In combat, always assume you have Free Will. It's important!
Here is something to consider about free will and quantum mechanics:
Person A: "In Hugh Everett's quantum many worlds universe, which in all probability we inhabit, all possibilities are realized. Every choice you can make, you do make, all of them. So if all paths are taken, what sense does it make to say you did this or that? You do everything. Ergo, your free will is an illusion."
Person B: "You don't take ALL paths at once, but only those relative with the possible free-will choices and decisions that you can make. There are things that you personally would NOT do. Like I don't think you would do some extreme example that results in something terribly bad. So you wouldn't take ALL paths that are possible. Would you?
If you did take all paths possible, at some point, you wouldn't even be you anymore.
What would you NOT do? If someone came up to you and said, I can give you a sex change ... would you do it? Would you agree and consent to it? According to you, you certainly would. Really it makes you the butt of all kinds of jokes. Anyone can say anything about you, and it would be true, because you end up doing it in some parallel reality at some point. What about a head transplant? You can certainly explore that possibility, but if it ended up going very badly, then you would decide not to. You can't just make a claim that you'd give up all form, if you are in the form of a Human. All things do not happen all at once, all through time, BECAUSE of Free Will. And there are limitations which is what actually maintains the physical Human reality. If all choices were available to you, then yeah.. you could do the whole grandfather's paradox and go back in time and never be born and not have an extended family."
Person A: "I don't know that it is meaningful to talk about "you being you" or "me being me". We're just a matter of circumstance and part of a much broader picture. People cling to the idea of free will because it makes them feel like there is meaning and purpose to their existence. The only meaning your life has is the meaning you give it."
Person B: "My point was that you were denying the fact that you also co-determine your reality. You create your own reality! Your power of choice and decision goes a very long way. You can't be without free will, because you have the ability to think for yourself, make decisions.
But surely, you do see the logic of what I was suggesting in a hypothetical reality? What about hypothetical realities? How do they factor in, when all paths are taken at all times? Really? If we can go to other stars and fly through pure light, then we put ourselves into a nonspace of all time, where everything can happen, anything can happen, and all at once.. But it is illogical for you to fly to another star through pure light, and return to Earth which is nothing like what you expected. Your very expectations place you into dimensions of causality that after a certain point, do not apply because the boundaries of identity have everything to do with purpose for action to act. If action established something, an identity, then that identity is bound without a parameter of action, and to exceed those perameters would deny the very aspect of causality that called it into existence to begin with.
If you throw a ball, you have created action. The purpose of that action is for the ball to be thrown. However, there is a wide degree of variations that the ball can travel -- that is the identity of the action.. the ball travelling. There is a quantum possibility though, that the ball could actually reverse directions and come back over your head, and fly outside the ballpark behind you. The math shows that. Nonetheless, the purpose of that ball is to travel in the general direction that you have tossed it, depending upon your aim.
Purpose does apply, because one's life is similar to the ball being thrown. Does that make sense?"
The very nature of the law depends upon one's free will to accept or not, to consent or not, to agree, or not.
Sometimes the consciousness and subconsciousness can conflict. Sometimes, something can be done to me without my conscious knowledge and consent; am I a victim to it, or was it always in my power to change the negative outcome? Are all truths self evident? When your Soul grabs you by the short-hairs and shakes you and says, "You'd better change or else," then well.. you know who has free will, and who has to do what he's told. .. the Human ego does not necessarily have complete free will because denial is necessary to even form a sense of self (I am not the trees, I am not the rocks, I am not you, etc). A baby rocks back and forth to determine what moves with, and what moves against or contrary with the baby's "self." That determines a self identity. Action determines the identity, and establishes the identity, otherwise there is nothing upon which action could act.
There is no real randomness that does not exist without purpose to be such. The inherent nature of instability allows for balances to be created, and stable form to be created, which requires a force applied upon it to maintain the balance. Stable-instability is that concept.. such as if you take a step to walk, you must lose your balance forward to regain it.
Free Will must work similarly. Yet it is also determined by boundaries of the identity, of what one has set upon oneself (boundless limitation). Belief also determines the reality of Free Will.
Purpose can sometimes supersede Free Will, or compliment Free will (Purpose of Action). And where are the boundaries of what you create, versus what another creates? What if "stable-instability" can mean different things in different arenas? No action can exist without purpose; action establishes. Paradoxically, all things exist for the highest good of all life everywhere. The simple reason/explanation is because of the purpose of the universe. The universe cannot cease to exist, because of the purpose of time -- why time exists, and what time does. Because of time, the universe suddenly ceasing to exist is not for the highest good of Life, of Honoring the Life Force of Existence, in that relation.
Free Will is a highly debatable topic! It does not mean control, and control itself is an illusion, a power play and drama for attempting to realize the boundaries of Free Will.
I don't believe anything is an absolute. In a sense, when the land we stand on, and the air we breathe also in part defines the existence of a Human being, where indeed is Free Will established? I think conflict and harmony are deciding factors of resonance and/or discord, especially when it comes to honoring and respecting the Life Force energies of the universe and of nature. When in harmony, free will applies in cooperation. When in discord, Free Will becomes absolutely necessary to maintain, and to Know that one has.
Simply put, it's the Soul which has has Free Will. "All things are allowed" however does not necessarily qualify modern terms for free will anymore when tyranny is no longer allowed. When people realize the universe is Love, darkness can no longer reign supreme. When you realize you are a Soul, then the nature of your free will decisions and choices does not influence just your "self." You are not your body. You create your body. Honor the Life Force.
Belief has a part in quantum physics. Where one expects to measure an electron, one will find it (the electron in a box experiment; the box has two ends you can find one electron in. It will be in the end you expect to find it, every single time). If you believe you will find the electron where you expect it to be, then energy is intentionally manifested; belief is the will of the observation which fuels the requirement for it to exist where it is observed.
Ideas are the very framework of our reality. When we consider our thoughts and intention can pilot a special aircraft, and our thoughts and intention can manifest energy in a machine (such things have been suppressed and made to disappear), so that in resonance it generates more ... then it seems that belief is very important in a field of exploration of science. Many people do not belief advanced scientific principles because they cannot understand them.
It's important to form beliefs, and it cannot be avoided the formation of beliefs and root assumptions of reality, how the universe works, what it's about, who we are, etc. A root assumption about physical reality is that we have bodies and live on a planet. Those root assumptions play a part in the role that actually co-creates that reality. Not having beliefs one way or another and remaining neutral is the worst place to be, because free will is not exercised to more full potentials, and the force of your creative potential is stomped down by your own power that you don't believe you have.
Intentional Energy (the energy of directed thought, intention, and will -- the act of Perception) can create energy in a machine which through resonance increases it's power output, generating electricity.
Such physics (meta-physics) do not necessarily deserve a debate of duality, with a conflict of does it exist or does it not exist, is it true or false, because regardless it is a real thing to discuss. A paradoxical unification of the two equal/opposite events as a "third" unified reality should be more appropriate in the natural universe.