This is a bit of an abstract put together, it's based on certain forms of thought.
Right now we're a class zero civilization. Even tho we have secret space programs and powerful free energy systems mostly in secret, we still have a risk of stupidly causing our own extinction .. and we still have nukes that could cause our extinction.
But we'd have to neutralize the Fukashima radiation first to be considered such - such an act is an act of Love, which is the biggest aspect of the Creative nature of God. ... Co-creators with God.
God is All Life that can exist, referencing Michio Kaku's ideology; All brothers and sisters because we are all the Expression of the Existence of the Source of All Life. Like all the cells in a body .. or as I like to say, Oneness is the drop to the ocean. Every drop is the essence of the totality. ... Of the whole. The waters of the great infinite ocean creative and life-giving is star dust.
The body has chakras. When you feel Love, it's centered in the heart chakra. Pure unconditional joy and love will cause that chakra to beam in ways where all life is changed from it. The solar plexus chakra also is yer gut, it's another feeling center, and is the prime aspect of decision-making, how does what you do make you feel. ... logically, action can define identity. What Love is, is what Love does. The mark of intelligence is to create based on what honors life for the highest good of Life. That is also positive and negative. Sometimes to save someone or to show unconditional love to help someone, you may have to hurt them first. Spare the rod, spoil the child. What waters life to grow is the intelligence also at a high frequency of knowing the consequences as well .. The frequency of unconditional love can be as simple as the three laws of robotics which honors life, the Human creators. Love is the illumination of consciousness; rather, the Soul Force of Creation illuminating in fields of consciousness - let there be light, the very substance of the universe itself.
Until Humans learn the lesson of Love, free energy and warp drive will be just beyond our reach.
Accountability for what we create... and understanding of the consequences, is of higher wisdom.
God of the Old Testament many believe is not Source.. but god with the little g, a pantheon of creator gods. "God" with or explained with identity or as having characteristics, is creation rather than Source of Creation. Action establishes identity otherwise there can be nothing upon which action could act. That is part of the Three Creative Dilemmas. But also Action is Creation itself. God cannot be understood from a point of view in Creation therefore.
Flat Earthers. .... I guess the reason they exist is because that part of the whole has purpose. We are learning about our planet... and about physics ... and energy. ... they teach or we learn then, in spite of ignorance. But it is ignorance which drives Humanity forward.
All things have purpose for the Highest Good of All Life.
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String theory is a good model. However ultimately light is formless; without form. Form and matter and consciousness .. that aspect of light does take form. It's specific form. Electric and magnetic form.. positive and negative .. every shadow is light's own creation.
When Humans can truly get it to the core that positive and negative are of light which is of Love ... then we can change not just our world ...