Crazy how magneto-electrostatic current can conduct in a vacuum. In a sealed jar of rarified air, plasma will form in a near vacuum, and jump that "spark gap" to where it conducts TO the air, outside the glass jar.
We cannot ignore the scalar effect of wireless energy transmission anymore, moving right through matter, just like the OTC-X1 ship at high frequency can phase through matter.
It takes very high volts, AND very high frequency (there are many engineers out there who don't even understand what frequency is, and like to argue about it much to their shame), to jump the gap from one system to another, not staying confined to a closed system at all.
Energy apparently fills a vacuum space much greater than a space already filled with matter. Take the matter away, and then there is MORE energy available, energy of space itself.
The quantum vacuum.
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In fact, vacuum tubes are pretty got-danged interesting! It's amazing to see how all this stuff works, and to see where there can be further application. The original vacuum tubes acted as a diode to convert AC into DC current! Wow, how cool is that?? The Central Accumulator of the OTC-X1 can use this application!
Modern ones employ a modulation and amplification effect. Hello!
There is also particle acceleration with a vacuum tube.
It will be done completely from free energy. Ultimately this will lead to an exotic power supply to drive a scalar inertial field of gravitation.
Since this energy permeates space even moreso in a vacuum, it will work on Earth just the same as in outer space. There is an electrical ground naturally on the LAU-X3 starship -- the lower engine and the Central Accumulator.
This is Research Phase number 5 for me. Now that I know how to tap free energy, I gotta play with it a bit to make sure I know what I'm doing, at this point, and to work out the finer points of my work. I need to harness it, but on a small scale amplified to a larger output and application, rather than harnessing the energy from a huge Tesla tower to do small experiments.
This is exciting, and it doesn't cost much at this point.
The photo on the right is from this article:
A vacuum jar requires no fuel, no gas to pack along on a journey through space. Outer Space is like a very big vacuum jar. You can use the scalar field of the plasma itself, from the energy radiant in space, collected through antenna, and transformed through the spaceship's electronics.
The middle photo shows a magnetic field from a neodymium magnet in resonance with the electro-magneto-static plasma.
The photo at the left shows a magneto-electrostatic plasma current conducted between two electrodes.
This is most definitely magneto-electro-static current. No one can tell me that a magneto-electrostatic current cannot conduct between two electrodes; nor should you believe that a static current cannot exist.
It is also a plasma current when at a very high frequency.
The "Jaramak" plasma reactor below is interesting. Note the three parallel rails, holding the plasma in equilibrium electrostatically. It is due to a vacuum pumped into the toroid-shaped "jar."
While I'm at it, I want to point out some things in the video below. He uses two electromagnets as drive coils, but the magneto-electrostatic current is transferred to those coils to generate a static field which can light the light bulb wirelessly.
That's the secret. Magneto-electrostatic current. It really is a different energy type, altogether.
The field coil electromagnets could very well accomplish the same thing via a rapid AC current which reverses the electromagnetic field rapidly, creating a magneto-static field to light the bulb. Static fields can act in an atmosphere, and also in a vacuum. The conditions of that plasma is carried through a current to generate a field equivalent to its own substance.
The conditions of an AC induced high voltage via spark gap through a Tesla style coil (long pole wound with magnet wire) with a couple of aluminum plates on both ends will create a static field either above or below it, depending upon the polarity of the connection made to a primary exciter coil of a few winds of heavier gauge wire around the Tesla style coil.
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I need to test a few things before I "sign off" on an auxiliary power supply for the LAU-X3.