Electrical warfare on the people of America?
I really did not want to do a huge write-up on this ... This stuff is becoming way too common place, almost cliche' with new ways to inflict more destruction and conspiracy theories saying it's not normal, when it is normal.
So many people are talking about the California fires not being natural. After being skeptical at first, I did some research, looked at hundreds of photos, and listened to what people were telling me. Here is one particular article which I found very interesting:
There are WAY too many people who are wide awake now, and see what's going on. However, there are many people who are quite clueless and naive to what fires can actually do .....
The above is what super hot wildfires look like.
The below is EXACTLY what urban fires look like.
In fact a close friend, a 20 year veteran and assistant fire chief has seen devastation like this quite regularly, and he claims this is a very common sight to see for urban fires. The houses burned to the ground, and the trees still standing. But, after a few days, the trees eventually die.
The below picture is the fire-line, where firefighters made their stand.
Here's an exploded view of the "after" photo:
This is what's left of Santa Rosa, California. ... Firefighters in the area have said they have never seen anything like this devastation, but I'm going to have to add that they are probably either rookies, or inexperienced. Because this is what fire does. However the reports of the origins of these fires are somewhat mysterious.
These fires came up out of nowhere, accompanied by electrical activity in the atmosphere. The link above shares some of those reports about electronics malfunctioning, and even backup battery power failing in a hotel where fires suddenly sprang up right near it without any warning, just spontaneously.
It is possible that experimental tests have accidentally caused this to happen. Actually, that is very likely. It is most likely that Humanity is not as smart as we think we are, where the safeguards were not in place when using new forms of advanced technology that we don't truly as of yet fully comprehend.
Let me share something I received from my friend, Ernest:
"Note. Concerning the latest suggestions that the current California fires were started with DEW direct energy weapons, I submit the following which came to me from a scientist that is currently involved in this exact research and a close friend. I totally trust his analogy concerning the trees which has sparked this debate. They will remain anonymous to protect their privacy.
Hi Ernest, Interesting footage! It is pretty amazing seeing what fires can do. I guess I have to say that it doesn’t surprise me that much that there are still trees standing and alive after an interface wildfire. If you want to see some other historical wildfires that went into urban areas, and compare how much is left of houses vs the other infrastructure vs trees you can google “fort mcmurray wildfire aftermath” “slave lake wildfire aftermath” “Okanagan wildfire aftermath”. All of them have lots of trees still standing, and some still green.
A couple things of note: houses typically burn from firebrands falling on top of them, and lighting their roofs. Trees don’t have the same surface area, so flaming things carried by smoke in the air don’t tend to light them on fire. Once a roof is on fire there isn’t much you can do. Also, we are pretty used to seeing houses burned in urban areas, where firefighters showed up at some point and managed the fire. In situations like this, the houses are often (sadly, but what can you do) left to burn without anyone putting it out partway through. The whole structure burns to the ground, because essentially everything in houses is flammable or can melt.
Trees are adapted to fire, and while yes some species are very flammable (like pines) they are ALWAYS still standing after fire. Trees are NEVER consumed in forest fires. A lot of those standing trees were somewhat burned; I don’t totally agree that some of the ones pointed out were unburned. Yes, some were even green, but because of their structure (small and narrow, not big and flat like a house) and how wet they are (lots of live sap in trees!) they are still standing after fires.
Fires often burn with mixed severity, even in trees. This is my favourite photo of variable intensity/severity wildfire, from up in NWT.
None of us were there, and I’m not walking around on the ground now, so it’s very hard to confidently say what happened. But, essentially, I would chalk it up to structural differences between trees and houses, and the fact that houses that burn in forest fires are usually burned by falling flaming debris, not by a wall a flame. It’s just not a continuous enough fuel to carry a “crown fire”, like we see in the boreal. They also often light each other on fire this way! But, isolated single trees that aren’t meeting a surface fire are just not that likely to burn."
Arson takes many forms. Sometimes, accidents do happen as our technology becomes very advanced, and not enough oversight is present to safely determine how it should be used.
These fires, in my opinion, were started deliberately, but not intentionally. If energy technology was involved, it was very likely an accident. Tesla had teleported a large energy charge to Siberia back in his day which caused a very, very, very large explosion. It was purely an accident, an unintended consequence. However, to put people's fears at ease (mine included), this was an isolated event, and just like any other fire, it does not mean the world is going to end.
These instances are being blown up out of proportion as people begin to wake up and see what's going on in the world, regarding secrecy and disclosure.
This is an example of how people's fears can run a muck in a pre-disclosure world, and in a partial post-disclosure aftermath...... By "aftermath," I mean, there has been some disclosure, but more people are aware that many inventors over the years have indeed been killed for coming out with great achievements.
This is another aspect in how the world must change and adapt to new and higher frequencies and standards of harmonious living, without the onslaught of the control paradigm of greed and tyranny which no one is asleep to, any longer.
I would say it's a safe bet that most people who are balanced, intelligent, and thoughtful, do indeed know things like, that our mainstream media has no more credibility, and that censorship and the demonetizing of youtube content is an attempt to shut people up, but it is an attempt in vain.
Yes, some people are still "asleep" and opinionated, and lack seeing the full picture. However, people are not dumb as a rule, although people can be dramatic and let their fears run over everything they try to accomplish.
.... just like wildfires blazing.
This is also a practical example as to why we need disclosure, because people have already found out about many things, and these things now need to go public so that the people can see that there is some responsibility and integrity behind these new realities that we face in these times today.
Yet with disclosure also comes paranoia as people now think that they are victims to advanced technology, which pushes the disclosure agenda in the back so people won't panic.
We're not as smart as we think we are. We're destroying our planet. The lies and deceit that is nearly openly declared these days by politicians and bureaucrats has seriously gotten people's attention.
What people want, are to be able to manage their own lives, without any interference from things that we don't want, such as the banning of the internal combustion engine as Europe has threatened to do, or the forced use of standardized technology, that we are all forced into using, and that we've had to adapt to use, and now could be forced again into another type of technology. We want the choice, I do believe it is fair to say.
We don't want to be denied the choice any longer, either, it is ALSO fair to say.
We would have had antigravity nearly at least 50 years ago had it not been stolen by the MIC (military industrial complex) and other agencies. We want to feel safe to come out with free energy and other advancements without the threat of death to inventors who make discoveries. I was practically handed a list of inventors no longer living who had invented amazing things, of which those things have been kept tucked away in private and passed down to others in secret, to preserve our future for whenever THEY decide the time is right.
Secrecy has brought dishonor. It is the secrecy of the shadow groups hidden behind fronts of various 3-letter agencies that has been the real threat to "overthrow the monetary system" as the Feds told Otis T. Carr and his group long ago. When scientists are no longer paid for their inventions, but they are stolen; and scientists have dodged microwave beams that nearly ended them just because they wouldn't merely "give" their technology away, and weren't told why secrecy requires no paper trail, without offering honorable reasons for signing nondisclosures to protect the secrecy, without fair exchange and compensation and trade to support secret agencies and shadow groups (without being given the choice to protect secrecy, causing harm to people all over the world), of which THAT is the root of those who would dishonor fair exchange and trade which is a small overthrow, not on behalf of ordinary people, but a dishonor to a system of fair trade and exchange (monetary system) on behalf of the SHADOW GROUPS THEMSELVES -- then THAT is the dishonor.
We want the life that we are not herded into like cattle, but free to choose and to DECIDE what is best for ourselves, not for our neighbors. .... otherwise the wild fires that rage won't be able to be doused any longer by good intentions and false promises, for example as seen by the recent uprisings in Germany and France that threaten civil war unto Europe.
These fires are DEEPLY symbolic. If knowledge is no longer valuable, then we are only existing as slaves to the elite, to the globalists, to the New World Order. Trillions of dollars have been stolen from the people who could be living lives benefited by technology, where people can live healthier and happier and longer, have more opportunity and work less hours so that we can spend that time on the things that truly matter in life, like love, joy, and harmony, and have the chance to not overpopulate by establishing off-world colonies that are not slave colonies.
Back in the 50's, we were all but guaranteed that we would make more money, have more opportunity, and work far less hours, all due to technological advances in advanced farming and automation, and to have the opportunity to live in abundance without having to scrounge tooth and nail for every penny ....... but to be able to live where basic necessities like food, shelter, and clothing, and education and healthcare were a given to an enlightened civilization ... where work was an option not a burden to bare under the yolk of CORPORATE DEBT ENSLAVEMENT.
When will enough be enough? When will we be living on a credit-based system, instead of DEBT-based?
When can we devote time to higher learning and higher achievement without sacrificing everything and making too many compromises especially when the children are at stake?
When will enough be enough?
Read the Comments!
New photos are rolling in.....
In reference to this above photo:
Notice it (this is the K-Mart the firefighters drove up to) burned from the inside out ... this is what high-tech warfare looks like on American soil. However, it is ALSO what out of control urban fires fueled by high winds and drifting embers ALSO look like, and is what the aftermath of the 2012 fires looked like in Oklahoma.
This below however regarding 911 was due to energy weapons, and that has been shown without a doubt when structures literally turn into vapor, filmed on video, with NO fire involved.
First of all, fires do things like burn along the grass right up to fence lines and stop. Fires will burn in a straight line naturally if the wind is blowing right, or only half the sports field is watered, and if you think it was because of a laser, well if you consider that a laser starts a fire just like a match starts a fire, DO YOU HONESTLY THINK THAT A MATCH CAN STEER OR DIRECT A FIRE TO TRAVEL IN A STRAIGHT LINE, OR WHERE YOU WANT FIRE TO GO? No! Fire goes where FIRE wants to go!
This field was likely caused by embers landing in the field and catching it on fire. Embers can be 1 to 2 inches around from burning forest or wild fires, and they can carry over a mile away from the hot updrafts and start buildings and houses and fields on fire. Duh.
Okay .... we've got weirdness. It's official. The above two photos are "anomalous" but not impossible. I drive down the highway often during the summer and see fields that have burned from the road, from cigarette butts or blunts tossed out in very dry conditions.
But ... just in case ...
I'm going to have to step over my line on this one. Who are the Alliance again? We're going to have a lot of destruction I guess to wake people up to let people know this stuff is real or what? Isn't there a better way? I don't think it's a good idea to protect secrecy when California burns because of it. It's not exactly a secret war anymore.
See: Dr. Judy Woods, "Where Did the Towers Go?"
It's not the general public who are the skeptical ones; but it is the general public who suffers in retaliation for a New Age of Disclosure. There have been many more examples of fires burning their way through empty concrete parking lots and roads -- natural fire breaks -- to burn buildings surrounded by huge empty parking lots and roads.
More evidence rolling in ...... The above was the gas station seen in the firefighter's video. The fire fighter's video was pulled apparently. But In the Santa Rosa fire (not the Paradise fire), the fire fighters were called in from a neighboring city on a grass fire. 2 hours later when they got there, the whole town was burning. There were strong winds, so the fire quickly got out of control.
These buildings above were the result of large golf ball-sized embers carrying for miles and landing on tar roofs, catching the buildings on fire. Sprinklers wouldn't help when the fire burns from the roof down. That's also why asphalt bridges burn, because asphalt is a petroleum product, and you get it hot enough and it combusts, and gets so hot it warps steel I beams.
None of these fires are doing anything that fire doesn't normally do in dry and windy California conditions. The DEW aspect is maybe 1% involved in these fires, otherwise the fires propagate themselves naturally.
Stone buildings can completely incinerate and disintegrate to fine powder, burning from the inside out like an oven, and that is a common site to see regarding the mysterious ways of fire. We have seen that on fires in the Midwest quite often, if not hundreds of times over the past 20 years.
People thinking that microwave weapons and lasers are burning the houses to the ground and that is otherwise not normal in a fire are very ignorant in ways of fire.
The video below can be found at this link:
It's compelling enough for me, at this point. In my opinion, there's enough people now aware of these things that I don't really have to sugar coat it anymore. I really don't know what to think of this.
Verizon wireless in California is now using "temporary microwave technology" in northern California to "help people connect," one news report showed. Microwave ovens tend to cook things from the inside out. Here's an article that relates:
From Lee Sawyer: "Does anyone remember my announcement last week!!!??
(According to an occult researcher)
I said first Santa Rosa (Rose) then Santa Cruz (Cross) IE: Rosy Cross = Rosicrucian 🌹✝️
And well. There ya go!"
Portugal and Canada have the same thing happening, with more evidence of blue electric flashes starting urban fires.
What good are TR-3B's when they can't even prevent attacks on U.S. soil from happening at any time? All this shows is that we are powerless to prevent attacks on U.S. soil. The entire NAVY space warfighter patrol is a huge joke! And you know the aftermath is going to end up as new laws passed to restrict air space and prevent experimental aircrafts or private space programs from EVER getting off the ground, and they're going to hammer us with restrictions and more rights violations in an attempt to crush us, and it'll just end up with people resisting these things and being killed, until there is nothing left in the world, because people will not bow down to tyranny!
Actual local firefighter's experience with large grass fires:
"Large embers coming from nowhere.. size of coals falling from the sky. Embers can rise up and fall a quarter mile in large fires."
"Tar roofs. In theory an ember can travel for miles with large enuff updraft. 2012 fire crossed large 4 lane highways.. didn't burn up to road, but still crossed. Jumped the highway before foliage burned up to the road. High winds in Cali that day of Santa Rosa."
The Keepers - a book by Jim Sparks about the Grey alien agenda has good info. They been warning Humanity that we're screwing up Earth. Acid rain has destroyed forests in the Northwest .. chemtrails destroyed forests in northern California .. alpine forest trees are acid-burned; and rivers, lakes, and streams are not as bright .....
Eskimo Inuits and Australian aboriginals also tell us we've screwed up the planet, noting large holes in the ozone in Australia, and planetary tilt shift.. .... sea level is rising.. and there is an argument about climate change??
If you think how chemtrails have ionized the atmosphere, it wouldn't surprise me that plasma arcing from natural space weather could start fires, too.
The oceans are becoming more acidic too.
Naval bases have reported ocean levels rising at the coastline ...
. . . much of the info from the comments have been added into this article, but there may be a few comments worth reading ...
One thing I would like people to keep in mind though, is to not make this into a flat earth argument. Don't be so single-minded as to miss the overall dynamics of the result of California fires. For one thing, California always burns, every year, usually started by the hand-of-Human, in one way or another; and there are also many overall factors in these whole dynamics, like climate change, and the lack of care for the forests (not making mile-wide fire breaks, and not cleaning out the underbrush).
Update (9/5/18)
You Create Your Own Reality
Yes, this is the thing that no one wants to hear because it usually means you can't be a victim to a supernatural force, or to situations involving others, or whatever.
This is one thing that will be harder to keep in focus due to the unknowns of advanced technology and secret space programs being made known.
It's the release of advanced technology which throws people for the loop . . . that adds another variable to the equation of people's normal perspective of causality.
Let me reference this image:
Some people may say this:
"Not all of the people in California are asleep. Some have gone public saying that prior to the "house fires", they see what they describe as "blue lightning" or a blue laser, but no plane is visible. I found out weeks ago that the planes have cloaking technology built into them."
However ...
The controversy is real. But no one has considered how fire is an elemental energy, and all elemental energy is driven by consciousness?
Some people managed to save their homes. But many evacuated, and weren't there to witness how the fire moved.
People need ladders and long hoses to wet down their roofs from flying embers. Most are not going to think like that. They wont get their drones out, watch the fire and apply water in community effort AND the water lines lose pressure and electricity goes out so these houses can burn from flying embers.
The people create their own realities and are victims to where they blame this as an unknown attack from "human gods with technology" instead of realizing that they do not have the ability to remedy their own situations.
There's not enough people remaining behind to battle the fires and share what they know.
Plus the system of power and water infrastructure in these smaller cities is ill equiped for reality to happen.
Humans typically are not connected to nature anyway. This is the result.
We have KNOWN that many will not survive the shift unless they are forced to adapt and change.
We have KNOWN that disaster has to happen to force people to work together to survive the frequencies -- for the highest good of all life everywhere which implies that maybe this is a different kind of attack by ones own specie.
Cities are not designed with firebreaks, and the fire departments are scattered too far apart ill equiped to battle nature.
Fire is nature. It can be started by however but once its going, it is alive and has a mind of its own - elemental form of consciousness-energy-matter
What we see is the arrogance of Humanity happening, claiming victory over nature but being humbled by nature.. oh yes, it can happen to those fair cities.. the city is not built to repell magnitudes of natural disasters.
Man-made natural disasters involve Humanity's agreement and harmony with nature; with Earth.
New Orleans is a prime example. The city was warned 15 years in advance to reinforce their dam, that the Earth's weather is changing because Earth is changing and our Star is changing.
This forest fire also looks like it jumped the valley and landed on the other side, looks like a small burnt patch; heat rises.
To sum it up:
Ya also gotta think about it.. Creative Consciousness. Everything is so chaotic in Cali, people are chaotic, there's disruptive vibration there, political fighting and stupidity ... that churns up the energies that is associated with the fire elemental. The volcano is heating up in the American Northwest, too. All of that is caused by Human consciousness -- the energy of manifestation, of reality creation. People's emotional states has GREAT impact upon nature, AND upon radioactivity.
Long ago, Coast to Coast AM, Art and George used to do consciousness experiments to steer hurricanes and whatnot. It WORKED, but due to the nature of Human focus with fear as an attachment, and without refined focus and Zen, there were unintended consequences, namely a bunch of lightning that caused fires. One disaster was traded for another. I believe it was George Noory who hosted the experiments. After the unintended consequences (one of Art Bell's most hammered points), George stopped the experiments.
Princeton E.G.G. experiments also show how consciousness is an interconnected part of any world event.
This is one of the reasons why things are classified, because of the power of Human creative consciousness, unrefined, unshaped, and relentless as one of the most powerful creative forces in the entire universe. People create their fears; people create their loves. But people RARELY create upon knowledge and reflection upon the Truth, which is hardly understood when people think the Earth is flat.
Fires continue to burn California -- America under attack? update 11/12/18
There is more information all over the internet at this point about the California fires that continue to burn in impossible and never-seen-before ways, suspect of DEW energy weapons from the space solar power transmitters in orbit.
Some information has already been debunked and removed from this article, although there may or may not be any truth regarding some bridges of asphalt and steel have also burned . . .
What is true is that a lot of coastline is burning right now, along with rural areas, so literally civilization in California is being burned out. California is responsible for 40% of American agriculture (food supply). We are in trouble!
As the informed reader should be aware of, fires burning associated with electrical infrastructure, things made of metal, and even concrete and steel is a repeat of 9/11. EMP, microwave and energy (scalar) weapons are quite capable of doing this. Eye witness reports of plasma balls and portable electronics (like cell phones and battery-powered door locks) going out associated with these fires in California keep coming forth.
It's events like this which justify public warp drive spaceports. ... that and Tesla tower systems that detect Earthquakes up to a month prior, and detects voltage from energy output beamed from space . . . That is actually a very fair market usage for Tesla tower systems, instead of for creating energy, but for detecting and monitoring Earth energies and electrical energies that interface with Earth through the "tall coils" that can be pinpointed to a location in space.
I don't know exactly what's going on but, between simple microwave beams, concentrated "solar" beams and lasers, I wouldn't rule out scalar weapons. Bridges on the other hand, well again, people are doing a fairly good job of documenting these things, but a lot of that is on Facebook, and not on Youtube or dedicated websites for news and science. Local news picks up these weird stories, but so far there does NOT seem to be any serious investigation by "men in black" agencies, like you'd think there should be considering these events.
AND ACTUALLY we saw the use of scalar weapons (the same energy type used in John Hutchison's experiments, the same energy type used in electrogravity) actually DID touch the Earth causing firefighter's scotts tanks to blow up, and caused cars to levitate up and end up being perfectly balanced on wooden fences, during 9/11. So .. it's still a little mysterious as to how scalar energy interfaces geometrically with Earth electrical energy, otherwise than in vortex, spins, spirals, cones and straight line boundaries (standing waves) . . . The only thing really mysterious about the energy is polarity itself, since polarity is strictly electromagnetic rather than longitudinal, but longitudinal waves do demonstrate a "weird polarity" that has yet been completely mapped.
Is there some kind of interdimensional war going on through California portals or something that either targets Human civilization or results in collateral damage to Human civilization?
Seems there are signs of good faith from the "secret govt" these days so is this event to be assumed to be yet another elite psychopath globalist drama to wipe out all but 500 million of Humanity and otherwise wage war on nations in order to gain wealth and profit ... ? ... or is this really some kind of war going on interdimensionally, started by Humans who must have sent a nuke somewhere that they shouldn't have?
People are wanting to blame DARPA and Lockheed-Martin on the attacks in California, which makes no sense. American defense agency and beloved American corporation would just not do this to their own families for one thing. We need to look for the answers beyond the Earth.
What we don't know is about the treaty with the breakaway civilization (secret space programs), and if this is a secret war designed to hold the American govt hostage to bow down to the secret space program control.
The reason why I suggest that ... Yes, California has been subject to international politics, control, tactics, and agendas of the elite and of the wealthy, traded around in secret agreements and people's lives gambled as pawns as assets of financial liabilities traded for power and gain...
If the defense contractors and agencies can do anything about it to prevent these fires with their very advanced technology that they don't let us have, well ... these fires are also an attack on the monetary system! The energy of the people itself is attacked. Instead of the men in black agencies taking technology away from citizens who create amazing things, why aren't they defending citizens from technology used against them to start fires for purpose to burn up civilization?
The Agenda 21 zones are being burned up! But there's more collateral damage along established coastline civilization .. I mean .. seat of American heritage . . . home of the most beautiful peaceful beaches pre-Fukashima radiation contamination AND after .. doesn't that have value to defend? The fires aren't just going to stop with the Agenda 21 zones, either. Economic sanctions on the whole world isn't going to make up for this loss-in-progress.....
It's a sick world but damn! Can't we at least enjoy some time left with our beautiful radioactive beaches while it LASTS???? But no.. There has to be fire tossed on top of gasoline for California. ...
Honestly, it's hard to tell what's going on. Maybe this is the civil war that Russia claimed America was currently going through ...? It's not really a "civil" war though (why authorities in Russia said America was gonna go through a civil war honestly I have NO idea, for the record) .. more like some kind of secret war against the American public. I'll bet though if the political situation in California weren't so corrupt, then no fires would be burning, also, for the record.
How can entire towns and cities and urban sprawl be burned up in California of all places when they are so used to dealing with firefighting is beyond me. No Midwestern town or city would EVER suffer this damage. And most of the shingles in California aren't shingles, but are Spanish tile architecture! That's stuff that doesn't burn. They IMMEDIATELY need to build more fire stations, and have more trucks delivered with no title or registration bureaucracy issues that hold back deployment for 2 years on any new truck, either.
These fires could be blamed on pure bureaucracy! California could just be so corrupt that this is literally a reality of the bureaucrats' making.
In the 2012 fires here, we saw burning embers carried a mile away to catch other houses on fire <--- True Story. A lot of the urban development in California is burning also from neighboring home fires being so intense it busts out the windows of nearby homes and catches drapes and furniture on fire, so each home burns more from the inside out.
It's not like there's some craft overhead shooting houses up. Hot embers fall on a tar roof of some corporate building and up in flames it goes. So please keep that in mind.
I've lost houses I've stayed at and built in California. Friends have lost their homes. Very dear monuments and treasures have been lost, and people have lost, and it's terrible terrible terrible!
There needs to be an ARMY OF FIREFIGHTERS AND TRUCKS AND EQUIPMENT deployed in California EVERY CITY BLOCK! And firefighters need to stick to their zones I think, instead of driving 2 hours to another city leaving their home city "undefended" which is also one of the things that has happened in Ventura.
I would even say the MOST sensible thing to do, is that everyone in California needs to become a volunteer firefighter, and get equipment and then go from there. It's obvious that California is now an active "burn zone" so what is there to do except to go and FIGHT FIRE.
Clean up your forests, conduct loud and noisy fire drills through rich neighborhoods that fought against that fire station going in because they don't like sirens, and suck it up! If it turns out to be energy weapons, then you will know for sure when there is enough fire-fighting coverage, otherwise California will be devastated and it's just a matter of A SHORT time.
Fix your fire codes. Your houses are crammed way too close together. Urban sprawled cities look obviously to be easily incinerated, from just like a single match tossed on the ground, anywhere in California. Obviously Agenda 21 was never able to work anyway, because the fire insurance would be way too high.
Work together to conserve water while an active zone wets down the roofs of vulnerable houses. Work with the fire departments for residential fire training perhaps? Conduct city-wide drills. Everyone go outside and watch for embers when there's a fire nearby. There's water issues in California that need to be solved. Pump in ocean water to the coastlines for designated fire-fighting infrastructure. Build large water tanks for residential fire-fighting spread out in residential zones. It may look unattractive, but should bring the property value up! Many aspects of civilization will have to practically change overnight it seems for most of the world out of necessity for survival and not just by fire, especially if everything happens first in California before it hits the rest of the world.
California, we will be watching you.
The Breath of the Dragon
California Santa Ana winds -- the fire winds that blow from the desert east out to the coast every Autumn time (hot beautiful winds) .. As Earth comes alive more, those winds become the breath of the Earth Dragon. ... electrical Earth chi is coming alive more and is being agitated by mankind's misunderstanding of energy, too.
The fires burn regardless of the mysterious ways they historically start (every year in the Autumn time, California "breath of the dragon" has ALWAYS started fires that blow along certain pathways over the hills; but it is only during these times that the fires are entering the cities and burning up houses). Why the fires burn is because of the intense conflict between the peoples in California, and how they work with nature. It's highly symbolic of the conditions there of Big Money being consumed, and politics and political economics run a muck.
People want their big beautiful homes and fruit tree groves; California is a beautiful desirable place along the coastline mega-cities. This is part of the Great Purification prophecized long ago.
The dragon archetype is specific to living energy, chi, electrical chi, and intelligence, as well as the physical form of the dragon, but it's the ENERGY ITSELF that is undeniable, of which most fear and have no understanding of it unless it is felt, lived with, adapted to, schooled in, etc. The Drukpa dragon lineage for example was founded by monks in Bhutan ..several monks saw 6 dragons rising from the earth and it began to rain flowers. .. they took that as an suspicious sign and founded the Drukpa Linage. Dragons are not evil, nor destructive as an absolute. Most of the ancient cultures view dragons as the founders of culture and civilization and knowledge, messengers between Heaven and Earth.
Love is both light and dark energies; spare the rod, spoil the child . . . how to teach the benefit of consequences for the betterment and education/wisdom of children for example, so we don't take that ignorance out into space with us that comes back on Earth destructively. The Purification isn't to punish people for sinning, but to teach how to live wisely with nature, if you think about it in that light.
The first round of Cali fires were started by electrical phenomena according to eye-witnesses. But these new fires are during Santa Ana conditions (El Diablo conditions are the strong Santa Ana winds); and also these new fires are infrastructure issue-related. Not every fire has the same cause. Malibu has burned so often over the past 50 years no one will sell fire insurance there, and it's surprising anyone would want to live there, also to shed a healthy perspective that isn't ripe with paranoia and fear.
Although . . . I keep going back and forth on this but I'll just leave this video here.. and note right away it shows images of subdivisions surrounded by forest, with perfectly green lawns, but the houses are burned to the ground, dustified. Cars abandoned and flipped on the roads, all burned to a crisp . . . the more I see the news about this, and how it's timed with yet again, MORE ELECTION FRAUD, along with the fact that the Tesla and warp drive physics of this website are going completely ignored by mainstream, I'm starting to freak out a bit.
As you watch this video, it's no stranger to Californias that the Feds have been trying to do away with some of the northern water reservoirs which also provide hydroelectric power to like 70,000 homes in those areas. The local Sheriff departments have noticed this and commented as well, and some of them had stopped sending out foreclosure notices due to entire smaller towns becoming like ghost towns, and that was reported several years ago.
It was also reported some of the reservoirs that people enjoyed boating on were purposefully drained, during the fracking controversy that polluted the water tables. So this has really been going on for some time, now. .... I keep getting a feeling that things are worse than I ever thought. . . and I really hate to think that this is warfare that the globalists are purporting on the common man, but ... well .. hopefully this video actually stands and doesn't get deleted like several others.
Mt. Shasta California also has some of the highest concentration of aluminum in the soil changing the PH balance, killing the microbes, entering the food and water supply, and one family has a little girl who has so much aluminum concentration in her blood stream (like tens of thousands parts per million) that they are wondering why she is still alive at all, caused by chemtrails.
A friend also just told me about the Gulf War, where Iraqi eye-witness accounts tell of UFO's in the skies burning their trucks to a crisp using particle-beam like weaponry.
I try to rationalize this stuff away, but EVERYONE in California are saying the fires are not natural, although some are saying it's not a "conspiracy" or a purposefully malevolent act, but it is certainly not a flat earth argument. I've deleted some of the claims I couldn't back up however, like bridges catching on fire, made of concrete and steel... In any case, this may be an ongoing investigation. But the evidence brought to the table so far may very well indicate an attack on American soil. I try to stay away from that line of thinking though because I catch a lot of flack for it.
There was an eye witness in the fires there local in California who I heard in fact that barely got out in time, and the winds were blowing fierce and sparks were flying everywhere and he was driving through it, and everything was just burning. one house would catch on fire then another ... some people living there through those fires and in those areas well tell you without a doubt it's NOT because of DEWs.
Fires are so hot and the houses so close together that the fire breaks through the windows of the next house and catches the curtains and furniture on fire and the house burns from the inside out.
I have firefighter friends who have seen hundreds of fires and have looked at many of these fire videos of California of the "dustified" houses and they tell me that they've seen that type of thing hundreds of times before, like the lawn being burned only a few feet from the house, but always a few days later the rest of the lawn browns out... Houses leveled to ash, everything gone with maybe a pipe or some piece here and there sticking up but may be hard to see unless you have a view eye-level on the ground standing in front of the house.
Aluminum rims melting isn't such a big issue either, because that happens all the time. Car wrecks on the freeway will melt aluminum rims. Just visit any junkyard in the midwest.
A house fire can be VERY VERY HOT.
So ... this is at LEAST what the reality currently "LOOKS LIKE" . . . and there are some things to see.
1) the "fires burning in straight lines" issue .. that's got nothing to do with DEWs because they don't put the fire out in a straight line. They start fire, but don't direct the fire to move how they want it. The fires move the way fire moves. Hurricanes can be steered. Fires can't be steered unless theres wind, and I'm not going to say that technology is responsible for making the wind blow. ... The Santa Anas and El Diablo winds are what is pushing the fire to the coast.
I've seen fires stop at fence-lines quite often.
My whole point about these fires is to be intelligent about it, and don't just jump to the conclusion it's DEWs when the whole of the evidence is still under question. It's like the flat earthers all over again. When I first heard about it last year, I was rolling my eyes hard core thinking, oh god.. not yet ANOTHER psy-op.... But then I started to do some research on it, and I got BOTH sides of the story, from firefighters, and from eye-witness accounts.
2) The video of the cars burning on the freeway ... the guy towing the boat which is on fire, etc, when no fire is around, THAT is questionable and is probably the smoking gun, other than the portable electronics going out on the first fires of last year.
3) But hollow trees burning, and the leaves being still on the trees and lawns still green after a house is pulverized to a layer of ash is NORMAL IN A FIRE. The trees and lawn does die after a few days when you go back and check.
Tar roofs catching on fire over a mile away again is NORMAL IN A FIRE. Metal awnings don't catch on fire, but tar roofs do.
4) fire tornadoes are also natural, it's not a scalar weapon making the fire spin in a spiral
Fire has a mind of its own, and for people to NOT consider that energy and forces of energy are part of the intelligent universe, is for people to misunderstand everything about nature.
Most people want to blame someone else, and that blame is often short-sighted. And you just never know, this COULD be a psy-op to get people to engage in fear, which is an energetic food that other entities can feed from, and is a way to control people -- through fear and through ignorance. It has been hammered into my head time and time again that fear is an ILLUSION. But fear is also the BIGGEST weapon that can be used against life.
...... More photos; this is the turning point of evidence:
The cars catching on fire on the freeway on the right image is noteworthy because EMP type weapons can cause the electronics in a car to burn up, and it can cause portable battery-powered electronics to malfunction and stop working, too (not burn up). Otherwise aluminum rims melting is COMMON in a car fire.
I've thought a lot about this one .. you can tell the cars are parked, and that fire had swept across the road. You can see the cars burned out, and the ones currently on fire, and the ones that have not yet been touched. The boat on fire is mysterious but it also has open deck with cushions and maybe exposed fuel tanks or whatnot.
You can't say these were targeted by lasers though, because you can clearly see where the fire came across the road. Cars stop sometimes for hours on end on the freeways due to some issue ahead, like police and gang fights or whatever .. on the California freeways. Happens all the time.
The above far left, the car by itself:
You can tell the wind was blowing the fire of the car toward the driver's side (the side facing the photographer), and there is no real reason a car like that could have caught on fire. That one is a mystery. Otherwise the fuel tank had to have ignited at some point to do that much damage. I'll bet the engine block is also melted.
HOWEVER .. there may be a little scorched grass around it, but there's no evidence that THAT CAR started any raging wildfire or grass fire that didn't immediately go out. It's just a car burned on the road, non-threatening to California grass and trees, thus didn't start any fire that eventually burned down anyone's house.
I have seen cars catch on fire from stupid internal issues, and started with a little flame, and quickly burned up the car. So it can't really be claimed this was hit with an energy weapon, especially since there aren't any holes.
Stone houses catch on fire too, and tend to burn from the inside house like an oven. Fire does weird things, and that is what people need to understand here, that fire itself is weird. Magic space beams isn't where the weird is, the weird is in fire itself.
The image on the above far right of the big truck on fire, that one too, doesn't add up and is mysterious. But . . . . . it didn't start any fires, if anything that truck fire isn't responsible for burning up people's homes. That may be an un-related photo. I've seen a big truck like that burning on the side of the road locally. There was a reason it caught on fire, but it was a perfectly explainable known and understood reason.
Particle beam destruction in Michigan:
I've seen another image of a laser weapon attack I believe somewhere around Israel, and I'm not denying the existence of such weapons. For goodness sake, we've got more advanced weapons than these. Only these weapons are used because that's all we've been told about, so it makes it look like our own military and governments, or private globalist groups with the technology are starting these fires.
It surely makes a statement. But the most likely criminals doing this is the breakaway civilization against Earth economic civilization, and to create chaos, mistrust, and fear.
Fox news has admitted the existence of these weapons, too:
AND .....
And, here is a link about what a Fire Captain in Northern Cali had said about fires being suspicious when it looks like high powered particle beam weapons burned through car hoods and engine blocks and whatnot ... I have yet to see PROOF of cars having holes punched through the hood and engine block in photos involving the California fires, however, other than deliberate and intentional laser weapons test fires, ... but here's some foreshadowing: just keep reading.
And here also is an article called "Camp Fire: The Terrifying Science Behind California's Massive Camp Fire" ... with SCIENCE being the key word, here:
People are saying "oh, that's not how a normal fire behaves, it MUST be DEW" ... but in actuality, a lot of this *IS* how a normal fire behaves. When people can understand the normal causes, THEN we can go looking at alternative options, but otherwise when it's people's first reaction to say, "oh something bad happened, they must be trying to kill us!" It can get pretty close to psychosis -- the issue of not being able to accurately determine and to distinguish one's reality. That's when people go to jail and tell the news that the voices in their head told them to put the cat in the toaster.
So this is an examination so far of what is normal, and what may not be normal, for educational purposes at this point.
This isn't one of the better bridge burning videos I've seen. I've seen a good one where the asphalt had collapsed completely and was actually on fire, and the steel I-beams were actually warped and drooping 3 or 4 feet below their level. In this video above, it's only smoldering. Yet, the question arises, WTF?
This article shows that bridge actually that I refer to: https://losangeles.cbslocal.com/video/3976374-mulholland-highway-bridge-collapses-from-heat-of-woolsey-fire/
That bridge isn't shown as being on fire still; that was a private video unfortunately. Now that it has hit the bridge level of fire damage, and as showing in the link above causing severe sagging of the steel I-beams, I have to raise an eyebrow. I've seen some doozy oil fires fed by compressed air get a steel barrel red hot, but I can't imagine what it would have taken to burn a bridge down under normal circumstances. That would have taken a lot of fuel, a lot of forced air, and those I-beams would have had to have gotten red hot, and stayed that way for a while.
It's actually just the one bridge. It apparently burned for a while and smoldered, and the asphalt burned too, for quite a while, possibly for days. On both sides of the bridge it looked like the trees were not burned; there are houses at one end of the road perfectly intact. The only burning appeared to be in the channel under the bridge that it spanned across.
Regarding the bridge: I have seen railroad tracks warped and twisty after a forest fire went through the area . . . those areas however were extensively burned. This bridge however . . . usually fires that come across bridges only scorch the bridge, not melt it almost in two as the link shows (same bridge).... although, I don't see any melted I beams, I see warped. Structural steel loses 70% of its strength by 900F. Asphalt is basically burning tar, well over 900F. So I CAN see an intense fire ravaging under the bridge fed by wind conditions through the gap that the bridge spans, and heating up the asphalt like a tar roof will do....
Mankind has grown so "sophisticated" that the most basic of all destructive elementals -- fire -- has overwhelmed them in California, due to a lot of things, including the aluminum-dusted forests. The San Francisco Bay bridge was on fire recently, some of the wrapping under the bridge that keeps the pigeons out was burning and on fire. Water boats had to put the fire out from underneath. I don't think DEWs started that fire . . . more than likely the burning ash from a blunt tossed out the window . . .
That's a real problem, because if DEWs aren't the cause of the majority of the fires, nor the fuel and conditions that cause the fires to burn rapidly, and the fire fighters think that DEWs ARE the cause . . . then what does that tell you about the intelligence level to accurately solve problems of a simple nature that isn't using complex math, but may be hard to understand the physics of -- simple fire? Should fire be considered in metaphysics instead of physics? Where does society say is the most truthful, what we can understand and do and meet and achieve, or only what can be calculated with no solid ground in action?
I had friends deployed to Kuwait in the summertime, and it was so hot there that trees and foliage were spontaneously catching on fire. DEWs did not cause those fires.
It looks like people are going to have to RE-LEARN the old ways, along side with learning for the first time, the new ways. The photo way above regarding the 9/11 "car"nage of the vehicles and the dustification of the building, that actually has a really good leg to stand on that directed energy weapons were the primary destructive energy involved. But these California fires, it's the fire itself that is the primary destructive energy involved. So there is a difference that people should learn to discern.
There are some anomalies, but for the most part, just a single static spark alone can ignite California on fire. I think these fires are Earth's Purification Fires of the Hopi prophecy.
It's kicking up radioactivity, too, from old abandoned test fields and whatnot that kids get cancer from, living around those areas. Which begs the question .. parents, ever think moving AWAY from old radioactive weapon test beds is probably the best for your children?
This is a lesson in the Old Ways, of how to handle the most basic of all destructive elementals -- fire. Just gotta learn the new ways too, at the same time as re-learning the old ways.
So when the breath of the dragon blows (the Santa Ana and El Diablo "fire" winds), which cause the California fires every damn year, just be advised that your forests are aluminum-dusted, California, and everything is very prone to burning hot, and fast.
The land is so dry, when the Santa Ana winds kick up, static electric sparks can set the land on fire. Back in the dust bowl of Oklahoma, the winds blew the dust and huge static sparks would jump from trash can lids and metal fence posts . . .
Some of the causes of those fires are spiritual reasons due to how people use their consciousness to create energy into manifestation. Fire is what people have chosen. You create your own reality!
The great equalizer. The one thing people need to realize about these California fires is: You Create Your Reality.
You gonna get hit by a DEW, or the breath of the dragon of the Santa Ana fire winds? Or are the fire paths going to go around you and leave you unscathed?
You create your own reality. What reality do you tune yourself toward, one of fear, mistrust, chaos, blame, and victim? Or one of empowered creation, Faith, knowing, belief, trust, and safety?
Many people's chosen energy of how they manifest their (consciousness) existence is fire.
People think DEWs are able to put fires out or able to stop fire from going where "they" don't want fire to go, totally not comprehending the "spiritual" nature of fire to act as a mysterious "being" in its own right, AND to respond to consciousness as an elemental energy.
The smartmeter argument that smartmeters catch on fire is a good argument. Aluminum-dusted forests burning hotter and faster is a good argument. In both those instances, Humanity is not just at fault, but refuses to make changes to correct the problem.
But if you blame it on DEWs, then no one has to take accountability in their hands to fix the problems. A perfect economic psy-op. Plus, there's fear now; THAT is how you control a population -- through fear.
I do want to share this video below however. There is a case for DEW weapons starting the fires in California now being compiled by Californians to be shown to city officials and fire departments. The only difference is that the "invisible" beam that shows up in the IR band of a camera is also being spotted by people apparently, via the naked eye . . . That could only happen if there's enough colloids and particles in the air to fluoresce with the light of the beam... I'm sure people have been to a laser light concert where fog or mist will light up the beams. . .
But the beams SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO BE SEEN IN CLEAR SKY CONDITIONS, and there inlies the problem of understanding the true causes of these fires. Electrical weapons can be seen during broad daylight, as long as one's frequency is high to see.
In this video below, there is light produced from the laser beam caught on camera, and a bright blue flash that lights things up, probably able to be seen with the naked eye (beam invisible; flash visible to naked eye).
It will be shown that during the Santa Rosa fires, and in other places, eye witness accounts of what could be DEWs were reported WIDELY and by MANY.
Who are the victims, and who are the observers?
I think people are wrong about the reasons why, and blaming the UN or Agenda-21 which is a SIMPLE association to make, and easy to see through, dumbed down for the public. I think the real reasons are much more clandestine. Plus when Californians are in an uproar that prisoners are volunteering as fire fighters (and making more money than normal volunteer fire fighters), and are complaining about that, then it sure seems that Californians are easy targets for confusion and imbalanced grounded prioritized thinking.
There are laws in California that have banned the practice of clearing out the underbrush in the forests like the Boy Scouts used to volunteer to do back in the "good ole' days."
Because people misunderstand the ways that fire really works, it has made it difficult to take the "DEW memes" seriously. People could be paid to lie just like all those fake free energy videos that has made it difficult to spot the real ones. As long as people remain ignorant and imbalanced, this is going to be an on-going problem until people learn to discern.
I don't put it past Californians to drive over a road that is engulfed in a forest fire blaze, either which leave wreckage of cars burned up on the road, and later people looking at the aftermath scene scratching their head going WTF?
People died in those fires, too. The fire can be so hot that it bursts the windows in and catches everything on fire, and the trees do not have to be gone, because we see that in NORMAL fires.
So there are serious credibility issues going on too, and questions over the sensibility of your average Californian. I hate to say it but . . . that's a factor.... and as noted above: there are families living around a known old radioactive test site, and their kids all have cancer, and they hold up signs, but they are not moving away from the source of radioactivity . . .
A lot of these memes of lasers from the sky are out of movies such as "War of the Worlds." Videos of what must be DEW are from movies such as "American Apocalypse." I'm not saying that directed energy weapons of various light or radio or scalar frequencies don't exist, ... and actually there are some credible camera video footage of directed energy weapons now via the video above.
I do have to commend the folks who took the time to video the fire (the video above).
The video above can be added to the amount of evidence that goes into the pile . . . and may very well serve to prove that DEWs were indeed involved in the California fires.
The photo above shows just how UNLIKELY cars will catch on fire next to a roaring house fire, since this plastic toy didn't melt. This one was blessed by the Angels of the child's protective guardian spirits.
There are certainly very weird things going on with California in general. The fires seem to have a bit of a taste for cars. I've driven next to fires on the side of the road several times but have always felt safe. Car fires though can start with a little problem and quickly move to engulf the whole car, I've seen that.
There are some anomalies, however, associated with these fires, and I don't think they should be overlooked.
The way things currently look, and the way things stand at this point:
There are some anomalies. ... but I know that a LOT of what people are attributing to DEW is just normal for a fire. ..
Out of all those videos, photos, etc posted .. maybe 1 or 2% is questionable. Lots of eye-witness reports last year of plasma balls and lightning in broad daylight .. but that is electrical / EMP related, knocking out electronics and battery powered electronics and starting fires . . . .
And as far as "laser beams" go ... well now there is some pretty good smoking gun evidence that has popped up.
A fire captain mentioned he saw a hole punched through a car hood and engine block, but there has not been a photograph provided to back up that claim. There has however, been an actual photo from a deliberate and intentional laser-test fire that did that very thing, that it burned a hole through the vehicle.
But as far as the fires burning out the cities and whatnot, CAN IT NOW be attributed to a craft overhead shooting houses?
If the above video is accurate, and those are current reports of "blue flashes, blue lasers, blue lightning," etc . . . and then we DO have these anomalies popping up, and you eliminate the "flat earth argument" attributed to NORMAL fire action, then yes . . . . then it looks like it is possible that some of the fires are started from DEWs. But people need to figure out how to discern the difference in my opinion, otherwise it looks like a psy-op and a fear campaign.
At this point though, the simple answer to this question is yes, DEWs were involved in the Santa Rosa fires due to the video evidence and the countless eye-witness reports. But I need to add that fire is weird and weird things happen in fires. Fires, once STARTED by beams or DEWs will do weird things all by the very nature of fire itself. THAT is the biggest reason why all the frustration with fighting fire in California, not just the addition of DEWs to the equation.
The biggest point I'm trying to make here, is that the fires in California act JUST LIKE NORMAL FIRE, with the exception that occasionally there is a report of blue lights or lasers or lightning or plasma balls mixed in to what fire NORMALLY does. There is one exception that stands out though, and that is at the onset of the Santa Rosa fire where the portable electronics went out in cell phone and battery-powered hotel door locks (where you slide the card in), that they went out and then suddenly out of nowhere there was fire in the field. People had to climb out the hotel windows to escape. That is probably the ONLY anomaly so far that can be attributed to actually STARTING ONE FIRE.
So it is truly inconclusive that the observation of what looks like DEWs were actually involved in adding energy to the fires, so as much as they were part of the overall chaos at the scene to what otherwise fire normally does ALL BY ITSELF, with the one exception of Santa Rosa portable electronics going out at the onset.
That may be the biggest reason for Californians not to fear unknown DEW strikes at any moment as a cause. Evidence of DEWs is perhaps 1% or 2% involved in otherwise normal fires. So there's no reason to drive oneself crazy with conspiracy theory here. Keep in mind the majory of the DEW evidence is seen as fire is already burning a house down, NOT causing or starting fires, or starting a house on fire that is not ALREADY burning!
The question Californians need to be asking themselves is "where are all the fire fighters?" Whole areas were burning and there was zero presence of any fire fighters. Were they swamped and having to travel outside their zones to put fires out in other towns to leave their home-zones un-protected? Where *ARE* all the fire fighters when whole cities are burning?
THAT is the biggest problem aside from horrible fire code issues, is that you see in videos large urban areas burning, but no fire fighters anywhere in sight.
Unfortunately this is just the tip of the iceberg. 60 fires start in the middle of the night and forensics experts still cannot explain why or how all those fires have started... Broadcasts and researchers are starting to really come forward with inside information about there being an agenda to burn up northern California, and for what reasons to do so. There have been warnings issued though that these fires ARE the calm before the storm ... and I do suggest people research this because one article here isn't going to do much more than to be more than just a drop in a sea of what could possibly be unfolding as a war against the people, on American soil.
Rebuilding after the fires
I think since people don't really understand what fire can truly do, people won't know how to rebuild houses to be more protected from fire.
Here are some considerations:
1) Eliminate bushes, brush, etc from near the house
2) Use Spanish ceramic tile roofs that are fire proof
3) Concrete Masonite on the exterior (maybe with stucco over), maybe also with aluminum sheets and air gaps between the exterior and the interior framing, with considerations to tie in the roof with the outside walls, or brick exterior.
4) porches and deck floors and stairs should use composite non-flammable (again like Masonite) materials instead of wood
5) fire break in between the houses; not built house right next to another
6) brick foundations, or stone, maybe even metal roofs . . .
7) At the roof overhangs and eves, maybe use metal soffit with high-temp rafter tail materials, sub-facia and facia materials.
8) And instead of using a tar or petroleum-based sealant, use something like high temp stove pipe cement around chimneys, roof edges, seams, etc.
9) Exterior window frames should be of composite fire-resistant material instead of wood, and high-temp polymer window "glass" . . . or transparent aluminum (we actually have that nowadays).
10) Balconies where big burning embers can land on and start burning, ought to be made with fire-proof materials.
For years if not decades, California was warned about fire hazards and poor fire codes, that California is prone to burn.
. . .
Here is a testimony of a Fire fighter veteran, who also mentions that there were holds burned in the hoods of cars all the way through the engine blocks like from energy or particle beam laser type weapons, but I have yet to see ANY of those photos other than actual military test fire photos (https://www.lockheedmartin.com/en-us/capabilities/directed-energy.html?fbclid=IwAR3GoRBayxxwsE6rz1cH4OFSHaABwheS3kWiOgtNr2stKpUevJQtY2GN7yE), but nothing in civilian areas. Although from drjudywood.com there are photos of vehicles from NYC that are used as evidence of DEW and a good compare/contrast.
Magnesium body panels and engine parts however will burn and melt the entire car to the ground similar to thermite, and at relatively low temperature; and if you try to put it out with water it makes sparks everywhere.
He also discusses normal aspects of fire, too. But ... I'll be honest, I haven't seen many camera or video evidence of "blue flashes" that people filmed on their camera phones, and no holes in car hoods and engine blocks like what was discussed. WHERE ARE THOSE PHOTOS THAT PEOPLE CLAIM THEY'VE SEEN?
"Blue flashes all over the place" could be transformers popping on the power lines. I'm not discounting people's eye-witness testimonies, but to understand the scene better, there's a remarkable lack of photographic evidence to back up those two claims just above.
Otherwise, many fire fighters have said they have never seen anything like what happened in California, fire doesn't move in those ways, a lot of fires sprung up overnight mysteriously, etc.
To address a few things people are saying: sprinklers can't fill a swimming pool in 5 minutes. all the water pressure was compromised in the Santa Rosa fire too from fire fighter's own reports. and if a building is burning from roof down, then the sprinkler system is compromised from the git-go.
Ok.. I was just sent video of the scene where the cars were on the road all burned up and trees stood on both sides of the road, some partially burned, and it shows skeletal Human remains inside those burned cars on this little 2 lane road through the forest. I dunno how many cars, maybe 20 - 40 in this one little stretch of road. Some of those you can see from the above videos...
The guy narrating that video that I'm probably not going to show, also says that he almost got burned alive in his car, too . . . So showing that graphic video to warrant a case examination is not worth it unless more conclusive information is also provided, so I will elect not to share that video. From the commenter on the unwatchable video however, it looks like people were caught in a forest fire....
In comparison, the 2012 fires that roared through a part of Oklahoma created large massive and loud moving fire walls that were very hot and very tall, but the trees burned in the fire, many of them still stand today but they are dead and look twisted up...
. . .
Here is another article saying that it was an attack, and there are videos, it's from an eye-witness point of view, and more people are coming forward talking about seeing "blue lasers" in the sky before Hurricane Harvey . . .
This article says that the tops of telephone poles were on fire on her way out to evacuate, but there was no other fire around to catch them on fire. It also tells of houses selectively on fire, but no fires leading up to those houses, and about fire fighting equipment sabotaged, as per complaints from the fire fighters. There are events leading up to this, including PG&E calling residents and warning them of strong fire possibility on Thursday (the day of the fire). Helicopters were buzzing around the town weeks before, and dropping chemicals.
There are also compare/contrasts with other fires where no cars were burned at all.
. . .
Reality Assessment:
I thought I could write this article to put people's paranoid fears at rest but ... it ended up being a bit of a nightmare from everything that is going on ... of which this is currently going on in Earth reality. So the question must be asked, are we truly ready for warp drive spaceports at this point? I think when we start to see more ET disclosure and evidence that the secret space programs are willing to work toward helping Earth reality, even economically to provide free housing, education, healthcare, and electricity . . . as well as helping out in natural disasters or otherwise un-natural disasters, then I think we're ready to take things to the next step in Earth evolution.
But in the meantime, there's going to be destruction happening, especially when the technology that surfaces can be weaponized and turned against the public. That may very well be a planned deterrent to for disclosure if everything disclosed is now seen to be a weapon against the people of Earth. That is something to think about before proceeding on at this point.
I think it's interesting that new technology being disclosed as also being seen to be weaponized and used against the public. Also economic warfare too, with free energy .. can be used as a weapon. Antigravity no doubt can be used as a weapon too since lasers can be fired from a ship without the craft being damaged or disturbed.
I think it's wise to hold off on all further development at this point. Things have to change on Earth, and tyranny has to be eliminated or checked to the point where it's not able to manifest, before furthering the progress.
We still have yet to see the ground-based Tesla weapons used against the public, like from that huge Tesla tower in Texas. It's coming though.
7G wireless is out too in Canada, and they hardwired their electrical grid to protect them from EMP attacks (also that can be large Solar flares). We don't have that in America, yet... and the health threats from 5G alone is substantial.
I think technology is growing way too fast at this point for people to be able to adapt, and there are safety issues and outright dangers involved.
There are good things happening too at the same time with things like ET disclosure ... but there's a firm division between what happens on Earth and things that are space-related yet, and that bridge has to be built before things can really progress toward actually reaching for the stars. I think the stars need to reach for us a little bit, too.
It's funny though, that people got phone calls and letters in the mail in Paradise California with advanced warning that "there may be a strong possibility for fire on Thursday," and repeated phone calls at least 3 days before the fires on Thursday, the day the fire broke out. If people did not create their own realities, then why would they have received a warning, an advanced notice? That is a thing of Love, to say the least, at least in some form of some kind of honor to life, just not to property. This is something to really think about. Some of these mechanics are written on the Ascension and Metaphysics blogs, and a lot of information is revealed in the recommended reading list on the home page.
People had the opportunity to leave. To receive a notice about the disaster is most definitely people creating their own realities, somehow manifesting their conscious intention to stay safe. Those who know will know. "If you survive the frequencies, you will evolve" -- Barbara Marciniak.
I would like to conclude this article at this time . . .
This is very sad and tragic.
BREAKING NEWS! David Wilcock, declassified exclulsive