Researchers just discovered the angel particle, which is both matter and antimatter at the same time.
Antimatter and matter have the same mass, but with opposite charge. Actually, there's a 0.111111111 variation between the two that David Sereda talks about, and the matter and antimatter spins are reversed.
There's a difference between matter, antimatter, and exotic matter. Exotic matter is not new; it has been discovered many years ago, in multiple forms.
What's the difference between the two?
First of all, antimatter has positive mass. A particle and its antiparticle cancel due to equal mass, but opposite charge. So their mass cancels in the collision, and the union creates light energy. This shows that mass and charge are related.
Exotic matter has positive and negative mass fluctuations. They, much like the angel particle, is both mass and anti-mass at the same time; yet different from the angel particle, in that the charge can stay the same. A particle is said to be exotic however, if it has negative mass.
Exotic matter can also flip between positive and negative mass, and positive and negative charge.
When you have charge flipping going on, it's in an AC-negative state, or alternating positive and negative ENERGY state -- which also, is exotic.
Matter can be made exotic when induced with a negative energy field. Negative energy electron flow is an exotic electron current, of negative mass, which induces the electromagnetic field of matter so that mass-reduction and cancellation occurs under conditions of negative energy gravitation.
This can be seen in the negative energy framework throughout this website. Negative mass induction is the mechanism going on with the Outer Ring, which is based on actual technology recently surfaced.
The energy field of negative mass can have either positive or negative charge (one pole).
Energy and matter, mass and charge, is a unity, where sometimes there can be a particle point of reference, or sometimes not. In a scalar active vacuum field, you have energy that does NOT have a matter point of reference (a particle), because you have an energy field without enough matter to support it -- that is, an electrical energy field that is massive (or negatively massive), but there's not enough electrons to really support it. You also have collapsed space going on, and a lot of energy, without a lot of heavy mass. So, things are rather interesting and paradoxical using negative and/or exotic energy.
Exotic hydrogen, white powder gold, both mono-atomic elements, will naturally exist in an exotic state. Metallic hydrogen can be induced exotic. Mono-atomic elements are easier to induce into exotic states.
Exotic matter and regular matter do NOT annihilate each other's mass; the mass does zero out, however, but the particle still remains and is not transformed to a light state; although due to the mass cancellation, a light state does apply, and we see the heavy encumbrance of time also greatly accelerated, so that matter can exist in a light state, and can transform between light and matter states, particularly when in fluctuation, but the matter is not cancelled, only the mass (and which can be flipped back to normal again when the engines are turned off).
An electron can be flipped to a positron in exotic electromagnetic conditions, but the electrons are not destroyed in collision, when you have an active vacuum system going on. Likewise, under negative energy conditions, again there is no destruction, but transformation back and forth between energy and matter states.
Mass, charge, and magnetism, and gravity, is all related, as this website shows.
Primarily, the LAU-X4 deals only with exotic matter (exotic mass), not antimatter, however the two are very similar, but a little different.
Exotic matter has been observed to have the following characteristics:
> Positive and negative mass fluctuation (either or, or both and neither)
> Room temperature superconductivity
> Can teleport (quantum tunnel) and [the matter] can exist simultaneously inside and outside of a container
> Spontaneously levitates
> Can disappear, and reappear
An article below also discusses this, but I want to be clear about the differences between exotic and anti matter, because they may be fairly interchangeable, but there are definitive differences between the two.
Obviously, a hyperdrive or warp drive does not use antimatter; it uses positive and negative matter, however.
I've been guilty of using all these terms a bit too loosely, which is why I wanted to make these distinctions.
It is so complex to describe just what I mean by "positive and negative matter," that you'd have to understand how these engines all work to understand what I'm talking about.
Also, Tesla's Colorado Springs notebook is available for free online these days, and much of it is hand written, very shocking that is mainly just quadratic equations Tesla uses, and it discusses transforming energy and matter states.
Exotic matter applied in the LAU-X4:
The gas in the core is easier to transform than liquid or solids, and requires less energy.
The vertical impeller when charged and vibrating with the frequency of current applied to it, will start to spin, and the gas will start to flow through the impeller and circulate around the hull. The gas will become charged, and eventually will ionize as it passes through capacitor plate-vanes in the hull space, and recycle its energy in the outer ring as the gas flows over the plates (this will be shown in a later refinement).
The gas becomes plasma at a high frequency of negative energy.
Both the outer ring and impeller are using negative energy. The impeller also makes use of the "one-pole" characteristic of negative energy, which will be shown in detail in the Tesla tower Ley-line publication I'll add later on in a technology release section of this website.
The gas is in an exotic phase when in motion through the engines, through induction. This is a well-known characteristic of electrogravity in an atmosphere, using ionic charge, radio waves, and now, negative energy electromagnetic charge.
It would be easier to use a near-vacuum, with rarefied gas. However, the impeller can be directly connected to the lower engine, as is the design, so that it power-spins.
The OTC-X1 engine spins the vertical impeller by design, and is electrically contacting. The central accumulator pulls a vacuum static force on the impeller, as the exotic gas circulates around through the hull (static induction). The impeller moves the air (gas), too. The internal engine atmosphere is accelerated through electrical means, as well as mechanical means, and it conducts a magneto-static force through the plasma circulation field of the gas moving through the engines.
The static force of the impeller pushing down constantly is the electrical-inertial polarity also that is set into the central accumulator, because it is the common ground; the top of the central accumulator will have an electrical-inertial polarity, and at the bottom of the central accumulator is the hull ground.
You've got a longitudinal scalar wave along the spiral of the impeller, connected to the central accumulator. There's a magneto-electrostatic charge in motion. It spins out a static force at one end, and at the other end of the impeller (the top) is a vacuum condition, which connects energy to the universe, as a receiving pole.
This static force is a negative energy gravity wave, since it has been transformed from negative energy, as the mass of the magneto-static force flips in polarity.
Negative energy in nature is the energy of the surface of the Earth -- healing to life -- and the energies of our bodies, and of the electric life force.
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It's not so much the construction of the impeller that matters as it is the energy that is harnessed. A magnetic resonance meets with the static force flowing down the impeller to the central accumulator. The outer ring "injects" energy from top coils through the impeller to the central accumulator. The top and bottom hulls are joined at the Outer Ring. The top part of the field is in motion, the bottom part of the field is in oscillation / resonance.
I've been considering an impeller with a magnetic core, to spin a positive energy to the outer cylinder walls of the core, so that a spiraling positive / negative energy static force spins down the cylinder, and a negative energy spiraling force spins through the center of the exotic vortex.
When an inertial electrogravity force is accelerated (like trying to push against a Townsend Brown saucer hovering in the air), then you're pushing against a force that has a lot different inertia, like trying to force a gyroscope to move. Plus, there's a different vibration of matter involved (higher frequency).
That forced push is what's going on, in the vertical impeller core, but it's a push against the scalar vacuum of space itself. Now just in case this force comes into conflict with the lower OTC-X1 engine, there's a metal iris that can be closed between the two systems, that redirects that electro-inertial force.
The combination of positive and negative energy was used in the old stacked cones which was the original vertical core design originally conceived by David Hamel. It's similar to John Searl's approach, which involved centripetal force with magnetic field assistance.
However, we know di-electric and conductive magnetic plates do work together, and can be made to fit into a spiral.
The vertical impeller is designed to be used with these combinations of di-electric and magnetic conductive plate materials that are being researched and re-discovered in small circles, these days.
I have to mention the David Hamel engine was tossed and shelved.
When you have a magnetic layer in AC-negative oscillation (exotic positive and negative energy oscillation), then you have a negative and/or zero mass condition. The vertical impeller makes use of this condition which is exactly also how the Townsend Brown electrogravity also worked (di-electrostatic).
So in that sense, it would not be driving a positive energy down the cylinder sides of the core, after all; it would all be using negative energy.
See the Outer Ring page for more information.