These photos came from the website: http://thepromiserevealed.com/secret-technology-photo-gallery/
It's real, it's finally going public. I have no words, just an overwhelming joy and release of a huge burden from my heart and soul.
I should have named this website "warp-drive-philosophy" .com ... because that, parapsychology, and metaphysics is where I started in the attempt to unify with physics, "Unified Mechanics" of living energy and Essence and mind and light and love, All Love ... in spite of those existing as a denial of Love, which is Love Inverted, still Love though, but requiring to discern.
Such an understanding of metaphysics can assist the pilot in being trained to fly a ship, and to understand where one is through time and space.
Pictures are worth thousands of words, feelings, emotions, hopes, and dreams.
I got very depressed in college, in spite of my passion for Calculus which I aced in high school; I wanted to learn how to Know it, I wanted to Know it, and derive it, and play with it, from just a slide rule. I got depressed though, when nothing which I wanted to use it for was made known, brought to my attention, and also ridiculed. I was teaching myself out of the book, getting ahead in class so I thought, but I was young and ignorant. I got depressed for two weeks, and couldn't eat or sleep when I realized that we were being taught to use it, not to truly know it. Prior though, I had found Love, and couldn't eat or sleep. Both things was the start of my journey which finally has my eyes wide open upon seeing what's on that webpage listed above.
I am astounded, and amazed, and once again in awe and shock at the beautiful reality that we may live in harmony with life, our planet, each other... Like a delicate flower, or bunny to be gaurded and protected 24/7, to keep the wolves and hungry varmits away from such a >insert word here< hope and prayer. Sometimes one can become numb from emotional passion of extreme highs and lows. Desparate Joy is an oxymoron, and loses sight of simple happiness and freedom. I hope we can hang on to it, but I imagine it'll hang on to us.
I think the round craft in the picture above is a TR38C. The TR-3B are supposedly the wedge-shaped or triangular craft.
The TR-3B triangular craft can go around the Earth 9 times in 1 second. Light can travel 7 times around the Earth in one second.
The TR-3B is mechanical.. similar perhaps to how the craft on my web page is designed, and perhaps the X1, but maybe different. The only similarity is that those crafts are all mechanical, not digital, but analogue. The TR-3B is the fastest craft we have.
"Light speed" IE "C" travels at 186,000 miles per second. It's not really light speed, it's only electromagnetic wave speed. Electrostatic waves are faster because they are not transferse but in parallel. Ham radio operators using Tesla electrostatic setups measured electrostatic wave speed at 220,000 miles per second.
Light measures temporal frequency IE time. In a field of more mass, time is faster. So time is faster closer to the sun, and slower farther away from the sun. Light measures the speed of time, and is NOT actual travelling at 186,000 miles per second.
Time is considered "gravitymass relative frequency." But actually time is not a wave, but a separation in infinite divisions of possible reality. Quite fascinating.
Twin particles simultaneously relate information and action (at the same time) at ANY distance, no matter where in the universe they are.
If there are calculations made out there about gravity waves traveling 64 times the speed of light (C, or electromagnetic wave frequency in Earth relative gravitytime) then there are ships that travel that fast, making a trip to Alpha Centauri possible in 3 weeks.
I want to express my extreme gratitude, praise, and appreciation to NASA, The Keshe Foundation, and to those wonderful people out there building it and doing it, and who have been working hard at it in secret without any recognition of their remarkable and wonderful deeds and heroic accomplishments! Much Love!