Everything checks out. Everything is covered: power generation, radiation shielding, gravity cancellation, fast warp travel (hyperdrive flight), maneuvering, the whole nine yards, all detailed and designed, and the physics 100%.
It is an option to use mercury plasma or Townsend Brown di-electric (tested and verified historically), but I'll slap the mercury-plasma stamp on it just because Carr used it. Townsend Brown's technology is easier to prove just because of how simple it is, meaning it either worked or not. Well it definitely worked, there are reports of it working. There are reports of the OTC-X1 working also. So, that's why the "mercury-plasma" stamp is on it.
It is engineered.
There's been a whole hell of a lot of work that's gone into this. There is no stone left un-turned.
It is complete.
I never thought I'd be able to do it, actually, but I certainly intended to! Intention does indeed create reality.
It is modeled and everything explained that will enable it to be physically constructed, and it to truly work.
For the Highest Good of All Life Everywhere.
Some of the older articles have been updated.
I recommend listening to Corey Goode.
The Physics and Engineering is Multidimensional on Purpose. It is Multidimensional because there are no absolutes.
Read the Recommended Book List on the Home Page. Read the entire website. Studying requires taking notes, and on paper helps mental organization / memory ... form your own cognitive file system.
Ascension is a Real Planetary Event.
There are two variations of the vertical core, and several variations of the outer ring, including the variation of the co-counter-rotation of spinning utron / electromagnetic / magneto-electrostatic rings
(the outer ring of this system involves a rotating magneto-electrostatic accelerator frame, in the same magnetic orientation of the OTC-X1, with utrons guided along a "rail-gun" type of frame which is shown both on the Updates and Design Improvement page, and the Outer Ring page).
There are two primary variations of utron design.
It's not just one design of one ship, but the principles of those designs are essentially similar. The updates and design improvement page covers those multiple designs, primarily. The Outer Ring page covers a specific system, with only a few variations of orientation of that system, which has evolved over time (with the exception mentioned of an outer rotating utron ring design shown on that page). The vertical cones have a few variations of their own.
Overall, the most favorable design is the X-4 Tesla Outer Ring style (the final product as seen on the Outer Ring page, and detailed on the Free Energy/Tesla page), which can be used with either EM-cone or impeller vertical core.
If dual rotating utron rings are preferred, the Impeller would be more effective than the vertical cones, but this would require a separate Tesla energizer system, and might bog the ship down with too much mass and inertial resistance, but it would have other benefits using dual utron rings, such as an enhanced gravity cancellation (inertial mass reduction) field.
The LAU-DJ-X4 design, shown on the Updates and Design Improvements page is the best design. The impeller system is the most efficient design possible; it is a di-electric negative-energy accelerator-drive inertial engine. With the vertical cone variation however, there is more than meets the eye, has further validation from examining the EM drive, and can be used with the X4 Tesla generator Outer ring system, in the same way as the impeller.
The Outer Ring is actually very good at this point. It occurs to me that the air corridors for the proton streams throughout the hull plating will have to be electrically shielded. The electrical induction of protons with negative energy, reversing the quantum spin state of the protons (creating anti-protons) would have to be handled with care. The mass of protons and anti-proton flows should be conserved rather than annihilated. The goal is to get them to work together in exotic ways, so mass can be tuned between positive and negative values. The physics are the best they can get at this point regarding that aspect. In the future, I'm sure this overall concept can be further refined, but I'm confident that if anything, these engines would just require minor alterations, rather than having to be completely redesigned . . . without knowing the full scope of the construction and testing, the best that CAN be done is that the extent of what is known will stand, in the current framework of what is known, which is quite extensive however general.
. . . Also ... it goes without saying (it should) that negative energy can be converted to positive, not just for house power, but also for negaitive and positive energy collision in the engines. To note, that is just energy collision, not matter and antimatter collision.
The top half of the Outer Ring and the bottom half can be in polarities of positive and negative energy, whereas positive and negative energy also has polarities of (+ and -). That is an option I've considered before, that has been a popular idea.
Matter teleporting through light retains its own pattern. When a proton and anti-proton collide, their mass unifies through light -- infinite parallel time -- and can be conducted through a channel in the center of the Outer Ring. When the fields separate again, mass will separate back out, re-forming the proton and anti-proton. That adds an element of mass to an exotic energy field. Through the impeller, the polarity can be maintained, and an exotic channel can run between the impeller di-electric "blades." When spin and rotation and inertia is in alignment through the rotating positive and negative energy fields (the hardware of the Outer Ring does not move, but it accelerates energy fields) then the inertial energy (inertial mass) is increased, unified, cancelled, or reduced in the field geometry. Consciousness (Mind and Intent) of the pilot(s) will direct the motion of the ship through intent, and through an artificial "light body" created by the engines; allowing movement (teleportation) through light.
The field dynamics created by the Outer Ring is ultimately an exotic energy field; and that energy is transmitted through the field coils, or rather through the fields in motion that the coils generate.
But ... The nature of matter to move in and out of a unified field of exotic light has to be left to the nature of matter's own pattern, and the nature of interactive consciousness. It is only required that negative mass (negative energy) be achieved in a warp drive. Inducing a negative quantum spin upon particle streams and accelerating them in unified motion may only have a real effect at accelerated speeds of particle streams close to the speed of light. And yet this shows us the effect of a negative energy field upon mass, to switch it around so that the field induces a negative mass which speeds up time in a ship the faster it goes, rather than slowing time. So it is possible to cloak the ship in a negative energy bubble or scalar field to propell it at speeds faster than light. Using the hull plating, a negative energy field can cloak the ship, and induce motion (See: Updates and Design Improvement page, the article: EM Drive Comparisson and Another Design Shift)
Using energy fields to achieve this as a negative energy cloak may not actually transform the ship into antimatter, however. Harnessing an exotic force of mass is one thing, but permanently changing its structure is another. That is why it may be possible to unify the mass of positive and negative protons in an exotic reaction, because the mass is still there rather than being annihilated. Obviously a negative energy generator is not going to just suddenly blink out of existence. All the OTC-X1 test models and test flights show that all the ship need do is turn off the engines to negate the effect (to normalize the ship; bringing the ship back into normal space).
In retrospect, perhaps argon would be more ideal as a particle flow than hydrogen, particularly exposed to possible static ignition . . .
Pulsing negative energy frequencies through the impeller would change the rotating mass of that engine, driving exotic mass -- positive and negative mass fluctuations like fluttering wings swooshing down the vertical core. . . .
Considering the EM Drive uses internalized energy to change its inertia in positive and negative values so that it induces motion, as does the Townsend Brown technology which uses a di-electric form of propulsion also internalized, and likewise NASA satellites also use di-electric propulsion not to direct ion-beam thrust, but to maneuver using scanning beams of energy (a scanning beam does not denote function, but rather how the beam is generated in an engine; using a back-and-forth energy projection onto a di-electric medium to stimulate resonance), then an internalized di-electric inertial impeller is not far-fetched at all. In fact such a thing beautifully mirrors the natural energy of the Human kundalini.
Negative energy is the natural energy of the universe, it is as abundant as scalar forces of space and time and consciousness. It is the nature of Chi, chakras, and living internal energy, the very nature and essence of life and soul.
When you think of the propulsive force of Townsend Brown's little 3 foot saucers that flew around at extraordinary speeds, just due to how energy itself is manipulated through a material medium, then one cannot summerily discount the effectiveness of energy alone.
Static forces have flown very large ships, like the Solar Warden cylinder ships (2 km long), and other very massive ships.
There is very little more than can be said at this point. It's all very detailed and laid out. Links on the home page support these arguments, also.
I've made the final round of updates to the website. I realize most people are totally unfamiliar with this technology, which is why the website is so vast.
It's not the negative energy generators, or exotic field correlation ring, or impeller or utrons that people don't understand; they don't understand warp drive. So any component of a warp drive craft is going to seem just as alien as the entirety of the craft itself. Quite a few people have contributed to this, some very brilliant people in the know, in fact.
I'm entirely confident that it will take people a decade or two to make sense of all this information.
I realize this is a whole lot of information, engineering and electrical knowledge, and electrical physics. There are some really important things that are just simply stated in one sentence and never stated again, also. This knowledge is the result of my own experiments and observations, as well as knowledge I was taught, by others who have in turn been taught, and have succeeded and verified and discovered, and have created Tesla energy systems that I have seen. Also this knowledge is the result of those who have done it, like Townsend Brown and Tesla, and Otis T. Carr. It is explained to the best of my ability without overstepping any proprietary boundaries.
It is a technological jig-saw puzzle. I would like to organize it the best I can in books, but for public viewing, it is compartmentalized. I guess you could say the "card catalog" has been hidden. There's a lot of cool stuff only said once, like how a hollow copper sphere can be made to levitate by applying a positive polarity of magneto-static along a wire. Such things have been done before wirelessly in the past. But, as unfortunate as it is to be in such a raw state, there is purpose in that. There has to be a reason to pick up a book on this after all, and there has to be a reason for me to write one.
I'm satisfied with the overall content. I've truly reached a limit in the extent of what can be continued (in public for now), and I'm thrilled that the Outer Ring technology has advanced as far as it has (for public viewing). I don't want to create a conflict of interests with any further open source development. If anything super-critically important comes up, it will have to go into a book from now on. Any changes to this policy will be noted more-than-likely on this info page.
There have been some slight changes toward negative energy generating noted on the Tesla / Free Energy page.
Warp Drive is on the table. Take a deep breath, relax, and in the immortal and humorous words of Douglass Adams, in big friendly letters: "Don't Panic"
Enjoy your day