Check this out ... This actually shows the Earth's gravity lens, bending the light from the sun and the moon.. The gravity lens has the effect of flattening the Earth sphere shape to a flat Earth shape, and the light of the moon that we should not be seeing (behind the curve) we actually ARE seeing!
Here is the video that shows it:
(The title is a flat Earth proof, but it actually proves the Gravity Lens of a spherical world)
Do you see it in the video? The sun and moon are on opposite sides of the Earth, but both are above the horizon and the eclipse still takes place. The Earth is supposed to be smack dab in between but there's an offset. (just turn the sound off if it helps)
The moon is eclipsing on the side facing up, prior to it actually being in between the Earth and the moon. Obviously it MUST be in between the Earth and the moon, though.
What's going on, is that we are able to see around the curve of the Earth, much the same way as the sun's gravity lens works. During solar eclipses, we see a distorted star pattern, of the stars able to be seen from behind the sun, appearing off to the side. Mercury also can be seen coming out from behind the sun much earlier than it is supposed to because gravity bends the light so that objects behind the sun are visible.
Gravity is bending the light (line of sight) we see of the moon, which is actually behind the Earth, but we are seeing it off to the side of Earth.
The sun is rising and the moon is setting, but the moon moves very slowly from west to east as the sun moves more rapidly from east to west, that we see in the sky. The moon is slowly moving behind the Earth, as the Earth is spinning. The moon moves slightly slower than the sun, and that is because of the moon's orbit. The exact degrees of the moon's retarding motion is about a half a degree around a circle per hour.
There is evidence of gravity lensing in the video, but it looks like the sun is behind the horizon still and the moon slightly above the horizon, so it looks like the angle is correctly aligned until you get more toward the end of the video. The guy narrating the video is being dyslexic. Nonetheless if you still aren't satisfied that the Earth is really a sphere obeying the Heliocentric model, just read on to the article titled "Gravitation and Flat Earth Frames of Relativity." ... No flat Earth model supports or explains eclipses. A planetary gravity lens renders the flat Earth model not just obsolete, but totally beyond stupid; even though there is beautiful geometry of near Divine precision involved, you cannot appreciate it's beauty until you know the truth and embrace advanced knowledge.
People will claim that gravity does not exist. They will claim it is due to density.
Things fall to the ground if they are more dense correct? Density attracts density. Things fall to the ground. The helium balloon that rises because it is less dense than the air rises away from the ground. The ground is massive. But it is electromagnetic, also, and electromagnetic spins reverse along axis that is exactly parallel to the Earth's surface.
For example, above the X axis, the spin is clockwise, and below counter. If a wire was run, and steel fishing line was placed around it, or on it, when electric current passes through the wire, the wire becomes magnetized according to spin and polarity relative to the ground, what is above and below the wire, AND what is left and right of the wire, all in opposite spins, and the revelations of this led to special generator designs, but also follow electromagnetic energies of which the ground must be part of, because from the ground it is measured.
That is an aspect of gravity, the field of energy of the massive ground, of that energy which ultimately is electromagnetic, of the Earth ground.
Those experiments were done by Ed Leedskalnin, the builder of the Coral Castle.
It can be said that Gravity is another form of electromagnetism.
Here's another aspect of a gravity lens as I like to see it:
gravity warps increase or decrease distance traveled because it takes less time lets say ... or more time to arrive to any point in space. That's the basis for warp drive. Space and time transform with each other. Think "paradox."
Is it the light that is bent or space itself? Relativists say space. Nothing new there. We've heard it for years. Gravity curves space. My friend could answer,
"I've always heard it bends space. Apparently the logic is since gravity is the attraction between masses, and photons have no mass, they can't be directly affected by gravity, therefor space is being bent."
It's a really mind-boggling concept for people to wrap their minds around tho, in general.
People don't believe in themselves, that what they realize is real. So they choose to think linearly instead because ... so they don't have to believe that they CAN. ... can realize the truth and it be correct. They have tools to verify the truth. Just not involving politics ...
If you increase the time frequency of space in a corridor, you can travel at a normal speed through accelerated space and get there faster. It's simple.
People don't believe they can accelerate space itself over a great distance stretched out far away from one's self - point of reference in space - because they don't see how they directly touch that space, even if at a great seeming distance. If they can't see how they do it, they can't see how machines can do it.
People will claim many things, even that they can accelerate space but it take much longer time because space is increased in length, instead of decreased. But then they wouldn't be thinking clearly. That's the problem relativists run into. That's why they claim speed of light cannot be exceeded by mass (matter), not taking into consideration negative energy, which now we can put a name to, to explain the logic.
This website does not use relativistic logic, but paradoxical logic, to see through the construct of space and time. That's why people can't believe it, which is so simple. People can be paradoxes themselves. You cannot use linear math to explain what is not linear.