"The inevitable release of Tesla active vacuum negative energy (free abundant energy) technology to power warp drives."
But I also wanted a general comment blog that one can easily find and check back with from time-to-time.
Inevitably yes, the technology will be released. It's not really difficult, and it already exists, you just don't know about (generally). It can also power houses, too.
It won't be for free. I want to make a separate pay-to-download or order page in the future; not the near future, either. The Tesla tower technology featured here can be used with two poles instead of just one, for producing electromagnetic current the same way electrostatic energy was produced.
Schematics and instructions will be included on how to use the Tesla resonating transformers to pull an electromagnetic static vacuum for tremendous power output.
This will be a 15 - 20 year "disclosure" timeline, also using this website as a reference.
Update: maybe 2 to 5 years for initial releases.