It's a hard place to go to look within and see the face of what you try to hide from, the darkness with that you try to run from, instead of confronting your own inner shadow and bringing all that into the light. - healing your shadow self.
You can't understand anyone's mindset by claiming science and self discovery is a new religion. You're emotional integrity, your vibration, how you touch people's lives is a mark of how well you also touch your own. This has nothing to do with religion. Lifting people up even in the most subtle ways, a kind word, a thoughtful deed, is how you connect with others in meaningful ways of the deepest enjoyment and fulfillment not just to others but yourself and all the life energies that you touch ... when we deny these very things that make us Human, that make us conscious, aware, and compassionate beings, we nurture those dark qualities that crushes our spirits and pits us against each other, and drives us further into the bondage of enslavement of our very souls and eternal spirit.
Life is very difficult in these times, where dark disruptive energies continually hammer us from all angles, but only out of ignorance to Light and Truth .... Truth of the heart .. Truth of Life ... and in ignorance, the darkness keeps us in fear and mistrust and oblivion. It takes great effort to overcome these things, and to listen to how others perceive your intent .. is it clear? Is it clouded? Is it deceitful or manipulative? Every word uttered from one's mouth is in perfect alignment with one's conscious and emotional state. If people talk to you and express their feelings about you, don't deny them but see that your own reflection is the mirror of another. People guide you into the loving space that you may have forgotten or deny yourself to experience. It's a hard path to grow the spirit of Love within oneself which also grows it and waters life to grow of all things that is touched by you. That is what Light is. People only destroy themselves, being the hardest upon themselves when faced with the painful truth of being called out on their unclear actions .. Grow from it. Learn from it. There is no shame from being in a space that the light has not fully illuminated within. That is why we are here, to open those dim spaces within to begin to illuminate.
Tesla's work and knowledge shows us that conscious intent, the frequency of our being, the dance of cosmic energy in harmony with our DNA and spirit .. and mind is not an illusion, but is a scientific reality. Free energy we are learning does interface with mind and emotions in extraordinarily deep ways. Our very thoughts, the vibration of our thoughts and what we think, absolutely does change and affect the very atoms and molecular alignments of matter itself, which is manifest thru conscious energy fields projecting into and becoming physical reality.
From pure light, ALL matter is created, and is continually being created .. and is also maintained or co-maintained by the focus of our consciousness. ... Energy is created all the time in abundance! Tesla technology reveals these physical truths thru resonance energy machines literally creating energy ...
Everyone has the choice to embrace it and learn about it - at their own pace - or not. But it is those who choose to remain ignorant who will befall the consequences of their own making. We have free will. No one can force you into doing anything you do not choose to do; and this also goes for the 10th graders given assignment to persuade others to get microchips. Even the police in England now know that people's consent is required before they can enforce any law.
When you see things that put you in fear - the opposite of Love -- and takes you into a space of depression or hopelessness, remember you are in charge of you, and as you exist then there will be a reality of life, of others, that perfectly matches and supports your existence as well. Wherever you go, there you are! -- as a Entire REALITY of the Self!
Fear-based reality is illusion. It is not real. It is not true. Think about the microchip and the need to research the pros and cons. They will be educated in these things of the world that we as Souls incarnate to experience. .... You can transmute any darkness into light. But just knowing the Truth means it's only a choice to either experience it or to give it your energy and time, or to let it ride over and thru you, knowing beyond any shadow of doubt that you are safe .... That the illusion is not the truth, that everyone has incarnated upon Earth to learn now, at this time, in this era -- not to learn about the illusion, but to learn to once again embrace the four prime freedoms to discern, feel, think, and to want -- to learn the truth about creation and energy.. of which Love is Source - the highest vibrating frequency of all Life and reality.
That is my mindset, and why it is so very important to grow in the life-giving frequencies of Truth, of Awareness, of Intent, in the Light that is the canvas of the very universe itself.