Updated 12/12/16 : Re-updated 9/01/17
Note about this article (5/22/18): This was when I was still learning about negative energy, before more secrets were disclosed. Much about negative energy is up-to-date in the Construction Blog (hyperspace mechanics and physics page) articles about negative energy characteristics, also discussed on the home page, and in the "Framework" articles on the Outer ring page, Construction Blog page, and General Blog page. This article is older information as this technology has been in the process of research and development.
After meeting with my mentor, and after more information had been disclosed to me from other sources, and as experimental results carried me through, and after researching Tom Bearden's MEG technology, then newer information is available in the website locations mentioned. Tom Bearden's active vacuum MEG paper is at the bottom of this article, meaning I just discovered it after I wrote this article, and added it in as an update.
So this article compares my understanding of negative energy before I really made the breakthroughs about negative energy, negative energy relativity, and all those aspects listed on the home page under section -5.
Here is what I think ...
No one is going to take it seriously unless they can examine the work and understand the physics. If they see what can be done, they might take it seriously. Even if they see the real machines, they might not take them seriously unless they understand the physics.
This is for posterity. If you don't understand it, you won't do the work. If you want to do the work but can't believe it, maybe you can study it and see if it warrents doing the work. Either way, it's safe to display an image here ...
Note the geometry of di-electric (parallel / longitudinal) waves, intersecting with transverse waves, and why (think polarity, but also think non-polarity zero point). For an understanding of positive and negative energy, see the other articles. Eventually when you learn it and as you study, it will form a picture. Some people never grasp the picture. This is the picture.
Tesla Wave Generator Abstract
Auxiliary power ; Outer Ring
Resonating overunity system.
Applications: power drive coils with only negative energy, transform positive and negative energy, amplification, exotic power creation
This is the beating heart. Everything else I am confident you can figure out on your own. If you can't, then this is just an oddity, or a curiosity.
This opens doors regardless.
Negative energy is the collapse of positive energy, but harnessed in parallel as a static magnet, which is a paradox.
Surely you can see the logic of such a thing, magneto-electrostatic in parallel, collapsed in its space so that a transverse wave propogates in parallel. That is a paradox, but there is a specific logic in that understanding.
The volume of energy (amps) can measure as a negative value yet while having definite positive frequency (volts). Negative frequency would mean that it is immeasurable and traveling backwards into the past. The volume of energy-space, collapsed into itself would be able to be detected with a meter. That energy type is beneficial in many ways because it does not consume matter or act destructively upon matter. For example, it has been invented a hot torch using water as fuel that only burns inorganic matter, but is harmless to the touch, and looks just like a regular blow torch. Some of you may remember reading about that years ago.
Regarding measurement:
An analogue meter will peg backwards upon negative energy. Electrostatic energy can be more scalar. Electrostatic or radiant electrical has no usable magnet so you must use a digital voltmeter. A digital voltmeter will also read negative values, and can be used for both. But if you want to know if the energy has a magnet in it, use the two voltmeter styles (one with the needle -- analogue, considered more of a magnetometer, measuring magnetic and electromagnetic fields ... and use the digital which measures it all and doesn't tell you if it's got a magnetic field or not).
More often than not though, the Earth charge and energy from the Earth and sky (harnessed by the Tower) did read in the negative, but there was polarity. If you measure the ground itself, sometimes its negative, and sometimes its positive. It's kinda in a state of flux, but with a definite measurable voltage.
But the Earth surface is definitely a positive charge, otherwise it wouldn't ground the negative pole of a battery, and it does NOT ground the positive pole of a battery; like versus like repel and don't conduct. Voltmeters can be touchy sometimes, so you have to be able to determine polarity in other ways . . . .
Negative energy is not quite the same as electrostatic energy, or radiant electrical energy. I will attempt to explain it in detail:
The below image shows that the polarity of the electromagnetic coil is respected in the di-electric plate config.
North and South electromagnetic polarity on one half of the circle. Relevant to 1/2 spin of matter of a full spin of a photon. The article above shows a free energy generator which illustrates why one half of the coil is used.
However as di-electric plates are in parallel, while electromagnetic fields are in transverse, the unity of the two requires an intersection.
Transverse fields are not conducted in parallel. Magneto-electrostatic fields however can be conducted in parallel, AND in transverse, as seen with a bare-wire squirrel cage geometry as part of a Tesla transformer (see Tesla Engineering Physics page).
An electromagnetic field collapse will create magneto-electrostatic energy (as per Hertz and Tesla experiments).
I'm just noting the geometry here, rather than going into operational theory. Let's look at the difference between these next images.
When two electromagnetic fields collapse, wheras an orientation of north/south polarity is respected in plates 1, and 2, the field collapse initiates a parallel di-electrostatic / magneto-electrostatic field of negative energy induced into the di-electric plates.
The collapse can induce di-electric current in the image on the left, because of the direction of the field collapse which collapses back into the coils. Recal in the article above, that a magnet cannot generate an electromagnetic current but only if it cuts across the coils, but not in parallel with the coils. So a di-electric current is electrostatic and NOT electromagnetic. However in the collapse, which is a collapse of an electroMAGNETIC current, there will be an induced electromagnetism during the moment of the movement of the electromagnetic field. If run on a wire to the plates, then the field collapse will transfer that negative electromagnetic energy to the plates, if run in a circuit, just like a spark gap would do.
Just on induction alone however, the collapsing electromagnetic field occuring in parallel would not generate an electromagnetic current (since an electromagnetic field is a transverse field, NOT a parallel field). It would induce a di-electric field with no usable magnetic aspect, unless a wire is run to the plates to conduct the flyback current of the collapsing electromagnetic field.
So there are two things going on, induced di-electric field, and an induced magneto-electrostatic field also conducted along a wire. The di-electric plates act within a frame of capacitance, so being charged with a high volt electromagnetic flyback, does not necessary induce a spark, but instead they become charged.
In the left image, the plates that are on the coils are in parallel. If they were all connected with a single wire through the middle, an electromagnetic current run through the wire would spread out through the plate at 90 degrees of the direction of the current of the wire (transverse). They would take a little time to charge. But a single charged plate would rapidly conduct electricity inductively to the next plate, and the next plate, and so on, in parallel, without the need to be connected to a wire. As seen in the Tesla tower, the field alone will conduct the energy to charge each plate much more rapidly in parallel, than it would in transverse.
In the image on the left, let's say the left coil is north up and south down, while the right coil is south up and north down. Through the center of the electromagnet generated by the coils, there is a zero pole where there is no polarity, yet there is energy! The zero pole of the magnet is electricity generated, but with NO polarity. The energy can be felt, it can be shocking because it is energized. Just because there might not be any polarity does not mean it is not electricity just the same.
In a plate stack there can exist: electromagnetic fields, electrostatic fields, di-electric fields, and magneto-electrostatic fields.
. . .
In the article above, the video link shows rotating magnets over electromagnetic coils. The di-electric plates can be substituted for the rotating magnets, however, requiring no moving parts. Instead of using electromagnetic, or magnetic force to induce current into the coils, we can use di-electric plates which use parallel waves (longitudinal waves)
Note the parallel waves conducted between the two bare copper wires in the image above are like lines of longitude; and the magnetic waves resmemble latitude lines.
When electricity flows through the bare copper wires, both parallel and transverse waves are generated. Transverse waves are electromagnetic waves. Di-electric waves are in parallel.
. . .
So we can use di-electric plates instead of rotating magnets, in much the same way as the video link in the above article, to create a self-generating energy that will be consistent at a certain number of watts, on-tap.
That's the basis for the Tesla generator, able to generate negative exotic energy to power the warp drive.
There is no photo of it, because I am not the inventor of it, but it does exist in private. I hope this helps to validate the reality of such a device however, and to help explain it.
Ultimately in an engine, it will resemble something like this:
This can also be seen on the General Blog page.
In principle, it is designed to alternate. The magnetic field collapse charges the plates with magneto-electrostatic. In turn the plates recharge the coils in higher volts than before. But because the plates resonate through di-electric induction, there is more energy more quickly held in the plates than in the coils. They build up in their charge. A rotating magnet for example will always hold or generate a magnetic field. The plates will always hold a charge. In the top hemisphere for example, the left set of plates will be opposite to the right set of plates due to the north/south polarity of the collapsing magnetic field.
As the electromagnet collapses, the plate catches the charge and re-induces the coil immediately. Power can be drawn from the coils then, easier than from the plates. An alternate configuration may be required however, so that the material through the middle maintains a uniform polarity from top to bottom, and may resemble this:
The technology blends very well using Townsend Brown di-electric technology in the Outer Ring of the LAU-X class warp drive.
This is the best I can do at my current level of experience to explain it and show how it works.
As I have said before, this technology has been passed down from Tesla to one who currently holds the real working knowledge and generators, who has been mentoring me about Tesla science and physics; and so it is currently proprietary with him.
It was actually passed down by Cal Richardson, Tesla's partner in Colorado Springs and throughout other projects, and was Tesla's very close friend. It is a direct line of succession. Tesla's materials were stolen from Tesla after he died (unless his death was faked as some people think). But Cal was left untouched.
I am truly honored to be allowed to share this with the world, although it is not yet truly public, and there are only tentative plans to ever release it to the public at this point.
Here We Go !!!
This maintains the same polarity while allowing a field-flux to conduct appropriately, and gives us a point of intersection through the center.
So far, the Outer Ring has about 3 or 4 different configurations. One is for direct propulsion using the Townsend Brown technology in conjunction with Tesla generator technology. Another is for the exotic unification of positive and negative matter flows. Those two variations are the difference between a warp drive and a hyperdrive.
Depending on what one wants to do with it, it will either assist in increasing the frequency density of gravity cancellation, OR increase the potential for inertial motion, giving it either higher frequency, or higher speed. Idealy, a higher frequency of inertial unification will give it a higher frequency of gravity cancellation. So in this criss-crossed configuration, it would generate more power, and generate a higher frequency of mass reduction, for faster speed, in that manner.
We'd just leave it to the hull plating for maneuverability, making it all-the-more important to get as much power as possible from the Outer Ring engine system.
It may not be possible to orient the Townsend Brown di-electric inward upon itself, unless we use these generators inside the wings, just inside the Outer Ring engine perimeter space. Not enough is known at this time to make those distinctions. The generator geometry in alternating polarity may actually be the very thing that makes it happen, using propulsive di-electric material. Regardless, it opens up further potential to extend a di-electric propulsion ring, or a matter-unification / mass-cancellation correlation ring.
Oscillating a particle stream or even potentially spinning the particle streams through the accelerator frame could achieve a better field correlation as simultaneous co-counter-spinning vortex flows through negative energy corridors, allowing us to achieve a streamlined negative mass field through the Outer Ring, better assisting in mass-reduction with increased inertia regardless. That would achieve what is desired in a warp drive / hyperdrive, without defeating the gravity cancellation forces of the lower OTC-X1 engine.
Recall the combination of matter and anti-matter, or positive and negative energy. There are multiple places where the fields can intersect.
So ... reading the captions on the images above, after painstakingly working out where the polarities would be, the third image up would be the correct geometry for the Outer Ring Engine Generator, achieving gravity cancellation with a sideways-oriented Townsend Brown di-electric using negative energy magneto-electrostatic, in transverse to the di-electric field.
This would hold true to a unified energy inertial force, actually through vertical di-electric plates pointed inward to the center of the ship, conducting di-electrically inward but having to make a sudden right-angled turn through the magnetic field to do so. It should be possible to do so, and to conduct a static magnet in parallel, forming rapidly at electrostatic wave speed as the di-electric plates charge the Townsend Brown di-electric horizontal member (each di-electric oriented vertically but expanded horizontally) all-at-once, accelerating a static magnet force, allowing the static magnet to form at electrostatic wave speed, rather than at electromagnetic wave speed.
The thing about electrostatic and di-electric waves, is that they can act in parallel along plates oriented at right angles regardless. I noticed this with my Tesla tower and console. Not only does a plate edge conduct, but the plate surface area conducts longitudinally. This is also the beauty of magneto-electrostatic energy in general which can travel without resistance right through charged corridors at the speed of light. I discussed this in the electrostatic wave collapse article on the Outer Ring page.
You can accelerate a static magnet at electrostatic wave speed, even though it will take time for the magnetic aspect to form (which forms slower than the propagation of electrostatic waves). Given polarity at each plate, the static magnet will form out of an electrostatic wave allowing for the propagation of magneto-electrostatic energy at speeds faster than what a magnetic aspect can propagate itself!
As far as the ability to generate negative energy to even do these things though, that is a certainty at this time, thanks to Tesla's legacy.
Final Note:
Regarding the Townsend Brown Di-electric, if indeed it is a purely di-electric system, using negative energy as it has been determined, then the ONLY possible orientation would be sideways like this below.
That way the entire Outer Ring engine is oriented to where it gravitationally attracts itself and cancels out the gravity in the vertical core impeller area, mimicking the OTC-X1 lower engine system, accumulating inertial forces in the center, and yet through gravitational attraction around the ring through the directing of inertial forces in a parallel plane through the central "balance" of the ship, cancels its gravity/inertial attraction of the engine's own mass; also allowing for right angled gravity cancellation through the impeller intersection, giving the ship a faster frequency of time with a faster inertia of speed.
However, as mentioned directly above, we can re-orient the T. Brown di-electric 90 degrees between the di-electric plates, so the plates literally squeeze the magneto-electrostatic inertia kinda like how you squeeze a slippery seed through your fingers to shoot it out across the room (now I'm starting to understand what my mentor had told me many months ago).
Perhaps "stressing the di-electric" is the wrong terminology. "Squeezing" the di-electric would be a more appropriate analogy.
I'll illustrate that concept with the image below ...
The di-electric plates squeeze the energy, which is transfered at 90 degrees, picking up a magneto-static electrical aspect of inertial force straight out the bottom.
Electrically that energy will be recycled, returning up around the circle, energizing the coils, collapsing, and re-energizing the di-electric plates. But the inertial trade-off is the Townsend Brown effect of di-electric stress down through the vertical diameter and continuing on past the boundaries of the circle. It's not a closed system, and can be considered overunity inertia. It's similar to how a magnetic rotor builds up speed, and it's inertia carries it through the magnetic gate.
The outer ring is rather multi-purposed. Mainly the lower OTC-X1 engine and the vertical core impeller will do the work; the outer ring generates a negative energy field, but also of electrical energy to be used by the engines, hull plating, and to balance inertial forces.
I'm trying to do all this without having to draw too many pictures.
~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ .
I'm going to stop AT THIS POINT. There are additional unknowns, but I cannot get specific without possibly incurring a conflict of interests.
It has been my intention to complete the Outer Ring design. And one thing has led to another, so I'd better stop myself, and just leave it where it is. There is space for particle flows, and can be additional space between the plates if applicable; and space is open around the sides. The inclusion of the Townsend Brown technology with Tesla generator technology is my idea, which may be confusing as it's pertaining to two systems in one, but it looks like a successful blending can be achieved, and work with an accelerating frame to handle the particle streams from the vertical core.
I feel confident that enough information is presented to show that it can work, while still leaving it open for private development (the warp drive / hyperdrive), should that ever become a possibility.
The energies of time are in motion.
Please note in the above diagram how the coils overlap their fields onto the plates, and how far they extend to induce a field collapse in parallel. . . . the other images are not as clear as this.
You can see now where the accelerator frame comes in handy (the segments shown on the Outer Ring page).
Magneto-electrostatic current can be transformed through a type of Tesla transformer to increase the frequency via resonance. The accelerator frame and a Tesla transformer is a similar system. . . . Increasing the frequency can be handled in many different ways. It's all a universal geometry. Energy itself is literally accelerated in a Tesla transformer, which increases the frequency and volts. When you use a mass, like a particle flow, then it becomes a unified field of inertial transformation, superconductive using negative / exotic energy.
I could literally just go on and on and on about this stuff. But I have chosen a certain form for the energy, to limit and to focus my efforts into one thing; but from that one thing, an entire plethora of further creation can flow forth, from an understanding conveyed in a warp drive / hyperdrive creation.
Instead of using negative energy conductive rails for the accelerator frame segments, plate pairs can be used. The energy can be transmitted wirelessly or on a wire, and just one wire. Energy does not need to be used to make the impeller spin, and yet energy alone will spin it regardless. It can be linked in to the Central Accumulator, or unlinked with an electrically conductive clutch. The accelerator frame can operate unidirectionally, or bi-directionally. In AC, accelerated magneto-electrostatic can be commutated to maintain polarity, or rotated to give the top and bottom separate polarity. Within the accelerator frame, positive and negative energy can be made to collide so that energy acceleration also accelerates matter in a unified field to achieve exotic light unification.
I am particular fnd of using the accelerator frame to split the streams in opposite directions in the top and bottom hemispheres using a di-electric through the middle so the energy of the particle streams are set into motion rather than resonated back and forth. Using the principles of the Tesla generator, it's easy to see how it can be done. The energy forms its own circuit; the circuit does not have to be completed for the electricity to flow. It's called sympathetic resonance. If you yell into one side of a grand piano, the vibration of the strings will eventually carry to the other side. Once the energy synchronizes, then it will create its own circuit and build up in intensity. A spark gap at the top and bottom of both ends of the accelerator frame is a crude but effective way. Otherwise di-electric resonance will do the same job. A wire can be run from the Tesla generator to beam the energies through special "end-cap" structures directly surrounding the Tesla generator "heads."
The accelerator is an electrostatic accelerator using magneto-electrostatic energy. The split-rail system is unique, mirroring the geometry of the 1/2 circumference which correlates with the 1/2 spin of matter, which in positive and negative adjoining, is the base geometry for the unification of light (photon has spin of 1).
. . .
Being creative is the most suitable way to explore these energies and to expand one's perspectives.
This is what Tesla meant for us to be able to achieve. Through resonance, frequency is enhanced. Through directing of the frequencies, mass can be moved. It's a beautiful thing.
These are considerations for design. It's interesting at where this analysis has arrived, and what these physics can reveal. Having to work within an informed range of what is possible rather than what is impossible has developed in a very unique way.
I might regret this .......
But I seem to be the only one publishing real warp drive engine physics ....
Seems if we want it, it kinda has to be shown to people, so people can see what we're playing with.
Understanding it though, well that's the real test. How else are people going to understand otherwise?
To discern is to exercise one of the prime freedoms of any intelligent being. Warp Drive is not for dummies. Passengers might come later, but it has to be physically built, first. I'm not saying that this isn't actually already built though . . . Not saying that at all. Sorry for the light glare on the images.
I am very grateful to have this opportunity to display a simple image.
If you want to understand this, read the website. You can't build it if you don't understand it.
And it should be stated that there are qualified people who can build warp drives, as evident of my own testimony, should the funding and security become available.
The power output I mentioned on the Updates and Design Improvement page .. I mentioned a ballpark number, but I feel that the power output does not need to be but only a ball-park figure, for simplicity's sake. It is a fair assessment. Volume alone will determine output. A larger Tesla tower will generate a lot more than a smaller one. I am reluctant to get into those kinds of specifics, honestly. The OTC-X1 lower drive system makes its own power, but it can draw power from the Outer Ring system, or any auxiliary power generator system.
The ole' standby is "a desktop device to power your house," which is what the unsuccessful Orion team headed by Dr. Greer has always adhered to as a set standard. If we consider that such a thing is entirely possible, then power output is a given.
See: The general blog page article, "Why does the OTC-X1 phase through matter" for more information also relayed in the comments of that article.
Here is also an exerpt from the Tesla Engineering Physics page which relates here:
"I can very easily make an energy system with a pair of collapsing coils on a commutator and with timing circuits being mechanical instead of digital or computerized. Tesla spun a magnet to do that, but a small battery can do the same thing on a rotating mechanical timing commutator device, like the picture of the one on the pyramid housing shown on the Construction Blog page. The trick with the Tesla tower is to use a separate winding in the coil-and-squirrel cage transformer assembly, around the pole-coils, spaced a little away (not directly touching), and send the collapsing energies through that separate winding to generate power magneto-electrostatically. That will have to be transformed to usable house current, however ... The tower tended to cause a lot of electrostatic energy all over the place, just resonating the crap outta it. I had electrostatic patterns of dust on my huge picture windows that overlooked my yard where the tower was. Everything was charged.
The Tesla tower works due to the collision of positive and negative energy, thusly. This essential concept also explains how the Tesla generator on the Tesla/Free Energy page works."
In a Tesla tower, magneto-electrostatic energy (the "spark collapse") accelerates / excites the parallel electrostatic energy built up in the Tesla coils which generates a lot of energy. Parallel plates in the portable Tesla generator system illustrated here in this article hold energy in parallel, which when energized builds up a lot more power which is held in the housing. Those two things relate.
Also to note:
The Tesla Generator system handles main power, but there is discussed the collision of positive and negative energy. I have been watching the progress of the QEG, which is a positive energy generator. It produces a lot of energy in its tests so far, and is self-generating, and is really overpowered to include it on the LAU-X class ship, but it can handle positive / negative energy collisions and start-up energy for the Outer Ring system.
I am quite fond of the idea of the QEG, but primarily what is used on board the LAU-X class is negative energy. However, having a QEG auxiliary on board would be nice to handle conventional components and controls, however that is entirely optional.
Additional notes:
I might have been mistaken about something. It is possible that even though the Earth is a positive charge, it is actually negative energy ... whereas the sun is positive energy and positive charge. The collapse of positive electromagnetic energy in a secondary winding around a Tesla coil (pole coils on the Tesla tower) squeezes the parallel negative energy accumulated in the Tesla tower. Negative energy can be assumed to be electro-radiant energy in parallel, electrostatic without a magnetic wave. However ... the induction from a spark collapse (high volt electromagnetic collapse creating a spark) will accelerate and compress, raising in frequency, the radiant energy in a Tesla tower, creating high volt arcs and artificial lightning that people can touch by holding in their bare hands a metal rod of which the Tesla tower electrical discharge touches it. That output can be considered to be negative energy. .... This is just a note.
So in fact, negative energy is NOT the same as electrostatic or radiant.. but, is an electromagnetic acceleration of radiant and electrostatic, otherwise parallel energy. So negative energy is the collapsed electromagnetic acceleration of parallel electric fields.
Apparently, you can put as much of a magnetic frequency as you want in a negative energy current. Fascinating! This is VERY specific. The collision of positive and negative energy is also very important or rather, significant. Such a collision can be explained in the interaction of positive electromagnetic collapse and parallel electrostatic. Just as seen in a Tesla tower, the same in a portable Tesla negative energy generator.
Note: I've been saying "Casimir" plates all this time, but what I really mean are "Di-electric" plates. Casimir plates have virtually no energy. When you're talking about energy of space and time, the Alcubierre equations discuss collapsing space in front of the ship, which is an antigravity function of drawing space into the ship for propulsion.
People are looking for negative energy in the wrong places and not even considering that the implication of a space drive or warp drive which USES negative energy IMPLIES that space is compressed in front of the ship, and drawn into the ship. That is what the physics of warp drive entail. Gravity Cancellation is the method of which mass is reduced to travel faster than light, and to defeat the Special Relativity limitations.
So a gravity drive using mass reduction IS the very DEFINITION of a warp drive!
People searching for negative energy between 10 nanometer plates are NEVER going to find it, because that is not what negative space and negative energy even represents!
People are foolish if they are trying to pin down negative energy to the subatomic or tiny nano scale trying to find an energy that is not gravitational or inertial in essence. How hard can it be people? Wake up!
The article "Negative Energy Simplicity" on the Updates and Design Improvement page describes it beautifully.
Negative energy Casimir plates that are only 10 nanometers apart describes the state of collapsed or compressed space, but the energy to actually perform such a function is going to be found in the act of compression, not in an already-compressed space. It is absolutely futile and very disappointing to see Humanity searching for warp drive flight under a microscope. It's shameful is what it is.
OTC-X1 Geometry Used in a Generator
(Special Thanks to Youssef Gaaliche)
Removing the left di-electric plate set, the top and bottom electromagnets would have be oriented with north pole out (or both oriented where north pole faces in) so that the right set of di-electric plates would be in a polarity of (+, -) of negative energy.
Because the electromagnetic field collapses through the poles, that static force of inertia charges the plates with parallel magneto-electrostatic energy in reverse of its formation, or in otherwise negative of its existence (which is the existence of a negative; not "negating" its existence, but existing in the state of negative energy).
The electromagnetic coils can still be curved in an arc, tending to focus one pole toward the center; it is not impossible to bend a magnetic field.
This is our Outer Ring negative energy field generator according to how the OTC-X1 generates power. Two spaces in the middle, instead of the one space can be used to harness the bi-directional particle flows through the ring accelerator assembly.
This does not mean however, that the electromagnetic coils can not still be oriented as seen in the above illustrations. Since an electromagnetic field collapses at the poles, through induction a negative energy charge can none-the-less be transmitted in parallel of its motion of collapse, yet through transverse di-electric fields. Does that make sense? If the collapse can run along a wire then a transverse field collapsing in the direction as a plate is oriented as illustrated in the picture below, the north field collapses toward its own center, inducing a charge on a wire, or along plates.
Leads on the left side of the plates can measure a voltage induced backwards as the north field induces collapse in the left plateset, toward the right. That draws the energy from the left-most edge of the plates which is not a positive force of electrical pressure, but a vacuum force of negative pressure.
The resulting energy is resonated in transverse of the field collapse, a negative vacuum pressure of voltage.
Actually let me make a note. When the north pole collapses up (top coil), it induces a charge in the opposite polarity as the field coil on the bottom, collapsing the north pole down. Alternating the coils and drawing energy from the plates only during the field collapse portion of the timing will create an alternating polarity. So the (+) note is positive AC-negative. The plates resonate, so a negative energy field is held, not just discharged.
Even though the field collapse occurs through the poles, if these coils were wound up and down instead of left to right, those directions would apply to determine polarity.
In this case, ... well actually it might not make a diference which side the plates are on since the magnetic field collapses through the poles. I had always assumed the electromagnetic field to collapse sideways instead of through the poles. I am still assuming there to be that tendency for that geometry, but the actual polarity generated would depend upon the reversal of the poles specifically.
The OTC-X1 would not work unless the electromagnet collapsed through the poles, however. And this makes total sense, explaining the entire nature of Tesla coils and transformers. A polar-collapsing geometry is quite clear in the action of these fields.
The only difference is where the plates are oriented in relation to the electromagnet, either oriented in parallel to the poles, or in transverse to the poles.
So it can be seen, that there are two different geometries of electromagnetic collapse, both resulting in negative energy, either in parallel magneto-electrostatic, or in transverse.
Basically what we can do with positive electricity, we can also do it with negative electricity.
The inertial force is created due to the negative reversal of energy upon mass, reversing the spin of positive mass, so that an inertial force is generated through the gravity field!
The Outer Ring engine may have to be oriented asymmetrically, however in this symmetrical orientation, it is a balance of inertial polarity to achieve a mass reduction. Otherwise simple gravity is harnessed through asymmetrical production of energy only in one direction, instead of bi-directionally at once.
But instead of pulling the electrons off the plate, the negative vacuum pressure of voltage gives us a positronic charge instead of an electrical charge (positron is the antiparticle of electron).
I hope from all of this, it can better be seen now, how the intersection of positive and negative energy creates an exotic, and superconductive energy force. This is also why amps are in negative but volts are in positive, because the volume of the electromagnetic field is decreased sharply, which collapses at the speed of light.
Magneto-electrostatic energy in this diagram is transmitted at electrostatic wave speed (parallel wave frequency), at 220,000 miles per second.
And again, let me totally clear about this. Getting shocked or stunned from the high volt impulse of a collapsing electromagnetic field coil, like from a stun gun, or even in the spark plugs of an automobile is TOTALLY DIFFERENT than harnessing the electromagnetic field collapse in the form of negative energy.
It resembles a standard transformer, but instead of having two coil windings, it has one coil winding and one di-electric plate set which harnesses the collapse of the electromagnetic field.
This would be a negative energy transformer. ... The collapse of the EM field into a parallel di-electric magneto-electrostatic field.
There is a potential now for the collapse of the di-electric field. Also since the plates are close to the middle zero-pole geometry of a magnet, at the accretian plane between the north and south poles, the energy would be more exotic, yet there still must exist a polarity even though the collapse of north and south polarity would occur in transformation. The polarity in this case is determined in the difference in the plates itself, the left side or right side of the plates, just like you can plug a voltmeter into the Earth and obtain a distinct polarity.
Yet, it would also have to be said that the polarity, determined by positive and negative, determined by north and south, too has collapsed giving us a polarity of a negative north and south polarity. If the di-electric plates were ferous, able to become magnetic and have measurable magnetic properties, then when the coil is on, the plates would reflect the opposite pole as the magnetic field was induced into the plate. That's how a magnet sticks to ferrous metal. But when collapsed (the magnetic field collapses at the speed of light through its poles), it creates a negative vacuum pressure instead of a positive electrical pressure, which is why the OTC-X1 resonates within quantum vacuum (negative energy) geometry.
The utrons harness the energies collapsing in the plates through a transverse (actually diagonally) electrical vortex geometry, but instead of the energy collapsing to the points and being nothing, the energy of the collapse is harnessed through the points, collapsing to the wide part of the middle of the utron, and projecting through itself in vortex -- harnessed through the diagonal of the transverse field. ... So it's not harnessing a transverse geometry, but a diagonal geometry, actually, which is where the vortex geometry comes from -- involving the hypoteneuse of a right triangle, which is the basis for circuluar geometry, wave geometry, rectilinear geometry, and trigonometry.
In martial arts, the 45 degree angle is very important and most prominent. All of the universe can be described by these energy geometries.
Very simply put, two plates harness the EM field collapse in form of negative energy, one plate conducts the high volt transmission resulting from the collapse. It's just the same as saying a wire conducts electromagnetic current, but a wire wound into a coil harnesses the electromagnetic field of that current.
The di-electric plates of the OTC-X1, being at the accretian plane of the collapsing magnet, doesn't necessarily reflect in a propulsive di-electric polarity (travelling forward in the direction of the positive charge; of di-electronic inertia (inertia of electrons)), but harnesses more of the exotic energy of positive and negative collision (recall the engine turns due to the positive energy through the mechanism described by Lenz's law).
It is similar to the energy of the Human body, but the exotic energy creates the probability for teleportation. This is also one of the reasons why measuring the surface charge of Earth ground won't give us any amps, but only voltage. The amps are there, but they are in a state of negative collapse, which means that the voltmeter is only going to show positive volts, unable to measure negative amps. It is entirely possible to convert negative amps into positive amps, for example through a Tesla tower which uses magneto-electrostatic to transform between positive and negative amps. It should be seen now that negative energy is negative AMPS, and positive energy is positive AMPS, from an engineering perspective.
If we consider that the positive surface charge of the Earth's surface is due to the spin reversal of electrons, then it can be truly seen the fundamental nature of negative energy. Thus, the collision of electrons and positrons can occur without an annihilation of mass, but instead the UNIFICATION OF MASS, measuring a zero state, but as the law of energy states: energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed. (bringing the wave-state of mass to a zero phase)
Alas, when di-electron inertial mass is brought to an exotic zero state of unification, in increased frequencies OF di-electron inertia, then there seemingly is a mass reduction, in an energy field. As mass reduces, inertia increases; energy therefore increases, or rather frequency (time). Speeding up the time frequency alone will reduce the mass of the ship, as in the case with the OTC-X1 where about 10 minutes of time passes inside to one minute of time outside the ship (The pilots having the perspective of it slowing down time generally if they can look through the windows); and so the ship only gets 1/10th of the gravity pull from Earth.
There's different types of inertia .. There's resistive inertia, and there's momentum inertia. Inertia involves position and momentum. It will either resist acceleration or increase acceleration depending upon a change of mass.
A change of mass will involve a change of frequency (time per distance cycles). If mass stays the same but gravity increases or decreases then it involves a change of inertia AND frequency.
The exotic energy fields allows for increased inertia, without inertial resistance. Frequency is the unifying force of energy.
So literally, the mass is stressed or rather put into fluctuation through the impeller which changes the gravity, also directing gravity through a pulsed frequency of positive and negative energy through the vertical impeller. The change in gravity, pulsed down the vertical core literally is a change of mass-density, and thus inertia, generating a force through scalar space, just like how a jet turbine or propeller would also do so (hense the name given to the vertical core -- impeller).
It's similar to taking the OTC-X1 disk and expanding it into an extra dimension of height, in a spiral. The Outer Ring transformers harness the collapsing EM poles, rather than through the accretian center of the zero magnetic pole. The negative energy in polarity gives us a polarization of the impeller core for handling a propulsion imbalance of negative and positive di-electrical forces, again also similar to Dr. Ning Li's concept, but applying it in a di-electric system which carries with it, it's own superconductivity.
Negative energy will superconductively travel through a positive energy field, or current (an electromagnetic field collapses at the speed of light through the positive energy generating the field). That in effect accelerates electrical mass frequencies at the speed of light down through the vertical core impeller, which is quite literally therefore, a light-speed mass accelerator.
Conductive negative energy in the proton field within the vertical core, accelerates protons at the speed of light superconductively, by using negative energy frequencies to do so. The mass wave energy of the vertical core becomes exotic, accelerates at light speed (220,000 miles per second; actually at electrostatic wave speed, in parallel), and speeds up time, creating a negative gravity beam that pulls the ship forward (upward, in that direction of travel; pilots recline their seats back, and up becomes forward), thusly.
The impeller is harnessing the "gravity of time" literally; a gravity-time engine.
Driving a force of mass from zero rest inertia to a positive full momentum will make an equal and opposite reaction, like a recoil on a gun. Driving a positive force of mass to zero mass accelerating to light speed within the gun itself (from the end of the barrel toward the chamber) creates a vacuum effect, pulling the gun forward instead of recoiling it backward. That's the concept, and done without the annihilation of mass, but instead phasing the mass-wave to zero, separating it back out in the outer ring (OR through the hull space between the core engine and outer ring engine), re-phasing it to zero in the core, separating it back out, etc. etc. etc in cycle. Outer ring is a separate engine in its own right, with various flight modes depending on its construction to either be a propulsion ring or a mass-reduction ring.
If you consider using negative and positive energies to control the frequencies of time and thus gravity, not only acting upon the ship, but harnessed through the ship, then an inner propulsive force can be realized without depending upon a mysterious Townsend Brown effect, but while also putting that effect into better perspective.
re-update: 9/01/2017
Private tests have shown the negative energy generator to do some things, that I must reveal. Firstly, under load it creates more power and more power and more power. It caps off eventually. But, it has been known to ice up (not to generate heat); and when it ices up, it levitates. I might be pissing some people off by sharing this. But it has been patented, although apparently invented by someone else!
The link below displays the negative energy generator. The technology is compatible with the OTC-X1. A known technology can now be applied to the OTC-X1, to create a negative energy merkaba vortex. The Alcubierre warp metrics show that negative energy is what makes warp drive work. You'll notice the compatible geometry, and the use of double coils. It goes without saying that the use of double coils on the OTC-X1 electromagnets is more logical, and was very likely an omission from the historical design, to keep the knowledge proprietary.
http://jnaudin.free.fr/meg/meg.htm <-------- Basis of Outer Ring Engine (compatible with OTC-X1)
United States Patent 6,362,718
Patrick , et al. March 26, 2002
US Patent 6,362,718 : Motionless Electromagnetic Generator
See the full MEG patent with diagrams ( 15 pages )
An electromagnetic generator without moving parts includes a permanent magnet and a magnetic core including first and second magnetic paths. A first input coil and a first output coil extend around portions of the first magnetic path, while a second input coil and a second output coil extend around portions of the second magnetic path. The input coils are alternatively pulsed to provide induced current pulses in the output coils. Driving electrical current through each of the input coils reduces a level of flux from the permanent magnet within the magnet path around which the input coil extends. In an alternative embodiment of an electromagnetic generator, the magnetic core includes annular spaced-apart plates, with posts and permanent magnets extending in an alternating fashion between the plates. An output coil extends around each of these posts. Input coils extending around portions of the plates are pulsed to cause the induction of current within the output coils.
Inventors: Patrick Stephen L; Bearden Thomas E.; Hayes James C.; Moore Kenneth D.; Kenny James L.
Appl. No.: 656313
Filed: September 6, 2000
On that link above, read the 69 page Active Vacuum MEG Paper by Tom Bearden.
The MEG uses an active static vacuum as the physical source of the energy, which is a nonphysical source also as part of the universe.
I will also add ... That independent verification of the MEG has been achieved which uses steel di-electric plate pairs. There is an animation of this in action, on the referenced link above. CLICK ON THE ANIMATED PICTURE ..... don't just look at the little thumbnail, because then you can't see the position of the double plates' interaction with the field.
If you will notice the geometry of the MEG, The central vertical member is a permanent magnet, in a nano-crystalline housing. To the left and right of the magnet, in the center of the holes, between the central magnet and outer electromagnets, are two spaces surrounded by mass. The energy comes forth through the spaces, caused by the negative collapse of EM, and are able to be collected in the di-electric parallel plates, and so parallel electricity resonates with a magnetic field. That is very similar to a di-electrostatic propulsion system, which uses di-electric material with a ceramic casing (ceramic to conduct the magnetic field).
So there's a positive magnet in the middle, and a negative electric (electromagnetic collapse) buildup in parallel to the magnetic field. That is a negative resonance of electromagnetism. Hence, a negative energy generator.
. . .
The links to the patent information are unavailable, so the full patent cannot be viewed.
JNL labs is actually quite impressive. I've been told to keep some stuff a secret, but when it's known in Japan and otherwise around the world, it can hardly be considered a secret. The only thing that IS a secret are the simple physics regarding negative energy, which are revealed at this website, warp-drive-physics.
I have been informed that the MEG had a few issues, that have been solved, and made to work right .. and now it belongs to someone else ... Which again, is not for me to reveal those details (as I've said, I don't even know the secret keys, myself). ... and so the corrected system is indeed a secret. ... and now obsolete.
Hopefully one of these days, the reality of what potentials really do exist can manifest in the open. But for now, new and better things are around but .. time and circumstances -- the conditions -- must be right for a true revealing.
Good people try to be nice and share, with just a want to help out and be involved in cool projects, but the bad people then start demanding it without honor and gratitude, and try to kill the good people just out of spite if they don't get what they want! The evil empire is real. A bunch of NAZI childish, selfish scumbags with POWERFUL toys that threaten life on this planet. .. and now stealing all the secrets out of Antarctica. It doesn't make any sense to me. But these-days, the reality of great tyranny just can't be denied.
I don't suppose it will do any good yelling and screaming about things .. so I'll just leave this right here ....