Engineering of the X1 . . . and the LAU-X3 (page edited-updated 1/17/2016)
This is an OLDER resource, but a good resource. I'm going back through the website periodically to delete older and outdated information and material. See the Construction Blog top article for the reality of the engineering of the OTC-X1. That top article gets into some phenomenal aspects of the latest R and D concerning Biefeld-Brown effect using dielectrostatic electret materials, negative energy resonance, and many NEW concepts. This page was before negative energy was really understood, and this page primarily pertains to the older LAU-X3, but has good information about the OTC-X1, Outer Ring, and various other types of warp drive systems not seen in public.
Some of this information gets into a heavy break-it-all-down cram-it-in-a-hole type of break down ... with a lot of conventional particle theory and the like, which has all been simplified later on in the other pages, and a lot of historic ways of thinking about physics, but with some new styles as well .. even going into older approaches to achieving gravitational and anti-gravitational systems.
A lot of old secrets can be found on this page, but also more speculative ideas as well as the engineering has been worked out over time. This page relates a lot of the "working-out" of the engineering (not necessarily the actual engineering, as shown on the other pages of this site like the Updates and Design Improvement page, or the Construction page, or the Construction Blog page ( <--- ESPECIALLY THAT PAGE), as well as the Free Energy / Tesla page and the General Blog ... but there are a few note-worthy aspects still valid at this time, and can be some rather surprising and revealing details.
This page is largely beyond my ability to edit and streamline. Skim through it, take a look, and if anything catches your eye, then you were meant to know it.
[Edited and Deleted older content]
Update 3:
Inertial magneto-electrostatic resonance at sacred frequency harmonics. 432^2 = C. ... in vortex geometries
( simultaneous-rotating-counter-rotating vortex and a monopole vortex transverse through the center overlapped at the tips forming and opening the origin of creation / the eye of energy -- the utron intersection ) .. is important.
The X-1 and the outer ring work similarly, and the vertical core works as a central accumulator to the outer ring
(and possibly a commutator, depending on how one wants to use it -- implication, it is very adaptable a design),
but the ring can work independently; and the overall energies of the ship can be enhanced through the field -
interactions, and also gravity forces are worked, created, transformed, etc. Capacitor veins in the inner-hull air-
spaces work to buffer the systems, provide extra energy, and power electro-gravity shielding.
I believe an added out-board exotic mercury-ion drive can be attached and powered, looking similar to the
Alcubiere warp drive concept. I hope I have his named spelled correctly.
The primary engines operate with an air-plasma core, not a liquid, although the outboard engine can do so
with the mercury-ion liquid (resembling the "warp nacelle"). It can detach because it is a modular component.
The inside engines are not designed for running a liquid other than a vapor (the ship must resonate and
still hold an internal engine pressure). The magneto-electrostatic nature of the engines are designed for an air or
gas/plasma/vapor medium for optimum resonance.
Speeds limited to electromagnetic or electrostatic wave speeds are easily overcome through this type of
resonance engine. The resonance frequency of time/space/gravity is "warped" by the same energy that is
time and space and matter (mass and inertia and gravity). That means an engine can spin much slower than
the "speed of light C" and still exceed the frequency of time and space vibrating at "light-speed." In that sense,
it is a true "warp" drive and/or hyperdrive.
The differences will be examined and the truth sorted out, as to the differences between a "warp drive" and a "hyperdrive"
as one reads down the page. It is also a step-by-step journey mostly that evolves as one reads down the page.
See: Warp Drive Blog for more information about the engines, electrogravity, on-board gravity, g-forces, the outer ring
drive, and black holes.
See: Warp Drive Philosophy for a deeper understanding of the reality of Creation and what this all means; and . . .
Metaphysics Blog for an understanding of energy, living energy, the body's kundalini evolution and current aspects,
and for a deeper understanding of where energy comes from.
The Otc-X1
The disintegration plane of the lower X-1 engine can also be viewed as an inward accumulation. The disintegration plane from the vertical core to the outer ring re-integrates inertial gravity at the top of the ship while also increasing the energy of the central accumulator. That increase in accumulated magneto-electrostatic inertial force sets the temporal frequency for the ship's passage between stars. Conventionally, the ship falls into the gravity it creates (top of ship), and increases its matter/mass-vibrating-frequency (temporal mass) while doing it; that is conventional propulsion; however, it may have unconventional teleporting characteristics.
LAU-X3 Dragon Eye
Click on the above pictures to enlarge. Sorry these pictures are so small. The ship design on the top right has been re-solved and named, the LAU-X3 "Dragon Eye." I need to clean up that picture on the right. I hastily posted it up. Notice how the horizontal centerline of the outer ring drive profile is aligned with the mid-point between the vertical core and lower X-1 at the zero plane of inertial disintegration. The disintegration plane of just the X-1 is slightly out of phase with the outer ring drive. All the energies resonate together as a larger overall field, though. The X-1 harnesses the energies of the inertial disintegration directly, channeled to the Central Accumulator. The vertical engine also channels inertial energy to the Central Accumulator. The outer ring drive resonates with the unity of the vertical core and X-1 indirectly, allowing for a more defined "wormhole corridor." In regard to the picture at the top left, yes I know it is very tiny. I'm hoping to encourage people to make stuff like that and put it up on youtube and email me a link. Mercury tubes in electrically accelerated conduits is a very good idea, and it was originally the idea that came to mind. ALSO, notice how lift is generated on the top half of the ship due to the imbalanced force. The ionized warp plasma circulates down through the vertical core, out and around the spaces between the inner and outer hull, and back into the central vertical engine core. All the parts are connected by inertial energy, gravity forces, and electromagnetostatic fields. "Who can pass through the Eye of the Dragon and tell the tail?"
The outer ring drive uses electrostatic repulsion instead of magnetic repulsion (magneto-electrostatic). It uses bare wire coils, with a thin space in between each one. That's the idea. Lightning. Ever seen a little ion-engine demonstration using a couple of pos and neg charges on two ends of a little stick that spins real fast? Imagine alternating charges. It can use DC, or AC to test it thoroughly. The outer ring also stabilizes the vortex forces of the internal engines, stabilizing the ship in inertial/electro-unity balance.
I would like to add, in conjunction with the newest Warp Drive Blog post, that the ship contracts space in front of it, and expands space behind it (front = top in fast-flight mode).
As seen in "Paradoxes of Time and Space," contracted space will incur a slow time event horizon, but it is directed, and not isolating the space around the lower hemisphere of the ship. Because there is no discontinuity, there is no event horizon. There is a multi-dimensional field shape (and action), instead, with the other engines running. That also means opposing forces (things doing opposite things with other things) ... are doing other things, some parts cancelling things out, and some parts amplifying other parts, etc.
The thing at the bottom, the OTC-X1 engine, it regulates a time frequency of space that keeps the forward compression (vertical as seen on the diagram above; top = front) from incurring the nightmarish time anomaly predicted by Special Relativity. It creates a vortex space where there is gravity force in one way through the hole in the middle of the toroid vortex shape -- a gravitational monopole. Variations on engine designs are possible with an understanding of inertial frequency. You can replace the vertical core with a differently designed engine that can couple up to the OTC-X1 to test simultaneous counter-rotational flows, for example. It's the mechanics and electro-inertial principles I want to convey. There is no reason to believe warp drive is impossible. This is a good foundation enough to say it can be built.
Actually though, it's a poor way to describe the OTC-X1 engine as expanding space. That's not exactly what it does, I'm just trying to make it simplified so not to scare away those people who cling to their Special Relativity. These engines are hardly simple though because there is just so much involved with them. Special Relativity has never before concluded that within an event horizon, closer to a source of gravity the time frequency is faster. There's so much we don't know, but at the very least warp drive physics seems to change the way we perceive the universe. There's only so much sitting around and thinking about it and working the math is going to actually accomplish. Usually the math changes anyway after experimental results are obtained. We haven't tested Special Relativity on anything other than slow jets and orbiting rockets and satellites, anything but a gravity engine. The only way to test any of this is to build it and see. That's the only real way to eliminate any potential conflicts with paradoxical aspects.
We have pushed the math as far as we can. We have Einstein's warp drive metrics, and Alcubierre's equations. THAT'S PRETTY MUCH IT! That doesn't really tell us anything other than it's possible, but otherwise we know very little, and Special Relativity honestly seems to be rather limited and primitive. We have ALL THESE OTHER accounts, eye-witness sightings, personal experiences, video records and soft disclosure going on, and to ignore ALL THAT (which is pretty huge), and get the whole world stuck from Special Relativity which does not float the boat.
These warp drive physics and engine designs have absolutely NO PLACE within a university research program. But, it should. The only reason projects like these are not funded is because they ought to work and actually accomplish what they are designed to do. NO ONE can magically come up with a proposal with the completed math and technology and physics on warp drive starships, because no one knows it other than in theory. And furthermore, a "proposal" to be funded makes it "owned" and controlled, because when you ask permission to build warp drives, who are you asking? This isn't done yet and is only some scratchings on a website because no one can figure out the money aspect, the control aspect, and because of other things, hidden things.
These are wonderful lessons in physics, though. People still think the Earth is flat. People tried to hang Copernicus? Anything new, the people say oh that can't be true because of this and that. Even I don't know for sure, really. I get the OTC-X1. But the rest is pretty neat, and really a good idea. The engines test all kinds of elements gathered from this place and that, and puts it all to the test in an experimental platform which will ultimately reveal the truth. Each step taken, once the building and construction has started, leads to another step, and another, until after 100 different times, it finally works, and that is the process of how research and development goes, it just is.
Gravity engines are a neat idea, and everyone and their dog has seen a UFO at some point in their life, or knows someone who has seen one, or has had encounters. That may be a bit generalized, but it's so true. This is why I'm overlooking Special Relativity's imposed limitations that claim a gravity engine will fly slower the faster it goes. I think the paradox is way under-appreciated and unrealized in today's world; why should I believe Special Relativity is not really just a by-product of something bigger that surpasses it in higher dimensions? Michio Kaku's principle of hyperdimensional physics shows that the higher the dimensions toward unity one can see from, makes everything in the lower more basic dimensions easily understood.
Section update: (1/21/16)
When dealing with principles of resonance, a slower speed can be used to affect greater forces, which may very well be immune to special relativity's limitations. Furthermore in vortex geometries, special relativity may not apply due to other field interactions involved. Using a gravity engine for propulsion is not that big of a deal, so as long as the pilot is not inside the gravity beam where time is affected. The pilot is not the candle in the gravity beam in these designs. As long as time and space run in parallel without discontinuity, things should be fine. That is to say, that the pilot is not cut off from the normal flow of time when there are parallel gravity flows and vortex fields. Sitting along side a black hole that is projected into a tight beam is not sitting inside the gravity field of the black hole, is what I'm trying to say. Obviously if time changes drastically inside the vertical core, then it's best to use parts that don't break down from normal wear and tear. A gravity beam using parallel gravity forces all in unidirectional alignment is not going to do the same thing as being in the gravity field of a star or planet; different vectors. Plus the highest frequency compression is going to be close to the center of the vortex. In Bob Lazar's case, there was no mention of clocks being affected outside the gravity beam, or along-side the gravity beam. Electrostatic experiments I've done shows that parallel energy waves stay coherent like a laser, in a column, or it can radiate outward in a plane with height, which is another aspect of parallel waves; rectilinear geometry will make circles and sphere shapes of energy very easily. In the photo of my Tesla tower on the Tesla Engineering Physics page, it shows spheres of energy of slightly different shades of color (electrostatic visual light spectrum of frequency: see warp drive news page for that), and it shows energy waves visibly conducting in parallel. My point is that a time-dilation field can be shaped and directed.
That means that time should be faster for the pilots all things considered, whereas the universe around the ship would appear to slow down. I go into a lot of detail discussing that one thing throughout this website. For engineering principles to build with, it must be assumed that magneto-electrostatic density is space at a higher frequency, when in inertial motion creates gravity proportionally. If increased speed can increase mass which can be felt physically at a distance as an accelerator facility shakes, then inertial motion indeed has a field effect. Reducing, or cancelling out inertial forces (gravity) increases the frequency of time, in accordance to Special Relativity! If increasing (acceleration) gravity slows time to a crawl according to special relativity, then decreasing gravity proportionally (NASA EAGLEWORKS would call it "negative space") speeds time up, too simply stated.
When speed and high frequency matter exists without the heavy inertial forces of gravity involved, then obviously the ship will be travelling faster in time, in higher temporal frequency. You just remove the compression upon space aspect of gravity/inertia, but the temporal compression (frequency) remains. See: "Paradox of Time and Space" on the warp drive blog page. Actually, the temporal frequency doesn't just remain, but it accelerates even further (transformation principle), increasing the frequencies of time inversely proportionally with the decline of the gravity wave.
The GPS satellites in geosynchronous orbit cancel gravity at 90 degrees which keeps it in the same spot over Earth relatively. The result is a faster clock rate, proving gravity cancellation increases time frequency. The OTC-X1 does have that 90-degree geometry mimicking satellites around a central gravitational body. Geosynchronously and synchronously are equivalent. The synchronistic inner disk and outer electromagnets co-counter spinning, and ENERGIZED at magneto-electrostatic frequency (volts) is our principle of gravity cancellation. Look at how all that equates, particularly how volts equate with time frequency.
With a directed force of inertia also cancelling itself out tranversely (rectilinear; at right angles), then there is an event horizon somewhere inside the engines which is also HARNESSED by the engines! This means that weeks should pass by to the pilots in transit to another star and back, while only days pass by from an outside point of view. That is about the rate of the time dilation according to the geometry, motion, and timing fractally, by seeing that pattern. It could be faster. This is a good model that allows for some calculations though, but maybe not until after experimental results are initially obtained. This is enough to say it can work, not necessarily explaining all the "whys" as to the configuration and the reason behind such an engine configuration. The gravity cancellation effect occurs in the OTC-X1, and in the outer ring.
If you know the mass of the star system you're travelling to, you can speed up or slow down the engines to compensate or balance the time dilation more or less. That is to say there is an internal "speed" and an external "speed" relative to which star system an outside observer is standing.
. . .
I can say it looks like a gravity wave is in parallel electrostatically transversely intersected with a transverse electromagnetic wave ... with the north and south poles above and below, because the OTC-X1 has that geometry. It makes use of the zero magnetic pole interacting at an electrical accretion disk. It is what it is. Imagine that! I wish I understood it better. It seems to fit with the physics and universal geometry.
I can also say this, An electrically charged particle in a magnetic field in similar alignment is the basis for Dr. Ning Li's AC gravity engine (read a little farther down). Dr. Ning Li used to work at NASA Huntsville, AL facility. North up, south down in electrical alignment positive up, negative down. And, each particle must spin in the same direction. And actually, the magnetic field was spun against/with the particles in electrical alignment (a big spinning magnet spinning either in one direction or another over the ionic Bose-Einstein condensate).
That is also the nature of the vertical core.
In reference to Dr. Ning Li (see below), it would cost a lot of money to make a room-temperature superconductive disk for an OTC-X1 style engine, though. Oh yes, it can be done! But room temperature superconductives are yet to be fully developed for manufacturing. I know someone who has demonstrated the exotic tempering of copper. The OTC-X1 does not have to be superconductive according to historic design. Mono-atomic elements are naturally superconductive at higher frequency ranges, and at room temperature (See monoatomic Gold, for example; also the simplest of MONO-ATOMIC elements is a hydrogen ion -- a proton). There is a monoatomic silver in existence at a very high spin state that can be suspended in a high quantum spin-state water (where the molecular angle of the water molecule is small enough to fit inside a cell's aquapores) where each atom of silver is smaller than a regular atom, see: Dan Nelson (the creator of Bionaid marketed by Elder Burk Hale). Warning: I do not endorse that water.
. . .
I realize all that is a lot to take in at once. That's the nature of inertia, and the inertial alignment of forces and fields.
HOW is Gravity Generated??
You can transfer electrical inertia (the inertia of an electron, or a proton too), through an expanse of itself in a unity of "others." But ultimately, a single atom can do the same thing, but probably not without another atom (there has to be 2 to work as 1 just like there is a proton and an electron). Through a magnetic field, an electric field, and a static field, of rotation and inertia, the universe naturally has a shape and form that can be recognized as ... what it does.
A particle does not have to be in electrical alignment to move fast, but it will naturally become aligned in its forces through its motion in a directed path. A particle's inertia is in alignment with its electric charge. The magnetic field of a particle is spinning both ways at once, and so it has mass, substance. Sometimes it is polarized such as in ferrous material. All atoms have their unique properties according to their quantum geometry, and all particles work together naturally as the universe intends and is intended to, in purposeful design. The magnetic zero (the point in between the poles) moves, it has a spin, and is a pole of its own, and if it were to be polarized, it would have electric charge. That's why the electrical accretion disk is centered at the magnetic zero of the outer electromagnets on the OTC-X1.
If it works in one way, it will work in the other. That's why the Searle engine (SEG) works.
The inertia of a particle is the direction of the charge. An electron has direction in its negative charge, and trails a positive charge behind it (as it moves in paradox with another particle). A proton will move in the direction of its positive charge, so the heavier components of the structure and engines should be aligned in electrically positive-up polarity. As a proton ion moves, the direction of its charge is the direction of its inertia, and not by coincidence. You can't detect the negative charge of a positively charged proton, because it's negative charge is separated and floating around as an electron somewhere else. It's not a real object, so its inertia is that of energy itself. Mass is a magneto-electrostatic energy fractal force-field, basically.
A rotating magnetic field is at right angles to the alignment of "inertial charge" or the particle's electrical orientation, revolving around the zero pole of electrical polarity. Since there is no real electrical polarity with a positive ion (proton / atomic nucleus), then it doesn't mean there isn't a "zero" point of charge somewhere inside that is at least formed when paired with an electron. After all in heavier elements there are also electrons in positive ions. The principle of Dr. Ning Li's engine I believe also involved using a rotating North/South magnet over the top of ions in alignment in condensate. That is basically Faraday's principle, at that right-angled geometry. A positively-charged magnetic field though, or a negatively charged magnetic field will change the particle's electrical inertia depending on polarity. The mass backing up an electomagnetic force is carried along through the field, as one with it.
The Central Accumulator should carry the positive charge in that case, while the utrons carry the negative charges as it spins. In any case, we see the transverse and parallel interactions going on, and the idea behind harnessing the inertial forces to generate gravity.
A coil of wire is a spinning electromagnetic field. Angular inertia can also account for a gyroscoping effect of those fields. When the frequency of mass (speed) meets the frequency of electromagnetic energy (or electrostatic), then such a resonance occurs to create a tremendous mass as inertial energy (that includes volts and amps and frequency as well as motion) is increased preventing it from going any faster, but all that energy of frequency feeds into an increase of mass proportionally with energies of motion and speed (acceleration). Dr. Ning Li proposed that by using a SINGLE spinning magnet (one spin in one way as in a rotor/stater setup) over the top of an ionic Bose-Einstein condensate (at a very cold temperature to make it superconductive), a directed beam of gravity would result either up or down depending upon clockwise or counter-clockwise spin of the magnet (could be useful in gravity plating or gravity RCS engines).
If we consider space and matter to be in motion, and in the direction of a single atom there is an inertial force, then in front of that atom there is a force of gravity upon that atom.
If the atom is held in place, it still has mass, it still has gravity. But that gravity must be in the direction of it's charge. So if all the atoms in a disk were all locked in a lattice where all were in the same uniform charge alignment, and you give it some inertial energy, and increase their spin frequencies with a laser, then there is going to be a force of gravity in front of those atoms (where their spin orientation and alignment is facing), on the side of the positive charge (protons in a lattice). They naturally will form a negative charge on the other end, which is another peculiar aspect of matter SHOWING the inertia of the energy of charge in each particle of matter. The energy of gravity is transferred through the rotating magnetic field. The rotating magnetic field gives something of a substance to move against, so that a force can be directed. There is no force, unless there is something to move against. Remember, this is a paradoxical universe.
Since this is a paradoxical universe, a single atom cannot be used to explain much, but if a single atom has a positive charge on top, and a bottom charge of negative, and it's a proton, then it has inertia in the positive charge direction; it manifests as a point of positively-charged mass. An electron would be a point of negatively charged mass, having inertia in the direction of its negative charge, and we'll never be able to find its positive charge except in positron occasions, or as it moves along a wire. So a single proton will have to be in alignment where forward is positive charge, and backwards is negative charge, and it will always move forward and have gravity in that direction. Like if a car accelerates, the pilot falls into the back seat.
When an elevator goes up real fast and you are scrunched to the floor, it's the same as experiencing heavier gravity. So if the proton moves, then the electron in front will be scrunched to the floor. Get the idea? It's called Equivalence.
So if we hold a proton, a force of gravity will be coming from it, but how do we really tell which way it's facing? That's done by orienting it magnetically. As it spins it has electromagnetic polarity. It spins around its axis of charge. The axis of charge is the Z axis (facing up), while the north and south poles spin alternately in the plane of the X axis around the vertical Z axis. It will rotate in one direction, depending on if it is facing up or down. That's how the 3-D macro world interfaces with the micro world of ... more dimensions.
There are other alignments and possibilities. That is but one way to harness inertia. As the atom spins and vibrates, it makes more gravity as its inertia (which is acceleration, and SPIN is a form of acceleration) increases. The gravity force is the force behind itself, in the direction it travels.
Basically gravity and inertia is the same thing, but they occur in opposite directions.
All these various geometries are good to explore, but ultimate it all acts according to electromagnetism simply as how magnets move against mass to create electricity, or how electricity moves against mass to create magnets. All quarks are structured and oriented electromagnetically in only 6 possible combinations -- the same combinations that can be achieved with working a coil of wire with a magnet, in those polarities, showing the nature and alignment of quark spin contributes to how electricity is put into motion as a magnet moves over a wire which can be made into a coil, and in which direction or polarity -- Faraday's Law.
In one case you have a gravity beam, in another case a gravity cancellation, positive or negative space bubble depending also upon the alignments of the forces in an engine.
Gravity is the motion of mass, and the geometry of mass in motion through energy field interactions. It is inertia, acceleration, and spin, of magneto-electrostatic forces, forces of mass. Gravity is created from universal vibration of light and sound. It is the vibration of matter, which has direction and purpose to act -- inertia. It comes from light ultimately becoming a paradoxical form of matter as a universe and as universal substance. Motion in and out of universes occurs as matter/energy unifies and di-rects (moving one force as two - becoming a paradox).
It's hard to say exactly what the OTC-X1 is doing until it's all wired up and the charges are used appropriately, how they are supposed to work. That is to say, it could work in one way or another, either in AC, or in DC as these geometries can be configured.
I didn't want to bring this part up about inertial alignment and angular spin vectors and possibilities until I knew a little more, but with the Special Relativity solution of gravity cancellation determined in a logical way that must fit in as a component of a conventionally realized warp drive (in order for warp drive to not be in violation of Special Relativity in concept), then this aspect of inertial alignments comes more into question.
Tesla was mainly concerned with the positive charge of things and only used one wire. I can verify this with my Tesla tower experiments (the wiring details yet to be published). I would surmise the Central Accumulator of the OTC-X1 is the positive charge. In the latest Construction Blog post in Walter's video about the wiring of the OTC-X1, I believe he mentioned the electric alignment of the spinning disk in the same inertia depicted in motion of the disintegration plane as seen above in "Nature's Way of Storing Energy in Mass" or rather AS mass -- gravitytime frequency, although with motion toward the center, in a gravitational displacement manner paradoxically toward the outside (creating negative space; see the warp drive blog article about "negative space and time, nothing to fear"). I'll have to watch it again.
I don't want to discount the less-known detail that an overall relative acceleration of a positive charge will actually have a positive and negative end (a polarity) to it (relative frequency difference resulting in polarity of charge; usually the high volt end was the positive charge, and the low volt end was the negative charge). That is another thing I noticed with my Tesla tower.
So, monopolar and polar inertial frequencies and vibrations directed to achieve gravity cancellation in negative space by displacing gravitational inertia as well as co-counter opposite wave phases cancelling inertia while building volts and frequency along the perimeter which accumulates in the center and cycles. That's about where things are at as far as conventional warp theory (Alcubierre metrics) goes, is to get something to do something like that. Seems that the OTC-X1 is designed to do that. No reason to assume it won't do just that. The very subtle less-known energies can pack quite a punch! I'm not underestimating the OTC-X1.
~ . ~ . ~ .
So we can see inertia in a particle's charge, such as a proton, which also has a negative charge to itself, but tucked away somewhere in another dimension, elsewhere inside the universe, with opposite inertia; a backwards flow of time. But naturally, two work together as one such as an electron (lepton; basically a quark) works together with a proton (three quarks). Note the geometry.
An electron does not behave as an object (cannot find its position at the same time as its momentum). A proton creates three dimensional space (three quarks), otherwise it tends to behave as an object at times, but exotically if isolated. Half of itself is in another dimensions, and as a monoatomic isolated element can appear to be multidimensional and simultaneous, particularly when it demonstrates a simultaneous double spin such as in a Boson particle. A simultaneous double spin is not uncommon to these mechanics.
An electron behaves two-dimensionally, whereas a proton behaves or acts in three dimensions. There is one other thing recently discovered about an electron though: under a really powerful electron microscope, it looks like a 2 dimensional square. That is a paradox of measurement (observation) in that only one side can be seen, in this case it's position, while otherwise and yet again its momentum is hidden. It may seem to be at rest, but just as an Utron is square when you look at it from the top, looking at it from the side you can see that it is round. Obviously there are weird dimensional folds going on obscuring our view of the inner universe, but the utron shape is part of the OTC-X1 design.
The utron is square-looking on a profile view, not a top-down view. What the OTC-X1 deals with is electron inertia (electronic inertia; the inertia of electrons which work together with the inertia of protons). A side view looks as if a proton has two orbiting electrons. I'm just making a few notes here, because I suspect the utron shape has more to do than just being a good way to move charge through a magnetic field. It's geometry illustrates a simultaneous field spinning off into polarities perhaps polarizing an ever-increasing charge so that it can be worked with a positive and negative "end." More will be known about that as the OTC-X1 projects continue ...
Looking at it in an abstract way, the energy can be seen to go in certain places.
The utrons direct inertia to the top, the tip of that antenna. That electrical inertia is conducted to the central accumulator. There's nothing on the bottom, it just diffuses out into space, or otherwise to the outer hull (a ground; field ground). There is a contraction of frequency on top, and an expansion on the bottom. High frequency inertia around the edges, electrically conducted beaming out of the utrons to the top of the antenna; the central accumulator is where all that outer energy is -- discplaced toward the center. Energy radiates outward along the disk, and it is inertial energy. That is a transverse vector to gravity, but it's also like throwing a curveball upward -- its own angular inertia feeds back unto itself and to within itself.
The acceleration of the vertical core with this system is a pretty neat idea!
The rotating charges provide a conductive field. It provides a conductive inertial field, because it gives a field of electrical motion, conducting so that electrical inertia can be transferred through it. That's how an AA battery could wirelessly be conducted, was because the electromagnetic energy was conducted through the electrostatic energy field of the Earth.
It's cut in half. The geometry of the top cone stuck through the bottom cone can be seen as the OTC-X1 balances on the bottom tip of the central accumulator (on bearing). It uses half of space-time, the frequency / time part of inertia so that a large gravity field doesn't build up only to slow it down. It doesn't hold its gravity, it allows gravity to bleed off back into the quantum vacuum. It is a useful device.
Conducting electrical inertial frequency in a field pattern, a vortex intersection is what it does. The shape of the utron passing through an electromagnetic field reduces the inertial forces at the edge of the craft, ALSO transferring that energy after the inertia has been cancelled. If an electromagnetic field collapse produces a spark, then an electrical INERTIAL field collapse would create a force beam / "spark" of sort, perhaps electrical energies at very high frequencies.
The energy would transit through the hull. The air for the static-radiant fields is inside the ship. Once a force beam is started, it will penetate through the ship like for example in a di-electric beam from space to Earth. There would have to be air inside the satellite or whatever, in order to create the static wave to send it through a vacuum down to the Earth's atmosphere and to ground. Electrically conducting a charge through space is natural; the sun conducts electrical energy to the Earth, and the planets to each other all the time. Space is electrically conductive.
Also you can look at the utrons in another way!
On the profile view, instead of squares, the utrons CAN be seen symbolically as a wheel that rotates inward toward the center, throwing that inertial force toward the center. It is due to how a vortex intersects at right angles, kind of like how Faraday's law works. The utrons have to be assumed to have an inductive effect upon the central accumulator. It would be just like how a quark appears. It is ultimately the spin of the quark (same size as lepton) which determines which way electricity will go in a wire when a magnet moves over it. I am saving this for my book, actually, otherwise I'd have to show a picture / diagram. Rectilinears, a triangle, a circle, quadratic squares all follow the same paradoxical geometry of
A^2 + B^2 = C^2 If similar equations can be used to describe dissimilar shapes, then different shapes can be paradoxical with how they interact upon matter. You don't move a magnet over a coil of wire in the direction you'd think you should to get an electric current, you have to move it at right angles, side-ways to the coil.
We do not have laws of physics to go beyond this point. We do not have a Faraday's law of inertial current, or electromechanical laws of generating shapes upon matter. We have something close with using sound cavities to generate gravity waves ("CSE" I think it's called; a Russian entomologist -- bug scientist -- discovered it), and we do have a Faraday's law of electromagnetic current. So we have something close enough to gain a clue.
Movement of the positive charge:
If inertia is carried by the positive charge, then the top utron tips pointing closer to the center would conduct a positive charge. That would be in parallel ( in a series of stacked plates, negative will be on one side and positive on the other). So now we have two models that fit together to accomplish the same task. Positive on top, negative on bottom. Negative to the outside edge, positive to the inside. The zero accretion plane conducts a zero charge.
In the case of an electrostatic charge, there is no electromagnet, even though voltage can conduct through a coil of wire. I am sorry to say that, but it is what it is. That is an electro-radiant charge, as well, whatever you want to call it. It is an electric charge which can be moved in current and rises up naturally into the atmosphere, and it doesn't have a magnet. Bio-volts, whatever you want to call it.
That electro-radiant charge has a zero magnet. But as soon as that charge is polarized, it will have a magnet. Just as a zero pole exists magnetically, also an electrical zero exists which is a neutral charge (like a neutron). A zero pole or plane can provide a conductive medium for unified energies (light; unified mass) which allows for polarities to form (manifesting out of the inner universe).
Conducting in parallel, where energy from the utron tip conducts horizontally to the central accumulator, we have a 45 degree interception with the central accretion disk. A beam splitter comes to mind which redirects a horizontal beam of light at 90 degrees both up and down.
It would shoot straight up if the positive charge is on top except it's not harnessing inertia as a gravity engine. It's cancelling gravity, not just Earth's gravity field, although the geometry of the engine would suggest it's doing just that. It has been examined in terms of light and sound, also, on this website.
A note on the OUTER RING:
In this system, ionic plasma is accelerated to light speed (or rather electrostatic wave speed) and co-counter rotated. One way to do it, is to use 1/2 of a circle. So that on one half of the ship around the perimeter is accelerated clockwise, and the other half on the other side of the ship counter-clockwise. Otherwise they would have to intertwine and co-counter rotate (cycle) in Rodin coil geometry which is known to be a geometry that produces results.
The result of this is simple. When matter is accelerated to the speed of light, it's mass greatly increases and thus its gravity. So by having two 1/2 rings, there are two 180 degree wave forms which cancel. Or, by having two spiraling paths that can move against each other is the other way.
Obviously this is a gravity-cancellation mechanism using the raw force of mass itself, electrically accelerated. Magnetic fluids can also be accelerated, but they would have to be able to conduct a charge, because at higher speeds, it may very well develop high volts through some kind of induction travelling through its tube. Also an electromagnetic wave is slower than an electrostatic wave.
This is a simple principle. But its very expensive, I'd imagine, to build.
(I wanted to re-write this up here since all the below is older text than this bit up top of this page)
This is one very easy mechanism supported by Special Relativity, which greatly increases the frequency space of the ship that uses such an engine. Imagine mass accelerated to the speed of light, cancelled out so that the frequency of time remains. That's a LOT of black hole! Well certainly it would make the ship have negative mass (beyond just having ZERO mass), although at zero mass, it would be more apt to fly making simultaneous jumps. In negative space (with the engines too fast generating too much of a gravity wave that cancels into negative mass ranges), it might just go back in time (a proton's hidden negative charge exists on the other side of the temporal event horizon of a reversed polarity of inertial space; negative inertia / negative frequency / negative time).
Using an engine that co-counter-spins in a circle, it would be easy to use the engine to spin in one direction only in a circle around the ship's perimeter at the speed of light to build a massive gravity wave that speed up the normal spacetime beyond the ship's outer field event horizon and greatly slowed down time for the crew, to go forward in time. Thank you, Special Relativity and "Paradoxes of Time and Space" for finally clearing all that up !!!
I'm going to point out the obvious on this one. The warp drive metrics of Alcubierre that NASA EAGLEWORKS are using require negative energy, and negative mass. I wrote a warp drive blog post about that some time ago. They claim that time will not change, however these physics clearly claim otherwise. The warp drive metrics do not distinguish between space and time. The assumption that it will not change time is not determinable with the equation itself, it is the scientists who make that assumption.
The type of math they use derives changes on space, per integrals of time, whereas they assume time never changes and space becomes undefined when time is at a zero. HOWEVER time does change along with space; they are not assuming time changes, but only that space changes as it changes position in time. A change in time is assuming time is always flowing at the same rate. They use time as the thing that doesn't move, so they can have something to compare space against. They view time as static, yet in motion; but anything static also has frequency. That's the whole problem with that form of mathematics which assumes light speed is always going to be the same anywhere in the universe, using light speed as the thing that you can compare against. Light MEASURES the frequencies of time. That is the speed; TIME is the speed, the frequency! Light has no mass and is simultaneous (having zero time) as the unity of mass. Therefore, light cannot have speed!
Calculus deals with changes in space mostly, not changes in time, but it does acknowledge a change within a steady flow of time, which discounts time also as being with variance. The intervals between seconds, as a graph approaches infinity -- that limit -- is all based on one rule, that time cannot be zero. Space can be zero, but time cannot. But time does become a mathematical limit where it approaches zero at the event horizon, whereas the event horizon is not something that occurs within time at all, or space! It is undefined. It is a point of discontinuity. Put it this way: time is always the Y axis. The Y axis can never go to zero or its undefined. Relativity is one-sided like that.
When time becomes infinite, is when it is at that mathematical limit -- of infinity -- forever becoming. Or rather when space approaches infinity which is ever closer but never when time becomes an absolute zero.
Now that is true but, it's not the truth. Because I typed what was incorrect, now I have totally trashed my own perspective, and that's a problem!
The solution dips into negative time, negative energy, negative inertia ... Okay, so now there can be a negative involved. That means a zero is no longer undefined because now one side is negative and the other is positive, on the numberline, whichever universe you choose!
You have to claim negative space is ALSO negative time, because otherwise where is the zero going to be? We're not going to perceive negative space because it is on the other side of an event horizon. Guaranteed. It might look like a ball of light but, negative space is not even subatomic. Negative space cannot be seen and would be as a black hole. My point is: time AND gravity (space) changes. My other point is, time is not at right angles to space. It is in parallel, and in paradox. E = mc^2 is true at one relative gravitytime frequency measurable by light, because light has no mass and is the only thing that can measure the frequencies of mass because it is something to compare with and against. Mass involves charge and magnets and spacetime and all that.
IF it takes light 4 years to reach Alpha Centauri, well, time is concluded from mass, not light. There is a lot less mass in deep space. This could change starcharts but a distant star could be many, many lightyears closer depending on frequencies of time. Light measures frequencies of time. If a star were vibrating at a particularly higher frequency, its time vibration could be changed, depending perhaps on the motions of the planets in the system! Perhaps Tau Ceti IS our closest star, after all! (Higher frequency of gravitytime according to Special Relativity means it will be longer away in time due to temporal compression, rather than gravitational compression).
Gravity cancellation as a mechanism of neutralizing counter-rotating forces of inertia has to be within magneto-electrostatic alignment with the shape of the universe. If we consider gravity as a wave, which it is, which can also exceed the speed of light around black holes (see warp drive news page), then obviously inertia has frequency, energy, because matter is magneto-electrostatic energy as form with inertia to manifest within the universe. Einstein told us that acceleration is gravity, that inertia is gravity, and we have that link with mass and energy and frequency also through Tesla.
It wasn't until the warp drive metrics that I realized space and energy in particular could be negative. Energy is energy. Light can no more be positive as it can be negative; it is both at once, and neither. Positively charged light surely however is something that is real. Regardless, energy of space and time and charge and magnetic force and whatnot is a unity, therefore a negative value must be placed on space and time and charge and magnetic force and whatnot, rather than upon energy. Energy is Unity.
Light-based unity is the most logical AND real. The reason I say negative energy is negative space AND time is because it is Light which has zero time, and zero space. Time can be at a zero, but that would be dark, and it would have spherical space. However we can make space become a zero, and then time will be infinite -- that is Light. Infinity and Zero equates to the same thing. All AND Nothing.
What is black and what is bright is another aspect of the same thing. Nothing can be not in motion though. I don't want to speculate upon endless detail, though. All I want to demonstrate is a negative flow of time would be a negative energy in negative space (since energy is not the thing that is a negative). Negative mass has to flow toward negative time since time and gravity come from mass; and when mass is a zero, it is light -- infinite time.
If we can travel in infinite time, why are we literally WASTING time trying to travel in negative space? We can travel forward in space, but backwards in time (as a negative). Now it gets complex. If you could go back in time, would you even know about it? At zero time, there's going to be a frequency of motion (space). How's that for weird? How can there be any motion when time is perfectly still, ever thought about that? It's like tuning an engine, if the timing is off positive or negative, it will go slower (going backwards in time slows forward momentum through time). At the zero point of zero mass, it's easy enough to say that this allows for teleportation. But, teleporation has frequency because it depends upon frequency! That means it has a range in space that it can teleport in a simultaneous zero point in time. Per second, hops can be made through space but we're focusing on using time to propel us moreso than inertia upon space, and that's where calculus fails miserably! <--- * Academics require calculus as proof
Changing time (gravity cancellation) in a directed corridor of gravitational space means that the propulsion is actually from TIME. By changing the time frequency of a span of space that travels into the ship, it takes less time to traverse that span of space. You just need a little push in one direction, Time does all the work. We don't have the math but to explain 1/2 of spacetime, the space part. Zero mass and negative mass change time, so "delta t" is not just mass moving through time, but moves time and is moved by time. The movement of time is not undefinable. Infinity moves, is in motion, and is action. There is nothing which does not act, or it ceases to be identity (it becomes undefined). Nothing does not exist. When there is no time, there is infinite energy, in motion, all at once, as Light, and thus at zero mass, yet still retaining a pattern of energy, which is unified at that state of simultaneity, and with vibration (frequency), with existing of successively higher dimensions of action (at higher frequencies, which at that point, frequencies are creative and expansive into many systems instead of re-occuring).
Travel through time has an effect upon the brain's frequency, too, according to Ralph Ring and the OTC-X1 experiments. Light is the unity and has these specific rules. One thing to know about light though, is that space and time can manifest as one desires, if one is a being of light, because it's not to say that space and time does NOT exist in light, because light has frequency, and so there are dimensions of the universe where more evolved being obviously reside (evolved because at each higher dimension, some aspect of the universal paradox is unified). An Ascended planet for example will be at a higher vibration, where more of the mind is focused. As Humans travel through time and frequency-space, the mind will start to evolve and operate electo-radiantly at higher frequencies. That's why all these metaphysics, and the philosophy also exists, because the mind has to be trained to focus within higher frequencies, otherwise there could be a safety issue.
The physics and the metaphysics and the math is a hard thing to grasp all-at-once. What is negative light? What is positive light? When light becomes negative or positive, it takes on paradoxical form (mass and time). Negative space is negative mass is negative time. Light is the Y axis, not time. Where is the axis of time? What if time itself could be sped up or slowed down? Special Relativity allows for that, when a mechanism of gravity cancellation is known. If there were a form of math to explain this, that would be grand. Otherwise the logic of paradoxes is the geometry of light. If math is geometry, and math is logic, then logic is geometry and shape; form; thus having inertia! If a shape of logic has inertia, then thought has inertia. If thought has inertia and has energy, then the directed and focused mind is how thought can pilot the OTC-X1.
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That is actually much easier to understand than the OTC-X1! There is a benefit to exploring the OTC-X1 technology, however. It may make things much easier to build by using principles of electrical resonance and amplification.
This is not far-fetched of an idea at all! I used to think it was pretty fantastic, but something actually clicked, I think. :-)
Most of this is common-sense oriented. I've seen some pretty lame examples and mechanisms to explain what's going on with for example the Alcubierre drive and other engine concepts. The explanation to how they work just is NOT known! Sure the math works and looks good (even though the math usually only explains just one side of what's going on) but without a logical explanation that is beyond the lame and inept, all the math in the world won't do any good to truly understanding the forces at work. If you don't know that a proton accelerated near the speed of light increases its mass, which is a pretty basic correlation that is seen with particle accelerators and is already a well-known concept in physics that has been proven already, then chances are you won't really grasp warp drive physics.
We've literally been sitting on these physics for years and years and years and years and nowhere in the public are there any RESULTS (only in private and secret). This is one of the reasons I've not used a whole lot of shiny mathematics. I want it to be known just how easy it is, I want people to see just how easy it is. People are conditioned to believe that universities is where all this magic happens, but that is just not the truth. Universities demand a certain procedure to follow, and certain criteria to be met before they will consider anything otherwise they just call it pseudo-science, and continue to whine about needing someone who can change how everyone looks at the universe and point to their groomed celebrity Ph.D. candidates to be the ones who are supposed to do just that.
In spite of all our advanced mathematics, people still do not understand how the universe works. Taking things the other way around, learning how the universe works, building the engines to test, and then coming up with the mathematics to explain the results of the measurements and observations is the most logical way to do things. I have had to use a lot of math to develop these ideas, but I also believe that people have lost the ability for abstract thought due to too hard a discipline in strict mathematics (which only uses left brain, and is a limitation to expanding one's intelligence).
This "LAU-X3 Dragon Eye" section along with the latest warp drive blog post, "Paradox of Time and Space," is the understanding that I have been looking for. It actually leads to time travel backwards and forwards in a unified engine. Space and Time can be isolated to work one or the other from a lightspace frequency. WOW! It also provides a way to EXPLAIN HOW it works, without having to resort to explaining how the MATH works. If you can't explain it commonly, you really don't know it!
I taught myself Calculus out of the book, checked my answers at the back and things, it was easy enough to learn, but I realized that if it's so easy to learn, why don't we have warp drives and things? My point is that you don't have to be a math whiz to understand this. Well, maybe you DO have to have an intimate understanding of mathematics though, I will say that. I've seen people take courses in mathematics in college, and it totally balances out their logical mind and makes them smarter. I guess I'm not saying you don't need math. That's not really what I'm saying at all. Okay so with that I guess I can understand that this information at this website is probably extremely difficult for most people to grasp.
I really do love this approach to understanding though, where the math should be otherwise understood enough so that people can put some of this into mathematical form if they wish. I'm not coming from an angle of having something to prove. I'm coming from an avenue of a form of logical reasoning that I wish more people would have a grasp on. You have to have knowledge more than math. You have to know about physics, about the twin particle experiments, about the wave nature of particles, about the twin slit experiments, and about consciousness and life force to understand, and to be safe in working with new things. I know Humanity has a dark side. Time travel is not something to irresponsibly play with, which is also another reason the math is not going to just spell it out. I could be wrong about some things, but I've quadruple-checked myself in other areas enough to know that you can take all these concepts like shapes and be able to put them together to make a beautiful and complete form that is congruent throughout without conflicts of true/false.
The basic components of this work are all based on what we have observed and the laws we have made concerning our universe. Using a form of logic, is the same as using mathematics (that has been shown and proven in the 1800's. Logic is Math, and Math is Logic, and that is another type of unifiable paradox -- unification of equal and opposite events).
For those of you who don't know what I just wrote, feel free to look at this entire website objectively and realize this has been a journey in progress with the HOPES that I would actually make this final ... perception as what is written in this section, all connected up.
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This is a very unusual way to develop warp drive physics, which would make a little more sense if it were a hypothetical engine we were hypothetically building in order to provide the physics an avenue of "manifestation." Rotating AC (snap field reversals) charges and inertial disintegration however provides a real mechanism to be reverse-engineered. Dr. Ning Li sought funding for her antigravity machine but ended up leaving NASA and working in secret for the Chinese government. We're basically sitting on technology and physics to get us to the stars, but I can't definitely say how the OTC-X1 works. Accounts and records and witnesses show that the OTC-X1 legend really did happen.
Flattening out in a plane, taking a central charge and stretching it into space, creating a frequency base in the scale of the engine, all of that is important to perceive and understand. The knowledge base does exist. The universe itself is an open encyclopedia.
What if universities existed to explore all these principles and mechanisms?
I think the answer is somewhere here that can be found at this website, something overlooked, maybe something yet to click in the OTC-X1 reproduction efforts? Maybe I'm just not quite believing, or maybe it just hasn't quite clicked with me, yet. I am unfortunately self-funded out, and have to pack up and move. Only time will tell at this point. I think before we have complete success in achievement, it may have to take a little time for all this to soak in.
Huge steps have been taken and leaps of faith made zipping right past normal gravity "thrusting" engine development, all the way to gravity cancellation and displacement mechanics. A basic gravity engine, the OTC-X1 is NOT. It is unprecedented to make such a leap in advancement and development as to go from rockets straight to warp drives.
All the parts can be seen, I think ... spread out like a puzzle, with a full count of cards, like an auto transmission fully disassembled and spread out on the floor. This website sure has come a long way since it's initial becoming. I think this is the best chance Humanity has right now because it's here for us already, and in my opinion is a basic understanding at least in my journey to discover the past several hundred years of where we have come in known physics (also including ancient records; ancient physics), also including metaphysics, and ALL OF IT is Philosophy.
So the next time you're tinkering with a coil and magneto-electrostatic energy, think about inertia.
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I'm not concerned with wiring diagrams too much right now because all that works itself out in the process (the wiring is the easy part). You know we'd be flying with the secret space programs (well maybe not "with" depending on their ethics) if the global collateral accounts are released and our stolen money is returned. Seriously. These engines will work either in one way, or another way, How hard can it be? It makes sense to me. There is only ONE OTC-X1 replication work team really making progress in the world in public right now. These physics are pretty solid actually, and nothing has radically changed or been disproven. It's pretty flexible material, and in common in sacred geometrical natural universal ways -- snowflakes and 64 tetrahedron grid fractals.
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The outer ring drive uses electrostatic repulsion instead of magnetic repulsion (magneto-electrostatic). It uses bare wire coils, with a thin space in between each one. That's the idea. Lightning. Ever seen a little ion-engine demonstration using a couple of pos and neg charges on two ends of a little stick that spins real fast? Imagine alternating charges. It can use DC, or AC to test it thoroughly. The outer ring also stabilizes the vortex forces of the internal engines, stabilizing the ship in inertial/electro-unity balance.
I would like to add, in conjunction with the newest Warp Drive Blog post, that the ship contracts space in front of it, and expands space behind it (front = top in fast-flight mode).
As seen in "Paradoxes of Time and Space," contracted space will incur a slow time event horizon, but it is directed, and not isolating the space around the lower hemisphere of the ship. Because there is no discontinuity, there is no event horizon. There is a multi-dimensional field shape (and action), instead, with the other engines running. That also means opposing forces (things doing opposite things with other things) ... are doing other things, some parts cancelling things out, and some parts amplifying other parts, etc.
The thing at the bottom, the OTC-X1 engine, it regulates a time frequency of space that keeps the forward compression (vertical as seen on the diagram above; top = front) from incurring the nightmarish time anomaly predicted by Special Relativity. It creates a vortex space where there is gravity force in one way through the hole in the middle of the toroid vortex shape -- a gravitational monopole. Variations on engine designs are possible with an understanding of inertial frequency. You can replace the vertical core with a differently designed engine that can couple up to the OTC-X1 to test simultaneous counter-rotational flows, for example. It's the mechanics and electro-inertial principles I want to convey. There is no reason to believe warp drive is impossible. This is a good foundation enough to say it can be built.
Actually though, it's a poor way to describe the OTC-X1 engine as expanding space. That's not exactly what it does, I'm just trying to make it simplified so not to scare away those people who cling to their Special Relativity. These engines are hardly simple though because there is just so much involved with them. Special Relativity has never before concluded that within an event horizon, closer to a source of gravity the time frequency is faster. There's so much we don't know, but at the very least warp drive physics seems to change the way we perceive the universe. There's only so much sitting around and thinking about it and working the math is going to actually accomplish. Usually the math changes anyway after experimental results are obtained. We haven't tested Special Relativity on anything other than slow jets and orbiting rockets and satellites, anything but a gravity engine. The only way to test any of this is to build it and see. That's the only real way to eliminate any potential conflicts with paradoxical aspects.
We have pushed the math as far as we can. We have Einstein's warp drive metrics, and Alcubierre's equations. THAT'S PRETTY MUCH IT! That doesn't really tell us anything other than it's possible, but otherwise we know very little, and Special Relativity honestly seems to be rather limited and primitive. We have ALL THESE OTHER accounts, eye-witness sightings, personal experiences, video records and soft disclosure going on, and to ignore ALL THAT (which is pretty huge), and get the whole world stuck from Special Relativity which does not float the boat.
These warp drive physics and engine designs have absolutely NO PLACE within a university research program. But, it should. The only reason projects like these are not funded is because they ought to work and actually accomplish what they are designed to do. NO ONE can magically come up with a proposal with the completed math and technology and physics on warp drive starships, because no one knows it other than in theory. And furthermore, a "proposal" to be funded makes it "owned" and controlled, because when you ask permission to build warp drives, who are you asking? This isn't done yet and is only some scratchings on a website because no one can figure out the money aspect, the control aspect, and because of other things, hidden things.
These are wonderful lessons in physics, though. People still think the Earth is flat. People tried to hang Copernicus? Anything new, the people say oh that can't be true because of this and that. Even I don't know for sure, really. I get the OTC-X1. But the rest is pretty neat, and really a good idea. The engines test all kinds of elements gathered from this place and that, and puts it all to the test in an experimental platform which will ultimately reveal the truth. Each step taken, once the building and construction has started, leads to another step, and another, until after 100 different times, it finally works, and that is the process of how research and development goes, it just is.
Gravity engines are a neat idea, and everyone and their dog has seen a UFO at some point in their life, or knows someone who has seen one, or has had encounters. That may be a bit generalized, but it's so true. This is why I'm overlooking Special Relativity's imposed limitations that claim a gravity engine will fly slower the faster it goes. I think the paradox is way under-appreciated and unrealized in today's world; why should I believe Special Relativity is not really just a by-product of something bigger that surpasses it in higher dimensions? Michio Kaku's principle of hyperdimensional physics shows that the higher the dimensions toward unity one can see from, makes everything in the lower more basic dimensions easily understood.
Section update: (1/21/16)
When dealing with principles of resonance, a slower speed can be used to affect greater forces, which may very well be immune to special relativity's limitations. Furthermore in vortex geometries, special relativity may not apply due to other field interactions involved. Using a gravity engine for propulsion is not that big of a deal, so as long as the pilot is not inside the gravity beam where time is affected. The pilot is not the candle in the gravity beam in these designs. As long as time and space run in parallel without discontinuity, things should be fine. That is to say, that the pilot is not cut off from the normal flow of time when there are parallel gravity flows and vortex fields. Sitting along side a black hole that is projected into a tight beam is not sitting inside the gravity field of the black hole, is what I'm trying to say. Obviously if time changes drastically inside the vertical core, then it's best to use parts that don't break down from normal wear and tear. A gravity beam using parallel gravity forces all in unidirectional alignment is not going to do the same thing as being in the gravity field of a star or planet; different vectors. Plus the highest frequency compression is going to be close to the center of the vortex. In Bob Lazar's case, there was no mention of clocks being affected outside the gravity beam, or along-side the gravity beam. Electrostatic experiments I've done shows that parallel energy waves stay coherent like a laser, in a column, or it can radiate outward in a plane with height, which is another aspect of parallel waves; rectilinear geometry will make circles and sphere shapes of energy very easily. In the photo of my Tesla tower on the Tesla Engineering Physics page, it shows spheres of energy of slightly different shades of color (electrostatic visual light spectrum of frequency: see warp drive news page for that), and it shows energy waves visibly conducting in parallel. My point is that a time-dilation field can be shaped and directed.
That means that time should be faster for the pilots all things considered, whereas the universe around the ship would appear to slow down. I go into a lot of detail discussing that one thing throughout this website. For engineering principles to build with, it must be assumed that magneto-electrostatic density is space at a higher frequency, when in inertial motion creates gravity proportionally. If increased speed can increase mass which can be felt physically at a distance as an accelerator facility shakes, then inertial motion indeed has a field effect. Reducing, or cancelling out inertial forces (gravity) increases the frequency of time, in accordance to Special Relativity! If increasing (acceleration) gravity slows time to a crawl according to special relativity, then decreasing gravity proportionally (NASA EAGLEWORKS would call it "negative space") speeds time up, too simply stated.
When speed and high frequency matter exists without the heavy inertial forces of gravity involved, then obviously the ship will be travelling faster in time, in higher temporal frequency. You just remove the compression upon space aspect of gravity/inertia, but the temporal compression (frequency) remains. See: "Paradox of Time and Space" on the warp drive blog page. Actually, the temporal frequency doesn't just remain, but it accelerates even further (transformation principle), increasing the frequencies of time inversely proportionally with the decline of the gravity wave.
The GPS satellites in geosynchronous orbit cancel gravity at 90 degrees which keeps it in the same spot over Earth relatively. The result is a faster clock rate, proving gravity cancellation increases time frequency. The OTC-X1 does have that 90-degree geometry mimicking satellites around a central gravitational body. Geosynchronously and synchronously are equivalent. The synchronistic inner disk and outer electromagnets co-counter spinning, and ENERGIZED at magneto-electrostatic frequency (volts) is our principle of gravity cancellation. Look at how all that equates, particularly how volts equate with time frequency.
With a directed force of inertia also cancelling itself out tranversely (rectilinear; at right angles), then there is an event horizon somewhere inside the engines which is also HARNESSED by the engines! This means that weeks should pass by to the pilots in transit to another star and back, while only days pass by from an outside point of view. That is about the rate of the time dilation according to the geometry, motion, and timing fractally, by seeing that pattern. It could be faster. This is a good model that allows for some calculations though, but maybe not until after experimental results are initially obtained. This is enough to say it can work, not necessarily explaining all the "whys" as to the configuration and the reason behind such an engine configuration. The gravity cancellation effect occurs in the OTC-X1, and in the outer ring.
If you know the mass of the star system you're travelling to, you can speed up or slow down the engines to compensate or balance the time dilation more or less. That is to say there is an internal "speed" and an external "speed" relative to which star system an outside observer is standing.
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I can say it looks like a gravity wave is in parallel electrostatically transversely intersected with a transverse electromagnetic wave ... with the north and south poles above and below, because the OTC-X1 has that geometry. It makes use of the zero magnetic pole interacting at an electrical accretion disk. It is what it is. Imagine that! I wish I understood it better. It seems to fit with the physics and universal geometry.
I can also say this, An electrically charged particle in a magnetic field in similar alignment is the basis for Dr. Ning Li's AC gravity engine (read a little farther down). Dr. Ning Li used to work at NASA Huntsville, AL facility. North up, south down in electrical alignment positive up, negative down. And, each particle must spin in the same direction. And actually, the magnetic field was spun against/with the particles in electrical alignment (a big spinning magnet spinning either in one direction or another over the ionic Bose-Einstein condensate).
That is also the nature of the vertical core.
In reference to Dr. Ning Li (see below), it would cost a lot of money to make a room-temperature superconductive disk for an OTC-X1 style engine, though. Oh yes, it can be done! But room temperature superconductives are yet to be fully developed for manufacturing. I know someone who has demonstrated the exotic tempering of copper. The OTC-X1 does not have to be superconductive according to historic design. Mono-atomic elements are naturally superconductive at higher frequency ranges, and at room temperature (See monoatomic Gold, for example; also the simplest of MONO-ATOMIC elements is a hydrogen ion -- a proton). There is a monoatomic silver in existence at a very high spin state that can be suspended in a high quantum spin-state water (where the molecular angle of the water molecule is small enough to fit inside a cell's aquapores) where each atom of silver is smaller than a regular atom, see: Dan Nelson (the creator of Bionaid marketed by Elder Burk Hale). Warning: I do not endorse that water.
. . .
I realize all that is a lot to take in at once. That's the nature of inertia, and the inertial alignment of forces and fields.
HOW is Gravity Generated??
You can transfer electrical inertia (the inertia of an electron, or a proton too), through an expanse of itself in a unity of "others." But ultimately, a single atom can do the same thing, but probably not without another atom (there has to be 2 to work as 1 just like there is a proton and an electron). Through a magnetic field, an electric field, and a static field, of rotation and inertia, the universe naturally has a shape and form that can be recognized as ... what it does.
A particle does not have to be in electrical alignment to move fast, but it will naturally become aligned in its forces through its motion in a directed path. A particle's inertia is in alignment with its electric charge. The magnetic field of a particle is spinning both ways at once, and so it has mass, substance. Sometimes it is polarized such as in ferrous material. All atoms have their unique properties according to their quantum geometry, and all particles work together naturally as the universe intends and is intended to, in purposeful design. The magnetic zero (the point in between the poles) moves, it has a spin, and is a pole of its own, and if it were to be polarized, it would have electric charge. That's why the electrical accretion disk is centered at the magnetic zero of the outer electromagnets on the OTC-X1.
If it works in one way, it will work in the other. That's why the Searle engine (SEG) works.
The inertia of a particle is the direction of the charge. An electron has direction in its negative charge, and trails a positive charge behind it (as it moves in paradox with another particle). A proton will move in the direction of its positive charge, so the heavier components of the structure and engines should be aligned in electrically positive-up polarity. As a proton ion moves, the direction of its charge is the direction of its inertia, and not by coincidence. You can't detect the negative charge of a positively charged proton, because it's negative charge is separated and floating around as an electron somewhere else. It's not a real object, so its inertia is that of energy itself. Mass is a magneto-electrostatic energy fractal force-field, basically.
A rotating magnetic field is at right angles to the alignment of "inertial charge" or the particle's electrical orientation, revolving around the zero pole of electrical polarity. Since there is no real electrical polarity with a positive ion (proton / atomic nucleus), then it doesn't mean there isn't a "zero" point of charge somewhere inside that is at least formed when paired with an electron. After all in heavier elements there are also electrons in positive ions. The principle of Dr. Ning Li's engine I believe also involved using a rotating North/South magnet over the top of ions in alignment in condensate. That is basically Faraday's principle, at that right-angled geometry. A positively-charged magnetic field though, or a negatively charged magnetic field will change the particle's electrical inertia depending on polarity. The mass backing up an electomagnetic force is carried along through the field, as one with it.
The Central Accumulator should carry the positive charge in that case, while the utrons carry the negative charges as it spins. In any case, we see the transverse and parallel interactions going on, and the idea behind harnessing the inertial forces to generate gravity.
A coil of wire is a spinning electromagnetic field. Angular inertia can also account for a gyroscoping effect of those fields. When the frequency of mass (speed) meets the frequency of electromagnetic energy (or electrostatic), then such a resonance occurs to create a tremendous mass as inertial energy (that includes volts and amps and frequency as well as motion) is increased preventing it from going any faster, but all that energy of frequency feeds into an increase of mass proportionally with energies of motion and speed (acceleration). Dr. Ning Li proposed that by using a SINGLE spinning magnet (one spin in one way as in a rotor/stater setup) over the top of an ionic Bose-Einstein condensate (at a very cold temperature to make it superconductive), a directed beam of gravity would result either up or down depending upon clockwise or counter-clockwise spin of the magnet (could be useful in gravity plating or gravity RCS engines).
If we consider space and matter to be in motion, and in the direction of a single atom there is an inertial force, then in front of that atom there is a force of gravity upon that atom.
If the atom is held in place, it still has mass, it still has gravity. But that gravity must be in the direction of it's charge. So if all the atoms in a disk were all locked in a lattice where all were in the same uniform charge alignment, and you give it some inertial energy, and increase their spin frequencies with a laser, then there is going to be a force of gravity in front of those atoms (where their spin orientation and alignment is facing), on the side of the positive charge (protons in a lattice). They naturally will form a negative charge on the other end, which is another peculiar aspect of matter SHOWING the inertia of the energy of charge in each particle of matter. The energy of gravity is transferred through the rotating magnetic field. The rotating magnetic field gives something of a substance to move against, so that a force can be directed. There is no force, unless there is something to move against. Remember, this is a paradoxical universe.
Since this is a paradoxical universe, a single atom cannot be used to explain much, but if a single atom has a positive charge on top, and a bottom charge of negative, and it's a proton, then it has inertia in the positive charge direction; it manifests as a point of positively-charged mass. An electron would be a point of negatively charged mass, having inertia in the direction of its negative charge, and we'll never be able to find its positive charge except in positron occasions, or as it moves along a wire. So a single proton will have to be in alignment where forward is positive charge, and backwards is negative charge, and it will always move forward and have gravity in that direction. Like if a car accelerates, the pilot falls into the back seat.
When an elevator goes up real fast and you are scrunched to the floor, it's the same as experiencing heavier gravity. So if the proton moves, then the electron in front will be scrunched to the floor. Get the idea? It's called Equivalence.
So if we hold a proton, a force of gravity will be coming from it, but how do we really tell which way it's facing? That's done by orienting it magnetically. As it spins it has electromagnetic polarity. It spins around its axis of charge. The axis of charge is the Z axis (facing up), while the north and south poles spin alternately in the plane of the X axis around the vertical Z axis. It will rotate in one direction, depending on if it is facing up or down. That's how the 3-D macro world interfaces with the micro world of ... more dimensions.
There are other alignments and possibilities. That is but one way to harness inertia. As the atom spins and vibrates, it makes more gravity as its inertia (which is acceleration, and SPIN is a form of acceleration) increases. The gravity force is the force behind itself, in the direction it travels.
Basically gravity and inertia is the same thing, but they occur in opposite directions.
All these various geometries are good to explore, but ultimate it all acts according to electromagnetism simply as how magnets move against mass to create electricity, or how electricity moves against mass to create magnets. All quarks are structured and oriented electromagnetically in only 6 possible combinations -- the same combinations that can be achieved with working a coil of wire with a magnet, in those polarities, showing the nature and alignment of quark spin contributes to how electricity is put into motion as a magnet moves over a wire which can be made into a coil, and in which direction or polarity -- Faraday's Law.
In one case you have a gravity beam, in another case a gravity cancellation, positive or negative space bubble depending also upon the alignments of the forces in an engine.
Gravity is the motion of mass, and the geometry of mass in motion through energy field interactions. It is inertia, acceleration, and spin, of magneto-electrostatic forces, forces of mass. Gravity is created from universal vibration of light and sound. It is the vibration of matter, which has direction and purpose to act -- inertia. It comes from light ultimately becoming a paradoxical form of matter as a universe and as universal substance. Motion in and out of universes occurs as matter/energy unifies and di-rects (moving one force as two - becoming a paradox).
It's hard to say exactly what the OTC-X1 is doing until it's all wired up and the charges are used appropriately, how they are supposed to work. That is to say, it could work in one way or another, either in AC, or in DC as these geometries can be configured.
I didn't want to bring this part up about inertial alignment and angular spin vectors and possibilities until I knew a little more, but with the Special Relativity solution of gravity cancellation determined in a logical way that must fit in as a component of a conventionally realized warp drive (in order for warp drive to not be in violation of Special Relativity in concept), then this aspect of inertial alignments comes more into question.
Tesla was mainly concerned with the positive charge of things and only used one wire. I can verify this with my Tesla tower experiments (the wiring details yet to be published). I would surmise the Central Accumulator of the OTC-X1 is the positive charge. In the latest Construction Blog post in Walter's video about the wiring of the OTC-X1, I believe he mentioned the electric alignment of the spinning disk in the same inertia depicted in motion of the disintegration plane as seen above in "Nature's Way of Storing Energy in Mass" or rather AS mass -- gravitytime frequency, although with motion toward the center, in a gravitational displacement manner paradoxically toward the outside (creating negative space; see the warp drive blog article about "negative space and time, nothing to fear"). I'll have to watch it again.
I don't want to discount the less-known detail that an overall relative acceleration of a positive charge will actually have a positive and negative end (a polarity) to it (relative frequency difference resulting in polarity of charge; usually the high volt end was the positive charge, and the low volt end was the negative charge). That is another thing I noticed with my Tesla tower.
So, monopolar and polar inertial frequencies and vibrations directed to achieve gravity cancellation in negative space by displacing gravitational inertia as well as co-counter opposite wave phases cancelling inertia while building volts and frequency along the perimeter which accumulates in the center and cycles. That's about where things are at as far as conventional warp theory (Alcubierre metrics) goes, is to get something to do something like that. Seems that the OTC-X1 is designed to do that. No reason to assume it won't do just that. The very subtle less-known energies can pack quite a punch! I'm not underestimating the OTC-X1.
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So we can see inertia in a particle's charge, such as a proton, which also has a negative charge to itself, but tucked away somewhere in another dimension, elsewhere inside the universe, with opposite inertia; a backwards flow of time. But naturally, two work together as one such as an electron (lepton; basically a quark) works together with a proton (three quarks). Note the geometry.
An electron does not behave as an object (cannot find its position at the same time as its momentum). A proton creates three dimensional space (three quarks), otherwise it tends to behave as an object at times, but exotically if isolated. Half of itself is in another dimensions, and as a monoatomic isolated element can appear to be multidimensional and simultaneous, particularly when it demonstrates a simultaneous double spin such as in a Boson particle. A simultaneous double spin is not uncommon to these mechanics.
An electron behaves two-dimensionally, whereas a proton behaves or acts in three dimensions. There is one other thing recently discovered about an electron though: under a really powerful electron microscope, it looks like a 2 dimensional square. That is a paradox of measurement (observation) in that only one side can be seen, in this case it's position, while otherwise and yet again its momentum is hidden. It may seem to be at rest, but just as an Utron is square when you look at it from the top, looking at it from the side you can see that it is round. Obviously there are weird dimensional folds going on obscuring our view of the inner universe, but the utron shape is part of the OTC-X1 design.
The utron is square-looking on a profile view, not a top-down view. What the OTC-X1 deals with is electron inertia (electronic inertia; the inertia of electrons which work together with the inertia of protons). A side view looks as if a proton has two orbiting electrons. I'm just making a few notes here, because I suspect the utron shape has more to do than just being a good way to move charge through a magnetic field. It's geometry illustrates a simultaneous field spinning off into polarities perhaps polarizing an ever-increasing charge so that it can be worked with a positive and negative "end." More will be known about that as the OTC-X1 projects continue ...
Looking at it in an abstract way, the energy can be seen to go in certain places.
The utrons direct inertia to the top, the tip of that antenna. That electrical inertia is conducted to the central accumulator. There's nothing on the bottom, it just diffuses out into space, or otherwise to the outer hull (a ground; field ground). There is a contraction of frequency on top, and an expansion on the bottom. High frequency inertia around the edges, electrically conducted beaming out of the utrons to the top of the antenna; the central accumulator is where all that outer energy is -- discplaced toward the center. Energy radiates outward along the disk, and it is inertial energy. That is a transverse vector to gravity, but it's also like throwing a curveball upward -- its own angular inertia feeds back unto itself and to within itself.
The acceleration of the vertical core with this system is a pretty neat idea!
The rotating charges provide a conductive field. It provides a conductive inertial field, because it gives a field of electrical motion, conducting so that electrical inertia can be transferred through it. That's how an AA battery could wirelessly be conducted, was because the electromagnetic energy was conducted through the electrostatic energy field of the Earth.
It's cut in half. The geometry of the top cone stuck through the bottom cone can be seen as the OTC-X1 balances on the bottom tip of the central accumulator (on bearing). It uses half of space-time, the frequency / time part of inertia so that a large gravity field doesn't build up only to slow it down. It doesn't hold its gravity, it allows gravity to bleed off back into the quantum vacuum. It is a useful device.
Conducting electrical inertial frequency in a field pattern, a vortex intersection is what it does. The shape of the utron passing through an electromagnetic field reduces the inertial forces at the edge of the craft, ALSO transferring that energy after the inertia has been cancelled. If an electromagnetic field collapse produces a spark, then an electrical INERTIAL field collapse would create a force beam / "spark" of sort, perhaps electrical energies at very high frequencies.
The energy would transit through the hull. The air for the static-radiant fields is inside the ship. Once a force beam is started, it will penetate through the ship like for example in a di-electric beam from space to Earth. There would have to be air inside the satellite or whatever, in order to create the static wave to send it through a vacuum down to the Earth's atmosphere and to ground. Electrically conducting a charge through space is natural; the sun conducts electrical energy to the Earth, and the planets to each other all the time. Space is electrically conductive.
Also you can look at the utrons in another way!
On the profile view, instead of squares, the utrons CAN be seen symbolically as a wheel that rotates inward toward the center, throwing that inertial force toward the center. It is due to how a vortex intersects at right angles, kind of like how Faraday's law works. The utrons have to be assumed to have an inductive effect upon the central accumulator. It would be just like how a quark appears. It is ultimately the spin of the quark (same size as lepton) which determines which way electricity will go in a wire when a magnet moves over it. I am saving this for my book, actually, otherwise I'd have to show a picture / diagram. Rectilinears, a triangle, a circle, quadratic squares all follow the same paradoxical geometry of
A^2 + B^2 = C^2 If similar equations can be used to describe dissimilar shapes, then different shapes can be paradoxical with how they interact upon matter. You don't move a magnet over a coil of wire in the direction you'd think you should to get an electric current, you have to move it at right angles, side-ways to the coil.
We do not have laws of physics to go beyond this point. We do not have a Faraday's law of inertial current, or electromechanical laws of generating shapes upon matter. We have something close with using sound cavities to generate gravity waves ("CSE" I think it's called; a Russian entomologist -- bug scientist -- discovered it), and we do have a Faraday's law of electromagnetic current. So we have something close enough to gain a clue.
Movement of the positive charge:
If inertia is carried by the positive charge, then the top utron tips pointing closer to the center would conduct a positive charge. That would be in parallel ( in a series of stacked plates, negative will be on one side and positive on the other). So now we have two models that fit together to accomplish the same task. Positive on top, negative on bottom. Negative to the outside edge, positive to the inside. The zero accretion plane conducts a zero charge.
In the case of an electrostatic charge, there is no electromagnet, even though voltage can conduct through a coil of wire. I am sorry to say that, but it is what it is. That is an electro-radiant charge, as well, whatever you want to call it. It is an electric charge which can be moved in current and rises up naturally into the atmosphere, and it doesn't have a magnet. Bio-volts, whatever you want to call it.
That electro-radiant charge has a zero magnet. But as soon as that charge is polarized, it will have a magnet. Just as a zero pole exists magnetically, also an electrical zero exists which is a neutral charge (like a neutron). A zero pole or plane can provide a conductive medium for unified energies (light; unified mass) which allows for polarities to form (manifesting out of the inner universe).
Conducting in parallel, where energy from the utron tip conducts horizontally to the central accumulator, we have a 45 degree interception with the central accretion disk. A beam splitter comes to mind which redirects a horizontal beam of light at 90 degrees both up and down.
It would shoot straight up if the positive charge is on top except it's not harnessing inertia as a gravity engine. It's cancelling gravity, not just Earth's gravity field, although the geometry of the engine would suggest it's doing just that. It has been examined in terms of light and sound, also, on this website.
A note on the OUTER RING:
In this system, ionic plasma is accelerated to light speed (or rather electrostatic wave speed) and co-counter rotated. One way to do it, is to use 1/2 of a circle. So that on one half of the ship around the perimeter is accelerated clockwise, and the other half on the other side of the ship counter-clockwise. Otherwise they would have to intertwine and co-counter rotate (cycle) in Rodin coil geometry which is known to be a geometry that produces results.
The result of this is simple. When matter is accelerated to the speed of light, it's mass greatly increases and thus its gravity. So by having two 1/2 rings, there are two 180 degree wave forms which cancel. Or, by having two spiraling paths that can move against each other is the other way.
Obviously this is a gravity-cancellation mechanism using the raw force of mass itself, electrically accelerated. Magnetic fluids can also be accelerated, but they would have to be able to conduct a charge, because at higher speeds, it may very well develop high volts through some kind of induction travelling through its tube. Also an electromagnetic wave is slower than an electrostatic wave.
This is a simple principle. But its very expensive, I'd imagine, to build.
(I wanted to re-write this up here since all the below is older text than this bit up top of this page)
This is one very easy mechanism supported by Special Relativity, which greatly increases the frequency space of the ship that uses such an engine. Imagine mass accelerated to the speed of light, cancelled out so that the frequency of time remains. That's a LOT of black hole! Well certainly it would make the ship have negative mass (beyond just having ZERO mass), although at zero mass, it would be more apt to fly making simultaneous jumps. In negative space (with the engines too fast generating too much of a gravity wave that cancels into negative mass ranges), it might just go back in time (a proton's hidden negative charge exists on the other side of the temporal event horizon of a reversed polarity of inertial space; negative inertia / negative frequency / negative time).
Using an engine that co-counter-spins in a circle, it would be easy to use the engine to spin in one direction only in a circle around the ship's perimeter at the speed of light to build a massive gravity wave that speed up the normal spacetime beyond the ship's outer field event horizon and greatly slowed down time for the crew, to go forward in time. Thank you, Special Relativity and "Paradoxes of Time and Space" for finally clearing all that up !!!
I'm going to point out the obvious on this one. The warp drive metrics of Alcubierre that NASA EAGLEWORKS are using require negative energy, and negative mass. I wrote a warp drive blog post about that some time ago. They claim that time will not change, however these physics clearly claim otherwise. The warp drive metrics do not distinguish between space and time. The assumption that it will not change time is not determinable with the equation itself, it is the scientists who make that assumption.
The type of math they use derives changes on space, per integrals of time, whereas they assume time never changes and space becomes undefined when time is at a zero. HOWEVER time does change along with space; they are not assuming time changes, but only that space changes as it changes position in time. A change in time is assuming time is always flowing at the same rate. They use time as the thing that doesn't move, so they can have something to compare space against. They view time as static, yet in motion; but anything static also has frequency. That's the whole problem with that form of mathematics which assumes light speed is always going to be the same anywhere in the universe, using light speed as the thing that you can compare against. Light MEASURES the frequencies of time. That is the speed; TIME is the speed, the frequency! Light has no mass and is simultaneous (having zero time) as the unity of mass. Therefore, light cannot have speed!
Calculus deals with changes in space mostly, not changes in time, but it does acknowledge a change within a steady flow of time, which discounts time also as being with variance. The intervals between seconds, as a graph approaches infinity -- that limit -- is all based on one rule, that time cannot be zero. Space can be zero, but time cannot. But time does become a mathematical limit where it approaches zero at the event horizon, whereas the event horizon is not something that occurs within time at all, or space! It is undefined. It is a point of discontinuity. Put it this way: time is always the Y axis. The Y axis can never go to zero or its undefined. Relativity is one-sided like that.
When time becomes infinite, is when it is at that mathematical limit -- of infinity -- forever becoming. Or rather when space approaches infinity which is ever closer but never when time becomes an absolute zero.
Now that is true but, it's not the truth. Because I typed what was incorrect, now I have totally trashed my own perspective, and that's a problem!
The solution dips into negative time, negative energy, negative inertia ... Okay, so now there can be a negative involved. That means a zero is no longer undefined because now one side is negative and the other is positive, on the numberline, whichever universe you choose!
You have to claim negative space is ALSO negative time, because otherwise where is the zero going to be? We're not going to perceive negative space because it is on the other side of an event horizon. Guaranteed. It might look like a ball of light but, negative space is not even subatomic. Negative space cannot be seen and would be as a black hole. My point is: time AND gravity (space) changes. My other point is, time is not at right angles to space. It is in parallel, and in paradox. E = mc^2 is true at one relative gravitytime frequency measurable by light, because light has no mass and is the only thing that can measure the frequencies of mass because it is something to compare with and against. Mass involves charge and magnets and spacetime and all that.
IF it takes light 4 years to reach Alpha Centauri, well, time is concluded from mass, not light. There is a lot less mass in deep space. This could change starcharts but a distant star could be many, many lightyears closer depending on frequencies of time. Light measures frequencies of time. If a star were vibrating at a particularly higher frequency, its time vibration could be changed, depending perhaps on the motions of the planets in the system! Perhaps Tau Ceti IS our closest star, after all! (Higher frequency of gravitytime according to Special Relativity means it will be longer away in time due to temporal compression, rather than gravitational compression).
Gravity cancellation as a mechanism of neutralizing counter-rotating forces of inertia has to be within magneto-electrostatic alignment with the shape of the universe. If we consider gravity as a wave, which it is, which can also exceed the speed of light around black holes (see warp drive news page), then obviously inertia has frequency, energy, because matter is magneto-electrostatic energy as form with inertia to manifest within the universe. Einstein told us that acceleration is gravity, that inertia is gravity, and we have that link with mass and energy and frequency also through Tesla.
It wasn't until the warp drive metrics that I realized space and energy in particular could be negative. Energy is energy. Light can no more be positive as it can be negative; it is both at once, and neither. Positively charged light surely however is something that is real. Regardless, energy of space and time and charge and magnetic force and whatnot is a unity, therefore a negative value must be placed on space and time and charge and magnetic force and whatnot, rather than upon energy. Energy is Unity.
Light-based unity is the most logical AND real. The reason I say negative energy is negative space AND time is because it is Light which has zero time, and zero space. Time can be at a zero, but that would be dark, and it would have spherical space. However we can make space become a zero, and then time will be infinite -- that is Light. Infinity and Zero equates to the same thing. All AND Nothing.
What is black and what is bright is another aspect of the same thing. Nothing can be not in motion though. I don't want to speculate upon endless detail, though. All I want to demonstrate is a negative flow of time would be a negative energy in negative space (since energy is not the thing that is a negative). Negative mass has to flow toward negative time since time and gravity come from mass; and when mass is a zero, it is light -- infinite time.
If we can travel in infinite time, why are we literally WASTING time trying to travel in negative space? We can travel forward in space, but backwards in time (as a negative). Now it gets complex. If you could go back in time, would you even know about it? At zero time, there's going to be a frequency of motion (space). How's that for weird? How can there be any motion when time is perfectly still, ever thought about that? It's like tuning an engine, if the timing is off positive or negative, it will go slower (going backwards in time slows forward momentum through time). At the zero point of zero mass, it's easy enough to say that this allows for teleportation. But, teleporation has frequency because it depends upon frequency! That means it has a range in space that it can teleport in a simultaneous zero point in time. Per second, hops can be made through space but we're focusing on using time to propel us moreso than inertia upon space, and that's where calculus fails miserably! <--- * Academics require calculus as proof
Changing time (gravity cancellation) in a directed corridor of gravitational space means that the propulsion is actually from TIME. By changing the time frequency of a span of space that travels into the ship, it takes less time to traverse that span of space. You just need a little push in one direction, Time does all the work. We don't have the math but to explain 1/2 of spacetime, the space part. Zero mass and negative mass change time, so "delta t" is not just mass moving through time, but moves time and is moved by time. The movement of time is not undefinable. Infinity moves, is in motion, and is action. There is nothing which does not act, or it ceases to be identity (it becomes undefined). Nothing does not exist. When there is no time, there is infinite energy, in motion, all at once, as Light, and thus at zero mass, yet still retaining a pattern of energy, which is unified at that state of simultaneity, and with vibration (frequency), with existing of successively higher dimensions of action (at higher frequencies, which at that point, frequencies are creative and expansive into many systems instead of re-occuring).
Travel through time has an effect upon the brain's frequency, too, according to Ralph Ring and the OTC-X1 experiments. Light is the unity and has these specific rules. One thing to know about light though, is that space and time can manifest as one desires, if one is a being of light, because it's not to say that space and time does NOT exist in light, because light has frequency, and so there are dimensions of the universe where more evolved being obviously reside (evolved because at each higher dimension, some aspect of the universal paradox is unified). An Ascended planet for example will be at a higher vibration, where more of the mind is focused. As Humans travel through time and frequency-space, the mind will start to evolve and operate electo-radiantly at higher frequencies. That's why all these metaphysics, and the philosophy also exists, because the mind has to be trained to focus within higher frequencies, otherwise there could be a safety issue.
The physics and the metaphysics and the math is a hard thing to grasp all-at-once. What is negative light? What is positive light? When light becomes negative or positive, it takes on paradoxical form (mass and time). Negative space is negative mass is negative time. Light is the Y axis, not time. Where is the axis of time? What if time itself could be sped up or slowed down? Special Relativity allows for that, when a mechanism of gravity cancellation is known. If there were a form of math to explain this, that would be grand. Otherwise the logic of paradoxes is the geometry of light. If math is geometry, and math is logic, then logic is geometry and shape; form; thus having inertia! If a shape of logic has inertia, then thought has inertia. If thought has inertia and has energy, then the directed and focused mind is how thought can pilot the OTC-X1.
. . .
That is actually much easier to understand than the OTC-X1! There is a benefit to exploring the OTC-X1 technology, however. It may make things much easier to build by using principles of electrical resonance and amplification.
This is not far-fetched of an idea at all! I used to think it was pretty fantastic, but something actually clicked, I think. :-)
Most of this is common-sense oriented. I've seen some pretty lame examples and mechanisms to explain what's going on with for example the Alcubierre drive and other engine concepts. The explanation to how they work just is NOT known! Sure the math works and looks good (even though the math usually only explains just one side of what's going on) but without a logical explanation that is beyond the lame and inept, all the math in the world won't do any good to truly understanding the forces at work. If you don't know that a proton accelerated near the speed of light increases its mass, which is a pretty basic correlation that is seen with particle accelerators and is already a well-known concept in physics that has been proven already, then chances are you won't really grasp warp drive physics.
We've literally been sitting on these physics for years and years and years and years and nowhere in the public are there any RESULTS (only in private and secret). This is one of the reasons I've not used a whole lot of shiny mathematics. I want it to be known just how easy it is, I want people to see just how easy it is. People are conditioned to believe that universities is where all this magic happens, but that is just not the truth. Universities demand a certain procedure to follow, and certain criteria to be met before they will consider anything otherwise they just call it pseudo-science, and continue to whine about needing someone who can change how everyone looks at the universe and point to their groomed celebrity Ph.D. candidates to be the ones who are supposed to do just that.
In spite of all our advanced mathematics, people still do not understand how the universe works. Taking things the other way around, learning how the universe works, building the engines to test, and then coming up with the mathematics to explain the results of the measurements and observations is the most logical way to do things. I have had to use a lot of math to develop these ideas, but I also believe that people have lost the ability for abstract thought due to too hard a discipline in strict mathematics (which only uses left brain, and is a limitation to expanding one's intelligence).
This "LAU-X3 Dragon Eye" section along with the latest warp drive blog post, "Paradox of Time and Space," is the understanding that I have been looking for. It actually leads to time travel backwards and forwards in a unified engine. Space and Time can be isolated to work one or the other from a lightspace frequency. WOW! It also provides a way to EXPLAIN HOW it works, without having to resort to explaining how the MATH works. If you can't explain it commonly, you really don't know it!
I taught myself Calculus out of the book, checked my answers at the back and things, it was easy enough to learn, but I realized that if it's so easy to learn, why don't we have warp drives and things? My point is that you don't have to be a math whiz to understand this. Well, maybe you DO have to have an intimate understanding of mathematics though, I will say that. I've seen people take courses in mathematics in college, and it totally balances out their logical mind and makes them smarter. I guess I'm not saying you don't need math. That's not really what I'm saying at all. Okay so with that I guess I can understand that this information at this website is probably extremely difficult for most people to grasp.
I really do love this approach to understanding though, where the math should be otherwise understood enough so that people can put some of this into mathematical form if they wish. I'm not coming from an angle of having something to prove. I'm coming from an avenue of a form of logical reasoning that I wish more people would have a grasp on. You have to have knowledge more than math. You have to know about physics, about the twin particle experiments, about the wave nature of particles, about the twin slit experiments, and about consciousness and life force to understand, and to be safe in working with new things. I know Humanity has a dark side. Time travel is not something to irresponsibly play with, which is also another reason the math is not going to just spell it out. I could be wrong about some things, but I've quadruple-checked myself in other areas enough to know that you can take all these concepts like shapes and be able to put them together to make a beautiful and complete form that is congruent throughout without conflicts of true/false.
The basic components of this work are all based on what we have observed and the laws we have made concerning our universe. Using a form of logic, is the same as using mathematics (that has been shown and proven in the 1800's. Logic is Math, and Math is Logic, and that is another type of unifiable paradox -- unification of equal and opposite events).
For those of you who don't know what I just wrote, feel free to look at this entire website objectively and realize this has been a journey in progress with the HOPES that I would actually make this final ... perception as what is written in this section, all connected up.
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This is a very unusual way to develop warp drive physics, which would make a little more sense if it were a hypothetical engine we were hypothetically building in order to provide the physics an avenue of "manifestation." Rotating AC (snap field reversals) charges and inertial disintegration however provides a real mechanism to be reverse-engineered. Dr. Ning Li sought funding for her antigravity machine but ended up leaving NASA and working in secret for the Chinese government. We're basically sitting on technology and physics to get us to the stars, but I can't definitely say how the OTC-X1 works. Accounts and records and witnesses show that the OTC-X1 legend really did happen.
Flattening out in a plane, taking a central charge and stretching it into space, creating a frequency base in the scale of the engine, all of that is important to perceive and understand. The knowledge base does exist. The universe itself is an open encyclopedia.
What if universities existed to explore all these principles and mechanisms?
I think the answer is somewhere here that can be found at this website, something overlooked, maybe something yet to click in the OTC-X1 reproduction efforts? Maybe I'm just not quite believing, or maybe it just hasn't quite clicked with me, yet. I am unfortunately self-funded out, and have to pack up and move. Only time will tell at this point. I think before we have complete success in achievement, it may have to take a little time for all this to soak in.
Huge steps have been taken and leaps of faith made zipping right past normal gravity "thrusting" engine development, all the way to gravity cancellation and displacement mechanics. A basic gravity engine, the OTC-X1 is NOT. It is unprecedented to make such a leap in advancement and development as to go from rockets straight to warp drives.
All the parts can be seen, I think ... spread out like a puzzle, with a full count of cards, like an auto transmission fully disassembled and spread out on the floor. This website sure has come a long way since it's initial becoming. I think this is the best chance Humanity has right now because it's here for us already, and in my opinion is a basic understanding at least in my journey to discover the past several hundred years of where we have come in known physics (also including ancient records; ancient physics), also including metaphysics, and ALL OF IT is Philosophy.
So the next time you're tinkering with a coil and magneto-electrostatic energy, think about inertia.
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I'm not concerned with wiring diagrams too much right now because all that works itself out in the process (the wiring is the easy part). You know we'd be flying with the secret space programs (well maybe not "with" depending on their ethics) if the global collateral accounts are released and our stolen money is returned. Seriously. These engines will work either in one way, or another way, How hard can it be? It makes sense to me. There is only ONE OTC-X1 replication work team really making progress in the world in public right now. These physics are pretty solid actually, and nothing has radically changed or been disproven. It's pretty flexible material, and in common in sacred geometrical natural universal ways -- snowflakes and 64 tetrahedron grid fractals.
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The picture above last updated on March 1st, 2014
The idea is simple: gravity forms on top, the ship falls upward. But, it is vibrating at a much higher rate
of matter (mass) and time. That combination is the inertial field of mass, or the inertial force of mass which
is gravity, in a nutshell. Gravity is an electromagnetic force, and a "static" force, responding to cosmic
substance, be it space, atmosphere, water, plasma, presence of energetic electrical fields (IE the universe).
The secondary ring generates inertial field resonance, which resonates with the central vertical core. Gravity
is unified in magneto-electrostatic inertial (in motion) fields of mass and time frequency. That's a brief enough
of a description.
The concept of the vertical engine introduces a gravity vortex as part of the ship's engine dynamics. It uses gravity forces in a vortex which creates gravitational force to move through the center, in much the same way a magnet is formed from the spins of the atoms, thus giving the ship translative motion along the Z axis of the ship. A tornado will create an antigravity phenomenon in lieu of a suction phenomenon due to the di-electric water molecules in a vortex arrangement. People have sealed themselves inside walk-in coolers in Kansas and video-taped them levitating and flying around when the tornado passed overhead.
I apologize the below is so horribly written. This is a recent update (1/16/16)
I haven't been as bold as I should to explain another simple concept.
The important thing to note below is how the gravity vortex through the vertical core diverts at 90 degrees along a transverse plane. Let me phrase it again. The inertial downward force in the vertical core is re-directed at 90 degrees following a smooth curved transition (not at a sharp angle, because the spiral flows down and then flows off at 90 degrees). The spiral is in acceleration. Redirection in a transverse plane also suddenly changes its inertial force, no longer in acceleration as it was.
Next, that inertial force is co-counter circulated in the outer ring so that the inertial force is evenly distributed and circles both clockwise and counter-clockwise around the ship at the same time, in a circle (acceleration). That action takes place in an engine system called "the outer ring drive." --- the above section discussed gravity cancellation and time travel (acceleration of mass at light speed; relativity)
I show that the outer ring drive is actually in a spiral though, but it can be in either one or the other way. The spiraled aspect is a whole 'nother dynamic.
When dealing with a spiral, one can assume electro-magnetism is involved. There's a lot I can say about the spirals that involves vortex mathematics. Vortex mathematics is not taught in universities. But there's so much going on there, which is why it's "grayed-out" in the profile views. Let's focus on one thing at a time. Intention directs one's focus.
With that said, the outer ring can use a variety of principles and methods; it is adaptable.
One last thing about the technology of particle accelerators: When in electrical resonance, energy becomes greater, the same applies with mass and inertial resonance in motion through a magneto-electrostatic energy field. This aspect of technology has always been "grayed-out" since the beginning of this website. That's one of the reasons why the OTC-X1 is important. That's the main focus of warp drive physics, is to discover the accelerator technology and engineering. Otherwise as a by-product, the physics is realized within an engine-setup.
That's what EAGLEWORKS is working on, the accelerator.
But at the VERY LEAST, let's be clear on the physics, first! I've got some ideas about an accelerator, or an outer-ring drive. I think it should be integrated with an air/plasma style for simplicity, because that's the technology we're already working with. The physics are easy enough. It's all about engineering and funding, at this point. Well maybe that's not what it's all about ... one step at a time.
The idea is simple: gravity forms on top, the ship falls upward. But, it is vibrating at a much higher rate
of matter (mass) and time. That combination is the inertial field of mass, or the inertial force of mass which
is gravity, in a nutshell. Gravity is an electromagnetic force, and a "static" force, responding to cosmic
substance, be it space, atmosphere, water, plasma, presence of energetic electrical fields (IE the universe).
The secondary ring generates inertial field resonance, which resonates with the central vertical core. Gravity
is unified in magneto-electrostatic inertial (in motion) fields of mass and time frequency. That's a brief enough
of a description.
The concept of the vertical engine introduces a gravity vortex as part of the ship's engine dynamics. It uses gravity forces in a vortex which creates gravitational force to move through the center, in much the same way a magnet is formed from the spins of the atoms, thus giving the ship translative motion along the Z axis of the ship. A tornado will create an antigravity phenomenon in lieu of a suction phenomenon due to the di-electric water molecules in a vortex arrangement. People have sealed themselves inside walk-in coolers in Kansas and video-taped them levitating and flying around when the tornado passed overhead.
I apologize the below is so horribly written. This is a recent update (1/16/16)
I haven't been as bold as I should to explain another simple concept.
The important thing to note below is how the gravity vortex through the vertical core diverts at 90 degrees along a transverse plane. Let me phrase it again. The inertial downward force in the vertical core is re-directed at 90 degrees following a smooth curved transition (not at a sharp angle, because the spiral flows down and then flows off at 90 degrees). The spiral is in acceleration. Redirection in a transverse plane also suddenly changes its inertial force, no longer in acceleration as it was.
Next, that inertial force is co-counter circulated in the outer ring so that the inertial force is evenly distributed and circles both clockwise and counter-clockwise around the ship at the same time, in a circle (acceleration). That action takes place in an engine system called "the outer ring drive." --- the above section discussed gravity cancellation and time travel (acceleration of mass at light speed; relativity)
I show that the outer ring drive is actually in a spiral though, but it can be in either one or the other way. The spiraled aspect is a whole 'nother dynamic.
When dealing with a spiral, one can assume electro-magnetism is involved. There's a lot I can say about the spirals that involves vortex mathematics. Vortex mathematics is not taught in universities. But there's so much going on there, which is why it's "grayed-out" in the profile views. Let's focus on one thing at a time. Intention directs one's focus.
With that said, the outer ring can use a variety of principles and methods; it is adaptable.
One last thing about the technology of particle accelerators: When in electrical resonance, energy becomes greater, the same applies with mass and inertial resonance in motion through a magneto-electrostatic energy field. This aspect of technology has always been "grayed-out" since the beginning of this website. That's one of the reasons why the OTC-X1 is important. That's the main focus of warp drive physics, is to discover the accelerator technology and engineering. Otherwise as a by-product, the physics is realized within an engine-setup.
That's what EAGLEWORKS is working on, the accelerator.
But at the VERY LEAST, let's be clear on the physics, first! I've got some ideas about an accelerator, or an outer-ring drive. I think it should be integrated with an air/plasma style for simplicity, because that's the technology we're already working with. The physics are easy enough. It's all about engineering and funding, at this point. Well maybe that's not what it's all about ... one step at a time.

This is just a basic artistic concept of the X-5. It could look MUCH cooler.
So, there is after all, a possibility that the inertial forces through the vertical core (proton air/plasma flow, which will become plasma at a certain frequency) can be traveling must faster than previously thought, nearing the speed of light, or at the very least, traveling at a very fast speed and having a good gravitational pull above the ship (from inertial forces moving down through the vertical core, discussed later on down the page, and toward the bottom of the Tesla Engineering Physics page).
In regards to the concept of the LAU-X5, the vertical core may have to be opened to the outer ring somehow, but the inertial forces can be induced much like how a neon tube can be brought into florescence running through the center of a Rodin/Buturff interference-wound coil, without touching the sides, and respecting air-tight enclosures. The Rodin/Buturff coil forms a magnetic monopole at its center.
The protons need to be accelerated to between 186,000 to 220,000 miles per second, however (either using perpendicular or parallel waves). That would increase their mass (inertial mass), and thus increase the frequency of time very vastly. So, the vertical core of cones might have to be re-designed as a different kind of particle accelerator, instead. Luckily, those cones are vibrating in an inertial and electromagnetic (charged in hydrogen, or air/plasma of some sort -- magneto-electrostatic) resonance that can be increased in frequency to do the same job, at least good enough to fly (quickly) around the solar system -- achieved by resonance rather than raw force.
Using field resonance in a high inertial-magneto-electro-static frequency (di-rected force), a propulsion system and air-frame, and energy-power-generation system can be created to fly around through space, and in planetary atmospheres. A ship, in other words. Will it be "warp-drive" capable? Using exotic gases in the engine, it could be made to accelerate very rapidly, being room-temperature superconductive. Otherwise, the exotic gases in the engine core need to be accelerated to at least near- C or near-electrostatic wave speed, to build up huge inertial forces, to behave as a "warp drive".
Resonance forces may build that inertial-mass frequency up in a cone-like electro-mechanical accelerator, to where a ship may be made to easily fly at 3/4th or 5/8 the speed of C conventionally under the physics of warp travel. That's only examining the wave-force of just one engine, not counting how the engines all work together as unity. In resonance, the force of inertia could be multiplied upon by thousands of times, just as the QEG demonstrates electromagnetic current amplification for example 10 times the input power (1 KW input, 10 KW output).
In a particle-accelerated design, the exotic plasma/liquid (it can be designed for an exotic ion-mercury of some sort) can spin and spiral, or be otherwise accelerated E=mc^3 at near-C and then cycled through tubes with vent-ports that guide the accelerated mercury in dual counter-rotational vortex vectors before cycled back through the top into the accelerator. It can be electrically guided along the conduits, walls, ports, chambers, "plasma/liquid-circuits." It can be brought into a higher resonance to bring a ship to fly at warp-drive speeds.
The physics are essentially the same in the X-3, X-5, and in a warp-drive capable star-ship, but slightly different in hyperdrive physics.
The X-3 and X-5 though, use Tesla resonance technology which has been seen to open wormholes, like in the Philadelphia experiment; and also the X-1 has been witnessed to disappear and pass through solid matter (or matter to pass through it .. like Ralph Ring's hand ..).
I'd say though the bulk of the work is complete, and there are three useful and practical designs that can be used for the advancement of Humanity in the free-energy fields and space exploration fields, too. The designs are very .. multidimensional, meaning the technology is not limited. It's able to test a wide range of capabilities. I want to stray away from the word "possibilities" since it's apparent what is possible, generally speaking; and it's more important to test its capabilities and to improve upon its performance.
There are many possible ways to improve upon the design (upgrades and re-designing), based on what physics principles one wants to test, but the compatibility of the components working together is startlingly coincidental to me. I'm curious. I think something new may be discovered by putting all this into action, and varying the dynamics of the machines. For instance, making the vertical core operate differently, either spiraling AC charges or otherwise, there are dynamics that are true to form, of a pure idea and concept, based mainly on Tesla's work.
There is such a positive side to these machines that can be harnessed without taking humongous risks. Much safety information is included in my book, and so when the hazards are known, they can easily be overcome or avoided in the action phases and testing phases.
I prefer to work with the animal I know, rather than what I don't, at this point. And it doesn't do any good, after a certain point, to move forward without taking the first steps. This is just from my own point of view. We have advanced star ships flying in secret, and yet none of this is taught in any university. The claim is that our advanced star ships can't do warp, but are limited to 220,000 miles per second. Who knows what the truth is without seeing it to believe it. This stuff has been so ultra secret for such a long time, and it's been dangerous for common people to make advancements in science and technology because of what .. insanity? Scientists have been killed before, particularly when money mega-monopolies are involved. I hope we are more evolved and enlightened these days. I can't lay out any blame, but I do know that advancements in science and technology has been artificially capped and limited by some "ruling world powers." This stuff is pathetically old school, but revolutionary in the new ideas that can be discovered because of this "stuff."
My point is, this technology can work and lead us to new discoveries that are easy to do, and mostly economically reasonable, and can enhance the quality of life without tearing down existing infrastructure. I'm big on having existing infrastructure, because too many new things come out when the old things were better in the first place. Case in point, these designs. I don't want to get on a soapbox, nor do I want to open Pandora's box. I know at this point Humanity is ready for these things, because of many humongous reasons, including survival reasons and planetary ecology reasons. We've been ready for a while, now. Humanity is at a crisis point with Earth in that new technologies could tip the ecology balance of the planet for the worst because of Human ignorance. New technologies also could help Humanity and Earth. People don't really know the differences, in general, which can create inherently hazardous conditions living on Earth.
Now we can live on other planets, like Mars (there is a big move and stir to colonize Mars), and Venus too. Venus is different, and is not the hell-hole we were told. There are advanced people living there as old information is finally reaching the light of day in general. It's merely logical. As a child, I remember reading about how the probe flew in and settled down on the surface of Venus, and melted after a minute's worth of data sending. Of course, I read that information many times because I, as a child, figured it slammed into the surface of Venus very harshly because the parachute would have melted or failed in such harsh planetary conditions. That's all we were told, which doesn't add up logically.
Seeing these designs for the first time may startle some people.
I hope I haven't made too much of a mess with this stuff. I have to go through it all and clean it up and edit it... and my book .. to be clear with everything, so it's not confusing to anyone (myself included). For some reason I had incorrectly assumed I was dealing with a mechanism that accelerated air (protons / mass) to a high frequency plasma near speed of C with my current designs .. and that is a correct understanding of physics, but incorrectly applied to the engineering of the vertical core, so I have to clear that up. However, resonance action of that mechanism is the other side of the physics, which is how to get what is designed to work for what it is hoped to do. I don't know much about particle accelerators other than the principles behind it, but I do know about electromechanical resonance and inertia and those more esoteric and scientific (and old) things. Analogue stuff just can do things better than digital stuff some times. Supposedly the TR-3B triangle is all mechanical, and is the fastest ship in the secret space fleet, so it has been somewhat semi private/publicly disclosed. You can find those references/resources and links to that information on this site.
The key to salvation is the resonance of inertial fields.. or resonance of magneto-electrostatic mass fields. However slight they may seem, the energy of mass itself is being created not from mass, but straight from energy. IE, it doesn't need a lot of mass to be generated that would otherwise make it too dense to fly at light[er] speeds, humorously put.
It uses field dynamics, and works the energy fields of matter and light. So, there just might very well be something to all this.
v----------- Updated (3/5/15)
Some of my earlier ideas about the outer ring drive: it may have to be bare wire coil windings very close together for a good magneto-electrostatic unity. Capacitor plates inside the air space between the inner and outer hull will pick up charge from the ionized proton flow through the vertical core, and the action of the outer ring drive should also create high volt energy inside the vertical core through induction, and be non-harmful to pilots. So those are conditions of a perpetuating overunity system. A neon light tube lit up inside a Rodin/Burturff coil, and that showed how through resonance, high volts and amps can be created at least 200% more than the input volts. This is all experimental, but no matter how the outer ring is engineered, there must be one regardless. The physics are what I'm focusing on primarily, and the engineering secondly.
The secret space program on The Promise Revealed site talks about a ring drive type concept using an exotic type of metal, which is a solid metal microwaved to a liquid state, and magneto-electrostatically accelerated (because they mentioned speeds of 220,000 miles per second). Actually they didn't mention the speeds, they said their fastest ships can fly 9 times around the Earth in one second, which is 220,000 miles per second, the speed of an electrostatic wave. Metallic lightning.
What I'm trying to accomplish is to use Tesla technology which does the same thing as the X-1, but in a slightly different way to shape the field differently so it can fly to other stars. Teleportation from a singular point (central accumulator) to a distance away determined by the frequencies of the engines is possible with just the X-1 according to research, but it's not quite the same as flying to other stars. The outer ring drive should work because mass is a ratio of inertia and charge to an electromagnetic field. That changes the frequency of time, so ... that's the paradox ... When time changes, the distance is shortened, in a corridor directed in-part by an electrostatic force. On the Tesla Engineering Physics page, for example, an electrostatic corridor could be felt extending vertically along the edges of the "console" (resonance transformer) inside the house. Also, out along the edge, in parallel with the top disk a field extended. These fields, depending upon what I wanted them to do, were very easily able to be shaped. In truth, Otis T. Carr described it as a "time ship" able to move through the fourth dimension of Time.
If time can be changed without using gravity to do so, it makes things much easier. After all, if it takes less time to span a distance, the ship is going faster. The vertical engine directs a gravity beam which moves the ship, so the speed is increased by changing how long it takes to get from point A to point B -- changing the frequencies of time.
The other possibility is that the outer ring drive acts as an accelerator to speed up the proton flow faster, circulating back through the vertical core, out, around, and back through again. This would increase the force of gravity used as propulsive force. There is no engineering for that that I can publish on this website. According to my matrix of problem-solving, design, and construction, that is a step meant for much later, when there is a good group effort going on to make this happen.
The Law of Conscious Action as I call it states: Every step leads to infinite possibilities of further steps to take along a path guided and directed by one's intention and desire. Focus determines reality. A directed Will and Intent manifests the completion of [each step of] intended action. ... Actually the law goes as follows: the Soul can never fully manifest into (and AS) reality, each possibility of manifestation infinitely multiplies upon further possibilities of manifestation. Each action infinitely multiplies upon further possibilities of creation, and existence. Each possibility is already a reality before ever conceived. That means to laymen: There is an infinite possibility of anything that can happen. Everything can't happen at once. Each action established and created infinitely multiplies upon further possibilities of continuing establishment and creation. A warp drive is a possibility therefore, not impossible. It just requires action to be taken to see further how to develop it. -- In short: Each step leads to another. And likewise, the nature of the Soul's very Existence is beyond consciousness and forms consciouenss, as the Inner Manifestation of Existence itself!
I have had this focus since around 2001, and it has lead me here, where I have intended to be! It is beyond my expectation. Just seeing the physics is an accomplishment; and now I can see what that knowledge can do. Intention Creates Reality. Where you expect to see the electron is exactly where you determine it to be. QED
"Action establishes Identity, otherwise there is nothing upon which action can act." Action implies change; the universe is forever in a state of "becoming" rather than "evolving." That is energy, whereas the simplest form of energy is consciousness (See: Tesla Engineering Physics). Tesla perceived energy as "intelligence." The implication is the innate substance of the universe being that of consciousness itself, which also includes randomness in the form of stable-instability (any balance (stability) is maintained by a force that acts upon it within inherently instable conditions. See: metaphysics blog on "Free Will.")
Where is original action? The soul? Source? For it implies that action itself creates the very identity that created it, and that which it creates.
It just takes a minute portion of consciousness to seed an entire universe.
The soul creates consciousness. The soul's existence can be seen by the reflection of consciousness.. but consciousness is just action, motion, landscaping, people, places, events ... action of the soul, not necessarily living intelligent existence of it's own. The Soul is living intelligent existence. Mind is the Creation. There never CAN be a proof that the Soul is actually mind.
One can become frustrated in a desire to prove the truth of existence to all of Humanity. I get just as frustrated when people cannot unify the paradox of mind, itself. Rene Descartes was the first to say that consciousness is existence. "I think therefore I am." Yet, now, we know that we are not our consciousness. I perceive, therefore I create. I don't believe though, that the irrefutable proof of the soul, and that the soul is existence itself, is necessarily all that important. I mean sure it's important but, why should there have to be a proof of it? There should not have to be a proof of it. The proof that is addressed by proving consciousness exists, is not proof of the soul's existence. The only proof of the soul's existence must be done with Creation, because that is how we know we Exist. Because of mind, but really it's because of the soul that there is mind. Knowing that alone, cannot be known by any part of mind, because such Knowing transcends the existence of consciousness. There are many who cannot understand that. That's why a proof is irrelevant. I just simply proved it with the above, but who would understand such a proof?
Only another Soul would understand such a proof, not of "consciousness of self" but of "I Am I." Perception; Knowing. Rather, the proof must be perceived, rather than "understood." ... anyone who expresses the existence of the soul as consciousness, I tend to stay away from them, because they lack a connection to Source. They misplace Source, and their Mind is not in Alignment. Open up to Love, to that frequency, in order to perceive with clarity. Having a desire to prove something, and to hold that frustration, is not of a vibration of Love; and it is blindness.
Can't prove the soul is mind (consciousness). But you can look at existence and perceive the soul (our "creative powerhouse"). You cannot prove the soul. Mind (consciousness) on the other hand can prove itself.
The soul isn't something we can hold. It's not some shining jewel inside us, or inside our bodies. The soul is within us and everywhere and everything around us. You know your soul just as you know that you are not your consciousness. Perception itself is far beyond consciousness, and has its roots in the soul, not in the mind.
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In time systems, there appears to be cause and effect. But in Light conditions, there is no time. In higher dimensions, life exists where there is no time. We incarnate upon the Earth simultaneously throughout all lifetimes. There are pure living energy places of Life, such as consciousness which is energy. Light however is a type of "universal - causing" energy. It is a peculiar FORM. Consciousness is form, consciousness is creation, energy too, is form. Light is a form of energy.
The universe is light. There is no where in the universe that there is not light. Look at blackbody radiation. All matter vibrates at a frequency of energy that we can perceive as LIGHT.
One must put FORM to the universe to understand the universe in a mechanical way. There must be light, for one to see.
How would we know about dark matter, unless we could detect it, or even conceive it? It's not dark, but only in that there are unknowns about it, which is the only shadow. And yet, shadows can be seen. The universe is light, and there are shadows because of light.
I've been studying these things for a long time, and have finished the work that I can publish here at this site for a time. It surprises me at how little people know about these things, in spite of their ease of understanding (maybe it's perception which is easier, and "understanding" is a by-product, and not necessarily the result of perception). I've thrown a whole bunch of stuff out on this website. I promise I'll organize it all and go through it to be clear with what is, as well as the physics of what can be. It'll just take some time.
Simple shortcut: updated (2/14/15)
well.. hmm... maybe I should hang onto this.. It's easy though. Coils that are perpendicular, or otherwise angled and placed on a 12 point geometry surrounding an utron-capacitor-utron-capacitor-utron-capacitor etc rotating inner core. The coils ought to be bare wire. The capacitor plates and utrons should be repulsive to the coils. Similar to the X-1 engine but using repulsive co-counter rotating charges. It's an idea; utrons can be surrounded by bare wire coils on the inner core, too. Variations are possible; if one thing fails, there is a redundancy. Like I said, I've been thinking about the outer ring for a while.
A ring of utrons on the inside of the toroid coil can also be made to spin. It's something to consider. The outer ring is a lot like the OTC-X1, and if it worked, then we can take the whole ship to another level . . . "The Eye of the Dragon"
The inertial forces of the X-1 disk accumulate through the inner horizontal disk, to the central accumulator. The inertial forces of the outer ring accumulate through the hydrogen/plasma to the vertical core. (See: Tesla Engineering Physics, in "conclusions") The forces are all working in harmony with each other. The more inertial gravity generated by the vertical core, the more is induced also by the outer ring, and co-generated by the outer ring, to be accumulated by the inertial gravity (electrical acceleration) forces of the vertical core. The X-1 disk also carries that unified inertial force in resonance with the outer ring, back to the central accumulator, also in resonance with the vertical core.
The inertial forces from the vertical core accumulate below, at the central accumulator, so that the central accumulator increases in mass capacitance. The vertical core leaves a hole at the top for the ship to fall into (gravity force); and when the central accumulator increases in mass, it falls faster through the hole, into the gravity pocket, into the gravity corridor in front of the ship. The entire field goes along for the ride, with the central accumulator, where the entire ship is affixed.
The physics behind it, simply stated: light is a magneto-electrostatic wave. Yet, when the inertial forces of the two co-counter-spinning rings are also spun simultaneously and oppositely, at very high magneto-electrostatic volts and frequency (the faster they spin, the faster they vibrate together), they resonate in higher dimensions at higher frequencies (relative with the conditions prior to starting the engines) of light. The resonance of that energy field with the lower X-1 engine also creates a larger field, and an accelerated core. Light resonance at high frequency. That is dealing with unity of inertial forces, as light -- inertial forces of mass, ascending to light.
The universe is light and sound. It creates an inertial force-field of light, like a music that can be seen, and a wave that can be felt. Living energy light (organic energizer aspect). The field of light wave-resonance surrounds the ship, moving it at resonant frequencies of "light-speed," meaning it can teleport in hops according to its frequency relative with gravity fields that the ship travels through ("resonance jumps"). Surround it with a suitable casing which can also counter-balance the weight of the inner and outer rings, and also be able to resonate with sound. Inertial light!
The resonance and energy of the outer ring with the inner core (and the lower X-1 will also be in resonance, not to make things too complex -- resonance involves more than one "thing" interacting) amplifies the inner core of the ship, making the inertial forces stronger; it multiplies upon the inertial force (the gravity force) of the vertical core, thus exceeding the speed of light relative to the rest of the universe around the ship -- "inertial resonance" or "gravitational resonance."
The outer ring accelerates the inertia in the vertical core. It speeds up the flow. The air/plasma flow changes to a 90 degree vector as it exits the vertical core, then accelerates in two directions at once around the outer ring, then goes back in through the top of the vertical core again. By now, everything has been explained, or is explained, and you can see how there are multiple aspects to all this, which will be worked out in a construction phase, because that's how things get built and fully understood -- by building it, and working all the kinks out.
FYI, Photons can pass through solid matter at high frequencies, which is how Magnetic Resonance Imaging works; photonic vibration of matter/mass thus spacetime.
... for those of you who have never physically felt those energies, it would perhaps be harder to understand. I've lived in a Tesla tower inside/outside environment doing my experiments. .. picked up a feel for it.
The Important Thing to Note about the Cones (Vertical Core):
The vertical column of cones spin, powered by the lower OTC-X1 engine, but that is in a generator configuration. It can be geared if needed to spin faster than the X-1. A small wheel inside a wide spinning barrel spins faster, and increases the speed. A transmission may be required.
In a generator configuration, there are magnets that spin over coils. Magnets in the cones, and coils around the cylinder. This concept was originally conceived by David Hamel, but not as far as including a basic generator design. On the big picture on the home page, you can hopefully blow up the picture and see somewhat, how the magnets are fit around that particular geometry of cones. High volt magnetic field collapse of course is going to provide power to an internal basic electrogravity design, similar to a proton accelerator. It can't be too beefy though that the magnetic braking affect (resistance) hinders the speed of the cones to spin from having huge over-proportional coils. Additional energy can be supplied by other auxiliary generators on-board ship if needed. This is just a simple design to illustrate a more complex concept of physics. Who knows, it may work. With what we know about the Bedini Schoolgirl Circuit, created by John Bedini, regenerative resonating systems can be understood and constructed with ease, and realized to be "perpetuatingly overunity," or just in "unity-regenerative-resonance." -- amplification, acceleration, regeneration, like a heart-beat.
The same applies to the X-1 engine, which used regenerative circuitry to perpetually trade off energy as flyback volts to maintain the charge of the power source as it sped up into motion and generation of very high frequency inertial magneto-electrostatic (inertial light). The Bedini school girl circuit is a perpetuating energy circuit that trades energy back and forth between capacitors or batteries that turns a motor at high speeds. There is always more energy created then goes into it, so when we look at all these things, it should be realized that our world should be very different then how things currently are. We should be living much differently then how we are. None of this is taught in universities.
Connected in circuit, the X-1, vertical core, and outer ring drive can use the principles of resonance similar to the QEG, to build up tremendous energy.
The above picture is a diagram of John Bedini's schoolgirl circuit. In his earlier designs, he had used capacitors instead of batteries. It is because of John Bedini's work, that the OTCX-1 and LAU-X3 projects can be advanced easily. The concept of the Bedini circuit uses the collapse of the electromagnetic field in the coils to send a high volt current to be used to recharge the circuit (flyback volts). It is similar to the principles of an induction coil which can use a small battery to generate high volt magneto-electrostatic current for Tesla experiments. Here in this diagram, every so often, the batteries must be switched to perpetuate the system (every 8 hours flip a switch, or flip two at once, for example). But, in other adaptations, capacitors can be cycled, or U-trons in the case of the X-1. In a neutral setup, the flyback current can be returned to capacitor plates which also distributes power to the utrons and central accumulator. There should be two coils in this design, one coil wound first, then the other on top. It's not historically wound in caduceus as labeled in the picture, which was just for my own mental notes.
This picture above is here to illustrate a working circuit that is in the fields of common knowledge openly available. From this, it should easily be seen and shown that regenerative energy-perpetuating circuits are possible to construct, with slight modification. There are many other Bedini-style circuits available to view, on the internet, today.
To further simply in its mechanics: The Bedini circuit makes use of a Self-Regenerating geometry which means that the batteries are recharged as they also discharge. There is no loss to the system; electrical power is easily perpetuated, and can be amplified as well when using principles of resonance.
The power from the collapse of the electromagnetic fields in the coils creates a very high volt spark, as seen with how a basic induction coil works. That spark however is fed directly back into the battery at the correct polarity to recharge the battery.
If doubly harnessed with the OTC-X1 engine, then the utrons ALSO carry a charge from the electromagnetic field collapse. The power from the utrons and central accumulator can also be traded back-and-forth, because there are aspects of capacitance also built into those components.
There's a lot going on with the OTC-X1 engine, including harnessing resonance as well as frequency (time each utron passes a C-shaped electromagnet).
This picture above is here to illustrate a working circuit that is in the fields of common knowledge openly available. From this, it should easily be seen and shown that regenerative energy-perpetuating circuits are possible to construct, with slight modification. There are many other Bedini-style circuits available to view, on the internet, today.
To further simply in its mechanics: The Bedini circuit makes use of a Self-Regenerating geometry which means that the batteries are recharged as they also discharge. There is no loss to the system; electrical power is easily perpetuated, and can be amplified as well when using principles of resonance.
The power from the collapse of the electromagnetic fields in the coils creates a very high volt spark, as seen with how a basic induction coil works. That spark however is fed directly back into the battery at the correct polarity to recharge the battery.
If doubly harnessed with the OTC-X1 engine, then the utrons ALSO carry a charge from the electromagnetic field collapse. The power from the utrons and central accumulator can also be traded back-and-forth, because there are aspects of capacitance also built into those components.
There's a lot going on with the OTC-X1 engine, including harnessing resonance as well as frequency (time each utron passes a C-shaped electromagnet).
This Below is a different type of "overhead view" of the X-3 engine
This originally came from a crop circle in England. Some people were calling it the "doomsday circle"
This below is the top view and side profile of the X-1 engine, originally introduced to the public by Otis T. Carr, as pointed out by Ralph Ring. What was in private between Otis T. Carr and Nikola Tesla we will never know. However Otis stated on radio interviews that Tesla had built a number of these machines in his lab from time-to-time, and they all teleported and sometimes disappeared altogether. I drafted this for my own clarity.
This below is the top view and side profile of the X-1 engine, originally introduced to the public by Otis T. Carr, as pointed out by Ralph Ring. What was in private between Otis T. Carr and Nikola Tesla we will never know. However Otis stated on radio interviews that Tesla had built a number of these machines in his lab from time-to-time, and they all teleported and sometimes disappeared altogether. I drafted this for my own clarity.
As an update to this: 1/1/2016
Let us examine a DC geometry and mechanism with snap-reversals of the magnetic field
In a self-regenerative system, such as the Bedini engine as described above (is a common engine easily found on youtube to build and to duplicate), the collapse of a built-up electromagnetic field will create tremendously high flyback voltage ultimately gathering inside the center of the central accumulator (looking at energy in a 5 dimensional system). This charge builds up along the capacitors also, and radiantly throughout the whole system, and also electrostatically.
We have the build-up and release of a rotating electromagnetic field in one way only (paradoxical unification) and polar charge as the capacitors move past the electromagnets, also induced into acceleration by the C-shaped electromagnets.
The utrons catch the field collapse of the electromagnets but not resulting in a spark which can slow the engine down, but with a "smark" or a snap magnetic field reversal which also concentrates electromagnetic polar energy at the tips of the utron.
This creates a rotating AC field as induced electromagnetic current.
The timing must be precise, but with any spinning wheel, you can have brush contacts geometrically where you want to switch "on and off" or reverse the polarity in a commutator fashion as needed. The utrons will also create higher volts at the tips due to the shape of the cones passing over a magnetic field. That allows for a build up of the outer electromagnetic field and the quick collapse between each point where the capacitor plate changes over to utron, but the exact wiring cannot be seen until all the parts are all acting together. But with knowledge of what each part does, we can easily wire it. We know what it CAN do.
It has also been seen how the utron will accelerate motion on a wheel, in Otis T. Carr's notes.
It can be assumed that all outer C-shaped electromagnets are wired uniformly throughout, in DC arrangement.
The utrons and central accumulator can cycle energy back and forth through the capacitor plates, and directly fed by the outer C-shaped magnets, wired like that. The wiring isn't as important because that becomes self-evident as per how the engine is desired to operate.
A lot of people are desiring help with the wiring. It's not that hard to learn. As long as the concept is grasped and understood, then one will wire it to however they want it to work. The only issue is to wire it as to how it is SUPPOSED to work, and that is achieved as easily as one's understanding of the engine is clear.
Also regarding the spinning disk: It's in the geometry of a planetary accretion disk. That's the electrical midpoint (mid-plane) where for instance the rings of Saturn form around Saturn. It's where the planets in our Solar system is aligned in a disk around the Sun. It's a zero plane of electrical balance, and creates a paradoxical sphere of energy as it spins, because it energizes the zero plane of a centralized field of electromagnetic charge. Electrically spinning around a tall coil of wire would energize that coil in the same polarity of the disk. If there is a relative zero between the poles, electrifying that zero with inertia eliminates the space in between the poles, creating a unified field. E = mc^3
Of course it has to spin with something to be included in a paradoxical balance/unity. By itself, it couldn't do that much, and wouldn't be a paradox. A paradox is two events, equal and opposite, that move against and with each other which creates the wholeness of a unity of a one. The unity is the third event, and also comprises the two. Like the equation of a circle, X and Y is the paradox of the circle r. Same with a triangle. Etc. Etc. Etc.
That compliments a concept of co-counter-spinning inertia, but that is an additional paradox (a paradox within a paradox). That's the nature of the universe, itself -- a unifiable paradox. The co-counter spinning electrical inertial concepts are also found toward the bottom of the Tesla Engineering Physics page. The very nature of the paradox itself, if known logically, is the key to every "thing" (all structure) of the universe.
Notice that the central accumulator can be replaced by a tall coil (as a secondary), and the X1 co-counter rotating engine would act as a simple primary coil. It is a uniform (unified) Tesla geometry that I want to illustrate. Of course, a tall coil of wire is a cylinder shape, not a vortex shape. The two cones stuck together can be considered as the center of the vortex, and the intersection point.
Dimensional Geometry
The below image shows how the Earth can seem flat, even though it is spherical and revolves around the sun. The same geometry can be Euclidean, just as the equation of a triangle can also be a circle. It shows the E = mc^3 relation, which also shows how a two-dimensional plane can exhibit 3 dimensional action, much like how 4 cones in a cylinder can relate with the same geometry of a tetrahedron (4-pointed triad) which also forms a sphere. It is what I call "dimensional geometry." The exponent also relates to dimensions of space.
Gyration of Earth's axis is also another dimension of action. Spin, rotation, and gyration is also three dimensions of action. The Sphere of Earth is the shape of the flat realm, and that is a paradox. Spin dynamics alone is a fundamental force of the universe; and when spins reverse, a 180 degree wave cycle is present. Dimensional geometry has vortex characteristics. Thus, the Earth is not flat, otherwise we could not have an E = mc^3 energy curvature of space (curvature of energy space; we are energy).
The below image shows how the Earth can seem flat, even though it is spherical and revolves around the sun. The same geometry can be Euclidean, just as the equation of a triangle can also be a circle. It shows the E = mc^3 relation, which also shows how a two-dimensional plane can exhibit 3 dimensional action, much like how 4 cones in a cylinder can relate with the same geometry of a tetrahedron (4-pointed triad) which also forms a sphere. It is what I call "dimensional geometry." The exponent also relates to dimensions of space.
Gyration of Earth's axis is also another dimension of action. Spin, rotation, and gyration is also three dimensions of action. The Sphere of Earth is the shape of the flat realm, and that is a paradox. Spin dynamics alone is a fundamental force of the universe; and when spins reverse, a 180 degree wave cycle is present. Dimensional geometry has vortex characteristics. Thus, the Earth is not flat, otherwise we could not have an E = mc^3 energy curvature of space (curvature of energy space; we are energy).
Ironically, this also relates to frequency. A black hole's temporal frequency is very high, meaning that the same action of say, moving one's hand, takes a whole lot more seconds in a higher temporal frequency. But that means it's really a lower frequency, because higher frequencies are faster.
The paradox is resolved in a couple of different ways. Each paradox has two events, along-side and opposite-with, that unify as a unique third event which encompasses the other two. X and Y bicker for all eternity to create the circle of the wholeness of the two arguments, r (denoting the radius of the wholeness -- the circle).
First of all, there is a sort of entanglement of energy-biological-bodies to show that the same action takes a longer time or shorter time, relative to the action itself, as General Relativity shows, not relative to location (near or far from a super-gravitational source).
The unity though, reveals that ultimately there does exist a faster temporal frequency in which much more action can take place altogether. The paradox of that unity is a question of density. Is matter more dense than light so that it incurs slower time? Light is simultaneous though, as the unity of X and Y, and not the 45 degree angle between space and time.
Gravity can be harnessed to increase the frequency of time. Gravity is magneto-electrostatic angular inertial mass, essentially, with frequency. But gravity has to be worked geometrically, and in vortex, to shape space and time to do what we want, which would mean we know the shape of space and time, in order to build what we want.
We can use gravity (which is an inertial function of electromagnetic mass) to shape time while reducing space to that of what is closer to light. Light has no mass, takes up no space, does not therefore exist in time, can be in multiple places and times at once.
Light is an infinite expansion though, but is an inner expansion, which manifests an outward reality, nonetheless, according to METAphysics (beyond the physical realm -- the universe is not a closed system -- which is a very deep science, but is critical to know, in order to navigate in nonspace and nontime, or rather Light-space. Light DOES exist in space as well, otherwise we would not know what Light is. Light is the ascension of space, of the physical, yet it is the Soul which is formless. Light does have form, and matter passing through light retains its energy-pattern -- teleportation -- although one's direct focus of consciousness can make it --one's form -- better or worse because of the intense energies of mind and . . . vitality; essentially it has an effect on the physical body, to put it in layman's terms).
There is a paradox of frequency revealed as well. A higher space frequency is more density and more separation in time from light. A higher time frequency is less density, and puts space closer to the light form. Frequency in time also relates to cycles of energy and vibration. The frequency of space is therefore space's vibration, as it flickers into and out of existence, cycling between now and the quantum vacuum, at every interval and moment that time allows for space's existence. Ultimately it is light which is the unity of the paradox of space and time, everything at once, and infinitely becoming.
Time is slower closer to a gravitational source, but from within that gravitational source, the universe AROUND it slows down, meaning it exists in a much higher time frequency.
This model of the universe is a paradoxical model, not a dualistic model. A dualistic model cannot unify. A paradoxical model is the model of unity with examinable parts.
This is the Key of Unity in physics. One will understand it only if one's consciousness is attuned to a Unity-Awareness.
When space (gravity) is reduced, as the time frequencies increase (toward light), then there is transformation of space and time frequency, in order to enable warp-flight, and/or travel through hyperdimensional light-space (teleportation). Teleportation is simply explained by turning off the vertical core engine, and running the ring-exotic plasma outer engine, so that there is a disconnection with space, and an ability to travel independently through time. That can bypass a frequency barrier only if the pilots' vibration and conscious frequency is pure, unconditionally loving, and of the Ascension kind of frequency. Leaving Earth is one thing, but returning would put one into a higher frequency of Earth reality.
By higher frequency of realities and of beings, I am implying that of the Life force. Living energy is who we are, and the frequency of living energy and biological life applies in reverse to what General Relativity considers frequencies in SPACE and GRAVITY. The energies of Time is the focus of frequency, which impacts space paradoxically.
Time is noncausal meaning that we as a people can raise our frequencies and vibration and restore Earth and meet our Ascended counterparts bringing the ships that we built and Ascended with, when we achieve that frequency [on Earth]. BUT, without taking action to do that very thing now, we would not meet ourselves in the future. So there are simultaneous co-incidental things that happen and must happen to be in complete fulfillment with temporal creation, non-causality, and desire.
The future creates the past, otherwise there would not be a past that leads to any Event perceivable in the present moment.
Bose-Einstein condensates updated (2/28/15)
Dr. Ning Li who was working for NASA in Huntsville, AL came up with a type of gravity engine she called AC antigravity using a Bose-Einstein condensate spun in a magnetic field, and stimulated by lasers. The concept is that all the atoms in the condensate are aligned in a type of lattice-structure which behaves as one mega-atom (all parts acting as one in a super-state). I read about that back around 2003 in a Popular Mechanics article called "Taming Gravity."
In addition, the concept uses the Einstein Equivalency principle which states that a frame of acceleration is equivalent to a field of gravity. That being said, at a high rate of acceleration, that translates into a gravity field.
The purpose of the condensate was to have many atoms acting as one, with all their spins and charges in alignment. It occurred to me that maybe the same thing can be accomplished in an electro-mechanical arrangement using room-temperature superconductive mono-atomic matter (the condensate had to be cooled by liquid nitrogen or helium to become superconductive).
She later went to work for the Chinese government, and dropped off the radar.
It was a small device, and she went off to look for funding to develop it further, and it held great promise.
The vertical engine core mimics the principles of her theory. A lot of this stuff can be very hard to believe, and to understand without years of background work, experience, and knowledge.
Matter does not have to be accelerated to "near light speed" in order to generate gravity forces, or to operate within fields of gravity.
I'm putting this info here to remind myself not to just throw out what I have learned thinking it's not going to work.
Additional interesting things about Dr. Ning Li -- exo-archaeoastronomy
I also want to point a few things out. Dr. Ning Li predicted that there must be a backwards flow of time at the south pole (Antarctica), due to the spin and rotation and electromagnetic inertia and whatnot, because of her work with gravity, and that phenomena actually was reported once by Reuters (Russia) years ago that a time vortex was discovered, and a probe was sent in, which disappeared from radar and sight, but was tethered to a rope. There is a lot about this particular phenomena that I'd rather not go too much in depth upon, because I'd have to explain all the paradoxes involved, including the nature of the temporal entanglement.
The tethered probe was pulled back out, and the clock actually read backwards by about 20 years. So the rate of the backwards time flow can be recorded. However, it doesn't mean that a man could go into it, tethered by rope, and then be pulled out as aged backwards and be a small child. The simple explanation involves parallel reality, in which a different man was pulled out, from a slightly different parallel dimension, where there must be some slight variations in the man's memory of what was actually experienced. That is a simple explanation.
There is also another phenomena about the Pacific ocean, which is considered as the Pacific Basin. It's somewhat flat. According to the ancient Sumerian Hall of Records, a large planet hit Earth roughly 250 million years ago, and broke a portion of Earth off into space; and it is claimed in the Hall of Records that that portion (the head of Earth) is actually Venus, which re-entered our solar system at 3113 B.C. at the time of the start of the Mayan calendar. Before then, Earth was larger; after, Earth settled into a closer orbit to the sun, and the asteroid belt is remnants of some of Earth. The ancients called the larger Earth "Tiamat" way back, long ago (or at the very least, that was the name attributed to the ancient Earth in the Sumerian Hall of Records).
There is also sufficient archaeological, geological, and historic (Ancient Hall of Records) record to show that we used to have an ultra-advanced civilization that stretched out into the stars, lasting 100 million years. There is a moon orbiting Uranus which is the shape of a soccer ball with a ridge around its equator, possibly remnants of an early Human space station. When the Earth was split, then to fill that gaping hole, the continents separated, making the space of the Atlantic ocean (see: cataclysmic continental drift theory). Ancient underground cities have been discovered miles below the Earth's surface where they were constructed of polished stone, and each stone fits tightly together with laser-edge precision. One case was discovered in a vertical mine under Oklahoma.
In the Pacific basin, standing on the shores of Hawaii, or at an atoll, the visual horizon is over eye-level, because of the flattened aspect of the Pacific basin. Relatively speaking, it's a basin because it is flat. It only appears as a basin, relatively. Make sense? So gravity still holds the water in place, but the horizon aspect is changed. Simple explanation without going into too much detail. (I probably should have added this little bit long ago, but I didn't want to get too far off-topic)
In addition, the concept uses the Einstein Equivalency principle which states that a frame of acceleration is equivalent to a field of gravity. That being said, at a high rate of acceleration, that translates into a gravity field.
The purpose of the condensate was to have many atoms acting as one, with all their spins and charges in alignment. It occurred to me that maybe the same thing can be accomplished in an electro-mechanical arrangement using room-temperature superconductive mono-atomic matter (the condensate had to be cooled by liquid nitrogen or helium to become superconductive).
She later went to work for the Chinese government, and dropped off the radar.
It was a small device, and she went off to look for funding to develop it further, and it held great promise.
The vertical engine core mimics the principles of her theory. A lot of this stuff can be very hard to believe, and to understand without years of background work, experience, and knowledge.
Matter does not have to be accelerated to "near light speed" in order to generate gravity forces, or to operate within fields of gravity.
I'm putting this info here to remind myself not to just throw out what I have learned thinking it's not going to work.
Additional interesting things about Dr. Ning Li -- exo-archaeoastronomy
I also want to point a few things out. Dr. Ning Li predicted that there must be a backwards flow of time at the south pole (Antarctica), due to the spin and rotation and electromagnetic inertia and whatnot, because of her work with gravity, and that phenomena actually was reported once by Reuters (Russia) years ago that a time vortex was discovered, and a probe was sent in, which disappeared from radar and sight, but was tethered to a rope. There is a lot about this particular phenomena that I'd rather not go too much in depth upon, because I'd have to explain all the paradoxes involved, including the nature of the temporal entanglement.
The tethered probe was pulled back out, and the clock actually read backwards by about 20 years. So the rate of the backwards time flow can be recorded. However, it doesn't mean that a man could go into it, tethered by rope, and then be pulled out as aged backwards and be a small child. The simple explanation involves parallel reality, in which a different man was pulled out, from a slightly different parallel dimension, where there must be some slight variations in the man's memory of what was actually experienced. That is a simple explanation.
There is also another phenomena about the Pacific ocean, which is considered as the Pacific Basin. It's somewhat flat. According to the ancient Sumerian Hall of Records, a large planet hit Earth roughly 250 million years ago, and broke a portion of Earth off into space; and it is claimed in the Hall of Records that that portion (the head of Earth) is actually Venus, which re-entered our solar system at 3113 B.C. at the time of the start of the Mayan calendar. Before then, Earth was larger; after, Earth settled into a closer orbit to the sun, and the asteroid belt is remnants of some of Earth. The ancients called the larger Earth "Tiamat" way back, long ago (or at the very least, that was the name attributed to the ancient Earth in the Sumerian Hall of Records).
There is also sufficient archaeological, geological, and historic (Ancient Hall of Records) record to show that we used to have an ultra-advanced civilization that stretched out into the stars, lasting 100 million years. There is a moon orbiting Uranus which is the shape of a soccer ball with a ridge around its equator, possibly remnants of an early Human space station. When the Earth was split, then to fill that gaping hole, the continents separated, making the space of the Atlantic ocean (see: cataclysmic continental drift theory). Ancient underground cities have been discovered miles below the Earth's surface where they were constructed of polished stone, and each stone fits tightly together with laser-edge precision. One case was discovered in a vertical mine under Oklahoma.
In the Pacific basin, standing on the shores of Hawaii, or at an atoll, the visual horizon is over eye-level, because of the flattened aspect of the Pacific basin. Relatively speaking, it's a basin because it is flat. It only appears as a basin, relatively. Make sense? So gravity still holds the water in place, but the horizon aspect is changed. Simple explanation without going into too much detail. (I probably should have added this little bit long ago, but I didn't want to get too far off-topic)
The BIG Update! -- A Hyper-warp drive is born
Okay! Things are really clicking!
"Instead of using gravity fields to propel the craft, the craft travels in resonant energy-wave hops, or jumps, through space and time in higher frequencies of energy space, in conjunction with living thought, thus literally considered a "hyperdrive" or "jump drive."
"The ship makes a gravity beam through the vertical core, which is not quite gravity in the way we think of it, in terms of "inertia." It's more of a tele-kinetic energy motion, moving the light merkabah (X-1) through higher energy space where thought has more of a solid force than gravity, or the denser matter-strings of force (magneto-electrostatic and electro-mechanical vortex). How else do we break the hold of the repulsive and attractive forces of stellar gravity fields? Like a martial artist, it's the energy that is the strength, not the muscles of heavy mass. Energy is mass. Gravity fields resist and conduct, slowing matter/objects or speeding them up when in motion, thus at frequency. Frequency barriers of time (light-speed) are bypassed by tunneling through already-present gravity fields, electrically using a means of moving without gravity (tele-portation).
There are aspects of inertia, and inertial forces, but the real beauty is not found in inertial physics, but in resonant physics, which must also include thought and living energy. Mind and belief is a factor of piloting through hyperspace. The book also discusses all this and more, including hyperdimensional navigation through space and time to distant places, achieved by the mind, in a light-merkabah vehicle made by Human beings.
Hyperspace is the natural (or more natural) home of the energy and light beings we are. Martial artists use the chi as hyperspace energies of moving objects through matter, like how chi gong masters can push a straw through a table. MIT filmed (I think using aura photography, my martial arts Grand Master teaches this) a martial artist breaking a board, and found the board broke before his hand actually physically touched the board. It broke because of the martial artist's energy or chi, and not by physical contact at all!" < -- this is copywritten material, by the way. .. and the stuff below, too ....
So the ship tunnels through gravity fields, vibrating at a much higher frequency, capable of passing through matter itself. It is very complex to explain all this. The book ought to do it, though. Don't knock the power of mind and energy, which is the basic substance of the universe. At higher resonance frequencies, a little is a whopping lot! A slight gravity force-beam at much higher resonance frequencies is a very large gravity force-beam, and yet the mass fields generated by energy alignment is not overburdening that would punch a hole through the ship. It's all in resonance. That keeps the ship from being torn apart. A frame of gravity (acceleration of mass) at high enough frequencies can even determine the gravity field of a black hole.
When something is in a state of acceleration, like a spinning top, even if the spin is stable it is not at a zero vector according to hyperdimensional and Einsteinean physics. Anything in a constant rotational speed, can be considered a frame of acceleration, not at a constant, but is always changing from one limit to the next. As in the case of the Bose-Einstein condensate, the micro-states of matter don't have to be so compact to harness the power of a single atom in a macro sense. There is a tremendous amount of power that can be generated from the smallest aspect of resonance. Tesla had made the golden gate bridge ripple with wave-like motion from a small matchbox-sized resonance device. When resonance forces compound upon each other, the proportion of energy is off the charts, and builds upon itself similar to the resonance frequencies found in the Pythagorean perfect note scale.
Overpowered with gravitational forces will limit a craft in the speed it can obtain, due to the resistance of the gravitational field itself. With as little resistance as possible, a large resonance force can perform much better than heavy massive circulations of matter. Again, it's the energy that does the work, and where the real strength comes from, not heavy mass, which will slow it down and limit a ship to a frequency speed that cannot surpass the maximum frequency of the engines. Entangled photons transfer information and motion at any distance simultaneously, no matter how great a distance. That is a concept associated with stargates. Light has no mass; rather, the mass of light is unified to an "infinite" zero, phasing the mass value to zero as a unified state of matter and mass. Energy still retains its pattern and form though, traveling through the form and the formless, making teleportation to other stars possible through the gravitational zeros at the midpoints between star-system gravity fields.
These are the same concepts of martial arts and chi gong. Tightening up a rock-hard iron fist clenches the muscles of the hand and forearm, which those muscles are connected ultimately to the core of the body (external obliques) -- it is a concept called "segmented muscular hookup." Just by moving one's hand, one can propel one's entire arm, from the muscular hookup. My father, Dr. W.J. Dowling M.D. pioneered that physiology in his lifetime. With the clenched hand and forearm, one's own muscles slows down the speed and force one can obtain from a punch or strike. Bruce Lee's famous 3 inch punch would knock a man backwards, flying through the air at least 6 feet. Intention alone powers the body's energy field. That has been measured by voltmeters. And with martial artists who are attuned to using their internal chi, just with the intention of thinking "heavy," will literally amplify that energy force of a punch or blow to be like the force of a sledgehammer, but only from 6 inches away. Thought creates energy. No.. Intention creates thought; thought IS energy.
I'm really biting my tongue here.. The power of thought fields is astounding, which gets more into the philosophical and metaphysical disciplines; but suffice to say, I have experienced things that would turn most people white. The book is heavily safety oriented, incorporating a "safety manual for the unknown" when dealing with these very unknown concepts of mind and energy, and how to stay SAFE! Stay tuned for it, but be patient.
Here is an update .. The secret space program uses two hemispheres of an overall general toroid shape (linear accelerator tubes bent in hemispheres) where one hemisphere moves one way, the other in the other way. This is an excerpt from "Unified Mechanics" :
" Light has no mass, thus it does not exist in time. That is simple mechanics. Actually at higher frequencies of resonance space, a single photon can manifest its mass; it does have mass – unified mass. To physical 3-D reality, it appears as having zero mass. It can be considered as a zero vector of mass, because of how the mass-wave phases. If matter has ½ spin, then a photon has a spin of one, two components of inertial mass as a one, unified seemingly zero. The vectors of each ½ spin cancel. If light can measure frequencies of time, there must be a mass component to a single photon.
It has been commonly known that an electromagnetic wave is a wave of light. That is true; for visible light is most definitely along the electromagnetic band; and yet, if mass is also an electromagnet wave, then how is light separate at all from matter? "
of course the answer to the last question is "it isn't" but that is aside from the point here.. I just wanted to mention that .. well, that and also light is a magneto-electro-static wave. It's technically NOT electromagnetic. Tesla showed Hertz that if Hertz pulled a vacuum on his experiment, he would see that there would be no spark of light. Hertz tried to change his patent, but they wouldn't let him..
Magneto-electrostatic Inertial Resonance
This is the concept which explains why a relatively slow moving engine can push up large amounts of "warp drive speed," to put it in layman's terms.
In a lightdrive engine described by the private space program disclosures as microwaving a material to a liquid exotic phase of matter (similar to the Hutchison Effect experiments, I'd imagine), and accelerating it in a linear accelerator made to go around in a circle at the speed of electrostatic waves (220,000 miles per second roughly), then there is that mass force of acceleration in two halves of a circle which increases the gravity field of the ship (see: the promise revealed link in my recommended website links on the main page).
That's the secret ingredient, using monoatomic or exotic matter as room temperature superconductors.
But that is a fast-moving engine, and is ideally the way our basic physics concludes that must work in order to achieve stable wormholes, and light-speed travel.
However, the OTC-X1 (Tesla X-1) uses different principles. I wonder if one of the reasons Otis T. Carr couldn't obtain a patent was because it had already been patented in secret. That is idle speculation as an aside, however. My point is that the Tesla X-1 used principles of magneto-electrostatic vortex and teleportation mechanics. In later field reports, the pilots recalled the ship moving across the land, experiencing that kind of travel. So I merely bridge the gap there and say it moves through "hyperspace," which is merely a way to describe a different temporal frequency of spacetime, a higher dimension, so to speak.
The engine only moved at around 600 RPM (similar to the SEG rotation speed created by Prof. John Searl), but was enough to create lift, independent flight in a gravity field, thought piloted capabilities, passing through solid matter -- 4-dimensional flight. Otis, according to Ralph Ring, was adamant that it did not "fly" but hovered and teleported. I differ, because anything airborne is flight-capable.
The mechanics of the vortex of magneto-electrostatic energy -- the "chi" of the ship (the energy body) is created by the shape and dynamics of the engine. The vertical "overdrive" engine of the 4-cone stack is a different kind of machine. It creates linear motion through the field itself, terminating at the stable vortex at the heart of the ship, just above the central accumulator of the lower X-1 engine.
If it used microwaved exotic matter, it would be phenomenal as a Warp Drive Engine. BUT, it does not.
So that is the physics of Warp Drive revealed, but.. how is it engineered?
A shortcut is taken in the LAU X-3. The same principles of physics can apply to using exotic mercury or other material as the core material set in motion to achieve Warp Drive. Exotic material itself is a room temperature superconductor, and capable of resonance with its inertial frequencies of motion.
An electrostatic energy without a magnetic field will never turn a motor although can be measured on a volt meter. It is a simultaneous rotation and counter-rotation effect which phases the magnetic field to zero. A diode set in a small unit can generate electromagnetic energy, moving the electrostatic field in one way only, thus giving the magnetic field ability to form. Resonating (amplification) the energy picked up by radio waves in a Tesla resonating tower like I built, thus increasing the amperage as well as volts, would build tremendous output of resonating electromagnetic waves and current, using that small energy to set a much larger electrical force from the Earth into motion, field-grounded only by energy field, rather than direct wire. It's easy to do. It can become very high volts. Applications include electrical boat motors, powered by radio waves in the electrostatic fields of the living Earth.
That is why it can create earthquakes, and did create small local earthquakes at regular intervals at times, because the Earth is an electrical body. I shook the dragon, the chi-spirit of the Earth, so to speak. That's another story. Energy systems like this can create an environmental hazard to trees and small animals and birds, so to be safe, it should be shorter than the trees around it, at the very least!
Magneto-electrostatic energy is the energy of mass and time (the paradox of light). Mass set into motion has inertia. The principles of the flight of the Tesla X-1 uses an inertial magneto-electrostatic force. Magneto-electrostatic force set into physical motion (using a mechanical device set into motion to harness that field in motion, much like an electric motor, but the motion is moving the energy itself, not the energy turning matter) creates inertial force -- gravity.
Set into resonance (and set into motion because there must be inertial forces working together in order for there to be a resonance increase of those forces), at sacred frequencies and harmonics, such as the frequencies of the Pythagorean perfect note scale of music, will create a tremendous amount of energy, which in turn is a tremendous amount of inertial mass force.
Tremendous is relative. What is tremendous, 200 times more than the amount of energy going into it as Jamie Buturff discovered? That energy feeds into the center of the vortex from the top, and imbalances that vortex with inertial mass force, thus giving it a sense of conventional propulsion.
Is that enough to qualify it as a warp drive, or maybe like an impulse engine?
Well, what is the frequency of the space and time it moves inertial force through? What's the speed of the space it travels through? The LAU-X3, as it is becoming more clear, it is not a warp drive. It travels through hyperspace. So, that right there is a faster-moving spacetime. A smaller engine would none-the-less push the ship at faster speeds, and through solid objects (the ship is vibrating at higher frequency of unity with engines on).
There are several types of ships. There are the ships that you can see moving through the sky, and then there are the ships that appear and disappear, or that can only be seen through certain bands of the electromagnetic spectrum using certain equipment. I've seen both kinds.
I don't have any doubt we have secret warp-drive capabilities, if they are coming out with the tremendous photographs of ships and ship technology that move through a faster range of time, but still are visible in the normal visible electromagnetic spectrum that the Human eye can see. That same technology can be used with a frequency-enhancing system such as the X-1, placing the ship into hyperspace, and then moving it at the electrostatic speed of light (electrostatic wave speed). So the speed is increased also in a surrounding field of spacetime also increased in frequency -- a warp drive.
Simple, isn't it?
The X-3 is a "poor-man's" hyperdrive ship. Capable of moving around the star systems at very fast speeds, if "speed" itself is even a reality in hyperspace.
The theory of how time and speed is measured in travel (relative to in-flight, and on-the-ground observation) and things like that are really not applicable, yet, until we have some experience. That's the easiest way to determine those things, such as time moving faster inside the ship than around the ship, is to build it and fly it. The pilots would age quicker but could be healed in a vortex, and from their point of view appear to move slower over the Earth; although at fast speeds, an outside observer sees the ship moving 8 or 9 times around the planet in one second, but it could take several hours to the pilots. That follows more conventional warp theory, not hyperdrive theory however.
Since the LAU-X3 possibly moves through time itself, there could be age-reduction, as a fountain of youth, bringing the cells of the body into good energetic alignment with conscious form (focus).
A good boat, however, is good to have.
The way the energies of time affect the Human being are peculiar to note. As the Human beings passes through the 4th dimension, memory is affected. The travel event is not remembered until later, as memory returns through time. That is how the Human brain processes the construct of "people, places, and events," through that mechanism of frequency of where and how the energy of memory is formed on Earth. This shows us that memory is holographic, as patternized energy onto the brain. Memory is "housed" in the energy field, and only accessed by the brain.
This may be the only reason such technology is secret (because they forget and have to remember it! a little joke). Because it is unknown the effects on Humanity in larger scales, with larger more irresponsible sects of the Human population. Some places on Earth seem to magnify the dark energies of civilization.. For instance spirits without bodies can also define a CORPORATION, in form with no substance. One must wonder what the consequences are upon larger scales of the morphogenic thought-form field of Earth in light of recent understandings of the life-matrix of creation upon this planet and beyond.
I'm calling it: a "hyper-warp drive"
Acceleration of magneto-electrostatic charge:
I want to make mention of something. There are a lot of particle accelerators in the world, the most famous use huge electromagnets to accelerate particles like protons. When the mass of the proton approaches the limit of electromagnetic wave speed, it becomes in resonance with the electromagnetic wave energy, supercharging the particle's mass. That is electromagnetic inertial resonance.
Doing it with a magneto-electrostatic charge can be accomplished similarly; a proton is a single polarity of electromagnetic charge (magneto-electrostatic point of inertia). The question is if the proton being accelerated can approach the speed of electrostatic waves of 220,000 miles per second, in a very large particle accelerator. I think more to the point though, is that the ship is not a 2 mile long particle accelerator; the ship is much smaller then that. Magneto-electrostatic charge however may be much more efficient then electromagnetic acceleration (electromagnetic energy incurs magnetic resistance), plus it's much easier. It is the concept of electrogravity, so as to if protons can be accelerated that fast or not, is not as relevant to this particular ship design.
However it is interesting that a concept of electromagnetic resonance could also be explainable as a mechanism for mass increase in accelerated protons. E=MC^2 is in regard especially to inertial energy of acceleration -- gravity.
Is it a rule of thumb that electromagnetics can resonate more with mass, and electrostatics more with time? It would seem electrostatic waves would be easier to work with energies of time, since they are faster, because they are in parallel instead of transverse as the electric wave intersects the magnetic field. What exactly is time?
The Time Ship (the shape of time) . . . updated (2/14/15)
It should be stated that the ship tunnels through time fields, rather than gravity fields. But people understand gravity fields, and not so much "time fields." Time is influenced by gravity. But to work with the energies and frequencies of time itself requires an understanding of paradoxical theory.
It's a simple matter to go back through this page and take out all focus around gravity and re-direct and re-word it so the focus is around time. But, things evolve regardless.
Manipulating time fields does not take tremendous amounts of gravity, once the energy of time is better understood. I'll have to study more about this, in fact.
The outer ring drive, by its design and intended function, changes the [shape of] time around the edge of the ship. And so the edge of travel in the direction the engines carry it, in that corridor of traversement, there can be observed the existence of a wormhole, whereas the shape of it is interesting, the edges of the wormhole may appear as a type of event horizon.
There is more and more information about antigravity coming out on the web, on video, etc. The shape of these engines are in what I'm particularly interested.
Time is separation of energy fields. Resonance fills the spaces by decreasing the separation. That's why energy and frequency increase. Mass has been measured as being electromagnetic inertia. A magneto-electrostatic field can increase the frequency through transformation and resonance. There must be inertia to transform inertia, just like there must be electricity to transform electricity. The outer ring drive is a co-counter-spinning (rather, simultaneously-spinning in both directions at once) force of mass and energy. The frequency of that inertial energy increases in proportion to the RPM's (revolutions per minute).
See how that works? (see: Tesla Engineering page at the bottom)
Inertia is what? Fields of acceleration, and fields of gravity. Einstein's equivalence principle. E = MC^2
Co-counter rotating magneto-electrostatic fields require a medium such as air to generate the spark. That's what "static" means, "in the air." However, a static material or medium can be ANY medium that transfers a spark. And once that spark is created, and there is an electrostatic energy, then that wave will propagate through space (through a vacuum). Di-electric waves are perhaps more commonly known than electrostatic.
I see here now, that I must make a distinction. I rambled something on the Tesla Engineering Physics page about the seven energy types, all variations of some magnetic, electric, and static; HOWEVER, A di-electric energy wave (seen on the Tesla Engineering Physics page), conducted in parallel (not transverse) can be transferred through a vacuum. An electric field of charge does not require air or a conductive medium to propagate. Satellites use electrostatic scanning beams from space for propulsion (attitude correction and station keeping)! Are they using electroSTATIC, or are they using di-electric? Obviously electrostatic means "in the air," but di-electric is the shape of the field (and the speed of the wave). An electrostatic wave from a satellite would have to be generated firstly within an ionized gas.
Time frequency is an aspect of mass-separation. Electromagnetic frequency is the cycles of the wave. Time frequency is the cycling of mass waves, or mass energy [waves]. Can time be isolated apart from gravity? The spacetime continuum is the frequency of space. Gravity (inertial forces) is generated from mass. An increase in gravity can increase the frequency of time. Okay, that's general relativity. Can the frequencies of time be modulated independantly as Otis T. Carr proclaimed the OTC-X1 can do? For there to be a change of time, there must be a motion of mass, and an electromagnetic field, in order to electrically work those energies and forces into a higher resonance frequency.
Well, we see that simultaneous clockwise and counter-clockwise spinning of an electromagnetic wave exactly 180 degrees off makes the magnet out of phase, zeroing it out, so that a pure electrical energy is obtained without a magnet. (See: Tesla Engineering Physics)
If Time increases and decreases reflexively with gravity fields, then the zeroing out (phasing out) of a gravity field could very well leave (abandon) a field of temporal space frequency. The space will still be there, even though there is a zero gravity field (zero mass), just like the electromagnetic wave is still present (and phased to zero) in a bolt of lightning, but the space of zero mass would be collapsed to nowhere and expanded to everywhere (a zero space or "light space," which is not the same as a negative energy space of merely reduced mass). It is remarkably similar to what NASA EAGLEWORKS is working on, using Alcubierre's equations. It's probably all the same stuff, ultimately. Co-counter rotating alternating magneto-electrostatic charges at exactly 180 degrees out of phase can exist, because the Rodin-Buturff coil wound in interference pattern actually would seem to zero out, but because of the toroid field, actually amplifies the energy, the frequency, and the space (amplitude). When the frequency is increased, the time (separation) decreases.
Co-counter rotating alternating MES charges at 180 degrees out of phase in a vortex geometry should do several things. It should change the time frequency of the space of the ship the faster it spins (faster = increased frequency). It could decrease the inertia of the ship. It could decrease the mass of the ship, too. But it would increase the time frequency (because space and time is hardly separate. Time does not stop when space collapses, time approaches infinity. Light is a unity of undefined time -- light has simultaneous characteristics), which is why mass and gravity seems to be increased in a warp drive theory such as what Star Trek depicts. Increasing the time frequency without having to use a lot of exotic matter accelerating at light speed would be ideal! It would be easier to build. ... Gravity is not polarized time. Actually, it's paradoxical light. Time and gravity are a polarity of inertial energy (mass). Mass is in paradox to (with) light. Mass is the positive and negative and the separation of one and all, the shape of the paradox of a single photon. Ascension of mass into light is unification of the paradox of matter. The unity of the shape of matter is light. There are no objects that are not fields of energy.
Light is energy. Matter is energy.
I've been searching for the answer to that question for a long time. How does matter ascend into light. How does one unify with the All . . . and return to talk about it! That is the "place" where metaphysics and unified physics intersect, at light, which ultimately, and is the very most important, the mind's realization of the Truth of Love -- the Soul Force enlightening within fields of consciousness.
Source Creates Energy -- Life Force.
. . .
It also might take the ship out of inertial space altogether which means it could teleport (fly around at light speeds). It's odd to note, that the experience of light is simultaneous meaning, it takes both the left path and the right path, and experiences all those variations of parallel reality, and it arrives at its destination the same moment it left from its place of origin. However, we perceive the light beam taking time, in fact taking exactly 186,000 miles per second worth of time to travel a distance. This means that even though the pilots could experience instantaneous teleportation, to ground observers it might be measured as travel at 186,000 miles per second, or 220,000 miles per second.
However, in light of gravity lensing (Tesla Engineering Physics page), and traveling in higher frequencies, an observer may not even be able to detect the ship traveling. It is still a matter of speculation as to how an outside observer can measure the speed, vs how the pilots can measure the time taken to travel. It's possible that since the LAU-X3 travels through time, there may be no way to measure the passage of time on board the ship in travel. As a whole, these physics are very non-conventional. I like it!
It is ironic that the ship uses electret/power cells both as a power source~spark, and as a means of propulsion. Everyone has been so fascinated with nuclear forces for space travel, overlooking the simple things of nature. Radioactivity is toxic. It seems the more advanced technologies of space travel is non-toxic. Nuclear radioactivity as a power source could lock the ship into a field of energy unable to safely travel through hyperspace. Nuclear fission is heavier and more dense and harnesses void energy destruction to the fabric of reality of living energy and light-unity, tearing DNA apart in unified fields instead of healing in pure unified frequencies and geometry (non-randomly).
See: Tesla Engineering Physics for the engineering physics of the Tachyon drive mechanics of the LAU-X3. I'm not including it on the Warp Drive Engineering page because more has to be known, to understand how a starship can travel faster than light, increasing in acceleration as it also decreases in mass, but still increase the frequency of time, independent of gravity and mass and velocity.
Radioactivity Cleanup and Exotic Monoatomic Material Science
A friend of mine, Donna Shotwell from Eufala, Oklahoma has created a way to instantly neutralize radioactive material, especially in water, such as leaking radioactive waste pools from Fukashima. She had three US test labs confirm these results, and has demonstrated the technology to the president of BP Oil successfully. The lab testers didn't even believe their own eyes. She had to threaten to sue to get the test results back. She was offered a 30 million dollar contract to clean up the Fukashima site. But Halliburton beat her out for billions.
We are facing the eminent mass extinction of our oceans, which also includes the Gulf of Mexico oil spews pouring out into the Atlantic ocean.
She has also succeeded in tempering copper to a melt point of 7500 degrees F. These technologies involve monoatomics as exotic phases of matter. Using an argon atmosphere, or a vacuum, pure exotic tempered metals can be manufactured for space flight, AND to neutralize the radioactivity in our aquatic environments, or at the very least, to neutralize radioactive core material of the Fukashima reactors immediately.
Monoatomic exotic metals exhibit characteristics noteworthy: positive and negative mass fluctuations, room temperature superconductivity, appearing in multiple places at once, levitating, disappearing and reappearing, and exotic tempering.
Sheets of exotic metals can be manufactured which incur no magnetic-braking speed-limit effect (because of superconductivity at room temperatures).
However, the historic OTCX-1 did not use any exotic materials.
Let it be known these solutions are real, the solutions to heal our planet, and to explore other stars.
My humble apologies if I overstepped boundaries. Donna is afraid to come forward in the public because she doesn't want the technology to "fall into the wrong hands," yet it should be known because the Fukashima disaster is appearing to be a massive extinction level event. She has excellent theories on the creation of radioactive material, and theories of radioactivity similar to Tesla's that has been observed by oil drilling, a spontaneous creation of radioactive imbalance, spontaneous creation of radioactive material, and the instantaneous neutralization of radioactive material. It's very similar to vortex rotation and counter-rotation mechanics. .. radioactivity is when a substance is seeking equilibrium by drawing energy from its surroundings, a paradoxical causality.
... And see Warp Drive News for other recent developments.
Rough Concept Complete