Lightdrives – Hyperdrives – Warp drives – Antigravity – Faster than Light - Ascension – Quantum Logic - Relativity
Life Force Technology – Unified Reasoning -- Root of Energy – Tesla Physics – Life Laboratory – Inertial Physics -
UFO -- Unified Metaphysics – Soul, Mind, Light, Love, Energy, Creation Mechanics - Temporal Metaphysics
Magneto Electrostatic – Electromechanics – Sacred Geometry – Telemechanics -- Reality engineering - Philosophy
History of Updates:
Overall Site Update Complete (12/08/2014) (critical updates and corrections)
Tesla Engineering physics content edit and update (2/10/2015) (and updated blogs and video links)
"Dragon Kundalini" updated: (1/24/15) The official "theory established" date is (11/08/2014)
(3/27/2015) Tesla Unified Current. It's a complete thought. But I think I'm going to have to go through this entire website with a fine-toothed comb.
I AM STILL EDITING periodically; I am always editing.
New content added: Exo-archaeoastronomy on the warp drive engineering page (2/28/15)
Corrections of simple, stupid Relativity mistakes including Black Holes (3/28/15)
Now includes gravity wave and quantum vacuum geometry within alternating frequency wave mechanics (3/30/15)
Di-electric resonance "Stressing the Di-electric" of Townsend Brown is now integrated, with very little change overall to the engineering (4/3/15)
These physics are now more solidly established; The new Warp Drive Blog article resolves the SR conflict, and provides a new model of vision.
Warp drive is now no longer in violation of Special Relativity, (1/14/16)
Now including complex mechanism of forward and backward time travel, a better understanding of how to generate gravity with electrical inertia,
Gravity cancellation, and a better understanding of how Special Relativity allows for forward and backward time travel: Warp Drive Engineering
Also see Updates and Design Improvements <--- READ FIRST! . . .
ACTIVE --- > The Construction Blog ~ OTC-X1 Magneto-electrostatic and gyroscopic theory, design, wiring, operations ~ Development Phase
Negative Energy Physics inclusion changes relativity, provides power source, evolves the Outer Ring design, clarifies utron design in contrast to the TR-3B
Newly Updated! Negative Energy explained, and a real engineering mechanism provided to show how to harness it: Free Energy/Tesla page
Why Earth is round but seems "flattish" - Updated "Planetary News" - Earth Gravity Lens - Basic Planetary Relativity 101 (10/03/16)
Reality Creation: Short Summary of Manifested Action; Matter and Energy Creation: General Blog (08/15/17)
Spiritual protection in a warp drive society: "The Dragon at the Doorstep" - Mars ~ Exoarchaeoastronomy -- Now Active
Also, updated info: Planetary News, Ascension blog, and General Blog: (8/24/17)
The Three Creative Dilemmas Updated: (6/16/17)
The Home page has been re-written and re-formatted with added relevant content to impart a more clear understanding: (10/1/17)
Negative Energy characteristics are now explained a little more in detail, along with two different ways it is harnessed today: (10/1/17)
Unity-based physics upon Light as Unity ~ Current (+ static) time~stamp: [ (11/28/2018) ]
See the "Info" page for the exciting release of Tesla energy technology
Welcome to warp drive physics! -- Introducing the LAU Warp Drive Spacecraft
This is the research and development site
of real warp drive FTL antigravity spacecraft technology
Best understood as "Elemental Metaphysics and Theoretical Physics; Engineering"
What is now done:
> Electromagnetic theory of negative gravity
> Negative energy physics and technology framework
> Completion of all engines, their respective physics and operations, all in a negative energy framework; but
there is an issue with the Outer Ring and it may have to be redesigned as a resonance inductive pulsed
transformer, instead. See the Outer Ring page.
> LAU-X4 completed THEORETICAL DESIGN, all based on working technology, in the past and present
> Plasma dynamics and Tesla / Townsend Brown electrogravity dynamics
> Reactionless Free Energy and overunity <--- not kidding. it's real and demonstratable; the reason why
people scoff at overunity (and free energy) is BECAUSE IT REQUIRES THAT ENERGY
> OTC-X1 NEW ELECTROGRAVITIC ARCHITECTURE; Construction Blog; T. Brown/Tesla high voltage
framework with dielectrostatic Biefeld-Brown active medium material (using dielectric-electret material;
electret is the electrostatic equivalent of a magnet, constantly creating electrical energy for hundreds if not
thousands of years; however long a magnet lasts, an electret lasts; reactionless) in resonance with magneto-
electrostatic negative energy scalar mass reduction and gravity cancellation -- Holy Grail.
> Wiring schematic now provided in "DC - Negative" configuration (uses flyback; negative energy;
no other term for it, because it's not true AC, but has those characteristics) based on Bedini MVP
overunity ... And now there is a real mechanism of the utron's role in creating the mass reduction
field. Construction Blog page again: article about rotating charges
> Demonstration of rotating and counter-rotating magneto-electrostatic antigravity (Construction Blog page)
> Conservation of Mass no longer applies in a warp field bubble according to electret crystal power cell
research, mass reduction (Tesla spark gap), and mass production (creation of mass) involving creation of
electrical energy (see info page, updates and design improvement page, and construction blog page, special
thanks to Alexey Chekurkov). Creation and Negation of mass and thus Energy is now validated in physics
through experimental results and duplication, yet this only occurs in special circumstances, not normal reality.
Things to note: Development history, current model, what direction this will now go in
Pay attention to time and date stamps.
This website provides the physics and engineering framework to understand and build it . . .
Testing phase of the OTC-X1 has begun. We know it worked, and we have a theory, so there is a solution to get it to work, and in that sense, theoretically the solution is found, and it is now in the testing phase. I know that's a horrible way to put it, but we know what it does, and we know that it used to do it back in the 1960's, so it's a working engine, or it was ... so now we just need to get it to work today, and we have a lot of multiple solutions using Bedini technology and magneto-static scalar negative energy physics to engineer it.
So it is solved in terms of theoretical physics, and now it's being developed, and it should work in one of several ways. We don't have to deal with a lot of complex unknowns that Otis T. Carr used because we have multiple known power sources now, and so we have a lot more room to get creative with it.
I don't believe the OTC-X1 can be duplicated the way Carr did it. He had Tesla in his day, where we have Bedini and Eric Dollard in our day. But based on Townsend Brown and Tesla and Dollard architecture, it can be adapted to fit a modern negative energy physics framework, which has been detailed.
Yes, I know I screwed up by saying it's "solved," but just take a look at the Construction Blog page. It's solved, as far as the solution of these physics have derived it now to the point where it can be built! ... actually, it's the only solution there is, because it fits with all known electrogravity theoretical physics, known in the public using high volt negative energy flyback from a Bedini MVP pulse motor (most volts possible) as a power source. So at this point, it's doable. If it works, great. Otherwise, the physics is still applicable to what we know today, and the solution in said physics is explained.
I can't put this any more painfully, but the physics solution used, and which has been being used, is holding up, and well .. might as well put it to use in the OTC-X1 instead of trying to figure out Carr's method, when we can just understand these physics and apply it in a way which works according to the physics, rather than according to "magical principles" of Carr. If something new is discovered however, in regard to the pixie dust that caused Carr's model to fly, then great and I'll admit I'm wrong. However, we have to use the physics we already know at this point, which has definitely bore fruit, and a new negative energy high volt architecture is now applied to the OTC-X1.
I updated the intro down below, adding a new video and clarity to breaking the speed limit of light, significantly (not just by a few nanoseconds as CERN managed to do). This concerns the movement of electrons able to travel faster than light; and if such is the case, that electrons have mass, then mass can now travel faster than light in negative energy architecture.
I also updated a few more aspects of the intro, as well, providing more cited references, and removing outdated content.
Stay tuned for the Tesla tower Ley-line results, and if anything new comes out, I'll be sure to mention it here in this pre-intro section. So far, these physics are holding up.
The warp drive is now solved. By "solved" I mean theoretically possible to build. I NEED to clarify this. I get carried away quite a bit from time-to-time, and have learned some hard lessons in discernment between working technology and non-working technology. We still do not have all the answers in the public sector, although ships are seen all the time in the skies, and heads of corporations like Lockheed-Martin, Boeing, as well as other professionals in their fields like Dr. Sonny White have all come forward telling us that we already have the technology. See here for his statement:
So this is an attempt to "make it so," in the public sector, which will still require a long time yet, even though in theory, a ship has been designed, and should be capable of working. There are still some unknowns, but this is a solid attempt at creating a working design. Overunity energy has been demonstrated by people such as John Bedini, and many others. There is a 10 kilowatt device in Sweden which they are trying to get on the market currently. In fact, there are MANY videos and resources these days to show that such a thing does work.
A LOT of new developments have been made in the more recent articles and updates to sections on this website, particularly in the realm of negative energy and free energy and Tesla technology, which has been a very long journey. Regarding the warp drive, developments from Tom Bearden and Dewey Jones, as well as myself have explained it in terms of "Tesla physics" and laid the framework for reproduction of the OTC-X1, which is the first step in development of public warp drive. The OTC-X1, developed by Otis T. Carr, and originally designed by Tesla, tested and flown in California in the 1960's is our foundation for antigravity and warp drive, as enough evidence exists to show that it did work, and can indeed work, which has also been confirmed by German scientists (a college professor and students who are tired of the university covering up breakthroughs, although that is a private development to respect their proprietary findings; they have measured the reduction of mass, levitation, and have tested a frequency of exotic plasma which allows a craft to travel faster than light).
The OTC-X1 is being reproduced currently by people working internationally on the project.
This link shows that more physicists are becoming keen to the existence of negative mass in application to warp drive physics and theory:
See the separate page tabs at the top, above the big galaxy for Research and Development details and Specifics. Make sure you scan each page by clicking on those page taps before really delving into this website, in order to gain an understanding of the contents' organization. It may look strange at first, but by scanning each page and quickly taking a look at pictures and whatnot, then it will let you know more, since this website is not read like a book with a beginning and an ending.
The information gets older, and reflects history of development through time, but some of the oldest pieces of information is still the foundation, still standing. It just depends, because when time goes along, things become improved and better understood and developed.
See: Tesla Electrogravity Basics on the Free Energy / Tesla page for the simplest way to test a good idea ... The collapse of the electromagnetic field is in the rare classification of a type of energy called "negative energy." Running energy in a collapsed state through the system is the secret. The electromagnetic collapse is what causes a spark to occur, just like natural lightning. ........
It does not take math to prove that concept. It takes math to measure the engineering specifications to achieve the desired output. But to prove the concept, it just takes building it.
Tesla didn't say that Earth is a vast reservoir of negative charge .. he said the Earth is a vast reservoir of negative electricity. The Earth's surface charge is a positive charge. Tesla was smart enough to realize this, that the negative pole of a battery grounded and formed a circuit to the positive charge of the Earth surface (ground). .... What he CLAIMED is that Earth is a vast reservoir of negative energy. Negative electricity is MUCH DIFFERENT than the negative electrical charge! ...... The Earth surface charge is a scalar / longitudinal flat wave as the collapsed waveform of electromagnetism from the Earth's magnetic field, which is what negative energy is, and what the Alcubierre warp drive metrics call for in the White-Alcubierre model.
New! Comparison between the Cannae electro-inertial space drive and the vertical impeller, illustrating what negative energy can do to break all known speed records, and a new write-up on reactionless free energy with video on how to build it yourself; see the Updates page and the Free Energy / Tesla page.
Also ... further applicability of the Electromagnetic Theory of Negative Gravity, a comparison between Newtonian and non-Newtonian inertia and motion as it pertains to warp drive.
The "It's more simple than you think" article on the Free Energy / Tesla page has finally been realized, and is revisited. There's a lot going on with that, including double coil windings . . . kinda a reverse Bedini setup.
See the Construction page for quick reference on the highlights of the most important points to build the craft.
See the Warp Drive News page for the latest developments.
See the Updates and Design Improvements page for the latest upgrades and alterations that have finished fleshing out the LAU-X4 physics and design. This is one of the most important pages on this website.
See the General Blog page for additional negative energy framework and supportive framework of the overall. ... On that page, I updated the "John Bedini Tribute" article".. it's actually a good tribute, and a fun read, too.. One of the most awesome benefits of Bedini overunity and limitless energy is of course in the area of manned flight drones or lightweight "flying cars" with unlimited range! That would be really cool! So far, flying cars and manned drones are hitting the market with limited range, say only of about 25 miles.
I really want to emphasize the critical importance of the John Bedini Tribute" article. This features a YouTuber named Matrix Le (Leland Williams) who has achieved the impossible in public, on a tremendous order of magnitude of overunity power, bypassing Lenz's Law (to a high degree) in an overunity engine called the MVP Pulse motor ..... and ... in the article are other important revelations concerning the MEG device. These are advanced energy and power systems, which can lead to the development of warp drive power systems, using negative energy, and demonstrating more power output when a load is applied.
Also updated a few more articles on that page, including the "breaking the laws of physics" article reference the creation paradox with systems of energy: This references the creation of energy through resonance, as well as transformation. Transformation between form and formless is the paradox of matter creation from pure light, referencing another article on that page where physicists have created matter from light using interference waves:
If light is zero energy - probability waves; the probability for energy to exist - and energy is created from such zero energy, then the change of form involves energy created from a transformation of formless to form . . . This also has a basis and grounds in metaphysics, which is an area of knowledge that must be understood to understand the nature of how thought can "wirelessly" pilot craft, create energy, and trans-form matter as per the higher abilities of species different than Earth Humanity.
See "Point of Disclaimer" on the General Blog page for further explanation on how to understand this website's organizational and compartmentalized structure. Point of Disclaimer also gets into the nature of memory retrieval and being conscious through non-linear systems of time, which is a type of Human awareness and focus needed to exist within a warp drive environment without the use of implants; involving logical and abstract left/right brain hemisphere unity. This is also a reason why this website is organized in such a manner, because a normal Human mind depends upon sequential linear information organization, but is not inherently organized in the brain in that way. Much information slips right by the normal Human perception and can therefore be hidden in plane sight, by merely removing the "card catalog index" but while maintaining a logically-organized (logical organization of paradoxes; see: Paradoxes of Unity on the General Blog page) structure. This is also how the Human DNA was re-structured long ago, and why we see floating DNA within the cell disconnected from the main helix. Such website organization assists one in developing the conscious awareness that will ultimately assist in re-organizing light-information within a framework of Human consciousness (See: "Bringers of the Dawn" by Barbara Marciniak).
As an aside: Affecting short-term memory is a well-known side-effect with the OTC-X1, as the Human brain needs time to adapt after transit, after the energy fields have been turned off. Memory eventually returns, and long-term memory is not affected. These effects were noticed by Ralph Ring who co-piloted the OTC-X1; and also abductees tend to suffer similar side-effects. This is due to travel through time, although different technologies may not affect memory in this way as private correspondence has revealed. At this time however, this is the only thing available in public to as completed an extent of which we can build more-than-likely also in private and private-contract domains.
That should not be discouraging though, because people can develop multi-dimensional awareness and perception through training and discipline. The best way to pilot it is through Zen -- being in the present moment; and being hyper aware of one's surroundings; conscious "attunement" to the perception of ones soul. Some will remember, some won't, some will remember parts, but a nice little display that tells you where you are and what time it is (maybe timed to the engine revolutions), would also be handy, but no augmentation! That may be the great equalizer in the playing field (the memory factor), and certainly the biggest discouraging factor to its inclusion not in public, but in private and common reality, because it's not really for the public as a whole at this time, but it is for the individual and responsible groups. It's the public's own responsibility to be informed, because that's just how it is until our economic system shifts, and governments come out with Disclosure.
It is a GREAT disappointment that in spite of all the patent releases, documented history, admissions from the Pentagon and documentation upon documentation released by mainstream news, as well as historical documentation, testimony, tons of evidence, tons of research and development and proven technologies, that are not available on the market for reasons ... etc .. that it's not believed generally by the public. I am literally SHOCKED that the public interest is UNMOVABLE to these real opportunities.
The Warp Drive / Hyperdrive is ready to be taken to the prototype phase but is without funding and appropriate group support and protocol. Once people can get together and figure out what they want, then maybe we can work toward a unified goal of establishing private space programs, otherwise many people are sitting on stand-by with no funding.
Update: The OTC-X1 pods are making progress under the Clandestine Disclosure umbrella; the beginnings of public warp drive is starting to manifest with the first step -- to construct the OTC-X1, being funded out of the Engineer teams' pockets .... now going to the prototype phase of development -- building a working model.
Further understanding and clarity also leads to a secondary classification as a "Negative Energy Static Warp Drive." (1/19/2017). The construction phase will resolve the variations upon design and theory. See: Updates and Design Improvements ("Townsend Brown Utron" article is newly updated 8/23/17).
LAU-X4 is now newly designated the final design and blueprint which is THE LAU Warp Drive Spacecraft: (9/13/2017)
This website has been edited and re-edited many times over, corrected and re-corrected, and hashed to bits in an attempt to generate interest to these endeavors that are open to everyone's participation honestly. These designs are based on historical works by others all attempting to make anti gravity, free energy and warp drive or faster than light travel, a reality. In an attempt to duplicate and verify and work out some kind of believable framework, new things have been developed along the way.
It's hard to make a living from these things because these things are not really known too well, and most of everything is classified or kept secret from the public, and have been for 80 - 90 years at least, and it's been a lot of work trying to bring this back out into the open for people to understand and to research and develop.
Any attempt to obtain a patent is immediately classified as we have over 5,000 classified patents now that are not allowed to be revealed in public. Scientific advancement has been stifled and locked out from the public reality which is unlawful, as the Constitution of the United States does state that technological and scientific advancements must be revealed after a limited term.
There is nothing proprietary about any of this, other than my Tesla tower Ley-line system, which must be revealed openly regardless for it to be known. There is nothing stopping anyone from duplicating ANYTHING shown here at this website. My comments and remarks about things being "proprietary" has been an attempt to keep certain information in the public sector, and to prevent it from being suppressed.
If you go the patent route on any breakthrough technology, it will NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY, and it will prevent alike technologies from coming out in the public. So, this is why I may be throwing the "proprietary" word around from time-to-time, whereas it is meant for the public to be able to build on their own, but any talk about making money from it seems to be taboo, and seems to result in inventors being threatened or worse. I'm just being real here.
You are free to duplicate anything you see, and only through avenues of private contract, which is protected by Article 1 of the Constitution of the United States, will you be able to make any kind of trade or money or exchange from any form of worthy technology.
. . .
The finished design called the LAU-X4 can be seen further down the page, about in the middle of this page, past all the earlier concepts, which are on display to see how this entirety has evolved.
New developments in perpetual, overunity, and resonance energy show that the principles in resonance energy amplification absolutely do work. Many groups around the world are reporting success, and more is being learned about these systems, applicable not just to free energy technology, but also to warp drive faster than light travel.
LAU-X4 hyperdrive / warp drive spacecraft invention: concept and design and physics is finalized now and fully revealed, on this date of today, (12/08/2017)
. . .
There is a difference between negative emotional energy, and negative energy as it is applied in physics. Negative energy generated in an engineering/physics sense is healing to life and beneficial as the latest developments have shown (like the grass growing very high and very quickly in the presence of negative energy, specifically the Tesla tower ley-line system which uses negative energy, as well as vortex coils inducing accelerated healing in people). I have made updates when I see them to clarify this, but there may be parts especially in the warp drive news page which make statements to the contrary. Please use discernment and common sense.
Negative energy is discussed throughout this website regardless, most simply defined as the collapse of positive energy: the collapse of the electromagnetic field, primarily used in portable engine systems. (8/15/17)
The Tesla-tower ley-line system is an active vacuum, negative energy power generating system like the ancients did it, and is the other side of warp drive. Tests confirm the relation between electromagnetic and electrostatic energy (as discussed on the Tesla Engineering Page), and negative energy characteristics are finally realized. Development efforts are currently underway to determine the energy output levels of this Earth-based electromagnetic energy production system. ... since initially the Tesla tower system generated a large electrostatic output, that could be transmitted on a wire, transmitted and received, it is possible to generate a large electromagnetic output in the same way, polarizing and directing the energy, which has already been achieved and is showing good results ... That technology and those physics, and the results will all be published in a few years through this website.
Using negative energy technology, large amounts of energy can be beamed wirelessly and teleported, and transmitted/received from planet-to-planet. Negative energy also involves using one pole ... to direct unified energy, and can be transformed back-and-forth between positive and negative. See: "The Onset of Tesla Free Energy Nondestructive Exclusive Technology to be Made Available to be Exchanged for Value" article on the Free Energy / Tesla page. Also see the Construction Blog page which is the application of negative energy technology in a warp drive and antigravity setting.
There's a lot of characteristics about negative energy. Much about the identifying features of negative energy are discussed throughout this website. The Tesla-tower Ley-line involves teleportation (thank you, Eric Dollard) of a spark faster-than-light, coming out the other end of the portal as a "nova" of energy. That is accomplished by the application of negative energy physics (magneto-electrostatic vacuum -- based on the vacuum collapse of the electromagnetic field).
This Tesla-tower Ley-line system is now proving to be SAFE due to correct polarization of the energy harnessed.
Be sure to check out the General Blog page, and scroll down to the "Recommended Reading" book list, for required reading.
Also, the exo-archaeoastronomy blog has new life to it, and finally has exo-archaeoastronomy content, and further emphasizes the negative energy technology application toward the OTC-X1, involving the use of double coils, which was likely an omission from the original design, to keep the knowledge proprietary.
And Also, I've now updated the LIGO Gravitational Observatory Proof article on the Warp Drive Blog page to include negative energy, which finally has now corrected my mistake of wishful thinking to try to get all this mess to work correctly.
The article on the updates and design improvements page called "Physics Update: How Time Works, Mostly" has the correct understanding of time and space and relativity made simple. This has been super difficult to wrap my mind around, and has taken me years to figure out.
As a side-note ... I can understand if people are skeptical about some things, however all the work I've done with Tesla technology has been discussed in way too much detail, and if you're skeptical, just do the work yourself and see for yourself. Don't rely on an authority (be it a system or an individual) to tell you what to believe, because that's not what education is about. Doing your own work and research and experiments and finding validation and verification is the only way to find your own knowing about anything, even in a university setting where there are labs so that you can see it for yourself. That is the very fist thing you learn when you start to study philosophy; it's the principle of "autonomy." Having teachers however, to help guide students is honorable.
. . .
It is my pleasure and great honor to present designs and physics of real-life faster-than-light starships, and inter-planetary fast space-travel technology. These designs and physics are in part based upon the work of world-renowned physicists and mathematicians as Miguel Alcubierre, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, and other famous physicists like Michael Faraday and Heinrich Hertz; and also based on ideas and concepts from David Hamel, and Otis T. Carr.
Special note: This website NO LONGER supports NASA EAGLEWORKS' development of warp drive star ships, from a practical application of explaining the physics of warp drive and hyperspace teleportation (hyperdrives). Dr. Sonny White, heading up the EAGLEWORKS WARP DRIVE program has signed non-disclosure agreements to the technology that he has been made aware of, exceeding warp drive, and NASA has done more to serve to sanitize and classify all space-based information which in such an act, no longer serves for the benefit of all Humanity. See:
However, Dr. Harold "Sonny" White has "heralded" in NASA support of [publicly disclosed] warp drive, known and distinctive specifically in disclosure to the general public. Really that is a milestone . . . and we are grateful for that.
. . .
Negative energy characteristics and it's existence of a real energy type is now revealed, also, on the home page and in the new article, "Negative energy characteristics" on the Construction blog page. There's not much talk about it, because this being the key to warp drive, people should know about it, but people who know the value of it can't just give it all away for free. However if it's not freely known, then it truly has ZERO value.
It is very difficult to explain negative energy, because it is backwards from what we know of normal "positive" energy. A new language is involved to even understand this new energy type, in comparison to what we've always known about energy. Negative energy is what our metaphysics and parapsychology sciences have been involved in since quantum mechanics had first led to the "Twilight Zone." The Alcubierre warp drive metrics show that negative energy is required for warp drive, but no one has known about negative energy, only Tesla and his amazing inventions that changed our world, and half of which were not known in the public for many decades. Tesla knew about negative energy, however, which is why this website exists. This website would not have been created had it been unknown that faster than light travel can be achieved.
Regarding proprietary aspects: There really are none, other than the Tesla tower Ley-line work I'm doing, but I do toss this word around from time-to-time, but I claim no ownership to anything other than the work I'm doing, which anyone is able and allowed to do. I would like to be paid from all my years of research, but I do not think that is going to happen, however I would like to be able to at least publish or sell construction plans eventually. But it's too hard to make any real money from this without it costing a whole arm and a leg, since anything that can advance our development in our civilization is locked down.
Special thanks to Eric Dollard and Nassim Haramein. Their research is mentioned throughout this website. Eric Dollard and his HAM radio genius friends have determined electrostatic waves to travel at 220,000 miles per second, and that branch of the physics "family tree" is what mainstream science just does not realize. Yes, that means the energy waves from lightning travel at 220,000 miles per second! ... And as Tesla said to Heinrich Hertz, "Light is a magneto-electrostatic wave," meaning it has parallel , longitudinal, and transverse aspects to it (See below and also see: Tesla Engineering Physics page, 'added a little bit about the power source'). Be sure to see the research links, website links, and video links down below on this Home page.
Science says light speed is 186,000 miles per second, that mass cannot move faster otherwise it amplifies.
Hey! What about electron mass? And hey! What about longitudinal waves, and di-magnetic and di-electrostatic waves?? If electromagnetic waves are light waves, and limited in speed, then WHY ARE WE BREAKING SPEED LIMITS?
And, what about negative mass? If it amplifies, then what? Well ... no one's looking at any of this stuff. No one hardly knows that we have overunity proof and machines, see the pages here in website for the evidence that no one wants to look at. Yeah, wave characteristics matter but, what's really impressive is the measurement of simultaneous traversing of distance from A to B without taking time to travel, as per the nature of longitudinal waves, which seems to violate laws of physics, but it is part of the laws of physics that these longitudinal scalar waves do travel in such manner, like how a photon takes both paths around a star at once.
Longitudinal resonance of mass and matter is what we're trying to accomplish, of which I don't see anyone even trying it, other than a few, who it's hard to find those resources.
It should not EVEN have to be said that light is a frequency in the bandwidth of the electromagnetic spectrum, visible and invisible. X-rays, Gamma-rays, Infra-red, Ultraviolet, Microwave frequencies, radio frequencies, ETC ... are all frequencies of LIGHT! Every schoolkid knows light is an electromagnetic wave, but not every schoolkid knows that light is also magneto-electrostatic, or di-electrostatic, or di-magnetic waves.
So it DOES need to be said that the electromagnetic spectrum is just one type of electromagnetic manifestation of energy, and is the basis of the manifestation of all energy, therefore all matter in the universe (see below this video where I discuss that electrical mass is a quanta of electromagnetic energy; mass = matter). The magneto-electrostatic, in parallel, longitudinal di-magneto, di-electric, ETC spectrums all have different manifestations of VISIBLE LIGHT at varying frequencies. For example electrostatic light manifests in the visible range in a different frequency band than electromagnetic light.
Light is matter because electromagnetism is mass. See the relation there? Electromagnetic quanta of mass is an electron. Light is electromagnetic. Mass is matter. Mass is electromagnetic. Electromagnetic energy is Light. See it NOW? If electromagnetic energy is light, and mass (matter), the the basis of all matter is electromagnetic energy, which is light, visible or invisible. Light (electromagnetic waves; magneto-electrostatic waves) is the unity of all matter in the universe since mass is electromagnetic AND since mass is electromagnetic, and we all know that mass is matter!
THEREFORE where upon measuring the speed of light, we are measuring the speed of electromagnetic, or magneto-electrostatic, or dielectrostatic, or di-magnetic WAVES .... NOT JUST measuring the speed of a laser beam, which exists only in the tiniest little bandwidth of the entire broad dynamic electromagnetostatic spectrums.
Update on the speed of light: Independent testing of Eric Dollard and his HAM radio enthusiasts' measurement of the speed of light is slightly different but still shows that parallel waves in the form of longitudinal magneto dielectric waves to be 1.1 times the speed of light, at 204,600 miles per second as per this video below shows.
I see all these articles on the search engines saying that the speed of light is a constant, and that's just ridiculous! The Warp Drive News page at the top where it says "error correction" regarding hyperspace teleportation (instantaneous longitudinal wave travel, as referenced below this video, and it was just stated that energy waves are also matter waves; light is matter) clearly shows how time (which is what the speed of light measures, is relative frequency -- gravitytime) changes depending upon location to gravitational bodies. How to put this ...
Time is a function of mass (mass creates gravity; therefore gravity is electromagnetic), whereas mass is an aspect of electromagnetic action; and inertial mass is a function of movement through time since it takes time for a wave to traverse a distance (with the exception of longitudinal -- IE scalar -- waves; basis of teleportation). Since time is a function of electromagnetic frequency (magneto-electrostatic, etc), and since time is faster or slower depending upon the gravitational field of mass (which is electromagnetic), then WHY do educated Ph. Ds in physics POSSIBLY THINK that light is a constant when Relativity shows us that time is NOT constant?
Also, Inertial mass is the frequency of electromagnetic force of mass. A proton accelerated at near light-speed will have a very high inertial frequency, resulting in it's mass exponentially increasing. This is just a note so that we're all on the same page. Also frequency is the determining aspect of the dimension of time. Inertial frequency is a valid concept that I use to describe the electromagnetic action of mass at this website.
Make sure you see the updated content above this video.
In other experiments, actually performed by Eric Dollard himself, on his website:
It may be quoted: "But the rest is transmitted longitudinally through the ground instantaneously going beyond Einstein’s speed of light limit – it isn’t faster than the speed of light, it is instantaneous!" <--- this basis of longitudinal wave transmission is the basis of achieving faster-than-light travel in a warp drive, and is discussed in great detail here on this website involving scalar wave and longitudinal wave resonance of NEGATIVE ENERGY.
On that website link just above, it also shows that Eric Dollard has discovered the same thing I have discovered through my Tesla tower equipment in regard to the early detection of earthquakes. In my system the voltage would drop measurably and noticably a month prior to an earthquake; and this happened several times. See the Tesla Engineering Physics page for my work. See Eric's website in the link above for his work.
Below in sections 3 and 5 it discusses the nature of light which I learned early on in university physics about the nature of light, and that light has simultaneous speed characteristics.
Furthermore, because of reactionless free energy electret power cells which constantly create electricity as a power-generating "battery that never dies out," which has been around since WWII and used in every old fashioned rotary telephone and now upgraded to provide a bit of a powerhouse, the question must be asked, are electrons the cause of electricity or not? Can electrets actually create mass (electrons have mass), or is electricity really not applicable at all as a particle? Eric Dollard also talks about this as well.
To put it bluntly, if an electron is measured to have mass, then how can an electret which is constantly creating electricity (the movement of electrons) in a reactionless manner, not be as massive as a black hole? If it produces electricity (electrons), then can it be said that it creates mass? This is only a analogous question, not a real question, but only posed for the consideration that overunity and reaction-less systems that produce more energy output than the input (Like the MVP device, demonstrating 15 times power output over input), do in fact create mass as it creates electricity.
Obviously more electrons are present in the output, than what is going in to the system as the input, in an overunity device; whereas a reactionless electret power cell must then create more electrons than what it's material composition actually has.
Whereas electrons are quantas of mass:
This also BEGS THE QUESTION: If electricity is not caused by electrons, and yet electrons as a packet or quanta of energy (the size of a single quark; considered a lepton), then where and how is mass created by electrical interaction, and why is it that fuel-less electro-inertial drive systems like the EM drive and the Cannae drive create electrical inertial force? Force must be described in terms of mass, and inertia. So how can mass be created, amplified, or reduced to a negative state by using electrons, or more to the point types of electrical energy like electrostatic, dielectrostatic, magnetostatic, di-magnetic, etc .... Inertial force then must be considered in terms of electron mass and electron inertia, merely the result of electromagnetic action that creates inertial gravitation.
If electricity is not the movement of electrons, and electrons have mass, and electricity is produced in reactionless and overunity ways, then mass can be created or negated, increased in value (accelerated protons near light speed) or decreased in value (negative energy scalar resonance), using electromagnetism. See the article on the General Blog page linking the experiments of some physicists who have actually created mass particles from light interference waves.
It is the creation of force, of gravity force through electricomagnetic action which directs the force of mass, and directs the force upon mass to move in such ways of inertia, because you have to have mass in order to move mass. This is the basis of electrogravity theory.
What we DO know is that these relations DO exist: electromagnetic action creates mass, reduces mass, and changes the value of mass to either a positive or negative. This is the basis of electrogravity theory, based upon actual experimental results. For example, the OTC-X1 created a time dilation, where time was faster inside the ship than outside the ship, measured and told to us by the surviving pilot of the ship, Ralph Ring. The OTC-X1 is proven to have existed and to have worked, and I'm not getting into the nature of that kind of proof, but only to explain the engine on this website, otherwise it would be too much information.
The changing of time itself -- electromagnetic frequency -- directs the relation of mass and gravitation, because these are all proportional changes to fields of mass and action UPON mass, to move mass gravitationally which is also an inertial change upon mass, polarizing the inertia of mass to have tendency to move, which is a concept of gravitation. So through an overunity creation of mass, then the inertial field of a massive body can therefore be polarized. If electron-mass is created and directed in one direction, then now we have a mechanism for mass to move mass, which is a reaction mechanism using Newtonian physics; although Newtonian physics does not deal with the creation or negation of mass.
Using Newtonian physics, mass is created on one side of the output of an engine, and shed away from the engine, pushing against the mass that pushes back in action-reaction ways -- mass has to push against mass to move mass -- this is the concept of engine thrust. Negative mass, which has been created as super-fluids in labs, do have an opposite action-reaction mechanism however which shows that if a force is applied to a negative mass fluid, then it pushes back upon the force. So there are ways to do it, and ways not to do it, to achieve inertial movement, electromagnetically, as our modern electric space drives show us. Electromagnetically, both a push AND a pull are relevant forces. Creating a gravity in front of a ship would pull upon the ship (inertial lift), but creating a negative gravity field behind the ship would push upon the ship (inertial thrust) -- these forces are interchangable as AC inertial/gravitational systems.
However if mass can be created, negated, increased in value (particle acceleration) or decreased in value (negative energy gravitation), then the Laws of conservation of mass no longer apply.
Negative energy is what changes mass to have a negative value. Negative energy can be produced as this website shows. Also, simply put, if mass can be created through electromagnetic action, then a gravitational field can be created through electromagnetic action since mass is electromagnetic. We already have two electrical space drive systems (Cannae and EM drive) which do not require fuel, and are purely electrical, which move electro-gravitationally.
The immediate above is just meant to show a simple relation with mass and electromagnetic action, that if mass can be created then gravity can be created. Gravity and inertia is two sides of the same coin. The creation of an electro-inertial engine is the creation of mass to act upon the engine to move it electromagnetically.
. . .
Faster time is the result of negative mass, according to simple relativity. If increase of mass decreases the frequency of time (simple relativity: time slows down closer to a gravitational mass), then a decrease of mass increases the frequency of time.
This is the basic concept of a "warp drive" which warps time in order to traverse distances without it taking as much time, traveling in a faster frequency of time/distance or space/time dimensions of action.
This is the result of negative mass, which is created in an engine using scalar (longitudinal wave) negative-energy resonance, which the OTC-X1 is capable of doing, and is now approached in a modified Bedini style of negative-energy overunity engineering as seen here on this website on the Construction Blog page, the Free Energy / Tesla page, the Info page, the Warp Drive News page, and the General Blog page.
Mass is electromagnetic, and the interaction of an electron (quanta of electrical mass) taking a curved path around a magnetic field is the basis of how to measure mass in physics. The electromagnetic theory of negative gravity applies in this way to reduce mass in a field-area, by using longitudinal scalar wave negative-energy magneto-electrostatic resonance.
This is why the LAU-X4 warp drive anti-gravity craft is based on magneto-dielectrostatic engineering using Bedini style overunity engineering, as well as Tom Bearden style magneto-static resonance, along with Eric Dollard, Tesla, and Townsend Brown dynamic engineering and physics, seen here at this website.
This is real. Overunity and reactionless free energy has been proven to exist, along with a way to achieve negative energy production.
This is discussed below in section 5 regarding the LAU-X4 physics. A lot has evolved since 2015 when many of these articles in sections 2 and 3 were written. Sections 2 and 3 were before any true understanding of negative mass in relativity, and is seen as an introduction to unified physics based on light as the unity of matter.
My point in this is the nature of transformable mass, and how it pertains to a warp drive, so that we can make one; and, it's hard to do this stuff when so much of our technology has been covered up, and there are secrecy orders on 5,000 patents that we don't know about, plus it is in violation of Constitutional law to suppress technology like Townsend Brown technology for 90 years, which by now is probably lost, or burned, or something, and we gotta figure it out all over again.
It's the skeptics that totally kill of this. Overunity has been achieved, and is on display. Look at the Free Energy / Tesla page. Skeptics are not going to accept what is plain to see. We have electric fuel-less electro-inertial space engines like the Cannae and EM drive, that skeptics are not going to accept. But, we're not going to have this technology until people get out their tools and start experimenting and networking together, because when inventors come out with stuff, it is promptly classified, and our sciences are not advancing; we should have already been living in a warp drive, or light-speed civilization by now, where everything is based on credit instead of debt, and our planet is not on the brink of being destroyed by the ignorant apathy of Humanity. All under the guise of what? National security? How secure is extinction, caused by such security for NO REASON?
I'm tired of trying to figure this out when no one recognizes the NEED to participate in this endeavor, and when there is no funding.
I am pretty much frustrated to the max about ALL of this, and I've done the best I can. The public's general reaction to any of these ideas has been in outrage, or apathy, or denial. There's not enough interest in research and development, there's no money to be had in these endeavors, and everything is classified and kept from the public in spite of all the lights in the skies we see everywhere around the world of the breakaway civilization that keeps its existence unknown to the public.
There's not enough duplication efforts of any of this technology; and real inventors, as they are and have been all through historically, are few and far in between, and are usually targeted, as I had been with my original Tesla tower experimentation. There is a massive suppression effort that we have been trying to break through for decades and decades and decades, which is illegal, unlawful, and is a threat to Humanity.
Be a light-warrior, be a fighter, and be willing to come out with your technology in the public, to fight this threat against Humanity.
I would like to play with some of these antigravity concepts such as the OTC-X1, but I do not believe that anyone attempting to reproduce the craft should focus on reproducing the vehicle as it was, but only playing with some of these concepts on their own, not worrying about getting the craft to work so much as just seeing what can happen when things spin this way with a charged field that way, and PUBLISH YOUR RESULTS IN PUBLIC IN FULL VIEW OF EVERYONE.
Let me reiterate: Get something to spin. Get something charged up. Play with these concepts creatively where it is NOT costing you a lot of money to make an utron.
Use coils, use plates of metal, use cheap technology that you can afford, and slowly build up. Please network, and if you want to share videos that are worthy, you can do that here, so it's not so hard to find.
Don't be afraid to express yourself.
(I know I will catch flack for saying this, because everything I write tends to be viewed with contempt from so many people, and I do not know how to be a "good writer," acceptable to people, because I am not acceptable; I am a renegade. I apologize if I am not appearing to be loving, but it is due to my deep love for Humanity and for Life that I am doing these things, because I am willing to stand up and speak from my heart -- Truth of Spirit. The Heart center is Love, as well as Courage, and Conviction, and is the source of Humanity's truest intelligence -- that of the spirit of which honors life.)
. . . Unfortunately, so many YouTube videos these days are all involving scams and spam, preventing any real public research from ever happening, unless people network together, and communicate with each other, and work on ideas in group settings, which even THAT is not happening because no one has time for research, no one has the will to research and to work together, and no one believes in it ... and just in case they do, there is everything piled up in front of us to prevent us from ever seeing the truth.
Also, it's too hard for people to read, and to retain information.
I would like to play with some of these concepts, after I finish my current Tesla tower project, of which commenters are hounding me to shut my mouth and start using my hands, when this OTC-X1 is not even my technology! I would like to just enjoy a creative process of invention, which is really difficult to do without money to do it. I get so angry at people who tell me that *I* need to show proof of concept of a technology that is not even mine to begin with, with the exception of the Tesla tower Ley-line system which I am working on. so ... again, it is too hard for people to read and retain information when I try to explain this to people. Frustrated to the max. And according to the next section, I need to have my emotional state in balance to work with certain kinds of technology, which people do not understand which is why I wrote this website, to explain these things.
Eventually, I'll post a video in the free energy section, and maybe put a note on the home page regarding my OWN work. But I'm tired of hashing all these concepts and ideas to bits. If you cannot do your research, and have no will of your own to do your own experiments, and to show your efforts for the benefit and highest good of all of Humanity, then do not comment on this website.
At this point, I would like to be able to show collections of videos regarding valid antigravity and overunity technology development, which I have absolutely been able to show some valid overunity and reactionless finished technology here at this website.
But because there's too much spam to sort through on YouTube, I want to take this website in a direction to where people can show their work, where it's able to found in one place, where people know where to find it.
And if you feel I am being arrogant, or that it's not worth it, then PLEASE make your own website, or someone make some website which is not your typical YouTube mass fray of chaos, where no one can find anything without spending months to sort through and discern the valid stuff.
I will share who you are, and give you credit for the work that you do. If you want to be anonymous, then we'll have to talk about that, because hiding inventors behind a firewall without any way to talk to them directly about only the stuff they understand is a serious liability. I am done with the speculation and want real disclosure, real proof of concept, and real progress.
I'm pretty much done here, otherwise. This has been an eye-opening experience for me. I have to walk away from the "salt mines" of warp drive physics now for my own piece of mind and emotional and soul well being. I'll keep up the Construction Blog and maybe a few pages, I guess ... for the benefit of the pods at this point at the very least.
Please keep in mind my offer.
I'm going to leave this website alone hopefully now at this point, now that every single piece of evidence and fact and development and stuff is mostly accounted for, so I can enjoy my own development goals pertaining to this technology and science, while having faith that others are also doing the same.
When development success is achieved from me or others, or when videos showing developmental results are made -- real results -- or I am allowed to share those videos, then I will share them. But at this point, it's in the physical development stage. The theoretical development has reached a point of completion.
By the Way: The Construction Blog -- May actually have solved it! DC and AC Flyback; Bedini-Tesla Acitve-Medium Biefeld-Brown Electrogravity Architecture using Rotating and Counter-Rotating Charge, now including the Utron as a critical component as a magneto-electrostatic field generator to handle one part of the counter-rotational negative energy charge!
In other experiments, actually performed by Eric Dollard himself, on his website:
It may be quoted: "But the rest is transmitted longitudinally through the ground instantaneously going beyond Einstein’s speed of light limit – it isn’t faster than the speed of light, it is instantaneous!" <--- this basis of longitudinal wave transmission is the basis of achieving faster-than-light travel in a warp drive, and is discussed in great detail here on this website involving scalar wave and longitudinal wave resonance of NEGATIVE ENERGY.
On that website link just above, it also shows that Eric Dollard has discovered the same thing I have discovered through my Tesla tower equipment in regard to the early detection of earthquakes. In my system the voltage would drop measurably and noticably a month prior to an earthquake; and this happened several times. See the Tesla Engineering Physics page for my work. See Eric's website in the link above for his work.
Below in sections 3 and 5 it discusses the nature of light which I learned early on in university physics about the nature of light, and that light has simultaneous speed characteristics.
Furthermore, because of reactionless free energy electret power cells which constantly create electricity as a power-generating "battery that never dies out," which has been around since WWII and used in every old fashioned rotary telephone and now upgraded to provide a bit of a powerhouse, the question must be asked, are electrons the cause of electricity or not? Can electrets actually create mass (electrons have mass), or is electricity really not applicable at all as a particle? Eric Dollard also talks about this as well.
To put it bluntly, if an electron is measured to have mass, then how can an electret which is constantly creating electricity (the movement of electrons) in a reactionless manner, not be as massive as a black hole? If it produces electricity (electrons), then can it be said that it creates mass? This is only a analogous question, not a real question, but only posed for the consideration that overunity and reaction-less systems that produce more energy output than the input (Like the MVP device, demonstrating 15 times power output over input), do in fact create mass as it creates electricity.
Obviously more electrons are present in the output, than what is going in to the system as the input, in an overunity device; whereas a reactionless electret power cell must then create more electrons than what it's material composition actually has.
Whereas electrons are quantas of mass:
This also BEGS THE QUESTION: If electricity is not caused by electrons, and yet electrons as a packet or quanta of energy (the size of a single quark; considered a lepton), then where and how is mass created by electrical interaction, and why is it that fuel-less electro-inertial drive systems like the EM drive and the Cannae drive create electrical inertial force? Force must be described in terms of mass, and inertia. So how can mass be created, amplified, or reduced to a negative state by using electrons, or more to the point types of electrical energy like electrostatic, dielectrostatic, magnetostatic, di-magnetic, etc .... Inertial force then must be considered in terms of electron mass and electron inertia, merely the result of electromagnetic action that creates inertial gravitation.
If electricity is not the movement of electrons, and electrons have mass, and electricity is produced in reactionless and overunity ways, then mass can be created or negated, increased in value (accelerated protons near light speed) or decreased in value (negative energy scalar resonance), using electromagnetism. See the article on the General Blog page linking the experiments of some physicists who have actually created mass particles from light interference waves.
It is the creation of force, of gravity force through electricomagnetic action which directs the force of mass, and directs the force upon mass to move in such ways of inertia, because you have to have mass in order to move mass. This is the basis of electrogravity theory.
What we DO know is that these relations DO exist: electromagnetic action creates mass, reduces mass, and changes the value of mass to either a positive or negative. This is the basis of electrogravity theory, based upon actual experimental results. For example, the OTC-X1 created a time dilation, where time was faster inside the ship than outside the ship, measured and told to us by the surviving pilot of the ship, Ralph Ring. The OTC-X1 is proven to have existed and to have worked, and I'm not getting into the nature of that kind of proof, but only to explain the engine on this website, otherwise it would be too much information.
The changing of time itself -- electromagnetic frequency -- directs the relation of mass and gravitation, because these are all proportional changes to fields of mass and action UPON mass, to move mass gravitationally which is also an inertial change upon mass, polarizing the inertia of mass to have tendency to move, which is a concept of gravitation. So through an overunity creation of mass, then the inertial field of a massive body can therefore be polarized. If electron-mass is created and directed in one direction, then now we have a mechanism for mass to move mass, which is a reaction mechanism using Newtonian physics; although Newtonian physics does not deal with the creation or negation of mass.
Using Newtonian physics, mass is created on one side of the output of an engine, and shed away from the engine, pushing against the mass that pushes back in action-reaction ways -- mass has to push against mass to move mass -- this is the concept of engine thrust. Negative mass, which has been created as super-fluids in labs, do have an opposite action-reaction mechanism however which shows that if a force is applied to a negative mass fluid, then it pushes back upon the force. So there are ways to do it, and ways not to do it, to achieve inertial movement, electromagnetically, as our modern electric space drives show us. Electromagnetically, both a push AND a pull are relevant forces. Creating a gravity in front of a ship would pull upon the ship (inertial lift), but creating a negative gravity field behind the ship would push upon the ship (inertial thrust) -- these forces are interchangable as AC inertial/gravitational systems.
However if mass can be created, negated, increased in value (particle acceleration) or decreased in value (negative energy gravitation), then the Laws of conservation of mass no longer apply.
Negative energy is what changes mass to have a negative value. Negative energy can be produced as this website shows. Also, simply put, if mass can be created through electromagnetic action, then a gravitational field can be created through electromagnetic action since mass is electromagnetic. We already have two electrical space drive systems (Cannae and EM drive) which do not require fuel, and are purely electrical, which move electro-gravitationally.
The immediate above is just meant to show a simple relation with mass and electromagnetic action, that if mass can be created then gravity can be created. Gravity and inertia is two sides of the same coin. The creation of an electro-inertial engine is the creation of mass to act upon the engine to move it electromagnetically.
. . .
Faster time is the result of negative mass, according to simple relativity. If increase of mass decreases the frequency of time (simple relativity: time slows down closer to a gravitational mass), then a decrease of mass increases the frequency of time.
This is the basic concept of a "warp drive" which warps time in order to traverse distances without it taking as much time, traveling in a faster frequency of time/distance or space/time dimensions of action.
This is the result of negative mass, which is created in an engine using scalar (longitudinal wave) negative-energy resonance, which the OTC-X1 is capable of doing, and is now approached in a modified Bedini style of negative-energy overunity engineering as seen here on this website on the Construction Blog page, the Free Energy / Tesla page, the Info page, the Warp Drive News page, and the General Blog page.
Mass is electromagnetic, and the interaction of an electron (quanta of electrical mass) taking a curved path around a magnetic field is the basis of how to measure mass in physics. The electromagnetic theory of negative gravity applies in this way to reduce mass in a field-area, by using longitudinal scalar wave negative-energy magneto-electrostatic resonance.
This is why the LAU-X4 warp drive anti-gravity craft is based on magneto-dielectrostatic engineering using Bedini style overunity engineering, as well as Tom Bearden style magneto-static resonance, along with Eric Dollard, Tesla, and Townsend Brown dynamic engineering and physics, seen here at this website.
This is real. Overunity and reactionless free energy has been proven to exist, along with a way to achieve negative energy production.
This is discussed below in section 5 regarding the LAU-X4 physics. A lot has evolved since 2015 when many of these articles in sections 2 and 3 were written. Sections 2 and 3 were before any true understanding of negative mass in relativity, and is seen as an introduction to unified physics based on light as the unity of matter.
My point in this is the nature of transformable mass, and how it pertains to a warp drive, so that we can make one; and, it's hard to do this stuff when so much of our technology has been covered up, and there are secrecy orders on 5,000 patents that we don't know about, plus it is in violation of Constitutional law to suppress technology like Townsend Brown technology for 90 years, which by now is probably lost, or burned, or something, and we gotta figure it out all over again.
It's the skeptics that totally kill of this. Overunity has been achieved, and is on display. Look at the Free Energy / Tesla page. Skeptics are not going to accept what is plain to see. We have electric fuel-less electro-inertial space engines like the Cannae and EM drive, that skeptics are not going to accept. But, we're not going to have this technology until people get out their tools and start experimenting and networking together, because when inventors come out with stuff, it is promptly classified, and our sciences are not advancing; we should have already been living in a warp drive, or light-speed civilization by now, where everything is based on credit instead of debt, and our planet is not on the brink of being destroyed by the ignorant apathy of Humanity. All under the guise of what? National security? How secure is extinction, caused by such security for NO REASON?
I'm tired of trying to figure this out when no one recognizes the NEED to participate in this endeavor, and when there is no funding.
I am pretty much frustrated to the max about ALL of this, and I've done the best I can. The public's general reaction to any of these ideas has been in outrage, or apathy, or denial. There's not enough interest in research and development, there's no money to be had in these endeavors, and everything is classified and kept from the public in spite of all the lights in the skies we see everywhere around the world of the breakaway civilization that keeps its existence unknown to the public.
There's not enough duplication efforts of any of this technology; and real inventors, as they are and have been all through historically, are few and far in between, and are usually targeted, as I had been with my original Tesla tower experimentation. There is a massive suppression effort that we have been trying to break through for decades and decades and decades, which is illegal, unlawful, and is a threat to Humanity.
Be a light-warrior, be a fighter, and be willing to come out with your technology in the public, to fight this threat against Humanity.
I would like to play with some of these antigravity concepts such as the OTC-X1, but I do not believe that anyone attempting to reproduce the craft should focus on reproducing the vehicle as it was, but only playing with some of these concepts on their own, not worrying about getting the craft to work so much as just seeing what can happen when things spin this way with a charged field that way, and PUBLISH YOUR RESULTS IN PUBLIC IN FULL VIEW OF EVERYONE.
Let me reiterate: Get something to spin. Get something charged up. Play with these concepts creatively where it is NOT costing you a lot of money to make an utron.
Use coils, use plates of metal, use cheap technology that you can afford, and slowly build up. Please network, and if you want to share videos that are worthy, you can do that here, so it's not so hard to find.
Don't be afraid to express yourself.
(I know I will catch flack for saying this, because everything I write tends to be viewed with contempt from so many people, and I do not know how to be a "good writer," acceptable to people, because I am not acceptable; I am a renegade. I apologize if I am not appearing to be loving, but it is due to my deep love for Humanity and for Life that I am doing these things, because I am willing to stand up and speak from my heart -- Truth of Spirit. The Heart center is Love, as well as Courage, and Conviction, and is the source of Humanity's truest intelligence -- that of the spirit of which honors life.)
. . . Unfortunately, so many YouTube videos these days are all involving scams and spam, preventing any real public research from ever happening, unless people network together, and communicate with each other, and work on ideas in group settings, which even THAT is not happening because no one has time for research, no one has the will to research and to work together, and no one believes in it ... and just in case they do, there is everything piled up in front of us to prevent us from ever seeing the truth.
Also, it's too hard for people to read, and to retain information.
I would like to play with some of these concepts, after I finish my current Tesla tower project, of which commenters are hounding me to shut my mouth and start using my hands, when this OTC-X1 is not even my technology! I would like to just enjoy a creative process of invention, which is really difficult to do without money to do it. I get so angry at people who tell me that *I* need to show proof of concept of a technology that is not even mine to begin with, with the exception of the Tesla tower Ley-line system which I am working on. so ... again, it is too hard for people to read and retain information when I try to explain this to people. Frustrated to the max. And according to the next section, I need to have my emotional state in balance to work with certain kinds of technology, which people do not understand which is why I wrote this website, to explain these things.
Eventually, I'll post a video in the free energy section, and maybe put a note on the home page regarding my OWN work. But I'm tired of hashing all these concepts and ideas to bits. If you cannot do your research, and have no will of your own to do your own experiments, and to show your efforts for the benefit and highest good of all of Humanity, then do not comment on this website.
At this point, I would like to be able to show collections of videos regarding valid antigravity and overunity technology development, which I have absolutely been able to show some valid overunity and reactionless finished technology here at this website.
But because there's too much spam to sort through on YouTube, I want to take this website in a direction to where people can show their work, where it's able to found in one place, where people know where to find it.
And if you feel I am being arrogant, or that it's not worth it, then PLEASE make your own website, or someone make some website which is not your typical YouTube mass fray of chaos, where no one can find anything without spending months to sort through and discern the valid stuff.
I will share who you are, and give you credit for the work that you do. If you want to be anonymous, then we'll have to talk about that, because hiding inventors behind a firewall without any way to talk to them directly about only the stuff they understand is a serious liability. I am done with the speculation and want real disclosure, real proof of concept, and real progress.
I'm pretty much done here, otherwise. This has been an eye-opening experience for me. I have to walk away from the "salt mines" of warp drive physics now for my own piece of mind and emotional and soul well being. I'll keep up the Construction Blog and maybe a few pages, I guess ... for the benefit of the pods at this point at the very least.
Please keep in mind my offer.
I'm going to leave this website alone hopefully now at this point, now that every single piece of evidence and fact and development and stuff is mostly accounted for, so I can enjoy my own development goals pertaining to this technology and science, while having faith that others are also doing the same.
When development success is achieved from me or others, or when videos showing developmental results are made -- real results -- or I am allowed to share those videos, then I will share them. But at this point, it's in the physical development stage. The theoretical development has reached a point of completion.
By the Way: The Construction Blog -- May actually have solved it! DC and AC Flyback; Bedini-Tesla Acitve-Medium Biefeld-Brown Electrogravity Architecture using Rotating and Counter-Rotating Charge, now including the Utron as a critical component as a magneto-electrostatic field generator to handle one part of the counter-rotational negative energy charge!
~ . ~ . ~ . ~
. . .
Home page updated: (07/29/18)
. . . . End of Introduction
(SECTION - 1) The Tesla System is the Foundation for Warp Drive and the Basis for Negative Energy Physics and Research Using Radiant Energy Which Interfaces with Consciousness and Vibrational Frequency (primarily using emotion as the guiding force) of Living Biology.
Emotional energy will affect the power output of some systems, too .. which is weird. More power can be generated from a Tesla system by adjusting one's emotional frequency and mental state of being. This Below is a small example of how consciousness affects energy production in a Tesla Unified System.
A Full System People can Build for Themselves Will Be Published Soon, and Shown in Video Right Up Top on This Home Page in the Near Future; Here is a Sneak Peak (note: aspects of Source fall in the category of metaphysics, the science of living energy and [creative] consciousness, source of energy and nature of reality, necessary when pertaining to super-luminal vehicles and zero point energy, and intention-piloted vehicle interfaces):
"Love is Source of Life. Source Provides. We can never be separate from Love, the Love of Source."

Emotional integrity and emotional frequency (of positive or negative, whereas all positive emotions comes from Love, and all negative from fear) is vital and super important for "interfacing" with the fields and energies of advanced technologies that particularly demonstrate the principles of quantum mechanics. Emotional integrity stabilizes mental conscious functioning, or distorts it. Emotions and energy are also directly related. If "fear" were "God," then the universe would never have come into existence, because the Life Force would never exist in resonance to perpetuate the expansion and becoming of Creation. In the physical universe, fear is the experience of separation from unified Life Force Intelligence -- that in the frequency of Love, which is the highest resonance of intelligent action, logically speaking. Your emotional state influences the life around you, affecting matter and living energy systems. Experiments have shown the effects of thought and emotion upon water. Negative emotions can blow out electronics and even cause earthquakes.
This device to the left harnesses a "static magnet" which is the 7th energy type, near resembling magnetic light. Before I finished the book rough below, I had mistaken the Otis T. Carr OTC X1 dimensional teleportation craft as an antigravity flying platform. It's accurate description is a hovering teleportation (Tele - mind; portation - bio transposition) instrument, like a musical instrument, and an extension of the Human mind and life force itself (for more information see the links and research below). The OTC-X1 is a space ship originally conceived from Tesla, and built by Otis T. Carr, and flown in the 1960's in California, and initially developed near Oklahoma City. However, the OTC X1 uses and harnesses a static magnet, which is very useful in wireless transmission of electromagnetic current, through the air (electromagnetic transfer through electrostatic medium). I've learned the X1 can be a warp drive capable ship; it IS an antigravity flying ship, and it is also the foundation for warp drive and hyperdrive mechanics.
Energy affects and is generated by all living things. The device shown to the above left affected my chakras, and I have removed it, and the tower (seen below and in the downloads, and on the Tesla Engineering Physics page) from outside because natural frequencies of Earth are more beneficial to Life! I have made life changes because of what I've later realized after all this was done and finished. "It is a mistake to claim Soul as the source of life, although the Soul is very much our Creative Powerhouse. That's very important! Because no matter how beat down we can get, or how confused and how much regret, the Truth will always present itself in times of great need, and will always be known, even if times forget. Love is Source of Life, and the book below discusses that in great detail, and also reveals the consequences of ignorance, and the importance of discernment. Sometimes things may be very difficult, and very different, yet the Truth of Love always dispells the illusion -- ultimately that of control and fear."
UPDATE: Upon the correct polarization and system setup, this energy system has now proven to be non-disruptive, because the correct polarization organizes information and biological patterns in the correct way. Whereas before it was unpolarized, yet still producing energy, this has now been corrected.
This device is not only the receiving pedestal for the Tesla Tower Ley-line active vacuum energy production technology, but also an interface mechanism replacing the crystal sphere of the original OTC-X1.
"It's not our energy, it's God's energy, God's Soul(s). ..." -- Dona Lusk
"Source of All Life, Creator of souls, Radiant Love and Light, Life Force Flow, Prime Creator -- When we as Humans look upon the Source of All Life we see a Man looking upon us. J.J. Hurtak was there. Praise the Creator, Love and Praise and Joy to God. Living Energy is Divine and far more than technology could ever conceive. The Soul is Life, as we are Life. A celebration of Life is a celebration of Source, and celebrating Prime Creator, Source of All Existence, of all Creation."
-- Excerpts above in quotations from my book, "Unified Mechanics of Ascension - The Building Physics of Lightdrives" -- Dr. Masaru Emoto's Water Molecule Experiments, upon how positive and negative Thought affects the geometry of water.
The link above, the OTC-X1 antigravity ship, presents a unique opportunity to examine the astounding visual physics that explain its operation. Such creations can be harder to understand, but can easily be realized by physically feeling out the energy. A concept of radiant lift however, is very useful for translocation of energy form, very likely a prelude to stargate mechanics, transporters, and supportive energy and thought transfer platforms.
If you'd like to know more about those dimensional warp physics, and about Otis T. Carr himself, here are some links to research articles. All of Otis T. Carr's work was based on Nikola Tesla's technology, contained primarily in one of Tesla's blue notebooks that Carr never let out of his sight. If it weren't for him, this technology ultimately from Tesla would not be known:
(SECTION-2) Introducing Theory and Design:
This device to the left harnesses a "static magnet" which is the 7th energy type, near resembling magnetic light. Before I finished the book rough below, I had mistaken the Otis T. Carr OTC X1 dimensional teleportation craft as an antigravity flying platform. It's accurate description is a hovering teleportation (Tele - mind; portation - bio transposition) instrument, like a musical instrument, and an extension of the Human mind and life force itself (for more information see the links and research below). The OTC-X1 is a space ship originally conceived from Tesla, and built by Otis T. Carr, and flown in the 1960's in California, and initially developed near Oklahoma City. However, the OTC X1 uses and harnesses a static magnet, which is very useful in wireless transmission of electromagnetic current, through the air (electromagnetic transfer through electrostatic medium). I've learned the X1 can be a warp drive capable ship; it IS an antigravity flying ship, and it is also the foundation for warp drive and hyperdrive mechanics.
Energy affects and is generated by all living things. The device shown to the above left affected my chakras, and I have removed it, and the tower (seen below and in the downloads, and on the Tesla Engineering Physics page) from outside because natural frequencies of Earth are more beneficial to Life! I have made life changes because of what I've later realized after all this was done and finished. "It is a mistake to claim Soul as the source of life, although the Soul is very much our Creative Powerhouse. That's very important! Because no matter how beat down we can get, or how confused and how much regret, the Truth will always present itself in times of great need, and will always be known, even if times forget. Love is Source of Life, and the book below discusses that in great detail, and also reveals the consequences of ignorance, and the importance of discernment. Sometimes things may be very difficult, and very different, yet the Truth of Love always dispells the illusion -- ultimately that of control and fear."
UPDATE: Upon the correct polarization and system setup, this energy system has now proven to be non-disruptive, because the correct polarization organizes information and biological patterns in the correct way. Whereas before it was unpolarized, yet still producing energy, this has now been corrected.
This device is not only the receiving pedestal for the Tesla Tower Ley-line active vacuum energy production technology, but also an interface mechanism replacing the crystal sphere of the original OTC-X1.
"It's not our energy, it's God's energy, God's Soul(s). ..." -- Dona Lusk
"Source of All Life, Creator of souls, Radiant Love and Light, Life Force Flow, Prime Creator -- When we as Humans look upon the Source of All Life we see a Man looking upon us. J.J. Hurtak was there. Praise the Creator, Love and Praise and Joy to God. Living Energy is Divine and far more than technology could ever conceive. The Soul is Life, as we are Life. A celebration of Life is a celebration of Source, and celebrating Prime Creator, Source of All Existence, of all Creation."
-- Excerpts above in quotations from my book, "Unified Mechanics of Ascension - The Building Physics of Lightdrives" -- Dr. Masaru Emoto's Water Molecule Experiments, upon how positive and negative Thought affects the geometry of water.
The link above, the OTC-X1 antigravity ship, presents a unique opportunity to examine the astounding visual physics that explain its operation. Such creations can be harder to understand, but can easily be realized by physically feeling out the energy. A concept of radiant lift however, is very useful for translocation of energy form, very likely a prelude to stargate mechanics, transporters, and supportive energy and thought transfer platforms.
If you'd like to know more about those dimensional warp physics, and about Otis T. Carr himself, here are some links to research articles. All of Otis T. Carr's work was based on Nikola Tesla's technology, contained primarily in one of Tesla's blue notebooks that Carr never let out of his sight. If it weren't for him, this technology ultimately from Tesla would not be known:
(SECTION-2) Introducing Theory and Design:
~.~.~.~.~. The Designing of Starship Physics ~.~.~.~.~.~.
updated (3/29/15)
updated (3/29/15)
I have invented a spaceship! or maybe RE-invented! .. upgraded.. whatever.. It's like a Beam ship. It's actually warp drive physics, quite literally.. and yet, it is in truth a Hyperdrive. It's not about raw power.. how much power does it take to jump the distance between two stars? Is it raw power, or finesse? We've got something really good, here. Warp drive physics is different than hyperdrive physics. Those are two types of physics, and both will be examined.
In theory (and what has been claimed about the OTC-X1 -- the spaceship conceived by Tesla and built by Otis T. Carr, and is the foundation for the LAU-X3, using the X-1 engine), the LAU-X3 acts more like a hyperdrive. And so I'm trying to describe this and define it, and express knowledge of what I have discovered through research and experimentation, and I don't want to sound boring. It actually depends upon two sources: Otis T. Carr, or "John" from the secret space program, as to whether it will behave either as a "warp drive," or as a "hyperdrive." I'm leaning toward the "hyperdrive" side, because one of Otis T. Carr's pilots, Ralph Ring, had a lot to say about something that was done in the 1960's, and has witnesses, records, radio interviews, and a paper trail, basically. I have also concluded the spaceship design of the LAU-X3 is a hyperdrive design. "John" from the secret space program has expressed a good knowledge in physics and engineering, although there are a couple of subtle questions that have come up from what he has stated (See: Granted, I have other sources than just the two; I have studied many writings and works, and done experiments, and done a lot of research.
This stuff should be exciting, not stoic and dull. It's literally warp drive physics, but it's literally a hyperdrive. Hyperdrives are tunnelers through spacetime; warp drives use inertial mass to increase the ship's gravity forces to manipulate spacetime. But this design has both, so to illustrate both the differences, and the similarities! It's rather multidimensional, and there are possibilities to the different flight systems involved. Without building it yet to test it, this is why the realm of physics and theoretical engineering exists.
It travels through the fourth dimension, through time, according to Otis T. Carr. BUT, can it travel through light? It actually uses unified light geometry and mechanics, too. It is a GOOD theory. Much of this is because of Otis T. Carr, who had a connection to Tesla. Actually, most of this is because of Nikola Tesla. However, Otis' work on the OTC-X1, and his physics and technology is literally the backbone for the hyperdrive physics. It could be said Einstein is the foundation for warp drive physics.
But without actually building the OTC-X1, there are only a few unknowns, and so I have attempted to include all possibilities of what it was Otis T. Carr was describing, and I've used General Relativity (relative physics), quantum physics, hyperdimensional physics, superstring physics, and metaphysics to "resolve the paradox" of what can be a valid concept in space travel, achievable not in just one way, but in several. I'm also combining warp drive physics and hyperdrive physics. So, that is not meant to be in conflict; however, it surely adds to the dimensions of what can exist. I may sometimes use the phrase "warp drive" in the generic sense, however, to describe faster-then-light space travel mechanics.
It is very possible, that if it moves through TIME (as Otis T. Carr claimed and demonstrated, concurred with eye-witness reports, and pilot testimonies), instead of focusing on moving through space, and although it DOES have a space-mover as the vertical engine column, then it moves faster through time than though space. So there is a space-warp (spacetime warp) -- it uses a warp drive, in theory, but partially so.
It is also a jump-ship (beam ship), which is like traveling through a worm hole, or folding space in hops to its destination (after all, the OTC-X1 was claimed to teleport).
If the time is decreased to travel a distance, then the distance is decreased, too. So the speed is increased (moving faster in time), but more then that, the space is literally shortened in a corridor through which it travels. There are several possibilities that this technology affords us to examine.
How fast will it go?
There are several possibilities of what this is designed to do, and what it can do; and it may be able to do so in multiple ways. Let's examine warp physics: If it can travel the distance of 200,000 miles per hour, and that time that passes is one hour, and the time can be shortened of that distance by a factor of 120, then the hour becomes minutes, becomes seconds, and that travel speed is 200,000 miles per second.
If the time is shortened by a factor of 1,200, then oh wow oh wow, 200,000 miles per 1/10th of a second, or 2 million miles per second. It is possible the ship can do that. But I believe it will be much faster. The QEG (Quantum Energy Generator) uses two coils that resonate together via a "resonating circuit," and can boast 10 times more output than input. Just for giggles, 100x C puts a ship at Alpha star in 15 days. But how to increase the frequency of time? Conventional warp drive theory makes no attempt to adjust the frequency of time, only space. Yet, time and space is a unified fabric. Warp drive is crude in comparison to "hyperspace teleportation."
Gravity and time and frequency, inertial mass, direction, all that influences the speed of light (usually I would say that is impossible, because of the nature of light). Light (a photon) can be held in stasis in a gas (holding a photon is very impressive)! Let me take a moment to discuss that. Light tells us about the nature of the universe. Light measures spacetime. The photon trapped in gas does not mean that the photon's existence has changed. The photon still exists how it exists. What the photon is doing there, is telling us about the nature of the gas, about its frequency, about its inner-reflective resonance ability. Light is everywhere at once. One photon is the expression of all light, as One-with-All. One photon can create an entire universe of photons. But it is the SAME photon. Twin photons, why they can change their spin at once, is because it is the same photon, the unit of oneness. One photon is the essence of all photons, of all light. To me, it's not logical to throw out what is known, just because there may be a contradiction of what is. The contradiction is usually not in conflict, but shows what else also exists. We now know from that experiment, and also that photons can be held in crystals too, that a photon can be held in resonance.
Light is simultaneous anyway, it's the frequency of time that changes (is a photon held in stasis still vibrating? It would have to be, or it couldn't be seen or measured to be there). It's the frequency of time which increases or decreases near a large gravity source or away from it according to General Relativity. If the gravity can be increased, the time is sped up. Light measures the frequency of gravitytime in relative fields of inertial space, because light is simultaneous, or otherwise independent of time. Because of that, it's the perfect measuring stick for time. The closer to the sun, time is faster, the farther, slower. That is general relativity. It must be said that we have already proven General Relativity with atomic clocks, and by examining the orbit of Mercury, and through other observations.
The planet Mercury, when it orbits around the back-side of the sun, it re-emerges out from behind the sun much faster than when we expect it to re-emerge. All that mass and gravity from the sun is in the way, increasing the speed of time from where we measure Mercury's position and momentum. That's a very easy and simple way to look at things. I prefer simple.
(There is also the light-bending aspect involved; and too, there is the aspect of the "temporal speedbump" of slower time, recently discovered in the "Starship Relativity" post; and along with that discovery, comes a realization that gravity waves are faster than light at black holes)
If you change the time frequency though, then you're dealing with the frequencies of light, or rather the frequencies of matter (the paradox of light). At higher frequencies, matter becomes less solid, and passes through solid objects that are vibrating slower. It may be possible to change the frequency of time to affect gravity and inertia, rather than the other way around.
The OTC-X1 traveled through time to where the Human traveler could not comprehend the trips in the ship, because the ship was moving through time itself, not through faster time but, in independent time (as Otis claimed), able to teleport where one intentionally chooses to go, "behaving" like light-action. The pilots remembered the experience of the trip much later, as it came back in pieces, filling in when parallel reality collapsed to a single world-line (a concept of hyperdimensional navigation, traveling through parallel multiple (near-simultaneous) [fields of] reality to emerge in one; traveling through frequencies and fields of light). Light is living magneto-electrostatic energy unity.
That is MUCH different than conventional physics of time warping from inertial gravity fields alone. That is the experience of traveling through hyperspace!
Light exists simultaneous in nature. If you shot a laser beam to Mars from Earth, the experience of the light would arrive on Mars the moment it left Earth -- simultaneity. The twin particle experiment showed that light exists independent of time. Of course to physical observers (Human beings), we observe light taking time to travel the distance. Light, for this reason, actually is best to measure the frequencies of time itself. Time frequencies are faster closer to gravity, and slower away from gravity. That is General Relativity, and has been proven long ago.
If you put a clock on board the ship, would it be faster or slower? I think the better question is what determines time to speed up or slow down? Normal relative physics just won't work because the clock could be faster, or slower, or simultaneous. Independent time is just that. Independent. The vertical engine column introduces a clock, however. Obviously, gravity fields determine time to speed up and slow down; but what if we could do it without having to manipulate gravity fields, and inertial fields of mass, what if we can do it with manipulating energy frequency which changes upon time, resulting in the manipulation of gravity and inertial fields of mass? Such is examined in detail throughout the website.
The OTC-X1 teleports by design of Nikola Tesla and Otis T. Carr. And it was flown by three pilots in the 1960's around Oklahoma City. One of those pilots is Ralph Ring. We know what it does because it was done, and all that can be revealed has been revealed to the public. I encourage people to do their research, there. However, combining technologies may alter the field shapes and functions; and so, that is why this is examined from multiple angles.
Two aspects of light unity to consider: light's teleportation ability and bi-location ability with the twin particle experiment, and it's simultaneous characteristics independent of time, yet the paradox of physical observers seeing it actually take time to travel. Not only does light measure the frequency of time in gravity fields, but light can exist in two places at once, independent of time. There are some people on this planet who have an ability to use their mind and intention for psychic teleportation of their physical body to a different place, without it taking time to bridge the distance (definition of teleportation). It was rumored the US Air Force was experimenting with psychic teleportation for a while. At the very least, at this point of development, I can actually claim that the ship technology on this website will achieve either teleportation, hyperdrive travel, warp drive travel, or mere light-speed travel. That in itself is an accomplishment. It may not be able to fly to other stars, but it can most assuredly fly very fast to other planets in our star system, as per what I can see, right now. But then again, it's possible it can fly to other stars.
The "error correction" note on the upper portion of the warp drive news page shows that time speeds up between star systems, making a ship of this kind able to travel to other star systems, easier than previously thought.
I would like to say I believe (and I have good reason to believe this) it will teleport and fly more like a hyperdrive, but I want to use physics, logic, verification, and science to determine the truth, and leave the speculation out of it. I have references that I use that are not to be considered "here-say," but are to be considered a product of research.
The universe is multidimensional in nature, because the universe is light, simply stated. Light is "simple unity."
. . .
The rings and vortexes accelerate spacetime frequency. The inertial gravity beam directs that frequency. The desire of the pilot directs it to move. There is more to this than meets the eye. The link between gravity, time, and inertia is well known in advanced physics. Naturally we will examine these things on this website, as well as prospects of altering time and not just gravitytime.
To clarify, gravitytime is the temporal frequency of gravity fields. As said, time accelerates (flows faster) closer to gravity, and decelerates (flows slower) farther from gravity fields. It is a unity. That is conventional physics and mechanics.
This is what I know. There is a gap in the Human's 4th dimensional reasoning. Some people can bridge that gap, be it intuitively, consciously, subconsciously, and just because they have more magnetic properties in their brains. (I've known someone like that).
For me, I prefer to jump that gap, and suggest that something cheap to build, and easy to test be developed. These are the physics of what is known.
(11/08/2014) By: Administrator Drew, a living man, without prejudice X
(SECTION - 3) Introducing Warp Drive Physics update (3/30/2015)
Pure energy (light) has no speed limit, since pure energy phases out a mass wave to zero, and it is mass that incurs time. Information can travel simultaneous from point A to point B, no matter what the distance. The twin particle experiments in Berkeley and New York showed that. If we are to imagine star gates and quantum entangled particles, then a simultaneous relationship without regard to space and time has to be considered, shouldn't it? Mass has a speed limit, energy does not unless it’s seen relative in a mass environment, like a physical universe, given paradoxical structure, and so that energy too has mass. Light is energy, yet light has no mass unless light is split into paradoxical structure (polarized in a particular way). When we measure the speed of light, we are using light to measure relative gravity-time mass fields, say of star systems. A less massive star system would have a slower moving time frequency. More massive objects have a faster flow of time. Light measures the time speed of mass, otherwise light itself exists in much faster and near-simultaneous environments.
Massive objects having a faster flow of time may seem inaccurate because of several things: Light has no time; matter is 1/2 light; time is the separation of matter -- the structure of the paradox of light. When there is higher gravity, mass exists more removed from pure light (zero mass, infinite time), explaining why time is slower closer to the gravity wave of mass's existence, and faster outside of star systems in deep space. If we consider gravity though, as a frequency of acceleration of mass, then there are two considerations: Mass in motion, and mass at rest. Mass cannot exceed the propagation speed (frequency) of its own energy. If the star-system mass is at a frequency of gravity-time, then no massive object in the star system can exceed the mass-gravity-time frequency OF the star system. A starship engine however matches the frequency of the star system, and in a local field around the starship, lowers the mass-frequency to a zero (by co-counter rotation of those inertial fields), which increases the frequency of time (gravitational acceleration) while ALSO phasing the mass to zero (gravitational equalization/neutralization), much like how a pure electrostatic wave can not have an electromagnet in it because the electromagnet is co-counter spinning and phased to zero.
The time frequency is increased (the separation between each moment decreases). THEREFORE, the ship becomes independent of a spacetime field altogether, and acts just as a photon, with zero mass, and zero time. Since gravity is a spacetime frequency, then again, phasing a gravity field to zero transforms it into a photon. That's a light-drive. It's also Ascension.
A photon can be considered with a spin of 1, whilst matter is at a spin of 1/2. A photon can be considered as that which has mass and time and space, but the mass wave is phased to zero because it is co-counter-spinning (two waves spinning in opposite directions at the same time, simultaneously). That can ONLY be considered from within a universe of matter, because a photon as the unity of mass and matter and space and time itself, is thus not a paradox, except to be part of a larger paradox of consciousness -- that of action and identity itself. Don't let this confuse you, just put it into perspective what a photon is relative with a starship engine, and matter.
Massive objects in motion relative with other massive objects is the ONLY way to understand General and Special relativity. Frequency explains General relativity better. But mass in motion relative to other mass is what Special relativity is all about. Keep in mind there are two things going on at once, and two schools of thought: Tesla physics, and Einsteinean physics. Tesla uses frequency. Einstein uses curved space. How do we determine the similarities, when both points of view are different?
Acceleration and gravity is Equivalent. The more gravity, the higher the frequency of spacetime.
Such phenomenon is seen as Mercury moves quicker around the sun — a more massive object — and thus the speed of time is faster. The frequency of time is faster near and surrounding heavy massive objects. That’s why warp drive physics is possible. In particle accelerators (the big ones that stretch for miles and miles around in a circle) accelerate a single proton to near-light speeds. It won't exceed that speed because its mass increases preventing it from exceeding that speed. Thus, the mass of the proton becomes so great, it shakes the ground in the entire region. This only concerns acceleration up to electromagnetic wave speed (186,000 miles per second -- the "speed of light").
Tesla showed that light is a magneto-electrostatic wave, and not just an electromagnetic wave as conventional science knows. When Hertz did his famous experiment showing light was an electromagnetic wave, Tesla talked to him and said, "Put it in a box, and pump the air out so it's in a vacuum and then see." Hertz did, and there was no spark. Hertz tried to change his patent, but the patent office wouldn't allow it. So modern science was stuck with that notion.
Electrostatic waves actually travel faster than electromagnetic waves, around 220,000 miles per second (discovered by HAM radio operators and Eric Dollard). So, light speed must be put into consideration that it is not light which has a speed, but time itself, within relative fields of gravity and inertia.
Energy is also mass. Mass is the energy of paradoxical form, itself, the energy of the paradoxical structure of light itself. Light exerts a slight pressure on matter, it has been observed. Light technically has zero mass, therefore zero inertia. But, the mass is still there, just phased to a zero wave. That nearly knocks it out of time itself, although we can still perceive it as the structure of the universe. The unity of matter (and mass) is light! The Tesla Engineering Physics page shows how a magnet can be zero in an electrostatic wave, but the magnet is still there, and can be polarized when the simultaneous spin of an electrostatic wave is made to go in only one way. Mass is a wave of energy, like gravity, and can be also as a particle -- a point of energy. Mass is when there is a unidirectional force of inertia of a particle to form (the inertia of the form itself, of a particle). When the mass wave is simultaneously co-counter spinning, it is phased to zero. A proton has 1/2 spin. An anti-proton has 1/2 spin. Put together it becomes light -- a photon! And it releases energy from the transformation.
In some cases, energy can become polarized, and thus form energy of inertia, mass, gravity. Light is unity-energy. Electromagnetic waves, electrostatic waves, magneto-electrostatic waves.. those are all energy waves, which behave like light, but are already somewhat in a paradoxical state of action. Light is the unity of magneto-electrostatic energy; mass is a magneto-electrostatic frequency and wave. Light is the unity; mass is the paradox. A particle beam moving at the speed of light, can punch a hole in something. Gravity can be created. Gravity can also be negated. Gravity is the inertia of mass-energy. A laser beam may not have inertial mass; but if polarized (the paradoxical form of the laser beam), it is a gravity beam.
Because of this, magneto-electrostatic engines harnessing inertial acceleration forces of rotation in high frequencies and volts, harnesses the energy of mass itself, the substance of matter itself, and therefore can create gravity and change the flow of time. When brought into paradoxical unity, these energy fields create matter and anti-matter energy vibration frequency, unifying together as pure light in the case of an engine design utilizing mass acceleration up to "light speed." Otherwise, fractal resonance frequencies apply.
Light speed acceleration is the concept of the tachyon drive in an LAU-X3 configuration; while the LAU-X3 engines in their displayed design utilize a multiplication of frequencies (resonance) to achieve a possible range of teleportation, hyperdrive, or warp drive flight, including simple antigravity, electrogravity, and atmospheric flight.
I have laid it out on the page an evolution of form, and toward the bottom of the page it becomes much more clear as the engines and drive systems are put together.
To be clear, there are other designs of gravity and "antigravity" engines which use focused radio waves and/or microwaves (microwaves utilize principles from John Hutchison to turn metal into liquid and are accelerated See: John Hutchison used microwave energy, it's just the same energy at a shorter wavelength -- higher frequency, more capacitance. It's just basic schoolboy physics. The time a coil of wire passes between one stator magnet and another completes a waveform in an AC generator. The frequency is that time between points. As the frequency increases, so do the volts. Increasing the volts also increases the frequency, too. That is the wavelength time in a generator. When directed appropriately and shielded, a very high frequency encasement of energy around the generator creates its own walls that protect the outside environment from harmful EMF (use a Faraday cage). The frequency is the wave-cycle in time. The higher, the more energy power. Super high frequencies of electricity, even though at a million volts, become whispy-like plasma and harmlessly glance over ones skin as seen from the old Tesla shows and public demonstrations.
David Sereda (see the recommended websites section below) discovered that radio waves emitted from a convex cylinder, focused to a point along an outside saucer-edge and harnessed in a resonant-wave ring creates a lift effect (a coil wound around the convex cylinder emitting waves caught by a coil at the edge of the saucer-rim, with coils wound in intervals around that). He has claimed a French team of engineers developed one based on his designs which leaped through the roof of their building when they turned the device on. However, there is a highly toxic radioactivity (harmful EMF) produced from such devices which have been reported caused from similar test aircraft seen around US Air Force bases in the past, possibly due to its area affect static vortex engineering. Although, while those conditions were reported, it is truly an unknown as to what frequencies were used, or if such a radio-wave propulsion device was in fact actually used. From what is more commonly known, radio-wave electrogravity does not incur harmful EMF "radioactivity" (high energy photon and/or particle rays from an energy source; mass and energy is related directly. See toward the bottom of "Warp Drive News" page).
The concept of using a gravity vortex generated by the vertical engine core in these designs on this website also works in tandem with an outer matter-acceleration ring; and too, the vertical core creates an electrical resonance field. The integration of systems is one thing I focused on in a ship design. For example, a different engine type can replace the vertical core and still be made to work in harmony with the outer ring engine, and the lower engine which is ultimately an OTCX-1 Tesla style engine.
The quantum gravity thruster tested by NASA EAGLEWORKS is very promising. And more people are jumping on the warp-drive train. These people here are attempting with style, to outdo NASA EAGLEWORKS and to be the first to create a working warp-drive test device (really hot looking ship, too!) See the link: ... They are using focused radio waves, and fractal geometry among other principles to create a warp bubble. Radio waves can also create static fields (See: Tesla Engineering Physics). A radio wave is a frequency of magneto-electrostatic energy. Focused to a point, in that frequency difference, creates an electrical force of angular inertia. In vortex sacred geometry, EMF fields have proven to increase healing, rather than being harmful EMF.
The vertical core has all the points down, working on assumption of a gravity pocket in front of the ship (on top of the ship) from force moving through the central Z-axis of the ship in these designs, to the central accumulator below. It's an assumption of a paradox of motion working in harmony with the integration and disintegration (accretion disk) zones of polarized mass-energy fields. Conventional thrusters in space leave mass behind them as they travel forward. The paradox of motion is to integrate mass through-to-within from disintegration [of mass] along the equator. It is an electrogravity concept but instead of using accelerated protons around an air-frame from the atmosphere of Earth to create a mass-warp field, it uses an inward vector of raw mass-force electrically. The vertical engine may not be suited well enough to accelerate or handle accelerated proton flow at light speeds, even working in tandem with the outer ring, but the concept of the need for such a mechanism is valid. Regardless, electrical and inertial resonance generated by the vertical core may be all it needs. The engineering of the physics can be created, but at least this places the physics into an engineerable reality.
Massive objects having a faster flow of time may seem inaccurate because of several things: Light has no time; matter is 1/2 light; time is the separation of matter -- the structure of the paradox of light. When there is higher gravity, mass exists more removed from pure light (zero mass, infinite time), explaining why time is slower closer to the gravity wave of mass's existence, and faster outside of star systems in deep space. If we consider gravity though, as a frequency of acceleration of mass, then there are two considerations: Mass in motion, and mass at rest. Mass cannot exceed the propagation speed (frequency) of its own energy. If the star-system mass is at a frequency of gravity-time, then no massive object in the star system can exceed the mass-gravity-time frequency OF the star system. A starship engine however matches the frequency of the star system, and in a local field around the starship, lowers the mass-frequency to a zero (by co-counter rotation of those inertial fields), which increases the frequency of time (gravitational acceleration) while ALSO phasing the mass to zero (gravitational equalization/neutralization), much like how a pure electrostatic wave can not have an electromagnet in it because the electromagnet is co-counter spinning and phased to zero.
The time frequency is increased (the separation between each moment decreases). THEREFORE, the ship becomes independent of a spacetime field altogether, and acts just as a photon, with zero mass, and zero time. Since gravity is a spacetime frequency, then again, phasing a gravity field to zero transforms it into a photon. That's a light-drive. It's also Ascension.
A photon can be considered with a spin of 1, whilst matter is at a spin of 1/2. A photon can be considered as that which has mass and time and space, but the mass wave is phased to zero because it is co-counter-spinning (two waves spinning in opposite directions at the same time, simultaneously). That can ONLY be considered from within a universe of matter, because a photon as the unity of mass and matter and space and time itself, is thus not a paradox, except to be part of a larger paradox of consciousness -- that of action and identity itself. Don't let this confuse you, just put it into perspective what a photon is relative with a starship engine, and matter.
Massive objects in motion relative with other massive objects is the ONLY way to understand General and Special relativity. Frequency explains General relativity better. But mass in motion relative to other mass is what Special relativity is all about. Keep in mind there are two things going on at once, and two schools of thought: Tesla physics, and Einsteinean physics. Tesla uses frequency. Einstein uses curved space. How do we determine the similarities, when both points of view are different?
Acceleration and gravity is Equivalent. The more gravity, the higher the frequency of spacetime.
Such phenomenon is seen as Mercury moves quicker around the sun — a more massive object — and thus the speed of time is faster. The frequency of time is faster near and surrounding heavy massive objects. That’s why warp drive physics is possible. In particle accelerators (the big ones that stretch for miles and miles around in a circle) accelerate a single proton to near-light speeds. It won't exceed that speed because its mass increases preventing it from exceeding that speed. Thus, the mass of the proton becomes so great, it shakes the ground in the entire region. This only concerns acceleration up to electromagnetic wave speed (186,000 miles per second -- the "speed of light").
Tesla showed that light is a magneto-electrostatic wave, and not just an electromagnetic wave as conventional science knows. When Hertz did his famous experiment showing light was an electromagnetic wave, Tesla talked to him and said, "Put it in a box, and pump the air out so it's in a vacuum and then see." Hertz did, and there was no spark. Hertz tried to change his patent, but the patent office wouldn't allow it. So modern science was stuck with that notion.
Electrostatic waves actually travel faster than electromagnetic waves, around 220,000 miles per second (discovered by HAM radio operators and Eric Dollard). So, light speed must be put into consideration that it is not light which has a speed, but time itself, within relative fields of gravity and inertia.
Energy is also mass. Mass is the energy of paradoxical form, itself, the energy of the paradoxical structure of light itself. Light exerts a slight pressure on matter, it has been observed. Light technically has zero mass, therefore zero inertia. But, the mass is still there, just phased to a zero wave. That nearly knocks it out of time itself, although we can still perceive it as the structure of the universe. The unity of matter (and mass) is light! The Tesla Engineering Physics page shows how a magnet can be zero in an electrostatic wave, but the magnet is still there, and can be polarized when the simultaneous spin of an electrostatic wave is made to go in only one way. Mass is a wave of energy, like gravity, and can be also as a particle -- a point of energy. Mass is when there is a unidirectional force of inertia of a particle to form (the inertia of the form itself, of a particle). When the mass wave is simultaneously co-counter spinning, it is phased to zero. A proton has 1/2 spin. An anti-proton has 1/2 spin. Put together it becomes light -- a photon! And it releases energy from the transformation.
In some cases, energy can become polarized, and thus form energy of inertia, mass, gravity. Light is unity-energy. Electromagnetic waves, electrostatic waves, magneto-electrostatic waves.. those are all energy waves, which behave like light, but are already somewhat in a paradoxical state of action. Light is the unity of magneto-electrostatic energy; mass is a magneto-electrostatic frequency and wave. Light is the unity; mass is the paradox. A particle beam moving at the speed of light, can punch a hole in something. Gravity can be created. Gravity can also be negated. Gravity is the inertia of mass-energy. A laser beam may not have inertial mass; but if polarized (the paradoxical form of the laser beam), it is a gravity beam.
Because of this, magneto-electrostatic engines harnessing inertial acceleration forces of rotation in high frequencies and volts, harnesses the energy of mass itself, the substance of matter itself, and therefore can create gravity and change the flow of time. When brought into paradoxical unity, these energy fields create matter and anti-matter energy vibration frequency, unifying together as pure light in the case of an engine design utilizing mass acceleration up to "light speed." Otherwise, fractal resonance frequencies apply.
Light speed acceleration is the concept of the tachyon drive in an LAU-X3 configuration; while the LAU-X3 engines in their displayed design utilize a multiplication of frequencies (resonance) to achieve a possible range of teleportation, hyperdrive, or warp drive flight, including simple antigravity, electrogravity, and atmospheric flight.
I have laid it out on the page an evolution of form, and toward the bottom of the page it becomes much more clear as the engines and drive systems are put together.
To be clear, there are other designs of gravity and "antigravity" engines which use focused radio waves and/or microwaves (microwaves utilize principles from John Hutchison to turn metal into liquid and are accelerated See: John Hutchison used microwave energy, it's just the same energy at a shorter wavelength -- higher frequency, more capacitance. It's just basic schoolboy physics. The time a coil of wire passes between one stator magnet and another completes a waveform in an AC generator. The frequency is that time between points. As the frequency increases, so do the volts. Increasing the volts also increases the frequency, too. That is the wavelength time in a generator. When directed appropriately and shielded, a very high frequency encasement of energy around the generator creates its own walls that protect the outside environment from harmful EMF (use a Faraday cage). The frequency is the wave-cycle in time. The higher, the more energy power. Super high frequencies of electricity, even though at a million volts, become whispy-like plasma and harmlessly glance over ones skin as seen from the old Tesla shows and public demonstrations.
David Sereda (see the recommended websites section below) discovered that radio waves emitted from a convex cylinder, focused to a point along an outside saucer-edge and harnessed in a resonant-wave ring creates a lift effect (a coil wound around the convex cylinder emitting waves caught by a coil at the edge of the saucer-rim, with coils wound in intervals around that). He has claimed a French team of engineers developed one based on his designs which leaped through the roof of their building when they turned the device on. However, there is a highly toxic radioactivity (harmful EMF) produced from such devices which have been reported caused from similar test aircraft seen around US Air Force bases in the past, possibly due to its area affect static vortex engineering. Although, while those conditions were reported, it is truly an unknown as to what frequencies were used, or if such a radio-wave propulsion device was in fact actually used. From what is more commonly known, radio-wave electrogravity does not incur harmful EMF "radioactivity" (high energy photon and/or particle rays from an energy source; mass and energy is related directly. See toward the bottom of "Warp Drive News" page).
The concept of using a gravity vortex generated by the vertical engine core in these designs on this website also works in tandem with an outer matter-acceleration ring; and too, the vertical core creates an electrical resonance field. The integration of systems is one thing I focused on in a ship design. For example, a different engine type can replace the vertical core and still be made to work in harmony with the outer ring engine, and the lower engine which is ultimately an OTCX-1 Tesla style engine.
The quantum gravity thruster tested by NASA EAGLEWORKS is very promising. And more people are jumping on the warp-drive train. These people here are attempting with style, to outdo NASA EAGLEWORKS and to be the first to create a working warp-drive test device (really hot looking ship, too!) See the link: ... They are using focused radio waves, and fractal geometry among other principles to create a warp bubble. Radio waves can also create static fields (See: Tesla Engineering Physics). A radio wave is a frequency of magneto-electrostatic energy. Focused to a point, in that frequency difference, creates an electrical force of angular inertia. In vortex sacred geometry, EMF fields have proven to increase healing, rather than being harmful EMF.
The vertical core has all the points down, working on assumption of a gravity pocket in front of the ship (on top of the ship) from force moving through the central Z-axis of the ship in these designs, to the central accumulator below. It's an assumption of a paradox of motion working in harmony with the integration and disintegration (accretion disk) zones of polarized mass-energy fields. Conventional thrusters in space leave mass behind them as they travel forward. The paradox of motion is to integrate mass through-to-within from disintegration [of mass] along the equator. It is an electrogravity concept but instead of using accelerated protons around an air-frame from the atmosphere of Earth to create a mass-warp field, it uses an inward vector of raw mass-force electrically. The vertical engine may not be suited well enough to accelerate or handle accelerated proton flow at light speeds, even working in tandem with the outer ring, but the concept of the need for such a mechanism is valid. Regardless, electrical and inertial resonance generated by the vertical core may be all it needs. The engineering of the physics can be created, but at least this places the physics into an engineerable reality.
Vertical cone update: It has come to my attention that there may be some issue with the vertical cones not tilting to full extension while in motion. By the way, the cones have to be spun from the lower engine, they will not spin on their own accord. By switching the polarity of the magnets around the rim of cones so they are all in one polarity, IE all the cone-rim magnets oriented with north pole facing out, then there can be a bit of an attraction from cone-rim to cone-rim, causing them to tilt for the crank-shaft effect. The repulsion of the outer edge of the cone to the outer cylinder housing will still be in effect, so the cone rims won't "clink" together. (diagram in upper right corner) Also, the tips of the cones ought to use a stout ball-and-socket connection into the central axis of each cone (so the cones don't flip around due to the strong magnetic forces). Likewise and obviously, the outer cylinder housing magnets all need to be oriented with north pole to the inside instead of alternating north, south, north, south would balance the engine. The magnets are all oriented in the same direction instead of alternating. The engine concept won't work the way David Hamel originally conceived it; it had to be modified. Four cones is the paradox of the volume of a sphere (4/3 PI*R^3) -- a "one."
The movement of the cones is a vibration, not the same as a crude crank. It's not unlike spinning a string in your hand. Eventually the string will reach a harmonic resonance with the bottom and top, so that one or two, or even three loops can form in the string. The vertical engine of cones vibrates and spins according to its own ease of motion; while merely setting the bottom into motion with conditions correct at the top, will cause the whole dance to find an equilibrium as its intended motion and balance, with its limits shown in the upper right diagram in the image above.
Note the imbalance of angular force electrically (angular force = electrical force) directed to the central accumulator below (the small gray image in the middle). The cones move similarly to the sphere, which is also interesting to note.
Note in the above picture, the "guts" of the cones are slightly modified. Rodin coils are around the primary cylindrical coils to induce spin
electromagnetically. That speeds up rotation and doesn't just apply drag to the lower X1 disk (seen below).
In fact, those vertical rodin coils can still be fit around a central, but narrower primary cylindrical coil. I believe that is the CORRECT geometry.
That particular correction shows how the vertical cones may accelerate the lower X1 engine. Usually the amount of electromagnetic current
applied not only turns a motor, but stops it from turning faster than the amount of energy going in.
Using vortex geometry, that energy "amount" is multiplied upon, and tends to stay in motion for a while, continuing to be energized while
self-charging capacitors recharge and pulse it again and again. There is no on and off in the current. It's pure sinewave.
See: "Updates and Design Improvements"
electromagnetically. That speeds up rotation and doesn't just apply drag to the lower X1 disk (seen below).
In fact, those vertical rodin coils can still be fit around a central, but narrower primary cylindrical coil. I believe that is the CORRECT geometry.
That particular correction shows how the vertical cones may accelerate the lower X1 engine. Usually the amount of electromagnetic current
applied not only turns a motor, but stops it from turning faster than the amount of energy going in.
Using vortex geometry, that energy "amount" is multiplied upon, and tends to stay in motion for a while, continuing to be energized while
self-charging capacitors recharge and pulse it again and again. There is no on and off in the current. It's pure sinewave.
See: "Updates and Design Improvements"
(SECTION - 4) Design History Following Through With the Final Design of the LAU-X4 Below
Design and Detail
The general nature of the design is the combination of the lower engine (OTC-X1), an outer ring drive, and the vertical engine core. The vertical engine core is essentially an electro-magnetostatic proton accelerator which also uses electro-mechanical motion to accelerate and energize protons (air or monoatomic hydrogen in this particular design) to very fast speeds. The air becomes charged. It is an electrogravity internal engine, and an angular-inertial-electric vortex force generator.
Air can be ported and vented in and out of the ship for various flight modes.
It creates a gravity force, a gravity beam, a gravity field, and a gravitic imbalance or lift; all these forces and aspects are examined in these physics. It also accelerates the frequencies of time, as well as space, and that is primarily the function of the X-1 engine (lower drive), yet the X-1 also increases the frequencies of time while decreasing the mass of the ship. The LAU-X3 does the same, but increases gravity inversely, so that the more gravity it generates, the more mass decreases (tachyon). The outer ring drive accelerates the frequency of the two internal engines, and shapes the field for travelling in a hyperspace corridor, and providing balance and stability (in inherently unstable conditions). The engineering on that may involve electrical particle acceleration of the charged exotic airflow in rotation/counter-rotation around the edge of the outer hull, or an electromagnetic type of system which is reviewed on the warp-drive-engineering and warp-drive-news pages.
The outside surface of the hull is charged also for electrogravity flight, and/or shields, in various flight modes. The airframe itself has the potential to store much electrical energy when the ship is open-vented in atmospheric flight. Each engine system is independent on its own, and unity-generating. Any electrogravity system is theoretically able to store inertial energy (mass and gravity) for a tougher hull strength, and of course be able to take sharp 90 degree turns without pulling excessive g-forces. (see: warp drive blog)
It is radiation shielded by it's very nature of operation (the charged atmosphere and electrogravity plating act as shielding, however radiation shielding is easy these days). Also a fractal geometry nanofiber faraday cage is also a good idea.
It is thought-piloted. Manual power-adjustment controls are required, however. Alternately, the ship can be steered and flown by manual-control adjustments to the field, which may make it easier to focus one's attention and intention to piloting the energies. (see: warp drive philosophy, and metaphysics blog)
I've provided a lot of information for a better understanding, and have filled out this website as I've been going along. I've described all the components piece by piece, and the physics from a multidimensional Unity (second triad unified physics). This isn't a golden platter, maybe not silver, more of a "shiny copper platter" of knowledge including metaphysics. It's been about a year and a half since this website has been created; there is older information that I have left included to show the journey, however it is very informative. I've constructed this over time, and over time it has evolved. So it's an interesting journey to explore. The sphere at the bottom of the ship is obviously obsolete, but it helps to grasp some concepts, in my opinion.
. . .
I would like to point out in the above design the adaptability of the double-wound coils (see the large image above), either Rodin style or induction/interference style (Rodin-Buturff), and both. Beauty. Much of it can be interchangeable and adaptable on the fly for construction. This is a work in progress, and the design evolves as you read toward the bottom of the webpage. I had left parts out, but as I have read a lot over the years, I subconsciously left room for the appropriate components to be included. As you read down toward the bottom of the page, the parts are included and added, and even replaced. There is still much to learn, but I hope all this information provides a semi-complete understanding.
Electrostatic and magnetic components can also be interchangeable. The cones don't have to necessarily touch the walls, that is easy for engineering drafting only. The engineering is meant for easy grasp of concept. Some of the finer details are left more to abstract. Don't be locked into "static thinking," or seeing what is unchangeable and assuming the design to be flawed. Engineering is creative. For example, the ball-and-socket fitting on the lower tip of the cones is mutable and torsion-adjustable for speed and vortex adjustments. I took shortcuts because the engineering always works itself out in the construction, regardless. That's what engineering is all about -- creative thinking.
Also, Rodin technology (reaction-less drive system) is also applied in different ways in these designs, including a re-engineered lower drive assembly partly shown on this cover picture. The geometry known of the Rodin coil is also associated with Tesla technology and physics. The multipower source is self generating and is Tesla magneto-electrostatic amplification, transformation and generation systems. It does not require that much energy, but it DOES require Tesla-transformed ultra high frequency -- the unity of positive and negative, of electric and magnetic, the interception of integrating matter and disintegrating matter. See the links above for further detail about the interception -- see: Otis T. Carr. Also see "warp drive engineering" page.
I would like to also point out the air/spark gapped nature of the cones at the top and a possibility along the rims, the natural capacitance of the cones, and the addition of capacitance within the cones for running dual circuits magneto-electrostatically, and to complete those circuits "wirelessly" with or without internal components. Again, adaptability and tunability of design allows for the testing of greater ranges of possibility by making simple modifications and using easy-to-interchange parts.
Electrostatic and magnetic components can also be interchangeable. The cones don't have to necessarily touch the walls, that is easy for engineering drafting only. The engineering is meant for easy grasp of concept. Some of the finer details are left more to abstract. Don't be locked into "static thinking," or seeing what is unchangeable and assuming the design to be flawed. Engineering is creative. For example, the ball-and-socket fitting on the lower tip of the cones is mutable and torsion-adjustable for speed and vortex adjustments. I took shortcuts because the engineering always works itself out in the construction, regardless. That's what engineering is all about -- creative thinking.
Also, Rodin technology (reaction-less drive system) is also applied in different ways in these designs, including a re-engineered lower drive assembly partly shown on this cover picture. The geometry known of the Rodin coil is also associated with Tesla technology and physics. The multipower source is self generating and is Tesla magneto-electrostatic amplification, transformation and generation systems. It does not require that much energy, but it DOES require Tesla-transformed ultra high frequency -- the unity of positive and negative, of electric and magnetic, the interception of integrating matter and disintegrating matter. See the links above for further detail about the interception -- see: Otis T. Carr. Also see "warp drive engineering" page.
I would like to also point out the air/spark gapped nature of the cones at the top and a possibility along the rims, the natural capacitance of the cones, and the addition of capacitance within the cones for running dual circuits magneto-electrostatically, and to complete those circuits "wirelessly" with or without internal components. Again, adaptability and tunability of design allows for the testing of greater ranges of possibility by making simple modifications and using easy-to-interchange parts.
Note the curved cone surfaces ...

These earlier designs are here to show a few things, particularly the nature of a sphere of mass in motion to generate lift. With the big sphere at the bottom of the ship, it is not a warp drive or hyperdrive. Warp drive and hyperdrive engines are discussed more toward the bottom of the page, and on all the rest of the pages of this website, as the engines take shape.
The proportions can be changed; it's not set in stone. Note the rims of the cones curved for aerodynamics. The gravity forces on the lower engine assembly are noteworthy, however. The pictures below accommodate such forces in design. Ideally, I'd prefer the bottom of the cones to be parallel with the bottom of the wings, for a more true field effect. But, for experimentation this is merely a prototype to give one an idea of the physics. Don't get confused that there is a section missing in this picture, the missing drive component is filled in below.
There is a paradox to the dynamics of the warp field (more information is available in the downloadables below), which means it will work in one way or the other, either carrying the ship forward with the direction of inertial mass flow, OR moving the space in front of the ship THROUGH the ship, to behind the ship, creating travel in that scalar manner.
There is no direct force on the hull of the ship from the exotic flow of protons >magneto-electrostatically aligned and directed in polarity, spin, rotation, the inertial mass force of high frequency protons< because it is all electrically guided in a unified force where the hull becomes part of the overall geometry; but there is a structural load angular spin-rotation-gyration inertial force on the ship from the sphere below, pushing up.
The sphere below is directed in centripetal -- inward directed vortex. There is very little of an outer centrifugal force generated, so it can spin very fast. A heavy mass moved in such a way exceeds and overcomes the inertial force of Earth's gravity. I believe MIT has worked those vectors out, also. The sphere spins and revolves, as well as gyrates, like throwing a curve ball upward. That concept is called "angular inertia."
To note additional adaptability, a spiraling spiral of air-flow or monoatomic proton flow (becoming ionized in the engine core), in a directed AC (DC-AC), similar to the concept below but expanded in dimensions of height and recirculated around the hull space could use the same "starboat" engineered ship design, using Rodin-Tesla internal geometry inside the cones to direct the exotic proton flow, similar to an AC circulation ring. exotic air flow spirals downward over the cones and around the self-charged hull air-space and back through the engine again , rather than in just a relative 2 dimensionally structured field as the concept directly below.
Keep in mind the offset of the sphere unbalancing the gravitational shape of the overall gravitational unified force field from the main vertical engines. Such an imbalance creates inertial travel in one way. No engine is truly in a state of balance. Any equilibrium is the result of imbalanced forces working in harmony to achieve motion. What that means, is that the sphere at the bottom offsets the overall "warp geometry" of the ship to affect more positive lift or travel. In the lower designs a Rodin reactionless drive system is used -- the Rodin Coil -- to turn the sphere.
The proportions can be changed; it's not set in stone. Note the rims of the cones curved for aerodynamics. The gravity forces on the lower engine assembly are noteworthy, however. The pictures below accommodate such forces in design. Ideally, I'd prefer the bottom of the cones to be parallel with the bottom of the wings, for a more true field effect. But, for experimentation this is merely a prototype to give one an idea of the physics. Don't get confused that there is a section missing in this picture, the missing drive component is filled in below.
There is a paradox to the dynamics of the warp field (more information is available in the downloadables below), which means it will work in one way or the other, either carrying the ship forward with the direction of inertial mass flow, OR moving the space in front of the ship THROUGH the ship, to behind the ship, creating travel in that scalar manner.
There is no direct force on the hull of the ship from the exotic flow of protons >magneto-electrostatically aligned and directed in polarity, spin, rotation, the inertial mass force of high frequency protons< because it is all electrically guided in a unified force where the hull becomes part of the overall geometry; but there is a structural load angular spin-rotation-gyration inertial force on the ship from the sphere below, pushing up.
The sphere below is directed in centripetal -- inward directed vortex. There is very little of an outer centrifugal force generated, so it can spin very fast. A heavy mass moved in such a way exceeds and overcomes the inertial force of Earth's gravity. I believe MIT has worked those vectors out, also. The sphere spins and revolves, as well as gyrates, like throwing a curve ball upward. That concept is called "angular inertia."
To note additional adaptability, a spiraling spiral of air-flow or monoatomic proton flow (becoming ionized in the engine core), in a directed AC (DC-AC), similar to the concept below but expanded in dimensions of height and recirculated around the hull space could use the same "starboat" engineered ship design, using Rodin-Tesla internal geometry inside the cones to direct the exotic proton flow, similar to an AC circulation ring. exotic air flow spirals downward over the cones and around the self-charged hull air-space and back through the engine again , rather than in just a relative 2 dimensionally structured field as the concept directly below.
Keep in mind the offset of the sphere unbalancing the gravitational shape of the overall gravitational unified force field from the main vertical engines. Such an imbalance creates inertial travel in one way. No engine is truly in a state of balance. Any equilibrium is the result of imbalanced forces working in harmony to achieve motion. What that means, is that the sphere at the bottom offsets the overall "warp geometry" of the ship to affect more positive lift or travel. In the lower designs a Rodin reactionless drive system is used -- the Rodin Coil -- to turn the sphere.
AC Exotic Antigravity

This is what's evolving in the news recently, something like the picture to the left. There has to be something in the middle, like a cylinder shape to conduct gravity flow from a massive body, like a big coil or large saucer ship, with obvious pronounced positive and negative ends at a good distance. Would be interesting to see how such a thing develops. Be sure to examine Appendix IV in the book. Such Geometry is Sacred to the Cosmos indeed.
From my experience with magnetic and magneto-electrostatic forces, it is only a gliding, or a lift effect. Even though the force of the exotic protons (hydrogen probably) exceeds c (electromagnetic wave speed), the overall lift of the ship is a slight force. It could actually be very fast though as a reactionless exotic drive system, and hold the time synchronized between the gravity fields of star systems.
This design looks like a stargate opening a wormhole, and I'm sure these technologies of warp flight are very similar to such notions of universal travel. I'm sure we shall see how all these energies and geometries can work together to achieve travel outside our star system, to distance star systems, in the very near future.
Exotic matter is a phase of matter in a mono-atomic (single-atom) state, which is ionic thusly. All this time it was defined in the book but not on the webpage. Exotic matter (mono-atomic) is a natural room-temperature superconducter. In a super-high frequency plasma state, atoms can be stripped of their electrons, making a substance mono-atomic. NASA has experimented with mono-atomic Hydrogen for example. Exotic matter also demonstrates positive and negative mass fluctuations, and it appears in multiple places at once, inside and outside of a container (quantum tunneling).
To Note: the inner plane vortex can spin counter to the outer spiral ring.
Also there is an error in the above picture. There must be a simultaneous clockwise AND counter-clockwise flow around the outside of the ship. The inside can be an inertial mono-pole however, exotic air flow in one direction (polarity).
I remember reading something about Tesla's encounters with ET, and they had a ship designed very similar (the X-12). In fact Tesla had an idea to make a large ring around the equator of Earth that would float above the surface of the Earth untethered, and be used for various reasons. Tesla himself in his autobiography, the "Wall of Light," claimed to be from Venus, and the ET he was working with were also Venusians.
Scientists claim no life can exist on Venus. However, they reported the parachute opened and the initial probe sent to Venus settled onto the surface and continued to function for a bit before it stopped. However in reported atmospheric conditions of sulfuric acid rain and acidic clouds, and a temperature of thousands of degrees, how could the parachute even opened without instantly melting? It would have slammed into the ground and broke into pieces. On the other side of things, satellites in Earth orbit also show that Earth has a Venusian-like atmosphere, greenhouse gone wild, sulfuric acid rain and toxic acid clouds, temperature of thousands of degrees, etc. Hellish conditions. But those Earth satellites are only showing anomalous readings.
. . .
There are always safety considerations to new technology. I believe these designs to be safe as long as certain conditions are tested. I've had some experience in unsafe conditions, but cannot remember those as they were too traumatic to study safely. Makes sense, right? It is unclear in many instances just what makes conditions unsafe. I have included some things in my book on unsafe conditions, to avoid. I also like to stay away from notions of "quantum vaccum" or "void," because there truly is no void that is not filled with energy. There are appropriate energy conditions to life, and inappropriate energy conditions to life. The one thing I wish to point out is the fact that pilots and occupants traveling in star ships ought to be free of toxins altogether, otherwise unsafe conditions could arise in the higher frequency environment of interstellar space flight. Particular insanities could develop as some configurations of EMF energies affect the brain. Certain "voice of God" technologies do exist to induce these effects artificially; and as such, these conditions are resolved and "healed" when exposures to certain frequencies are removed. There are some patents out there that involve these disruptive technologies.
The safety considerations are of the highest priority, and there are two schools of thought behind it: Kundalini activation whereas one's belief cores may cause internal mental conflict as to trying to understand the experience, and the nature of improper polarization of scalar energies. Scalar technology can be used to heal, and to harm, and the intended purpose behind the usage of technology plays the largest role as to if they are safe or harmful. With appropriate consideration to the Life Force, any destructive effect will not be present, so as long as people are mindful of the metaphysical aspects of consciousness and energy.
From my experience with magnetic and magneto-electrostatic forces, it is only a gliding, or a lift effect. Even though the force of the exotic protons (hydrogen probably) exceeds c (electromagnetic wave speed), the overall lift of the ship is a slight force. It could actually be very fast though as a reactionless exotic drive system, and hold the time synchronized between the gravity fields of star systems.
This design looks like a stargate opening a wormhole, and I'm sure these technologies of warp flight are very similar to such notions of universal travel. I'm sure we shall see how all these energies and geometries can work together to achieve travel outside our star system, to distance star systems, in the very near future.
Exotic matter is a phase of matter in a mono-atomic (single-atom) state, which is ionic thusly. All this time it was defined in the book but not on the webpage. Exotic matter (mono-atomic) is a natural room-temperature superconducter. In a super-high frequency plasma state, atoms can be stripped of their electrons, making a substance mono-atomic. NASA has experimented with mono-atomic Hydrogen for example. Exotic matter also demonstrates positive and negative mass fluctuations, and it appears in multiple places at once, inside and outside of a container (quantum tunneling).
To Note: the inner plane vortex can spin counter to the outer spiral ring.
Also there is an error in the above picture. There must be a simultaneous clockwise AND counter-clockwise flow around the outside of the ship. The inside can be an inertial mono-pole however, exotic air flow in one direction (polarity).
I remember reading something about Tesla's encounters with ET, and they had a ship designed very similar (the X-12). In fact Tesla had an idea to make a large ring around the equator of Earth that would float above the surface of the Earth untethered, and be used for various reasons. Tesla himself in his autobiography, the "Wall of Light," claimed to be from Venus, and the ET he was working with were also Venusians.
Scientists claim no life can exist on Venus. However, they reported the parachute opened and the initial probe sent to Venus settled onto the surface and continued to function for a bit before it stopped. However in reported atmospheric conditions of sulfuric acid rain and acidic clouds, and a temperature of thousands of degrees, how could the parachute even opened without instantly melting? It would have slammed into the ground and broke into pieces. On the other side of things, satellites in Earth orbit also show that Earth has a Venusian-like atmosphere, greenhouse gone wild, sulfuric acid rain and toxic acid clouds, temperature of thousands of degrees, etc. Hellish conditions. But those Earth satellites are only showing anomalous readings.
. . .
There are always safety considerations to new technology. I believe these designs to be safe as long as certain conditions are tested. I've had some experience in unsafe conditions, but cannot remember those as they were too traumatic to study safely. Makes sense, right? It is unclear in many instances just what makes conditions unsafe. I have included some things in my book on unsafe conditions, to avoid. I also like to stay away from notions of "quantum vaccum" or "void," because there truly is no void that is not filled with energy. There are appropriate energy conditions to life, and inappropriate energy conditions to life. The one thing I wish to point out is the fact that pilots and occupants traveling in star ships ought to be free of toxins altogether, otherwise unsafe conditions could arise in the higher frequency environment of interstellar space flight. Particular insanities could develop as some configurations of EMF energies affect the brain. Certain "voice of God" technologies do exist to induce these effects artificially; and as such, these conditions are resolved and "healed" when exposures to certain frequencies are removed. There are some patents out there that involve these disruptive technologies.
The safety considerations are of the highest priority, and there are two schools of thought behind it: Kundalini activation whereas one's belief cores may cause internal mental conflict as to trying to understand the experience, and the nature of improper polarization of scalar energies. Scalar technology can be used to heal, and to harm, and the intended purpose behind the usage of technology plays the largest role as to if they are safe or harmful. With appropriate consideration to the Life Force, any destructive effect will not be present, so as long as people are mindful of the metaphysical aspects of consciousness and energy.
X1 Electrical Inertial Drive Upgrade! Getting the idea?

This model is a teaching model, and a learning model. The lower drive system can be detached. It is a hybrid Hamel-Tesla-OTCX1 warp drive Starboat.
More details and physics explanation is in the downloadable file below.
There may some mystery, but there really is none. The glow of the X1 disk changes color which can be seen through crystal windows or lenses to let the pilot easily know what the frequency speed of the craft is.
I've provided research links and downloadable material to explain this "mess" of how the heck do we fly in space?! This has been my boyhood dream all my life that I have finally achieved. I've done it all alone, although most of the work was already done by famous scientists such as Tesla, and Rodin, Bedini, John Hutchison, Otis T. Carr, Townsend Brown, Einstein, I could go on and on. Famous inventors and visionaries, David Hamel, Ed Leedskalnin, Leonardo Da Vinci, noble spirits, spiritualists too, famous and renowned, and all that open and free information out there that have all been the hard road paved.
Pay attention to the polarities of the positive and negative. Simply getting the ship to float over the Earth surface is as easy as charging the bottom of the ship with a positive charge, so it repels off the like-charge of the positively-charged Earth surface. In the current polarity configuration, that is when the ship is already at an appropriate altitude over the ground surface. Negative grounds to positive. Where you want to place a charge, there must be some other place to put the other charge of the other polarity. Inside/outside, top/bottom, etc.
Various Construction notes: updated (1/09/2015)
The inner hull can be supported by opposing magnets, keeping any construction framing from penetrating the air space. In that space is a protective energized atmosphere that shields the crew from harmful radiation. Any framing blocking any of the air flow would create a penetration zone. Components in the wing tips must have a space around them at least, for the exotic (ultra high frequency - monoatomic) air to flow. Although in this upgraded design, those EG-RCS (electrogravity reaction control system) engines won't be needed. Run through two Tesla transformers on the left and right side of the ship, in the wings, connects the circuit from the energized engineering space where the X1 disk spins, through the top toroid, energizing the cones, for hyper-speed. Otherwise the X1 engine turns the cones on and off by engaging or disengaging the gravite transmission (the connection point possibly made of granite); the magnets around the rims lift the cones up naturally, off the lower X-1 central accumulator. Air "breathers" can be used in the atmosphere to vent and freshen the ship. The bird can be scaled in size in the same dimensions shown here.
The sphere at the bottom in its motion locks in the gravity-time frequency so that the ship can leave the solar system and travel to other star systems and return without thousands of years passing by on Earth. In deep space, the time zone is very slow. From star system to star system, there is not that much of a time difference, but traveling through deep space incurs a very large temporal difference. Time speeds up near gravitational bodies, and in gravitational fields. In deep space, time moves very slowly. Of course this is just to illustrate a simple concept. A sphere moving in such a matter is just not enough to get us to other stars.
As a note, that principles of the sphere operate on the concept of weight into speed, by David Hamel. The sphere spins and rotates very rapidly in a reactionless drive system, and as we know in relative physics, the faster mass moves nearing the speed of light, the more the mass increases, and thus the frequency of time (the "time zone") also speeds up. It doesn't take much for a larger massive body to speed up though, to achieve a noticeable time warping effect, and gravitational lift, in mathematical theory (according to MIT).
The sphere at the bottom is powered by a Rodin coil (google: Rodin coil, Rodin winding). The sphere ideally is an iron core, a permanent iron magnet encased in red granite (to handle hardness and heat factors) or aerogel. The magnetic vortex spirals the north and south poles in an angular inward-spinning vortex. John Searl's work in antigravity motion is similar, but the movement is quite different, as is the setup. The sphere is not a SEG. There is considerably less mass involved in the sphere design here, and all of the mass is put to use and is in motion.
The concept of the granite sphere spinning, gyrating, and revolving at the bottom of the ship is a simple concept of centripetal force and angular inertia -- (and similar to the movement of the vertical cones).
As the forces are directed in harmony with each other, the inertial fields overlap into a unified shape without applying crushing pressure to the hull. By speeding up the frequency of time using the engines on the ship (main engine, exotic engine, sphere engine) then the warp field is established. Time slows down around the ship (the pilots fly in faster time, so the world around them appears to slow down; observers from the ground watch the ship flying super fast), and yet the ship also travels in a faster flow of time regardless. The ship will travel quickly relative to the pilots, and even more so relative to an outside observer. Actually, this may not be true; as my understanding of this design has evolved, it's behavior in time may be quite non-conventional.
Rodin coils also can fit around the vertical engine core, and the coils be made to pulse energy down through the cones. In the design though, the coils are inside the cones. In retrospect, I would raise the X1 outer disk up a little, to make more room for larger utrons and electromagnets. That's just a detail. Also the utron power cell design itself can be altered and modified.
Also, electrostatic induction from coils around the vertical engine shaft could accelerate the ionic exotic flow over the cones. It's a recipe' for inertial energy and perpetuating overunity (just "unity") energizer systems.
I've had experience with structural engineering, boat building and airframe building. There are details and light bulkhead-framing that are not shown, but those are considerations to maintaining a solid and rigid shape of the hull without any part collapsing under weight. Those details aren't as important as the physics. Even the engines describe principles of physics that can be used with better technology -- "object" and "action" can synonymously be related and applied. A lot of this is untested due to the cost of experimentation, to put an idea into substance and test it out, modify and restest, redeisgn, or replace, or remove (the three "R's")! I was only recently exposed to the OTC-X1 craft (obviously from looking at how things change on the webpage), which works much differently and uses a different kind of physics, not necessarily inertial physics but resonance principles and harmonics.
The OTC-X1 is a tunneling craft, and more is about that at the bottom of the "warp drive news" and "warp drive engineering" section, the links at the top of the page, and the 4th downloadable below. I've been working all this out, and learning as I go. I would like to leave the journey accounted though, because it shows a path of growth. Some things I can already see can be obsolete due to remarkable revealing of what we have that's been going on secret (some of that can be seen in the "warp drive philosophy" section).
Flight Systems and Dynamics:
This bird has shields. The electrogravity plates when charged in a rotating AC configuration are high frequency inertial energy shields that make the hull ultra strong, and project inertial energy force outward. There are some dynamics to that for various situations. There is a LOT that CAN be done with this bird, in theory. Power can be increased to the shields by using them in tandem with the main engine. Ultra maneuverability is augmented by tunable controls for power settings. There are other useful features, too. Thought Piloted.
Thoth's ship.
(thought boat) described in hieroglyph in the Great Pyramid. ... describing the granite sphere aspect and the vertical engine core.
More details and physics explanation is in the downloadable file below.
There may some mystery, but there really is none. The glow of the X1 disk changes color which can be seen through crystal windows or lenses to let the pilot easily know what the frequency speed of the craft is.
I've provided research links and downloadable material to explain this "mess" of how the heck do we fly in space?! This has been my boyhood dream all my life that I have finally achieved. I've done it all alone, although most of the work was already done by famous scientists such as Tesla, and Rodin, Bedini, John Hutchison, Otis T. Carr, Townsend Brown, Einstein, I could go on and on. Famous inventors and visionaries, David Hamel, Ed Leedskalnin, Leonardo Da Vinci, noble spirits, spiritualists too, famous and renowned, and all that open and free information out there that have all been the hard road paved.
Pay attention to the polarities of the positive and negative. Simply getting the ship to float over the Earth surface is as easy as charging the bottom of the ship with a positive charge, so it repels off the like-charge of the positively-charged Earth surface. In the current polarity configuration, that is when the ship is already at an appropriate altitude over the ground surface. Negative grounds to positive. Where you want to place a charge, there must be some other place to put the other charge of the other polarity. Inside/outside, top/bottom, etc.
Various Construction notes: updated (1/09/2015)
The inner hull can be supported by opposing magnets, keeping any construction framing from penetrating the air space. In that space is a protective energized atmosphere that shields the crew from harmful radiation. Any framing blocking any of the air flow would create a penetration zone. Components in the wing tips must have a space around them at least, for the exotic (ultra high frequency - monoatomic) air to flow. Although in this upgraded design, those EG-RCS (electrogravity reaction control system) engines won't be needed. Run through two Tesla transformers on the left and right side of the ship, in the wings, connects the circuit from the energized engineering space where the X1 disk spins, through the top toroid, energizing the cones, for hyper-speed. Otherwise the X1 engine turns the cones on and off by engaging or disengaging the gravite transmission (the connection point possibly made of granite); the magnets around the rims lift the cones up naturally, off the lower X-1 central accumulator. Air "breathers" can be used in the atmosphere to vent and freshen the ship. The bird can be scaled in size in the same dimensions shown here.
The sphere at the bottom in its motion locks in the gravity-time frequency so that the ship can leave the solar system and travel to other star systems and return without thousands of years passing by on Earth. In deep space, the time zone is very slow. From star system to star system, there is not that much of a time difference, but traveling through deep space incurs a very large temporal difference. Time speeds up near gravitational bodies, and in gravitational fields. In deep space, time moves very slowly. Of course this is just to illustrate a simple concept. A sphere moving in such a matter is just not enough to get us to other stars.
As a note, that principles of the sphere operate on the concept of weight into speed, by David Hamel. The sphere spins and rotates very rapidly in a reactionless drive system, and as we know in relative physics, the faster mass moves nearing the speed of light, the more the mass increases, and thus the frequency of time (the "time zone") also speeds up. It doesn't take much for a larger massive body to speed up though, to achieve a noticeable time warping effect, and gravitational lift, in mathematical theory (according to MIT).
The sphere at the bottom is powered by a Rodin coil (google: Rodin coil, Rodin winding). The sphere ideally is an iron core, a permanent iron magnet encased in red granite (to handle hardness and heat factors) or aerogel. The magnetic vortex spirals the north and south poles in an angular inward-spinning vortex. John Searl's work in antigravity motion is similar, but the movement is quite different, as is the setup. The sphere is not a SEG. There is considerably less mass involved in the sphere design here, and all of the mass is put to use and is in motion.
The concept of the granite sphere spinning, gyrating, and revolving at the bottom of the ship is a simple concept of centripetal force and angular inertia -- (and similar to the movement of the vertical cones).
As the forces are directed in harmony with each other, the inertial fields overlap into a unified shape without applying crushing pressure to the hull. By speeding up the frequency of time using the engines on the ship (main engine, exotic engine, sphere engine) then the warp field is established. Time slows down around the ship (the pilots fly in faster time, so the world around them appears to slow down; observers from the ground watch the ship flying super fast), and yet the ship also travels in a faster flow of time regardless. The ship will travel quickly relative to the pilots, and even more so relative to an outside observer. Actually, this may not be true; as my understanding of this design has evolved, it's behavior in time may be quite non-conventional.
Rodin coils also can fit around the vertical engine core, and the coils be made to pulse energy down through the cones. In the design though, the coils are inside the cones. In retrospect, I would raise the X1 outer disk up a little, to make more room for larger utrons and electromagnets. That's just a detail. Also the utron power cell design itself can be altered and modified.
Also, electrostatic induction from coils around the vertical engine shaft could accelerate the ionic exotic flow over the cones. It's a recipe' for inertial energy and perpetuating overunity (just "unity") energizer systems.
I've had experience with structural engineering, boat building and airframe building. There are details and light bulkhead-framing that are not shown, but those are considerations to maintaining a solid and rigid shape of the hull without any part collapsing under weight. Those details aren't as important as the physics. Even the engines describe principles of physics that can be used with better technology -- "object" and "action" can synonymously be related and applied. A lot of this is untested due to the cost of experimentation, to put an idea into substance and test it out, modify and restest, redeisgn, or replace, or remove (the three "R's")! I was only recently exposed to the OTC-X1 craft (obviously from looking at how things change on the webpage), which works much differently and uses a different kind of physics, not necessarily inertial physics but resonance principles and harmonics.
The OTC-X1 is a tunneling craft, and more is about that at the bottom of the "warp drive news" and "warp drive engineering" section, the links at the top of the page, and the 4th downloadable below. I've been working all this out, and learning as I go. I would like to leave the journey accounted though, because it shows a path of growth. Some things I can already see can be obsolete due to remarkable revealing of what we have that's been going on secret (some of that can be seen in the "warp drive philosophy" section).
Flight Systems and Dynamics:
This bird has shields. The electrogravity plates when charged in a rotating AC configuration are high frequency inertial energy shields that make the hull ultra strong, and project inertial energy force outward. There are some dynamics to that for various situations. There is a LOT that CAN be done with this bird, in theory. Power can be increased to the shields by using them in tandem with the main engine. Ultra maneuverability is augmented by tunable controls for power settings. There are other useful features, too. Thought Piloted.
Thoth's ship.
(thought boat) described in hieroglyph in the Great Pyramid. ... describing the granite sphere aspect and the vertical engine core.

These are earlier concepts, evolving more toward the final design through this next series of images.
This is a slight variation of my same design above -- a little bigger utrons. Note the field potentials in the positive and negative top and bottom energy shape of the X1 modified engine. The air flow holds the field shape of the static (static = in the air) electromagnet. The cones increase the engine inertia (a radiant flying gravity transformer) to ultra high frequency inertial gravity sacred energy. Simple Beauty
A nonconductive iris can be fitted to close between the upper and lower cones. The upper cones can be fitted with power cells, there's room. There are a few things I would change on this design to streamline it more, maybe make the X1 disk a little bigger, and provide more room around the bottom of the X1 capacitor disk, and make the lower sphere a little smaller. That's the idea, though. Hours to get to our closest star, instead of months. The transmission is made from granite which I call the "gravite transmission" (Google: David Hamel). If these pictures are too blurry, look at for clearer pictures, and see the downloadables below. For more details on the X1 drive, see the links above about Otis T. Carr. Also I've provided information below in the downloadables. A regenerative motor circuit was before unknown and hidden until John Bedini published his circuit designs.
This is a slight variation of my same design above -- a little bigger utrons. Note the field potentials in the positive and negative top and bottom energy shape of the X1 modified engine. The air flow holds the field shape of the static (static = in the air) electromagnet. The cones increase the engine inertia (a radiant flying gravity transformer) to ultra high frequency inertial gravity sacred energy. Simple Beauty
A nonconductive iris can be fitted to close between the upper and lower cones. The upper cones can be fitted with power cells, there's room. There are a few things I would change on this design to streamline it more, maybe make the X1 disk a little bigger, and provide more room around the bottom of the X1 capacitor disk, and make the lower sphere a little smaller. That's the idea, though. Hours to get to our closest star, instead of months. The transmission is made from granite which I call the "gravite transmission" (Google: David Hamel). If these pictures are too blurry, look at for clearer pictures, and see the downloadables below. For more details on the X1 drive, see the links above about Otis T. Carr. Also I've provided information below in the downloadables. A regenerative motor circuit was before unknown and hidden until John Bedini published his circuit designs.

As mentioned above, the sphere in motion at the bottom of the ship is based on the simple principles of centripetal force and angular inertia -- weight into speed. It is an old concept though, and obsolete in a hyperdrive engine. The pictures below show the evolution of this concept into a much beter engine -- the OTC-X1.

This is better proportioned. There is more clearance between the lower X1 disk surface and the hull to prevent electrical arcing. The sphere is slightly smaller to give it more maneuverability. In this design, the lower engine is permanently affixed, yet solid enough. The forces will have to be worked in tandem to keep the lower hull from bowing and clipping an utron on an electromagnet at high speeds. In this design and the one above, the "sound cavity" housing the X1 can affect performance differently. Note the Rodin coil reactionless drive which moves the sphere at the bottom. There are some design specifications in the downloadable below.
This is the first design that incorporates the OTC-X1 engine with the vertical core. The outer ring drive hadn't yet been fully developed until a little later. The full development of the LAU-X3 is seen on the next pages of this website.

This is perhaps my most favorite picture. It is clean. This is actually the LAU-X2; in spite of the "X1" designation, it combines two engines, hence the designation "X2." It is operational as-is, and can be fitted with some reaction control system, perhaps using electrogravity and/or conventional thrust for operating outside a planetary atmosphere.
The geometry of the vertical cones and the X-1 disk (engine) can clearly be seen. See how the cones deliver inertial gravity force to the central accumulator? ..... an engine perimeter can be fitted, however, to handle the power-system for the vertical core. It does not have to use inertial principles, but there is a lot of flexibility with what can go on on the wing-edge perimeter. ... I like to refer back to this picture quite often. The X-1 was a 4-D ship. This is 5-D. The central plane of the outer ring is in precise alignment with the intersection of the vertical core and X-1 central accumulator. As David Hamel said, "The point of nothing is everything."
The bottom of the ship can be charged positive, just to float, and the top negative, but the gyration of the engines would have to keep it from flipping over. So all flight systems work in tandem, and the ability to make it work in many different ways by using the same basic engineering is also possible -- adaptability. A frequency of a charge can be placed anywhere, so as long as you know what to do with the other polarity of that charge; and if you don't, then the charge can take its own shape that can naturally fill the gap in knowledge by working the ship how one intends it to do.
The resonance of opposing inertia in the same plane parallel over the Earth, and exceeding the force of inertial attraction from the mass of the Earth (gravity), puts the ship in its own gravity field relative to the Earth. Relative to other larger massives however, the ship must achieve a higher inertial frequency of spacetime through resonance, which is the sound of the universe itself.
The energy field of inertial resonance is greater than the energy field of inertial attraction; of which inertial attraction is but a component of inertial resonance. The distinct sound of the ship is equal and separate from the distinct sound of the Earth; but in higher frequencies, the sound of the ship becomes inaudible, and invisible. It is the nature of the two sounds (the ship and the Earth) which creates harmony between the two, as well as additional resonance (the sound of the two together, and distinct). That is why the ship floats; that is why the ship can move through the Earth; that is why the ship can move beyond the Earth.
In the picture above, a force of inertial attraction in one way only (from top down) is exactly 90 degrees (transverse) to the plane of inertial resonance. Yet the attractive force is due to resonance in that geometry. The inertial force from top down also increases the resonance force of the horizontal plane. It's easy to see. It is electro-mechanical, and also uses the forces of electron-mass; and proton-mass also in the vertical core. The three engine systems working together can achieve a higher resonance at lower RPMs.
See the Updates and Design Improvement page for the impeller version of the LAU-X class ship.
This ship, the LAU-X3, is designed for an electro-mechanical outer ring engine similar in principle to the OTC-X1 engine system, which cycles the high frequency ionized airflow (particle flow) of the central vertical engine, around the wingtip edges, and back through the central vertical core.
The original OTC-X1 uses a crystal focusing lense in place of the cones. I drew this to illustrate a different kind of merging.
The air must freely flow through the assembly and the hull spacing, yet it is air-tight with the exception of ports for atmospheric tuning.
The cones don't apply drag to the lower disk, because energy generated from the cones can be diverted more toward the X-1 engine. Likewise, the cones are powered to rotate using Rodin-geometry coils inside the cones, inducing rotation and spin.
A circular plasma tube can encircle the wingtips (on the inside for better aerodynamics) which spins in vortex and in overunity harmony with
the internal engines, similar to what EAGLEWORKS is discovering, to harness air flow from the vertical engine -- vortex coiled (individual coils
placed in series around the tube), and coupled with an exotic-fusion propulsion ring around the perimeter of the wings.
It doesn't have to be a heavy assembly. Interference vortex coils have demonstrated high volt plasma-tube energy generation.
Such a power system can charge the electrogravity hull plating, and co-energize the vertical engine column.
The real trick is to accelerate the plasma to high speeds, which can be done with an "electrogravity internal engine" that accelerates spiraling exotic plasma (protons) using electrical charge. That is accomplished in the main vertical engine as resonance and frequency (speed and time), using electric charge to turn up the frequency of the air, making it near exotic (mono-atomic), and then accelerating it with a spin and gyration. Again, the outer ring has been more thoroughly developed later in the website. Also the vertical core achieves electrical inertial angular force independently of any air/plasma flow. Air or various specific gases charged to a very high frequency will form a plasma state.
Room-temperature superconductive materials could allow for much higher speeds, by eliminating magnetic braking, and electromagnetic resistance, but is not required for traveling in minutes and seconds anywhere in our own star system.
Using air/plasma is using resonating fields, also, which is where Tesla had his ideas of aether vortex scalar engineering physics. In the crafts today flown in secret, supposedly they use a charged liquid metal which is accelerated at speeds of over the speed of C (electroSTATIC acceleration instead of electroMAGNETIC acceleration). Probably, such a liquid is a mono-atomic exotic phase of matter, such as for example aluminum or mercury (a liquid form). In an exotic-phase of matter, each atom is stripped of its electrons, making it in a charged super-conductive (and mono-atomic) state, fluctuating positive and negative mass, and circulated through the engine core. It is reported though that the liquid used by the private (secret) space programs use microwaved metal, similar to what John Hutchison had discovered.
Monatomic gold also exhibits these properties of exotic matter. Copper also can hold an exotic temper which has a melt point of 7200 degrees F, as discovered by Donna Shotwell, a friend of mine, who also has developed a technology that instantly neutralizes radiation, especially in water, and verified independently through three different U.S. testing labs. NASA had experimented with mono-atomic hydrogen some years back, in fact. We have known about exotic states of matter since the 1980's:
Now, advances in metallic hydrogen could very well replace a mercury-plasma outer ring style; but the mercury-plasma utron's of Otis T. Carr still remain viable, although we have an option, there. Exotic matter is nonetheless a component of the LAU warp drive, circulated through the engine core and around the hull, as well, although in a gaseous/plasma form.
~ . ~ . ~ . ~ .
(SECTION - 5) LAU-X4 hyperdrive / warp drive spacecraft Completed Design
This above is the impeller version of the LAU-X3, and in this particular hyperdrive spacecraft model, I am calling it the LAU-X4
This is the final product of design, theory, research, and much experimentation, and years of work.
The vertical impeller makes use of di-electrostatic negative energy (electrogravity rotating charge -- using Townsend Brown style electrogravity), and can be used as a stand-alone engine (similar to the newly-revealed NAVY cylinder-shaped carrier vessels, capable of reaching Mars in 2 days -- see the Exo-archaeoastronomy page for a quick reference), however this allows for the compression of space in front of the ship (above the ship in this view), creating a negative space-time vacuum that the ship "falls into" (pulling a negative energy static vacuum on the fabric of spacetime -- electromagnetic "anti" gravity); and the energy co-charges the lower engine (OTC-X1), transferring that force in parallel, through a transverse vector (much like how longitudinal waves over Earth surface are transmitted which will be discussed in the upcoming release of Tesla technology), hence a "transverse warp drive."
In accordance to the parallel and longitudinal wave geometry that is characteristic of negative energy, the bottom of the ship is charged opposite to the top of the impeller engine, projected through the OTC-X1 central accumulator, in a sense "expanding space behind the ship" as per the conventional idea of a warp drive, as Dr. Sonny White of EAGLEWORKS has explained, based on the Alcubierre warp drive metrics.
The hull circulates rotating negative energy static plasma, which carries air or monoatomic hyrdrogen matter (as a gas/plasma) in an exotic state of spin/charge through the hull and in through the vertical core. A mechanical metal iris between the vertical engine and lower OTC-X1 engine can further regulate the motion and density and dynamics of the engine's internal negative-static chi-energy forces.
Since negative energy can make use of only one polarity of charge-energy, it is the inertia (or gravity force of the spinning engine) that gives it polarity of positive and negative.
This is also considered a negative energy magneto-electrostatic warp drive. 9/08/2017
To explain negative energy characteristics:
The collapse of an electromagnetic wave carries on a flat horizontal plane as a flat wave (like a sheet of paper, but with volume; Earth flat-wave energy field extends roughly 36 - 40 feet high), and is magneto-static in nature. Eric Dollard explained it best, using the rope analogy. Two people stand on two different ends of the rope. One person gives the rope a shake, and it sends a ripple that takes time to reach the other person. That is demonstrating an electromagnetic wave. However, pull the rope tight, and one person gives it a tug, and INSTANTLY the other person feels it. That demonstrates simultaneous action over distance, without it taking time.
A parallel wave is different than a longitudinal wave shape. A parallel wave (di-electrostatic; waves traveling in parallel) travels at 220,000 miles per second (faster than electromagnetic waves), but a longitudinal wave is a flat wave and takes no time for energy to travel in this shape; there is no energy dissipation, any electromagnetic energy traveling in this field is amplified over distance, etc -- that is negative energy (it can also be carried over a wire, and there are two different ways to produce it: either naturally -- free from Earth; the universe -- or artificially in a generator).
So the electromagnetic collapse resonates with a longitudinal wave shape, which in turn resonates with a magnetic field (in the center between two outer collapsing and "vibrating" electromagnetic fields), so that this becomes a negative "magneto-static" energy field. . . . Even when some negative energy generators such as the MEG are "switched off," the electromagnetic energy still resonates for a few minutes after. The fact that an electromagnetic energy can be made to travel ... to "teleport" within it's engine structure, carrying an electromagnetic field and charge at a speed well-beyond its wave speed, gives us a negative energy structure that resonates with negative space -- simultaneous space (negative time, actually) -- which is the "warp field bubble," AND the mechanism to create a gravity wave with the vertical impeller engine! -- a change of time changes the density of spacetime, thus changing the gravitational frequency within a field of space and time and energy.
The exotic matter circulating out the bottom of the vertical engine and around the hull and back in through the top conducts the magneto-static negative energy field from the outer ring, through that "air" medium, as a plasma "warp bubble" in conjunction with the OTC-X1 platform. Understand what negative energy is and does. Negative energy is inductive to the universe (the energy induces the energy of the universe at the universe's most basic, fundamental nature -- hence "resonance with the quantum vacuum").
The cohesiveness of negative energy explains the movement of stars around the galaxy, that the galaxy doesn't "spin up" toward the center, but spins in wholeness of all its parts like how a record or disk spins. Since the energy AND SUBSTANCE travels uniformly together, the fabric of time changes as mass moves and rotates interconnected as a wholeness of parts through forces traveling many, many times greater than "light speed." ... The increase in inertia (which is a measurement of mass frequency) increases the frequency of time as the OTC-X1 disk spins. Even though we're not spinning black holes or particle accelerators around each other rapidly, this nonetheless equates to a gravity cancellation field just as explained on the LIGO gravitational proof article (top article on the warp drive blog). The increase of negative energy generated by the increase of inertial frequency is a resulting decrease of mass. If energy is mass multiplied upon acceleration (times speed of light squared; E = mc^2), then when energy becomes negative (positive volts with negative amps), one of the other variables must also change, in this case, mass.
Looking at Einstein's equation, and understanding that light speed is the measurement of the frequency of time of relative gravity fields generated by mass, then to change the frequency of time will result in a change of the mass (a change of the gravitational field, which must then act upon mass) within such a negative energy field or "warp bubble." "Warp" is short for "timewarp." Negative energy resonance with mass is the mechanism of the warp drive or hyperdrive engine.
In private MEG tests (the motionless electric generator, which is a negative energy generator), the more load drawn, the more it generates power; and under maximum load, it has been observed to ice up and levitate. See: Negative Energy Characteristics on the Construction blog page.
Basic description of engines:
The Outer Ring makes use of resonating coils, resonating the electrostatic collapse of EM with a magnetic field (see the MEG description and links at the bottom of the Tesla Power article on the Free Energy / Tesla page) and with parallel longitudinal wave di-electric geometry in multiple generator heads and along an accelerator path. It's very similar to the OTC-X1, which we can see comparisons with the Motionless Electromagnetic Generator concept. It takes a small bit of start-up energy and amplifies it; considered in the class of active vacuum negative energy generators. I've only provided a rough concept of the Outer Ring, it may end up being more square in shape than round, but it is based on working technology in use today. The Outer Ring is designed to circulate exotic engine plasma from the vertical impeller through the hull in that circuit, and to provide power to these systems, and to di-electric electrogravity hull plating for maneuvering.
The vertical core impeller makes use of a Townsend Brown style electrogravity system (di-electric/magnet segments in a spiral) which also harnesses rotating di-electrostatic charges (in the form of longitudinal negative energy waves), which is spun into motion and accelerated, creating electromagnetic gravity that the ship "falls into."
The OTC-X1 engine is the basis, which is greatly discussed on this website, originally designed by Tesla and built by Otis T. Carr, of which it was claimed to work and subsequently covered up, and the project shut down, just like what happened to John Searl and his SEG. It is self-generating, but can work in tandem with the other engines. The interesting thing about the OTC-X1, is that it could actually work, according to private experiments involving negative energy generators, and their tendency to ice up and levitate under load.
The most recent understanding of the OTC-X1 is that it uses resonating coils, harnessing a timed EM collapse in longitudinal geometry across horizontal static plates (negative energy); and it makes use of revolving UTRONS (remarkably similar to Keshe's Ganz which means that the Utrons can be nano-coated, or constructed in a nano-crystalline composite) which resonate also with a central accumulator, harnessing an EM inertial [negative energy] gravity force that accumulates toward the center, lowering the mass of the craft and setting the craft in an independent gravity-time field. The utrons must be considered localized sources of exotic mass, from the latest understanding. The utrons also are theorized to make use of a near vacuum drawn upon vaporized mercury, which does have verification from Lockheed-Martin, which had demonstrated potential for liquid mercury to levitate, and is how Carr did it historically, according to research.
I may want to provide more information later in a book, but this is the basic description of the engines, AND the most up-to-date explanation and current UNDERSTANDING of this technology, displayed right here on the home page for ease of viewing. I wish to thank my mentor, Dewey Jones for teaching me about negative energy and how it works; further information will be introduced later in a ground-based Tesla negative energy free energy system using Earth energy for further knowledge and understanding of this amazing new technology (which is really old technology which has finally reached the public level of consciousness).
Some interesting things to note about the OTC-X1, is the use of double coil windings in the electromagnets, AS WELL AS the implication, as per the MEG operation, of a magnetized central accumulator to enhance negative energy resonance with a magnetic field -- electromagnetic gravity! (the MEG uses a permanent magnet between outer coil windings, and the coils are pulsed back and forth back and forth) . . . Simply, the beauty of resonating an electrostatic collapse of a magnetic field with a permanent magnetic field, and within parallel and longitudinal geometry (negative energy), is the solution. That has solved the operation of the OTC-X1, which also uses double coil windings around electromagnets in conjunction with what clearly must be known as a source of exotic mass. . . . The utrons take the [negative] collapse of energy from the electromagnets, and resonate the energy longitudinally across the plane (like the Earth's surface energy is a longitudinal wave, a flat wave like a sheet of paper; which is how the Tesla tower system works in part to wirelessly transmit energy through a negative energy static medium), to resonate with the magnetic field of the central accumulator. That actually makes sense according to what we know about negative energy.
The utrons can be considered "negative energy inertial objects." As the central flat plane of energy (harnessed in parallel di-electric geometry) begins to resonate, a Townsend Brown di-electric material can be sandwiched between the two plates. This resonance through the rotating longitudinal field is what caused the OTC-X1 to achieve a static levitation, and is also what accomplishes the mass-reduction effect that allows objects to pass through the OTC-X1 (that means, the ship can't crash into asteroids at high speed), as the matter-state of the OTC-X1 became less dense and more vibrant in a higher frequency as Ralph Ring observed. This achieves a resonance with the active vacuum state of the universe, independent of a gravity field; hence negative gravity or "anti" gravity. There was actually a LOT left out of the historic OTC-X1 designs that make it work according to current understanding of negative energy physics and technology. (9/13/2017)
The Outer Ring makes use of resonating coils, resonating the electrostatic collapse of EM with a magnetic field (see the MEG description and links at the bottom of the Tesla Power article on the Free Energy / Tesla page) and with parallel longitudinal wave di-electric geometry in multiple generator heads and along an accelerator path. It's very similar to the OTC-X1, which we can see comparisons with the Motionless Electromagnetic Generator concept. It takes a small bit of start-up energy and amplifies it; considered in the class of active vacuum negative energy generators. I've only provided a rough concept of the Outer Ring, it may end up being more square in shape than round, but it is based on working technology in use today. The Outer Ring is designed to circulate exotic engine plasma from the vertical impeller through the hull in that circuit, and to provide power to these systems, and to di-electric electrogravity hull plating for maneuvering.
The vertical core impeller makes use of a Townsend Brown style electrogravity system (di-electric/magnet segments in a spiral) which also harnesses rotating di-electrostatic charges (in the form of longitudinal negative energy waves), which is spun into motion and accelerated, creating electromagnetic gravity that the ship "falls into."
The OTC-X1 engine is the basis, which is greatly discussed on this website, originally designed by Tesla and built by Otis T. Carr, of which it was claimed to work and subsequently covered up, and the project shut down, just like what happened to John Searl and his SEG. It is self-generating, but can work in tandem with the other engines. The interesting thing about the OTC-X1, is that it could actually work, according to private experiments involving negative energy generators, and their tendency to ice up and levitate under load.
The most recent understanding of the OTC-X1 is that it uses resonating coils, harnessing a timed EM collapse in longitudinal geometry across horizontal static plates (negative energy); and it makes use of revolving UTRONS (remarkably similar to Keshe's Ganz which means that the Utrons can be nano-coated, or constructed in a nano-crystalline composite) which resonate also with a central accumulator, harnessing an EM inertial [negative energy] gravity force that accumulates toward the center, lowering the mass of the craft and setting the craft in an independent gravity-time field. The utrons must be considered localized sources of exotic mass, from the latest understanding. The utrons also are theorized to make use of a near vacuum drawn upon vaporized mercury, which does have verification from Lockheed-Martin, which had demonstrated potential for liquid mercury to levitate, and is how Carr did it historically, according to research.
I may want to provide more information later in a book, but this is the basic description of the engines, AND the most up-to-date explanation and current UNDERSTANDING of this technology, displayed right here on the home page for ease of viewing. I wish to thank my mentor, Dewey Jones for teaching me about negative energy and how it works; further information will be introduced later in a ground-based Tesla negative energy free energy system using Earth energy for further knowledge and understanding of this amazing new technology (which is really old technology which has finally reached the public level of consciousness).
Some interesting things to note about the OTC-X1, is the use of double coil windings in the electromagnets, AS WELL AS the implication, as per the MEG operation, of a magnetized central accumulator to enhance negative energy resonance with a magnetic field -- electromagnetic gravity! (the MEG uses a permanent magnet between outer coil windings, and the coils are pulsed back and forth back and forth) . . . Simply, the beauty of resonating an electrostatic collapse of a magnetic field with a permanent magnetic field, and within parallel and longitudinal geometry (negative energy), is the solution. That has solved the operation of the OTC-X1, which also uses double coil windings around electromagnets in conjunction with what clearly must be known as a source of exotic mass. . . . The utrons take the [negative] collapse of energy from the electromagnets, and resonate the energy longitudinally across the plane (like the Earth's surface energy is a longitudinal wave, a flat wave like a sheet of paper; which is how the Tesla tower system works in part to wirelessly transmit energy through a negative energy static medium), to resonate with the magnetic field of the central accumulator. That actually makes sense according to what we know about negative energy.
The utrons can be considered "negative energy inertial objects." As the central flat plane of energy (harnessed in parallel di-electric geometry) begins to resonate, a Townsend Brown di-electric material can be sandwiched between the two plates. This resonance through the rotating longitudinal field is what caused the OTC-X1 to achieve a static levitation, and is also what accomplishes the mass-reduction effect that allows objects to pass through the OTC-X1 (that means, the ship can't crash into asteroids at high speed), as the matter-state of the OTC-X1 became less dense and more vibrant in a higher frequency as Ralph Ring observed. This achieves a resonance with the active vacuum state of the universe, independent of a gravity field; hence negative gravity or "anti" gravity. There was actually a LOT left out of the historic OTC-X1 designs that make it work according to current understanding of negative energy physics and technology. (9/13/2017)
Electrogravity maneuvering and warp field applied theory:
This is discussed throughout the website, and on the Construction page, it shows the Townsend Brown / Tesla style electrogravity hull plating in more detail, featured also on a link to the achievement of di-electric propulsion in a vacuum.
John Searl's ships using rotating magnets generated a charge on the outside of his hull, which he would use plungers to shunt conductivity to sections along the outer saucer edge, causing the ship to move laterally (translation), through electrogravity means. They were really heavy craft with big rotating magnets, yet it generated magneto-static longitudinal energy in static (standing) wave patterns surrounding the craft, and in some cases these concentric rings of energy were very cold, physically according to an old Russian SEG test report. Maneuvering the craft was achieved with a pilot, and/or through the use of remote control using HAM radio stations in England during his development and experimental stages (there's LOTS of old video and photo associated with Searl's craft, and is WELL documented; and he is still alive). This however also demonstrated a negative energy electrogravity style of flight maneuvering which I want to briefly touch upon here.
What polarity was Searl's electrostatic field surrounding his ship? It was just a by-product of his rotating magnets, as there was no distinctive positive or negative charge, or wiring. This made use of a negative energy static charge which is what the ship used to travel forward and backwards and side-to-side, etc.
As discussed on the Tesla Engineering Physics page, an electrostatic charge can be without polarity. However as this technology has evolved into a direction of negative energy applied physics, a static charge can also be in only ONE pole, either positive or negative. If a positive static charge occurs on one side of the ship, it generates motion in the direction of that charge. A positive charge of negative energy is NOT the same as positive energy. Negative energy makes use of one pole, and that is only just an aspect of the total characteristics of negative energy.
This will be explained further in the new release of the Tesla-tower Ley-line negative energy power production technology. However, this is the basis for electrogravity lateral flight and maneuvering with the LAU-X4 using charged hull plating. Since the OTC-X1 makes use of thought-piloting metaphysics, then it's really a lot easier than what people would think, to be able to construct such a marvel in real life. Using the Townsend Brown di-electrostatic plating technology that Tesla had also used (some rare books describe this in detail, also seen on the construction page), which made use of plating separated by 6 inches of insulation from each other equatorially (between bottom and top sections), and 4 inches from each other side-by-side, encased in an outer ceramic skin which conducted the magneto-static field, then it becomes much easier to engineer and to understand how asymmetrical di-electrostatic propulsion actually works.
The newly released TR-3B patent (those black flying triangular-shaped UFO's that the NAVY has) demonstrates the use of negative energy di-electrostatic propulsion. Polarizing a negative energy magneto-static field induces motion. That is what what electrogravity is all about.
People may be familiar with how the pilots of the OTC-X1 never remembered the journey; however with these added engine characteristics, the ship is able to blend in a continuity of time that the pilot's brain can cognitively organize, so he doesn't have to wait for the memories to re-organize themselves in time. Otherwise, the OTC-X1 engine by itself leans more toward teleportation and 4th dimensional flight, of which memory IS affected, due to travelling in a way that more closely resembles the teleportation of photons. The OTC-X1 characteristics are described in great detail throughout this website.
In fact, if you notice the rotating electromagnets going around the peripheral of the OTC-X1 hull, it can clearly be observed that the hull will develop a negative-energy static charge that can be harnessed for maneuvering. It is that negative energy static charge however, that allows for thought to interface with a non-polarized static energy field -- which is the same energy of Earth, of our bodies, and of the universe; of which, all matter in the universe is a form of consciousness.
The magnetic field is on the outside, where the field collapse occurs toward the center (gravity cancellation at 90 degrees). This also shows that the magnetic field is the outer shell of a negative source of energy -- IE, from a zero point source of light.
A layered hull allows for the internal energy forces to be either transferred to the outer skin, or insulated from the outer skin. Applying a positive-energy electromagnetic current to portions of the layered hull can also block negative energy, or rather displace negative energy to achieve the desired flight geometry; however also positive electromagnetic energy can be used as a superconductive conduit to negative energy, which should be noted. This is also discussed on the Tesla Engineering page.
In case of the Outer Ring of the LAU-X4, the energies must be pulsed in a frequency that is in co-counter rotation to the OTC-X1's electromagnets. For example, if the frequency of this outer counter-rotation matches the frequency of the Schumann resonance of Earth, TREMENDOUS energy will build up in resonance. The same applies with matching this frequency in order to resonate with the natural frequencies of energy within star systems, and the universe, and the space in between star systems. The co-counter rotation affects polarity, so that a negative energy field can be harnessed as a ring of light, just the same as a pure electrostatic charge without polarity involves the simultaneous co-counter rotations of magnetic polarity. This has the effect of working with the energy field of electromagnetic mass (this involves an electromagnetic theory of gravity, which also includes mass itself as a form of electromagnetic action), to bring mass into a unification which converts mass to light. The General blog also discusses how scientists have been able to form matter directly from pure light, and working with matter and anti-matter polarities to unify matter into pure light. This is also a technological concept of Ascension.
The outer ring is primarily interfaced with the ship's outer hull, but also supplies power to the vertical impeller. The outer ring also extends the OTC-X1 negative energy field to the outer hull; since the lower OTC-X1 also is also serving another purpose internally. The outer ring can be made to rotate in addition, in counter-rotation opposite in direction to the rotation of the OTC-X1 electromagnets. Also note that the outer ring can be oriented vertically instead of horizontally as the above image shows. The outer ring is based on the principles of the Motionless Electromagnetic Generator (MEG) as seen on the Free Energy / Tesla page at the bottom of the Tesla Power article, and it is considered in the class of negative energy generators -- real generators that can be built, and are actually in use today.
This is EXACTLY how this technology works. The energies can be worked fluidly, in different ways and dimensions of actions, to do just about anything you can imagine. Having direct experience with these energies is really the ONLY way to really understand it, because the same basic engine setup or coil-designs can be used in so many different ways just from connecting it in different circuits, and getting the energy to flow in different channels. So when you read about this, you may become frustrated that there is no linear approach to this technology! The same engine can be used to do multiple things, depending on what you want it to do. This is extraordinarily advanced, and very complex, so just because you may read that an engine will do this, and then you read it will do something else, don't be discouraged, because that's how negative energy technology actually works.
A couple of specific things to note here: John Searl's SEG like the OTC-X1 levitated and was capable of gaining altitude from the engines, whereas maneuvering was accomplished by outer hull charge orientation. The OTC-X1, like the Tesla X-12 allowed for thought and intentional piloting as the pilots were more oriented toward the top middle, whereas now that the vertical impeller is added in the LAU-X4, the outer ring handles power toward the outer hull for maneuvering and flight attitude changes in the vacuum of space. Some thought-intentional-piloting aspects may very well remain, even in the LAU-X4 style.
Simple craft can easily be built, far less a highly complex machine than the LAU-X4, easily allowing us to zip around in our Solar System very quickly. But to have enough energy available to travel between star systems, this is why the LAU-X4 is designed with an outer ring, the way it is, where the space between the OTC-X1 electromagnets and the outer ring generate an internalized energy force, generating an internal hyperspace energy field, conducting toward the center, and to the outside hull. When you understand these dynamics, simple craft can easily be built. It is highly likely the LAU-X4 is overpowered due to the outer ring engine, but this is really the only applicable geometry that can work in such a theoretical framework. If you consider two black holes spinning down to collision to create a faster frequency of time in a mass (and inertial) reduction field, instead of spinning two singularities around each other, then two rings can spin around each other instead (See: LIGO Gravitational Observatory Proof on the Warp Drive Blog page). Electromagnetic gravity principles of negative energy do apply in this case dealing with frequency which affects frequency changes in electromagnetic mass. Comparing this to black holes is merely to show the relation in energy; so these principles are not beyond our grasp of physics, to conceive, so as long as negative energy is fully realized in applied physics.
Please note, I've update many articles throughout this site to make this technology as comprehensive as possible. The Townsend Brown Utron article has been updated with new information being released about negative energy. I've seriously held back with information, due to reasons of privacy and reasons to protect those involved in this work, and also due to proprietary reasons, which I've actually decided to release to the public after all. I've given away a LOT of information for free here, but the new release of negative energy involving Tesla technology may blow the lid wide open. I've dropped a few hints here and there, but all of this is largely self-financed, as there is just no way to finance any real development without selling the technology I do have, that is of my own.
Secrecy and privacy has been the underlying theme of this entire technology for decades and decades. Many people are now waking up to what has been hidden from us. Many people have been scared to come forward, and it must be told that some of the UFO's we see in our skies are actually "homegrown backyard" versions of people's own constructions. I wish to conclude this section with a quote from the newly revised Townsend Brown Utron article:
"Indeed the simplest of all electrogravity warp drive designs is just using a negative energy generator in an aerodynamic saucer-shaped hull that charges the hull with energy (di-electrostatic propulsion), inducing its own motion and spacetime frequency field (warp drive bubble). My mentor had achieved this in Oregon years ago with just an aeroframe, and a MEG-style negative energy generator. He hooked up LED's and flew it via remote control around over the skies of three nearby small towns. It made the newspapers, too. That's all the Outer ring assembly on the LAU-X4 is in essence -- just a modified version of multiple MEG (motionless electromagnetic generators) arranged around in a circle for power. The MEG uses a tuned magnet (made so the magnet's frequency matches the Schumann resonance) instead of a di-electric material, but it doesn't mean a di-electric can't also be used along with a permanent magnet material. That's the whole idea of the outer ring, really nothing too complex."
In an evolved design of the Outer Ring though, it does circulate exotic plasma from the vertical core and through the hull, which qualifies it as a faster than light engine, whereas in conjunction with the OTC-X1 and vertical impeller, theoretically will propel it faster than light. Without any funding for development though, there's no way to put it to the test; but theoretically and from what I myself and others have developed in private, I'm very confident in the LAU-X4's capabilities as a warp drive.
In fact, I do want to mention something else. There's a difference between a warp drive, which is a FASTER THAN LIGHT engine, versus a reactionless EM drive thruster, or simple antigravity, or simple electrogravity engines, which are not faster than light. The criteria of a warp drive is that it must warp time, and it must exceed the speed of light. Period. A Lightdrive is a ship that travels AT the speed of light, in contrast.
At the speed of light, a ship will reach Mars in just a few minutes. I see a lot of websites out there claiming warp drive exists, but then they reference the EM drive which could get us to Mars in 90 days. That is NOT a warp drive. I did mention above about a simple electrogravity warp drive design, which I consider that only because of how it warps time, which is another criteria of what a warp drive actually does. The OTC-X1 qualifies in this area, because it warps time. People are quite loose with their definition of what a warp drive is these days, but there are so many five paragraph articles out there at so many other websites all saying the same thing, that this website has a lot of competition just to be noticed for ANY possibility of funding, or actually getting this knowledge out to the public. So please. Link back to this website whenever possible, and send me an EMAIL if you find this interesting. (9/13/2017)
Negative Energy Gravitation and Relativity ~
I spent a long time dealing with general and special relativity, as evident in the section below, and on the warp drive blog, but under negative energy gravitation (negative gravity), then relativity is easily and effortlessly reversed to the point that your engine frequency will speed up time as mass is reduced. It's really just that simple. As frequency increases, and frequency is a factor of time, then therefore the speed of time increases so a ship would travel faster in time, the faster its speed (the faster distance is traversed), under negative energy conditions.
So the old adage of special relativity to claim the faster something travels, the slower it really goes (slower in time) is negated through the use of negative energy, which is what the Alcubierre warp drive metrics ACTUALLY show.
How simple is that, huh?
Let me clear about this. A ship traveling in a faster frequency of time, due to less mass-density (vibrating at a higher frequency), will take less time to reach another star system, according to the pilots, not MORE time. The reason for this, is because the ship can travel faster than the inertial frequency of its own mass, therefore mass is no longer limited to light speed. When the mass of the ship drops to zero, it teleports because there is no time to limit the speed of mass; it travels as a photon. With mass, there is time. When there is zero time, it means it takes no time to reach a destination; and it also means that there is no more distance the ship has to travel, since space and time is a unified fabric.
If a greater inertial-gravity force is generated by ever-reducing mass, for example a gravity source projected in front of the ship that the ship continues to fall toward, then gravity can no longer act upon mass and the ship travels as a gravity wave through space (at gravity wave speed) warping distance (gravitation action of space) AND time, taking less time to travel a distance warped by negative gravity. The pilots will indeed perceive the universe standing still as they travel nearly simultaneously from star system to star system, traveling through the 4th dimension. Gravity of no mass cannot act upon gravity with mass, traveling through a mass-less [negative] gravity corridor. Gravity has to define substance in this case, and so the substance that travels does so through a wormhole that the ship's engines generate. The substance being at a near-energy state, but retaining its pattern and keeping it's form, occurs like a technological ascension. The ship becomes so light that the pressure of one's thoughts and intentions is enough to push the ship in a direction and with a destination, that without positive inertia to resist motion, there is also no speed at which would define any inertia at all -- travel without it taking TIME to do so.
So as the pilots perceive the universe slowing down to a crawl and ultimately to a stand-still as the ship begins to reach a mass of zero, the pilots also experience the time it takes to reach their destination becoming less and less and less. Only great distances can be traversed in this manner, otherwise it would be impossible for the pilots' reaction time to compensate for normal reality. This basic concept of negative gravitation is how we think of a tachyon behaving -- the more energy it loses (mass energy according to Einstein), the more faster than light a ship can travel. Ultimately this concept is considered "hyperspace teleportation." Otherwise a warp drive starship would never achieve a zero mass, but would be close to zero mass, which means the time factor would increase (taking much less time) -- meaning it would traverse a distance much faster than "light speed."
Light speed is a measurement of the frequency of time in a gravity field. As star systems are dense in mass and gravity, then each star system separates from each other (creating space between neighboring star systems) by a relative factor of "light years," measured from within a star system, meaning that measured from another star-system, it would be more or less light-years between neighboring star systems, depending upon how much mass a star system will have, which determines its gravity-time frequency, and determines the relative speed of light within that star system. So when you remove that separation between star systems, by reducing mass-gravity-density, but giving the ship a direction to travel through space (by using an EM gravity engine of some type), then you'd be traveling through space, tunneling within space. Quantum tunneling is basically, teleportation.
Essentially the vertical impeller engine (shaped as a wave form) determines the wave frequency of the ship's motion, the spectrum of light that it travels as, and also the frequency of energy (spacetime according to Einstein) that the ship "hops" through per through it's "quantum spin rate" -- basically meaning as mass drops closer to zero, it travels through space at a rate of speed determined by the impeller. There is no gravity involved there in this manner, other than to show that gravity itself is a measure of distance and time. Applying it into motion, means that the ship moves (relative to light), compressing the distance the ship must travel, and therefore increasing the time factor involved (since distance is decreased, it therefore takes less time to arrive). A negative energy engine will increase the time frequency the ship travels in, increasing the rate of speed to travel a distance, not limited to light speed travel. Outside observers will merely perceive the ship "blink" out and be gone some astronomical distance in the small space of a single moment of time. There is actually no gravity force involved at all in this case, it is only we who interpret nature and must perceive the reality of this motion to be like gravity, hence is why it is considered "negative gravitation" or "anti-gravity."
The purpose of the Outer Ring in tandem with the OTC-X1 outer electromagnets is to reduce the residual magnetic field of mass to a zero phase, traveling as close to pure energy as possible but while maintaining it's form through pure light-energy dimensions. So not only does the "magnet of mass" collapse to a point toward the center of a sphere or ring, but the ring takes that centrally accumulated point of substance and shoots it through a portal directed by the impeller, and also further reducing the mass of the impeller itself by containing it in a bubble of negative energy, which when set in motion is not a bubble that moves, but a point of energy-substance traveling through a cylindrical-shaped corridor, in a directed beam.
Since electromagnetic energy is confined or bound by mass that must resist its own motion (having inertia), traveling as a wave (thus defining a scalar space), then as that wave flattens out, it also reduces the rigidity of time which separates mass by distance (that's why the OTC-X1 reduces mass and speeds up time). I don't want to get any more complex than this. Having a ring of negative energy encircling the ship and attached to the aero-frame, the dynamic field shape of the hull itself allows a singularity to travel through its own portal in the direction of it's collapse through space. Not only is the space of the ship collapsed, but the energy of that collapse is not contained within the space of a box, but is collapsed and pulled out of space and time. It would seem as a singularity were pulled into a ring, expanding from 1 dimension into 2 dimensions, but still only being in 1 dimension. Give it motion and direction (which must exist as defined by time, the 4th dimension) transverse to those dimensions and you have expanded the ring through time and giving it height (space), expanding it through time AND space (in a cylinder shape stretching to a distance), but since it's still a 1 dimensional object that's doing all this, it's just easier to call it a 5th dimensional merkaba, or light-vehicle.
Honestly, the only justification for the Outer Ring is just to give the ship more room to operate within space and time, and giving it another flight mode so that the pilots can adjust their reaction time by slowing down the world around them, but traveling within a faster time inside a bubble, so that you can fly it around in a planetary atmosphere or star system. In THIS flight mode, time is sped up inside the ship, and slowed down outside the ship. Different flight modes is one thing I was after specifically in a general all-purpose design. It won't hinder the OTC-X1 engine, but it can add energy to the overall system, speeding the OTC-X1 engine up, while also giving the hull a resonance frequency of negative energy giving it a better connection to the universe around it, and giving the ship a larger body and more space inside for crew and equipment. If I knew of a better way of doing this, I'd do it; but it's just the same as adding another OTC-X1 engine, but in a different geometry which works with an aero-frame, and an impeller, enhancing the impeller's efficiency AND enhancing the efficiency of the OTC-X1 engine.
Technically, the LAU-X4 is more of a hyperdrive than a warp drive, but these distinctions are compatible with each other well enough.
Typically, it is thought that the pilots merely travel in a faster rate of time relative with the rest of the universe around them, so that the world slows down as the pilots can zip around however fast their ship can travel, as we see conventional UFOs behave. In deep space, where there is much less gravity therefore time moves much faster, means that everything going on out in deep outer space well away from the gravitational fields of star system is moving very rapidly, zipping around in faster time not slowed down by sluggish gravity. A ship with its mass very reduced moves around ethereally like a ghost, able to take advantage of the natural flow of rapid time between star systems. We do see some time dilation effect of the crew of these craft. For example if it takes the crew of a Solar Warden cigar-shaped carrier a day to travel to Mars, according to them, outside observers on Earth might perceive it taking only a few minutes as the ship travels close to light speed. That's what a typical warp drive "looks like" in terms of behavior, in contrast to a hyperdrive, which travels like a tachyon with negative mass with teleportation characteristics (like stepping through a portal or stargate to arrive nearly instantaneously).
Conventional physics and conventional relativity cannot explain this behavior, because it takes gravitation into account with mass, which is positive energy action, having nothing to do with negative energy and travel characteristics on objects with negative mass, or with zero mass.
Conventional physics and relativity can however explain that an object with negative mass travel at speeds well beyond the speed of light, and cannot go any SLOWER than light speed. That is why I make the distinction here that this is negative energy relativity. This is the best and most up-to-date understanding in clear and direct simplest terms. (9/13/2017)
The unity of matter is light:
In reference to the Warp Drive News page, upon the article, "Light-Time Adjustments and Star Gate Travel," that is somewhat of a comparison between perception of faster and slower time, and the editor broke on me making it impossible to fix my mistakes there. The editor may be working correctly now, but I haven't checked to see about it. I realize that is a very confusing article, especially in relation to how we would perceive different flows of time from a point of view recognition that is written above that article. It doesn't get into anything regarding negative energy however, as I was under incorrect assumptions about gravity and time, before a mechanism of gravity cancellation was discovered.
Before I really knew about negative energy, there was no real relativity solution at all, as apparent from the time of which that article was written. The description of the LAU-X4 above RESOLVES the relativity crisis by basing the unity of matter as light. The article "Physics update: How Time Works Mostly" on the Updates and Design Improvements page greatly simplifies the nature of time, gravity, matter, and light, due to a mechanism of gravity cancellation, detected by the LIGO gravity observatory, which now is easily applied to an understanding of negative energy and gravitation.
The unity of matter as light actually explains everything without conflict, explaining gravity and time as the separation between simultaneous paradoxical events (a simultaneous paradoxical event is a LIGHT event) created by matter and mass, originating from light; the universe is a paradox of light, whereas light is the origin of the physical universe. See: "Paradoxes of Unity" on the General blog, and "Matter is Light; Creating Energy" on the General Blog page.
As matter forms into the universe, it becomes separated by time; and gravity is the innate tendency for matter to merge back together as a wholeness, as a unity. The more mass something has, the further removed it is away from a simultaneous zero-time event of light (removed and separated from source light -- the source of physical universal matter and energy), and the denser matter becomes (keep in mind, light is a form of consciousness; light is a Creation from Source; and light should NOT be considered as Source of all life, but only considered as a Unity, that from light, a physical universe was born). As near-light vibrating objects or particles exist in a fast flow of time due to a lack of extreme density of mass, then in opposition, heavy massive bodies experience slower time -- greater separation from the unified origin of matter as light, the more massive they become, the more dense they become, the more removed from a light-vibration of reality, incurring more time that separates matter from matter -- that is the true basis for general and special relativity.
The issues with that Light-Time Adjustments article show that gravity is NOT the unity of matter, but the space created as the result of matter and the force of interconnection between mass. What I mean by this, is that more mass or less mass is still something that is limited by time. The only way to understand negative mass is to see it from light's point of view, not from the point of view of matter, which is where all these errors in our conventional thinking of relativity have come from, and why there is no unification between the macro and the micro universe without concluding that everything must eventually shrink down to 1 dimension as a default explanation to any unknowns we cannot understand. The more matter collapses, the greater its energy becomes, so understanding the paradox will get you through this a lot better than thinking that the universe is based on duality. If you really want to get "down and dirty" into a deep introspection of philosophical and paradoxical relativity, always come back to the home page here to re-find your center.
I HAVE to mention this now, that if the engines break down in deep outer space away from a gravitational mass of a star system, the pilots would not be losing time, but could sit there for a while and not have to worry about much time passing back on Earth. I mention this because to test these engines, before attempting to travel to another star system, it would be best to make test runs out to a point in deep space and back, to make measurements and observations just to make CERTAIN we can perform correct calculations of speed and time and distance and all that, to attempt to travel to another star system.
I just don't think NASA EAGLEWORKS can make an arbitrary ASSUMPTION that it would take 2 weeks to travel to the nearest star when our conventional physics and public technology has no reference at all to negative energy systems, other than what is known in secret, and in private, passed down directly from Nikola Tesla. See the very bottom of this page.
Now with more knowledge concerning the nature of scalar fields and longitudinal waves, the spacecraft is starting to take on an appearance of "hyperspace teleportation" technology, able to travel beyond how a gravity wave travels.
As more has been discovered, this section is none-the-less a good regard of the current physics and operations; even as more has been discovered, these physics are not outdated, but is closely resembling what the final outcome is most likely to be.
This is going into the development stage now, and I feel that by looking at all of these details and concepts, along with having a basis grounded in current overunity technology, we can have a good idea at what to expect overall from explorations of this technology.
. . . This below is the old stuff, but is relevant to explain what we observe in reality ...
I'll leave the below alone though to show just how much effort I really put into this to geometrically break everything all down into organized and logical patterns.
The ONLY reason I have been so ADAMANT to say that time increases closer to gravity is because I knew that an electrogravity engine speeds up time, but I did NOT know that it required NEGATIVE ENERGY and thus "negative gravity" in order to achieve the time adjustment. That is also why I have struggled with this relativity trying to find a solution, prior to fully comprehending negative energy and automatically including the negative energy relativity in the description of the LAU-X4 warp drive spacecraft invention above.
As the LIGO Gravitational Observatory Proof so eloquently shows, is that time speeds up within the heart of a gravity field (the center of mass; center of a star; center of a planet; zero point of mass), not as you approach a gravitationally massive body. So please forgive the errors below, otherwise I am leaving it as reference material to demonstrate the amount of work and research put into understanding this solution.
A gravity engine that actually speeds up time has been quite the paradox to solve considering time slows down closer to a gravitational mass. The solution was already solved though by Alcubierre. The solution is: negative energy. I don't really want to re-write large sections though to make all the needed corrections. So this is my "correction note."
(SECTION - 6) Details and Relativity, Older Information Leading Toward the Ultimate Creation of the LAU-X4, -- History Of Research
I spent a long time dealing with general and special relativity, as evident in the section below, and on the warp drive blog, but under negative energy gravitation (negative gravity), then relativity is easily and effortlessly reversed to the point that your engine frequency will speed up time as mass is reduced. It's really just that simple. As frequency increases, and frequency is a factor of time, then therefore the speed of time increases so a ship would travel faster in time, the faster its speed (the faster distance is traversed), under negative energy conditions.
So the old adage of special relativity to claim the faster something travels, the slower it really goes (slower in time) is negated through the use of negative energy, which is what the Alcubierre warp drive metrics ACTUALLY show.
How simple is that, huh?
Let me clear about this. A ship traveling in a faster frequency of time, due to less mass-density (vibrating at a higher frequency), will take less time to reach another star system, according to the pilots, not MORE time. The reason for this, is because the ship can travel faster than the inertial frequency of its own mass, therefore mass is no longer limited to light speed. When the mass of the ship drops to zero, it teleports because there is no time to limit the speed of mass; it travels as a photon. With mass, there is time. When there is zero time, it means it takes no time to reach a destination; and it also means that there is no more distance the ship has to travel, since space and time is a unified fabric.
If a greater inertial-gravity force is generated by ever-reducing mass, for example a gravity source projected in front of the ship that the ship continues to fall toward, then gravity can no longer act upon mass and the ship travels as a gravity wave through space (at gravity wave speed) warping distance (gravitation action of space) AND time, taking less time to travel a distance warped by negative gravity. The pilots will indeed perceive the universe standing still as they travel nearly simultaneously from star system to star system, traveling through the 4th dimension. Gravity of no mass cannot act upon gravity with mass, traveling through a mass-less [negative] gravity corridor. Gravity has to define substance in this case, and so the substance that travels does so through a wormhole that the ship's engines generate. The substance being at a near-energy state, but retaining its pattern and keeping it's form, occurs like a technological ascension. The ship becomes so light that the pressure of one's thoughts and intentions is enough to push the ship in a direction and with a destination, that without positive inertia to resist motion, there is also no speed at which would define any inertia at all -- travel without it taking TIME to do so.
So as the pilots perceive the universe slowing down to a crawl and ultimately to a stand-still as the ship begins to reach a mass of zero, the pilots also experience the time it takes to reach their destination becoming less and less and less. Only great distances can be traversed in this manner, otherwise it would be impossible for the pilots' reaction time to compensate for normal reality. This basic concept of negative gravitation is how we think of a tachyon behaving -- the more energy it loses (mass energy according to Einstein), the more faster than light a ship can travel. Ultimately this concept is considered "hyperspace teleportation." Otherwise a warp drive starship would never achieve a zero mass, but would be close to zero mass, which means the time factor would increase (taking much less time) -- meaning it would traverse a distance much faster than "light speed."
Light speed is a measurement of the frequency of time in a gravity field. As star systems are dense in mass and gravity, then each star system separates from each other (creating space between neighboring star systems) by a relative factor of "light years," measured from within a star system, meaning that measured from another star-system, it would be more or less light-years between neighboring star systems, depending upon how much mass a star system will have, which determines its gravity-time frequency, and determines the relative speed of light within that star system. So when you remove that separation between star systems, by reducing mass-gravity-density, but giving the ship a direction to travel through space (by using an EM gravity engine of some type), then you'd be traveling through space, tunneling within space. Quantum tunneling is basically, teleportation.
Essentially the vertical impeller engine (shaped as a wave form) determines the wave frequency of the ship's motion, the spectrum of light that it travels as, and also the frequency of energy (spacetime according to Einstein) that the ship "hops" through per through it's "quantum spin rate" -- basically meaning as mass drops closer to zero, it travels through space at a rate of speed determined by the impeller. There is no gravity involved there in this manner, other than to show that gravity itself is a measure of distance and time. Applying it into motion, means that the ship moves (relative to light), compressing the distance the ship must travel, and therefore increasing the time factor involved (since distance is decreased, it therefore takes less time to arrive). A negative energy engine will increase the time frequency the ship travels in, increasing the rate of speed to travel a distance, not limited to light speed travel. Outside observers will merely perceive the ship "blink" out and be gone some astronomical distance in the small space of a single moment of time. There is actually no gravity force involved at all in this case, it is only we who interpret nature and must perceive the reality of this motion to be like gravity, hence is why it is considered "negative gravitation" or "anti-gravity."
The purpose of the Outer Ring in tandem with the OTC-X1 outer electromagnets is to reduce the residual magnetic field of mass to a zero phase, traveling as close to pure energy as possible but while maintaining it's form through pure light-energy dimensions. So not only does the "magnet of mass" collapse to a point toward the center of a sphere or ring, but the ring takes that centrally accumulated point of substance and shoots it through a portal directed by the impeller, and also further reducing the mass of the impeller itself by containing it in a bubble of negative energy, which when set in motion is not a bubble that moves, but a point of energy-substance traveling through a cylindrical-shaped corridor, in a directed beam.
Since electromagnetic energy is confined or bound by mass that must resist its own motion (having inertia), traveling as a wave (thus defining a scalar space), then as that wave flattens out, it also reduces the rigidity of time which separates mass by distance (that's why the OTC-X1 reduces mass and speeds up time). I don't want to get any more complex than this. Having a ring of negative energy encircling the ship and attached to the aero-frame, the dynamic field shape of the hull itself allows a singularity to travel through its own portal in the direction of it's collapse through space. Not only is the space of the ship collapsed, but the energy of that collapse is not contained within the space of a box, but is collapsed and pulled out of space and time. It would seem as a singularity were pulled into a ring, expanding from 1 dimension into 2 dimensions, but still only being in 1 dimension. Give it motion and direction (which must exist as defined by time, the 4th dimension) transverse to those dimensions and you have expanded the ring through time and giving it height (space), expanding it through time AND space (in a cylinder shape stretching to a distance), but since it's still a 1 dimensional object that's doing all this, it's just easier to call it a 5th dimensional merkaba, or light-vehicle.
Honestly, the only justification for the Outer Ring is just to give the ship more room to operate within space and time, and giving it another flight mode so that the pilots can adjust their reaction time by slowing down the world around them, but traveling within a faster time inside a bubble, so that you can fly it around in a planetary atmosphere or star system. In THIS flight mode, time is sped up inside the ship, and slowed down outside the ship. Different flight modes is one thing I was after specifically in a general all-purpose design. It won't hinder the OTC-X1 engine, but it can add energy to the overall system, speeding the OTC-X1 engine up, while also giving the hull a resonance frequency of negative energy giving it a better connection to the universe around it, and giving the ship a larger body and more space inside for crew and equipment. If I knew of a better way of doing this, I'd do it; but it's just the same as adding another OTC-X1 engine, but in a different geometry which works with an aero-frame, and an impeller, enhancing the impeller's efficiency AND enhancing the efficiency of the OTC-X1 engine.
Technically, the LAU-X4 is more of a hyperdrive than a warp drive, but these distinctions are compatible with each other well enough.
Typically, it is thought that the pilots merely travel in a faster rate of time relative with the rest of the universe around them, so that the world slows down as the pilots can zip around however fast their ship can travel, as we see conventional UFOs behave. In deep space, where there is much less gravity therefore time moves much faster, means that everything going on out in deep outer space well away from the gravitational fields of star system is moving very rapidly, zipping around in faster time not slowed down by sluggish gravity. A ship with its mass very reduced moves around ethereally like a ghost, able to take advantage of the natural flow of rapid time between star systems. We do see some time dilation effect of the crew of these craft. For example if it takes the crew of a Solar Warden cigar-shaped carrier a day to travel to Mars, according to them, outside observers on Earth might perceive it taking only a few minutes as the ship travels close to light speed. That's what a typical warp drive "looks like" in terms of behavior, in contrast to a hyperdrive, which travels like a tachyon with negative mass with teleportation characteristics (like stepping through a portal or stargate to arrive nearly instantaneously).
Conventional physics and conventional relativity cannot explain this behavior, because it takes gravitation into account with mass, which is positive energy action, having nothing to do with negative energy and travel characteristics on objects with negative mass, or with zero mass.
Conventional physics and relativity can however explain that an object with negative mass travel at speeds well beyond the speed of light, and cannot go any SLOWER than light speed. That is why I make the distinction here that this is negative energy relativity. This is the best and most up-to-date understanding in clear and direct simplest terms. (9/13/2017)
The unity of matter is light:
In reference to the Warp Drive News page, upon the article, "Light-Time Adjustments and Star Gate Travel," that is somewhat of a comparison between perception of faster and slower time, and the editor broke on me making it impossible to fix my mistakes there. The editor may be working correctly now, but I haven't checked to see about it. I realize that is a very confusing article, especially in relation to how we would perceive different flows of time from a point of view recognition that is written above that article. It doesn't get into anything regarding negative energy however, as I was under incorrect assumptions about gravity and time, before a mechanism of gravity cancellation was discovered.
Before I really knew about negative energy, there was no real relativity solution at all, as apparent from the time of which that article was written. The description of the LAU-X4 above RESOLVES the relativity crisis by basing the unity of matter as light. The article "Physics update: How Time Works Mostly" on the Updates and Design Improvements page greatly simplifies the nature of time, gravity, matter, and light, due to a mechanism of gravity cancellation, detected by the LIGO gravity observatory, which now is easily applied to an understanding of negative energy and gravitation.
The unity of matter as light actually explains everything without conflict, explaining gravity and time as the separation between simultaneous paradoxical events (a simultaneous paradoxical event is a LIGHT event) created by matter and mass, originating from light; the universe is a paradox of light, whereas light is the origin of the physical universe. See: "Paradoxes of Unity" on the General blog, and "Matter is Light; Creating Energy" on the General Blog page.
As matter forms into the universe, it becomes separated by time; and gravity is the innate tendency for matter to merge back together as a wholeness, as a unity. The more mass something has, the further removed it is away from a simultaneous zero-time event of light (removed and separated from source light -- the source of physical universal matter and energy), and the denser matter becomes (keep in mind, light is a form of consciousness; light is a Creation from Source; and light should NOT be considered as Source of all life, but only considered as a Unity, that from light, a physical universe was born). As near-light vibrating objects or particles exist in a fast flow of time due to a lack of extreme density of mass, then in opposition, heavy massive bodies experience slower time -- greater separation from the unified origin of matter as light, the more massive they become, the more dense they become, the more removed from a light-vibration of reality, incurring more time that separates matter from matter -- that is the true basis for general and special relativity.
The issues with that Light-Time Adjustments article show that gravity is NOT the unity of matter, but the space created as the result of matter and the force of interconnection between mass. What I mean by this, is that more mass or less mass is still something that is limited by time. The only way to understand negative mass is to see it from light's point of view, not from the point of view of matter, which is where all these errors in our conventional thinking of relativity have come from, and why there is no unification between the macro and the micro universe without concluding that everything must eventually shrink down to 1 dimension as a default explanation to any unknowns we cannot understand. The more matter collapses, the greater its energy becomes, so understanding the paradox will get you through this a lot better than thinking that the universe is based on duality. If you really want to get "down and dirty" into a deep introspection of philosophical and paradoxical relativity, always come back to the home page here to re-find your center.
I HAVE to mention this now, that if the engines break down in deep outer space away from a gravitational mass of a star system, the pilots would not be losing time, but could sit there for a while and not have to worry about much time passing back on Earth. I mention this because to test these engines, before attempting to travel to another star system, it would be best to make test runs out to a point in deep space and back, to make measurements and observations just to make CERTAIN we can perform correct calculations of speed and time and distance and all that, to attempt to travel to another star system.
I just don't think NASA EAGLEWORKS can make an arbitrary ASSUMPTION that it would take 2 weeks to travel to the nearest star when our conventional physics and public technology has no reference at all to negative energy systems, other than what is known in secret, and in private, passed down directly from Nikola Tesla. See the very bottom of this page.
Now with more knowledge concerning the nature of scalar fields and longitudinal waves, the spacecraft is starting to take on an appearance of "hyperspace teleportation" technology, able to travel beyond how a gravity wave travels.
As more has been discovered, this section is none-the-less a good regard of the current physics and operations; even as more has been discovered, these physics are not outdated, but is closely resembling what the final outcome is most likely to be.
This is going into the development stage now, and I feel that by looking at all of these details and concepts, along with having a basis grounded in current overunity technology, we can have a good idea at what to expect overall from explorations of this technology.
. . . This below is the old stuff, but is relevant to explain what we observe in reality ...
I'll leave the below alone though to show just how much effort I really put into this to geometrically break everything all down into organized and logical patterns.
The ONLY reason I have been so ADAMANT to say that time increases closer to gravity is because I knew that an electrogravity engine speeds up time, but I did NOT know that it required NEGATIVE ENERGY and thus "negative gravity" in order to achieve the time adjustment. That is also why I have struggled with this relativity trying to find a solution, prior to fully comprehending negative energy and automatically including the negative energy relativity in the description of the LAU-X4 warp drive spacecraft invention above.
As the LIGO Gravitational Observatory Proof so eloquently shows, is that time speeds up within the heart of a gravity field (the center of mass; center of a star; center of a planet; zero point of mass), not as you approach a gravitationally massive body. So please forgive the errors below, otherwise I am leaving it as reference material to demonstrate the amount of work and research put into understanding this solution.
A gravity engine that actually speeds up time has been quite the paradox to solve considering time slows down closer to a gravitational mass. The solution was already solved though by Alcubierre. The solution is: negative energy. I don't really want to re-write large sections though to make all the needed corrections. So this is my "correction note."
(SECTION - 6) Details and Relativity, Older Information Leading Toward the Ultimate Creation of the LAU-X4, -- History Of Research
Applied [Positive Energy] Relativity ~ Looking at the Creation Known as Time

Faster time is in the eye of the storm. From a faster time frequency, one can look at see that everything slows down away from the zone of faster time. From the slower time zone, one can look and see distant time normally is faster (off in the far distance).
This is transverse spacetime. Out in deep space where there's nothing going on, spacetime is acting more in parallel. In the center of a star, there is a gravitational zero (as surrounding mass pulls upon the center in all directions). From that place of cancelled (negated) gravity, there is faster time.
Yes. Time actually slows down closer to gravity, but it's at higher frequency regardless. Cancel the gravity, and higher frequency REMAINS, it's not generated. So paradoxically, time really DOES speed up closer to gravity, especially when you look out around the rest of the solar system from near the sun and see "yes, time actually does speed up" (because you see everything sped up farther away, but everything is moving very fast ANYWAY right around gravity to keep from falling into the sun, for example. (what I was getting at on the new Warp Drive News update close to the top of that page) -- "paradoxical relativity"
Keep in mind that in the center of the vortex, there will be faster time. NOW think of what the vertical core can do to accelerate that faster time even further. It creates a faster spin in the center, making use of naturally higher frequency in the center (engineering). It does not reverse the negated gravity/faster time flow otherwise, it puts the ship in a unique relative framework. If you have slower time on the inside, faster time around the outer ring of the ship, and then slower time all around that (beyond the field of the ship), and you have a mechanism to synchronize time flows through parallel space. Likewise if you put a star inside a star, then you aren't actually locked-in to the universal flow of spacetime. That's another way to look at it. It is the opposite of a black hole! This should help to explain what I am getting at in this article below, although this is a particular way to view it, there is another mechanism later on in the website that is also reviewed (and different flight modes to experiment with).
I have discovered (accidentally) that a capacitor electrostatically charged (no magnetic wave) will double the energy output that the capacitor doubles normally in a generator. When you turn off the generator and turn it back on, that electrostatic energy won't be there anymore, and the output will be normal per what the capacitor should be doing electroMAGNETICALLY. Considering a gravity-cancellation mechanism only (no vertical core), there is slower time outside the ship, and faster time inside; but with a core, you have a MUCH higher energy output overall (more is discussed about this later).
A vertical inner core does not "plug the hole of the vortex" but is responsible for accelerating that vortex hole, and allowing the entirety of the vortex to actually form. Having a vertical core requires there to be an outer ring. Even though the relativity may seem strange, the vertical core is directing inertia into a beam, and as we see with Bob Lazar's account of the gravity tube experiment, slower time was NOT actually inside the beam, and should not actually account for any defeat of a time warp aspect the LAU-X3 design is attempting to harness. The OTC-X1 does not have this condition with the central accumulator. This aspect should make it easier to see the plane of inertial disintegration as shown on the warp drive engineering page.
Bob Lazar's experiment does show that time is faster in the gravity tube he and his team was experimenting on however in this one case: They put a candle inside the beam and turned it on and the candle appeared as if it was frozen in time. However when they turned the machine off, the candle had gone out and melted down on the table long ago showing there to be faster time inside the gravity beam, after all (more about that, later). My point of this is to show that yes, this thing can work, we don't know everything about Relativity, and it's a worthy thing to experiment with and to build because it very well could work.
Honestly, I feel we're barking up the wrong tree by thinking that time will slow down or speed up in the first place. The sun sits where it's at. The ship moves through space (actually, space moves through it). Just on that note alone, gravity is going to warp time. Put it in motion and as the ship moves, time should just balance itself out. The only time Special Relativity even applies is with rockets, or regular objects moving around, but nothing has been tested in a gravity field, in motion, like in a ship. It could very well be that we really have nothing to worry about at all as far as time goes. I'm just not really concerned about the vertical core so much; I think the basic principle of gravity cancellation is enough to go on.
If a probe used gravity to pull itself along through space (actually pulling space through it), why must it be assumed it would be going slower OR faster in time? It's independent in spacetime, in its own "field." How could we even truly measure a difference in time? Special Relativity wouldn't even apply! And besides if there's much faster time in deep space anyway, it wouldn't matter to the pilots, or to the pilots' family on Earth, because if time is faster in deep space as Special Relativity explains, then problem solved! We could fly to another star and return, and not much time would have passed on Earth regardless! Why all the fuss about "oh, time would slow to a crawl the faster something goes;" that is irrelevant when USING GRAVITY to travel!
I feel it is important to not divide up the Relativity into separate parts, but to look at the wholeness in vortex. There are two cases of time acceleration, both with gravity cancellation, and with an internal gravity structure, both in paradox, and in unity. That is enough for right now, and the extreme breakdown can be seen on this website. I'm going to be re-organizing all this information to make it as clear as possible in a book or books, but I do want to leave things as they are on this website, so people can start to get familiar with all this new information so not to be totally lost when the book(s) come out.
Some of the things that will be included in the book are the detailed specifics of how I was able to wirelessly transfer power from a AA battery just using the natural energy of the Earth and some coils of wire, wiring details of the tower, specifics about the console, and other aspects that I only briefly touched upon on the Tesla engineering physics page along with a very in-depth delivery of the metaphysics and philosophy as well as many details I have left out of this website. Many Thanks! -- (1/24/2016)
This is transverse spacetime. Out in deep space where there's nothing going on, spacetime is acting more in parallel. In the center of a star, there is a gravitational zero (as surrounding mass pulls upon the center in all directions). From that place of cancelled (negated) gravity, there is faster time.
Yes. Time actually slows down closer to gravity, but it's at higher frequency regardless. Cancel the gravity, and higher frequency REMAINS, it's not generated. So paradoxically, time really DOES speed up closer to gravity, especially when you look out around the rest of the solar system from near the sun and see "yes, time actually does speed up" (because you see everything sped up farther away, but everything is moving very fast ANYWAY right around gravity to keep from falling into the sun, for example. (what I was getting at on the new Warp Drive News update close to the top of that page) -- "paradoxical relativity"
Keep in mind that in the center of the vortex, there will be faster time. NOW think of what the vertical core can do to accelerate that faster time even further. It creates a faster spin in the center, making use of naturally higher frequency in the center (engineering). It does not reverse the negated gravity/faster time flow otherwise, it puts the ship in a unique relative framework. If you have slower time on the inside, faster time around the outer ring of the ship, and then slower time all around that (beyond the field of the ship), and you have a mechanism to synchronize time flows through parallel space. Likewise if you put a star inside a star, then you aren't actually locked-in to the universal flow of spacetime. That's another way to look at it. It is the opposite of a black hole! This should help to explain what I am getting at in this article below, although this is a particular way to view it, there is another mechanism later on in the website that is also reviewed (and different flight modes to experiment with).
I have discovered (accidentally) that a capacitor electrostatically charged (no magnetic wave) will double the energy output that the capacitor doubles normally in a generator. When you turn off the generator and turn it back on, that electrostatic energy won't be there anymore, and the output will be normal per what the capacitor should be doing electroMAGNETICALLY. Considering a gravity-cancellation mechanism only (no vertical core), there is slower time outside the ship, and faster time inside; but with a core, you have a MUCH higher energy output overall (more is discussed about this later).
A vertical inner core does not "plug the hole of the vortex" but is responsible for accelerating that vortex hole, and allowing the entirety of the vortex to actually form. Having a vertical core requires there to be an outer ring. Even though the relativity may seem strange, the vertical core is directing inertia into a beam, and as we see with Bob Lazar's account of the gravity tube experiment, slower time was NOT actually inside the beam, and should not actually account for any defeat of a time warp aspect the LAU-X3 design is attempting to harness. The OTC-X1 does not have this condition with the central accumulator. This aspect should make it easier to see the plane of inertial disintegration as shown on the warp drive engineering page.
Bob Lazar's experiment does show that time is faster in the gravity tube he and his team was experimenting on however in this one case: They put a candle inside the beam and turned it on and the candle appeared as if it was frozen in time. However when they turned the machine off, the candle had gone out and melted down on the table long ago showing there to be faster time inside the gravity beam, after all (more about that, later). My point of this is to show that yes, this thing can work, we don't know everything about Relativity, and it's a worthy thing to experiment with and to build because it very well could work.
Honestly, I feel we're barking up the wrong tree by thinking that time will slow down or speed up in the first place. The sun sits where it's at. The ship moves through space (actually, space moves through it). Just on that note alone, gravity is going to warp time. Put it in motion and as the ship moves, time should just balance itself out. The only time Special Relativity even applies is with rockets, or regular objects moving around, but nothing has been tested in a gravity field, in motion, like in a ship. It could very well be that we really have nothing to worry about at all as far as time goes. I'm just not really concerned about the vertical core so much; I think the basic principle of gravity cancellation is enough to go on.
If a probe used gravity to pull itself along through space (actually pulling space through it), why must it be assumed it would be going slower OR faster in time? It's independent in spacetime, in its own "field." How could we even truly measure a difference in time? Special Relativity wouldn't even apply! And besides if there's much faster time in deep space anyway, it wouldn't matter to the pilots, or to the pilots' family on Earth, because if time is faster in deep space as Special Relativity explains, then problem solved! We could fly to another star and return, and not much time would have passed on Earth regardless! Why all the fuss about "oh, time would slow to a crawl the faster something goes;" that is irrelevant when USING GRAVITY to travel!
I feel it is important to not divide up the Relativity into separate parts, but to look at the wholeness in vortex. There are two cases of time acceleration, both with gravity cancellation, and with an internal gravity structure, both in paradox, and in unity. That is enough for right now, and the extreme breakdown can be seen on this website. I'm going to be re-organizing all this information to make it as clear as possible in a book or books, but I do want to leave things as they are on this website, so people can start to get familiar with all this new information so not to be totally lost when the book(s) come out.
Some of the things that will be included in the book are the detailed specifics of how I was able to wirelessly transfer power from a AA battery just using the natural energy of the Earth and some coils of wire, wiring details of the tower, specifics about the console, and other aspects that I only briefly touched upon on the Tesla engineering physics page along with a very in-depth delivery of the metaphysics and philosophy as well as many details I have left out of this website. Many Thanks! -- (1/24/2016)
Important Note Upon General Relativity and the Paradox of Measurement:
updated 3/28/15
I have just become aware of an anomaly involving General Relativity that was previously unknown to me. I have studied Einstein's theories, as well as am familiar with Bob Lazar and the Secret Space Program's reports about a time dilatation effect created by proximity to gravity, and speed of travel. One of the things Bob Lazar wrote about, was his experiences with back-engineered ET technology. One instance was when a candle was placed inside a gravity beam from an engine, and the candle appeared as if it were frozen in time BUT, the light from the candle was being emitted, even though the candle was perfectly frozen in time until the engine was turned off, and the candle was seen to have melted away on the table. That doesn't necessarily mean we can assume time speeds up or slows down near a gravitational mass or force-field. All it means, is that gravity and time are directly related to each other; and thus mass and light also have relativity.
There is no simple way to understand any of this ... or is there?
If a space far away from concentrated gravity of a heavy massive body for example actually had a faster rate of time flow, what would it look like?
We would still see the Voyager probe leaving the Solar system even though time may actually be faster out in deep space, and the voyager probe arrives well ahead of its 70,000 year schedule to arrive at the star system to which it's traveling. But, we would still see it through time differently than how it experiences its own journey. We would see it traveling slower than it actually is, and the farther it was away from our time zone, the slower it would go. Why would it slow down, and not appear to move at the same rate? The Sumerian Hall of Records suggests that MORE time passes inside the solar system than outside the solar system. While outside our solar system, not that much time passes.
A pilot on board the probe hypothetically, could observe the motion of the planets around the sun traveling at higher speeds the farther away from the solar system the pilot travels, because the pilot is traveling in a faster rate of time. Actually, if the pilot were traveling in a faster rate of time, wouldn't he be able to observe everything surrounding his ship move much slower than he? The candle inside the gravity beam could "observe" everything outside of that beam to be moving super fast, and could actually be observing many possible futures, but would only experience just one timeline of the future, not the past. When the field is switched off, the collapse of reality creates a different and unique timeline; but it is not a random timeline, but the most probable timeline that is actualized upon the flip of that switch, a point in the candle's own past, but it may not be the same past that the candle experienced when the gravity beam was in operation. Keep in mind that the candle is being observed, that the fixed point of reference is not the candle, but the observers outside the gravity field. That's where reality is decided, ultimately. Observation creates reality. That is the Paradox of Measurement.
New information has just been made available to me concerning the testing of General and Special Relativity. The crux of the matter is this: if a ship is moving very rapidly in a gravitational warp field, time is faster on board the ship; the pilots see the world around them passing by in a slower time-rate. Observers on the Earth's surface perceive the ship travelling at a faster speed than the pilots experience. Russian cosmonauts who have lived aboard the ISS have been found to be in a slower time-rate, and age slower than people on Earth. The ISS travels quickly around the Earth. The space shuttle pilots report a similar experience. There is a paradox there. Do you see it?
If pilots experience a slower time than Earth observers, who perceive a faster time, then an Earth observer witnesses a ship traveling faster, but the pilots on board witness everything slowing down around them. The paradox is this: Time must be speeding up for the pilots on a fast ship, they are in a faster rate of time, in a time-dilation field, relative with their surroundings. Yet, according to scientific measurement, it's the astronauts who experience the slower time, not the surface of the Earth! The surface of Earth has a faster time rate, but not because it is closer to gravity. The Space shuttle and the ISS (International Space Station) are time-dilated due to Special Relativity. Their clock is slower than Earth surface clock, because of the direction they are traveling around Earth in relation to Earth's spin, and also because they are balancing out Earth's gravitytime frequency (inertial mass frequency) by traveling faster in space, and so the time will be slightly slower to compensate primarily due to proximity to the Earth resonance field.
Special Relativity can be very complex, and is NOT the same as General Relativity.
In fact the astronauts really DO experience slower time (just by a few nanoseconds per month, so they really can't tell a difference, unless the ISS actually started to fly at extraordinary speeds). But you would expect the clocks on board the ISS to be running faster, and the clocks on Earth surface to be running slower, if the ISS was moving fast enough, in a much higher frame of inertial frequency than Earth's inertial frequency generated by Earth's mass alone. Mass and Inertial frequency is Equivalent, just as Gravity and Acceleration is equivalent. The time dilations of Special Relativity also correspond with Earth's rotation.
The higher elevation of mountains of Earth are actually moving at a faster velocity than at sea level; and so the mountain tops of Earth are in a slightly higher inertial frequency. But, the space shuttle and ISS move in relation to two factors: Earth's gravity, and the surface speed of Earth's rotation. Traveling with Earth's rotation, the clock rate on the space shuttle is a little less than traveling against Earth's rotation, relative to Mission Control clocks (only by nanoseconds, only measurable with atomic clocks shielded from any interference).
Again, Traveling with Earth's rotation (Eastward), the clock rate on a rocket-propelled craft had a slower clock (relative deceleration). Traveling against Earth's rotation (Westward) actually had a faster clock rate, both cases relative with a location on the surface of Earth (relative acceleration). That is Special Relativity, and that is Special Relativity with Earth rotation, gravity, and near-Earth orbiting rocket-ships, not starships (there is a difference). "In the Hafele–Keating experiment, there was a slight increase in gravitational potential due to altitude that tended to speed the clocks back up." That was taken from Wiki, and has relevancy with frequency increase of Earth's electrical field, as seen on the next pages, in the news and blog pages and Tesla Engineering Physics page particularly.
Let me quote Wikipedia:
"Clocks on the Space Shuttle run slightly slower than reference clocks on Earth, while clocks on GPS and Galileo satellites run slightly faster.[1] Such time dilation has been repeatedly demonstrated (see experimental confirmation below), for instance by small disparities in atomic clocks on Earth and in space, even though both clocks work perfectly (it is not a mechanical malfunction). The laws of nature are such that time itself (i.e. spacetime) will bend due to differences in either gravity or velocity – each of which affects time in different ways.[2][3]
In theory, and to make a clearer example, time dilation could affect planned meetings for astronauts with advanced technologies and greater travel speeds. The astronauts would have to set their clocks to count exactly 80 years, whereas mission control – back on Earth – might need to count 81 years. The astronauts would return to Earth, after their mission, having aged one year less than the people staying on Earth." --
Let's say a ship is traveling much, much faster, nearing the speed of light, and it zipped around the solar system for one year according to clocks on board. It would appear to the pilots that time were standing still, and moving very, very slowly, according to what they can observe looking out a window through a telescope affixed on one location on Earth, say a very huge clock that the pilots can see through a really powerful telescope. Yet Earth time would actually be traveling faster, and so when people standing on Earth watched the ultra-fast spaceship zipping around the solar system, because time is moving faster on Earth, they would see the ship traveling much, MUCH faster than what the pilots on board the ship actually directly experience!
The simple reason is if you are traveling in a faster flow of time, then the world outside that bubble is going to seem like it is moving slower. Where is the relativity? In the clock? Or in the reality experienced? Can it really be said near light speed, the pilots are indeed traveling in faster time if their world around them slows down? How does that affect clock-rates? It could just as easily be said pilots who travel faster and experiencing the universe around them slowing down, are actually traveling in a slower time frequency.
This is the anomaly. Special Relativity claims that "the rate of a clock is greatest according to an observer who is at rest with respect to the clock. In a frame of reference in which the clock is not at rest, the clock runs more slowly, as expressed by the Lorentz factor." -- Wiki
Higher altitudes, clocks tick faster, at VERY high altitudes in geo-synchronous orbit, satellite clocks tick faster, AND those satellites are moving many times faster than the speed of Earth's rotation. If your friend on the merry-go-round is holding one end of a 20 foot pole, and you hold the other end, you would have to run very fast to keep up with a slow merry-go-round spin rate. BUT, these clocks are NOT at rest, and neither is the clock on the surface of the Earth, because the Earth's surface is rotating around 2,000 miles per hour; and on mountain tops, the speed of Earth rotation is even faster! On the inside of a merry-go-round, you could take a leisurely stroll and keep the same fixed position as your friend standing on the ground, 20 feet away from the merry-go-round. If you were on the edge of the merry-go-round, you'd have to jog a bit to keep that fixed position (and your atomic clock would travel a little FASTER in time -- higher frequency -- as one who just rides the merry-go-round sitting in one spot). Relative acceleration.
Your atomic clock would be SLOWER (lower frequency) if you ran along the edge of the merry-go-round, in the direction of its spin, then the clock-rate of someone merely riding the merry-go-round. Relative deceleration. Near Earth orbit space vehicles are still, for all intents and purposes, on the merry-go-round, and have to deal with the resonance field of Earth.
Spaceships at near Earth orbit have a slower clock tick rate, depending on the direction and relativity with Earth's rotation. Somehow, their inertial frequency is actually lowered in an anomalous way (possibly by omitting certain data like the direction of travel relative with Earth's rotation direction), even though they are moving very rapidly. To these ends, Relativity has confused many people, and after countless research, people get wildly differing results.
The Warp Drive Blog posts on relativity correct these errors, and show how General and Special relativity apply, to sort out these anomalies, and to put it in perspective with interstellar travel. Simply claiming a ship traveling at light speed loses time (the clock rate is slower than Earth clock, and at a lower inertial frequency) is erroneous! A ship at light speed is at a tremendously high inertial frequency, and MORE time would pass on the ship, then on Earth! This is what I mean by people getting wildly differing results, because they don't understand gravitational and inertial frequencies.
Something to note concerning the OTC-X1 engines is the Relative Acceleration of the co-counter-spinning engine, increasing the resonance frequency of the space-time of the starship. That is a frequency of inertial resonance which has more to do with frequency, then that of gravitation. If we consider gravitation as a resonance field, it is still compatible with physics of tachyon-engines.
Another account:
People who witnessed aliens on board a ship, saw the little Gray aliens moving around very rapidly inside the spaceship, seeing them through the windows. Is that true or false? Can science confirm that with what we have measured to date? It would seem that the aliens and Human observers looking through the windows from say, across a field using binoculars, are in two different time fields. Aliens could see the Humans moving slower, and the Humans could see the Grays moving faster. The Paradox of Measurement depends on where the measurements actually take place, and from which point of view is to be counted as the "fixed point of reference?" But in actuality, relativity means there is no fixed point of reference, unless there is a third point of reference other than just A or B.
So far, the only fixed point of reference is the surface of Earth. The measurements are always and invariably recorded and analysed in some lab or office on the surface of Earth. It's the Human condition, involved in the measurement.
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Pilots on board an ultra fast ship age faster (than people on Earth, but not by much) because they (the astronauts) are traveling faster in time, and have a faster time-frequency. In the case of balancing out the gravity field of Earth with near-Earth orbit flights, time can speed up or slow down relative with gravity, motion, and direction because of Earth's resonance field.
The important thing to note here is the type of engines that will accelerate pilots to near-light speeds. Such an engine geometry which mimics stars, planetary orbits, and even black holes changes the nature of General and Special Relativity altogether. And also, the nature of the engines in vortex actually can sustain peak and vital youthful health.
I've been pondering this since I was 3 years old after watching a sci-fi movie Sunday morning, when I stayed home from church with my Dad. The faster one travels to a destination does not mean the slower they travel, otherwise at high speeds very near the limit of the speed of light, time would stop, but there would still be motion. The event horizon of a black hole is not necessarily a zero barrier where all of time infinitely passes by forever as soon as one crosses that threshold. We do not see a ship sitting still forever in time just prior to crossing the black hole event horizon, if we were observing through a telescope from a safe distance (well actually, we just might; but it depends on how the ship is moving). Otherwise, there would be discontinuities in space and time, and no information could ever escape from inside an event horizon, certainly not light, and because gravity and light travel at the same speeds, the gravity force from a black hole would not be detected beyond the event horizon, where no information can come back out of a black hole, meaning that upon the formation of the massive gravity, it would shut itself off from the rest of the universe, and no stars would be sucked in, and no matter and galaxies would form FROM a black "whole." -- See" Nassim Haramein "Black Wholes" in the recommended video section.
However, a black hole does emit and radiate energy at high frequencies (like X-rays), and particles stream out in fountains from the poles. So, that means information DOES escape a black hole. Is there an event horizon after all, or not? The simple answer is not what you might expect. Is gravity the warping of spacetime itself? Or is gravity a wave, and a frequency? Tesla and Einstein had very different views about curved space. Tesla didn't believe in curved space.
There is one exception where gravity waves actually do travel faster than light, and that is at the edge of a large massive body, OR at the edge of an extreme time dilation field (See: "Starship Relativity" on the Warp Drive Blog). Special Relativity depends upon motion and movement of all bodies, and how they are relative with each other, to calculate and determine time dilation and gravitation frequencies. And even though General Relativity shows time is faster near a gravitational source, there is also a peculiar "speed bump" of slower time right at the edge of the gravity field, before re-normalizing again away from gravity.
Hypothetically, if it were in reverse, and time speeds up the farther away from any gravity, then crossing the expanse of deep space between distant stars would be easy and fast. From Earth, we measure the light from Alpha Centauri taking 4.3 years, from Earth's time-zone. But if time is faster in deep space away from gravity, then it probably would only take a year, for example.
Is the gravitational resonance field from the OTC-X1 and the LAU-X3 actually lessening gravity and thus quickening time, bringing gravity to a relative zero inside the ships and in the immediate bubble of the ship's field? It is possible.
The faster mass like a proton travels near the speed of light (in particle accelerators), the more mass it gains! The faster in time it goes, as we perceive it, because it certainly doesn't take very long traveling at the speed of light to get from point A to point B. How long does it take electromagnetic waves traveling at the speed of light to bounce off of Satellites? We can calculate the speed of electromagnetic waves to be approximately 186,000 miles per second. The presence of gravity will affect that number, if a laser is bounced off a distant satellite and returns.
In all fairness, physicists who study General Relativity would disagree, and claim that it is the increase in mass (the accelerated proton really shakes the whole ground because it gets super-heavy) as the result of the proton being prevented from moving faster in time, thus time appears to slow down closer to a massive body -- closer to a gravitational density. But, the faster something goes does not mean the slower it goes. The proton is the candle, and the fixed point of reference are the observers monitoring the experiment. Relativity means there is NO fixed point of reference anywhere in the universe other than one's own point of view.
So when two co-counter rotational forces of acceleration meet and cancel each other, then that creates a tremendous field of a gravitational zero with more gravitational energy generated than the sun (seemingly)! What does time do? Speed up, or slow down? According to modern General Relativity, time would speed up a LOT; with mass and gravity there is time. Removing a ship from a gravity field altogether means simply put, the ship can travel anywhere the pilots want, without it taking time to arrive to a destination. Relative gravity fields have to be taken into consideration. Closer to the sun, the engines would have to spin faster to compensate. With the addition of a gravity force traveling through the eye of the vortex however, it introduces time into a field where time is at a relative zero. The more mass, the more of a separation from pure timeless light, and the more time-separation mass has, because it is more dense. A photon has no mass, no gravity, thus zero or infinite time.*
The paradox though, is that the more mass, the less frequency, the lower the sound. Huge wind chimes have a lower frequency then tiny ones which have a higher pitch.
Yet, the reason no massive object can exceed the speed of light without becoming much more massive right up to the threshold of light-speed, thus never exceeding it, is because of the relation of gravity, mass, time, and frequency (speed) ... as well as the paradox itself. Matter cannot travel faster than its own propagation wave (see: Starship Relativity on the Warp Drive Blog). As a massive object travels faster closer to light, it has tremendously higher frequency, thus its mass value increases. An example is electrogravity, where a ship can travel very rapidly, but is it the universe outside the ship that is in a slower time frequency, and the pilots inside the ship are in a normal continuum? Can gravity shield from the effects of time altogether, like the candle in the gravity beam?
By co-accelerating mass to nearing the speed of light, in opposite directions, the forces of gravity, mass, and time go to zero. That is what EAGLEWORKS means by "negative mass and energy." It is really a Light-Force, that is being harnessed, using the forces of accelerated mass to generate massive gravity, that is phased to zero, becoming light in the universe, in an artificially-generated ascension of matter to light without having to even DEAL with time anomalies, only hyperdimensional navigation.
It is logical that time is also inversely proportional relative to light however, but not gravity. Light has no gravity and no mass, and no time. The more gravity and the more mass, the more "separation" of matter into paradoxes (not dualities) and thus the slower flow of time (as well as the existence of time, itself, treating light as the point of origin of the universe -- all matter is a paradox of light, where light is the unity). It would seem to make sense relative to light. Yet we really don't quite see that in reality. Even the Secret Space program agrees (and they actually have the experience to back up their claims, when pilots are traveling very rapidly close to the speed of light, it doesn't appear to be quite that fast to the pilots, but according to ground-based measurements would appear to be traveling faster than what the pilots experience (if traveling at light speed). Time not only speeds up closer to gravity, but also at faster speeds (VERY faster speeds), relative with the type of engines, the pilots in the ship, and with the rest of the universe; but there is a paradox involved. The paradox is the structure of all matter.
The one thing a pilot would NOT want to experience, is traveling in a ship where the time away from the ship, like on Earth is actually moving very fast, because then the pilot would not be traveling faster in space at all, but would be traveling very, very slowly in time. That would mean a pilot in a ship traveling at light speed would either be traveling slower than light speed, or otherwise never able to reach his destination without hundreds of years going by on Earth, instead of just 8.6 years (round trip to Alpha star and back). Either way, General Relativity is a moot point if the faster you travel is actually the slower you travel. Either way, it means the Voyager 1 probe will, for all practical reasons, never reach another star system because it has no engine to warp time, or remove the ship from a time-continuum altogether. An engine must be built to make use of light, to actually travel as light travels.
In truth, there are no real absolutes. It's all relative. I know I've claimed that gravity and time have higher frequencies when accelerated because it is foolish to claim that when mass is accelerated, its frequency is lowered. If we view General Relativity as an absolute, then the faster and heavier, the slower and darker. That's just not true, though. I prefer to think of the universe in terms of frequency, light, sound, energy, and vibration.
Fact of the matter is this: No rocket engine could EVER test out GR and SR at very rapid speeds. It takes a special type of engine, in a special type of field geometry that can jump the General and Special Relativity time hurdle, while making use of GR and SR appropriately. Time calculations incur paradoxes of measurement. It's easier just to make use of the mass, gravity, and acceleration values to overcome the hurdle of light and time.
Event horizons are time-like. But light is the only thing that can escape an event horizon ironically, because light doesn't have to deal with mass, gravity, and time because of its unified structure (non-paradoxical, however from the paradox of measurement of physical matter -- men, women, and planets -- it is not light that is paradoxical, it is matter and time that is paradoxical). That presents us with another paradox of a black hole. Why is it black, and yet we perceive high energy electromagnetic radiation from a black hole? And too, if gravity waves travel at light speed, why is it black, but we can still detect gravity? Gravity waves don't magically travel faster than light, after all. (actually there is one exception; see: "Starship Relativity" post on the warp drive blog page)
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So why do I claim time speeds up closer to gravity? Because time does not drop to zero but only in relativistic and paradoxical fields. Simply put, and this is explained more on the next pages over, Gravity's pull increases the frequency of time and space. A clear example out of many is about Mercury. On the front side, Earth also pulls, and the timespace wave is longer. On the back side of the sun, gravity pulls, and the spacetime wave is shorter, thus Mercury appears from around behind the sun earlier than we expect (Gravity lensing bends light, which is cheating the principle I'm explaining, but according to General Relativity, that is due to space being curved, regardless). And paradoxically, zero time is actually a photon, which is all time all at once within relative fields of possibilities of that photon's existence (direction, action, purpose). Actually, there is no time according to a photon, but there is nonetheless, action and existence. As matter approaches light-speed, such as a proton accelerated in a 2 mile long particle accelerator, outside observers see it traveling very near light speed with a much greater increase in mass. But according to the proton, it is attempting to become light (without time), which is a paradoxical impossibility because it only has a 1/2 spin, and requires another paradoxical particle to do that, such as an anti-proton. There is no negation with matter and anti-matter collisions, there is unification. That is the principle of the engines of the OTC-X1 and the LAU-X3.
The engines are making use of the paradox of measurement. Pilots are NOT riding in the proton streams, but are the observers OF the proton streams used by the engines that surround the pilots. And so those outside the ship are ALSO observing the proton streams of the engines (because they can see the ship), and again, the ship can be observed to travel at very near light speed. So putting the engines in between the observers do not violate relativity. The very nature of relativity is changed by the shape of the engines and position of the pilots in the field. And that is why the pilots experience time slowing down in the universe outside that field, rather than speeding up. In an appropriate balance, it is entirely possible that the pilots would never experience any time dilation, except when the pilots reach another star system with a different gravitational mass than our own (for example with a star of a much higher gravity-time inertial mass frequency).
Since GR can be so bloody confusing, and requires point of view relativity, it's so much easier to bring time to a relative zero altogether and punch right through light itself to jump a distance in Timespace. Space and time is one field. Any change in time is going to change space, and that is the concept of hyperspace teleportation. Plus, with a vertical core (gravity clock), we might be able to overcome the temporary memory gap resulting from 4-D travel, so that we can be fully present and able to remember and thus appreciate a journey in such a space ship.
How does a flow of time through the vortex of a field of non/all-time actually make a ship jump through time and space itself to reach a distant star? Well if a flow of time abruptly hit a wall of zero time, through the center of a vortex, well that would describe a tachyon (it's not describing a black hole, because an event horizon wouldn't make any sense if time speeds up closer to a massive gravitational body. Energy, frequency, and vibration is how the universe works; the following separate pages of this website explains those things). It would result in the movement of everything outside the universe moving through a tiny hole through everything within the universe. Everything in the universe could fit inside a space of nothing, so that anywhere in the universe, a single photon could exist at any time, and that there is a way to move matter through light, to re-emerge anywhere and at any time a pilot chooses to go -- a Light Drive.
It actually becomes easier out in deeper space traveling outside the Solar system to travel much, much faster than what is possible within a stellar gravitational field! According to General Relativity, time speeds up away from gravitational sources such as massive stars, which means the "time wave" would be longer (less time passing) in deep space, and shorter (higher frequency; more time passing) closer to Gravity, hense "gravity-time frequency." Within a star system, tachyon drive mechanics could none-the-less allow for faster-than-light travel. So any ship capable of traveling at light speed, like what the Secret Space Program has, is going to be able to travel much, much faster out in deep space according to General Relativity, as seen at this website.
See: "Light-time Adjustments and Star Gate Travel -- Re-re-Readjusted; re-engineering GR, Unified with Quantum Physics (Vacuum Mechanics)" and the re-re-revised "Inflation of Space Theory Including Energy and Mass Unity" both on the warp drive news page. If time did not accelerate closer to gravity, then there would be no such thing as a gravity-warping effect of stars. "Paradoxical Relativity" fits within the dynamics of General and Special Relativity as an expansion of what we did not know yesterday, with what we do know today -- The Gravity Wave can be seen with ranges of decreased and increased time as measurement moves to the Origin of the source of gravitation (warp drive blog -- "Starship Relativity" and again in "Inflation of Space Theory" on the news page) -- also following the geometry of Alternating Current frequencies -- and also matching the geometry of the polarity of two adjoined tetrahedrons, as a single moment of time (resonance with vacuum space).
"Starship Relativity" on the Warp Drive Blog, also explains the difference between curved-space relativity (Einstein), and frequency space (Tesla), and how General and Special relativity can apply differently in different situations.
Also a little below, on this page in the "Warp Drive Physics" subsection is relative updated information and insight.
See also:
The solution to the anomolies between General and Special Relativity have been solved and revealed on the warp drive blog page in the post "Frequency Relativity -- Solution Revealed" !!!!
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(SECTION - 7) References, Book List, Recommended Sites and Links, ETC
updated 3/28/15
I have just become aware of an anomaly involving General Relativity that was previously unknown to me. I have studied Einstein's theories, as well as am familiar with Bob Lazar and the Secret Space Program's reports about a time dilatation effect created by proximity to gravity, and speed of travel. One of the things Bob Lazar wrote about, was his experiences with back-engineered ET technology. One instance was when a candle was placed inside a gravity beam from an engine, and the candle appeared as if it were frozen in time BUT, the light from the candle was being emitted, even though the candle was perfectly frozen in time until the engine was turned off, and the candle was seen to have melted away on the table. That doesn't necessarily mean we can assume time speeds up or slows down near a gravitational mass or force-field. All it means, is that gravity and time are directly related to each other; and thus mass and light also have relativity.
There is no simple way to understand any of this ... or is there?
If a space far away from concentrated gravity of a heavy massive body for example actually had a faster rate of time flow, what would it look like?
We would still see the Voyager probe leaving the Solar system even though time may actually be faster out in deep space, and the voyager probe arrives well ahead of its 70,000 year schedule to arrive at the star system to which it's traveling. But, we would still see it through time differently than how it experiences its own journey. We would see it traveling slower than it actually is, and the farther it was away from our time zone, the slower it would go. Why would it slow down, and not appear to move at the same rate? The Sumerian Hall of Records suggests that MORE time passes inside the solar system than outside the solar system. While outside our solar system, not that much time passes.
A pilot on board the probe hypothetically, could observe the motion of the planets around the sun traveling at higher speeds the farther away from the solar system the pilot travels, because the pilot is traveling in a faster rate of time. Actually, if the pilot were traveling in a faster rate of time, wouldn't he be able to observe everything surrounding his ship move much slower than he? The candle inside the gravity beam could "observe" everything outside of that beam to be moving super fast, and could actually be observing many possible futures, but would only experience just one timeline of the future, not the past. When the field is switched off, the collapse of reality creates a different and unique timeline; but it is not a random timeline, but the most probable timeline that is actualized upon the flip of that switch, a point in the candle's own past, but it may not be the same past that the candle experienced when the gravity beam was in operation. Keep in mind that the candle is being observed, that the fixed point of reference is not the candle, but the observers outside the gravity field. That's where reality is decided, ultimately. Observation creates reality. That is the Paradox of Measurement.
New information has just been made available to me concerning the testing of General and Special Relativity. The crux of the matter is this: if a ship is moving very rapidly in a gravitational warp field, time is faster on board the ship; the pilots see the world around them passing by in a slower time-rate. Observers on the Earth's surface perceive the ship travelling at a faster speed than the pilots experience. Russian cosmonauts who have lived aboard the ISS have been found to be in a slower time-rate, and age slower than people on Earth. The ISS travels quickly around the Earth. The space shuttle pilots report a similar experience. There is a paradox there. Do you see it?
If pilots experience a slower time than Earth observers, who perceive a faster time, then an Earth observer witnesses a ship traveling faster, but the pilots on board witness everything slowing down around them. The paradox is this: Time must be speeding up for the pilots on a fast ship, they are in a faster rate of time, in a time-dilation field, relative with their surroundings. Yet, according to scientific measurement, it's the astronauts who experience the slower time, not the surface of the Earth! The surface of Earth has a faster time rate, but not because it is closer to gravity. The Space shuttle and the ISS (International Space Station) are time-dilated due to Special Relativity. Their clock is slower than Earth surface clock, because of the direction they are traveling around Earth in relation to Earth's spin, and also because they are balancing out Earth's gravitytime frequency (inertial mass frequency) by traveling faster in space, and so the time will be slightly slower to compensate primarily due to proximity to the Earth resonance field.
Special Relativity can be very complex, and is NOT the same as General Relativity.
In fact the astronauts really DO experience slower time (just by a few nanoseconds per month, so they really can't tell a difference, unless the ISS actually started to fly at extraordinary speeds). But you would expect the clocks on board the ISS to be running faster, and the clocks on Earth surface to be running slower, if the ISS was moving fast enough, in a much higher frame of inertial frequency than Earth's inertial frequency generated by Earth's mass alone. Mass and Inertial frequency is Equivalent, just as Gravity and Acceleration is equivalent. The time dilations of Special Relativity also correspond with Earth's rotation.
The higher elevation of mountains of Earth are actually moving at a faster velocity than at sea level; and so the mountain tops of Earth are in a slightly higher inertial frequency. But, the space shuttle and ISS move in relation to two factors: Earth's gravity, and the surface speed of Earth's rotation. Traveling with Earth's rotation, the clock rate on the space shuttle is a little less than traveling against Earth's rotation, relative to Mission Control clocks (only by nanoseconds, only measurable with atomic clocks shielded from any interference).
Again, Traveling with Earth's rotation (Eastward), the clock rate on a rocket-propelled craft had a slower clock (relative deceleration). Traveling against Earth's rotation (Westward) actually had a faster clock rate, both cases relative with a location on the surface of Earth (relative acceleration). That is Special Relativity, and that is Special Relativity with Earth rotation, gravity, and near-Earth orbiting rocket-ships, not starships (there is a difference). "In the Hafele–Keating experiment, there was a slight increase in gravitational potential due to altitude that tended to speed the clocks back up." That was taken from Wiki, and has relevancy with frequency increase of Earth's electrical field, as seen on the next pages, in the news and blog pages and Tesla Engineering Physics page particularly.
Let me quote Wikipedia:
"Clocks on the Space Shuttle run slightly slower than reference clocks on Earth, while clocks on GPS and Galileo satellites run slightly faster.[1] Such time dilation has been repeatedly demonstrated (see experimental confirmation below), for instance by small disparities in atomic clocks on Earth and in space, even though both clocks work perfectly (it is not a mechanical malfunction). The laws of nature are such that time itself (i.e. spacetime) will bend due to differences in either gravity or velocity – each of which affects time in different ways.[2][3]
In theory, and to make a clearer example, time dilation could affect planned meetings for astronauts with advanced technologies and greater travel speeds. The astronauts would have to set their clocks to count exactly 80 years, whereas mission control – back on Earth – might need to count 81 years. The astronauts would return to Earth, after their mission, having aged one year less than the people staying on Earth." --
Let's say a ship is traveling much, much faster, nearing the speed of light, and it zipped around the solar system for one year according to clocks on board. It would appear to the pilots that time were standing still, and moving very, very slowly, according to what they can observe looking out a window through a telescope affixed on one location on Earth, say a very huge clock that the pilots can see through a really powerful telescope. Yet Earth time would actually be traveling faster, and so when people standing on Earth watched the ultra-fast spaceship zipping around the solar system, because time is moving faster on Earth, they would see the ship traveling much, MUCH faster than what the pilots on board the ship actually directly experience!
The simple reason is if you are traveling in a faster flow of time, then the world outside that bubble is going to seem like it is moving slower. Where is the relativity? In the clock? Or in the reality experienced? Can it really be said near light speed, the pilots are indeed traveling in faster time if their world around them slows down? How does that affect clock-rates? It could just as easily be said pilots who travel faster and experiencing the universe around them slowing down, are actually traveling in a slower time frequency.
This is the anomaly. Special Relativity claims that "the rate of a clock is greatest according to an observer who is at rest with respect to the clock. In a frame of reference in which the clock is not at rest, the clock runs more slowly, as expressed by the Lorentz factor." -- Wiki
Higher altitudes, clocks tick faster, at VERY high altitudes in geo-synchronous orbit, satellite clocks tick faster, AND those satellites are moving many times faster than the speed of Earth's rotation. If your friend on the merry-go-round is holding one end of a 20 foot pole, and you hold the other end, you would have to run very fast to keep up with a slow merry-go-round spin rate. BUT, these clocks are NOT at rest, and neither is the clock on the surface of the Earth, because the Earth's surface is rotating around 2,000 miles per hour; and on mountain tops, the speed of Earth rotation is even faster! On the inside of a merry-go-round, you could take a leisurely stroll and keep the same fixed position as your friend standing on the ground, 20 feet away from the merry-go-round. If you were on the edge of the merry-go-round, you'd have to jog a bit to keep that fixed position (and your atomic clock would travel a little FASTER in time -- higher frequency -- as one who just rides the merry-go-round sitting in one spot). Relative acceleration.
Your atomic clock would be SLOWER (lower frequency) if you ran along the edge of the merry-go-round, in the direction of its spin, then the clock-rate of someone merely riding the merry-go-round. Relative deceleration. Near Earth orbit space vehicles are still, for all intents and purposes, on the merry-go-round, and have to deal with the resonance field of Earth.
Spaceships at near Earth orbit have a slower clock tick rate, depending on the direction and relativity with Earth's rotation. Somehow, their inertial frequency is actually lowered in an anomalous way (possibly by omitting certain data like the direction of travel relative with Earth's rotation direction), even though they are moving very rapidly. To these ends, Relativity has confused many people, and after countless research, people get wildly differing results.
The Warp Drive Blog posts on relativity correct these errors, and show how General and Special relativity apply, to sort out these anomalies, and to put it in perspective with interstellar travel. Simply claiming a ship traveling at light speed loses time (the clock rate is slower than Earth clock, and at a lower inertial frequency) is erroneous! A ship at light speed is at a tremendously high inertial frequency, and MORE time would pass on the ship, then on Earth! This is what I mean by people getting wildly differing results, because they don't understand gravitational and inertial frequencies.
Something to note concerning the OTC-X1 engines is the Relative Acceleration of the co-counter-spinning engine, increasing the resonance frequency of the space-time of the starship. That is a frequency of inertial resonance which has more to do with frequency, then that of gravitation. If we consider gravitation as a resonance field, it is still compatible with physics of tachyon-engines.
Another account:
People who witnessed aliens on board a ship, saw the little Gray aliens moving around very rapidly inside the spaceship, seeing them through the windows. Is that true or false? Can science confirm that with what we have measured to date? It would seem that the aliens and Human observers looking through the windows from say, across a field using binoculars, are in two different time fields. Aliens could see the Humans moving slower, and the Humans could see the Grays moving faster. The Paradox of Measurement depends on where the measurements actually take place, and from which point of view is to be counted as the "fixed point of reference?" But in actuality, relativity means there is no fixed point of reference, unless there is a third point of reference other than just A or B.
So far, the only fixed point of reference is the surface of Earth. The measurements are always and invariably recorded and analysed in some lab or office on the surface of Earth. It's the Human condition, involved in the measurement.
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Pilots on board an ultra fast ship age faster (than people on Earth, but not by much) because they (the astronauts) are traveling faster in time, and have a faster time-frequency. In the case of balancing out the gravity field of Earth with near-Earth orbit flights, time can speed up or slow down relative with gravity, motion, and direction because of Earth's resonance field.
The important thing to note here is the type of engines that will accelerate pilots to near-light speeds. Such an engine geometry which mimics stars, planetary orbits, and even black holes changes the nature of General and Special Relativity altogether. And also, the nature of the engines in vortex actually can sustain peak and vital youthful health.
I've been pondering this since I was 3 years old after watching a sci-fi movie Sunday morning, when I stayed home from church with my Dad. The faster one travels to a destination does not mean the slower they travel, otherwise at high speeds very near the limit of the speed of light, time would stop, but there would still be motion. The event horizon of a black hole is not necessarily a zero barrier where all of time infinitely passes by forever as soon as one crosses that threshold. We do not see a ship sitting still forever in time just prior to crossing the black hole event horizon, if we were observing through a telescope from a safe distance (well actually, we just might; but it depends on how the ship is moving). Otherwise, there would be discontinuities in space and time, and no information could ever escape from inside an event horizon, certainly not light, and because gravity and light travel at the same speeds, the gravity force from a black hole would not be detected beyond the event horizon, where no information can come back out of a black hole, meaning that upon the formation of the massive gravity, it would shut itself off from the rest of the universe, and no stars would be sucked in, and no matter and galaxies would form FROM a black "whole." -- See" Nassim Haramein "Black Wholes" in the recommended video section.
However, a black hole does emit and radiate energy at high frequencies (like X-rays), and particles stream out in fountains from the poles. So, that means information DOES escape a black hole. Is there an event horizon after all, or not? The simple answer is not what you might expect. Is gravity the warping of spacetime itself? Or is gravity a wave, and a frequency? Tesla and Einstein had very different views about curved space. Tesla didn't believe in curved space.
There is one exception where gravity waves actually do travel faster than light, and that is at the edge of a large massive body, OR at the edge of an extreme time dilation field (See: "Starship Relativity" on the Warp Drive Blog). Special Relativity depends upon motion and movement of all bodies, and how they are relative with each other, to calculate and determine time dilation and gravitation frequencies. And even though General Relativity shows time is faster near a gravitational source, there is also a peculiar "speed bump" of slower time right at the edge of the gravity field, before re-normalizing again away from gravity.
Hypothetically, if it were in reverse, and time speeds up the farther away from any gravity, then crossing the expanse of deep space between distant stars would be easy and fast. From Earth, we measure the light from Alpha Centauri taking 4.3 years, from Earth's time-zone. But if time is faster in deep space away from gravity, then it probably would only take a year, for example.
Is the gravitational resonance field from the OTC-X1 and the LAU-X3 actually lessening gravity and thus quickening time, bringing gravity to a relative zero inside the ships and in the immediate bubble of the ship's field? It is possible.
The faster mass like a proton travels near the speed of light (in particle accelerators), the more mass it gains! The faster in time it goes, as we perceive it, because it certainly doesn't take very long traveling at the speed of light to get from point A to point B. How long does it take electromagnetic waves traveling at the speed of light to bounce off of Satellites? We can calculate the speed of electromagnetic waves to be approximately 186,000 miles per second. The presence of gravity will affect that number, if a laser is bounced off a distant satellite and returns.
In all fairness, physicists who study General Relativity would disagree, and claim that it is the increase in mass (the accelerated proton really shakes the whole ground because it gets super-heavy) as the result of the proton being prevented from moving faster in time, thus time appears to slow down closer to a massive body -- closer to a gravitational density. But, the faster something goes does not mean the slower it goes. The proton is the candle, and the fixed point of reference are the observers monitoring the experiment. Relativity means there is NO fixed point of reference anywhere in the universe other than one's own point of view.
So when two co-counter rotational forces of acceleration meet and cancel each other, then that creates a tremendous field of a gravitational zero with more gravitational energy generated than the sun (seemingly)! What does time do? Speed up, or slow down? According to modern General Relativity, time would speed up a LOT; with mass and gravity there is time. Removing a ship from a gravity field altogether means simply put, the ship can travel anywhere the pilots want, without it taking time to arrive to a destination. Relative gravity fields have to be taken into consideration. Closer to the sun, the engines would have to spin faster to compensate. With the addition of a gravity force traveling through the eye of the vortex however, it introduces time into a field where time is at a relative zero. The more mass, the more of a separation from pure timeless light, and the more time-separation mass has, because it is more dense. A photon has no mass, no gravity, thus zero or infinite time.*
The paradox though, is that the more mass, the less frequency, the lower the sound. Huge wind chimes have a lower frequency then tiny ones which have a higher pitch.
Yet, the reason no massive object can exceed the speed of light without becoming much more massive right up to the threshold of light-speed, thus never exceeding it, is because of the relation of gravity, mass, time, and frequency (speed) ... as well as the paradox itself. Matter cannot travel faster than its own propagation wave (see: Starship Relativity on the Warp Drive Blog). As a massive object travels faster closer to light, it has tremendously higher frequency, thus its mass value increases. An example is electrogravity, where a ship can travel very rapidly, but is it the universe outside the ship that is in a slower time frequency, and the pilots inside the ship are in a normal continuum? Can gravity shield from the effects of time altogether, like the candle in the gravity beam?
By co-accelerating mass to nearing the speed of light, in opposite directions, the forces of gravity, mass, and time go to zero. That is what EAGLEWORKS means by "negative mass and energy." It is really a Light-Force, that is being harnessed, using the forces of accelerated mass to generate massive gravity, that is phased to zero, becoming light in the universe, in an artificially-generated ascension of matter to light without having to even DEAL with time anomalies, only hyperdimensional navigation.
It is logical that time is also inversely proportional relative to light however, but not gravity. Light has no gravity and no mass, and no time. The more gravity and the more mass, the more "separation" of matter into paradoxes (not dualities) and thus the slower flow of time (as well as the existence of time, itself, treating light as the point of origin of the universe -- all matter is a paradox of light, where light is the unity). It would seem to make sense relative to light. Yet we really don't quite see that in reality. Even the Secret Space program agrees (and they actually have the experience to back up their claims, when pilots are traveling very rapidly close to the speed of light, it doesn't appear to be quite that fast to the pilots, but according to ground-based measurements would appear to be traveling faster than what the pilots experience (if traveling at light speed). Time not only speeds up closer to gravity, but also at faster speeds (VERY faster speeds), relative with the type of engines, the pilots in the ship, and with the rest of the universe; but there is a paradox involved. The paradox is the structure of all matter.
The one thing a pilot would NOT want to experience, is traveling in a ship where the time away from the ship, like on Earth is actually moving very fast, because then the pilot would not be traveling faster in space at all, but would be traveling very, very slowly in time. That would mean a pilot in a ship traveling at light speed would either be traveling slower than light speed, or otherwise never able to reach his destination without hundreds of years going by on Earth, instead of just 8.6 years (round trip to Alpha star and back). Either way, General Relativity is a moot point if the faster you travel is actually the slower you travel. Either way, it means the Voyager 1 probe will, for all practical reasons, never reach another star system because it has no engine to warp time, or remove the ship from a time-continuum altogether. An engine must be built to make use of light, to actually travel as light travels.
In truth, there are no real absolutes. It's all relative. I know I've claimed that gravity and time have higher frequencies when accelerated because it is foolish to claim that when mass is accelerated, its frequency is lowered. If we view General Relativity as an absolute, then the faster and heavier, the slower and darker. That's just not true, though. I prefer to think of the universe in terms of frequency, light, sound, energy, and vibration.
Fact of the matter is this: No rocket engine could EVER test out GR and SR at very rapid speeds. It takes a special type of engine, in a special type of field geometry that can jump the General and Special Relativity time hurdle, while making use of GR and SR appropriately. Time calculations incur paradoxes of measurement. It's easier just to make use of the mass, gravity, and acceleration values to overcome the hurdle of light and time.
Event horizons are time-like. But light is the only thing that can escape an event horizon ironically, because light doesn't have to deal with mass, gravity, and time because of its unified structure (non-paradoxical, however from the paradox of measurement of physical matter -- men, women, and planets -- it is not light that is paradoxical, it is matter and time that is paradoxical). That presents us with another paradox of a black hole. Why is it black, and yet we perceive high energy electromagnetic radiation from a black hole? And too, if gravity waves travel at light speed, why is it black, but we can still detect gravity? Gravity waves don't magically travel faster than light, after all. (actually there is one exception; see: "Starship Relativity" post on the warp drive blog page)
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So why do I claim time speeds up closer to gravity? Because time does not drop to zero but only in relativistic and paradoxical fields. Simply put, and this is explained more on the next pages over, Gravity's pull increases the frequency of time and space. A clear example out of many is about Mercury. On the front side, Earth also pulls, and the timespace wave is longer. On the back side of the sun, gravity pulls, and the spacetime wave is shorter, thus Mercury appears from around behind the sun earlier than we expect (Gravity lensing bends light, which is cheating the principle I'm explaining, but according to General Relativity, that is due to space being curved, regardless). And paradoxically, zero time is actually a photon, which is all time all at once within relative fields of possibilities of that photon's existence (direction, action, purpose). Actually, there is no time according to a photon, but there is nonetheless, action and existence. As matter approaches light-speed, such as a proton accelerated in a 2 mile long particle accelerator, outside observers see it traveling very near light speed with a much greater increase in mass. But according to the proton, it is attempting to become light (without time), which is a paradoxical impossibility because it only has a 1/2 spin, and requires another paradoxical particle to do that, such as an anti-proton. There is no negation with matter and anti-matter collisions, there is unification. That is the principle of the engines of the OTC-X1 and the LAU-X3.
The engines are making use of the paradox of measurement. Pilots are NOT riding in the proton streams, but are the observers OF the proton streams used by the engines that surround the pilots. And so those outside the ship are ALSO observing the proton streams of the engines (because they can see the ship), and again, the ship can be observed to travel at very near light speed. So putting the engines in between the observers do not violate relativity. The very nature of relativity is changed by the shape of the engines and position of the pilots in the field. And that is why the pilots experience time slowing down in the universe outside that field, rather than speeding up. In an appropriate balance, it is entirely possible that the pilots would never experience any time dilation, except when the pilots reach another star system with a different gravitational mass than our own (for example with a star of a much higher gravity-time inertial mass frequency).
Since GR can be so bloody confusing, and requires point of view relativity, it's so much easier to bring time to a relative zero altogether and punch right through light itself to jump a distance in Timespace. Space and time is one field. Any change in time is going to change space, and that is the concept of hyperspace teleportation. Plus, with a vertical core (gravity clock), we might be able to overcome the temporary memory gap resulting from 4-D travel, so that we can be fully present and able to remember and thus appreciate a journey in such a space ship.
How does a flow of time through the vortex of a field of non/all-time actually make a ship jump through time and space itself to reach a distant star? Well if a flow of time abruptly hit a wall of zero time, through the center of a vortex, well that would describe a tachyon (it's not describing a black hole, because an event horizon wouldn't make any sense if time speeds up closer to a massive gravitational body. Energy, frequency, and vibration is how the universe works; the following separate pages of this website explains those things). It would result in the movement of everything outside the universe moving through a tiny hole through everything within the universe. Everything in the universe could fit inside a space of nothing, so that anywhere in the universe, a single photon could exist at any time, and that there is a way to move matter through light, to re-emerge anywhere and at any time a pilot chooses to go -- a Light Drive.
It actually becomes easier out in deeper space traveling outside the Solar system to travel much, much faster than what is possible within a stellar gravitational field! According to General Relativity, time speeds up away from gravitational sources such as massive stars, which means the "time wave" would be longer (less time passing) in deep space, and shorter (higher frequency; more time passing) closer to Gravity, hense "gravity-time frequency." Within a star system, tachyon drive mechanics could none-the-less allow for faster-than-light travel. So any ship capable of traveling at light speed, like what the Secret Space Program has, is going to be able to travel much, much faster out in deep space according to General Relativity, as seen at this website.
See: "Light-time Adjustments and Star Gate Travel -- Re-re-Readjusted; re-engineering GR, Unified with Quantum Physics (Vacuum Mechanics)" and the re-re-revised "Inflation of Space Theory Including Energy and Mass Unity" both on the warp drive news page. If time did not accelerate closer to gravity, then there would be no such thing as a gravity-warping effect of stars. "Paradoxical Relativity" fits within the dynamics of General and Special Relativity as an expansion of what we did not know yesterday, with what we do know today -- The Gravity Wave can be seen with ranges of decreased and increased time as measurement moves to the Origin of the source of gravitation (warp drive blog -- "Starship Relativity" and again in "Inflation of Space Theory" on the news page) -- also following the geometry of Alternating Current frequencies -- and also matching the geometry of the polarity of two adjoined tetrahedrons, as a single moment of time (resonance with vacuum space).
"Starship Relativity" on the Warp Drive Blog, also explains the difference between curved-space relativity (Einstein), and frequency space (Tesla), and how General and Special relativity can apply differently in different situations.
Also a little below, on this page in the "Warp Drive Physics" subsection is relative updated information and insight.
See also:
The solution to the anomolies between General and Special Relativity have been solved and revealed on the warp drive blog page in the post "Frequency Relativity -- Solution Revealed" !!!!
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(SECTION - 7) References, Book List, Recommended Sites and Links, ETC
Recommended Websites : (interference wound coils and research) *hundreds of photos of real starships! -- (more info about electrogravity lifters there, too)
Randy Cramer tells it as it is:
(I recommend also researching the Dulce wars for more insight to Randy's story. It has been said by several supersoldiers gone public, things about reptillians. A Reptillian/Human relation (with shape-shifting elements) appears to exist in the Human aristocracy hierarchy, yet appears to be at war with pure-blood Reptillians, such as the ones Randy discusses, as well as with Earth Humans. Such warfare is also conducted psychically, and in non-physical planes, also. It appears to be a struggle for power, dominance, and self-preservation; but appears imbalanced within the Reptillian/Human factions, and perpetuated by them (and sometimes, it can be perpetuated by "light-warriors" who have taken up the sword against Reptiles, but they (some light warriors) can become the very force of tyranny they fight against; it is always a balance to maintain, to not abuse ones station). There is also sophisticated, and advanced technology involved which is able to interact energetically with Human intelligent living energy fields and chakra-chi systems, within appropriately (or inappropriately) established conditions. An electrically field-generated focused point of manifest at the Human energy frequency can be artificially created, or intentionally created biologically, matching chakra electrical frequencies -- naturally created, and/or technologically created. I honestly don't believe the full extent of such technology, nor of Mind and Soul is fully realized by anyone involved with any of that (physical and nonphysical, or higher-physical). Such things are focused entirely into a spiritual reality, and as such is a higher form of war exercised just up to the point of nearing a threshold of light (light is where unity is realized, and no conflict can be perpetuated). ... I encourage peaceful relations, instead of perpetuating conflict. There are beautiful souls in both families, or races. Many Earth Humans already have positive and friendly and compassionate relations through psychic interactions. Yet, there are those who engage in battle and judgment, who are programmed to believe there is an "enemy" who is "evil incarnate," and unwittingly act as pawns in an energetic struggle for power. I am reluctant to relate anything more, but I feel it important to mention that the war is being fed and conducted by a small minority who controls vast wealth (although they may not entirely be the orchestrators of it), and also fed and conducted by those who are not wealthy, but have sway over people's beliefs, and have tricked people into giving up their energy as fuel for such conflicts (and trick people to turn their energy against themselves at a core level, which is very bad). For many, this is merely irrelevant data, and that is just fine. Without knowing all the reasons or the entire situation, I merely wish to plug these variables in to the "general equation," and remind people that Love is the entire structure of All Existence -- that is not impossible, it is just very difficult to comprehend, but such realization is definitely the direction Humanity is evolving toward, as per the Purpose of Earth, and of Earth Humans.)
The one thing super important to realize, is that the nature of one's being does not reside within one's body. The reality that surrounds one in part defines one's overall being. When the crows sing suddenly and the coyotes sing simultaneously in reflection (and co-participation and co-processing) to an idea you have, then it can become clear that not only does Earth respond to the energy of consciousness, but is inclusive to the existence of your own being, as all parts of the whole reflect each other, otherwise they could not be considered parts of a whole, and cells of the body. Whereas mind is not who we are, but the by-product of our very existence. Consciousness is no mere chemical reaction; it is the chemical and electrical pattern-formation and action that is the result of consciousness -- the creation and expression of the soul -- not the cause of consciousness. It is the soul which is the whole being of the reality of one-with-all. Matter is only a half-spin, and a single particle is only one-half of the wholeness of it's existence as a "one." Thus, a large portion of Human consciousness is utterly unknown by the Human being, who exists by the very nature of denial itself, to maintain the form of an identity (I am not the trees, I am not the birds, I am not the rock, etc).
Agreement and permission is a requirement of mind, for any psychic manifestation, because it is one's own soul which provides the framework for interaction between the uni-verse of another. For those who don't understand these things, in certain circumstances of imbalance, one's own mind could tear itself apart; not just within the body, but also affecting the very fabric of reality that one finds oneself within. "Within" does not mean in a body, but the inner landscaping of mind that also includes all bodies, however seemingly separate, as one being. The boundaries of "another being" is not limited to just skin-deep. The science of self-realization is very important to expanding one's travel into higher dimensions, for example to fly to another star, because under improper circumstances of an inner imbalance, tragic results similar to the Philadelphia experiment could result. Survival in higher frequencies is dependent upon self-realization, otherwise one has no business even being there. Expanded frames of perception however can carry their own hazards, in which the remedies are addressed in my book, still in the editing phases of pre-publication.
The Human power of denial separates the mind of a one, into the formations of parallel and complex "I - structures." When other people are in complete agreement about the nature of reality, such a thing can be tremendously powerful in very supernatural ways, seemingly coming from outside oneself. Regardless, Humankind creates its own gods, and that is a very real force and power to behold. Yet, it is an inner force of the soul which is where that power comes from. Distortions to the true nature of what can be perceived can create very imaginative landscapes as haunting illusion, yet none-the-less has the power to affect, create, and transform reality, and is based on the symbolic framework of abstract reality -- the innate nature of physical existence, a living unity of logical abstracts. When the illusion holds power over one's self-identity concepts and observations, it is done because the Human allows and creates it. There are no demons that are not born from within, and self-created, as an illusion of a force of denial. The existence of Angels is in part manifested by one's own force, and likewise co-created by the inherent intelligence of the universe itself.
When people's philosophies of existence and life become inverted and opposite to the truth of life and existence, they will perceive that the outer reality is against them, when it is merely themselves that stand against themselves in a self-destructive perpetuating cycle. When dealing with any communication and exchange on higher levels and frequencies of energy (mind and soul), it must be of the utmost supreme integrity because if one doesn't understand that nature and "boundless limitation" of one's own being, one may become destructively confused (war) when in exchange with another soul, which also affects all in participation. I'm saying that it is a very real experience which can be measured, recorded, and duplicated; the illusion and the truth are both very real, but it is only the truth which applies to the entire multiverse, and is not limited to just a local reality that must be agreed upon to even exist to more than one Human being.
Recommended Websites : (interference wound coils and research) *hundreds of photos of real starships! -- (more info about electrogravity lifters there, too)
Randy Cramer tells it as it is:
(I recommend also researching the Dulce wars for more insight to Randy's story. It has been said by several supersoldiers gone public, things about reptillians. A Reptillian/Human relation (with shape-shifting elements) appears to exist in the Human aristocracy hierarchy, yet appears to be at war with pure-blood Reptillians, such as the ones Randy discusses, as well as with Earth Humans. Such warfare is also conducted psychically, and in non-physical planes, also. It appears to be a struggle for power, dominance, and self-preservation; but appears imbalanced within the Reptillian/Human factions, and perpetuated by them (and sometimes, it can be perpetuated by "light-warriors" who have taken up the sword against Reptiles, but they (some light warriors) can become the very force of tyranny they fight against; it is always a balance to maintain, to not abuse ones station). There is also sophisticated, and advanced technology involved which is able to interact energetically with Human intelligent living energy fields and chakra-chi systems, within appropriately (or inappropriately) established conditions. An electrically field-generated focused point of manifest at the Human energy frequency can be artificially created, or intentionally created biologically, matching chakra electrical frequencies -- naturally created, and/or technologically created. I honestly don't believe the full extent of such technology, nor of Mind and Soul is fully realized by anyone involved with any of that (physical and nonphysical, or higher-physical). Such things are focused entirely into a spiritual reality, and as such is a higher form of war exercised just up to the point of nearing a threshold of light (light is where unity is realized, and no conflict can be perpetuated). ... I encourage peaceful relations, instead of perpetuating conflict. There are beautiful souls in both families, or races. Many Earth Humans already have positive and friendly and compassionate relations through psychic interactions. Yet, there are those who engage in battle and judgment, who are programmed to believe there is an "enemy" who is "evil incarnate," and unwittingly act as pawns in an energetic struggle for power. I am reluctant to relate anything more, but I feel it important to mention that the war is being fed and conducted by a small minority who controls vast wealth (although they may not entirely be the orchestrators of it), and also fed and conducted by those who are not wealthy, but have sway over people's beliefs, and have tricked people into giving up their energy as fuel for such conflicts (and trick people to turn their energy against themselves at a core level, which is very bad). For many, this is merely irrelevant data, and that is just fine. Without knowing all the reasons or the entire situation, I merely wish to plug these variables in to the "general equation," and remind people that Love is the entire structure of All Existence -- that is not impossible, it is just very difficult to comprehend, but such realization is definitely the direction Humanity is evolving toward, as per the Purpose of Earth, and of Earth Humans.)
The one thing super important to realize, is that the nature of one's being does not reside within one's body. The reality that surrounds one in part defines one's overall being. When the crows sing suddenly and the coyotes sing simultaneously in reflection (and co-participation and co-processing) to an idea you have, then it can become clear that not only does Earth respond to the energy of consciousness, but is inclusive to the existence of your own being, as all parts of the whole reflect each other, otherwise they could not be considered parts of a whole, and cells of the body. Whereas mind is not who we are, but the by-product of our very existence. Consciousness is no mere chemical reaction; it is the chemical and electrical pattern-formation and action that is the result of consciousness -- the creation and expression of the soul -- not the cause of consciousness. It is the soul which is the whole being of the reality of one-with-all. Matter is only a half-spin, and a single particle is only one-half of the wholeness of it's existence as a "one." Thus, a large portion of Human consciousness is utterly unknown by the Human being, who exists by the very nature of denial itself, to maintain the form of an identity (I am not the trees, I am not the birds, I am not the rock, etc).
Agreement and permission is a requirement of mind, for any psychic manifestation, because it is one's own soul which provides the framework for interaction between the uni-verse of another. For those who don't understand these things, in certain circumstances of imbalance, one's own mind could tear itself apart; not just within the body, but also affecting the very fabric of reality that one finds oneself within. "Within" does not mean in a body, but the inner landscaping of mind that also includes all bodies, however seemingly separate, as one being. The boundaries of "another being" is not limited to just skin-deep. The science of self-realization is very important to expanding one's travel into higher dimensions, for example to fly to another star, because under improper circumstances of an inner imbalance, tragic results similar to the Philadelphia experiment could result. Survival in higher frequencies is dependent upon self-realization, otherwise one has no business even being there. Expanded frames of perception however can carry their own hazards, in which the remedies are addressed in my book, still in the editing phases of pre-publication.
The Human power of denial separates the mind of a one, into the formations of parallel and complex "I - structures." When other people are in complete agreement about the nature of reality, such a thing can be tremendously powerful in very supernatural ways, seemingly coming from outside oneself. Regardless, Humankind creates its own gods, and that is a very real force and power to behold. Yet, it is an inner force of the soul which is where that power comes from. Distortions to the true nature of what can be perceived can create very imaginative landscapes as haunting illusion, yet none-the-less has the power to affect, create, and transform reality, and is based on the symbolic framework of abstract reality -- the innate nature of physical existence, a living unity of logical abstracts. When the illusion holds power over one's self-identity concepts and observations, it is done because the Human allows and creates it. There are no demons that are not born from within, and self-created, as an illusion of a force of denial. The existence of Angels is in part manifested by one's own force, and likewise co-created by the inherent intelligence of the universe itself.
When people's philosophies of existence and life become inverted and opposite to the truth of life and existence, they will perceive that the outer reality is against them, when it is merely themselves that stand against themselves in a self-destructive perpetuating cycle. When dealing with any communication and exchange on higher levels and frequencies of energy (mind and soul), it must be of the utmost supreme integrity because if one doesn't understand that nature and "boundless limitation" of one's own being, one may become destructively confused (war) when in exchange with another soul, which also affects all in participation. I'm saying that it is a very real experience which can be measured, recorded, and duplicated; the illusion and the truth are both very real, but it is only the truth which applies to the entire multiverse, and is not limited to just a local reality that must be agreed upon to even exist to more than one Human being. Townsend Brown Electrodynamics VERY Important, also similar to Dr. Ning Li's device (seen on Warp Engineering page), and adds whole new dynamics to generating gravitational fields in di-electric insulative space between capacitor plates! "Stress in the di-electric" is that force. A resonating magnetic field between positive and negative charge results in the inertial resonance of gravitational polarity. That can occur in reverse when the magnetic field surrounds the charge polarity, also (according to the OTC-X1 engineering) The mass of the insulator vibrates, causing gravitation. This can be included as another layer of design within the overall engine dynamics of the vertical column of cones. Di-electrics in the X-1 capacitor plates may not be wise, due to the displacement of inertial frequencies. Useful for smaller maneuvering thrusters. Electrets can be used with di-electric insulators (like for gravity plates). | -- This is a very good website! It contains a LOT
of mathematical physics. It is very well done and I can tell a lot of work and a lot of time has gone into its creation. The graphs are impressive. The vision of physics is the basics of warp drives. Also, the speed of light is the usual constant C, with no references to parallel electric wave speed (220,000 miles per second), and that entire spectrum of that side of physics. It amazes me the different methods used to draw similar conclusions, with an exception in the internal relativity of gravity fields. Mostly General and Special relativity deals with relativity between other bodies, not relation within the gravitation field itself, and how that changes relativity. Likewise, at a Black Hole, gravity waves can travel faster than light waves, creating the Black Event Horizon. So, there is additional math involved. I'm glad that wonderful resource exists!! I REALLY have to shake that man's hand! We both agree about the mechanics of a tachyon starship engine! We are in agreement that warp drive technology is real. I truly appreciate his efforts in plasma testing. He also discusses gravity beams. John is also saying electromagnetic energy may only be required, not just the use of negative energy. We agree upon the warping effects of electromagnetic rotation. None of his experiments are conclusive to date, though; and the math involved is relativity, primarily, where mass does the warping. It would be interesting to examine the conflicts in physics between this website and that one, for the benefit of the progression of warp drive science, and perhaps come to better understandings of the engineering technology that warps the universe. There is however, one fundamental his physics don't take into consideration: that the speed of light is actually the frequency of time itself. That's exciting because he's using mass to warp space (mass gravitation), and not using magneto-electrostatic energies focused on warping the frequencies of time! However the LAU-X3 uses both principles. Advanced Universal Mechanics are simply realized as the perception and reasoning of a light-based unifiable logic of paradoxes (light unity with Source-based energy), a logic of the unification of paradoxes; and whereas time and space is paradoxical, and all universal structure is paradoxical and geometrically so, then we can take shortcuts. Since logic is geometry, geometrical reasoning is logical perception. That means, physics is logic-based. Conventional non-quantum math is the outer shell of the universe, like the ego of light. The Internal Nature of the Universe is also where we Exist. Know Thyself, and You Know The Universe. The Inner Mechanics of the Universe is what manifests the outer world. (See: Light Time Adjustments and Star Gate Travel on the Warp Drive News page) __________________________ _ (3/30/15)_ | <-- David Sereda on UFO antigravity <--- How to build your own world-famous EM electric space drive <--- Bedini SG: parts, kits, coils, transistor kits, etc <--- Magnetic Spaceship Complete Set of Building Instructions, yet to be evaluated
Physics and Mechanics of Portal travel:
More Secret Space Program Links (these should compliment the "promise revealed" link, which has gotten a whole lot of people upset):
Law Websites:
Recommended Videos:
. . . . latest addition: (6/30/18) <--- Video part one on the EM drive thruster, and the Cannae drive thruster for satellites <--- Video part TWO
^-------- This video discusses the current stargate reality of the level of technology and off-world
activity becoming ever-more experienced by more and more people. It's good, and not
scary at all --- A highly sophisticated level of reality far beyond the scope of things
generally of this website. It may be disturbing to some people. It is generally centered
around a military and exo-political arena of first-contact. But for the people who have to
cope with those realities, they have families and a real life, which is a glimpse into what
new experiences that all of Earth is beginning to emerge. Most suffering of disease and
injury on the planet is needless, and this video is a small introduction into the bigger
picture of what only a few percent of the total population of Earth participate, those few
involved with military and political activity.
The darker side of this reality is not the direction the Human race is headed; and yet it
is something to be staved off, and to become aware of, not to know how to "defend
against" necessarily, but to not allow. The more simplistic technology may also be the most
"natural" level of "simple sophistication," which makes use of Intention, Emotion, Will, and
Focus, allowing for natural safeguards that the Human can directly control and have Free
Will. This video also discusses the nature of "AI" in context to energy and consciousness.
To those ends also, is also why the intensity of safety precautions, and the need for
metaphysical boundaries, permissions, and Life Force Integrity. One could say it is the
Human Breath (Intentional Energy/ Chi / Soul Force) which imbues something as simple as
memory pattern in electrical energy systems; and that reflection of boundaries and
permissions practiced in reality also pertains to all energy systems and living energy reality.
I could comment a lot about this video, but it would be no different then what anyone
can realize on their own, with enough discerned information. I think it's a really cool notion
that ultra simple technology can be used to build hyperdrives, when the secret space
program is so ultra-advanced -- that's really ironic. I also think it's possible, and logical
(unity of paradoxes), that we Terrans can form a brand new reality (which already exists
in probable space) that is free and self-empowered based on our Integrity alone.
Integrity and lack of a participation in drama (which are mainly control dramas exercised
in a Living Energy Reality) can totally shield and protect the energy fields of these ships,
which also reflect the health and healthy high frequency resonance of the Human pilots.
In a synergy of positive intelligent wellness, a Sacred energy space can be sustained in
effortless focus. The ship energy is a good firewall of metaphysical protection, and the
pilots are truly obliged to maintain that privacy. As far as metaphysical protection and
defenses goes, here's a short list of considerations, generally, that can apply to a more
high-tech self-resonating energy infrastructure:
Guard your Truth. And don't summarily accept any info just because you may like one's
message. If you've never encountered the dark side before ... you want to make sure
you don't ever have to. Sometimes, working with questionable others will call the attention
of things you never wanted to deal with. LOL ... and above all else, if you get seriously
compromised, you MUST have a strong will to live, it will pass in time. Don't accept anything
that violates the sacred space of your living energy field. And remember, what you will face
as purported "Truth" is from a point of view ONLY. Don't engage in controversy. Don't
debate "Truth." Just stand your ground and keep true to your own boundaries. Don't eat
the food, don't drink the water, and choose your own battles. Don't let your battles be
chosen for you. Be polite, and stay detached. Don't let yourself get sucked in, don't accept
ANY mind melds, don't accept ANY gifts! ... Be Discerning! Things can get very invasive
with a quickness, and pay attention to your soul radar. Whatever brings you out of a Love
vibration, and puts you in fear, back away from because it's a subtle attempt at control. ...
Don't engage in any control dramas ... Don't let anything into your house. .....
If you have any energy protection, be it a simple candle, crystals, pyramids, or even a
orgone energy device (or Tesla device), don't talk about it. Don't give permission for any
negotiations with any of your energy protection devices, because that will already be
happening RIGHT AWAY, and that's your first line of defense, your firewall. Don't trust
blindly. Have Protection.
There's another world out there that has introduced itself as members of our own species,
brothers and sisters, in a huge universe of other Humans and Humanoids and many
different looking species, colors, shapes .. intelligent life is everywhere in the universe.
We really have to stand our ground, and fix the shit going on with the Earth... like the
pollution and turmoil. The Eyes are Open at the very top of the pyramid, finally. We are no
longer "abandoned" by our "ascended" brothers and sisters. They are starting to reach out
to us, as we have reached out to them, and they are living among us. We are All One. I'm
seeing practical reasons for the secrecy and privacy away from public knowledge. We are
reaching for each other, because there is fear to overcome, and because it is the embrace
of unconditional love that is central to our Existence. -- Nassim Haramein - Black Wholes, nature of unity, consciousness, creation, very profound, true, and
enjoyable; - the Key of Creation! This is one of the most important unified physics videos
in all of history. Watch this video! It explains so much, including giving one a very
innocent idea about "negative space," which is like the negative of a photograph, spaces
in between the spaces. The only thing not really touched upon in this website is the unity
of electrostatic charge. Proton charge and electron charge is one charge that is polarized
to positive and negative, just as the Earth surface charge is one charge but shows
positive and negative characteristics simply by relativity (how high and how far away).
Polarity is an important philosophical concept though, just as is Unity, and so that depth
of reality is not included.
This video is the quantum science which merges and blends together the nature of
physical and metaphysical existence. This also discusses density and the fractal nature of
the quantum vacuum and the interconnection of all things, and includes non-causality. -- QEG (Quantum Energy Generator) Lots of free energy, real and true -- Little Tesla tower and stand-alone coil lights up a bunch of bulbs wirelessly. Static electricity will also do the same thing. This brings to mind that an electrostatic energy can be polarized to isolate a magnetic field, to light a bulb; and the Human body can absorb that energy, harmlessly. Exotic matter having a simultaneous positive and negative fluctuation is similar to a positive and negative co-spin simultaneously. Energy can be made to do whatever one wants to do with it, whatever one intends to do (intention creates reality). As long as a proper shape is designed to be activated by energy, the energy itself knows what to do (and knows what you want it to do). It's a simplistic explanation, but it's an explanation in plane Human language. .... it was never my intention to prove "intention creates reality," on this website, but only to show and demonstrate that my intention to discover hyperdrive and warp drive mechanics and engineering physics actually did result in the reality of this website ... -- Quantum Relativity ... the "comments" section is hot.
Lifters (electrogravity) Antigravity and the Physics of a new Quantum Theory
Ralph Ring speaks on video:
This video is an OTC-X1 replication video which shows that electromagnets can indeed spin a flat metal disk. It is known that a large C-shaped electromagnet will spin a copper disk. In the video, Benn's electromagnets do not have a "C" shape to make the disk spin, which is noteworthy. Benn's electromagnets may need to be larger, but the point is it's a great effort at reconstructing a historic working machine.. Could be that the capacitors have to be charged to generate a faster speed. The OTC-X1 in design also has the electromagnets spinning in the opposite direction. Just as a note, he is using solid utrons, and a solid core central accumulator. His video is just to test the motion of a disk spinning due to electromagnets, to show us that the principle does indeed work. He is using DC current configuration . . . Efforts of Benn of the Australian OTC-X1 pod, video released by Mark Hoza, tracked at the website:
This video uses magnets placed on the ends of a AA battery, which propels itself through a coil of copper wire around and around in a circle. It demonstrates the principles of the utrons enhancing the rotation and speed of the OTC-X1:
That video also demonstrates similar basic principles of the outer ring drive, how it can be set into motion. Instead of batteries, power cell electrets (utrons) can be used. It's a good video. More of this is discussed in the Construction page on this website.
This video is of a simple homopolar motor that uses the principles of Faraday's law (the right hand rule) to demonstrate motion of electromagnetic field-flow of current:
... and also this video with visual explanation:
This is a simple electric motor. You could make one larger, and wind the ends of the wire around a wooden rod, and sand off one/half a side, to isolate just one pole on the coil for a DC motor or generator:
Ralph Ring and John Hutchison (shows a little bit about the interviewers interviewing John Hutchison at the beginning); there is another episode of these guys with John Hutchison exclusively but this video link is of Ralph Ring primarily:
Evidence of Breakthrough Energy on 9/11, Dr. Judy Woods: (this video is not the good video.. but I'll leave it up)
Dr. Judy Wood - Where did the towers go: (this one is the good video, very much worth watching):
Just as a note here. A friend of mine (he designs fractal antennas) has come up with a theory of sound harmonic resonance to explain the cause of both "dustification," (termed by Dr. Judy Woods) and the disintegration of the people jumping out the buildings partly based on German research of using sound-based weaponry to generate a large standing sound wave (added to and amplified by wave-resonance) to create a moving wall of force which can turn metal to powder. Kidney stones are also broken up in the body by a sonic pulse that shatters the stones. The towers hit, may have been causing a vibration like tuning forks. Also there may have been an R & D lab somewhere up there working on alternative energy, or even biological agents that had to be destroyed in case of such an extreme accident. Who knows? But, that is at least a logical explanation rather than jumping to conclusions of beam weapons from space, unless some space weapon co-energized the buildings electrically. Electrostatic resonance waves would be concentrated at the top of the building (radiant rise), also like a tuning fork electrically resonating. It's interesting to note that the lower floors of the towers were still standing.
. . .
I had detected electrostatic scanning beams upon my equipment from space a couple of times, but they were from NASA satellite components using "innocent" 1400 volt electrostatic scanning beams (and detected them once upon me, many miles away, after some .. particular things had happened). Such a NASA component is used for "orbital maneuvering and station keeping" (ion and di-electric propulsion; for more info, see the article "The Time Ship" on the Warp Drive Engineering page). It's ironic now that I think about it. I had detected the full "shadow voltage" of the beam on my "Tesla console" in the house, but it didn't shock me when I touched it. The entire voltage of the scanning beam was induced electrically into my equipment. If my tower would have been electromagnetized during this event, there was a possibility that the satellite would have lit up like a beacon in the night-time sky. It's a simple matter to wirelessly transfer electromagnetic current through naturally (free and abundant electricity) charged Earth electrostatic corridors (See: Tesla Engineering Physics page; electrostatic interference waves form grid-like cloud patterns in the sky). That was a contributing factor as to my choice to discontinue my Tesla experiments, aside from non-disclosed reasons of a metaphysical and paranormal (supernatural) nature (various pages on this website touches on those reasons); because such a beam creates a conductive medium allowing for wireless transfer of electrical current very effortlessly (See: Tesla Engineering page). Last thing I wanted to do was to damage any satellite accidentally, regardless of various clandestine activities that might have warranted a self-defensive protocol (what was it doing there, anyway? Was it an offering to further research for all of Humanity? Was it an offer of a challenge, aggressively? Someone just popping by to say "hi?"). Just think! Since the satellite used a di-electric / ionic / electrostatic means of propulsion (and information gathering), what would a huge high volt force from the ground have done to it? Pushed it way out into space, or electrically attracting (grounding) it closer into the atmosphere? Light exerts a slight force on matter (like a solar sail); a magneto-electrostatic tight beam would have been a much better solar sail. The tower was set up from the beginning to make a direct beam straight up, so I could better direct the energies to learn more about it (rather than diffusing it into the environment without direction). Precision is better than a clumsy approach any day. The tower had made great vortex cloud patterns in the sky; and when it was running in specific configurations, I could tell what nearby areas were creating electrostatic radiant pollution just by watching the sky (as far as the eye could see)! Want is Existence. Force is direction. The direction of one's force is the focus of clear intention and desire; one's focus determines one's reality. In resonance en masse, people's force and focus is generally not unified; but when it is, the very fabric of reality is shifted.
There are rules that one must live by, while "enjoying" an incarnation upon the Earth. Because I was aware that damage could (possibility, not an absolute) occur to a satellite if I continued my experiments, if they were indeed curious about monitoring me, I had no choice but to stop. I believe that is a mark of enlightenment -- being aware when there could arise undesired consequences, and choosing the wiser path rather than a clumsy destructive path. It (the tower) was also reversing the electrical polarity of trees (radiant rise is why grass and trees grow; there was radiant rise, but it was amplified throughout the grasses and trees and living electrostatic "transceivers" such as rocks and trees and water features ... I say "polarity reversal" with respect to relative electrical field changes over the entire surface of the ground in a wide area), and a tad bit harmful to the environment. Simply grounding the tower caused tree limbs to drop all throughout the forest instantly (like how trees do just prior to a thunderstorm approaching). Animals would respond to the energies, too. When I grounded it, also coyotes would respond and come closer. Keep in mind the nature of quantum mechanics and how intention also directs energy.
However, frequency acceleration of relative frames of local Earth reality does have merit (amplification of Earth electrical resonance), but only while respecting and honoring Earth environment, otherwise severe unintended electrical consequences could result. It is no less than the manipulation of the Life Force of Earth, the living electrical chi of intelligent [energy] bodies, including Humans. Permission must be asked of Earth, because it involves Sacred consequences, be it positive OR negative. I have learned not to underestimate the raw potential of energy and mind. In fact, the tower could have lowered the frequency of natural living Earth because of how it was configured. Some exotic energy sources are photographed as brilliant white spaces of light. The normal spectrum of an electrogravity engine though is colorful, rather than white.
Let me clarify "destruction." Imagine a corridor of electrostatic energy extending from the surface of Earth into outer space. It's one heck of an antenna. Fully powered with magneto-electrostatic energy, what would such effects be, working in conjunction with an overhead satellite? It could overload the satellite circuits electrically (or electrically short it to ground), or do worse to an area affect on the ground surface, perhaps doing damage via earthquake (See Tesla Engineering physics page again: a month before a large local earthquake, the natural voltage in the tower was abnormally low; after the earthquake, higher than before; that is alike a release of a chi blockage; The earthquake epicenter was 60 miles away, so the tower had a wide area range of detection and influence). But, there are other factors of energy effects in particular relative to "intelligence" (living energy).
The Earth atmosphere acts as a shield to protect us against various negative "nonphysical thoughtform entities" to coin the phrase adopted by the U.S. military (See: Navy space warfighter patrol and David Wilcock). More is discussed about that in the Tesla Engineering Physics section of this website, and in the metaphysics section. A breach in the energy field (aura) of the planet is most certainly a destabilizing factor to unwanted (and unknown) creative cosmic energy influences; and too, such a thing could depolarize living vital energy fields, or disrupt them. Energy often responds to intention and observation -- simple quantum mechanics. Without clear intentions from such multiple encounters with a satellite (that is a logical assumption based on the detected energy output of the beam), the risk to myself was too great. If a solar flare had hit in conjunction with a satellite energy-charge polarity (the whole satellite could easily pick up a surface charge on its exterior) extending out of the Earth's atmosphere (a solar flare did hit in fact, which energized my equipment to an enormous and uncomfortable level), it could have been as a bolt of lightning, grounding a portion of the solar capacitor to Earth, and perhaps creating radio-active side-effects (harmful EMF) merely from the energy levels. As it is, I had lights flickering all over my house paranormally; and too far away, following me when I left this place just prior to dis-assembly of my equipment. (If I might add, an electrostatic beam can easily be made into a tight beam. A four-foot wide squirrel cage, like the console (See: Tesla Engineering Physics), 20 feet over the ground makes a corridor 4 foot wide on the ground and into the atmosphere. Radiant electrostatic energy can also be directed in a plane horizontal over the Earth surface extending from the edges of the squirrel cage. Corridors can travel over the Earth surface between electrostatic source points, and be disorienting to walk through.)
Radioactivity (like that generated by uranium or plutonium) is created when co-counter spinning fluid motion is brought to an abrupt hault for example while drilling for oil deep underground. Oil companies are familiar with the sudden formation of radioactivity during drilling operations. A friend of mine, Donna (won't mention her last name) has demonstrated to BP OIL the ability to instantly neutralize radioactivity in water and from radioactive sources. .. As per her theory and observations, radioactivity seeks to regain energy equilibrium from outside sources which become radioactive in an attempt to equalize, quite the paradox of a different type of resonance. Wherever living energy is siphoned, be it into the quantum vacuum or radiant source field, there is a distinction to be made which touches on the concept of a "food source."
Increasing the frequencies of relative space allows for higher frequency interaction with otherwise "invisible" objects and ships already using such technology. Resonance itself increases the frequency of what can only be stated as the resonance vibration of matter-space. I've witnessed ships over my tower (a bright star in broad daylight that disappeared as soon as I consciously acknowledged it. It stayed in the sky for quite a length of time, very undeniably obvious), and an invisible aircraft came around a couple of times bending over the tops of trees. It could be heard as it traveled around the lake area. It's basic technology, and it's old technology. Most people just haven't been taught, and it has been withheld from university systems, probably due to reasons I term "planetary security." The environment is our litmus test.
It's hard enough to survive in this world with the toxic food and water supply (against people's free wills, affecting living energy integrity), as well as toxification of the Earth radioactively and through other means, like chemtrail aluminum and trace radioactive pollution which affects the PH balance of the soil as well as contaminates Humans. A girl in the Sierra mountains (or Mount Shasta, I'd have to look it up again) bordering California and Nevada, where heavy spraying had occurred, had a huge concentration of conductive aluminum in her body -- which is also suspected to be a contributing factor of Alzheimer disease. It is well known and has been disclosed the weather modification efforts using what some call "chemtrails" and HAARP. I've heard the skies cooking and sizzling over my home once, and observed it preceding a thunderstorm as it (the thunderstorm) was steered and guided by those beams. Maybe some day, I can continue to release some information about what I have observed; but for now, it must remain private.
Regardless however, I am very pleased that a compromise of sorts was reached, and that environmental cleanup is becoming more important to planetary security rather than the continuing destruction of the environment. There is so much that the Human race as a whole does not understand and does not know, regardless of how advanced our technologies seem to be in rarefied "compartments" of Human civilization. I really apologize for the vagueness of all this, and for this "wild tangent."
I think obviously the aircraft crash at 9/11 was required to start the chain reaction (the hammer hit the tuning forks). That would also explain the bizarre energy phenomena reported by firefighters as discussed in the video link above. John Hutchison has done experiments which levitate and merge metal object through each other, as well as turn metals into dust. If a satellite overhead was monitoring the terrorist attack, it might have accidentally caused an electrical resonance wave that had destructive accidental consequences (benefit of the doubt is given; it could also be forgiveness from another possible point of view). I think it was one terrible accident (which made the brutal attack much worse by dustifying the buildings), but ironically showed us something new about planetary physics; so we don't have to repeat our mistakes that the Human race can make upon each other. ___________________
Zeitgeist 2007:
Zeitgeist 2011:
America: From Freedom to Fascism:
... and "The Secret" DVD. There is an intro not part of the full movie that is worth it. But, here is a link to the full movie, anyway:
If anyone would like to join in on this project and build and test things on your own, I'd be more then happy to post your video right here in this section, giving you full indisputable credit for your own work (protection), as it pertains to the engine, power, and/or flight systems of an LAU-X3 style design, and to things in the recommended research category below. The circuitry is a major component, and can be done in multiple ways to test multiple situations. Ultimately, it is simple enough to be easily built as a thing that is common to Humanity, without an attachment of property, and an easy test-platform to expand our knowledge of warp drive and hyperdrive engineering. In time, it is my hope that this can become a thing of value to all of Humanity (and for the benefit of Humanity). The creation of value is important in pure fields of commerce (the root word is "common"). Trust law is the highest law of the land. This way, it doesn't have to be kept secret in a warehouse that you don't have the keys to.
Metaphysics videos: (3/2/15) This video explains the unity of Source and Love and Intelligence from many NDE (Near Death Experiences) cases around the world. It is a very great video full of enlightenment, and is very enjoyable to watch. The people interviewed are very lively and have good positive presence.
Recommended Research:
Type on Goggle: Description:
Testatica . . . . . . powerful free energy generator
Hendershot generator . . . . . . powerful free energy generator with no moving parts (Tesla black box style)
Rodin coil
Townsend Brown . . . . . . If you don't know who T.Townsend Brown was, then you've never researched the history of
Eric Dollard . . . . . . Duplicated Tesla experiments and is one of the leading experts of Tesla technology and he and other
HAM radio operators also discovered electrostatic waves travel at 220,000 miles per second
(approximately 9 times the circumference of Earth, and also the approximate distance from Earth to
the moon).
Nassim Haramein warps his walls, ceilings and floors doing mercury toroid experiments in his house using microwaves to create a space warp while containing (and inducing spin to) a spinning "blob" of mercury (which becomes a toroid shape under such electrical motion). He is also famous for showing the world the video NASA recorded of the large planet-sized ships flying into the sun, and using stars as a gate-network. His work relates with the Central Accumulator, and the construction of the accumulator as a battery/capacitor with an enclosed hollow sphere space in the center filled with a certain amount of mercury so to be able to form a toroid shape under rotation.
QEG (Quantum Energy Generator) ---- There is a LOT of information about this online, and it is being built and used to create 10 KW of
free energy from only 1 KW of energy going into the device, using two toroid coils (standard coil
winding) that resonate together through a simple circuit (they don't have to be in proximity to one
One coil is initially powered by a rotor that is just a big magnet spinning.
These devices actually work and are being built world-wide!
The QEG is very important to show that two coils can resonate together to create 10 times more energy output than the energy input that sets it all into motion and maintains that motion. Think of how that principle can apply to a hyperdrive, or warp drive engine. Actually, one of the resonating coils can be a tall cylinder-shaped winding. The similarity of geometry mimics the shape of the vertical core, and the outer ring.
Reiki pure Love Websites, DIVINE Energy Dimensions of Action:
Recommended readings and book list:
"Hyperspace" by Michio Kaku
"Quantum Reality ... an Excursion into Metaphysics" by Nick Herbert
"The Edge of Infinity" by Paul Davies
"General Relativity" by Einstein
"Relativity from A to B" by .. forget the author
"Mutant Message From Down Under" by Marlo Morgan
"Celestine Prophecies" by James Redfield
"Celestine Visions" and "Celstine Prophecies Experimental Guide by James Redfield
"Tenth Insight" by James Redfield
"Secret of Shambalah" by James Redfield (11th insight)
"The Twelfth Planet" by Zecharia Sitchin
"Stairway to Heaven" by Zecharia Sitchin
"Forbidden Archaeology" (just the back of the book) by Cremo and
Thompson -- that shows how we used to have an ultra advanced
civilization spanning 100 million years.. and we also still have
stuff of ours in orbit around the planet Saturn, a soccer-ball shaped
space station with a ridge around the equator.. The comet Ison is
probably our stuff coming back ..Also the moon has triangular-shaped
engines at its core, discovered by the Apollo seismic survey mission
.. the Sumerian Hall of Records, translated by Sitchin also reveal
how the moon was placed in orbit.. and the Earth used to be larger,
but was hit with a large planet and the Earth lowered into a lower
region.. (see: Babylonian Epic of Creation) .. Venus is a the head of
Earth that was broken off.. it returned to our solar system in around
3113 BC .. that is shown in:
"Supergods" by Maurice Cotterell
"Fingerprints of the Gods" by Graham Hancock
"Bringers of the Dawn" by Barbara Marciniak
"Earth, Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library" by Barbara Marciniak
"The Seth Material" by Jane Roberts
"Seth Speaks, the Eternal Validity of the Soul" by Jane Roberts
"Family of Light" by Barbara Marciniak
"The Keepers" by Jim Spark
"The Gnostic Gospels of St. Thomas" by Tau Malachi
"The Hero With a Thousand Faces" by Joseph Cambpell
"Kundalini and the Art of Being" by Gabriel Morris
"Alien Interview" by Lawrence R. Spencer: based on the testimony of
Senior Master Sergeant in the Army Air Force, Matilda O'Donnell
MacElroy (it's free online and about the Roswell grey doll-body ET)
.... and The Emerald Tablets of Thoth .. on the crystalinks website..
google it..
Read them in that order .. ;-)
And .....
"Ask and it is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires" by Esther and Jerry Hicks, Forward by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer -- Highly Recommended!
Here are a few extra books to read, that just came out:
"Modern Money Mechanics" by the Federal Reserve Board of Chicago
and ...
"I Bet You Thought" by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
These books involve the creation of money, our infinite credit, how all our bills and expenses are automatically paid for ultimately, and other startling facts, that seem to be a preparation for a huge and massive economic shift that could prepare our planet for full participation with the rest of the galaxy ... With the advent of warp drive comes access to unlimited resources; and since money is created exponentially upon merely signing a loan, then not only does the signature authorize a thing to be completely bought and paid for, but more than twice as much money is generated that could cover any expense of any future endeavor -- such as the transformation of this planet into an intergalactic space-colonizing reality paradigm.
Also, "Money Creation in the Modern Economy" by the Bank of England
I Still Plan on Publishing the Tesla Technology and Schematics of Free Energy Systems, and Those Physics, and Maybe Warp Drive in an ORGANIZED BOOK, But at this Point, Probably not the Metaphysics for Many, Many Years. Instead of Re-Writing this, I'm just Leaving it, to Show Where This Has Come From and How This Work Has Developed From its Origins.
Free Download

lau-x1_hybrid_unified_physics.pdf | |
File Size: | 358 kb |
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making_it_right4_-_utrons_and_cones.pdf | |
File Size: | 108 kb |
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Here is a great link to some excellent mathematics which use exotic energy/matter, not void energy (exotic matter is simultaneous positive and negative mass/energy fluctuations; whereas negative energy/matter, or "void" energy, I wouldn't even know how to harness unless I did something terribly stupid and destructive) --
I've added a new downloadable given to me by a friend. It has the energy dimensions of the Creation of Matter, similar to nuclear dynamics (of which I'm largly unfamiliar), yet describes the source of matter and mass, the creation and disintegration of it, the shape of it. I've seen some nuclear antigravity reactor diagrams by the Keshe Foundation, and am very impressed with it. Here too, can add to one's understanding of the shape of the universe, and the nature of energy. Bit of an advancement from the ole' Faraday's law! The file below is pertaining to the OTC-X1.
I've added a new downloadable given to me by a friend. It has the energy dimensions of the Creation of Matter, similar to nuclear dynamics (of which I'm largly unfamiliar), yet describes the source of matter and mass, the creation and disintegration of it, the shape of it. I've seen some nuclear antigravity reactor diagrams by the Keshe Foundation, and am very impressed with it. Here too, can add to one's understanding of the shape of the universe, and the nature of energy. Bit of an advancement from the ole' Faraday's law! The file below is pertaining to the OTC-X1.

baumgartnerotcx1experiments.pdf | |
File Size: | 3853 kb |
File Type: |
I have been working on this ever since ~2000 non-stop, and indeed all my life as best as I could on and off since a young lad. I have dedicated the time started around 2001/2002, 100% to achieving this, and in support of achieving this, and I've made very many sacrifices along the way. I have spent many hours "24/7", in the lab, at the desk, etc, researching and discovering.
It has cost me a lot to complete this, and the website also costs in maintenance.
If you like this work, and wish to contribute or make a donation, I will be truly grateful and thankful for your support. It is my deepest Honor.
Be sure to check the top tabs under the Main Title (at the very top of this website), to look at the other pages of this website and further information found on the page-tabs up top, "warp drive news," "Warp drive blog," "Metaphysics blog," and "Warp drive philosophy, "Warp Drive Engineering," "Tesla Engineering Physics," and "Construction," and the newly added "Exo-Archaeoastronomy" and "Construction Blog" pages (there are a couple more pages too, recently added), which are inclusive to this website, including this main page currently being viewed. Also you can just click on these links for ease of navigation.
email: [email protected]
About us:
The LAU Trust administers the research and development as seen at this website.
The science comes straight from Tesla, and in fact his knowledge has been passed down in succession directly through Cal Richardson, Tesla's friend, associate, and "lab" partner throughout Colorado Springs and beyond, regarding the technology of negative energy and Earth radiant energy, which is the knowledge of the quantum active vacuum science and that technology, but far exceeding zero point energy technologies (of which negative energy physics hold a different understanding and root assumptions of the universe's principles, dynamics, and mechanics). Also, Tesla's involvement in antigravity and in the OTC-X1 project is heavily predominant in the construction design of the LAU-X class ships.
That aspect of this science is an apprenticeship. The other side of it, the relativistic and Einsteinean aspects are also equally important, also having been studied for a very many years, that completed work is seen on this website.
The discovery of negative energy advances this knowledge to where the more mysterious aspects of frequency and energy are much better understood. However, some aspects are not well understood at all in the public, for example like how to pull an electromagnetic active vacuum on the Earth's electromagnetic field.
In addition, this is not affiliated with any university. In fact, most university professors (that I know) do not believe in nor endorse free energy, and many professors do not accept the reality of this technology. At my nearby local university, the quantum physics professor has even attempted to take credit for the physics club's work to reproduce a Tesla transformer system, of which I have helped, since no one knew anything about how they even work, except for me, of which I have spent years in this field, and nearly two decades overall in the lab and in study, including apprenticeship, in this overall science. University endeavors toward these goals have been discussed a bit on the Tesla's Theory of Electromagnetic Gravity article on the warp drive blog page, which literally is not allowed to progress according to students' desires, and is halted at a certain point, particularly held back by politics and compartmentalization. Anyone involved in these types of technologies handle it outside university systems. Period. I have said this many times, and if people choose to remain ignorant, then I suggest to take your project to get university funding and see who controls it and takes it from you and leaves you with nothing. A metaphysical background is required to understand these technologies, as well. All of that has been provided on this website for your education, if you so desire.
To further note: My mentor Chief Dewey Jones has made much of this work possible, having studied and participated in military science programs since a lad, also a college professor of physics, and he apprenticed under Cal Richardson, Tesla's associate and friend and partner through the Colorado Spring days and beyond; Cal has passed down the knowledge of Tesla's negative energy physics and technology (including the famous black box free energy generator) in succession to Dewey Jones, and Chief Jones is now working on IPE or "infinite point energy" potentially unlimited power generating technology as well as these technologies you see right here. He has mentored me, and holds a much more advanced understanding of these technologies than I, and has even been invited into the Antarctica sphere to reverse engineer the technologies discovered in secret there. If it were not for him, the knowledge I am sharing of negative energy physics would not be known to the public.
Much of this is still a closely guarded secret. NASA had contacted Dewey, expecting free services to help them develop the negative energy side of their warp drive technologies. Dewey had even voluntarily wanted to provide the DOD with negative energy technology (just to be involved in the advanced technology research arena), but due to greed and power-hungry individuals within the agencies, and after his lab was broken into and burglarized (which that has happened before, to another inventor friend of mine developing nano-coated fractal micro radio antenna), is when it became clear to him that these agencies would rather take from those who know, without due compensation, and without regard to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Even I am reluctant to give my full name, other than "Administrator of the Trust," due to the highly classified security lock-down of these sciences and technologies, of which such secrecy has been nearly catastrophically destructive to our Earth's bio-sphere, weather systems, and our Human education, economy, and civilization, as MANY people are waking up to, in this day and age.
Things are changing though, the very fact of this website's existence shows that the Light is starting to overcome the darkness. Share this website with everyone who has Eyes to See, and Ears to Hear. Let us start building these technologies in the light of day, instead of hiding in the shadows scared to come forward with what we know. The age of ignorance is no more. The New Age of Light has Dawned.