This entire page is the illustrated Earth Paradox.
Where does it unify if both sides are equally valid in their existence?
This Grand Paradox is currently unsolvable, and exists in its most purest form.
A paradox is unifiable as its solution. In pure form, the paradox is unsolvable until it is unified.
The atmospheric lens shouldn't diverge the light from the sun looking up at the clouds from the surface, it should focus the light. However it is absolutely uncanny how radial sunbeams shoot forth from behind the clouds like the sun is only 3000 miles away. It's uncanny! Reminds me of one time when a group of friends and I saw sunbeams originating in the eastern sky when the sun was setting in the west. ... Can't be atmospheric lens causing that, it should be a gravity lens.
When a curved surface with parallel sunbeams becomes flat via a gravity lens, only then do we see diverging sunbeams since the atmospheric lens should focus the sunlight more to a point than diverging it.
Of course this photo shows the diverging nature of shadows from a central light source, yet it is spread out over a very wide area.
If this were projected into a Flatte image, then when it is curved it could be seen that the shadows are all in parallel? However it's starting out already with a curved surface and the shadows are around a common light source supposedly the sun, which looks as it is very close to the surface of Earth. If the shadows were in parallel on a Flat Earth surface, then when the Earth surface is curved the shadows would be radial. It is hard to say the shadows are in parallel if the surface is curved to distort the shape as-is in this photo which clearly shows the shadows on the surface of Earth to be radial to the light source -- the Sun! So this is the question of the year ... and is presented in the video concerning the 12 questions to Neil DeGrasse. That video is well worth watching. It is here:
It is very common to see images of the surface of the Earth that are actually flat. Let us suppose that the surface of the Earth from high altitude, the horizon line, remains level instead of curved. There are famous weather balloon videos made of the balloons going as high up as 22 miles with a video camera showing a flat horizon. Part of the Flat Earth model is the assumption that the sun is much closer to the Earth, instead of very huge and 92 million miles away.
This NASA "photo" is very interesting, and so the Flatte Earth movement is taking off! Could it be possible the land is extended to other planets and other Realms? Perhaps by walking beyond the South Pole, we can travel through a portal to another Realm, another world? If indeed there exists a type of "Time-Gate" as Dr. Ning Li predicted, and was confirmed by a Russian newspaper that is the South Pole (or facilitated through it), then could it be? Could a tribe of Humanity walk through the South Pole, maybe even at certain times, and travel to a paradise world in a different star system or in a different Realm? What if the Land is interconnected to and through the stellar planes, to the common land all connected together throughout space? But what is this photo above all about, and in particular in contrast to the information below in the other articles?
NASA has certainly been accused of doctoring images and using CGI; could this be one of those faked images?
Apparently and realistically, the sun is reflecting off the water, the clouds, off of Earth. However the shadows point to a common light source - the Sun!
This is how the Earth looks from space.
The shadows are not in parallel after all this time, however they will seem so over small areas where a Human being can observe on the surface of Earth. Also, the sun is huge and 92 million miles away and the shadows are not in parallel. The sun is so bright it reflects off Earth's surface.
There is another photo of the same image where it is projected into a flat view however, which suggests some manipulation with the image, but no indication of any blame because it's part of the overall Paradox in general.
. . .
What if we could just "walk beyond the south pole" and travel to an infinite number of other possible Realms?
Walking exactly in 90 degree to the North Pole leads to the South Pole, and is the only navigable course (actually it is 180 degrees away from magnetic north -- always with north directly behind). It's funny. Beyond the South Pole, following the compass which points South, there would have to be a greater portion of Earth only accomplished and at the moment can describe a model only achieved by Flat Earth, so. On a Flat Earth map such as the above, walking beyond the South Pole is to explore the rest of the infinite plane of Earth.
Each north pole on each separate realm would point to its own, perhaps. That's really awesome. Common polar adjoinings to other Realms / Worlds ... with "sphere" placeholders so to speak, which also tends to locate planets to other worlds, in the cosmos. Each planet, is a type of Realm, able to be entered by walking "beyond the south pole." Perhaps, Parallel Earth realities accessible by frequencies and travel through a portal, where the same stars can be seen in the nighttime sky.
Unfortunately, this is the "thinking man's" website, and one has to decide for him/herself if the above is a real image from NASA or not. It is possible NASA is hiding the existence of hyperdrive technology by deterring the public's attention to a model of planetary and star-system physics unable to support travel through space.
Conventionally, gravity is disbelieved as a real force, in Flatte Earth theory.
However, gravity is a real force, and we can harness it.
The Earth is a Hyperspace Realm. Hyperdrives are suitable vessels to unify the paradox of travel to the Realm-spaces of other worlds, their placement held by the representation of the sphere, or the planet, and able to interact with each other through space, even though the light of each star is as interconnected as One Cosmic Star. ... Secret esoteric knowledge reveals these things, . . . about the nature of planetary portals and crossing through gates at special times of the seasons, with the Earth's orbital clock unlocking gate coordinates to other realms throughout the cosmos. . . . But you need advanced knowledge for that, not simple primitive superstitious beliefs.
Some elite flat earth groups discuss this but .. the planetary gravity lens makes the flat Earth model beyond obsolete as far as the anomalies go.
One cannot be in denial of what is obvious and apparent, and one must not overlook the subtle aspects of what one in ignorance is blind to see.
Keep that in mind as you read through this page, and understand the pure form of the paradox, and how it unifies if you REALLY want to know.
If they only know why the flat earth maps are so important, not the model ... If they understood real physics, then they could calculate portal travel to other worlds, through the south gate, in celestial alignment during seasons and days and eclipses and whatnot of the solar clock, connecting to other locations elsewhere... that requires an understanding also of wormhole travel, which requires gravity to be known.
" It's damn easy to prove the Earth is a sphere. And when you enter that sphere of reality .. the sphere of influence, you find flat land. That can seem to be a huge paradox, where the spheres we see in the sky are placeholders for actual realms."
That is a beautiful thing to consider, that an infinite plane also cycles and loops, that you can exit off the edge of the map to re-appear on the other side. It may very well seem like teleporting.