I think the website is eating comments. I do see them, just not always respond..
A gentleman had commented that he made a patent long ago on an antigravity system using this I am about to mention ... which I want to drive this point home.
This is also why donations are important, because it takes a lot of leg-work and connection-bridging to do this research which can be very overwhelming and time consuming for your pleasure. See the Info page.
What I want to mention:
You're all familiar with the Biefeld-Brown effect using a di-electric material but you are NOT familiar with that di-electric material also being an electret material as an electrically active medium.
I cannot stress this enough ("stressing the dielectric" pun haha) that this is a good idea. The Construction Blog page discusses this. This is an upgrade to the OTC-X1 classic model, and the same principles can be used in electro-gravitic / electro-inertial reactionless space drives.
Using an electret material as the dielectric in Biefeld-Brown field generator uses the "whole of the mass" of the dielectric, carried through the electric field. So this means that the dielectric material is electrically active instead of inert and just sitting there, not really vibrating electrically, but is more inert.
The electrically active dielectric vibrates actively its mass, which is how the Biefeld-Brown effect actually works. Instead of an inert dielectric, now that dielectric is adding energy and transferrings its mass through the electrical field, polarizing that energy so that the value of its mass adds to the value of its own inertia.
A commenter had mentioned this, that this does in fact work according to his patent he applied for long ago, and from his own experiments probably 10-20 years ago ... i am having trouble finding that comment at this time, but the patent is probably classified.
Also, taken from the INFO page, please keep this in mind regarding electron mass:
One of Tesla's discoveries involved running a spark through a system, without the direct current of moving electrons through the system, but vibrating the electrons while running energy through the system, regardless. His goal was to eliminate the movement of the mass of electrons, and reduce that resistance of mass. The spark gap achieves this measure, but must conduct high voltage through a gap that is not directly connected in circuit.
The antigravity research on the construction blog page also discusses some of this. Also, dealing with reactionless free energy and overunity (electret crystal power cells), it can be seen that electrical energy is not due to the movement of electron mass, nor the creation of electron mass, but yet involving the creation of energy, because a power cell electret creates electromagnetic and electrostatic energy, but does not get heavy, so the mass of electrons is not involved there in the production of energy.
It therefore cannot be said that electron mass is involved in production of electricity. Electron mass is involved in resistance. An electret creates electricity reactionlessly, and the steady stream of electron flow would seem to create mass from not having to have previously existed. This is a paradox of electrical energy physics, and one of the keys to understanding how mass itself can be increased (relativity; particles moving near the speed of light), and decreased electrically since the electron itself (particle with mass) can be produced ... and then mass itself can be produced from not having to have been there previously, in violation of conservation of mass laws (meaning that conservation of mass NO LONGER APPLIES as a Law of physics).
Since mass can be created, mass can be destroyed? No, not necessarily. Energy is not destroyed, but it can be cancelled, regardless. When mass drops to zero in a matter-structure, it becomes light energy.
. . .
Now for a plug.
If more funding could be poured into these research and development projects, we could bust this technology out much quicker, but .. I guess people prefer a much slower turtle's pace, instead.
People working together in development teams (having a crew of 3 or 4 people at one place), facilities, tools, security, etc ... paying the help, paying the engineers, paying the light bill .. all of that is important, because this stuff is a huge headache, otherwise.
It's just going to take time for people to learn about economics, physics, and the new technology, and understand the logistics of R & D (some people don't even know what that means, it means Research And Development), which cannot happen on a CORPORATE level because any funding in that jurisdiction/territory requires a contract in such a way that all technology is turned over to CORPORATE which then takes that work away at some point; and furthermore that work must go somewhere to generate PROFITS in some way, because CORPORATIONS don't fund ANYTHING that they cannot profit from by marketing it to consumers.
There really is no market on Earth however because this is a Human endeavor in exploration and Freedom, ultimately reaching the planets in our Solar system, and the stars. No CORPORATION can understand how to profit on that unless it's tied into the secret space programs, and secret trade with ET, and harnessing off-world resources for profit. Profit should not be the motivator for these endeavors.
Until people can come up with a solution there, and really have the desire and drive to work together locally (instead of a few guys scattered all around the planet like in Clandestine Disclosure's case), with some sort of funding to build and test, then we're stuck. People are always telling me, "I'm ready for this! Build it, I'm ready!" but ... you cannot volunteer your time when you have bills to pay, a regular life or job, a house to take care of, or children, and a social life in normal society ... or contribute in some way to take this just beyond a hobby and really get serious, then people are NOT ready for this reality.
There's a LOT to test, and a LOT to work together upon to carry this along at a pace that won't take 100 years to achieve.
Just this one aspect alone of using an electret material to be integrated into an OTC-X1 Bedini architecture will take a lot of materials, machining, hours, thought, and time to act upon it that won't take 4 or 5 years. People should see from Clandestine Disclosure group that this takes a HORRIBLY LONG TIME just to get to square one with a rock-solid theory that most people are not at the level of consciousness to even comprehend.
The reason why it takes so long, is because of FUNDING! I want to slap people who keep saying that all these developers just want money. What the hell are you THINKING? If all we want is money, WHY WOULD WE BE PUTTING OUR WORK OUT IN THE PUBLIC FOR FREE?
Here's some foresight:
Alexey Chekurkov has made big news. There's lots of search engine keywords that have led people to this site. But, mainstream news has not picked up the story, and they WON'T pick up the story, which is a, if not THE major breakthrough of our century (along with a few others in free energy, like Matrix Le).
What's going to happen, if things continue this way, is that more people will be coming out with the duplication of his technology, and eventually the OTC-X1 replication (but it won't be the classic style because some of that technology has been lost throughout the years; using electret dielectric will be the way to go with that). HOWEVER, that's as far as it will go, because once CORPORATE control of the technology happens, and CORPORATIONS get involved in funding the technological development, everyone who has worked on this project will simply be cut out of the picture.
The CORPORATIONS involved will join the ranks of the classified secret space programs, and the public will see MANY more UFO's in the skies, but will be trapped on the ground and fed the rocket paradigm.
As you are witnessing the successful demonstration of antigravity IN OUR TIME, what you are forgetting about is the successful deployment of this technology decades ago, which has been widely reported by people such as Gary McKinnon who was the first to tell us about the NAVY secret space program -- the Solar Warden, including a list of non-terrestrial officers.
If this is not funded BY THE PEOPLE, then we're going to get only as far as some model prototypes, but then when it comes time to spend bigger $$ to build small test crafts, no one will be able to afford it.
If you are complaining that you don't have $5 bucks to spare toward making donations toward these projects, then you are telling the developers that you do not support this work! If everyone who sees this website contributes $5 bucks, it would fund development. And that is YOUR risk, which is a tiny insignificant risk to take compared to the risk on the development end who inventors like me spend years and time and money to do something which may or may NOT pan out.
If there is funding available, people could EASILY be invited to the development facility pending a security check, and then the people could merely walk in through the door, and it would be open to the public, and accessible to the public, and it would be something of our own, and not just the endless rocket narrative.
It is ridiculous that we have this technology and physics just sitting around, out in the open, and no one cares, or believes, or realizes the GREAT opportunity of Humankind to embark on the biggest journey ever? Yeah okay, so we do have secret space programs and military space forces. But, with enough public backing and participation, there would be civilian ships sailing on the seas of space and the stars, and the military would be protecting us instead of threatening us. They aren't really threatening us, either. There's enough people now, who know, so that we CAN build our own ships.
Corporations are already out in space with classified UFO technology. Have they YET done anything for the public? Tachyon Aerospace is a prime example who is involved in classified research, yet having a public profile, and have claimed that they have SUCCEEDED in making a prototype, but that is not in the news and will NOT be in the news, because it is exclusive special access only.
The narrative fed to the public is that we do not have the technology beyond rockets, with the exception nowadays of a few reactionless electro-inertial space engines, and so the cap has lifted, and our development now is no longer controlled. But there are PLENTY of you out there who really think that corporations, upon seeing this "new" technology (which is NOT new), is going to make this available to the public FOR us???
You are crazy if you think that your successful antigravity device is going to somehow be mass-produced for the rest of us. If we cannot make this happen in the common law and common territory of the common public, and contribute our moneys, our time, our resources, and our energy toward this reality, it will NEVER manifest. And NO, the so called "galactic federation" or whatever ET alien council of Earth relations, or other psy-op that keeps us hoping and not acting on creating our own reality of our dreams is not going to fly overhead and drop care-packages of food down upon us so we can live it up like in the Bahamas.
I came to Oklahoma with dreams of an open spaceport that the general public can make happen for ourselves, because NO ONE ELSE IS GOING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN FOR YOU ... for US.
Until people get out of the slave mentality and start putting energy toward this reality, then you will have to accept that there is enough already achieved, so then when YOU DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT, we can take this to the next level, TOGETHER. ... and not just 5 people around the world working on this stuff who will only achieve a demonstration device and will be sorely upset when they lack the FUNDING to take it to the actual level of ship and craft construction.
This technology is fully revealed, here on this website. So many scientists however, and laymen alike, do not even come CLOSE to understanding it, and won't take the effort to do so, and they make EXCUSES like "I'm disappointed that there's no math, because math is what is real, not the ships themselves."
It's been a FIGHT to get this information out to the public.
I pray that Humanity is evolved enough and at a level of consciousness able to understand. You don't have to donate to me, although I can guarantee you that from the conversations I've had with some of the engineers at Clandestine Disclosure, they are WAY behind, and are not yet ready to brave the trials of OTC-X1 construction development.
Most of them look at THIS website to learn the technology.
Be Creators, and Learn How to Create. (Co-Create)
Bottom line.. I've got vested interest into our current global infrastructure. BY MY OWN WORK, I have put my own resources in jeopardy, and I have no way to replace that, and the risk is too great.
This may very well be where I draw the line.
... and I don't mean to put down anyone here. I think the Clandestine Disclosure group is seriously up-and-coming, and I respect their work, and I use their resources and knowledge base, too. The Russian translations are great, and that is great work. All I know is that to make this really fly as a new reality, it's gonna cost money to build the crafts and where will that money come from? Not from some CORPORATE contract that seeks to control the technology to make profits when it is truly a gift to Humanity and should be free for all. This is breaking free of the control and secrecy paradigm, that's what this represents. It will have to be public funding or private donations ultimately, from philanthropists and visionaries more than likely. And if no one is paying it forward now, then what? Will things change?
Suppose a patent happens. The patent-holder(s) seeks to prevent this technology from being sold on the market. A patent locks down proprietorship so it can be sold on the market. But those are Earth markets, and resultingly, controlled technology and limitation. it doesn't stop others from using the technology and building on their own, just as long as it's not sold on the market, so it will require donations regardless. This is really a fight, if you think about it, to break free technologically of the controls and limitations of secrecy that hold our people and planet in hostage. The market would not support such a thing, either.
I'm just trying to think of the future just a little bit. There are steps to achieve these goals, sure. But if it is a worthy cause, and a valuable goal for Humanity, then isn't it reasonable to water it to grow?
We really need to be having these discussions now, and secure some plan for the future that the common public can own, instead of having government seek to control it.
... and see here's the thing. At this point, the technology is on the table, and the technology is there. And it really has to be protected as well as nurtured.. But it can't be secret, and shouldn't be used in ways that could dishonor Life. That's one of the reasons this website exists, is also to protect this technology, this Reality that the technology exists intrinsic within. Our understanding of this technology exists, also. We have stepped up as Human Beings. We are wanting to build, and wanting to share, within protected parameters -- gradually building, coming out, bringing forth, etc, testing the waters ... But to truly advance this, it can't be done on a small budget. This is something I request of you, to think about it, now that we have come this far.
Emotionally, financially, scholastically, even socially, the challenges are GREAT .. and I truly have yet to see if people truly value the development of a public space program involving antigravity and warp drive. It's darn-near not worth the headache. People would rather ET save us, or government save us through disclosure (which isn't gonna happen), instead of developing our own public space program involving antigravity and warp drive as the first step toward ET relations and having real access to the advanced technologies in secret that are being leaked to the public. It's not going to be handed out on a silver platter, people have to make it happen, and reciprocate with action, and to accept the offer of Disclosure through action and deed. That is why it has been offered to all of us.
I really do want to take this to the next level of constructing the prototype models (adding my energy to the antigravity/warp drive development project, and putting the Tesla energy system on hold) now that we have an understanding of what it takes. Unfortunately, Free Will is Universal Law. Show me that you want this. If this is for the highest good, then you will pave the way for it.
Addendum: Breaking Ground on the Alexey Device:
As an addendum, I want to defer to Clandestine Disclosure and their remarkable job of translating and providing the Alexey Chekurkov flying machine technology in very complete detail here:
And as one commentor on the construction blog page has noted, Alexey is indeed using an ultrasonic generator at the top of his device. This sort of thing will not work in the vacuum of space, unless enclosed with an air-tight "aeroframe" or hull, obviously.
This is not using the Biefeld-Brown effect, however. But you should take a GOOD HARD LOOK, nonetheless at the link.
This is quite a bit different than the OTC-X1, which is now assumed to use an active-medium (electrically active dielectric) such as an electret material as the dielectric in the Biefeld-Brown technology both in the central accumulator and in the "capacitor disk" and more than likely in the utrons as well.
The use of high voltage is a common denominator, and the OTC-X1 architecture implies the usage of high volt flyback from the electromagnetic collapse of the outer c-shaped electromagnets.
The use of an ultra-sound generator has similar qualities to a "focusing crystal" at the top of the craft, which is currently theorized to be able to use either light and/or sound, in combination with high voltage. Alexey used sound, but light may be able to be used in theory.
Also I want to add, according to Clandestine Disclosure, from looking at the video there on the page, the rotating disks are anodized on one side only, and smooth on the other side. Anodization acts as an insulator, but there are other special properties Alexey points out, in the videos shown on the Clandestine Disclosure site.
At this point, without a doubt, electret material (Hutchison or Bedini crystal power cell) has to be made, and the aluminum plate material anodized on one side has to be integrated into a design to determine the truth of what we have to work with. As said before, much of the old OTC-X1 technology has been lost over the years, but the principles of the Biefeld-Brown and high voltage flyback are "sound" .. and I believe hybridization testing can be determined at this point.
A circuit diagram has been provided for Alexey's flying machine at Clandestine Disclosure, following that link.
Tesla's works have shown that high voltage is the key, not necessarily amperage. In a geometrical shape, the volume of high voltage energy will also build in amperage -- in geometrical resonance -- so a portable on-board power supply capable of delivering high volts from a low-wattage power source (such as electret material) is possible.
Whereas sound is vibration and frequency, as is electricity, there are common dynamics involved.
This is where we currently stand in our research.
Something else I want to point out involving warp drive theory: mainstream scientists are saying that it requires an enormous amount of energy to exceed the speed of light. But I just do not see the necessity for such a tremendous energy requirement as mainstream scientists speculate. Wave shape is the key, not the amount or volume of energy, unless that energy is built up in resonance. Longitudinal wave-shape is also the key here (scalar waves; negative energy).
Mainstream scientists DO ADMIT that resonance with the quantum vacuum (zero point energy) is viable, but that it is yet unknown as far as what nuclear power can achieve, and we want to stay away from nuclear power because that is too massive and too toxic, and requires way too much of a massive radiation shielding.
I borrowed this from Clandestine Disclosure, who ... borrowed it from Alexey Chekurkov .. it is Alexey's circuit diagram that he has graciously shared with us.
If you notice, his device is using monopole negative energy from the output of his Tesla coil. Recall, monopole energy is a characteristic of negative energy. This is evident from the 3 wires going to his device: the two wires that power the motors, and the one high volt lead.
From the schematic:
The output of the Tesla coil seems to be in negative polarity but the polarity is flipped to positive for the top lead. And actually, I'm not entire sure about that. Seems that the differential between voltage is what determines his positive and negative, something I learned with my original Tesla tower experiments -- that when monopole energy is present, the polarity is determined through voltage difference, and charge potential difference.
So the top positive lead to the upper rotating disk has voltage being added, whereas the current flow of the Tesla coil output flows through the top transformer in one direction, through his resonating circuit.
. . .
Really though, it looks like the output of a Tesla coil is going to the top disk, and also to the bottom disk, and the direction of rotation there is what determines the electromagnetic polarity -- as in, the top disk spins one direction, and the bottom disk spins in the other direction, and THAT is what polarizes the system creating the difference of north/south or positive/negative, from the SAME output lead of just one pole.
This concept is in-line with monopolar motors, as seen on the Construction Blog page.
Another thing I noticed ... is that his disks are slow to get up to speed, which may or may not imply that they are encountering resistance from a charged central static (non-moving) disk.. but I'm not sure there, the system could just be building up capacitance.
He uses a resonating circuit type it looks like on the top positive lead, according to the schematic. That in fact may be why he has a lot of trouble with getting the craft to rise and descend, and has to play with those capacitors a bit to get it to work right, as he mentioned in one of his other videos.
This is all very interesting ...
I'm now almost nearly convinced that the OTC-X1 is using an electron mass-reduction effect, in tandem with an electret Biefeld-Brown effect, since Alexey's craft now has a lot more information available for us to look at. Seems the two systems are very different, but we're still following along very similar paths, although so far only the OTC-X1 looks like it is generating a warp field, (warping time), although it remains to be seen .. Alexey REALLY needs to put a clock on his device to determine if there is a time warp effect also added to the CSE-Electrogravity effect.
The presence of a warp bubble or time-dilation effect can only be determined by measuring the relativity between two clocks -- one on the machine, and one on the ground.
It looks like Clandestine Disclosure group has walked away, and has removed all of the information pertaining to the OTC-X1, the Alexey flying machine, and all of that ...
This work with the energies of reality, consciousness, the soul, Life Force, and the technology that opens those doors to higher contact and Initiation into a Higher Order of mind and energy and consequences, and responsibility, becoming accountable for the unity of light and dark Within, of facing the mirror, seeing the truth, and facing the shadow which through self-realization one must also acknowledge as what Jesus said: "Love is Light and Dark; if you have darkness within, then how great is that darkness?" ... As soon as people realize that reality extends far beyond the material plane, then it scares people, and they cannot overcome what disconnects them from Source -- of their own creation, as no one is ever a victim unless they create themselves to be one .....
This is one of the reasons why this website exists, is to help guide people in these times of transformation and evolution, which can be traumatic, and without the tools, one is ill-prepared to stand in Honor. Trauma awakens the indomitable Human Spirit. This is also why ANY work into these areas of universal light, MUST require an understanding of metaphysics, otherwise one cannot handle the frequencies, nor understand the ethics of honorable creation, for the highest good of all life, in honor with Free Will.
Honor is the Truth of Life, and this goes hand-in-hand with unconditional love (Divine Love; the Root of Light). We are All One, One Energy, one Source, even the left and the right-handed paths are two arms of the same Body. The spiritual sciences involved with these technologies, and with the secret space program upper echelons are REAL sciences.
Law of Attraction: One must be prepared to handle the frequencies one attracts. If one is not vibrating at that level of conscious realization, and realize the philosophy of reality creation, then you are not prepared for this exclusive work.. Work on oneself, work on raising one's vibration, work on one's consciousness, facing and overcoming FEAR, purification and centeredness of mind, body, AND SPIRIT, and transformation of one's shadow into light, while along the journey of working with the technology is what it takes, otherwise one cracks under the frequencies of one's own attraction (which involves co-creation, with our multidimensional Selves -- the Being of the one, of Oneness, for we are multidimensional beings, and we do not have souls, we ARE Souls). .... Want is Existence; Force is Direction
PART IV -- In Honor We Stand
The Core Building Team still exists. Walter Nowosad Stands in Honor and Integrity, and has provided these core materials and translations in Honor of the Truth. I respect his decision and stand beside him. "The universe always delivers in strange and unusual ways" -- Walter Nowosad
Here are the materials he has provided, from the Clandestine Disclosure website:
Video 1: Overview of the mysterious properties of the metal gravity
Translation from Russian to English:
00:00:03 --> 00:00:06
Garage Technologies
Alexey Chekurkov
00:00:09 --> 00:00:16
Hi friends, here is Garage Technologies channel, and today's video
00:00:16,1 --> 00:00:24
will be dedicated to a review of this metal that I've often been asked about; the metal my device is made of.
00:00:25 --> 00:00:32
As you can see this is an aluminum disk, texturized with anodized coating.
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If you take a look at a top wing of any beetle, it's smooth on the top side and rough at the bottom.
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And this roughness almost exactly matches the surface of my disk. So what does it give us?
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I'd like to demonstrate a number of experiments dedicated to testing this metal.
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I've prepared metalic disks, 2 of them are smooth and one has a rough surface.
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I'd like to show you the role of this roughness in producing electricity.
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As you understand we have a galvanic couple here, similar to a simple accumulator.
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Here is common water from the tap, I'd like to see the result of this experiment.
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To begin with, I'll test two smooth disks. The multimeter is set up using the 2 Volts scale.
00:01:52,1 --> 00:02:05
And now let's see how much electricity this can produce. Let's submerge the disks, this galvanic couple.
00:02:06 --> 00:02:27
So it's 0,2, 0,1... wait a bit... 0,2 Volts. This with the smooth disks.
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Yes; 0,2 and now it falls to 0,1. It can depend on the distance.
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We'll take 0,2 Volts for the unit of measurement. And now let's take a look at our special, rough disk, see how much it will produce.
00:03:15 --> 00:03:27
Connecting it... And here we go: 0,5 Volts.
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As you can see, roughness plays some role here. It's not by chance that beetles have one side smooth and the other side rough.
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It's likely intended to serve as condensator. This structure has its own properties. See how it rises: It's 0,4 Volts now. 0,47.
00:03:56,1 --> 00:04:05
And the smooth disks were 0,2 Volts. As you can see, nature is not random, everything has a meaning,
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like top wings of insects with their structure, smooth above and rough below.
00:04:15 --> 00:04:27
We're using simple tap water. So what we have here is a small accumulator battery.
00:04:27,1 --> 00:04:45
There is no acid here, this is a simple tap water; here is the role of the smooth and the rough structure. Look at them together, it's already 0,6 Volts and keeps on growing.
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The smooth disks alone don't give this effect. Mother nature is wise, with space, structure, and matter.
00:04:57 --> 00:05:10
My task is to unravel these secrets. Every time I do my experiments, something comes up; some things get revealed that astonish even me.
00:05:11 --> 00:05:23
As you see it still keeps rising; the smooth disks didn't do that. It's a paradox.
00:05:24 --> 00:05:31
It's a common galvanic couple, common metal; but the properties are different when you add the rough disk.
00:05:32 --> 00:05:46
Aren't these experiments interesting. Take note of the value, 0,6 Volts.
00:05:47 --> 00:06:03
Let's add our smooth disk now; and now it falls. 0,5, 0,4. 0,2, 0,1. And smooth disks alone don't do that.
00:06:04 --> 00:06:22
Alright friends, you've watched some properties of this metal in action. The experiment goes on;
00:06:22,1 --> 00:06:33
I'd like to see how the disks behave if I direct the source head of a sonicator at this metal.
00:06:33,1 --> 00:06:42
Of course special frequencies have to be picked out. Top wings of beetles aren't fully understood yet.
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They say if you expose them to ultraviolet light they produce electricity, though I haven't tested this experimentally yet. I have no ultraviolet lamp.
00:06:54 --> 00:07:05
But I'll definitely buy it and run this experiment. There is another interesting thing I'd like to tell you; concerning the same topic.
00:07:05,1 --> 00:07:22
I'm always trying to find the easiest levitation method. I'm 100% sure it should be very simple, and I'm overcomplicating it. Genius is simplicity.
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I found a confirmation to that in the Rosewell UFO case. Neither engine nor anything similar was found in the flying dish.
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It was simply an asymmetric condensator from different domes.
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I've already made surveys of this UFO, if you were attentive in watching my videos, there was an "answer to a commentary" in one of them.
00:07:52 --> 00:08:05
Anyway, I want to tell you something else now. You might have heard, or not, of the scientist by the name of Ignatov. I'll show his photo now.
00:08:05,1 --> 00:08:14
And he had this device called "panderoplane". What does it look like to you, from first sight?
00:08:15 --> 00:08:29
That's right, 4 Tesla coils combined into the shape of a cross, making a vajra. And now take a look at them: a vajra and Ignatov's device, can you see the resemblance?
00:08:29,1 --> 00:08:39
And now some more information: In one of the previous videos I told you that Hutchison also used longitudinal Tesla waves,
00:08:39,1 --> 00:08:50
starting with 2 coils and more. See, 2 and more coils; there are Tesla coils to be seen here, only they are hexagonal.
00:08:51 --> 00:09:02
And now let's get back to Grebennikov. As he said, hexagonal cell structures are like a wave beacon. Now look closely at the pictures.
00:09:05 --> 00:09:20
What do you see? The very same wave coils. Wajra, as well as Grebennkiov's technology, Tesla and Indian mythology.
00:09:21 --> 00:09:35
Vajra has a cult meaning in India, they say that if you pick it up and pronounce mantras, their power will increased manifold, then your health and so on.
00:09:36 --> 00:09:49
You can meditate using it; it's a kind of a converter, an antenna, adjusting human mind to thin vibrations of the noosphere.
00:09:49,1 --> 00:09:59
Thanks to it, the Indians are getting their information. But let us get back to the panderoplane now.
00:09:59,1 --> 00:10:08
Ignatov started creating it when he was with the students at a university; he engineered and tested it.
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The device you see at the picture is a working model used to raise up more than 5 Tons; as you see it reminds of a vajra with Tesla coils.
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So what happened next? He took the schematics to Moscow but never arrived. He was found dead in the train, no briefcase and no schematics on his body.
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As you can see, the powers that be are watchful.
00:10:38 --> 00:10:45,5
The levitation project is handled not only by scientists but by laymen as well. Let me show you a video...
00:10:46 --> 00:10:55
"Several years back A. Loshak had released his movie about the inventor from Ural, Alexander Ivanovich Lukovishnikov, and his Graviton".
00:10:56 --> 00:11:18
00:11:19 --> 00:11:23
"...You can see Lukovishnikov's flat is decorated by wall hangings..."
"...now it has bare walls..."
00:11:24 --> 00:11:57
00:13:00 --> 00:13:24
"What do you think makes Lukovishnikov's device float? Please leave your comments below".
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...As we can see from this video, there are no less enthusiasts now, but they are silenced and terrorized.
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I'm also trying to find some simple way, but for now my project is somewhat complex. God willing, I'll find a simple way.
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I also used levitation by using coils, trying to select optimal frequencies, my coils were torn apart.
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If you spool a coil of wires with the diameter of 30 cm, around 100 spuns, and connect it to an electric socket, it starts bouncing.
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This proves that the magnetic field it creates affects the space (it interacts not with other objects but with the space itself).
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Using metallic disks is not necessary; if you just place the coil onto a plexiglass shield, it starts bouncing and vibrating on it.
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Of course Lorentz force is at play too; but anyway it's a very interesting experiment. I'll also try more experiments,
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with ultrasound and these disks, as well as with asymmetric condensator. As you can see, the experiment goes on.
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The next video shall be a transitional one; I'd like to tell you about psychotronic weapons.
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That's a very interesting topic as well. I used to experiment with ultrasound, infrasound. There is one interesting thing I came across.
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I'll tell you all about it in the next video. PT weapon engineering is for another video, not for this one.
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As of now, enthusiasts and laymen continue to work on this; Searl is the only scientist alive who started working on it.
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But he doesn't say anything about the project, he only demonstrated his generator that spins but doesn't levitate. I believe he must have been forbidden from speaking, possibly threatened into silence.
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And I'm telling you all I know, hiding nothing. I'd like to show you my own experiments, take off and landing of my own device, albeit not quite successful.
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As you can see I go on attempting to achieve a perfect graviplane. Some frames I haven't previously shown you I'd like to show you today.
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And you are actually right, my friends, about the last video, the ring that wasn't shown. As I positioned the camera back then, I thought everything was in view, so I must have missed this.
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Everyone is saying they can only see my hands as I opened and closed that ring. If you take another look you'll see I never connect my hands, the ring just lays down.
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I'll definitely shoot that experiment again. I thought the video would be fine but now I see it really requires a better proof.
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Next time I'll use a hoop that isn't in any way flexible; I'll show it from all sides and throw it over the device so as not to raise any questions.
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Everything should be in view in the frame. So now let's take a look at what I haven't previously uploaded.
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So look at this and enjoy.
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So now you've seen it. I believe I've told you all I wanted in this video. On the metal,
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its chemical properties are irrelevant, what matters is its structure. It can be copper, it can be steel or some other metal.
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What matters is the structure: Rough and smooth. And together these disks make a condensator.
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There is one more thing I haven't shown previously, take a look at these pictures.
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If you charge by using electronic emission (induction machine), whatever object you charge with electrons starts rising
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(if the minus is below and the plus is above). The other way round it goes down.
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Look at the scheme in the top right corner, it's from the Internet (so that you know I don't make it up; all my information comes from the Internet).
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I sum it up, analyze it, use it as a basis for my experiments; and all of it I'm doing in my wonderful garage.
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At the end here I'd like to say thank you to everyone who watched this video and liked it; don't forget to click on the ads, as this would support my channel.
And good luck to all of you, see you soon.
Video 2: The scheme of gravity and the theory of levitation
Translation from Russian to English:
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Garage Technologies
Alexey Chekurkov
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Good day to all of you, here is Garage Technologies channel, and my name is Alexey.
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To start with I'd like to thank everyone who supports my channel.
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Thanks to you, my friends, for staying with me.
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And so I'd like to tell you one thing:
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When I was browsing through your comments, I started having some doubts.
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Some of you want that I record close-ups, the others tell me to record from a longer distance to include the panorama.
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I've shot two videos already, and neither of them was well liked.
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So I guess I'll need to go for something in between.
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Anyway; I've just wanted to make a new video when I was attacked again for doing it all wrong.
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And so I thought, fighting this is useless, so why shouldn't I just do what I think right.
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I've promised you the scheme of a graviplane, and I'll show it here.
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This is going to be a long video as I'll insert some videos from different materials,
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so that you don't think that what I'm saying is some fantasy of mine.
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I'll add videos supporting my commentary.
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Because you know what they say; belief is based on knowledge,
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and knowledge is based in facts, and facts are the most persistent thing in the world.
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Everyone knows that, as you surely agree.
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I'd like to present to you the theory matched by the schemes as well as my reasoning;
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and my reasoning will be supported by facts from other videos.
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Of course I understand everyone has some doubts; and having doubt shows that you are grounded in reality.
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I understand this is too good to be true; so there'll be evidence.
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So this is why this video will be long.
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And if you find yourself uninterested in the whole entirety of this video, you can easily fast forward to the schemes.
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But to understand the principles you'll have to listen to my reasoning.
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I'll try to go into this in detail, including my own research.
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So please be patient, and let us start.
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What exactly is gravitation?
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Many scientists have their own theories in this regard.
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You can describe it like this: gravitation is the force that pulls us down to Earth.
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What does it amount to? In us being pulled down as such.
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There are several ways to affect gravitation; they are:
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low temperatures, as you already know;
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I've shown in a previous video how a magnet floats at a low temperature.
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The second way: special electromagnetic fields that affect gravitational waves of the Earth;
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and the third: the correctly chosen acoustic frequency also affects the weight of things.
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This has been proven in ancient times already,
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as the Egyptians built their pyramids they created audio waves with giant trumpets,
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and the weight of things changed.
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You might also know about the Coral Castle;
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some blocks weighed several tons, and it was built by a single person,
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but he never revealed his mystery and took it to the grave.
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It's definitely clear he did it with acoustic vibrations,
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made the weight of the blocks lighter and created the castle.
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And fourth, elements charged with particles also lose weight (I'll demonstrate it a bit later).
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5, anti-gravity; if you create anti-gravity you get levitation.
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6, measuring the frequency response of the object.
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As we know, gravitation is the interworking of frequencies; and
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7, the neutralization of gravitational flows.
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When I started looking into this, I've come across the constructions of known researchers,
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such as Shaorberg, Searl, Charles, so what did I see?
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I saw an analogy to the physical principles of their devices; they are almost identical,
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they rotate radially and have electromagnetic fields.
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Even in the project Bell that existed in the Third Reich,
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2 cylinders rotate; and Shaorberg has 2 rotating disks.
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So what is this effect? Let's begin.
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As I looked into Charles and Searl I noticed one thing:
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they have the same principle, so many confuse Charles with Searl.
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No, guys, John Charles is dead, and John Searl is still alive.
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So what did it all start with?
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At the age of 14 Charles got employed as apprentice of an electrician at a plant in the English town of Birmingham.
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While he worked with magnets for electrical meters,
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he discovered a new effect of electric engineering in 1946:
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In a fast rotating disk, a radial driving force with a vertical vector appears.
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In order to increase this force he first magnetised the disks,
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and then started using permanent magnets.
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So Searl had some rings, and Charles had these disks.
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Once a model consisting of a couple of intertwined rings was tested outdoors.
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Already at slow rotation a strong difference of potentials occurred in the radial direction of the rings,
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which caused crackling of electric charges and the smell of ozone.
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Then something completely unexpected happened: the block of rings took off
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and, still rotating, floated at 1,5 meters above the ground, and the number of rotations kept increasing.
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The object was surrounded by a pink glow, which signified activisation of the air at drop in pressure.
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The object started to rise.
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There was a side-effect: All radio communication stopped, radios have turned off.
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Finally, rotation got so fast that the object went out of sight.
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Inspired by his success, Charles has tested from 1950 to 1952 more than 10 models of levitating disks.
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He learnt to control the speed of rotation.
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So then, an electric driving force with a vertical vector appears in a fast rotating radial disk.
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Just remember this. This effect has been also used by Shaorberg,
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if you look at his construction, it's based on the same principle as Charle's construction.
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There is a slight difference between the two constructions; I've based my disk on Shaorberg's construction.
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In the 1980-s there was a lot of articles about Charles in the media,
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he was called the father of UFO, but suddenly just like by command all talks stopped.
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And then he died.
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I'll add that 2 Russians from Moscow, Vladimir Roshchin and Sergey Godin,
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decided to test the discovery by John Charles, they went to him
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and interviewed him in prison, but he refused to share his secret.
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They didn't give up and built their own generator of free energy.
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At weight of 350 kg it gave 10 KV of electric power without using any fuel,
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and its weight dropped during rotation.
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So let me get back to my disk: How did I start?
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I've looked at the experiments by Shaorberg, Searl and started making it.
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So what physical properties does this device have? What makes it levitate?
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The first thing that comes to mind is an analogy with a 3-section condensator.
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The disks should get charged when powered.
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I'd like to show you one device I've come across, an experiment on how objects with charged particles behave.
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I'll show you one video that's worth watching. It'll show that a charged object loses its weight.
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Let's take a look.
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The aim of the expriment is the saturation of a sample of liquid in a glass ampoule
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that's brought in equlibrium at lab scales.
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With help of induction machine I'll charge it with static electromagnetic energy,
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and we'll see how it behaves in the gravitational field.
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It's under this sample.
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As it was a short term influence on the sample, there is no significant deviation;
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at a longer exposure the sample gets lighter by a more significant degree.
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As an example let's look at the time.
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Depending on the time the charge is bigger and enables creation
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of an antigravity field that is repelled by the gravity field of the Earth.
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This amount is enough. You can see that the induction machine is far enough.
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Let's make note of the time. This sample shows its antigravitational properties
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in the gravitational field of the Earth in a more significant way. It's noticeable.
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If this sample is charged in hard aggregational state,
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the charge is stronger, the electrical density is higher.
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And you can use this principle to build flying machines to lift and move cargo in the atmosphere and in space.
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...Now that you've watched it let's draw conclusions from this video: an electrically charged object loses its weight.
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Electromagnetic fields surrounding the object partially affect the gravitation.
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But that's not enough as we need to make the object levitate.
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We need to create an electromagnetic field with a circular, closed stream,
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then gravitational waves will bend around it.
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Over the surface of the Earth you can find anomaly zones.
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For example Preiser's zone where gravitation is bent -
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this is created by electromagnetic anomalies of the Earth.
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So why do rotating disks create this effect?
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Charging the disks with high voltage creates a field around it,
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and mechanical rotation makes this field twist into two toroidal swirls.
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These swirls have a different potential so as not to fall apart, the lower one is the minus and the upper one is the plus.
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To prevent them from falling apart, I used the middle disk,
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charging it from the cacher [katcher], the charge is pulsating and makes the 2 toroids stable.
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And magnets situated on them strengthen this effect.
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While supplying high-frequency pulse from the cacher I selected the frequencies
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at which these toroids intertwined and twisted one into the other creating two toroidal whirls.
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It's worth mentioning that Grebennikov also said he flew on ring-shaped rolls,
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i.e. the very same toroidal whirls his device created;
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but the construction he used was different, while the effect was the same.
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While selecting the pause/pulse ratio on the cacher I made these fields pulse
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at such frequencies where gravitational waves bend.
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Let's for example take insects; they create similar electrical fields round their bodies.
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Take a look at the insect, how the charges are distributed in it and how the charges are distributed around the Earth.
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Let's take a closer look. What do we see?
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The same 3-way (3 section) asymmetric condensator.
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When we look at the body of a beetle we see the same plates as in Shaorberg's disks.
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They have the same flight principle. They create these antigravitational cocoons
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around which these gravitational waves bend.
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It's worth mentioning that beetles also use electricity in conjunction with sound waves.
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Beetles create the levitation effect
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due to the combination of acoustic vibrations and electrostatic charge in their bodies.
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Shaorberg's device used a similar principle, with one difference,
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it levitated by the traction vector in the rotating disks.
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...This scheme shows that the engine consists of the propellers like those of a helicopter,
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but this information is wrong; Shaorberg believed the propeller traction force to be yesterday's news,
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a futurless idea for high speed flying machines.
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He proposed installation of special membranes instead of the propellers on his flying dish,
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thin metallic disks that were brought into motion by electric magnets.
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The engine has been created using the principle of the speaker in a telephone device,
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that's why the first flying machines were shaped like disks.
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...And the beetles fly on their top wings, creating vibrations in them.
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It was the same effect achieved by different methods.
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They had one thing in common.
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If we look at Shaorberg's device and a beetle, we can see an analogy.
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There are sound waves in electromagnetic fields that create an effect,
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this effect was replicated by Hutchison; as we'll see in the next video.
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He used a combination of waves from Tesla transformer and acoustic vibrations.
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He also used Van de Graaff's device.
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Let's look at this video and draw another conclusion.
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...the inventor John Hutchison. Enthusiasts-experimenters have long proven that gravitation is an ambiguous term.
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The Canadian physicist and inventor John Htchinson already in 1979
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witnessed a new occurrence unknown to the science
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while studying Tesla compression waves and using Van de Graaff high voltage generator.
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A short glossary: Van de Graaff high voltage generator generates voltage up to 7 Mio Volts.
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The functional principle is based on the electrification of the operating dielectrical tape;
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the power of the electrical current is incommensurably small, so that even children can touch the generator.
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The interference of the longitudinal waves created by two or more Tesla coils made a 32 kilos ball levitate
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and lifted wafer ice-cream, wrenches and similar small items up to the ceiling.
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Metals and various materials, like wood and metal, intertwined and heated up to their melting or ignition temperature,
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and massive steel rodes tore by themselves as if they were made of paper.
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The videos and reports look so convincing that they border on paranormal.
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Now we're looking at one of the experiments performed by the inventor in his garage.
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John adjusts the frequency of the electromagnetic emission that's directed at randomly selected objects.
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Hutchison made no secret of the fact that his discoveries were a continuation of the experiments by Nicola Tesla
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whose available works he carefully studied.
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But the results of Hutchison's experiments surpassed all expectations
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and crossed the boundaries of the existing knowledge about the nature of gravitation, space and time.
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After Searl, many experimenters, on their own, came to the conclusion
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that the electromagnetic field of specific frequencies can create the state of zero gravity
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where the matter, time and space change their characteristics.
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...Alright, let's sum it all up.
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4 basic principles are clear. As you can see this is not my fantasy but real effects proven by real people,
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such as Charles, Searl, Shaorberg.
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So then, 1: Electromagnetic field of a specific frequency can create a state of zero gravity.
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2: Interference of longitudinal waves created by two or more Tesla coils bends gravitational waves.
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3: In a quickly rotating radial electromagnetic field, a radial force with a vertical vector appears.
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4: Acoustic vibrations of a correctly selected frequency make objects levitate.
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All these priciples build a basis to graviplane engineering.
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I forgot to mention such effect as grating structures like graphene and the like, but that's a topic for another time.
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Same goes for superconduction at ultra-low temperatures, this effect is rather difficult.
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Note the four principles. Now let's get to the most interesting part.
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Let's take a look at the scheme; I'll tell you how it's designed.
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Finally I'll show you this scheme in this video.
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Here it is. What can we see here? It consists of 3 parts:
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The impulse part (the cacher), the power part and the low voltage part.
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Now let's look at all this in detail.
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The power part serves to charge the two disks (supplying high voltage).
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We see the regulator with a power unit;
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power supply, the regulator, then the power supply diagram of the FBT
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(it can be different, it can use 2 MOSFETs but I've decided to leave it simple);
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then the FBT and the multiplier that is built into the disk below.
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The positive voltage is supplied to the upper disk, the negative goes to the lower disk.
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This is due to ground charges being sistributed in the following way:
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The ground has the minus charge and the ionosphere has the plus.
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And as we know minus repels minus. So the minus repels from the ground.
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Analogous to magnets, but here we have no magnets, it's rather a different effect.
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Why do we need the cacher? The cacher provides impulses (the transformer itself)
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but if we put a cable there, impulses shall be routed to the middle disk.
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What does it bring? When the motor units strart rotating and we supply high voltage to them,
00:26:37,1 --> 00:26:44,5
2 toroidal whirls are created that rotate in opposing directions.
00:26:44,6 --> 00:26:51
And the cacher, and the middle disk, doesn't let these whirls cancel each other out.
00:26:51,1 --> 00:26:57
You can see the positive and the negative potential that could cancel each other out;
00:26:57,1 --> 00:27:08
and the impulses, the constant impulse circuit prevents the two toroidal whirls from falling apart.
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Then here is the ultrasound part. We see the battery, the regulator, another regulator and the ultrasound generator.
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As you could see in the video, Hutchison directed longitudinal waves at the objects, and the objects levitated.
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But those were high frequency waves.
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And I decided not to search for the correct longitudinal waves;
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I have the impulse going from the cacher but high frequency waves go from the ultrasound generator.
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There is a piezoelectric element here, it's situated in the upper part of the disk,
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the chip itself is quite small; the regulators are outside of it.
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<the low voltage part> Here is 1 wire but it has 4 cables inside; it powers on the engines and this chip.
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The power is distributed between the ultrasound generator and the engines.
00:28:12,4 --> 00:28:18
We see the engines (motors) rotate the disks in opposite directions, like in Shaorberg's design.
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But in his layout this disk is the very same induction machine that is horizontally placed.
00:28:27,5 --> 00:28:34
But Shaorberg had two longitudinal brushes here that took off the charges during rotation
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and divided them into electrons and positrons.
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The whole Shaorberg's machine was charged by positrones;
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and the object charged by positrons has the ability to levitate.
00:28:51,6 --> 00:29:00
As you remember from the video, a charged object, charged by simple electrons, also has the property of losing its weight.
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The gravitational waves of the Earth bend around it. Let's take a look at the system.
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These engines provide rotating force to the disks, 2 toroidal whirls are created,
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the middle disk doesn't let them cancel each other, and the gravitational waves bend around it.
00:29:26,1 --> 00:29:36,5
Gravitational waves are a simple aether that creates a pressure, it has a higher density despite being unperceivable.
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That's why all our planets are round, because they are under a tremendous pressure.
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Do you know why the planets are round? Because they are under the pressure from aether.
00:29:50,1 --> 00:30:06
And every object of a lesser density is condensed. This explains the nature of gravitation.
00:30:06,5 --> 00:30:14
So then; if the object isn't condensed the law of centrifugal motion comes into play,
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the centrifugal force of the Earth pulls this object away.
00:30:21,1 --> 00:30:29
This is clear. Going on; we have some magnets here. They are placed this way/
00:30:29,1 --> 00:30:33
There are six of them. Why six, why not 4, 8, 9?
00:30:33,1 --> 00:30:43
Because if we put these lines here, we see a cell, a bee comb cell; like Grebennikov used to say, a wave beacon emits these cells.
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We have these fields distributed into a "camomile".
00:30:52,1 --> 00:31:01
Well, we have if not a wave beacon, then an electromagnetic field.
00:31:02 --> 00:31:09
Please note how the magnets are placed:
00:31:09,1 --> 00:31:11
The North is above and the South is below,
00:31:11,1 --> 00:31:17
and the negative charge gets supplied to the South.
00:31:19 --> 00:31:28
This creates an effect - I can't explain it in its entirety as I myself don't understand all of it yet,
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but I explain what I can, I explain it on my level of understanding; so then, here is my point of view.
00:31:45,1 --> 00:31:48
Why do we need the ultrasound scheme here?
00:31:49 --> 00:31:56,5
Hutchison as you remember experimented with longitudinal waves. He directed them at the objects, and the objects levitated.
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As you remember from the video the generator emitted high frequency impulses.
00:32:06,1 --> 00:32:17
They were directed at an object, and the object changed its frequency response data, and obtained the property of levitation.
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As you can see I combine it all here. It might seem difficult,
00:32:22,1 --> 00:32:28
and I'm sure that the antigravitation system can actually be much more simple than this.
00:32:28,1 --> 00:32:37,4
In Preiser zone for once there is no difficult electronics, just some anomalies that have to do with Earth crust.
00:32:37,5 --> 00:32:47
Anyway; this emitter, this piezoelectric element here, built into the disk itself, emits ultrasound for this whole system,
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emitting high frequency waves affecting the whole mechanism.
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The cacher provides an impulse, a high frequency one as well, and somewhere between them there should be a resonance.
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The fine tuning though presents a problem. Those of you who worked with parabolic antennas
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know that there should be polarization in the horizontal plane, in the vertical plane.
00:33:14,1 --> 00:33:25
So here we have all the same problems: You should coordinate the impulse frequency from the cacher at the middle disk
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with the toroids by setting up the voltage and the magnetic force of the disks.
00:33:35,1 --> 00:33:47
We actually have a condensator here that's charging, and if the charge is too high or falls short, the scheme simply doesn't work,
00:33:47,1 --> 00:33:54
and the gravitational waves no longer bend around the system but go down and put pressure on the system.
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If we synchronise them and achieve the resonance of these fields, the waves bend around the scheme, and we achieve the levitation of the objects.
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You can build a graviplane using this scheme if you have enough metal for the disks.
00:34:31,1 --> 00:34:49
The top wing, the way Grebennikov did it, has a rough structure, it isn't even, and this unevenness bends the magnetic fields during electrization.
00:34:49,1 --> 00:34:58
Remember the beetle, it has a top wing and its wing beats, this beating of the wing creates electrostatical impulses
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that charge the top wing; and the top wing has a lot of small holes, and a sort of hairs on its bottom that accept charges.
00:35:18 --> 00:35:29
My system is a bit different. I copy these 2 disks, made of this metal, they closely resemble the structure of this beetle,
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and the impulse is generated not by the beating wing but by this cacher that provides electrostatic impulses to the disk,
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combined with the ultrasound waves; and the whole system together
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gives this effect where the gravitational field of the Earth bends around it all.
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As you can see, you can build the device using this scheme when you have this metal (with unevenness).
00:36:04 --> 00:36:09
I've already started building a new disk. As you can see it uses a simple metal;
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it's build from simple DVD cases. And there are two magnetic fields here already.
00:36:20,1 --> 00:36:32
I'd like to find the correct settings for this disk to launch it into the air.
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This far it's in development stage. Let's get back to the scheme.
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Here it is; I'd like to note here that I bear no responsibility for the possible failure of your experiments.
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If you don't have the required metal and the correctly adjusted settings, then you'll have no results.
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As far as these settings go, it could be discussed in a separate video.
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Here I finish, I hope you've enjoyed it. I'll get back to Grebennikov,
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and I've already started building graviplanes. I've worked with Grebennikov's archive, I do the research in all directions.
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Later I'll also tell you something about such inventions as those by Ignatov.
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He also invented levitating devices but they were based on a different principle, and a very simple one at that.
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I'll tell you in the next video.
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So here were the main things; the way I understand it at the moment. I hope this was interesting to you.
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Please ask your questions, leave comments, like or dislike (I already expect some shitty feedback from trolls).
00:38:33 --> 00:38:40
Good luck to you all, and thanks to everyone who supported me financially.
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You've helped me a lot. The research goes on.
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I'll try to launch this disk. It has a simpler construction, a simpler metal;
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I hope I'll find the parameters for it.
00:39:07 --> 00:39:12
For now, good luck, Alexey and Garage Technologies - out.