Positive and negative symmetry is divergent, yet the convergence of energy, or the mergence of for example, two black holes, is the re-unification of matter back into pure light reality existing and transcending the outward flow of matter to diverge. As such, a re-unification of matter into light is a journey of Conscious Ascension. That "hard" barrier to penetrate the other side of the mirror between Light and Physical, is not a hard barrier after all, but the very nature of Light in an inward collapse, which creates the outward universe of physical matter. As such, the universe is a place of deep introspection upon existence. It is frequency alone which converges matter into light, geometrically.
When the lower moving image on the right is sped up in frequency, the ripples become faster, and it will look like they don't radiate outward, but radiate inward -- much like how a helicopter blade, when reaching a certain speed looks like the blades are actually spinning slowly backwards. The same effect applies to a gravity cancellation field of emerging positive and negative waveform . . . At a certain speed, the harmonic waveform of mass collapses inwardly, reducing its inertia (the inertia of the mass waveform to radiate outward geometrically, establishing itself in space).
As such, the divergence of mass from reality (transcendence into pure light frequency) is an inward journey, in the same way that forming mass in the universe is an inward journey -- just from two different perspectives, one from light, and one from mat/ter. Entering the fourth dimension (journey through a more simultaneous vibration of time), such as by travelling in the OTC-X1, one can begin to start traveling as light (5th dimension), start healing ailments of the physical body, but a particular form of consciousness is required to make the journey, to withstand the frequencies, to enter that threshold where what consciousness creates quickly manifests.
If you're willing to pit your energy within a field that doesn't safely separate the physical mind and body from an emergence into a warp drive or light-drive field, then you have to be consciously prepared and trained to handle it; your frequencies have to be high enough to cross these thresholds.
The general understanding that we can have an abundance of food, power, clean water, healthy structures for living, thriving nature, clean air, clean food, that there are much more intelligent ways, is not held back by being victim to a predetermined way of thinking and understanding.
The concept of "victim" is a touch of fire, but nonetheless, the reality of the victim is the other side of the coin of the reality of abuse. An abusive person is always a victim, as well. The choice to consider abuse is heavily self-determined by one's choice of emotional state or vibration. Sometimes abuse is not abuse, but sometimes it is. Some people can engage in drama claiming they are victims, meanwhile those victims of for example sexual control and manipulation, particularly before their age of accountability (usually 13 or 14 in most cultures, where they are accountable for their experience and actions IN SOCIETY), do undergo serious trauma to their life-force, and so healing often takes place through a warrior's mindset, and dragon philosophy.
Light creates its own shadow. For example since light diverges into paradoxical systems to become physical matter (as has been determined through physics and scientific experiment), and to form physical matter into the universe, then a moon or solid object is therefore not material, but is light, that vibrates as matter, as object form. So an eclipse -- when the moon stands in front of the sun -- that creates the shadow, is light casting its OWN shadow. ........ Metaphorically, people do that all the time, consciously, through choosing to express the "shadow side" of living conscious being.
The dragon philosophy as a warrior's mindset knows that All is Love, yet also knows that All is Light. Light is that expression that is from fields of reality and unity consciousness (the intelligent substance that forms all of Creation, existing in many dimensions well beyond that of mere physical universes) which self-illuminate; light is that form of consciousness. Consciousness self-illuminates upon the understanding of the frequency that Love is All -- a form of consciousness which recognizes the Source and Origin of All Life to be of the highest unconditional Love frequency beyond that of which consciousness can know. It is the Soul that creates consciousness, that Acts, that Creates .. and is the source of true knowing and perception beyond what mind can comprehend, because mind is action; consciousness is action, not Source of Action.
God is Life. Commonly it is said that God is Love. Love is frequency. Frequency is the source of life creation, as is resonance . . . which is a true paradox because what did / does Source resonate with, to Create Existence? Source Resonates with Existence itself, with Creation, and when there is a "self" involved, then with consciousness.
Jesus (Yeshua, the Christed One) is said to have come to Earth to teach Peace and Love, and Light. But, he did come to Earth to cast Fire. The Fire of Truth is the dragon's sword, the fiery breath. Everything has purpose to exist. What is the purpose of darkness then? "If Love is All," and light and dark are both aspect of Love (see the above), "then how great is that darkness within," as Jesus said.
What does not honor Life, does not honor Source. What does not honor Life actually even as part of Life, is also a threat to Life. The dragon philosophy is that which challenges the darkness, not to be abused by the darkness, because the dark comes to the light to be informed. Light is also information (also as seen through the science of relativity, as light is the "measuring instrument" in that field). How do you know the light from the dark?
"The Light is free with information; the dark withholds information and misleads/misdirects with information" to quote Barbara Marciniak. A real person is capable of honor and living true to life, of looking within and being accountable for ones actions, not running like a coward away from oneSELF. A real person is capable of choice and free will to know and choose the path of honor.
The darkness actually in fact, challenges the light in many cases. The dragon philosophy does not interpret that challenge as an affront to ego, however. It is not identity which is challenged; the darkness challenges the Spirit of Life, of all that is Sacred (permanent) . . . and yet darkness is part of life, as is shadow. As a result, the dragon philosophy is difficult to understand, however upon looking within, all truths are self evident; it is therefore not a hidden philosophy, but merely "esoteric" (known by the few), and expressed openly, and clearly. It is not secret, and it is not forced upon others, used in defense and never in any crusade. Changing the world or controlling life energies is only an aspect of darkness -- of ignorance.
Ignorance is when the light is dim. Being that the universe is Light, then the shadow is two-fold: ignorance, and the depths of all that can be known, not yet brought into the light to realize all the infinite depths of that which can be known. Who we are is very much steeped in shadow, as is the subconscious and the vast depths of the soul, and thus often the shadow is feared, and since All is Love, then the universe is a gigantic and infinite "university" of nearly infinite insight and knowledge, gained through experience and participating, incarnating within the "university" to engage in study.
We are not our bodies, so when we incarnate within, it is a deep introspective paradoxical journey in which we also have a self point of reference, but split into paradox, so that only the smallest portion of who one is, incarnates within; and also through time, entering into time, incarnating simultaneously into past, present, and future fractals of inward mergence. To enter the universe, one must enter through light.
. . .
Practically speaking, let's take a look at the shadow. Keep in mind that the darkness in this age of Earth is diverging from Earth's projected Path -- Earth's "tablet of destinies," which is the fulfillment of Earth's purpose to exist.
The darkness does not stop Ascension, nor prevent Ascension. The only way to do that is to destroy Earth, and since Earth was created into being, then as action is also created, action has purpose to act, otherwise it couldn't have existed to begin with (couldn't have acted). See the metaphysics blog for a deeper understanding of this article (Three Creative Dilemma article). Earth then, exists for purpose, a reason to exist, then the Action of Earth allows for a divergence of reality so that for example, in one parallel timeline Earth is destroyed, and in another parallel timeline Earth Ascends. In all aspects of Time, Earth exists! Earth has been destroyed several times over, and nonetheless through time, Earth remains.
This understanding is highly simplified, because no true duality as such can exist as absolute, but only as two ends of a spectrum of all possible Earth experience. Earth therefore has multidimensional purpose, allowing for many things to happen, and is itself a portal between frequencies of reality, as the flow of creation-energy enters and exists the universe through Earth Reality.
So what does a diverging reality look like as seen through the point of view, a particular point of view that many face today?
What is the darkness that diverges from Light?
People, places, and events are only aspects of the illusion of how living energy Soul Beingness takes form within manifested symbolic reality. As a living paradox, reality is highly symbolic, because object-reality expresses a multiplicity of existence that is the manifested reality of what one creates, which manifests as an experience of people, places, and events. Who one is, is not a "self" because as stated above, "self" is action. That which Acts is Origin of Being.
So to be more specific, let's examine the shadow of the illusion:
What prevents the reality of "an abundance of food, power, clean water, healthy structures for living, thriving nature, clean air, clean food, free energy and self-sustainable and accountable, determining systems?"
This is what some people may say:
"People are too lazy. It's easy to get a job or be on welfare, shop instead of garden, throw things in the garbage instead of recycling, depending on the police instead of using self-defense, going to the doctor instead of staying healthy, etc, etc. The planet is doing its best to rid itself of its parasites since people aren't taking care of it. People have become like babies needing a caretaker."
Sometimes, getting a job however is not as true as working toward sustainable construction and living. A job can be a distraction to these goals. But, let us continue:
"People are also too CRAZY. Mental illness .. many not ever treated by the right meds ... but then there's the meds too ... that leads to all of the above, and probably comes FROM all of the above, or at least also contributes, too ... (noncausality)
People get manic. Bipolar. ADHD (that one may not actually count) ... but also people are in denial, afraid to look within.. lazy ......
Throw in a disbelief of really important understandings and knowing .. and cant feel energy, intention, or flow because they are too much within inner conflict from all that. People get mean and competitive, jealous, skeptic, and have very little self worth so they take life too personally in a very unhealthy way and it makes them angry and even enraged.
They look for truth outside themselves and constantly argue and disagree to make you wrong, and them right ..... playing that trick on their mind...
They are too poor .. maybe too in spirit .. to "pay to play" as I've heard it called ......... That seems to be the program. They're gonna miss out because no one will put up with that crap. We CAN have an abundance of all that which is mentioned. There's nothing that is preventing it.
Don't forget judgment and assumption, BTW. Gotta toss them in too.
When people stop being afraid it, we'll have it. Guaranteed.
The only thing that will make you happy is just do it, and make it happen. Because otherwise, those people are just gonna make ya angry. But ... that choice to feel .. we own our feelings. We don't have to feel that rage or anger or fear - the negatives - because then we'll all be paralysed into doing nothing.
Pretty simple.. or rather easy intention to make .. maybe a bit of a harder choice but we DO create our own realities. No two people experience the same reality.
But resonance .. people can share their realities as a world.
You can't tell this to people or they'll hate you for it. You just gotta let people make their choices and decisions."
Also, control dramas are to note.. Where black-aura persons can suck the energy of one's aura, very colorful and vibrate as that spectrum of consciousness-ordering; fractal geometric awareness ... It is because those exercising control dramas cannot, or choose not to be self-determining, to maintain their energy existence ... but must eat from others' essence, to sustain the illusion of theirs' ......
Spiritual Self Defense.
Light Ego may also be an ego, but it is built around an particular integrity of being, in that one has to make a distinction in discernment of what honors life, and honors frequency, and integrity, and what brings one down, under low-vibrational attacks.
This sounds crazy, but I can't deny the need for spiritual self defense. "They would shut it out of the open, and plunge it into darkness .. when it is Light! .. and cannot BE in darkness!"
This discipline or focus protects ones energy.
. . .
Vibration and frequency defines the nature of matter as energy .. or rather energy as matter. Matter vibrates. Everything vibrates with sound and light .. consciousness is part of it. These are quantitative aspects of physics and metaphysics. ....
Wave motion is the back and forth motion of vibration, and the frequency is the speed of matter and energy's vibration.
A tuning fork vibrates. If it's muffled, it can't understand its own existence .. which goes for any frequency .... more frequent fortitude of awareness will characterize certain thought forms, and the density of certain energy forms which is what consciousness creates.
If you can feel energy .. how the pressure of higher vibration fills ones cup more, like a radiator overflowing.. when emotions are cold, energy can't reach all parts of a fulfilled vessel. When one's thoughts turn down on oneself, one's energy frequency doesn't hold as much pressure; holes in the aura appear, and the body begins to decay. (Also, thoughts .. intent (the power behind thoughts; the force behind initiating purpose of action .....)
The higher the vibration, the more energy flows thru all the channels ........
When the body is in balance and healthy, that influences the mind.
The mind also affects the body.
These terms are not meant to place reality in a box, but the same box also applies that the universe is light and sound. That's the nature of matter and energy. The more that is learned that frequency alone determines the characteristics and shape of all matter, in all spectrum combinations, within the geometric framework and characteristics of the fractal quantum vacuum, then the universe can be seen in its truest form.
"Higher vibrational" .. if you look at someone's aura, you can see a more vibrant light-spectrum color range.
The energy is who we are. Matter is the form of energy. Martial artists break boards with their energy. MIT has filmed this, showing when the martial artist's aura touches the board, that is when it breaks. Matter grows the energy, but the energy is what nurtures and also forms the matter, and the density required to withstand such physical inertial frequencies ..... "things in motion"
The frequency of your thoughts: This is for example, if you want to punch through a steel door ...... If your frequency is too high, the matter of your body will just pass through the door. If your frequency is too low, there isn't enough pressure to maintain the solidity of your frame and bones and tendons (each vibrating with a different density, a color, a sound) .... So, using thought frequency, we can think "heavy" or ... "rigid" .. to keep our structure sound ... If we think "steel," then the strength of our intent, and the energy behind it, the force, the voltage ..... then we may dent that door without hurting ourselves. -- Just the same as you'd break a 2 x 4 by punching through it.
Related points of which to be consciously aware:
(1) The article seems to explain Ascension by the inward frequency acceleration in resonance with one's creation. ..... How consciousness Ascends matter. Energy is mind-form.
(2) Karma: what one creates that returns the creative echo of the universe of one's self-existence. (It's basically the reflection of the reality one creates.)
(3) The moving wave image is like the MEG .. as the waveform radiates outward and is timed 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ...... the oscillation and alternation is the frequency of the matter-light unity .....
(4) Reminds me of maybe a breakaway civilization Frequency. Regardless tho, Earth frequency is ascending. This is why reality is "divergent"
(5) If you see all the darkness in the world, and participate in it, what does that say about the darkness within oneself? Since the reality you experience is the reflection of how you see yourself in the mirror, and you can't change your reality, you CAN change yourself, and then reality will start to reflect that.
(6) You look at yer news page and see horrors and madness and think that's what the world is really about. And then you literally put yourself in that world thinking the world is being destroyed when in fact, it's your frequency that is so low, that you get that reflection back as an echo. You migrate into that frequency like changing the dial on a radio tuner. You tune into it and inhabit that low frequency world.
And then you give it energy and participate in it! Literally you put yourself there in a world that cannot evolve.
Change your frequency. Change your mindset.
(7) So we practice spiritual kung fu and tune into that frequency that reflects the reality we individually desire (and share our realities in resonance according to values and co-creative desires), cutting away the anchors that hold us back, that hold our FREQUENCIES back .... (the intensity and integrity of the body / mind / chi or spirit) .....
And then that reality that must resonate manifests - which is how Source nourishes Source's Existence .....
It's not hard to know as long as you know about frequency and resonance, and how matter and mass is energy - a living Light drive. Your focus determines your reality, and intention does create reality.