Exo-Archaeoastronomy update: 4/11/15
reupdate: 9/11/2017
To alleviate people’s fears of those whom are very familiar with this aspect of Earth history, I have correlated dates based on the latest findings and information. Not to worry, Nibiru won’t be returning for quite a long while.
Here are the dates, the times, the places, of when and where Nibiru has been as recorded in History, and when it will come back, although its return is relative. Keep in mind that according to the Sumerian Hall of Records, Nibiru returns every 3600 years. It's easy to track these cyclic events through time.
We have had five cataclysmic events recently. 3116 B.C. we had an orbiting body enter our solar system and take up position where Venus is now known to be. This is the Mayan depiction of the return of Venus -- the head of Earth which was split off from Nibiru so long ago. It passed close to Earth and locked magnetic fields together so that Earth turned and pivoted away from the sun in the northern hemisphere. The northern hemisphere had darkness for 3 days and 3 nights. Meanwhile, the Earth still rotated.
There are a good number of records showing Venus is part of Earth. If this is the case, then an unknown planet we have named “Maldek” was in the Venus position long ago (this may seem erroneous, because Maldek has also been supposed to be in the position where the asteroid belt is now. The Asteroid belt is between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars, however the Ort cloud is a bunch of asteroids surrounding our star system stretching out for a parsec, not to be confusing, but to provide sufficient relative information).
The Sumerian records show Earth to have been nailed and smashed up where the asteroid belt is today (between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars), being a much larger planet and requiring a different orbital harmonic -- the asteroid field only makes up 1/3 of a planetary mass, and the asteroid Ceres makes up 1/3 of the asteroid belt's mass. Ceres is a very small mini-moon, roughly the same diameter as the state of Texas, while our own moon is roughly the same diameter as the width of the United States. So the asteroid belt, if all of it is clumped together, could make up the mass of a small moon which is very out of place keeping with the harmonics of planetary orbits. There may be an error in the mass calculations of the asteroid belt.
Keep in mind, there are any number of parallel histories which we can experience at any given moment depending upon our root reality. The Sumerian library showed Venus 6000 years ago. However there is a strong possibility Venus is part of Earth regardless, having been there for some number of millions of years. It is also recorded that Venus periodically leaves the Solar system.
The planetary orbital harmonics however, requires there to be a harmonic balance of planets orbiting certain distances away from the Sun. So there appears to be gaps in the planetary orbits; and it also implies that when one planet's orbit is changed due to cataclysm, all the rest of the orbits of the planets in the Solar ssytem must re-balance into a new harmonic equilibrium.
Keeping all that in mind, let's examine some dates.
The collision between Earth and Nibiru happened roughly at 250 million years ago, splitting the world according to the cataclysmic continental drift theory (which replaces the old Pangaea theory). Prior for 100 million years (350 - 250 million years ago) we had an ultra advanced worldwide and intergalactic civilization stretching throughout our star system -- the solar system. Records of that are scattered, but can be correlated with archaeological findings such as the discovery of ancient city ruins 2 miles under the surface of Oklahoma (constructed of polished block interlocked together with laser-beam precision), and also the book "Forbidden Archaeology" on the reference list on the home page also has some additional information and references.
As a note for a further understanding: The old Pangaea theory has been replaced by the "Cataclysmic Continental Drift Theory" which is a better fit to what we can see in the topography and geology of the Earth. And it makes more sense, too. Any super-continent would have Earth totally off-balanced, like a gyroscope spinning around weighted on one side. It wouldn't be possible to maintain a stable orbit under planetary conditions like that. The continent would break apart constantly, and so never be able to come together under natural conditions. It's no better than suggesting the Earth is only 6,000 years old.
As Earth spins, the mass of the continents tend to find an equilibrium with planetary spin. Earth couldn't have started out as one big continent, that's a child's perception.
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After Venus passed (3116 B.C.), Earth realigned with the sun's electromagnetic poles and returned to normal.
1500 B.C. This was when a comet passed close to Earth. The tail of the comet entered our atmosphere and caused a bit of some fire and other havoc, and it burned up the fields, and people were rained with debris. They were hungry all throughout the Mediterranean region for 3 days until the stuff that fell on the ground was discovered to be sweet and edible. It was the ambrosia or nectar of the gods. We survived.
During another time which I don't have the date handy, the Mediterranean region was ransacked by a group of marauders from overseas known as the "Sea People." The Roman and Greek empires fell, the only one really left standing was the Egyptians who beat back the Sea People twice with chariots. The Romans and Greeks had to rebuild. I forget who the Sea People actually were. But that is of little matter.
750 A.D. was the last time Nibiru passed by Earth, recorded by the Mayans and Persians, another cataclysmic event period in history.
3600 years prior to this time, was 2850 B.C. the Exodus out of Egypt which was another pass of Nibiru. This was the time of the 10 plagues and the angels came down and told Moses all that stuff. Now, 750 + 3600 is 4350. 4350 is the next date for Nibiru's crossing. Of course, Nibiru exists in a reality of duality frequency. When we go through the galactic equinox and our Earth becomes a new high frequency ascending sphere, then there is a possibility that we won't experience Nibiru again. Just as Earth split in half and we divided ourselves from our own awareness of unity and co-creation, reality manifested accordingly. Humans had gods, and the two worked as one (regardless of the drama). Re-achieving Unity to the degree of the special times at hand, could very well change the experience of reality, again.
At 6450 B.C. Nibiru came around and restarted the Sumerian Civilization. The ancient Sumerian library is dated back to this time.
As it stands, you won't experience Nibiru in your lifetime
So, Nibiru came around at 6450 B.C., started “modern-ancient” Civilization.
Nibiru came by at 2850 B.C. for the time of the Exodus and the plagues and stuff.
Again, Nibiru came around in 750 A.D. and took care of South America and the Persians. This was when the Greek ambrosia/nectar sustained the civilizations, that they could eat the stuff falling from the sky, sustaining them to rebuild their civilizations. Most of the time when Nibiru comes around, it is beneficial to Earth civilizations.
Nibiru won't return until 4350 A.D. most likely only in the parallel reality of the diverging duality-reality of those who are fearful and do not make the shift beyond the galactic alignment at 2012. We create our experience of reality through shared frequency of co-created root experience of reality.
By the way, there is a good chance that Maldek WAS EARTH.
Now to examine the incongruities. The 1500 B.C. date and the 750 A.D. date has conflicting information that I haven't been able to sort out, yet. What happened at 1500 BC does not fit the cyclical 3600 year patterns. It is the only cataclysmic date that is out of place, and I haven't yet found any more specifics than which is already written here. It's only as good as my research which shows just how confused other scholars are on the subject of these two dates, as well.
Whatever happened at 1500 BC and at 750 AD appears to be very similar. 1500 B.C. was also nearing the birth of the Renaissance, where we came officially out of the dark ages. The "Alien Interview" speaks about that time of rebirthing as the destruction of frequency-control generators on Mars and around Earth (moon?) which were limiting the development of Human beings on Earth (War in Heaven).
In the "Stairway to Heaven" by Zecharia Sitchin, the world's foremost scholar in Sumerian language, the Sumerian Hall of Records share an account of Enoch being taken up in some kind of space elevator thing, to either the moon or Mars, where the Anunnaki show him a crystal of living energy, and a rainbow of colors surrounding Earth and cycling through that crystal. The Anunnaki told him, "that is how we control the souls of Humanity."
However, in the "Perception" post on the metaphysics blog, the comments are very revealing, and that post discusses the nature of the soul, which is surely not controlled by any technology created by any living conscious being (identity) in the Cosmos. The one commonality with the "Alien Interview" is the nature of the soul, described as a living energy form. HOWEVER, the Soul Creates Energy and Life. So to be controlled is just a choice to create that upon oneself, which is why Enoch and the Anunnaki were able to speak so openly about such things. Choice and Decision are different.
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Here's some extra additional information:
We can track Nibiru further back in time. The Sumerian records show it to have a 3600 year orbit. Prior to 6450 B.C. was 10,050 B.C. the time of the great flood. An Ice sheet in Antarctica was pushed over the edge by Nibiru's gravity causing a massive flood according to all the ancient records. The people before the Egyptians knew this was coming and preserved and encoded their technology in the great pyramids so that when we are ready at 2012 (the date was carved inside the great pyramid on a timetable of history), then we could understand.
Again, at 13,650 B.C. we find the ruins of South America, the return of the Viracocha to establish South American civilization. This was the time of the building of the Stone of Quetzelquoatle-- the stone lid of Palenque, and the building of the Chitchen Itza pyramid -- the undulating serpent on the steps seen every summer at Earth's summer equinox.
Also, the Mammoths in Russia went extinct at this time possibly. There is also a 3-d topographical relief map (2 huge stone mega-slabs discovered by a Russian under his house), protected by a layer of 2 mm porcelain (not mica) similar to what is used on the space shuttles, applied to the surface upon its construction roughly 13,000 years ago. It has 2 or 3 inches of actual 3-D topography, and the rest of the 2 or 3 inches on the bottom is from a piece of Limestone that is hundreds of millions of years old, possibly as old as 250 - 450 million years, somewhere around there. Periodically I do further research on these dates, also written about by Immanuel Velikovsky. The details of the map can easily be found in an internet search. It's fairly well known.
17,250 -- 20,850 -- 24,450 -- 28,050 ... The last galactic equinox occurred at 23,998 - 24,105 B.C. These are some dates. The equinox is around 26,000 to 26,117 years... roughly 26,000."
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So many people don't accept anything outside mainstream theories. Atheist view science as their religion, while fundamentalists view religion as an absolute, denying change, which [change] is the only constant in the universe. It's two sides of the same coin. There is no real difference. It breeds conflict, which is an aspect of control itself. While Atheists recognize that religion is used as a social control mechanism, they deny that other aspects of life are also used as the same, such as law and science.
Anything that can be pit against each other, such as "evolution and creationism" is the same thing, made to be in a dualistic aspect which is unresolvable. In which case, both sides are not the truth.
There is so much evidence to show that Humanity is far older than what we thought. To evolutionists, unrealistically older. But we keep finding evidence of Human society that is millions of years old, if not hundreds of millions of years old. The ruins of advanced civilization under Oklahoma, discovered back in the late 1800s while mining for coal made the local newspapers -- ruins of an advanced city made of polished marble with stone blocks fitting more tightly together than the Pyramid stones, with laser-precision.
There is evidence of Human remains of pottery and clay and the evidence of civilization that go back in time for hundreds of millions of years. The contemporary study of archaeology states that is not proof of Humans actually living, even though the ruins of Human civilization are apparent. So what then, was there some OTHER specie on the planet who were also tool-workers? It's a ridiculous argument that it is only evidence of Human civilization only if Human bones were found. Modern-day Human Footprints and boot prints in 500 million year old strata don't count. Pottery and stuff don't count, either. Control Mechanism.
The Russian 3-D relief maps of the landscape 13,000 years ago are on display at a museum, but are not even in the textbooks. The Piri Reis map also, is not in textbooks. The ancient pre-historic mines of South Africa are dated back at least to 250,000 years ago, and are very well known, but are not in any textbooks. One of the entrances to the mines was covered with a huge mega-ton slab of hematite. And in the bottom of those mines were found spheroids with three grooves along the equator, found in 3.2 billion year old strata.
Yet these findings are not "accepted" by modern-day students and scholars, who would rather deny the existence of anything that doesn't fit their theories (obviously this website is only able to be read by intelligent people, right?).
There is a moon in orbit around Saturn (Lapetus, thank you Catherine Jackson for correcting me) which is shaped like a soccer ball with a ridge around its equator. The Apollo program discovered there were triangular shapes at the heart of the moon using seismic survey sonar charges. People don't believe we went to the moon because these things were covered up so that no one would really know about it.
Most people are not logical thinkers. Logic alone can determine that if warp drive and hyperspace teleportation can be seen to be a theoretical reality, then it's not so hard to believe that it has been done already. If just one man can demonstrate the physics and engineering to build it, then you can guarantee that we already have it -- in secret.
Ignorance and control ... it is the enslavement of Earth Humans, enslaving the mind, and enslavement of the living force of creation and perception that is inherent with all life.
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Last thing I want to mention.. I don't believe in "Soul traps." I believe we are more free than people want to believe. I really think it's a matter of evolution and ascension to be able to remember one's past lives. But even still, having a fresh start again re-incarnating isn't all that too terrible! I know many would rather NOT remember their past lives.. but the Soul never forgets. We still have our experiences that are always part of our existences.
I believe Zen as a way of enlightenment is a very beautiful thing. A lot of things have changed since how we were in the past. More people are remembering very clearly, their past lives. According to the "Alien Interview," it's more common in the rest of the universe for people to remember their past lives, but then they wouldn't be able to experience Zen. Plus through hypnosis, there is a way to recall those memories, as well as certain parts of the brain can be accessed to bring those memories forth. There is no loss.
Besides, why dwell in the past when we can have a beautiful existence in the Now?
I think Humanity (Terrans) has great wisdom available within in spite of our ignorance, that the rest of the universe cannot fathom. I think Terrans (Earth Humans) have a beautiful way, to see complicated things very simply, and just to do and act, living in the moment, instead of thinking about doing and acting, and always living for the future that never arrives.
There is no shame in being simple and happy. That, I believe is what makes Terrans the envy of the entire universe. Living happily and in joy is the greatest achievement of any enlightened civilization, because to just do that would solve all our problems. Do what fulfills you. Don't do what you hate; that is the empty cup. We have a lot of problems with the Earth environment and with tyranny and enslavement. And yet we have the means at our fingertips to solve all our problems. Everyone has the choice as to what reality one wants to experience. The important thing is to see how we CAN live. But if what you do does not make you happy, then what you will experience is all of the world that you know and see, (Your world -- that reality that you perceive as "the" world) crumbling away into lifelessness.
The only traps are those in which one sets for oneself. It is the individual who matters. You create Your reality. For there to be harmonious co-creation in resonance together, you must first be in resonance and in harmony with yourself, and with your Life Force. It is from the individual which flows forth, Life Resonance, that Co-creative harmony with All. It really does make a difference. Do for the highest good of all life, everywhere, but remember that it is your life that you live, and not other people's lives. "Be the change you want to see in the world." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Unconditional Love and Support on Your Journey
reupdate: 9/11/2017
To alleviate people’s fears of those whom are very familiar with this aspect of Earth history, I have correlated dates based on the latest findings and information. Not to worry, Nibiru won’t be returning for quite a long while.
Here are the dates, the times, the places, of when and where Nibiru has been as recorded in History, and when it will come back, although its return is relative. Keep in mind that according to the Sumerian Hall of Records, Nibiru returns every 3600 years. It's easy to track these cyclic events through time.
We have had five cataclysmic events recently. 3116 B.C. we had an orbiting body enter our solar system and take up position where Venus is now known to be. This is the Mayan depiction of the return of Venus -- the head of Earth which was split off from Nibiru so long ago. It passed close to Earth and locked magnetic fields together so that Earth turned and pivoted away from the sun in the northern hemisphere. The northern hemisphere had darkness for 3 days and 3 nights. Meanwhile, the Earth still rotated.
There are a good number of records showing Venus is part of Earth. If this is the case, then an unknown planet we have named “Maldek” was in the Venus position long ago (this may seem erroneous, because Maldek has also been supposed to be in the position where the asteroid belt is now. The Asteroid belt is between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars, however the Ort cloud is a bunch of asteroids surrounding our star system stretching out for a parsec, not to be confusing, but to provide sufficient relative information).
The Sumerian records show Earth to have been nailed and smashed up where the asteroid belt is today (between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars), being a much larger planet and requiring a different orbital harmonic -- the asteroid field only makes up 1/3 of a planetary mass, and the asteroid Ceres makes up 1/3 of the asteroid belt's mass. Ceres is a very small mini-moon, roughly the same diameter as the state of Texas, while our own moon is roughly the same diameter as the width of the United States. So the asteroid belt, if all of it is clumped together, could make up the mass of a small moon which is very out of place keeping with the harmonics of planetary orbits. There may be an error in the mass calculations of the asteroid belt.
Keep in mind, there are any number of parallel histories which we can experience at any given moment depending upon our root reality. The Sumerian library showed Venus 6000 years ago. However there is a strong possibility Venus is part of Earth regardless, having been there for some number of millions of years. It is also recorded that Venus periodically leaves the Solar system.
The planetary orbital harmonics however, requires there to be a harmonic balance of planets orbiting certain distances away from the Sun. So there appears to be gaps in the planetary orbits; and it also implies that when one planet's orbit is changed due to cataclysm, all the rest of the orbits of the planets in the Solar ssytem must re-balance into a new harmonic equilibrium.
Keeping all that in mind, let's examine some dates.
The collision between Earth and Nibiru happened roughly at 250 million years ago, splitting the world according to the cataclysmic continental drift theory (which replaces the old Pangaea theory). Prior for 100 million years (350 - 250 million years ago) we had an ultra advanced worldwide and intergalactic civilization stretching throughout our star system -- the solar system. Records of that are scattered, but can be correlated with archaeological findings such as the discovery of ancient city ruins 2 miles under the surface of Oklahoma (constructed of polished block interlocked together with laser-beam precision), and also the book "Forbidden Archaeology" on the reference list on the home page also has some additional information and references.
As a note for a further understanding: The old Pangaea theory has been replaced by the "Cataclysmic Continental Drift Theory" which is a better fit to what we can see in the topography and geology of the Earth. And it makes more sense, too. Any super-continent would have Earth totally off-balanced, like a gyroscope spinning around weighted on one side. It wouldn't be possible to maintain a stable orbit under planetary conditions like that. The continent would break apart constantly, and so never be able to come together under natural conditions. It's no better than suggesting the Earth is only 6,000 years old.
As Earth spins, the mass of the continents tend to find an equilibrium with planetary spin. Earth couldn't have started out as one big continent, that's a child's perception.
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After Venus passed (3116 B.C.), Earth realigned with the sun's electromagnetic poles and returned to normal.
1500 B.C. This was when a comet passed close to Earth. The tail of the comet entered our atmosphere and caused a bit of some fire and other havoc, and it burned up the fields, and people were rained with debris. They were hungry all throughout the Mediterranean region for 3 days until the stuff that fell on the ground was discovered to be sweet and edible. It was the ambrosia or nectar of the gods. We survived.
During another time which I don't have the date handy, the Mediterranean region was ransacked by a group of marauders from overseas known as the "Sea People." The Roman and Greek empires fell, the only one really left standing was the Egyptians who beat back the Sea People twice with chariots. The Romans and Greeks had to rebuild. I forget who the Sea People actually were. But that is of little matter.
750 A.D. was the last time Nibiru passed by Earth, recorded by the Mayans and Persians, another cataclysmic event period in history.
3600 years prior to this time, was 2850 B.C. the Exodus out of Egypt which was another pass of Nibiru. This was the time of the 10 plagues and the angels came down and told Moses all that stuff. Now, 750 + 3600 is 4350. 4350 is the next date for Nibiru's crossing. Of course, Nibiru exists in a reality of duality frequency. When we go through the galactic equinox and our Earth becomes a new high frequency ascending sphere, then there is a possibility that we won't experience Nibiru again. Just as Earth split in half and we divided ourselves from our own awareness of unity and co-creation, reality manifested accordingly. Humans had gods, and the two worked as one (regardless of the drama). Re-achieving Unity to the degree of the special times at hand, could very well change the experience of reality, again.
At 6450 B.C. Nibiru came around and restarted the Sumerian Civilization. The ancient Sumerian library is dated back to this time.
As it stands, you won't experience Nibiru in your lifetime
So, Nibiru came around at 6450 B.C., started “modern-ancient” Civilization.
Nibiru came by at 2850 B.C. for the time of the Exodus and the plagues and stuff.
Again, Nibiru came around in 750 A.D. and took care of South America and the Persians. This was when the Greek ambrosia/nectar sustained the civilizations, that they could eat the stuff falling from the sky, sustaining them to rebuild their civilizations. Most of the time when Nibiru comes around, it is beneficial to Earth civilizations.
Nibiru won't return until 4350 A.D. most likely only in the parallel reality of the diverging duality-reality of those who are fearful and do not make the shift beyond the galactic alignment at 2012. We create our experience of reality through shared frequency of co-created root experience of reality.
By the way, there is a good chance that Maldek WAS EARTH.
Now to examine the incongruities. The 1500 B.C. date and the 750 A.D. date has conflicting information that I haven't been able to sort out, yet. What happened at 1500 BC does not fit the cyclical 3600 year patterns. It is the only cataclysmic date that is out of place, and I haven't yet found any more specifics than which is already written here. It's only as good as my research which shows just how confused other scholars are on the subject of these two dates, as well.
Whatever happened at 1500 BC and at 750 AD appears to be very similar. 1500 B.C. was also nearing the birth of the Renaissance, where we came officially out of the dark ages. The "Alien Interview" speaks about that time of rebirthing as the destruction of frequency-control generators on Mars and around Earth (moon?) which were limiting the development of Human beings on Earth (War in Heaven).
In the "Stairway to Heaven" by Zecharia Sitchin, the world's foremost scholar in Sumerian language, the Sumerian Hall of Records share an account of Enoch being taken up in some kind of space elevator thing, to either the moon or Mars, where the Anunnaki show him a crystal of living energy, and a rainbow of colors surrounding Earth and cycling through that crystal. The Anunnaki told him, "that is how we control the souls of Humanity."
However, in the "Perception" post on the metaphysics blog, the comments are very revealing, and that post discusses the nature of the soul, which is surely not controlled by any technology created by any living conscious being (identity) in the Cosmos. The one commonality with the "Alien Interview" is the nature of the soul, described as a living energy form. HOWEVER, the Soul Creates Energy and Life. So to be controlled is just a choice to create that upon oneself, which is why Enoch and the Anunnaki were able to speak so openly about such things. Choice and Decision are different.
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Here's some extra additional information:
We can track Nibiru further back in time. The Sumerian records show it to have a 3600 year orbit. Prior to 6450 B.C. was 10,050 B.C. the time of the great flood. An Ice sheet in Antarctica was pushed over the edge by Nibiru's gravity causing a massive flood according to all the ancient records. The people before the Egyptians knew this was coming and preserved and encoded their technology in the great pyramids so that when we are ready at 2012 (the date was carved inside the great pyramid on a timetable of history), then we could understand.
Again, at 13,650 B.C. we find the ruins of South America, the return of the Viracocha to establish South American civilization. This was the time of the building of the Stone of Quetzelquoatle-- the stone lid of Palenque, and the building of the Chitchen Itza pyramid -- the undulating serpent on the steps seen every summer at Earth's summer equinox.
Also, the Mammoths in Russia went extinct at this time possibly. There is also a 3-d topographical relief map (2 huge stone mega-slabs discovered by a Russian under his house), protected by a layer of 2 mm porcelain (not mica) similar to what is used on the space shuttles, applied to the surface upon its construction roughly 13,000 years ago. It has 2 or 3 inches of actual 3-D topography, and the rest of the 2 or 3 inches on the bottom is from a piece of Limestone that is hundreds of millions of years old, possibly as old as 250 - 450 million years, somewhere around there. Periodically I do further research on these dates, also written about by Immanuel Velikovsky. The details of the map can easily be found in an internet search. It's fairly well known.
17,250 -- 20,850 -- 24,450 -- 28,050 ... The last galactic equinox occurred at 23,998 - 24,105 B.C. These are some dates. The equinox is around 26,000 to 26,117 years... roughly 26,000."
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So many people don't accept anything outside mainstream theories. Atheist view science as their religion, while fundamentalists view religion as an absolute, denying change, which [change] is the only constant in the universe. It's two sides of the same coin. There is no real difference. It breeds conflict, which is an aspect of control itself. While Atheists recognize that religion is used as a social control mechanism, they deny that other aspects of life are also used as the same, such as law and science.
Anything that can be pit against each other, such as "evolution and creationism" is the same thing, made to be in a dualistic aspect which is unresolvable. In which case, both sides are not the truth.
There is so much evidence to show that Humanity is far older than what we thought. To evolutionists, unrealistically older. But we keep finding evidence of Human society that is millions of years old, if not hundreds of millions of years old. The ruins of advanced civilization under Oklahoma, discovered back in the late 1800s while mining for coal made the local newspapers -- ruins of an advanced city made of polished marble with stone blocks fitting more tightly together than the Pyramid stones, with laser-precision.
There is evidence of Human remains of pottery and clay and the evidence of civilization that go back in time for hundreds of millions of years. The contemporary study of archaeology states that is not proof of Humans actually living, even though the ruins of Human civilization are apparent. So what then, was there some OTHER specie on the planet who were also tool-workers? It's a ridiculous argument that it is only evidence of Human civilization only if Human bones were found. Modern-day Human Footprints and boot prints in 500 million year old strata don't count. Pottery and stuff don't count, either. Control Mechanism.
The Russian 3-D relief maps of the landscape 13,000 years ago are on display at a museum, but are not even in the textbooks. The Piri Reis map also, is not in textbooks. The ancient pre-historic mines of South Africa are dated back at least to 250,000 years ago, and are very well known, but are not in any textbooks. One of the entrances to the mines was covered with a huge mega-ton slab of hematite. And in the bottom of those mines were found spheroids with three grooves along the equator, found in 3.2 billion year old strata.
Yet these findings are not "accepted" by modern-day students and scholars, who would rather deny the existence of anything that doesn't fit their theories (obviously this website is only able to be read by intelligent people, right?).
There is a moon in orbit around Saturn (Lapetus, thank you Catherine Jackson for correcting me) which is shaped like a soccer ball with a ridge around its equator. The Apollo program discovered there were triangular shapes at the heart of the moon using seismic survey sonar charges. People don't believe we went to the moon because these things were covered up so that no one would really know about it.
Most people are not logical thinkers. Logic alone can determine that if warp drive and hyperspace teleportation can be seen to be a theoretical reality, then it's not so hard to believe that it has been done already. If just one man can demonstrate the physics and engineering to build it, then you can guarantee that we already have it -- in secret.
Ignorance and control ... it is the enslavement of Earth Humans, enslaving the mind, and enslavement of the living force of creation and perception that is inherent with all life.
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Last thing I want to mention.. I don't believe in "Soul traps." I believe we are more free than people want to believe. I really think it's a matter of evolution and ascension to be able to remember one's past lives. But even still, having a fresh start again re-incarnating isn't all that too terrible! I know many would rather NOT remember their past lives.. but the Soul never forgets. We still have our experiences that are always part of our existences.
I believe Zen as a way of enlightenment is a very beautiful thing. A lot of things have changed since how we were in the past. More people are remembering very clearly, their past lives. According to the "Alien Interview," it's more common in the rest of the universe for people to remember their past lives, but then they wouldn't be able to experience Zen. Plus through hypnosis, there is a way to recall those memories, as well as certain parts of the brain can be accessed to bring those memories forth. There is no loss.
Besides, why dwell in the past when we can have a beautiful existence in the Now?
I think Humanity (Terrans) has great wisdom available within in spite of our ignorance, that the rest of the universe cannot fathom. I think Terrans (Earth Humans) have a beautiful way, to see complicated things very simply, and just to do and act, living in the moment, instead of thinking about doing and acting, and always living for the future that never arrives.
There is no shame in being simple and happy. That, I believe is what makes Terrans the envy of the entire universe. Living happily and in joy is the greatest achievement of any enlightened civilization, because to just do that would solve all our problems. Do what fulfills you. Don't do what you hate; that is the empty cup. We have a lot of problems with the Earth environment and with tyranny and enslavement. And yet we have the means at our fingertips to solve all our problems. Everyone has the choice as to what reality one wants to experience. The important thing is to see how we CAN live. But if what you do does not make you happy, then what you will experience is all of the world that you know and see, (Your world -- that reality that you perceive as "the" world) crumbling away into lifelessness.
The only traps are those in which one sets for oneself. It is the individual who matters. You create Your reality. For there to be harmonious co-creation in resonance together, you must first be in resonance and in harmony with yourself, and with your Life Force. It is from the individual which flows forth, Life Resonance, that Co-creative harmony with All. It really does make a difference. Do for the highest good of all life, everywhere, but remember that it is your life that you live, and not other people's lives. "Be the change you want to see in the world." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Unconditional Love and Support on Your Journey
New Information. (9/11/2017)
Nibiru, the winged disk has been spotted by the Infrared Imaging Surveyor (IRIS) telescope in 2003 and was also covered up by Google sky for a time and then revealed in the Google sky maps. This is what it looks like, which is right out of the Sumerian tablets:
Without going into too much horrific detail ......
There can be two parallel timelines involved that intersect each other every so often, two concurrent 3600 year cycles. 1500 B.C. plus 3600 years is roughly right now ....
"The crossing" could refer to the crossing of timelines .... not just the "tablet of destinies" or orbital paths of planets .. but those would also be included, too.
At specific intervals or "time locations" these timelines can overlap each other. .. Correlating or parallel timelines can indeed overlap and bridge through parallel possible realities.
Quantum mechanics illustrates that different timelines do exist simultaneously on Earth, and overlap from time to time in intervals of Earth resonance temporal frequencies.
The Philadelphia experiment opened and closed a portal every 20 years, and this was observed via satellite; this time hole closed in the future, to seal them all in the past. 12 cycles (discussed in "Bringers of the Dawn" by Barbara Marciniak) and 20 cycles are viable resonance harmonics of Earth time. 3600 year cycles could relate more to Solar time harmonics. 13 and 26 are also correlating to Earth's precession of equinoxes.
What does this mean? Well .... If Nibiru is close enough to be seen with plasma wings, then it has come close enough to the sun to be quite nearby. As the Sumerian hall of records reveal, when it can be seen, it is near.