Be Advised and Informed please, especially everyone on the west coast of North America, and those who fly the friendly skies along the northern Pacific routes and over the American Midwest.
You should probably should watch the Geiger counter readings in this video, particularly if you plan on heading out on the beach, if you're living on the west coast of North America.
I know, it's really depressing, lots of garbage in the Pacific ocean, massive extinction on unprecedented levels, high radioactivity levels, and the like . . . and then how the stock markets losing profit on warning the public is the only real concern about any of this.....
What they don't tell you is that there are radiation leaks into the Atlantic at a much smaller scale from some of the nuclear reactors there. Hence the Miami die offs. ...
When people value money over life, this is kinda what happens. And it was so obvious that this was predicted what around 1700 years go (Book of Revelation) .. well no! This was predicted thousands of years ago from some of the writings found in hieroglyphs in ancient Egypt.
Why do you think everyone wants to go to Mars? The system here on Earth is so corrupt, that Mars isn't going to be the safe-haven everyone thinks it'll be.
There is a solution to Fukashima. That solution is Donna Shotwell, with her amazing technology demonstrated to the President of B.P. Oil and others, which instantly neutralizes radiation especially in water. It's also a matter of national security to use fungi to neutralize radioactivity on land. Why are these solutions not implemented, yet? (this is discussed at the bottom of the warp drive engineering page at this website)
With EVERYTHING, there is ALWAYS a remedy.
But ... there needs to be a Great Change upon the planet Earth and with everyone on the Planet Earth, in order for this remedy to happen. That is WHY this event happened in the first place, is to FORCE those changes to life on Earth and people's value systems.
I'm not going to say it'll get worse before it gets better, but . . . when you consider that there is more than enough money being misused by greed and the desire for power and control, to go around the world and solve all our problems, especially when the switch-over from DEBT system to a credit system is known, that EVERYONE could be living in abundance and prosperity, having all our needs met and living in intelligent ways WITH nature (not extravagantly, not simplistically, yet intelligently), experiencing true freedom to explore our vast untapped individual potentials, then the only thing we are waiting for are the ignorant (ignorance is evil) to realize the difference, and learn the difference, or otherwise for the majority of Humanity to resonate with the Light for the truth to be known that we can be living instead of dying.
Not everything on this page is just about bad news, but it's about the transformation out of darkness and into light, transforming the darkness into opportunity as light's own shadow, and seeing how it is Divine Love that gives us the opportunity to experience and choose the Light of Life -- the Grand Alchemy.
When people open their eyes and realize the destruction to life they have caused, they immediately turn toward the spiritual path, and realize that they were truly ignorant to the Light of Life, to what Humanity has forgotten. Free Will gives us ALL that choice; and that is what it is, merely a choice to either honor life, or to honor that which is destructive to life in ignorance -- the ways of greed, control, and valuing money instead of life.
Many people are not empowered to do anything about anything because unfortunately of how the SYSTEM has been set up since the days of Babylon. It CANNOT be more profitable to value DEBT-AS MONEY instead of Life as Value, until the values of Humanity are shifted to value Life instead of death. DEBT/death being more valuable than Life is the reflection of Humanity's Divine Stupidity.
It is obvious that money is based on debt and ignorance, death and war and destruction of life which increases corporate profits; money is based on dishonor to life as the SYSTEM is established. What Great changes must there be in order for all of Life on Earth to not become desolate?
The Remedies Do Exist. That MUST BE KNOWN, otherwise people will refuse to look at the darkness and transform the shadow into light before it is too late.
The governments need to acknowledge this though I think first. Otherwise what the hell is the use of the people trying to heal our planet if our governments aren't in cooperation toward understanding the value of Life on Earth?
All it took was NASA and DARPA to announce they want warp drive in 100 years, and to request papers on how to address that, for people and scientists to come forward. When our defense agencies says, hey people, we need your participation, then that makes ALL the difference. It means they'll actually start listening to the scientists who are not puppeting the mainstream narrative for money that they need to keep food on their tables (or otherwise who are just in it for greed and comfort).
You can only scream it out and shout it out and wave your hands in the air trying to reach everyone to tell them the "good news" for only so long before it becomes evident that people don't listen, don't care (would rather care about money and comfort and pleasure), and that people need to recognize the need for themselves first, and then seek it out on their own.
Here's the Good News, sort of:
Firstly, the amount of radiation flying on an airplane will be higher normally, and over the Midwest of America, for it to be high, would not have anything to do with Fukashima, one would think.
Secondly, due to the Pacific ocean currents, water flows north up the coast of Japan, and up and around Russia and Alaska, and down the West coast of North America, and circling down near the equator and then coming back up to Japan. So Hawaii is not in the circulation of ocean current in order to be affected by the radiation flowing in the current, although debris from the tsunami in Japan has washed up street signs and things to the coast of Hawaii . . . okay so maybe that's a bad example.
This is a video on the good news:
No two people experience the same reality.
This is put to the test when scientists can be very widely diverging on their studies and measurements of areas like the Gulf of Mexico, or of the salmon count in Alaska.
These are also examples of the dualistic nature of reality, itself. But instead of the good and the bad cancelling each other out, there must be a unity of the good and the bad, in order to see the full picture.
What the unity is, is Awareness, Knowledge, and Realization of the consequences of our actions, and of the alternatives that we may embrace, learning from our mistakes, to project a positive future for Humanity and life on Earth. We are lucky, as a specie, to see the good and the bad, and be wise enough to learn from our mistakes, and to learn not the differences, but the unity of what all this means, and how we can determine a direction of where we now grow, in a new age of meaningful existence.
However in the above video, at the end, the narrator says that the good news is that the EU has "committed to building the first new nuclear power plant in the EU since the disaster, SO AT LEAST WE'RE MOVING FORWARD."
I do not think that building nuclear power plants is in any way a direction of moving forward in a path of Human evolution.
So often, Humanity has been warned against the use of nuclear power, if you follow the messages that Humans have been told from those amongst the stars. You might believe the Earth is flat, or that no intelligent life other than on Earth exists anywhere else in the universe, but that is no excuse to be blind, or stupid.
Things need to change. We need full disclosure and transparency. People need to open their minds, understand that we are spiritual beings living in a light-based energy reality, that we are not alone in the universe, and we need to ditch the mind control and educational programming of applied skepticism, and realize that if Humanity as a whole does not change its habits, no new doors will open, but ALL doors will close, on EVERYONE living and breathing on this planet.
I do understand that some levels of radiation is good for health, btw ... lots of sandy areas are naturally radioactive. Being out in the sun actually energizes your body's electrical frequency, raising it, which promotes health. That is a healing aspect of natural radiation.
Until there can be actual determinable results though in compare/contrast with the radioactivity on beaches around the world however, then can it really be said that we know enough about this situation at this present time? That is something to consider, and something to be continued in further research. Also in the matter of ingesting radiation versus surface penetration of radiation on the skin, there may be differences.
Monoatomic elements for examples that are not metals so as much, but elementals, also are not very well understood by the public at large, and is somewhat of a subject matter beyond this website's purpose. ultimately, I do not wish to promote fear, but only the pursuit of unbiased knowledge.