From the updated section on the Construction page regarding electrogravity (under the picture of the B-2 Stealth Bomber), and from the article below this one, based on Townsend Brown's patent on electrogravity, dynamic charge over the hull surface is the motive force that drives the craft.
What this means is that in the inner hull space, the top part of the LAU-X4 is charged positive, and the bottom is charged negative, with the Central Accumulator being the "electrical accumulator" or the "electron accumulator."
The air in the hull is charged and flows from top around to the bottom where it equalizes its charge, and is pushed back up through the vertical core to the top of the hull where it starts over again.
This is the biggest change.
But first ... let's take a closer look at a different kind of electrostatic lifter:
The video below recognizes evidence of electrical-inertial force, that is NOT ionic wind, but seems to be creating an inertial polarization, and the lifter "falls upward." ... It is demonstrating a reactionless lift, non-Newtonian... or is it?
This is a fairly heavy unit as well, but it is also circular instead of triangular, and the power source is very small compared to the massive power supplies some are using for their lifters.
This one uses the collapse of an electromagnetic coil to achieve the high volts, and more closely resembles the power supply of Townsend Brown. Everyone else uses complex power systems using big fields, signal generators and large transformers instead of tiny negative-energy fields. Using tiny high volts you don't have that excess big fluffy energy field that causes ion wind. The energy is tight and small and all of the power goes to the work. Ion wind is due to a lack of efficiency in the power supply most people use.
He even covers it with a large sheet of paper to show it's not creating "thrust" to levitate it, as well as shows that no wind is blowing the piece of paper he holds underneath. The piece of paper above it however does not mean air is not coming around the edges and turning at right angles to generate lift. Let's take a closer look:
So this device in the video below:
1) is circular instead of triangular.
2) uses the collapse of electromagnetic fields for power (tiny high volts; negative energy) instead of using large transformers and signal generators (big positive energy).
3) demonstrates a lack of ion wind as thrust, and instead shows that it is creating an electrical-inertial internalized force, showing non-Newtonian motion (possibly).
I want to note that if it were creating a gravity field, then the stick he places on it would levitate over the lifter. But it really doesn't seem to be lifting due to wind or ionized air-flow thrust. We know these things don't work in a vacuum, however. But the question is, if it is not generating a force of ionized air to thrust it up, is the presence of air merely required in a system, and can an airframe be made air-tight to test this in a vacuum?
Since he is using flyback voltage to power the craft, there doesn't seem to be the usual force of ion air thrust; then it would seem that there is an ionized air flow that moves from the top wire to the bottom ring (as per how lifters work), but does not continue past the ring to generate thrust. This seems to demonstrate the possibility of an action-reaction against the charge-field created by the top wire itself to lift it, using counter charge of air flow to push against the charged field of the top wire.
So fast-moving air may be flowing from the top wire to the bottom ring, and be limited to air flow only in that area.
This device is several times heavier than a standard tin-foil lifter. Due to it's instant levitation response time, it is unlikely that air flow is acting to thrust it up, however I understand that air flow is part of the overall requirements.
Dielectric and magnetic layers have been reported to work to achieve lift in a vacuum, like the Cannae space drive, which works in the vacuum of space as an electrical engine with no thrust or fuel.
In the case of most lifters, air itself is the dielectric material which polarizes and becomes "stressed" in order to produce lift in the direction of polarized current. There isn't much force due to the fact that air has very little mass. But some dielectric materials with some decent mass is how Townsend Brown achieved his famous results, immediately classified by the military after his demonstrations. Unfortunately there aren't very many videos in the public regarding the real good stuff ..
To make this device more efficient, multiple rings can be used so that they are smaller and smaller in diameter with a little bit of an air space in between each ring; rings within rings, or a spiral of a piece of metal, in a flat coil. The same with the top wire, directly above each ring, or otherwise spiraled over a wide spiraled "coil" of flat metal. Such a thing would then be able to support the weight of an insulated air frame to be placed around it, maybe made of plastic wrap or shrink wrap that could remain air-tight for a vacuum test.
I would suggest not to directly touch the plastic wrap to the top wire, but have the stilts extend past the wire a bit to hold the plastic up off the wire.
Furthermore, using spiraled rings or concentric rings within rings (with the top bare wire overhead), and encased in a metal airframe in the case of Townsend Brown systems, only seem to demonstrate air flow over the hull surface . . . see below.
Also, this is interesting in that Dr. Harold White of NASA Eagleworks seems to be basing his concepts upon similar technologies, including vortex / Rodin coils ... Whereas in an electrogravity setup actually generates a compression field in front, and an expansion behind the craft (on top and below; front and back denotes movement direction). We do see this type of effect in the Cannae drive, as well as the EM drive, using an electrical inertial force with no fuel, and with no particle thrust.
In a large enough setup, any type of electrogravitational system would have to warp time, as per the principles of gravity, so placing a digital clock inside and leaving the system running for days to determine a difference in time frequency would be appropriate.
From what I understand of Townsend Brown di-electric material so far, a single dielectric layer with a bottom magnet and smaller upper magnet, run a charge through it, causes lift in a vacuum. However a block of material with layered magnet/dielectric/magnet/dielectric/magnet/dielectric/magnet materials, using conductive magnetic material, run a charge through it at high volts derived from EM collapse is how Townsend Brown's initial tests went. The block of material is alike a capacitor with the magnetic conductive material being the plates, and the dielectric being the insulators. The dielectric material must be of sufficient mass.
Regarding the LAU-X4, as long as the bottom OTC-X1 engine is doing its job making a mass reduction field, all it would take is a slight lift to accelerate the craft to high speeds very quickly (taking the craft out of a conventional field of inertia using negative energy). The vertical impeller is serving as that Townsend Brown dielectric and magnetic medium while accomplishing other roles, too. It's lightweight, too (it is not a super-massive block that would interfere with the OTC-X1's ability to reduce the mass of a ship effectively and be too heavy to construct in a lightweight air-frame) and utilizes principles of magnetostatic resonance along with inertial frequency (it spins and spirals, so has a direction of some sort of "directed force").
Even though mass is required for a Townsend Brown concept to work, having too much mass would seem to be counter-productive.
In some of Townsend Brown's concepts, a central shaft within the air-frame seemed to comprise the dielectric mass, along with the air frame itself being constructed of layered materials (see the below), but also there is work in Germany involving exotic plasma flows at frequencies which affect a type of superconductive approach, accelerating electrons faster than the speed of light (it's not public research, sorry!), which means that we can make things happen in more elegant ways without having to depend too much on the reaction of crude mass, but can rely moreso on the energy torsion fields to do the job.
Let me briefly explain a "torsion field." A torsion field is a concept that Townsend Brown actually used to explain the physics of how his technology worked (you can see Townsend Brown himself actually wrote down the word "torsion" in the diagrams he supposedly drew out by hand, shown below); and torsion differentials are also used in Einsteinean relativity. It is viewed in modern days as "pseudoscience," however, but in any concept of electrogravity or gravity drives, there must be some interaction with spin and gravitational forces and waves, pushing and pulling on the fabric of spacetime, in either action-reaction or reactionless ways. And yes, gravity waves do exist, and have been discovered by the LIGO observatory, and is generally accepted in science these days.
In fact, let me share what the warp drive blog article, "Gravity control cells and plasma in ELF" says about torsion fields:
torsion fields (fields generated by spinning mass, gravitational in nature; also including spirals and flat disks; torsion = vortex)
Here's a quote from the first article in the pdf:
"For 20 years, torsion fields and torsion generators have been widely used to create torsion energy sources, torsion transport, torsion metallurgy, torsion systems of data transfer communication, torsion systems of medical diagnostics, etc. [10]. The feasibility and practical effectiveness of torsion fields has been experimentally proved in a number of areas of application. In some fields, that use torsion technologies (such as nuclear waste processing), a scientific foundation has been laid and preliminary experimental results have been achieved. Technological experience has been gained in some areas."
A torsion field cannot be a mass-less field if it involves gravity or negative gravitation since mass is required for gravity forces and anti-gravity forces to have a medium to exist. The article above even shows that torsion fields are primarily involving spinning gravitational mass, and spinning electromagnetic fields!
The exception to this is a field of negative mass, or zero mass derived by mass in electromagnetic action. Although the gravity wave by itself has no mass, but is nonetheless the result of gravity fields created by mass, which includes electromagnetic frequency as a mechanism to affect gravity fields since mass is a form of electromagnetism; and by changing the time-frequency must therefore change a gravitational field, since time and gravity are DIRECTLY related to electromagnetism.
I've never used the word "torsion field" except in this article, and maybe another article, so this is a new terminology to me. I just found out that a scientist named David Yurth (a friend told me about him), who is very prominent was somehow involved in a "torsion field" scam with the Russian Academy of Sciences. Some money was exchanged, and I don't know all the details about that. But it occurs to me that the field of scientific research that boarders on these new things is kinda volatile.
I've put forth quite a few ideas trying to put this puzzle together. A lot of it seems like common sense and logic to me. I hear scientists getting killed, imprisoned, etc etc etc.. seems like it's a fine line to walk to just think about stuff and publish some ideas about things........ that's just a note... moving on.
I want to share this link:
. . .
Electrical currents do exist in space, and so there must be electron flow involved. However, is space charged, electrically as a rule? Considering that space is conductive, can an object in space lose all its electrons, and permanently become a positively charged electrical object?
Electrons are not the fuel of an electric space engine like the EM drive. The EM drive's thrust is just energy that is continually created, as nothing leaves the resonance cavity, because it is sealed like in a Faraday cage.
In an atmosphere though, the EM drive may create an exhaust of a sort of ionized plasma, some sources claim. This is also a typical electrogravity aurora that has been witnessed behind various UFO craft. Heat is not an issue with an EM drive apparently either. Microwaved metal will eventually melt and become a conductive fluid (some drive systems use this approach, some sources say).
It's not considered that electrons are lost away. Some schools of thought attribute electricity not to the movement of electrons at all, but through the movement of magnetic current. Just as a particle is also a wave, and sometimes both and neither, electricity works in the same way both sometimes as a particle form, and sometimes only as a wave form, like in the EM drive.
It is not the movement of air which drives the EM thruster. However basic electrogravity in an atmosphere moves air as a consequence of its actions. The Townsend Brown technology shows a dielectric layer is used with a layer on top that can conduct a magnetic field. But it also shows a vertical dielectric suspended from the top curved hull shape. The dielectric takes the position of the vertical core, if we look at Townsend Brown's patents. See the Construction page, in the electrogravity section.
The top hull becomes the charged surface, and the vertical core takes the position of the Townsend Brown di-electric material. Also see "stressing the dielectric" in the Townsend Brown Electrodynamics article at the bottom of this page, below this article.
Eric Dollard worked with di-electric waves (parallel electric waves). They are similar to longitudinal waves, but a longitudinal wave moves sideways (in the direction of its flat plane), where parallel di-electric waves move up and down.
Gravity essentially is a dielectric wave form. The electrogravity sets the inertia of the object generating it, moving it by moving its gravity. The longitudinal portion of the wave defines the area which actuates dielectric waves. The Cannae drive works thusly.
The Townsend Brown technology however is very fast. There is a heat resistance from air friction involved using electrogravity. The craft is not pushing itself through the air; the air gets out of the way, electrically.
. . .
I might have to change the whole website up at this point due to this new design shift, but I'm not going to. I may add more to this article later, though. There's not enough public support for this technology that I have seen. So it's not worth it to me to change this website all around based on every little new idea or realization or information shared to me. There's no funding.
A brilliant acquaintance of mine, Kevin Hay, wants to form his own company involving electrogravity, so there may be a lot more information coming around in the next 10 or 20 years about all of this. This isn't profitable to me. I made this website to validate the technology, and show that it has a leg to stand on in prelude to a book, or series of books about this. Consequentially, I haven't used but a tiny fraction of images or pictures to describe all this mess, because I was saving it for the book.
I may just leave things as they are at this point, unless something really spectacular pops up, otherwise I'll just stick to my Tesla tower Ley-line project.
Our current level of technology is already beyond the impossible at this point (according to conventional and contemporary physics taught in universities), shown from the inventors in the world such as Eric Dollard, Marko Rodin, John Huchison, and those who recently passed away like John Bedini ... and inventors of the past such as Nikola Tesla and Townsend Brown, but their technology is not able to be marketed due to the fact that the SYSTEM and controlling global elite say "No!"
More people need to be involved in building and construction, but also people ought to start networking their websites together, and sharing what they have. In order to not make this website any larger than it already is, I keep reaching impasses, but the whole general concept seems to be okay here, in spite of design shifts and whatnot, although it's truly stretched thin, also. I'd like to keep things as they are for a while, and just finish my Tesla ley-line project.
If for some miracle a really good portable electric free energy or overunity engine pops up, then it would be a miracle. The QEG has almost disappeared already. Websites about the QEG have been shut down, over two possibilities (out of every two, there's always a third): either it failed to work, or the website creators became embarrassed and wanted to wipe the slate clean, or it was covered up, shut down, the builders paid off, and they're happily living it up in the Bahamas with QEG girl.
I guess, I'll have to promise that if something does NOT work or pan out, or has been disproven or proven beyond a certain extent (the MEG is still good to go, although it may require a special block material to work; those block materialss became unavailable once Tom Bearden reported success with his MEG device), then I will make sure to mention it. The MEG may end up being replaced with the Reactionless Rodin coil .. but, ... both gometries are seen here at this website, although I'm now looking a little more deeply at the Rodin coil. I did consider that for the Outer Ring, but at least the concept is explained, awaiting the development and advancement of certain technologies, and the release of patents that supports the overall LAU-X4 approach.
There's over 2 or 3,000 classified patents that president Trump has said he wanted released over a 2 year period of time. That has not yet happened.
Part II
"Interference" style coils by Daniel Nunez at are a different kind of vortex coil (called a POE) other than a Rodin coil, however both these coils have demonstrated power amplification, and when a spark gap is included on the system, it can run magneto-static energy, AND can REPLACE the MEG units on the Outer Ring. I had suggested before, to make these coils spin against each other, one inside, and one outside, in opposite directions, on the warp drive blog and Construction (downloadables) pages, and maybe on the warp drive engineering page but, maybe not. That's the oldest page. It may have been a downloadable on the home page .. I'm pretty sure I mentioned this before. Full circle.
The MEG devices may be questionable, only because there requires a certain type of nano-crystalline block that was rapidly removed from the market after Tom Bearden's public success. However as a field generator, and field expander, it can be good. Some have reported "underground success" so ...
However, five good 100 pound 220 amphour deep cycle batteries would yield about (220 amps x 12 volts = 2640 watts x 5 = 13,200 watts of power that can be collapsed through alternating induction coils, and set through a Bedini circuit to the other 5 batteries that cycle the energy back and forth.
My point is to not get limited in a power supply. There are commercial power units available using catalyst conversion (may be a type of hydrogen fuel cell) that can last 50 years and output 50 KW. They're VERY expensive, though.
One note on the MEG: It can be equipped with a spark gap. When the block is wound with coil, the block is halved. Those halves can be gapped just slightly enough to give it a magnetostatic quality, gapped right above and below the magnet in the middle. Materials make a difference, but energy itself is not hard to understand. A nano-crystalline dielectric ceramic composite layered with magnetic plates is the recipe for electrogravity.
Magnetostatic energy taps the quantum vacuum. I have noticed this in my experiments, and Tom Bearden also explains that there exists an active static vacuum as the substance of the energetic living universe.
Okay, so I've made a whole lot of updates, recently. Just keep in mind that the B-2 stealth bomber uses the White-Alcubierre principle of compressing the spacetime in front and expanding it behind, in electrogravity fashion, and that concept is not unknown as a style of warp drive -- basic magneto-electrostatic (Construction page). But as an airplane, it lingers in the atmosphere, except for the TR-3B flying triangles, which whistleblowers and some literature included on patent presentations claim it is able to travel at light speed, and uses electrostatic capacitors on the three wing-tips.
This is not new either, because people have seen the test flights of crafts zipping around the Earth several times, flying from east to west, then returning around east to west again, etc. This was mentioned on the Promise Revealed website, which has a collage of photos of advanced tech all which can be attributed to anything secret space program related. The speed of the craft mentioned was the speed of electrostatic wave speed (electrogravity as dielectric parallel waves, reported by Eric Dollard and his HAM radio enthusiasts at 220,000 miles per second, which is about 9 times around the Earth in one second).
The physics are pretty solid, and the technology is stretching it a bit thin; the technology has not yet caught up with our knowledge . . . which means that the technology does exist, regardless, because of our knowledge, otherwise how would we know, right?
Part III
So according to a model of dynamic hull flow, we can look at this like the B-2 stealth bomber.
I don't know why it never clicked, but, ionized airflow is how electrogravity acts in an atmosphere, but since it's electroGRAVITY -- as in, such a phenomena has been observed to make changes to the craft's inertia -- then it should work in the vacuum of space. The air is trapped within the hull space between the inner and outer hulls. The air flows from top of the ship, around to the perimeter and down to the central accumulator, through vents or holes basically in the lower OTC-X1 assembly. The ship's hull becomes the hull for the OTC-X1, while keeping some of its own hull, but perhaps slitting it like a fan for optimal ionization.
The air then returns through the open system up through the vertical core to the top Tesla toroid, and cycles back around and down again to the bottom. This may be far more efficient than the way the LAU craft has originally been intended.
It's not quite the same as a plasma flow, but in a rarified air state, then the inner hull atmosphere would become plasma in a near vacuum (not a complete vacuum). Powered by massive electromagnetic collapses, the root of negative energy, then a magnetostatic negative energy plasma can be realized (using a spark gap somewhere in the system).
Positive charge should be on the top half of the hull, and negative charge on the bottom of the OTC-X1 hull, keeping with electrogravity dynamics.
Electrogravity in a vacuum is already proven to exist.
Part IV
The Central Electrical Accumulator accumulates the inertial charge of the electrogravitational movement within the craft.
The Vertical impeller draws upon the lower Central Accumulator, because it is the only thing it can act upon. It's effect is to draw or pull the forces up; so the vertical impeller electrically grabs hold of the Central Accumulator and pulls it up, pulling the ship forward, in that manner of internalized inertia.
Here are some images from a search on Townsend Brown patent that I wish to share to illustrate this concept, which has been revealed in the research of dynamic plasma flow.
The image on the left is from the Starburst Foundation, Townsend Brown’s pulsed DC levitating disc. _ © 2008 Paul LaViolette. Their website is:
These images show that a double hull layer is appropriate, as in the LAU-X4, for use in the vacuum of space. High volt positive charge projected up a coil to a Tesla toroid output conductor is easy in a D.C. configuration using the collapse of the electromagnetic field for high volts.
The outer hull of the LAU-X4 will be chaged, but also the inside of the outer hull is also charged, which is where the hull space is between the outer and inner hulls of the LAU-X4. The outside edge of the inner hull is charged within the hull air space, but the inside of the inner hull acts as a Faraday cage, because the charge stays on the outside of the inner hull, charging the space between the two hulls (inner and outer).
This is a publication of Townsend Brown's own journals, obtained by William Moore:,%20Vol%202.htm
The image on the left is taken from this page:
The image on the left is incorrect as far as the designation of thrust, should be designated "travel" or "lift," because the craft travels in the direction of the positive charge, and that is proven through electrogravity experiments such as the electrogravity lifters, which are very elaborate in construction these days.
The image on the right is from here:
Oh just google "Townsend Brown Patent" and click on the images ...
The image in the center, just click on it to magnify it so the whole image can be seen. The image in the above center is from Townsend Brown's personal notes.

See: for a relation of "stressing the dielectric" where I am assuming that the curved disk is in layers of dielectric and magnetic structure.
The magnetic layer is between the positive and negative dielectric layers. It also looks like these layers are coiled within the airframe structure.
All of these images illustrate dynamic flow pathways. The canopy is the upper electrode, and the lower electrode is something like a wide plate (like the OTC-X1 engine lower hull attached to the LAU-X4).
In a contained system, or rather in the vacuum of space, these flow dynamics still apply, electrically activated as the inertial flows of electronic force -- which is basic electrogravity. These concepts are included in the LAU-X4, although I haven't found much information about these things until very recently, which caused a design correction to the LAU-X4 involving the vertical impeller's movements which demonstrate internalized inertia, rather than Newtonian action/reaction.
You can see that on this image a little better, which is the type of technology this website is specifically dealing with:
This is further discussed on the article below this one.
But at this point it's suffice to say that this completes the plasma flow portion of the LAU-X4 design and physics (with further information in the article just below this one on Plasma Flow Dynamics, and also discussed on the Construction page, whereas the Construction Blog page deals primarily with the OTC-X1).
Part V
Vertical core and gravity plating:
There is one thing that has come up, as seen on the warp drive news page, is that the construction of the vertical impeller may need to be adjusted.
The Impeller is designed with Townsend Brown / Tesla dielectric plating of dielectric and magnetic layers, as per the pdf linked in the Townsend Brown section of the Construction page. This should affect a lift/thrust similar to how the Cannae electric space drive works.
If we assume that the Cannae drive is not using Newtonian physics, but is setting its electrical inertia, working with internalized inertia, then the impeller may not need any changes.
A note about Newtonian physics: On the home page, it is discussed that the ship moves similar to how a gravity wave travels through space. The gravity wave is not pushing against anything to push itself along with a thrust. The gravity wave propagates itself under its own inertia. If the gravity wave were considered a "thing," then it would not obey Newtonian physics, and there would be no action/reaction that causes it to move, it would merely move, based on it's own inertia to do so. This is also why physicists are considering gravity itself as a form of negative energy. The Warp Drive News page discusses this a bit more in depth, up top.
For example, when you turn on a flashlight, the light merely travels, without producing thrust behind itself to do so. Using negative mass, as some scientists have discovered with negative energy fluids, they tend to have inertia that is backwards! If you push on it, it pushes back with a wall, in the direction of the force applied.
This is what is known as a "reactionless drive," which is of big interest to the military and defense departments, as Marko Rodin found out when he briefly worked with the department of defense (if memory serves; he spoke about it), to explain his reactionless coils. A reactionless space drive makes its own gravity to move itself. This means that if the Cannae is a true electrogravity drive (which is seems to demonstrate the quality of electronic inertia), then is it really pulling itself along, or pushing itself along?
All this aside, the air flows up the vertical core, but an electrogravity force may push that air back down the core, like how a lifter works, which moves the ionized air. So, the vertical impeller blades may just have to be made of utron material, instead, and just churn the ionic space within the vertical core, ONLY affecting airflow back up the vertical core to the top of the Tesla toroid static-conductor.
It's kind of hard to say at this point but we DO HAVE AN ALTERNATIVE -- In case one thing doesn't work, the other thing will. We see that the Cannae electric space engine DOES work, and we see that Townsend Brown electrogravity in an atmosphere DOES work. The only question is: how does these systems perform in a vacuum?
We have two options, and both already work, one in a vacuum, and one in atmosphere.
A near vacuum to create plasma conditions however, may be another variable to consider, Whereas charged particles can be carried up to the top of vertical core, even with a "downward force" of electrogravity from the charged impeller blades. This is in near-vacuum conditions, to better facilitate a generation of negative energy plasma.
When in an atmosphere, the outer hull surface exposed to the atmosphere takes over. When out in space, the inner hull space conducting to the outer hull, and to the outer hull surface, and conducting along the outside edge of the inner hull (confined to the hull space and to the very exterior), would be that mode of flight.
The inner hull acts as a Faraday cage to protect the pilots, however the outer hull is layered in dielectric, magnetic, and ceramic layers so that the magneto-static field can conduct to the outside of the hull, magnetically. A magnetostatic field conducts right through insulated wire. The inner hull would not be made of a magnetic layer, or a ferrous layer that could conduct a charged magnetic field to the crew space.
Charge in this case is conducted THROUGH the magnetic field, but it must be touching something that can conduct it through it's material inner lattice. This was one of Tesla's concepts for Hull plating, in fact.
The only "impossible" thing here, is that a magnetostatic field can conduct to the exterior, and NOT conduct to the interior. You can still feel the static charge from around a glass plasma sphere (like the toys in stores, and props for movies), for example, as it conducts through the dielectric glass layer.
If we consider that such a field has electrical inertial and gravitation properties, then it is the vertical core itself which can generate a scalar gravity field within the pilot compartment, however using the same technology as gravity plating to generate an Earth-like gravity field for the crew is also appropriate. The static field would not be harmful without a magnetic polarity. See: the pdf link on the Construction page in the Townsend Brown section.
By using an exterior layer that conducts a magnetic field, which is part of the external charged plate systems as the electro-inertial flight/control surfaces to maneuver in an atmosphere, it could very well maneuver in space also, using the electrogravity effect from the dielectric and magnetic layers.
The insulative Faraday cage is made with an understanding that electricity travels along the exterior of metallic surface, not penetrating the interior. Without the way to conduct this energy from one side of the hull to the other side of the hull, then one side would be electrified, and the other inert. This reminds me of solid state components, like a transistor or a semiconductor, how the two or three layers, one maybe of a central crystal layer, then energy can conduct through the hull layers, or not, depending upon the "solid state construction" of the outer hull.
So .... The vertical impeller is the fail-safe. It moves force. It either moves electro-inertial force, or just air force, up or down, to match the engine dynamics that require such a dynamic transition.
Here is the final performance probability:
The impeller can direct its inertial gravity force up, so that the impeller pushes down onto the central accumulator, to activate it perhaps, like in a transmission that requires some force to push down onto the central accumulator for it's drive-shaft to engage, also making the electrical connection to the central accumulator, to power the vertical coil. Obviously a separate power source would have to be included (like the outer ring) to engage the impeller blades to push the impeller down and connect the coil.
This would easily cause an upward air flow, AND an upward magneto-static flow to the top of the ship, moving the plasma up to the top, and then pushed around the hull space to the outer ring and back into the OTC-X1.
This would generate the simulated gravity wave.
Air flows up the vertical core, hits the very top of the outer hull which is charged, and then "grounds out" by taking the long path around the hull, because the air will take that path and be accelerated electrically, showing us the path of the scalar energy, by using the air or rarefied air / plasma to light up the dynamic flow circuit...
So the dynamic flow is like throwing a punch. The fist moves from where it's at, and accelerates rapidly. The fist is not pushing against the body; the fist moves where one's will and where one's electrical chi desires it to go, wills it to go. A gravity wave does not push back upon other gravity to travel, it anchors into the fabric of space.
In space, gravity attracts but sometimes repells, too! If two star systems are gravitationally pulling the space in between them, then it could lengthen their distance from each other, pushing each other away from each other, using gravity, as both a pull and a push.
Two distant galaxies were seen recently moving apart faster than light, not because the mass of their galaxies moves faster than light, but because space itself moves faster than light, and expands between them!
So if a ship is electrically able to move gravity, and changes its own gravity / inertia to move, then the impeller force from the negative energy charge of the central accumulator (which as discussed on the Warp Drive News page) is acting as a gravitational vacuum, may not be able to budge a negative (mass-reduction) gravity field with a [normal] gravity field -- it's not so right to think gravity can budge it at all, that gravity can move upon a gravitational vacuum, or push a gravitational vacuum around since it would be fruitless to use force against force, when such force would merely be absorbed. Can you push on a negative gravity field (negative inertial mass), and expect it to move, or will it push back upon you with equal force?
If the mass of the impeller pushes down upon the central accumulator, it's not necessarily going to push the ship anywhere, like how a guy runs along the deck of a boat and stops suddenly to inch the boat forward, using internal inertia.
The impeller in this case continues the force from the bottom of the ship up to the top, and the ship rides that line of force (like riding a beam of light or a gravity wave; having non-Newtonian inertia) which circulates in a magnetostatic field (like a magnetic field) from the top around to the bottom again. Which force moves the craft, the inertial force up, or the external force down? They both move the craft at the same time, in unity.
The vertical impeller creates force, carried up from the central accumulator and cycled around the hull back again. This way force is not attempting to move upon a gravitational vacuum; the force of the gravitational vacuum moves like a particle fountain out of a black hole -- projecting its accumulated energy forward making use of its state of zero or negative mass carving out the path that it is filled with the gravitational vacuum -- the wake of the mass that the energy is pulling forward, like falling into a gravity pocket always in front of the ship.
The bottom hemisphere of the OTC-X1 is not so much acting as a propulsion field, although it can be considered as such according to Newtonian laws of motion; but we do see Newtonian laws of motion and non-Newtonian laws of negative inertia also acting congruently with each other, so that either one can be used to explained why the craft moves; there is no violation of Newtonian laws, when non-Newtonian laws are also acting in harmony in an equal and opposite way.
Further, what we have here is a resonance cavity, as the bottom hemisphere of the OTC-X1, similar to the EM electric space drive! The electromagnetic frequency (and microwave is a frequency of electromagnetic energy) is projected sideways, bounced off the central accumulator in a scalar way to produce the special EM drive thrust, which can sometimes create massive auroras in the sky, as people are seeing these days . . .
Also the utron spins off aspects of a vortex torsion field as Townsend Brown considered a "downward hydrostatic" flow according to his hand-drawn sketch above that came from his historic notes.
The LAU-X4 is FAR MORE Efficient than the OTC-X1, but would not work without the OTC-X1.
It is hard to tell if the vacuum force upon the central accumultor or from it, reversing the direction of plasma flow along the hull (if the vertical impeller spins up or down) is the real solution, so both solutions will have to be considered until test results show which way is more efficient.
Taking in consideration the success of Townsend Brown electrogravity in the atmosphere, and in the vacuum of space in such engines as the EM drive and the Cannae drive, along with the mass-reduction negative energy field provided by the OTC-X1 and conductively induced along the Outer Ring (the OTC-X1 was proven in the past), then the physics and design are pretty solid at this point. Several entirely different styles of electrogravity craft can be designed and constructed from these physics, too.
It DOES SEEM much more powerful using dynamic hull flow with the impeller spinning upward, since there is more surface area along the hull to exert a force (internalized or externalized) which also takes a right-angled change of vector through a movement of exotic matter-plasma, which must be considered. If electrogravity is to be properly understood, it must be understood as a movement, and causing a movement of spacetime, "curving" spacetime as Einstein would consider it; movement is achieved from the other event of the paradox.
The rapid vector shift of dynamic flow from the outer ring back to the OTC-X1 also would illustrate how energy squeezes the ship forward, like how one squeezes one end of a pumpkin seed and it shoots out of their fingers. Trying to pull the entire surface area of the upper hull down through its center to the central accumulator would meet some horrible resistance, whereas resistance slows a ship, preventing it from reaching the speed of light.
Electrogravity must act in the way of the White-Alcubierre warp drive dynamics, causing a compression upon the spacetime in front of a craft and expanding it out the back, which the impeller flow of bottom to top would demonstrate this dynamic, just the same way that Townsend Brown demonstrated this dynamic. It is the scalar curving of space and time, which is what the airframe / hull shape achieves that moves a ship through the substance of space. The vertical impeller pushing force up compresses the spacetime frequency upon the top, at the output conductor (Tesla toroid), tying into the outer hull, creating a field effect of a bubble rather than a beam effect through the center, ignoring the hull altogether.
No airplane flies from just a propeller, but also must have its wings.
In any case, this is the nature of the beast, so to speak. How is it creating that gravity pocket that the ship falls into, and is that gravity pocket a dynamic force, or a smaller concentrated force just above the center of the top of the ship? It's going to do one or the other. One way will be more efficient, also.
This AT LEAST qualifies the LAU-X4 in it's final design state, as a finished concept.
In fact, this may work out not as a conflict, but as a flight mode !
The impeller flow down to the central accumulator could be slow "trolling motor" speed, whereas flowing up can be the fast light-drive speed... OR ... Vice Versa!
Those are further advances upon already what is however, and would require a little more engineering to work that vertical impeller properly, but these are the essentials. From just the core design, all the rest can be derived, and can be always evolving... just like a good martial arts system!
... and it wouldn't do anyone any good if folks didn't have at least something to work with, because that is how new ideas come forward as evolutions of older ideas; just as the LAU-X4 has come forward, the crafts afterwards would be more advanced. That and, good physics are not built around solving problems, but upon further evolutions of the questions, that solutions come as a by-product of shooting for the highest goals, but not becoming trapped in the pursuit of them, but having a completion point which is the spark that sets the motor into overunity internal-generating.
. . .
Considering the force from the impeller:
Since tests in a vacuum have seen movement using the Tesla / Townsend Brown style plating, then accelerating that movement may exponentially raise that force, using Newtonian laws of motion.
This does seem to parallel the concept of the Cannae electrical space drive, in that the plate materials when charged induces movement.
I would say that the air pressure of the engine core would have to be just enough to form a plasma through the high volt negative energy -- at that equilibrium, to match force with force, electrogravitationally. The air flow can also be of a monoatomic hyrdrogen, of which monatomics do demonstrate exotic matter properties.
It would become a superconductive exotic matter plasma flow at that point.
Maneuvering the ship by counter-charging hull sections upon sections of moving matter-plasma, is similar to how John Searl maneuvered his craft, by shunting the charge along one side of the outer hull, so that the craft traveled in the direction of the charged hull section.
This would affect maneuvering at high speeds, allowing for it, whereas before it was not thought it could be obtained ... That is to say at high speeds, the ship can turn on a dime.
. . .
As a bonus, I edited/updated the "Promise Revealed" article on the bottom of the General blog page, which was unreadable before (I know I really messed up some articles pretty good before I figured things out right) ... so here's the link to TONS OF PHOTOS, A HUMONGOUS RESOURCE of the:
Secret Space Programs PHOTO GALLERY --->
... for your viewing enjoyment ...