrates matter, and are necessary for galaxies to exist. Black holes support quantum noncausality in the formation of galaxies, also.
A black hole is a luminous star, a matter-creation-vortex point, which is so bright it appears as utter darkness, beyond visible light range. It is like the pupil of the eye, able to pierce/see through the fabric of the cosmos. It should be blindingly brilliant white, because the universe wasn't born from "void" except for a need for Creation to be fufilled (a void is meant to be filled, and is a recognition that there should be something from nothing -- the paradox of phenomenal manifestation). Not only is there a relative Event Horizon, but it is primarily black because of it's incredibly ultra-high frequencies of gravitation!
The nature of the Event Horizon describing time coming to a complete stop, then becoming infinite just beyond the event horizon is erroneous. It's not a closed system at all. The details are similar in the diagram in "Starship Relativity" on the Warp Drive Blog, but the gravity well should drop to infinity (and not be a shallow bowl) according to Nassim Haramein's research.
An Event Horizon is a by-product of frequency, and is strictly time-like.
If you were to fly to the Event Horizon fast, in a starship, then you would not see the Event Horizon receding as you traveled into it, like you would if you were in a rocket. A rocket would see the Event Horizon receding as it traveled into the Black Hole's gravity well. A Starship on the other hand is so much different.
An event horizon is always due to a suden backwards flow of time or dimensional shifting of time frequencies. You can step through it but never step through it because the event horizon doesn't even exist. It's an illusion like a mirage, seeing water on the road when it's really the heat reflecting the sky, for example. As you get closer to a desert lake, it disappears because it's a mirage at a distance. I think that is a bit too "metaphysical," or metaphorical rather. There are characteristics of Event Horizons that DO allow for one to "step through" it. Obviously vibrating at a higher frequency in a starship, the Event Horizon may be very flexible, and even fade away prior to actually reaching it, whatever distance that may be, due to frequency resonance.
I am re-correcting this information, so hopefully it will be a good congruent current understanding of black holes and event horizons as they apply primarily to starships.
It is not so true to say that no information can escape an Event Horizon; and since gravity waves travel at light speed, then not only light but also gravity couldn't escape the black hole; and then there would be no gravity pull from a black hole outside the Event horizon! (there are exceptions to the rules; see: "Starship Relativity" post on the Warp Drive Blog)
Gravity waves can travel faster than light under conditions of Gravitation.
This condition is when the 45 degree angle of light is parallel to the common axis of time (it's straight up and down), due to space curving (See: "Starship Relativity"). Light travels relatively outside the field of gravitation in the manner of "never traveling outward in space, but only in time." However, that Event Horizon exists within the space warp caused by gravity, and so gravity can be felt outside the Light Event Horizon of Time.
The gravity waves are weaker outside the Event Horizon. Space is what carries the waves. The farther away from a gravitational source, the weaker the force of the gravity waves. Relativity shows us that not only is the frequency of space curved (in acceleration, thus speeding up as it gets closer to the gravity source), but the amplitude of the wave is lesser the farther from a gravity source.
Both waves, and geometry.
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Well, I might as well mention the universe's age, however. As an aside, it can easily be said infinite, for example you could fly around forever in the universe and always end up somewhere new. Just forget about that for a moment, though.
Scientists say the age of the universe is 13 billion years. Well, that is the light we see as it has traveled from 13 billion years through time and distance (temporal frequency of space). It is easy to say light travels, but what it really is: light measures the temporal frequencies of inertial space.
Quite frankly, we see our own age! Earth's age around Sol, our sun... our star. We see light from 13 billion years ago in space because we have been here long enough to receive 13 billion years worth of light to our sun.
The sun is 13 billion years old.
It took paradoxical reasoning ("Paradoxical Relativity") to realize that (paradoxical logic -- the logic of paradoxes). I suppose that would be "unified reasoning." Unified logic is the unification of paradoxes! See: "Paradoxes of Unity" - Unifiable Logic, at the bottom of the Tesla Engineering Physics page.
I think dark matter may bring things to light. Energy itself can have mass without necessarily an object point of reference that "causes" that mass (noncausality). In recent times, it has been observed the formation of matter spontaneously as matter/energy loses frequency from higher dimensions and just appears in the universe. Perhaps dark matter can lead modern science to a new theory of origin other than the big bang theory?
Dark matter can easily be understood because energy itself has mass. Mass is measured electromagnetically, like in a proton accelerator, or in an experiment to measure the mass of an electron, or a proton using electromagnetic fields. A proton accelerator can accelerate a proton to near light speeds, so that the mass of the proton becomes much greater. An acceleration field is a gravity field, says Einstein's Equivalence principle.
In fact, Einstein theorized that dark matter existed between the midpoints between stars and in between the pull of gravity between deep space bodies (stars and galaxies) which countered exactly the pull of gravity with a push. That would designate the limits of space created by a large gravity field, such as a star. If negative mass existed between the stars, as far as Einstein's theory can be "pushed," then is dark matter itself some fractal force of gravitational and electrical tides in the universe? Negative energy in the context of dark matter in Einstein's theories also has a bearing on warp drive physics, using negative energy to shrink the mass of a vessel, while it maintains the same mass inside the spacetime distortion. And yet again, the question is asked, could a negative energy warp drive be sufficient to even attempt to cross such a threshold between stars? The stars and galaxies aren't pulled together into a Great Collapse opposite of the Big Bang, because of dark matter and negative energy (and thus anti-gravity), a natural phenomena generated by the universe. (See: Negative Space and Time (Negative Energy) on the Warp Drive Blog page)
The link between gravity, mass, electromagnetism, and inertia is there.
Mass is a certain polarity of energy that creates gravity. Mass is in paradox with light. The energy of mass can be transferred electromagnetically; and in fact, the gravity of earth reverses the spin of electro-magnetized matter when it is crossed at horizontal and vertical alignments in parallel and perpendicular to Earth's gravity field (See: "Magnetic Current" by Ed Leedskalnin in his fishing wire experiments).
Obviously, mass is an energy, just like everything is energy. Gravity is generated by mass, and yet mass can be generated by acceleration of an inertial force of charge. An electron has mass. It is a particle of [negative] charge. Electricity, as a field of energy is the result of mass in motion, electrical mass in motion. The mass of electrical force in resonance also increases, with acceleration, which is the mechanics of the OTC-X1. A proton (a particle of positive charge -- a point of energy) has much more mass than an electron that can be in resonance, however (resonance must work one with the other, a harmonic of energy vibration). That is the mechanics of the vertical core and outer ring system. Electrons actually behave very 2-dimensionally over protons (3 dimensions), and have been seen under electron microscopes as the geometrical semblance of "itself" as a 2-dimensional square. It is a paradox that electrons can act within three dimensions (and four dimensional) space. The fact that an electron can be seen at all is probably an illusion of electrical force in a universe represented as a point of focus that creates some shape (space) in the universe, adding to the creation of space itself.
I don't "resonate" well with dark matter, which seems like "misunderstood" matter to me, being "in the dark" about it. I suppose it is more logical to say that electricity has mass. Electrical current and proton currents is the electrical movement of the universe, which has mass. It can't be seen except as "dark energy" or "dark matter."
I guess this is why the lower X-1 engine is misunderstood, it is because of the electrical resonance of mass and inertia which is also simultaneously and angularly (angular inertia = electrical force) a pattern of wave-interference from counter-spinning two identical waveforms. By identical, I mean "identical action." If what something does can define what something is, then the identical action of two equal and opposite (and simultaneous) waves create a phenomenal amount of energy. In Jamie Buturff's experiment, it amplified the energy over 200 times in a small toroid coil.
The electrical wave interference harmonic resonance creates mass, according to warp physics. Yet as that mass that is created, it is also paradoxically unified through positive and negative inertia (a disk spinning clockwise and a disk spinning counter-clockwise), and it becomes light. Light is the unity of the [energy of the] paradox of matter (a particle and its anti-particle collide to create light and energy), specifically mass. Light and energy is the by-product and the construction of the energy/matter form of the OTC-X1. Light creates energy. Matter too, creates energy. The energy originating in a solar panel, originates in the plates itself! They can form a unique circuit with the sun, too.
Protons streaming from the sun is a positive charge energy/mass wave. An EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) pulse generated from a machine is going to send out a wave of energy, but also that energy is going to most definitely have mass! Is it a wave, or a stream of particles? Both. Particle physicists look for particles to answer questions about God. Wave and field physics is sort of the other side of the paradox of matter, there.
In some things, there is merely a wave, a stream of Photons rather than protons. A photon has no mass. Electromagnetic energy though is the form of mass. That's a paradox.
Where there is mass, there is gravity. Where there is energy, there is mass. Where there is energy, there is light.
Paradoxical physics is the reality of our universe. The paradox is the basis of the reality quantum physics describes. The paradox can unify. The reality is not duality. The reality is a unifiable paradox. (See: "Paradoxes of Unity" at the bottom of the Tesla Engineering Physics page.)
I want to re-iterate, that the expansion of the universe is a paradox! Gravity and Acceleration is Equivalent. It doesn't mean distant stars are actually moving away from every other star! It means Gravity has a Pull. That's what Red Shifting is all about! The stars have been in the same places for thousands upon thousands of years (we have pyramids and ancient Records that show this). It doesn't mean that Einstein's principle of Equivalence means that the stars are actually accelerating away; it means gravity is equivalent to acceleration! Apparently that is a stupendously difficult concept for most scientists to even grasp. It can be summed up so simply: Gravity has a pull. If anything, the stars should be moving closer together because gravity pulls on other things. If you pull on a rope with an equal force as a guy on the other end also pulling, does the rope actually stretch, if it's a stout rope?
You have to think of time and space in terms of frequency, and then it makes sense.
The universe is balanced. Rotations and orbits and this and that, it's all in balance. The motion of the galaxy itself resembles a record spinning, or a merry-go-round. From a point on the outside circumference of the merry-go-round, a line can be drawn to the center of the circle, and the whole thing spins. Planetary orbits show us that the planets stay in the same orbits, although revolve around the sun, and it is perpetual. You cannot claim that the stars are moving farther apart, nor can you claim the stars are moving closer together. Dark matter is somewhat of an explanation to show the nature of the balance, but also space itself is the counter-balance. Watch Nassim Haramein's video on Black Wholes in the recommended video section to get a better idea about space itself being what connects all things.
Here's another thing. You can't believe in curved space at the same time as the inflation, or expansion of space. The stars in Orion's belt make this indention in spacetime, like a rock on a sheet of rubber, and way over here where our own Sun is, there's another indention in the fabric. The fabric itself isn't stretching, it's still the same.
The only peculiarity in this is a Gravity Lens which forms corridors between gravity sources. It can be claimed light is bent, or light is stretched or lengthened, and the only way to really make use of a Gravity Lens is to accelerate a starship in such a manner as it mimics photon-action, to hop those distances which is what jump drives and hyperdrives is all about. I want to drive that concept home, because it is a real mechanism, and it involves both light and gravity as an engine.
It's like taking a sheet, putting a ball of weight on the sheet, and then another ball on another part of the sheet, and a wrinkle stretches between the two balls of weight. That wrinkle is a faster frequency of a spacetime warp, in a warped corridor.
Electrical currents form between planets and the sun, and from planet to planet, in corridors. A Tesla tower half a mile away from another Tesla tower is going to form a corridor of electrostatic energy, and you can actually feel it, and may become disoriented as you walk through the corridor. But as far as the inflation of space goes, which I've always had a problem with, and so has Nassim Haramein for that matter, Einstein has already disproved Inflation through Equivalence. Even Einstein said that gravity is the geometry of the universe and holds things together in a lattice-geometry. He never believed in a concept of space constantly expanding. And where there is expansion, where is the contraction?
That's not to say the universe has inherent balance. Balance isn't the nature of the universe, it's imbalance, otherwise nothing would move, and there would be no gravity, all orbits would collapse, and nothing could be brought into balance. There would be no existence and no stability within inherently instable conditions if the whole universe were expanding or inflating, because there would be no balance. As stars inhale, space exhales, and that is the balance of instability. We CAN claim that the universe is expanding, but then we would have to claim that the gravity forces of galaxies and stars contract the expanse of space in equilibrium. When new equilibrium is required, a black hole forms there, which is a force of equilibrium. A black hole forms because of stable-instability. Galaxies form around black holes and from black holes. So when new equilibrium is required in the universe, a galaxy forms there, surrounding a black hole.
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It occurs to me that expansion and contraction can apply to the OTC-X1 displacement of inertial frequency generating an expansion force along the perimeter and a contraction force at the central accumulator. Actually since frequency is increased around the perimeter, it would have to be a contraction force which expands into the central accumulator. The same mechanics can apply to a black hole, due to such a phenomenon of a "strange event horizon," it could actually be creating a repulsive force of anti-gravity that makes the hole black, otherwise a field of negative energy surrounding a core of positive energy, hollow in the center and filled with light (Unity) -- the infinite potential for there to be [infinite] energy -- just like the OTC-X1 engine.
. . . This particular branch of common sense is what I call "paradoxical relativity," which fits with a concept of gravitational resonance.
Utron designs --- updated (3/20/15)
I will never underestimate these things again! This section about Utrons is basically ... INCORRECT! ... However, it is basically describing the Central Accumulator. See the Updates and Design Improvements page, and the Construction Blog page for the really awesome super-profound new discoveries and breakthroughs that these Utrons unleash! -- 2/8/16
Well, the utrons are such a trivial thing, I've decided to go ahead and post up a basic concept. You have to make a hollow sphere in the middle is all, but that's easy to do. How hard can it be? I do apologize for the organization of this page. I need to go through it and edit the whole thing. I have gotten redundant in some places. But, it's history.
Just to mention, The utron requires living energy, a reaction with living matter, as well as an electret. An electret is something that forever creates an electromagnetic field.. much like how a magnet makes a permanent magnetic field, an electret makes a permanent electric field. They are commonly available as a "power cell," but not available on the market. In fact, the Hutchison power cell is one such electret. I have said at this site, a good utron uses a power-cell component with a living matter component arranged in a plate stack, separated into sections to maximize voltage, inside the utron. The utron does not have to have a hollow core, in fact it can have a solid metal conductive core, which is necessary to make a positive and negative terminal out the ends. The Central Accumulator also has a central spherical air-core or mercury core. Since the central accumulator is also a capacitor, then it's function and design is intuitively obvious. The Central Accumulator is also a battery, see the second-to-last post on the Tesla Engineering Physics page for a bit more about that.
The one thing to note though, about the spacers.. It's not quite right for maximizing voltage. The plates themselves have to be designed a little differently. Separating the electrolyte doesn't increase the voltage. But, aside from all that, this is a good basic easy design. The regenerative circuitry of the X-1 engine is similar in principle to a Bedini schoolgirl circuit. So if you understand the concept of the Bedini schoolgirl circuit, then you can build a prototype X-1 model.
I am not going to build mine with a hybrid electret, because I want to maximize the living energy potential from living electrolyte. After all, I learned from experience that when the body is merged with another energy source, firstly it must be living to lovingly hold the pilot(s) in a gentle sustainability in harmony with living energy fields. It must be alive to sustain the kundalini.
Carr said that the whole novelty of the OTCX-1 is that the batteries (utrons) are also spinning around in the rotor, becoming part of the overall electromagnetic field. The end terminals in the diagram below should be thin and fine, so there is virtually a tip at the tips of the utrons though. After closer inspection of the original plans, I believe those electrodes below are way too wide. The utron outer casing picks up an electromagnetic charge, tapered to a point, and reversing spin at the equator. The electromagnetic current creates the magnetic field, even in a copper or non-ferrous material.
Concerning the Central Accumulator, it can have a hollow space filled with some mercury, but not all the way full. As it spins, the mercury forms a toroid shape in the space. Oh! And the hollow space should be according to Sacred Geometry, meaning that the diameter of the hollow space is the same distance as the radius of a sphere inside the utron. So see the picture below, see the sphere inscribed in the square? It should be touching the sides to be truly "inscribed" but that's just a little artistic creativity. That inscribed circle though is what you measure to to find the radius, and therefore how wide to make the central cavity in the Central Accumulator. The rest of the Central Accumulator should resemble the stacked plates and lattice.
Just to mention, The utron requires living energy, a reaction with living matter, as well as an electret. An electret is something that forever creates an electromagnetic field.. much like how a magnet makes a permanent magnetic field, an electret makes a permanent electric field. They are commonly available as a "power cell," but not available on the market. In fact, the Hutchison power cell is one such electret. I have said at this site, a good utron uses a power-cell component with a living matter component arranged in a plate stack, separated into sections to maximize voltage, inside the utron. The utron does not have to have a hollow core, in fact it can have a solid metal conductive core, which is necessary to make a positive and negative terminal out the ends. The Central Accumulator also has a central spherical air-core or mercury core. Since the central accumulator is also a capacitor, then it's function and design is intuitively obvious. The Central Accumulator is also a battery, see the second-to-last post on the Tesla Engineering Physics page for a bit more about that.
The one thing to note though, about the spacers.. It's not quite right for maximizing voltage. The plates themselves have to be designed a little differently. Separating the electrolyte doesn't increase the voltage. But, aside from all that, this is a good basic easy design. The regenerative circuitry of the X-1 engine is similar in principle to a Bedini schoolgirl circuit. So if you understand the concept of the Bedini schoolgirl circuit, then you can build a prototype X-1 model.
I am not going to build mine with a hybrid electret, because I want to maximize the living energy potential from living electrolyte. After all, I learned from experience that when the body is merged with another energy source, firstly it must be living to lovingly hold the pilot(s) in a gentle sustainability in harmony with living energy fields. It must be alive to sustain the kundalini.
Carr said that the whole novelty of the OTCX-1 is that the batteries (utrons) are also spinning around in the rotor, becoming part of the overall electromagnetic field. The end terminals in the diagram below should be thin and fine, so there is virtually a tip at the tips of the utrons though. After closer inspection of the original plans, I believe those electrodes below are way too wide. The utron outer casing picks up an electromagnetic charge, tapered to a point, and reversing spin at the equator. The electromagnetic current creates the magnetic field, even in a copper or non-ferrous material.
Concerning the Central Accumulator, it can have a hollow space filled with some mercury, but not all the way full. As it spins, the mercury forms a toroid shape in the space. Oh! And the hollow space should be according to Sacred Geometry, meaning that the diameter of the hollow space is the same distance as the radius of a sphere inside the utron. So see the picture below, see the sphere inscribed in the square? It should be touching the sides to be truly "inscribed" but that's just a little artistic creativity. That inscribed circle though is what you measure to to find the radius, and therefore how wide to make the central cavity in the Central Accumulator. The rest of the Central Accumulator should resemble the stacked plates and lattice.
Crystal sphere of the original OTC-X1 updated (3/6/15)
I recently met another scientist with technology that I cannot reveal. I'd like to, but it's not mine, and not public or commonly known. However he shared a little technology with me; and from that sharing, I now have a crystal X-1 central cockpit sphere design partly based on my friend's research and development. It's a rough sketch of basic geometrical shapes, nothing complex at all, except for the physics. I treasure it and know he wouldn't want anyone else to know. So, it's safely tucked away. But, it's adaptable to other geometrical applications based on unification of matter-energy as light, such as the crystal [visual and/or photonic] thought-interface sphere for the X1. His technology is sophisticated, involving nano-fibers and fractal geometries (and sacred geometry). HOWEVER, I'm more low-tech then that, because I want to duplicate the technology-level Otis T. Carr had that he used, for historic reconstruction purposes. There are just some things that cannot be displayed on the internet. There are some things predominantly proprietary, and some things that are historical replicas (see: bluestarenterprise.com). I hope I can say at least, that, without breaking trust. I'd like to work with him on that at some point, who knows, maybe 10 years down the road. I'm playing all this by ear at this point. Let me know, my friend "Moses," if I'm overstepping any boundaries please! (private technology references on a first name or "nickname" basis viewable only) .. basically if you're familiar with the crystal sphere, you'd see that it resembles a soccer ball. That is viewable in the first links to Otis T. Carr on the home page up top. At its core is a central hollow metal sphere. Wires and plates go out to each of the facets of the soccer ball. Double and triple helix interference (caduceus) coils feed up from the Central Accumulator through the drive shaft. Just think "fractal antenna." Good luck! The guys at the OTC-X1 workgroup is surely gonna love it.
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I saw a research video about how photons are emitted and received by the brain through electromagnetic telepathy type of experiments. Photons are the unity of electromagnetic waves, and at very high frequencies, can pass through matter. That's similar to induction fields, but in non-local reality. Telepathy and remote creation was very amplified through the Tesla tower, in some experiments I participated in. I don't want to get too much into this in public though. Remote influencing and other psychic applications of .. unscrupulous activities, or scrupulous activities even, I want not to touch upon. It's important to understand the telepathic and bio-energy shielding intentional firewalls when establishing a telekinetic-flight operated vehicle. Really, I'm not kidding. Auric fields of biological life and pathways of mind ought to be appropriately shielded in a high frequency energy setting. Creation is quickened in higher frequencies (more frequently occurring). What you create manifests and reflects, and returns, and can be looped into form, or released back to Source. Every manifestation of the Soul infinitely multiplies upon further possibilities of manifestation, so the soul can never fully manifest into and AS reality. Creation is Life. A craft such as this though, will operate independently in not a closed energy system (there is no such thing as a closed universe), but in a protected (with boundaries) system.
All existence is the Existence of Creation, and all life creates, all are creative actions. Mind is action, and identity. Action establishes identity, otherwise there is nothing upon which action to act. The aspect of Creation as Existence (Living Existence) makes for an understanding of the mind as a very powerful creative force, of the substance of creation itself. The Soul is the Creative Powerhouse, Mind is the action of form (action and form; action and identity), action of the Soul; that which is created. Soul creates Mind therefore Perception establishes Consciousness. Perception creates.
Light too, is an aspect of mind. I'm barely touching the surface on this website, for that is the most important thing to truly realize (that these are important metaphysical truths). The boundaries of identity is established by purpose to act, noncausaly. Diverging realities occur along with emerging new realities according to how one's focus determines one's reality of existence.... That is a "device" called "hyperdimensional navigation," which is how one's focus literally influences and determines one's exit dimension after emerging from a passage through light.
The crystal ball connects directly to the lower engine, directly through the central accumulator. The electrogravity light of the engine rotations, is what the sphere conveys. A photonic link-up with the photons we generate with our thoughts connects straight to the engine Sphere (whole system).
There's no reason to not have some sort of geometrical "crystal ball" array surrounding the vertical engine core in a geometrical form, but it may require individual pilots (living minds) at each sphere-station.
Love is the truth; fear is the denial of the truth. The universe is Love, the one word, Uni-Verse. This is light (illuminated loving mind; of pure form; knowledge of unconditional love); let there be Light and POOF, there became universes and the multiverse. Knowing the Truth of Existence is Love, is of Light Mind. The Soul exists in pure knowing, pure love, pure feeling, pure perception, and pure life force radiance, Inner-Generated Living Reality. My book explains a lot of this, it's a rather long read. One must recognize Source Within the All to know the Truth. Pure knowing is beyond that which mind can comprehend. See beyond the paradox. There is no contradiction. The paradox is both along-s ide, and opposite-with, and that is just one part of the 12 part definition of a paradox ... well actually in 16 dimensions. Unifiable Geometrical Logic :-)
Tetragrammaton Triad Fundamental structure of the Universe Structure of the Quantum Vacuum
(note: it looks like the X-1 disk) -- Universal Vector Within-Stability --
(note: it looks like the X-1 disk) -- Universal Vector Within-Stability --
The positive and negative are both Love. That Unity is Light. That is a tetrahedron, not a trinity or a triangle, but a "triad."