I was recently asked if I believe in gravity...
Gravity may be a byproduct of force .. but it as a byproduct is very similar to the frequency of inertial mass and time. All forces are a byproduct of light itself. You can claim matter is the byproduct or direct product of the geometry of the paradox of light. Geometry isn't considered a force tho...
Matter is a byproduct of light. There are no real objects according to some aspects and interpretations of quantum physics. Matter and time is just an illusion - byproduct of direction of lights manifestation. But we can measure mass, inertia, time ... even tho it is a byproduct that it exists as such.
"Brian Greene used a classic example at the world science festival. Take a bottle of water with holes poked in the bottom of the bottle youll notice the water draining from these holes now drop that same bottle of water and watch as gravity is canceled out. The water immediatly stops draining from the holes. Newton says the apple fell on his head realitivity says newtons head jumped up and hit the apple."
Gravity is cancelled in that instance in a relative and local frame of inertia and acceleration but time is not sped up in the bottle and mass is not reduced therefore gravity is not being cancelled.
The GPS satellites demonstrate right angled gravity cancellation which speeds up time. Two black holes spinning down to collision accelerates time so that we can measure the gravity waves in real time rather than it taking thousands of years to detect the subtle change. Gravitytime is the frequency of mass. Outside the solar system time speeds up because it is outside the inertial mass resonance field of inertial density of the mass of the solar system.
Closer to the gravitational field of large mass, time slows down.
Different star systems have different temporal frequency due to the mass of the central star primarily.
When a proton accelerates to near light speed, two things happen to enact the balance. The proton's mass increases and its time frequency decreases which prevents mass from commonly being accelerated faster than light speed.
In a large particle accelerator, that then shows how mass is proportional to inertia AND acceleration. The proton gets so massive the gravity changes in that area and the ground quakes under such massive force. The pull of gravity changes too depending on electromagnetic forces and geological events, detectable by satellite.
Time changes and anomalies are universally accepted in Relativity. Special relativity is all about how time changes in frequency relative to acceleration. Light speed is the measure of the frequency of time in fields of mass and acceleration. Special relativity deals with speed while general relativity deals with mass and gravity. It's all about how time is affected.
That's what relativity is. It measures the frequency of time under acceleration and gravity/mass conditions, using light as the meter stick with a stop watch. Specifically:
Relativity is basically the tool to measure the changes in time due to gravitational, massive, inertial, and acceleration geometrical forces. General relativity deals with mass, Special relativity deals with speed (and acceleration), using light as the meter-stick, and a stopwatch.
Einstein understood gravity as the geometry of spacetime. We measure gravity waves. Gravity is the field of mass and acceleration like how a magnetic field is the measure of the field of a magnet.
In special instances, a gravity wave can travel faster than light. Some labs have measured a gravity wave at a speed 64 times that of the speed of light. However it is more universally accepted that the two waves travel at the same speed.. however Einstein considered gravity to travel as a wave much faster than light.
The LIGO facilities (light interferometry gravitational observatory) are built to measure and detect gravity waves.
If gravity can be detected as a wave you can still claim gravity doesn't exist. But ultimately, a lot of what we measure is a byproduct of another force. Magnetism is a byproduct of another force. But light .. what byproduct is that from? Indeed it is a byproduct of another force.
By bringing up the nature of time, and that it changes and is not a constant, then neither is the speed of light a constant, the same everywhere in the universe. I just prefer to consider gravity as a complex system which relates to other complex systems and forces. It's much easier to call gravity waves gravity waves and differentiate or determine what forces enact such change (gravity can be considered the byproduct of changes in these systems of time, mass, inertia, and electromagnetism; HOWEVER Gravity can also be considered as a static force that induces motion - change - in the universe) later. It's a lot like an electrical transformer. When amps go up, voltage goes down. But when both amps and volts go up, resonance supersedes thermo or electrodynamics as they are commonly understood.
It is a law of physics that energy cannot be created or destroyed, however I have seen many instances even those in my own experiences that show that energy is created and even duplicated for instance in a change of form as Tom Bearden has also written, and my mentor has perfected that technology of energy creation. It is also more commonly known that matter as well as energy can be created and enters into the universe from light.
To be compatible with the physics of recently released patents of Boeing gravity control systems, the Tr-3B triangle electrogravity spaceships (those patents have been released; SPECIAL NOTE: the TR-3B uses rotating electrostatic impellers . . .), then in my work I prefer to make the distinction of treating gravity as the byproduct of multidimensional action under its own "weight" pardon the pun.
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That is exactly why I prefer to just say "gravity"
It's one word that explains the entire dynamics of classification and distinction and all that crap to some highly complex multidimensional systems. Gravity can also be considered electromagnetic inertial [spacetime] density, too .. so .. all that gets really confusing, and it tends to all blow up in arguments over what gravity is .. But since gravity has been defined in multi-dimensional ways, using the one word should be ... given to a common understanding.