New video will be uploaded in a couple of years to demonstrate the Tesla Tower Ley-line free energy system, and the plans will be made available for sale.
There will be no patent, because any patent is visible to the public, and those schematics on display, which would make it a non-exclusive technology, but a technology truly open to the world.
I want to be able to make money from this, because I've spent 20 years on it, and it is my career, so you will have to pay to see the schematics and building instructions, physics, all that -- but there will be video to demonstrate its reality and truth, so you can see that it is real. Therefore there will be no patent, in order to maintain it as exclusive access, yet open and available as people so desire. It will remain hidden except to those who can afford to buy the plans, and I'm still working on exactly how to do that, to eliminate piracy of proprietary ideas and technology.
In small little limited devices that you can take camping, or plant in the yard for light, or whatever, there may be a patent for that, however. Any marketing will be nondestructively on small scale, first, just to give people a taste of the technology. Otherwise feel free to see the free version by reading the website and figuring it out for yourself, a necessary disclosure regardless, to declare my intentions to be honorable.
It will not change the world, and it is not intended to change the world, but only in ways of idea and knowledge; however the technological/economical aspect may improve the quality of life. This technology therefore plays a supportive role to the world needs and goals to reach the stars.
Here is something I want to mention, to further my disclosure, in preparation for the future:
The power to change the world may violate free will .. you have to ask permission to change the world. But the power to change your own reality will affect your own world.
Tesla free energy is limited to exclusive access, to small scale, to remote and rural locations, to camping, to off-grid recreation ... to empower individuals and small groups first, so people can learn to be responsible with the idea of it first.
Change should come slowly to not disrupt economic systems. But until the economy changes, which will change firstly in individual, small group and community lives, then big changes are too disruptive without smooth transitions that don't disrupt people's economic lives.
Free energy is not free. It is and must be an economic freedom, a trade industry, private and common, and a way to make money instead of loose money while respecting the infrastructure we have, but being prepared in case that infrastructure fails suddenly and unexpectedly, as sometimes it often does - a backup plan, as well as investment in the future of an advanced Human civilization which is inevitable within the next 100 years according to DARPA.
This is a supplementary and complimentary system that must stand along side what we already have, without anyone taking a loss.
As more people use more electricity, the aging and fragile grid needs to be supported, which may give people new jobs in a world where we stand poised to reach for the stars and colonize our nearby planets like Mars.
The K.I.S.S. method (keep it simple stupid) is true wisdom. Warp drive isn't simple. But Tesla free energy is. We can take that to other planets to colonize. We must have that knowledge, along side the conditions of our own planet.
Martial arts may require a lot of reading and experimentation just like physics tho. So if something is simple, it still requires lots of work to achieve.
I have simplified warp drive physics as much as possible. But Tesla energy can really make a difference in exclusive ways both private and common. I have a good feeling about this.
It's not the type of thing that replaces any system, it adds to what we already have.
Oil won't power engines to get us to the stars. We have to advance in technology. But honestly I cringe anytime someone invents a little too efficient of a battery, or a 100% free energy car ... change should come slowly.
Traveling to the stars is a great idea that has nothing to do with oil and gas or Earth infrastructure. But there has to be a happy medium in between on Earth, non-disruptive, and complimentary. Simple to open people's minds but expensive enough to remain economically viable.
When this is ready, it will be displayed on the home page, right up front, right up top.
I realize the value of simplicity. I may have to make another website to introduce this Tesla technology in its limited capacity for private and recreational usage, not intended to replace any infrastructure, even though NASA has multi-trillion dollar plans to do so; at the very least, this will be a disclosure of a brand new type of energy generating technology that is purposefully delivered to NOT step on the toes of oil and gas or electric companies. This is a bit of a risk, because of the enormous capability and capacity this technology does have to power entire farms and buildings and houses, but the readiness of the public must be considered in that light, so I believe this technology can be demonstrated and exchanged for value in ways that do not disrupt the world economic systems, which are slowly starting to change regardless of anything that I may or may not desire.
> The system will not generate harmful EMF.
> The system can be wirelessly beamed to remote receivers, harmless to life biology, and in fact very beneficial because this system can work in conjunction to super-grow vegetables and gardens, because this technology harnesses the natural universal electrical energy of Life itself.
> This system will not reverse the polarity of nearby vegetation, fauna, flora, and trees as to prevent them from utilizing the radiant rise that causes their growth -- all life is electrical in nature, and the body's chi and energy meridians are also using the same electrical energy that in high frequency can cause great evolution and restoration to Earth Life Force flows, and provide lasting health to people and animals, too.
> This technology will be exclusive to those with the resources, the land, the desire, to make their lives better, under all aspects of free will, and it will be advised to keep it out of reach of those who still have the desire to destroy their lives, steal from others, disrupt people's property, and trespass.
> Small units will become available for small scale, like camping or instead of using solar lights, using Tesla lights.
Warp drive technology has flopped instead of flipped, although it may have had an impact in the evolution of our specie, it nonetheless does not appear to be within financial feasibility for economic growth for the sole reason that people just don't understand it, and don't care to understand it or to embrace it, and because people honestly don't know what to do with it, or about it, and are not generally empowered enough in their own lives or in small groups to make use of it. ... Furthermore, it is too complex for people to understand.
The Tesla technology will assist people to understand warp drive technology, but DARPA may indeed be right about warp drive being set far ahead into the future by 100 years. Our planetary economic system must change first, in order to accommodate nearly unlimited resources; and people are slowly learning from the recent Federal Reserve disclosures about our unlimited credit that ultimately means that money can be generated and all our bills automatically paid, and in so doing, the whole world will have more money than what to do with, but will not take any loss. But this new economic system is just in its infancy stage, and not yet ready to support a warp drive reality.
Tesla technology however DOES have a place in today's world, starting on the individual level, and ultimately realized through NASA's plans, and other international plans, to rebuild our electrical infrastructure, but at a pace that is up to "them" to implement. For more information about this, see the General Blog page of this website.
Honestly people would be a lot more empowered to be involved in special access programs if they would just have an open mind, and reach for the impossible to be achieved, which is no longer impossible. But in the meantime, the introduction of this Tesla technology, also demonstrated by 13 year old Max Loughan, will get people ready for advancement into a more evolved planetary civilization system that can survive the long-haul. Our specie is VERY young; and our civilization is very, very young. The average person has to be versed in the Secret Space Program ET and UFO disclosure paradigm to truly appreciate where our world is headed. But until then, safe alternatives which follow the K.I.S.S. principles can be made available without destructive consequences, I do believe.
.... UPDATE ....
Having to post the videos to show that it is real is going to reveal a LOT, and probably too much ... It'll still be exclusive access though just because not many can read this website, and only the few really care. Even if the Tesla system turns out to be amazing, not that many are going to want to build it for themselves.
Super-growing vegetables is easy because it doesn't even require coils, but still uses the radiant negative energy to do so. Time and time again I've seen how plant-life LOVES this energy.
Once the videos are shown then people can just study the website to learn how to build it for themselves and how it works. I'd love to publish some books about it, but I really don't know how to make money from this .... It would be great if people could buy some published books or something, but if the information is free, even if they have to read through endless research and development notes, they're still going to learn from it, so I might very well be cutting my own throat financially by doing what I really don't see any alternative to do.
Honestly I just don't know what to expect. I'll be starting out with wireless beaming of scalar (negative energy) first, naturally generated from the natural scalar energy that blankets the Earth surface. I'll then start raising the volts, testing resonance configurations, then I'll run a wire, connect it to the Ley-line, slap some batteries on the system to charge (negative energy will charge the batteries to their capacity, even with higher OR lower volts as John Bedini has shown). The system may naturally generate around 60 - 100 volts on it's own. Again, I have NO CLUE as to what to expect, honestly.
Surge protection will have to be used if batteries are connected because in a correctly polarized system, lightning will be able to generate an electromagnetic wave characteristic finally, in the system (not just electrostatic without a magnetic characteristic).
My mentor has told me some things which I'm depending on, and what I've shared on this website is the best case scenario, that it could generate a lot of energy. Max Loughan demonstrated a little coffee-can Tesla tower could power two long LED light strings. That'll make light, charge a cell phone. But using longitudinal resonance over a distance may do a lot more. In the old telegraph wires, it actually did do a LOT MORE over considerable distance. But since this is mainly for individual use, and to demonstrate a brand new type of energy that NASA is also interested in, then maybe this'll land me a cool job at the very least.
I don't want it to replace our infrastructure because I kinda like gasoline-powered engines, but the individual needs to be more empowered and more evolved I think. German college students and a professor have tested a lot of the warp drive physics on this website, and have measured mass-reduction and achieved levitation, and have a good proof of concept for an exotic negative-energy plasma field allowing a craft to travel faster than light. They are disgruntled about the university systems which do more to brainwash people away from the true evolved physics (universities cover up the advanced physics and free energy technologies), and limit their minds to just basic Newtonian physics and not so much even Einsteinean Relativity, which changes as soon as negative energy is applied. Americans though, don't really seem to care too much.
I know several American quantum physics professors who have no idea about how Tesla systems work to even make the fancy electrical light show demonstration. They are clueless about it, because those things are learned outside the university systems.
You can't market free energy ... General Electric company has made open source a type of free energy and long-term efficient stand-alone backup turbine generator. Other companies are interested in these new advancements too, and Elon Musk is now saying warp drive may be possible. NASA is now admitting they are working on warp drive. The DOD says warp drive is possible, too. Forbes is saying warp drive is possible. Things may be changing, but they can't really change until our economic system shifts over to a credit-based system rather than a DEBT based system, because people are too concerned about making a profit and investing money, rather than spending money on needless things like warp drive and feeding the poor and healing the sick and taking care of planetary life systems.
"Modern Money Mechanics" written by the Federal Reserve Board in Chicago talks about how money is generated nearly exponentially from borrowing money, much more than twice as much money is literally created, enough so that any money borrowed is actually money created many times over. From the act of borrowing money, or taking out a loan, money is generated right from the individual's credit, bought and paid for just from someone's signature. Right away the book gets into the individual's infinite credit. Another good book is "I bet you thought" by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, also dealing with similar things, and talking about the same thing. There's more than enough money to go around for everyone, AND pay for the expensive secret space program special access programs and warp drive, that our planet could literally totally evolve practically overnight!
There's not much that can be done other than to make it available these simple and basic technologies that have been around since the 50's and 60's and even earlier starting in Germany with their early "flying saucer" space programs.
Until the public wakes up though, all of this is just a novelty. The public generally isn't participating in any of this or expressing a real interest, sadly. I was under the wrong impression that people would generally be awake by now when I started all this nearly 20 years ago. I'm about to be finished though, I gotta carry it through to completion. But I'm honestly not going to go overboard with this technology but just to show a foundation for what ultimately the people have to decide what to do with. This is truly exclusive work, even though it is out in plain sight, it seems to be only for the few, at this point in time ...
Actually I think what I'll end up doing is make a single video and post it on the home page, and clarify it with more detailed information here on this page ... and then make a series of step-by-step videos of the construction and testing of the Tesla tower Ley-line, showing how to wire it and how it all works. Then just throw all those videos on a single CD and sell the CD copies. That may actually be a pretty good first step. I'll figure it out.
Also .. video documentary made about this project, instructional videos and guides and/or books will be eventually made available in the U.S. for now, and maybe Canada and the U.K. ... Australia and New Zealand ... just because .. for .. reasons that I can't get into at this time ..
Adam: I was pretty sure the ley-lines we worked on didn't create negative energy so be careful.
Me: When you can send a single pole electrical current upstream of the Earth's magnetic field to a receiver, then flip the polarity to positive, then you're converting the electromagnetic signwave from a flat-wave, longitudinal scalar wave, which is able to travel faster than electromagnetic wave propagation; IE faster than light. It amplifies because it's compressing on the gravitytime frequency of our solar relative temperal frequency. It travels faster because it doesn't ripple like shaking a rope, but it's the same effect as two people holding a rope tight, and one person tugging on one end. The other person feels it instantly.
Out in deep space that frequency is much higher, and thus light travels faster. But the concept behind antigravity and warp drive and mass reduction (tested by German scientists who measured mass reduction and emailed me about it), is that the electromagnetic wave is converted to negative energy, in a collapsed wave state (flat wave; scalar wave; longitudinal "nonwave"), and able to transmit faster than light which increases the frequency of time ... this has a mass reduction effect because mass is in an accelerated frequency, and in Relative physics when mass can travel faster than light, it behaves more like a tacyhon, reducing its mass and gaining more energy. etc etc etc
Some of the Tesla patents showed this flat wave propagation. Eric Dollard demonstrated the same thing, able to transmit energy at 220,000 miles per second, faster than light.
The one thing Dewey tried to show us was that one pole of energy, one polarity, can be transmitted via wire, but can only be measured relative with the opposite pole. However, in my earlier Tesla experiments, I was able to transmit electromagnetic energy wirelessly with hardly any degradation, through the ground.
A single AA battery I could transfer the power by sending it along the ground. sending just one pole on the ground where it became repolarized into the battery's electromagnetic current at the tower.
Also, I could send electrostatic energy along a wire to a receiver. Only at the receiver was it amplified into a MASSIVE STATIC ENERGY that was seriously uncomfortable to be around.
This is why Dewey said the universe keeps giving more and more power to the negative energy current, not because it was so tiny, but because of the frequency difference. Frequency relates to time.
This is also why Tesla could send energy long distances wirelessly without any energy degradation, was because he sent one pole, not in an up and down waveform, but a flat scalar wave longitudinal energy (not really a wave at all). So over longer distances it amplified, until it hit a receiving station which provided that other pole. As soon as that other pole was provided, then the full magnitude of the energy was available. Hence why energy transmitted over the old telegraph wires amplified to a CONSIDERABLE amperage and volts, instead of loosing strength over distance.
So therefore it is negative energy since electromagnetic energy has a waveform, but a flat wave is not with an electromagnetic wave form characteristic, therefore it is not electromagnetic energy, but scalar energy; negative energy.
The energy amplifies over distance because it's in resonance with the surface energy of Earth, which is a longitudinal flat wave of energy going up to about 36 - 40 feet high.
The electromagnetic wave requires two poles in oscillation and/or rotation (also a spiraling wave) to be considered an electromagnetic wave, or if it's along a wire then an electromagnetic current, which still demonstrates the same wave quality and aspects. A single pole has no other pole to revolve with, so it travels as a flat wave, much faster and in parallel form rather than in transverse wave form.
Parallel waves are also longitudinal and scalar, typical of electrostatic waves. Flat waves can be sent one right after the other, or they can be one on top of the other travelling together; and they can be sent like a series of flat walls one right after the other, in all those shapes.
Transverse waves is the magnetic wave at right angles to the electrical wave. More people are familiar with transverse waves because the electric and the magnetic aspects of energy are occurring at right angles to each other. These waves can be sent along a wire where the electron flow is straight along the wire and the magnetic field spirals around the electron in transit. But that is an electromagnetic form of action.
A coil of wire demonstrates a spiral, and so a coil of wire is electromagnetic by its nature of shape. However parallel waves can also exist in between each spiral strand of wire (if the wires are spaced out a little and bared of insulation for example), and travel in straight lines faster over the surface of the coil, beating the electromagnetic wave to the end.
There's no way to measure the amplitude of the magnetic current (electromagnetic current), which is the sinwave of the up and down motion seen on an oscilloscope because longitudinal waves are just a flat wave, and the amperage is measured as the height of the crests and troughs in a conventional electromagnetic wave. The amplitude of a flat wave can be measured in height though, but only if harnessed. The only way to tell how much amperage is when combined with the other pole at a distance, in order to get a measurement. Otherwise, you can readily measure the voltage, oddly enough, which is the distance between each crest (width of the wave) ...
So basically an electromagnetic wave spirals and waves up and down as seen on an oscilloscope, but a flat wave or parallel wave moves in straight lines, which is NOT electromagnetic, and cannot do electromagnetic work to turn a motor unless it is transformed.
This is why I never was able to measure an electromagnetic wave, and why the flat wave never generated a magnetic field in my original experiments, and why it was only electrostatic in nature, was because I didn't have it polarized right. I was only using negative energy in a flat wave, which still conducted the electromagnetic energy from a AA battery beautifully, wirelessly!
Transforming a flat wave into a rippling wave however requires a second pole. A flat wave is just one pole in transit, but when joined at the second pole, it begins to spin and circle; and the two poles start to revolve around each other, transforming to electromagnetic wave and/or current.
Once again, energy is scalar, longitudinal, and flat in a one-pole configuration in transit (negative energy), which is not electromagnetic until it joins with the other pole, and then at that intersection with the other pole is when all the energy built up and accumulated in the flat wave is transformed from the combination with the other pole (usually the positive pole, but it doesn't matter which pole to be honest), becoming electromagnetic energy, and a lot more electromagnetic energy than usual just from transforming the motion of the energy into a wave.
A positive energy can be sent just as easily as a flat wave, to be combined with the negative pole to become electromagnetic also. But for these purposes, negative energy is considered to be the flat scalar wave, and positive energy is considered to be the electromagnetic wave. The reason the flat wave is considered "negative" is also due to its collapsed wave state, collapsing into a flat plane. A magnetic collapse for example will create a high volt compression wave and compression voltage spike in a longitudinal flat wave characteristic along a wire, or in a field. Impulse waves are characteristic of sending an electromagnetic flat wall of energy (seen in an oscilloscope) with a beginning and an end, because the poles are snap-reversed, and the amplitude reversed with the voltage. This is another TYPE of negative energy, which is a negative ELECTROMAGNETIC energy in a collapsed electromagnetic wave state!
Don't worry Adam, I've been zapped several times by the old Tesla tower. But it was relatively harmless unless I provided the other pole by being grounded to Earth. Because of the nature of it's wave form as a true flat wave, there was no electromagnetic wave characteristic, so it appeared as nonpolarized electrostatic energy with NO magnet. You could literally touch it all day long. Only at the receiving pedestal does one have to be careful, where one pole combines with the other. Actually at the tower, it felt like wading through electrical water, a "chi" bubble when the tower was grounded, and receiving pedestal (console)'s spark gaps were wide open.
I never used the proper metals on the original north and south Tesla system grounds. I used just one end of the copper wire stuck in the ground from the receiver, and then the tower ground was BRASS .... so it wasn't polarized for anything from the onset. Just as in an Earth battery, when two poles are at a far enough distance, they become reactionless, and no corrosion or metal degradation will occur on the poles of dissimilar metals. Brass acts as a neutral metal though.
When you isolated your poles, you didn't get hardly any energy out of it because it wasn't in resonance with the flat wave of Earth surface. That flat wave combined with the magnetic field of Earth, which runs like a flat wave over the surface ALSO is where the resonance starts. The magnetic field of Earth runs right over the surface and links right in. You were tapping into a portion of the relative flat wave of Earth's magnetic field.
A flat magnetic wave can tug and pull from end-to-end, moving the whole of the energy as one, faster than electromagnetic wave propagation.

As depicted above in the image's caption, and as determined on the "John Bedini Tribute" article on the General Blog page, a magnetic field does not move, however an electromagnetic field does. But this is what is taught in Earth Battery concepts. Electrons move easier from south to north in the northern hemisphere because it's in alignment with Earth's magnetic field, and because the apparatus has to be in alignment with Earth's magnetic field to work at it's best efficiency. At least this is the school of thought behind such things, and it only makes sense to align it with Earth's magnetic field.
I realize this may complicate matters, however in order for it to be easier to reference with other contemporary and modern information and websites, I'm sticking to the accepted theory, but don't let this confuse you because you CANNOT merely wind a coil around a magnet and expect it to magically become an electret. So this should be viewed in an abstract sense, because there may be something about the magnetic field that modern science is overlooking.
Some people involved in Tesla research do not attribute magnetic flow to electrons at all, but it's just easier to relate a negative current to that of an electronic current (current of electrons; obviously electrons have a negative charge), instead of an electroMAGNETIC current which is easier to relate to shape and form. Either way you look at it and wish to describe it, the relations are all there in obvious sight.

So to summarize the physics involved in the Tesla tower system, a flat wave does not demonstrate electromagnetic wave characteristics, it is a form of negative energy and is not able to form a magnetic field until it reaches the other end of the receiver, to where it combines with the other pole, where all that energy accumulated will then be made manifest in a large electromagnetic current and/or field.
It is easiest to travel from south/negative to north/positive in the northern hemisphere, because that is how the Earth's magneto-static and electrostatic flows move. If a magnet moves over you, you don't get shocked. When the magnetic field is combined with an electric field however, and set into a waveform, then you have things like coils of wire spinning over magnets, making electromagnetic current.
So what the Tesla tower does is sends a negative energy flat wave and current either wireless and/or via wire, or in both ways, which is amplified in resonance with the Earth static scalar electrical surface charge. The magnetic field will travel over the surface from south to north, but the electric static flat wave will tend to travel from the ground straight up! Both of these movements is in transverse to each other, so we do live within a weak electromagnetic Earth field.
Sending energy over the ground horizontally as a flat wave (negative energy characteristic) is not in an electromagnetic wave form until it is combined with the second pole! The second pole automatically combines positive and negative to become an electromagnetic wave form, and thus can run motors and appliances and power lights and things. This negative energy movement of field energy will conduct normal electromagnetic energy from a battery (like a AA battery, or a 9 volt or 12 volt or 24 battery) when the poles are separated and sent one along the ground, and one in the air! The one sent in the air can also be run along a wire, or wirelessly beamed. This is similar to the OTC-X1 where the poles are separated on the top of the central disk (accumulator frame) and run along the bottom of the disk.
So this is the basis of the Tesla tower technology. THIS TIME, I'm going to confine it to a 100 foot beam using flat plate antennae in a line, instead of beaming scalar waves all around everywhere recklessly and into space. I have found out how to tighten it up and do it non-destructively. This also means that no overhead satellites will be at risk anymore!
Using a electromagnetic collapse and sending it through this system is easy to do and meshes freely with the energy geometries in action. Just as long as the poles are separated, it will become true negative energy. If the poles are separated enough, you won't get shocked unless you touch both poles, or both wires (if using two wires; but Tesla technology uses one wire, and electromagnetic collapses in transit, NOT electromagnetic current in transit!).
Sending the positive pole of an electromagnetic collapse up and to the antenna or wire, and sending the negative to ground is just as good an option as winding a few secondary windings around the big coil to shake it into resonance.
Depending on the polarity of the electromagnetic collapse (like from a DC induction coil), the energy of mostly negative energy magneto-electrostatic will be either moved up the coil or down the coil. Moving it up the coil will send it along the beam path. The paradox of this is to power it from the ley-line, but when the power is received at the north end and yet sent from the south end.
Actually the solution to that type of tremendous amplification resides in the addition of the Ley-line between the tower and receiving pedestal ..... That is the secret to be revealed later.
The difference however between negative energy and positive energy is a big deal.
Negative energy radio waves depend upon the wave-shape of the electromagnetic collapse, whereas positive energy radio waves depend upon built-up electromagnetic fields. There is a HUGE difference! John Bedini showed that the build-up and collapse of electromagnetic fields powers itself in perpetual and in some cases overunity (a little extra energy is created) motion and energy.
Tesla tower technology is very simple technology, MUCH simpler than a warp drive. I say that now but with the understanding of correct polarization of static grounds, it introduces many more variables, and is indeed a 3-pole system: two of electromagnetism, and one of electrostatic, including the positive and negative energy types.
There is no right way or correct way to wire these systems either because multiple wiring configurations will do similar jobs, it is the dynamic of the energy however that must be known to correctly wire up a Tesla system. As long as there is power to the coils, and the energy will move according to the conditions in the terms below, then energy can be transformed, amplified, resonated, jumped from system to system wirelessly (including making walls of energy or forcefields between coils that can be visually seen on camera), and seem to travel downward from a high antenna connected to some point on the ground nearby, that the coil connects upward to the antenna (even if the antenna is also nearby but not directly overhead), because the radiant rise pulls that energy up through the coil, as the antenna acts as a static vacuum, drawing energy up out of the pool of radiant electrostatic energy (scalar surface energy) accumulated along the surface charge of Earth.
Plants and grass do bend at right angles to reach over and touch the coils as energy is drawn upward through an antenna. The bigger the antenna, the more energy is drawn up from the scalar electrical charge of Earth surface. But the shape of the antenna also broadcasts that energy however the antenna is shaped. One of the issues I faced in the original Tesla tower was the immense amount of electrical scalar radiation beaming all over the place for quite a range. It had reversed the growth polarity of nearby trees, too. It sucked the energy down from the trees to the ground and upward through the tower and beamed radially out in a wide area, and also straight up into space (due to the double toroid antenna shape seen on the Tesla Engineering page), resulting in the "X-marks-the-spot" interference waves looking like clouds (which immediately formed whenever I grounded the Tower to its ground rod) from interfacing with an overhead satellite which I caught beaming the tower with specific voltage (that is discussed elsewhere in the website).
By confining the energy to a tight beam horizontally along the ground and making use of the correct polarity of north/positive and south/negative, now the energy can flow longitudinally over the ground in a tight corridor as tall as the antenna, from south to north, tapping a portion of Earth's electromagnetic field in motion, rather than creating a void of energy all around, radially. It's the difference between tapping a river in motion, rather than sucking all the water out of a pond. The river replenishes itself as well as sending its current along its way. This is why I'm also using flat antennas.
Just think if Tesla would have created his Wardenclyffe tower that beamed negative (scalar) energy in a wide area. What would that have done? The energy response with nature is absolutely amazing! Trees would drop their limbs when I grounded the tower like how they do so when a thunderstorm approaches. Animals respond to the immediate "feel" of the energy also, as polarity is shifted by shifting from a field-ground (hovering over the Earth and not physically connected) to a solid ground (solid connection to the Earth through direct contact).
This aspect did shield the area from being hit by lightning however. A bad ground from the neighbor's house's old phone lines attracted lightning ALL THE TIME between our houses until the tower went up. After the tower was taken down, lightning once again started hitting their yard. While the tower was up, lighting would dance overhead, never touching the tower, but creating amazing displays that could have been harnessed through induction .. but for this reason was afraid to use diodes to polarize the system, also because the receiving pedestal (console) was inside my living room!
The best ways to harness these flows of energy is through straight-line paths, always mindful of how the river of Earth's magnetism flows from south to north. Even there are naturally occurring east to west Ley-lines, which would be a perfect set-up for a Tesla system, the true effects of these energies upon the environment has ALWAYS been a top priority of mine.
Terms to define:
Radiant Rise: The natural tendency for the longitudinal energy of the Earth surface to rise upward, also considered electrostatic rise. Plants also use this force for their growth. Plants grow very tall in radiant scalar energy corridors created by the technology, as it provides more energy that rises up which accelerates plant growth.
Longitudinal resonance: The resonance of energy run longitudinally over the surface of the Earth, accumulating more energy as it runs through an electrostatic corridor.
Electrostatic corridor: The static corridor of energy beamed between two negative energy radiant sources such as coils, squirrel cages, or single bare-metal poles, amplified upon the addition of more poles in a line (see: Earth battery). This energy can be physically felt as an electrical and static force of energy. Technically it isn't static because it moves with Earth's magnetic field and flows in straight lines.
Stay Tuned ......