UPDATED: 12/10/15
This post will more-than-likely contain definitions and expansions to the absolute reality of non-changing static form, that most people are taught without question. I may add to this particular post from time-to-time.
There are far more important posts below, so don't treat this post as the entire content of this "Updates and Design Improvement" page.
I want to address "Electrostatics" briefly.
ElectroSTATIC energy is a stationary charge that is at rest and does not accelerate according to current definitions. But I like the distinctions of electroSTATIC energy as being "in the air," because it makes a lot more sense, and makes the distinction that you can't have electrostatic charges without the air. Otherwise, it's di-electric, for instance. Electromagnetic waves can travel through vacuum, and the di-electric waves from electrostatic charges can travel through the vacuum of space. The waves from electrostatic energy are in parallel and travel at 220,000 miles per second according to new discoveries from HAM radio researchers and Eric Dollard. So, it's not like I'm actually "wrong." I don't like to view a static charge as stationary, because electrostatic charges CAN be accelerated around and around in a machine. Lightning dances and moves and travels. I know the university systems highly program students with incorrect information, or half-revealed information all the time, so I am very leery of such strict definitions that are too absolute in people's eyes, instead of flexible and RELATIVE.
Why must a charge be defined by characteristics of "at rest" and "immobile" when even the Earth's surface is never at rest, and is always spinning? It gets back to the atomic clock at rest on the surface of Earth, which technically is NOT at rest.
Is it impossible that static charges are unable to move? Well, they can move around, but typically cannot accelerate faster and faster as the charge move, if it occurs naturally. Artificially we can take electrostatic charges, in positive and negative, and that itself will spin an engine round and round, which is therefore an acceleration curve.
Put it in a box and pump the air out, and there isn't even a spark! So air is required for there to be electrostatic energy. There is one exception regarding magneto-electrostatic energy, and that is that the spark can be used in a system so as long as the conditions are required for the spark, AND as long as the nature of the "virtual spark" also changes the energy type of the system from electromagnetic to magneto-electrostatic. More is discussed on the Tesla Engineering Physics page about this.
ALSO: I would like to point out on the General Blog page the article, "Paradox of Electrostatic current."
A sustained discharge of electrostatic charge would be considered a "current."
There is a paradox to this.