I could not pass this opportunity up. I've got some information to share, and I don't know where to even begin. Maybe I'll start with the recent closing of the Solar Observatory in Sunspot, New Mexico, along with other Solar observatories being shut down, and camera feeds from satellites being shut down and looped with playback, all to cover up what's going on currently, which we can see in the skies at night AND in broad daylight -- a MASSIVE space battle.
Blackhawk helicopters landed at the Solar observatory, which does not logically match up with the reality of the official and unofficial reasons we have been given for the closing. Everyone was EVACUATED from the observatory AND the entire town of Sunspot, New Mexico overlooking White Sands miles upon miles away in the far distance, and the post office was closed.
Please be advised, this article touches on highlights, but is not the whole story. Also, some information about the sun may be rather shocking, or unbelievable, but I'm just saying it as it was shared with me. I wanted to share this because it's noteworthy on many levels.
On September 11, 2018, Maria G. Hill from Salem, Indiana took these images by the sun of a massive space fleet amassing. I just want to touch on some highlights, because it is exclusive access where some of this information is being shared, in an interview hosted by Klan-mother Karen Macdonald, in discussion with Space Defense Force Sgt. Pattie Brassard-Brackett.
You can find this interview on her facebook live videos. I think the best thing to do here, is to show images, and discuss what those images are about.
The images look like dots in the sky like any typical UFO video, so I won't bother to post those. By the way, Nibiru has been destroyed, so it has been claimed. How, is just not important. Maybe it is but, it's not important to me because it brings up elements of a military organization that primarily exists in the astral frequencies -- the Silver Legion -- not the physical reality where planets exist. Granted, the physical reality does exist into the higher frequencies, but assuming Earth does make a gigantic shift of the ages, and elevates in frequency to phenomenal and profound levels of reality, then we would not experience lower-frequency destruction.
Regardless of point of view, would Nibiru exist in higher frequencies as a destructive force? It might as well, at this point, be out of our reality, and I think that's what the truer message of these events show. Reality is always in flux, throughout timelines and parallel possible realities. To see so many of these possible realities at once, is a near indication of impending Ascension ... Earth Ascension, however that may look.
Earth actually has planet shields. The Air Force was working on them years ago, using the HAARP array to electrify the ionosphere, creating a massive artificial aurora, with force behind it; but due to a satellite honeycomb lattice around the planet, we can shield it from asteroids and other ships, and quarantine the planet to prevent ships entering or leaving, unless we like them.
Also, the Templars have, from what I understand, been able to access the ancient satellite grid -- the old frequency fence in place to keep us controlled -- and use that to allow access or create blockades, against beings vibrating at various frequencies.
The big bright object to the right is the blue star Kachina (yes, the same one from the Hopi Prophecies), which comes into our Solar system from time-to-time when work needs to be done to repair the sun. The streaks are weapons fire. A lot of the dots are ships, except for the biggest brightest dots which are planets.
The sun is an artifact. The reason why the blue star kachina and red kachina are important for Ascension is because Ascension requires a living star (living consciousness; a living entity, which is a star). Our star (the Sun) is artificial, a machine! It was damaged in this war from weapon fire coming from within the Sun.
Many already are aware of the stargate network, which uses stars to teleport from star to star, to hop from galaxy to galaxy, or to travel within galaxies. We have seen MANY VIDEOS of ships moving in and out of our Sun. There were strange images recorded in the Solar observatories which were shut down, showing a very damaged sun, with lots of black dead zones WAY beyond mere coronal holes. I'll show a couple of photos.
The middle image is a chart of coronal holes in the sun due to this recent battle. As you can see there are MANY coronal holes. If you look deep inside and zoom in on the black spots (probably hard to do it off of these images), then you'll see something that looks like the image to the far right, which shows circuitry and hardware responsible for generating the electrical plasma, and electromagnetically locking the planets into their orbits. So the planets can lock-in to the sun's EM field, and use the sun for guidance (similar to how battle planets can lock-in and move about, or not, because they can move under their own independent warp drives).
The planets have changed in their positions due to changes and updates to the sun. This is what has been revealed. We're not told anything from mainstream and "official" sources and education systems, so . . . this is what happens. It does seem that Jupiter is not as bright as it was back in 2003. Venus is brighter than it has been. And the suspicions of the Solar observatories closing corresponding to photos of massive Solar coronal holes released from some of these observatories, with conflicting information and reports about why the observatories were closed (which is now the official reason of Chinese espionage, but now a security risk, and the story has changed yet again by an anonymous person working at the observatory that it is a "breeding ground of crime" and equipment was stolen, just doesn't add up, AS USUAL).
Also this is corresponding with media hype and lies about the cat 5 hurricane bearing down on the North Carolina coast, and reporters caught red-handed lying about flooding and wind, when the hurricane was just a mild one. Also reports of 500 million people being out of power in NC is ridiculous since there is only 10 million people living there. So, we just are not getting straight facts, and truth about much these days.
This shows the pathways around the star-gates through stars.
So ... This one has been an interesting post. The actual videos will be uploaded to youtube sometime in the future.. weeks or months, unknown. But I will share the videos here when they are up on Youtube.
Regarding the nature of the Sun, is it true, or not? Maybe we'll learn more in the future, but as for now, it will have to remain as an open possibility. Note: as wild a claim as it is, it is none-the-less information that may shed light on future happenings. People are also saying that the Sun is not fusion-powered, but more of a Tesla electrical plasma style of energy source from the sciences coming out of the SSP (which, by the way, also do not acknowledge dark matter, which is still a subject of speculation, and as I've said before, folks say "dark matter" because they are in the dark about the true nature of gravitation, mass, energy, and time frequency).
Personally, this information was so unusual to me that I had to share it, TRUE OR NOT. However, it does some explain some things, although I don't want to resort to technology being the answer to mystery, even though I've seen the NASA videos of large planet-sized ships "dialing-in" the sun's magnetic field for stargate use, as Nassim Haramein has also shown us ...
It has always been taught that living energy flows forth from the sun (which is the governing intelligence of the Solar system), the prana that nurtures life (Life Force). Now, to say it is artificial, might not be true. Yet it's such an outlandish claim I just had to ......
And this really bugs me because for life to grow, life requires living energy, otherwise life cannot be sustained. Life Force flows from the sun and into the sun, just like any body. Source Field.
Our mythologies and creation stories and records discusses and tells the tale of the living waters of Apsu (if you go by the Summerian tablets; Apsu is the sun). So this is the only point I have an issue with, and the only reason I'm bringing it up is because I plan on posting the source videos where I got these images from in the future as an update.
Technology can accelerate healing, and repair tissues, for example. Artificial energy also can be viewed as part of all of creation regardless (Creation is the living expression of living existence, and so all aspects of the universe is made of the same stuff, derived from life and part of life, but . . . it is considered to be removed from life, or rather bound not to life (even if free from death) when energy is created by machine). The "soul" of the AI regardless, is considered to not be alive, even if it is part of the living universe.
So, there is some mystery there, which is the other reason I bring this up.
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Also, who is doing the fighting? We are, the Anunnaki, and the Draco (from their bases on the moon primarily). Please do your research.
In fact .. in light of this post .. and I am just not able to believe that we have 300 battle planets... We might have a couple of them, old relics of the past that the SSP has gotten up and running (one of the moons around Uranus or Neptune is a soccer-ball-shaped dodecahedron with a ridge around the equator; possibly artificial) but, nowhere, no whistleblower, has ever mentioned such an awesome arsenal that we possess, in regard to that. There is a lot of mention of awesome weapons though, but ... for as new as our SSP program is, we may have lots of starships, in secret, but ... regardless, the photos are fairly impressive. And it's even MORE impressive that no one knows anything, and that the drama of space, which can be seen in our skies, is very removed from people's ordinary lives on Earth, in spite of such awesome displays in these images.
So who are "we," in a statement of "we have 300 battle planets" .. ?
That perhaps is a bigger question, and it implies that allies to Earth are involved in the fighting, as well as the SSP (secret space programs).
Now let's go over the official reasons for the closing of the observatory which prompted the evacuation of the entire town of Sunspot, of the facility, homes, and Post Office by the FBI:
A DARPA guy with his voice all garbled coming on internet news saying it was Chinese espionage (which was the original official reason); the lack of any locked doors after everyone left, and no one was there, with people going there to investigate, and then reports a few days later of everything being boarded up tight, which may or may not be true .. and two security guards posted there with orders not to let anyone back into their homes, but only allow the administrator and/or his assistant in to area (there are photos of the two security guards with their SUV vehicles). There was a strange odor from the observatory itself.
Blackhawk helicopters landed at the facility, and Federal agents climbed up on the antennas and tower and did a bunch of work.
There was another report that it was not Federal agents but other contractors which had done modifications or something to the tower and antenna ...
Other observatory webcam feeds around the world have cut as well, however.
AND ... an anonymous observatory employee with HIS voice all garbled saying the observatory is a "breeding ground for crime" and that $15,000 worth of high tech communication equipment was stolen.
... The "breeding ground for crime" analogy is stupid, in my opinion, because there aren't that many people working there, and the employees and their families live there, in the tight-knit quiet little community of only employees and technicians and their families.
I assume they searched the houses.
Other reasons cited as "official reasons" are as follows:
--> A janitor at the observatory was watching child porn on a laptop which prompted the evacuation of all personal and residents and closing of the local post office.
Reuters reports that a 39-page application for a search warrant finally solved the mystery, quelling the numerous conspiracy theories that have popped up on social media.
According to local news station KRQE, federal agents found child porn linked to an IP address at the Sunspot observatory in July. In August, they spoke to the chief observer at the facility, who said he found a laptop running in empty offices over the past months. He told the FBI that what he found on the computer was "not good" and that it looked like child pornography.
The times that the child porn was being sent out and received by the facility matched only one employee, a janitor who was hired about a year ago. After the janitor noticed his computer was missing he apparently became erratic. The director of the observatory said that he "feverishly started looking through the facility," and said that it was "only a matter of time before the facility got hit."
The Janitor was reported to not have been arrested for it either. So, it seems to be a fabricated excuse.
Other official reasons have been:
--> Criminal investigation
--> Security issue
--> Espionage by the Chinese
--> Safety issue
--> Remodeling was also an excuse listed for closing the observatory
What's going to be the next "official reason" .. a bomb scare?
There is even a very relevant report from a psychic that a Grey (perhaps Arcturian) alien had escaped from an underground base and went up to the Observatory to get help from his people (ET phone home):
Differences between Grey-type aliens: Zeta Reticuli are deceitful and are viewed as the "bad guys" but can be helpful at times in restoring our genetics (although they also helped in cutting our DNA in the past). The Arcturians however, are the "good guys."
Here is a Sheriff's report bashing the FBI for the way it was handled:
. . . . . . . . .
Now for the unofficial explanation, which coincides with sightings and events in our skies and in the Solar system:
I have heard from .. sources .. that there are beings living within the sun.
The Silver Legion was involved in this .. and so I don't want to say much of anything more about this, since I have (had) ties to the Silver Legion. The Silver Legion specializes in Astral battle, and ... it means also that there probably was no battle in the physical. Yet ... that's the report.
The Silver Legion is dangerous, and is an Astral off-shoot of Dark Fleet (technology; methods), ALSO in my opinion.
The nature of reality is that in the higher reality, action is debated and decided, which filters back down to the lower dimensions like the physical one where we are residing, currently. .. I am reluctant at this point to delve into the various aspects of massive and total Human transformation that is being reported by remote viewers, either, in the very near future. I don't want to be too vocal about that, or communicative about that in any way which may influence things. There are SEVERAL places I won't go in the public light, when it concerns some sensitive issues.
. . .
I think it was an orchestrated event to purposefully get people to look at the sun, and take a good look through the satellite cameras and whatnot at what's going on in our Solar system right now.
Strategic Game Theory: When you know how to trigger people to be suspicious, and you know what stimulates people to pry open a mystery with a crowbar, and get a lot of folks working on it in the public, then you can manipulate the public into disclosure, in such a way that people find their own information, and that qualifies plausible deniability, in that it was not "official disclosure" but nonetheless, it sets up markers in the public that can be pointed to later to say that is where the information came from, NOT through official channels.
The best way to get people to evolve is through darkness, not light. People in the dark will try to bring the dark to light -- rather, try to enlighten the dark or what is dark - to bring it to light to see it clearly, so that it is no longer dark. The operatives don't know that's what they're doing.
But it requires enough light to be present (in the Now), within the Human DNA and mitochondria, in order for the process to work.
There has to be a high enough frequency present in Humanity, enough light present, in order to see that there are shadows, that without the light, it could not be realized that it's the light that casts the shadows ... and that shadows are created to exist by light itself. Otherwise, its only darkness. You can't have shadows unless there is light -- doing the opposite, in order to teach ... One must however be clear about one's boundaries, and not afraid to state them without ambiguity.
Here below is not my source videos I mentioned but ... this does explain the protocol of how an observatory gets shut down in the first place. Also keep in mind, the live feeds from multiple Solar observatories around the planet had also been cut.
Cause and Effect
Okay here's the part where everyone laughs and yawns and stops reading. I've been doing more research, listening to Linda Moulton Howe and others, and so I decided I'd go ahead and follow through with my original gut instincts about this.
Security reasons, is why the observatory was closed, web cams of other observatories shut off, and satellite feeds stopped and looped on previous dates, not giving us current information in real time, but stopping all current information about the sun, and what's on or IN the sun? You guessed it, the Sun gate.
With recent information revealed about the FED Reserve having its license revoked and financial re-evaluation and other revolutionary world changes to take back power from the cabal are underway, what exactly do security reasons entail?
For security reasons, sometimes there is a blackout of information concerning important strategic maneuvering to keep the "enemy" from having access to strategic information, as precautionary and preventative measures, set up before-hand, rather than being too late and having to deal with consequences.
Long story short, there's a number of reasons why it may be important to keep the cameras away from the gate. One of those reasons are treaty renewals with ET, and summits and talks with ET, that require security to prevent VIP transports from falling under attack from rogue ICC (International Corporate Conglomerate) or other cabal SSP groups and private SSP militaries which are service-to-self oriented.
Unfortunately, the story of the observatory closings went viral, and days later we see a huge battle taking place all throughout the Solar system.
Just in case you haven't seen the videos of the huge planet-sized ships using the sun as a gate, and I remember seeing a video where the sun's magnetic field actually dialed-in to meet these ships (saw it years ago), but haven't found that particular video .. however, I'll go ahead and post a couple of video of the sun-gate in action.
I have since found many, many other references, and other videos about ships coming in and out of the gate; one such video was showing ships emerging through the gate, only to explode before they cleared the sun. That video is harder to track down, though.
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Stay tuned for further updates, and eventually the source videos from the images above in the top portion of this article.
Otherwise, this is a chaotic event where the official explanation keeps changing every day, which is not related to the prior official explanations, in an attempt to confuse the heck of us, and spam the public who is considered to not be smart enough to follow a story, and to make sense of it.
In lieu of the massive space battle overhead, the Feds are attempting to rapidly suppress this story, and to immediately confuse the public so as to suppress the truth apparent in our skies.
If indeed an escaping VIP Arcturian was involved (out of an underground military facility under the general area where the observatory is a "secret entrance or exit" out of the underground facility), then surely a space battle would ensue due to treaties with the Arcturians.
Originally I was thinking there was going to be a pre-planned prisoner transport of cabal personnel off-planet to another star system which required security. I may have been closer to the mark than I originally thought. I would say due to the size of the fleet and everything else, the escaping prisoner Arcturian was very important. Maybe the SSP authorities can't tell them apart (that's a bad thing to say; I'm not prejudice).
As for the rest of the story, I'm sure there are a lot of things happening all at once right now as we reach a sort of climax in Earth/Human evolution/Ascension . . .
If more information turns up, I shall indeed provide an update; but I'd rather bring this story to a close, pending the source videos upload .. whenever.