The Human energy field is very powerful. It is electrical and alive in nature. Sometimes, a few small enhancements can seriously pump up the volume. One time I was going through the first in the series of 5 traumas I underwent that changed me. It had involved the Water from Dr. Dan Nelson, and strange things had happened during that time. I had my house entered and all my drawers went through and a box in my living room I got in the mail was opened. Money was on still on the table, but only my phone was taken.
There were dangers associated with The Water. Firstly, at a higher spin state, it entered the cellular aquapores easily and so hydration was instant. But, it also violated those natural cellular safeguards. The warning label on the bottle read risk of toxic shock due to this, but on all of Dan Nelson's videos, he kept claiming it was perfectly safe. This one batched was infused with monoatomic (smaller than an atom) silver, which electrified the body, and destroyed all harmful and healthy digestive bacteria. Not the type of thing recommended for werewolves (a little joke). Also, cats are allergic to silver.
I won't get into my trauma here, but I want to explain that in my suffering, grief, shock, etc .. my energy was low, and I was trying to get work done in the lab .. So to make a long story short, some high-vibrational friends came for a visit, we entered the lab and one of my friends exclaimed "oh my god!" And ran out of the room. The energy of the room was oppressive, like the ceiling was lower by at least 4 feet, due to the nature of my own energy occupying and affecting the space in the lab. We had to cleanse it, open the windows and the big door ... The Human energy field is powerful, and it is driven by intention, desire, focus, all that.
Emotions are particularly powerful, if not the driving force of our energy. E - motion.
Ones emotional state affects the life around one, in a huge way, and even has an effect upon the entire world.
Positive emotions are vitalizing, healing, uplifting. All positive emotion comes from Love. Negative emotions are destructive to living energy systems and biology. All negative emotion comes from fear. Emotions also create. Staying positive will see prosperous and happy times, even through hardship. Negative emotions though can send your life into a spiral of ruin. Positive emotional resonance can heal the Earth; negative emotional resonance can be destructive and cause earthquakes and volcanic action; but one cannot be superstitious about these things; the more you study, the more you are able to learn the difference, and recognize the truth.
It's important to stay clear of negative emotions and disruptive emotions, for obvious reasons, because emotions spread and are contagious. As one vibrates emotionally, it will begin to affect other people's vibrations, nearly instantaneously. You can walk into a place that is quiet and "lifeless" and easily pick up the vibration of that place by making eye contact, engaging in happy conversation, livening up the atmosphere. The same in reverse applies, because the negative emotional energy field can agitate and aggravate others and drive them out of their center, like road rage.
Sometimes when you are being uplifting, it will be resisted by those who would rather dwell in misery and negativity. That's when the battle starts, and conflict quickly ensues. A lot of psychology has been written about this, entire books, and about the emotional control drama. In fact, the metaphysics in my unpublished book goes into that in great detail. Negative people can try to siphon energy from others, gaining energy in ways such as being aggressive, talking your ear off, questioning you incisively, doing the "poor me" and the "aloof" control dramas, designed to keep your attention and energy flowing toward someone. James Redfield pioneered these studies on control dramas.
How you feel is important. Whatever brings you out of the love frequency is your radar for truth and lies. If what someone tells you makes you afraid or confuses you as to "why is that person being so much of an asshole for no reason," then they are attempting to control your emotional state to feed off of you. This is an interpersonal thing, however. Information that comes your way that you react to in fear or anger may just be the truth that you are in denial of. So when INTERACTING with someone brings you out of a positive emotional center, be mindful, because your feeling center is your first line of defense.
In order to see the truth of it though, you also have to discern the content of what they are saying. Accusation, blame, judgment, pride and ego, can be defense reactions from one who is not emotionally centered. Walking on eggshells however is different than being diplomatic.
Cycles of drama will ensue when you are being diplomatic and tactful, but when you must continue to walk on eggshells around a person so as to not set them off to feel the wrath of their anger. People can be addicted to emotions, especially the negative emotions. Now this is NOT the same as positive and negative energy in physics. The negative energy in physics pertains to the negative polarity and the geometry and structure of electrical energy, which is healing to biology primarily. Negative energy physics is the good stuff, which is the natural energy of the universe, only considered negative because it is backwards to the current power and energy infrastructure we currently employ. Positive electrical energy in physics and engines deals with consumption of matter leaving a void. Negative electrical energy in physics deals with the collapse of energy to increase the energy field in a huge way to make a lot more, which is complex, and you should not be afraid of it.
Negative emotional energy on the other hand is what you would expect it to be under conventional definition, which leads to cycles of destructive drama and conflict in people's lives. Usually when you stay clear or get away from negative emotional people, you are not feeding the cycle. Speak your truth and walk away, and then they have nothing to feed on, or be in conflict with, and they will re-align their center, but only if you get clear of them.
People who have different ideas about life can come into conflict with each other and get into a battle of who is in the right and who is in the wrong, which is an ego battle, which is as far away from the truth as it gets. People who dwell and live in conflict with the life around them are ultimately fighting against themselves and resisting what is most beneficial to them that they are in denial of. That describes an inner conflict, and can spill out into astral and ethereal planes and in one's dreams, and affects everyone, and no one wants to even deal with those types of people ... they are in "inner conflict" with themselves, which precedes a change that they must make but are in denial of, and are afraid to make that change. They'll drag everyone into their own drama, which you must avoid, so that they can face it instead of avoiding it.
There's a difference here between drama and inner conflict. When people get into an inner conflict, they need help from others to resolve it. And it may take a while for them to realize the problem, resolve it, and release it -- the three "R's" ... Just be careful not to get yourself sucked in, to someone else's drama, because those dramas and inner conflict can literally create reality in ways that are unimaginable to the Human mind, and quite real. You cannot be uplifting to life if your emotional frequencies are tossed out of balance. It can be a subtle form of warfare, to use emotional control dramas.
Earth was meant to be a free sanctuary to experience miraculous creation in the physical plane very closely connected to Source, as one of the 12 prime life laboratories and living libraries that maintained balance throughout the physical universe, of which the direct experience of the physical universe is somewhat far removed from Source, experiencing separation between life and self-awareness in separation with Oneness, allowing for unique experience to be able to be shared with the higher dimensions (experience gained in the physical can greatly benefit one's Soul Journey, and that insight be shared with others) so that the higher dimensions of Light can benefit greatly, in wiser ways that sheds more information upon the nature of Source and Existence and Creation.
Many "enlightened" people just do not understand the value and the true power of unconditional Love and emotional creative frequency. The reason being is due to the need for self protection. Abusiveness and victim mentality is two sides of the same coin of conflict and drama. The remedy is to learn empowered creation in ways of harmony with life, that diffuse conflict in the lower dimensions of Oneness that experience "separation anxiety," or rather the perception of separation from more direct reality dimensions of Oneness closer to Source.
Build-ups of radioactivity is another direct result of the conscious state of emotional balance of all people in the world.
There is a difference also between what I call "fluffy bunny love" and Honor to Life. The fluffy bunny love is conditional, because when one is faced with hardship or diversity, they will start to dwell in denial of the reality that all is not well and perfect, go into victim mode, and suddenly their philosophy that all is love and beauty is dashed to pieces upon the moment of something not going against what THEY desire, but not what God desires for them to learn to make them wiser and a better person. Honor to Life is another side of unconditional love which involves such principles as self-defense. Sometimes the best way to show love to an attacker is to defend yourself because the attacker will experience painful humility, which teaches. Spare the rod, spoil the child. Through self-discipline and training, one can maintain one's emotional center so that a fight to the death can become more of a dance of energies responding to the attacker's aggression with the immediacy like a shadow of an object moving against the sun. Remember, death is yet another state of existence, and so a parasitic life form which violates the sacred life force, to honor its purpose to existence is sometimes best to keep it from harming others. That is an act of unconditional love.
A conscious act of unconditional love is to know what you are doing as you are doing it, and not merely reacting. Although in self-defense cases, your reactions are automatic, but you have already worked out your ethics. Honor to Life however is to not bring about death unto lifeforms which do not deserve it. A fight to the death can be instead a dance to the pain, where a broken limb can be healed, but a broken life cannot.
The Dalai Lama says that if someone is trying to shoot you with their gun to kill you, shoot them first with yours. That qualifies Honor to Life, because you are honoring the purpose of a killer by reflecting unto him the Golden Rule of what he desires for himself - do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
These are extreme cases of conflict, but in order to better know how to stay clear of drama, one should not necessarily turn the other cheek, because then you are resorting to inaction. Your vibration will determine your experience, what you allow to happen and what you don't allow, also trespassing into what is someone else's creation may be giving your permission to experience unintended consequences.
If one comes to you with an inner conflict, they are coming to you subconsciously with the desire to seek help to help them resolve that which keeps them in separation from Source, from Prime Creator. You can always plant a seed, but to turn away from them without recognizing what's in their heart is to turn yourself away in separation from Source.
Work out your ethics.
Part of overcoming fear is to recognize that fear itself is an illusion, and is only real in the physical reality, which is a camouflaged system of reality. Fear is the denial that the Truth of Life is Love and Honor. Fear is ALWAYS an illusion, which means it may seem real, but it is not the truth; you make it real because you create. You create your own reality, and so what people and places and events that you experience in your reality is very much part of what you create; it is your own reflection of what and who you are, of your Inner landscaping of mind and being. The other side of this is that we all are co-creating reality according to root assumptions about the nature of reality we all agree upon. Prime Creator has the ultimate say-so, however. We do share Creation also with higher dimensional beings, astral and ethereal life, as all aspects are of the Whole. Your emotional and conscious knowledge can turn the darkest of realities into something of the most beautiful of experiences, and that is your true power as a Human being.
Also know that no two people experience the same reality; and likewise, no two people experience the same universe ..... Two people can be standing within 30 feet apart and radically experience way different realities, one can beam love to a bird and the bird fly toward one and flutter over their finger and the other completely miss it being too absorbed in self and materialistic thoughts. A neighbor can never ever see deer and say "there are no more deer in the area," but the neighbor on the other side of you can have deer always in his yard eating his flowers and say "the deer are so many that they are pests."
What is truth, if one's vibration alone will allow for such radically different experiences and knowledge about life? It can't really be said that one is wrong and the other is right. The nature of how one perceives one's reality is a creative action. Overcoming drama and conflict means that you must know your truth, and stand in your light, but don't force it upon others. There will be people you can share experience and relate with, and people you cannot. How many different Earth's ARE there? One thing is for certain, you have the free will and the choice to experience reality according to your frequency of the world that you tune into.\
We are rapidly moving into a new frequency where there exists unlimited resources that we can access throughout the universe, throughout our star system, and where we can begin to live in abundance and harmony and true spiritual prosperity, where Source does indeed provide in accordance to our desires, our frequencies, of how we live our lives for the highest good of all life, everywhere.
What information you tune into and what experiences that you seek, be it learning about the secret space programs and mining asteroids and colonies on Mars, or otherwise learning to exist in a more spiritually awake world where the veil is pulled aside to the open Eye to see ... where we exist in harmony with other life forms in many different realms and planes of existence and throughout the universe, all of that is determined by the path that you choose to take. There are different parallel Earth realities that anyone can choose from, to migrate into (like tuning a radio to the frequency you want) according to our individual vibrations of consciousness and action, which is considered to be the Consciousness Shift, and the Ascension of life on Earth. Likewise, not everyone will choose the same. That is how existence is continually created to become and to grow expansively and infinitely, cyclical or coming to completion of a cycle. Everyone has the choice, and has already made their choices!
As a side-note .. there are definitely things that are true and that are false. Take for instance the Ball Earth vs. Flat Earth. A good friend of mine has worked out the geometry to totally explain this and even measure the actual distance to the sun based on geometry and time zones, line-of-sight angles to the sun, also using the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Maybe one day I'll post it up on the planetary news page. It's not really a pressing issue, because having to deny so many observable and measurable facts to make the flat earth SEEM to work using the round earth model (there is no real flat earth model that is not based off the sphere Earth model) can also be engaging in drama .... which is another distinction to make here. Making progress in a scientific proof is exercising one's thought and discernment skills, which is the difference between ignorance and truth. Getting into personality conflicts on the other hand about it, is where these lessons of overcoming conflict and drama can apply.