I have to make a post about this, because people just don't know. I talk about these things all over the website but, having an actual article about it is something easy to find, and easier to share.
People say free energy is a myth. That is not true. An electret is like a magnet but generates a permanent electric field instead of a magnet field. The reason why people scoff at overunity and free energy is BECAUSE IT REQUIRES THAT ENERGY MUST BE CREATED.
The textbook definition of an electret is: an electret is the electrostatic equivalent of a magnet, creating an electric field, that one can draw power from to run motors and whatnot for hundreds if not thousands of years, JUST LIKE A MAGNET CREATES A MAGNETIC FIELD FOR HUNDREDS OR THOUSANDS OF YEARS.
It creates current that can run motors, and it is reactionless because the current is not produced by reaction, just like how a magnet is an alloy or element or compound does not react chemically in order to produce a magnetic field.
Electrets were invented by the Japanese in WWII. They were used in older phones like rotary phones used all the up thru the 80's, to amplify the weak current of the microphone inside the telephone.
There are thousands of videos online about them, and people making them and using them. The most popular is called the Hutchison power cell.
People worship the law of thermodynamics so much, that they IGNORANTLY claim free energy does not exist. For one thing, THERMOdynamics is NOT the same as ELECTROdynamics. And for the other thing, overunity energy devices which produces a greater current output than input are numerous, and have been seen and demonstrated by some famous people like Tom Bearden and John Bedini! There are even released patents now which are zero point and quantum vacuum based!
I'm starting to get pissed about people's skepticism and attitudes concerning what they are in the unknown about, and afraid of it!
I lived in a Tesla energy field for years, and I experienced some AMAZING things that I like to keep quiet about, because people are afraid; and because of that, they can be dangerous (potential threat, no bones about it). I speak from experience at how dangerous people can get just because they are afraid, and that's stuff I like to keep quiet about, too.
Here are a couple of videos of people's electrets in action, and too, the famous electret known as the Hutchison Power Cell:
It goes without saying that these can be used with Bedini systems (from the obvious Bedini-style construction of his motor, interestingly enough also seen on the huge image on the home page, in section 3).
In fact, it's actually rather embarrassing that people do NOT know these things. What's embarrassing also is that it's such a tiny, overlooked thing, that it's easy to forget about, which I guess is why I get embarrassed, because I've got other things going on that seriously put electrets to shame. ... and if people don't know about electrets, which have been around since WWII and in every single rotary telephone ever made, well ... it's no wonder people are clueless when it comes to faster-than-light drive systems and Tesla negative energy power systems.
. . .
These are NOT batteries. It is people's ignorance which fails to understand that there is no chemical reaction taking place which creates the power.
John Hutchison's girlfriend even said sometimes they turned out as generating AC power, and would make bizarre force-fields around the power cells which melted everything metal surrounding them.
I want to point out something really cool. The same space a 120 watt solar panel takes up can be filled with Hutchison power cell electrets to get about 3 amps at 13 volts. I know, its a big space, but runs night and day, never needs recharging, basically runs indefinitely. That's 1/3 the output of a standard 120 watt solar panel taking up the same physical space.
If you consider each electret is roughly a little smaller than a .30 caliber bullet, and you get a pack of 50.. to fill the space, you'd have to make 4,000 of em. Just say about 1/3 of that is in series to bring up the volts, and the rest wired in parallel to bring up the amps, then that's how I figure it based on my experience.
Say you stack em 10 high for a large box about 2.5 feet wide by 4.5 feet long by about 2 feet high for a power output of 400 watts of power available ALWAYS.
Its a BIG box, but conserves more space than 3 or 4 big solar panels laid out side-by-side on the roof.
Stack yer solar panels up 7 high, one on top of the other, and that is the same size box space as the power cell electrets.
Your difference in power:
800 watts for 7 solar panels or 400 watts for 1 large power cell box. You'd just have to make 40,000 power cell electrets. But the good thing is that the power output can be amplified by about 100 TIMES using a Tom Bearden MEG (a little box-shape about a a one cubic foot). You can even add additional MEGs.
So a 400 watt power generator made from 40,000 power cell electrets, all in a box about the size of a coffee table in length, width and height, using a MEG to amplify the output by 100 times the input (for a grand total of 40,000 watts) that runs night and day that you can dig a hole and bury it in your backyard aint bad.
This is a pretty good stab at a power system run thru a whole ring of MEGs to power an aircraft or electrogravity craft.
That is what people have been killed for in the past, for taking stuff like this overseas to India. But in one gentleman's case, it was a box about 2 cubic feet in volume, layered in capacitor layers (sheets) that made a LOT of power.
This is the concept of the Outer Ring engine, basically, minus a few things ... But basically there's about 22 large MEG units in the Outer Ring (let's just say 22 of them; TWO power cell boxes at 800 watts x 100 x 22). Using two of these power cell electret boxes, there's your 1,760,000 watts of power, output from the Outer Ring engine alone, not counting the OTC-X1 engine. That is plenty.
And since the MEG units are much larger, then there would probably be larger resonance, and so the minimum power output can be expected to be 1,760,000 watts in the Outer Ring. Same concept of amplification applies to the Rodin coil featured on the Warp Drive News page by Jamie Buturf, with amplification of a couple of decimal places.
This actually is different from the estimated output on the Outer Ring page .... The MEG can be seen on the article just below this one.
So hold up here ... 1 little electret power cell in milliamps, amplified by a MEG 100 times, would be equivalent to about one tenth of a watt. So 100 little electret power cells with a MEG, is about 10 watts. 1000 of them is about 100 watts. So then 40,000 little electrets is about 4,000 watts with a MEG. Okay. Well, then maybe the Outer Ring is only doing closer to 100,000 watts rather than 1,000,000 watts ... upon closer inspection.
So then for a 4,000 watt backyard box power supply, you'd need to make 40,000 little electrets. Otherwise for something smaller, 4,000 little electrets is about a tenth of the size of a coffee table, with a MEG. ......... So that would be about the size of a small suitcase (The MEG really is not that big, plus the power cell electrets) to achieve 400 watts always active.
Three or Four of these suitcase-sized units would yield 1200 - 1600 watts. To get fancy, 2 MEGS could be tested with just 400 little electret power cells, able to fit inside a small suitcase, for 4,000 watts output. Other MEG units have been measured to amplify in far greater excess than just a mere 100 times the input.
I'm hoping one could make just 100 of those little tedious electret rascals, and use two MEGS or multiple MEGS. I'm hoping a MEG device can just feed right into another one for linear amplification. Only one needs to be timed on a mechanical rotor or something, and then all the MEGS wired in parallel or series or something. Series and parallel connections will still increase the watts, but just trade between volts and amps.
2 MEGS could make 100 electrets do 1,000 watts. Stuff the whole mess into a briefcase.
You can see the MEG in the article just below this one, on this page: https://www.warp-drive-physics.com/free-energy--tesla/tesla-electrogravity-basics
People don't seem to know this ??
The need to re-evaluate the laws of physics:
The philosophy of free energy, to say it exists or not is such a stigma it seems. I think there are people who just dont like the term. I won't use the term "perpetual motion," I'll just say a system perpetuates. When there are no moving parts involved, then relative permanency is the word.
If something generates (creates) energy for many years (like 25 - 50 years lets say) without any power input and without reaction, and without moving parts, would you call it "cool energy?" That would apply especially if the power source didn't heat up.
Magnets don't get hot. Does that violate thermodynamics if a power generator lasted for 50 years without getting hot due to no internal reaction and no moving parts?
Can you say that something creates energy under these reactionless conditions without trading mass for power?
I would have to say that our electret power cell changes the laws of physics; it is the exception in that it works in all the ways physics says it should not.
Pandora's box is now open.
Electret power cells are based on crystalline technology, like in the ancient days of Atlantis. Some people have used real crystals for power, but that technology was immediately suppressed (raided and stolen) just hours after successful tests.
Well at least NOW, we have something that demonstrates the existence of these physics (physical laws of the universe), that it is real and exists, based on new laws of physics, and new discoveries.
I keep having wishful thinking about this and keep having to remind myself if an electret is 1 watt at 1 volt and 1 amp, then 120 of them will be either 120 volts at 1 amp ... or 120 amps at 1 volt ... so 10,000 of them is still 10,000 volts at 1 amp, keeping that relation. Either volts OR amps add depending on series or parallel. Still looking at a whole room full of them to get anywhere real.
100 power cells at 100 watts is pretty cool, and it was a good idea to use some form of amplification but .. using an MVP Bedini generator would be a better approach to this. At about 15x power amplification, an MVP could amplify 100 watts to 1500 watts. That's not bad. Still would require building a whole lot of electrets though.