If positive energy is gravitational attraction then negative energy is gravity cancellation therefore negative energy is anti-gravity.
According to Alcubierre, it takes negative energy to achieve warp (faster-than-light) travel. Thus, it takes antigravity to achieve warp drive flight. Gravity cancellation and magneto-electrostatic electrogravity is that mechanism.
It's very simple. We have sufficient evidence to demonstrate a magneto-electrostatic type of electrogravity, where a positive leading charge on front of a craft is the direction of travel, and on the trailing edge is a negative charge -- pertaining to construction. Not only is the magneto-electrostatic energy derived from magnetic field collapse (the collapse of positive energy, which is negative energy), it is also propulsive in nature such as in an ion drive. Not only has it been done, but other people are doing it, and it is a relatively common and natural understanding.
There are mechanisms of gravity cancellation on this website. The simplest is a geo-stationary satellite in which there is 90 degree inertial vector cancellation involved, and the satellite's clock runs faster.
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How many different ways are we going to look at a basic simple truth of reality and still claim to still be searching for the answer? The answer is: warp drive is real and valid.
The claims of NASA to say warp drive is merely speculative and does not exist is absurd and ridiculous!
Right here on this website is that very technology. It is irresponsible to overlook it and get mad upon viewing it and just ignore it.
There is no more proof or evidence required to validate it. Look at the B-1 Bomber. Look at the TR-3B built by Lockheed. Those aircraft demonstrate the concept, as does the OTC-X1. We already have warp drive and have had it for a long time claims Corey Goode, a real secret space program whistleblower.
The LIGO has detected gravity waves. Gravity waves are real and exist. Everything else is just a simple matter of the most basic of common sense.
There is no more reason for NASA or DARPA to continue to profess that they are "searching" or wanting warp drive, because the technology already exists and is very public. Why play along with the game of hide and seek when it is already out in the open?
There is only one step that remains: Funding and cooperation.
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Until Human beings become intelligent, I'm just going to do my own thing and work with Tesla free energy until people seriously want to build ships. I'm trying new things now since I don't have the money to build a ship on my own, and I'm tired of playing a cheerleader trying to motivate people to start working together to make any of this happen.
I apologize if my tone may seem harsh or condescending or disrespectful. Let the record stand. Just don't blame me if you don't see warp drive in the next 10 years, because you're seeing it here at warp-drive-physics.com
The rest is up to you. What do you want as a people?
It has been explained to you in great detail.
Build it.
... I will see about making free energy devices available for sale. We should be able to do this now. I will check to see about how prudent it would have to be to achieve this. I don't see any reason why we can't, at this point.