(Updated 10/05/13)
(I've had to reflect and ponder this information, and to do it in resonance with time and space, in the open rather than behind closed doors to make sure that what COULD be viewed can be viewed with completeness and accuracy rather than leaving anything hanging lose in the breeze. This post, I have included in my book, "Unified Mechanics of Ascension - The Building Physics of Lightdrives" to complete the information development of an appropriate follow through, to finish the book prior to the next steps of re-engineering development of the OTC-X1)
Black holes are sources of creation of very high frequency energy, just vibrating so fast we can't see them.
Water is created in some distant galaxies from the center of the galaxy, and creates a membrane around the galactic center which protects that rarified cell of intelligent life.
Black holes vibrate so fast we can't see them. They are source creation points. Black holes create matter and energy, hence in the Bible "first there was void, let there be light." But a hole is actually source light, and there is no void that is not filled with energy.
Black holes are so luminous and vibrating in such a higher dimension of light that to us in our slower-vibrating space and time, to our eyes it appears as utter darkness! We think it's a hole that gobbles up matter and energy when in fact it is an upwelling of mass and energy!
The question arises: do black holes actually eat stars? Or do we have it backwards? Used to, physicists thought time slows down at the event horizon and stops, and when you cross the event horizon, all time passes by for infinity. But that's foolish, and always struck me as odd until I realized why. Time SPEED UP closer to a gravity source. That is General Relativity.
Why do you think that we can see into a black hole but when viewed sideways it is flat?
Like, nothing comes out the other side, theoretically.
Have you seen a black hole particle fountain? The black hole emits energies in very high frequency. That's why it "looks" flat, because we see the shape of the energy field through radio telescopes. The flatness of the accretion disk is the disintegration plane of matter, and at the poles is the integration flow of matter. The hole is black because light escapes it, and is redirected from us. Otherwise it would be too bright to see it, but we are vibrating in a slower frequency of space and time, so we can't see the BRILLIANCE of the brightness of a black hole.
If time is moving very, very fast, you could look at our solar system and see the planets moving very, very fast around the sun, year by year passing by in seconds, if you were around a black hole but very far from it.
It has immense gravity, but that is different. It has immense vibration. Matter is at extreme high frequency near the hole. In a ship, you'd be vibrating extremely fast, and its energy would start resonating with the ship. If you resonate high enough, THAT is the event horizon; it is the speed of vibration.
It's a gravity generator, a mass generator, not squeezed down into a 2-D plane, or a 1-D singularity; and although it has toroidal characteristics, it exists in many more dimensions that we cannot detect. Such a collapse is a re-folding within, than an unfolding without, or into. As it collapses, it expands. The tidal forces of energy expand.
Electrodynamically speaking, the poles move through each other in the center, passing through and within, thus it is flat looking at it one-way, but it is the representation of the utron, and of the central accumulator and accretion plane.
The magnetic north and south poles of the star it once was (and still is), are now the particle fountains flowing forth out of the vortex generating center.
Are particles mono-polar? If an electron moved backwards, it would be a positron, for example.. yet they also exist in pairs as two petals of the same flower, but they can be separated in a particle collision from the main flower and spin off on their own, yet their orbits are connected from the flower, and yet they travel in opposite directions, with opposite spins, as individual particals. .. yet forever entangled as twins.
It doesn't mean they are separate, even at great distance. Every electron has behind it a positron, and every positron has behind it an electron, but the difference itself is the Mirror, which is 1.11111111111
If you reverse the spin of one, at the same time, at no matter what distance the particles are away from each other, SIMULTANEOUSLY the other twin partical's spin reverses.
David Sereda has examined the "quantum difference" as the ratio of symmetry to be 1.1111111111 ... see:
I don't view electrons and protons as mono-polar. I view their charge as the direction of their inertia, their manifestation. But, the physics of Otis T. Carr suggests they may be. Electrons are anti to positrons, what's the difference? There is a slight difference, a different spin direction, and a slightly different speed ... the positron is slightly smaller than the electron, and the ratio of their difference is 1.1111111111. That number comes up a LOT in the natural ways of the Universe.
Quantum mechanics relies too heavly on the quantum vacuum, or quantum void, which is the worst direction really.. There is never any void that is not filled with energy, and instead of things coming in and out of a void, which is ludicrous, particles come in and out of Source Energy, Source Creation, entering and leaving the universe as twins.
That flaw in quantum mechanics uses existing technology which consumes matter and leaves a void, which is a different type of energy, more like a negative universe, and not very pleasant.
The very idea of creation from nothing is okay, it's a phenomenal paradox of creation, but the very idea of creation coming from void is not kind. Because void is something. Why must it be so, that light was born out of darkness, out of void? It's easier to see that darkness is light's own shadow and that light is all present. Any vibration of matter is light. All matter is energy and vibrates. There is no place where matter stops vibrating and energy ceases to exist. Energy is CONSTANTLY created, and never can be destroyed. So there is no void, no quantum vacuum. What is it? Creative Source. "Quantum" Source Point Creation.
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Dark matter behaves in similar ways to a black hole, in that an obvious luminous body can't be seen to create it. Black holes can be seen as luminous through gravity and electromagnetic telescopes, however, even though the naked eye cannot see it because it is vibrating too fast.
Dark matter is mass-energy; vibrating energy fields, vibrating faster than normal luminous bodies, "cloaked" in invisibility at a higher frequency than the Human visual range of the light spectrum.