Why is Ascension associated with religion all the sudden??? I did a look on google images and found a lot of religious images and mind worm programs. So, I thought I would post images of my own upon Love and Light, and the Ascension of Earth Reality into a higher frequency where dreams and thoughts are more real in the physical planes of matter; and the higher dimensions of mind and energy and form are seen to be more real.
The Universe is Light. ... Light exists as all time all at once, and we find that time itself is a creation, and not necessarily real throughout all systems of existence. Light separates into paradoxes, of electric and magnetic, positive and negative, and we get mass and gravity. Time is the Event of Separation. Otherwise, everything is Light.
It isn't fantasy, it's physics. I just have no idea what it will look like when we can do things like levetating pools of water, and floating waterfalls and well a lot of people's "fantasies" are really "possibilities" of what Earth potential can be, in higher frequencies, and with higher technology that honors life and is for the highest good of all life, everywhere.
Much "technology" is actually philosophy and the nearly "super-natural" power of Human Beings, biologically, Intentionally, and Creatively -- the knowledge of what we can do as creator beings, naturally.