I am very pleased with the "Special Relativity Solution" introduced recently. With that, I am no longer in doubt. It hasn't changed any of the designs, which are holding stable, but it certainly does change physics in general.
It's like peeling back the layers of the onion to see the next layers underneath. It's a "Relativity Revelation" to me! It finally solves my problem with gravitytime frequencies. IT MAKES SENSE!
I can't believe it makes so much sense and meshes with contemporary physics so well! I'm thrilled out of my socks! (I can believe rather, that's just a figure of speech). I always figured a starship would be faster in time, but I never realized the intricacies of wave compression and expansion. It makes for a very thoughtful exploration. I think it's the proof, right there. I saved that part for last, but it all ended up holding up, steadfastedly.
My hope is that people can make sense of all this jibber-jabber. I will organize it better into a book(s), which will take an indeterminate time. There are a lot of words, but I like words. We were taught word-problems using a logical geometry with proofs in school, many of us.
I believe this is pretty good. I am not ashamed for it any longer. Please see the new Warp Drive Blog post "Paradoxes of Time and Space" along with the section called "LAU-X3 Dragon Eye" on the Warp Drive Engineering page. It was very difficult to realize the gravity frequencies and time frequencies and how they transform, and to demonstrate that logically using a Special Relativity mechanism. I am especially proud of that!
It can't be said lowering a gravity field will increase time, but only to bring a space into normal time. Without a positive and a negative value, it was locked beyond a logical explanation in a well established discipline of contemporary physics. It also means that a gravity wave and a time wave are in phase to each other much like an electrostatic field and an electromagnetic field. Reminds me of the old 1960's T.V. show, "Time Tunnel" -- forward and reversing resonating and spinning time-wave flows.
This has taken years and years and years of study; decades.
I believe these principles are correct. It amazes me that these physics could be built upon without going back through the older parts written and re-correcting everything. I did do that once before, though. "Gravity Cancellation" is the newest concept also that the "Paradoxes of Time and Space" article also helped to demonstrate that it is indeed a possibility which can be supported with a solid grounds of Special Relativity. Otis Carr said it cancelled inertia, basically. He didn't say gravity specifically! But now that can clearly be seen I believe throughout this website. Inertial forces ARE gravitational forces.
It is an easy and comfortable and natural evolution of physics, like a butterfly emerging from a caterpillar (I guess that's relative, "easy" or "hard"). It may actually look easy to some, but it has been incredibly difficult!
Thank God for Einstein's Equivalency Principle which actually TELLS us that inertial forces are gravity forces.
We've had it all this time.